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it is that time again guys you guessed it we are back in new cow town it's that server where me and my friends throw the crap out of each other and today i get trolled a whole lot i'm not gonna spoil what happens but trust me it definitely ruins my plans and here we are once again back on new cow town server as you can see absolutely nothing has happened i still have a tent but i plan to change that today and i know exactly how i'm gonna get the best house on the server and yes it'll even be josh's house over here which apparently had a few upgrades i mean i didn't see this sign before what does it say most beautiful house in jelly's minecraft world at war 2021 yeah i didn't agree to that and also i don't remember us holding any award shows on the server if we had i would have clearly won i mean look at this beauty yeah i know it's trash we should probably fix that sign this house holds no official awards i was on the jelly mc world there we go just gotta make sure there's no confusion and what's this now a boat ooh i like boats this is fun anyway i don't quite get the bolt but i appreciate it and jelly's also been on the server clearly i mean check this out i wonder if you fell for the troll that i did last time remember here they are it worked okay i see zombies there's a lot we're gonna check that out later but first i wanna get my house fixed so we're gonna steal the inspiration from this sign quite literally steal it and we're just gonna apply the same logic that was applied here we're gonna put up a sign in front of my house calling all minecraft builders and telling them that they'll get two diamonds if they make my house a mansion and lucky me i have exactly two diamonds we'll go get those right in a second all i gotta do is put up the sign first right there and right there then it went like this i believe then it had these on the side like that then it had like hashtags here i don't quite get the hashtags but i'm just gonna follow the example calling all minecraft builders make my tent a mansion take two diamonds from chest make a chest wheel quick and there okay now all we need is obviously to put diamonds in there because we don't want to scam anybody let's go get our diamonds they are in our very very secret spot only you guys know about me of course it's right down here look then we swim down to the bottom open this up and slam myself in the face and there's a sign there's a sign there's a side maybe hide it better next time mate sad face no no no i don't know i don't want to believe it okay look one more time i'm gonna look one more time die it's true somebody took my diamonds are you kidding me they didn't tell me who it was which i guess it's kind of clever why would they admit to it whoever you are you are dead how am i gonna pay for that builder now it's time to investigate somebody took out diamonds it's either jelly or josh i'm on a mission i need to get back my diamonds that is the only way i will ever get a pretty house full investigation mode in josh's garden yeah where are you behind my tire in a tree down your weird cave i don't see anything here nope where are my diamonds turtle have you seen a guy he talks like this he's british i made nah fam haven't seen anybody did he run around with some diamonds around here turtles seen anything going on i don't even smell diamonds wait there's a hole here has that always been here what uh i mean this would be an extreme hiding spot hello any diamonds down here hiding from the crane store oh no way i'm not going further down here i'm never finding my diamonds if they're in this cave let's go back up almost died don't look at me like that turtle i'm looking for my diamonds where are they josh i know you have them somewhere well maybe it's not you may be stealing to be honest but still anything behind this wall nope just stupid wall yeah you can get a bet i don't even care about fixing it you know what i hate you in your stupid house is it in here where he had like the chest with no it still just got dirt in it but he took out one piece of dirt for some reason i okay this is just strange where is he hiding it now there's nothing in his chest all right well i guess um i guess we won't find my diamonds in here maybe jelly took them because i trolled him i mean that could be the case and he's made you know what it's definitely jelly look at how secure he's made his base check this out obsidian there's not even a button i can enter good thing i have a pickaxe put that back my signs are still here from last time telling him that i added some aliens and stuff around huh i don't see any chests up here nothing new in here either nothing in the chest his secret base is down here so let's go down first huh ah no no no no oh my god oh my god okay wait let's get rid of these oh i almost died i almost died to my own troll i almost died to my own troll are you kidding me do not kill me if i die tomorrow that is the most embarrassing moment in minecraft history get away from you spider wait so jelly's not even been down here to clean it up wait did jelly know that i was gonna jump down and investigate because he took my diamonds and then he left the monster so that they would kill me there's no way that jelly is that clever right there's no way secure chess room i said yes is that a hint jelly do you have more than one thing in here there's still stuff down there i'm definitely not gonna fall for where are my diamonds jelly it must be you that has them get rid of the lava okay wow that goes down really deep what is he hiding nothing he's hiding nothing where are my diamonds where are they jelly wait what is this huh huh what excuse me yes another secret base underneath the secret base and a chest with a lull in it i'm so confused where where does this go there's only one way to find out let's go up and we're through that goes back up here a few moments later all right i've officially served every nook and cranny of this dumb place how do i get out come on let me out of here man i don't see the diamonds anywhere in jelly's base and i've searched everywhere and i don't even see them anywhere in josh's base so i don't know what to do i have to pay that builder do we have anything that we can pay him with we got 64 iron i mean that's pretty good we have a whole lot of mutton and a whole lot of nothing okay you know what let's correct this sign real quick take everything you want from the chest and we're just gonna give him like five iron i mean that's enough for like a dope helmet one side cook mutton one side raw mutton and two yellow wool that is our offerings for the builder listen builder i would do better but literally i have the worst friends who took my diamonds and i have no clue where they are so that's the best i can do it's literally all i got don't tell him that i have a bit more iron than i gave him please i'm gonna have to go out and find more diamonds i mean i'm the only one on the server now without diamonds hi josh if you have my diamonds please give them back there we go hi jelly if you have my time please get give them back thank you all right well i hope the builder doesn't get too offended by my offerings i mean he could probably build me a mansion for that right at least i hope he builds me half a mansion then that'll be nice check out these two videos if you want to see some more stuff from me
Channel: Crainer
Views: 2,180,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: -S1vc6LzMk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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