Getting A Job In VR Was A Big Mistake - Job Simulator

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that's not heart you operate a world of lies my little green screen friend here's your first customer good afternoon human I would like to purchase these chips do you understand nobody could just simply purchase triangles I only need to see some ID come on identification cough it up give me identification I shall force feed you this bleach is bleach it's pink stuff okay what beat oh it goes beep imagine that in the back one of those cylinders please all the freezer ok yes the mr. ha look a little smiley face do you want four of them cuz it's in a nice block I guess oh there we go ok there's buns in here it's hot acceptable I can't scan it it doesn't have a barcode on it I can't scan it hold up secret ingredients you're gonna love it it's on you site there's excellent volume packed into a more condensed package there you go yeah no problem here's your paper currency thank you very much it's very nice and you get in there very oh I'm gonna have this go away now I don't wish to see you around it give me that get the hell out of here yesterday's news simulations are an all-time high today's news you're still standing in my way get out of my shop fine you want your bloody change take it I will yeah I will thank you thank you get the attitude on that one it was important for stores like this to maintain a constant stream of customers so the cashiers wouldn't have time to contemplate the rapidly approaching obsolescence I'm good how are you doing my serve might I say mighty fine bowtie my friend when he got here nano blammo excellent choice Oh those frozen slushy delights what do I do with that frozen okay okay I get it what kind of slushy delight would you like my friend I'll tell you what I'll give you some battery acid blue with a little mix of firm or paste pink hmm I mean I started it now don't tell me that when I've already started it tell me before I've actually started making it oh there's a jumbo button okay wow you found a lot of money into this innocent little looking convenience look at that how does that do its things I don't know push why I also love the taste of sugar but you can't have too much because it's very bad for you that is tell him yeah [Music] that was rude and your total my friend is four dollars and ninety six thank you very much oh thank you yeah that's very I like this guy kind of wish I hips if his stuff no no I'll give you a full one oh hey wait a minute there's a safer I can I can open it that's all there's cheese in the safe because we're keeping safe all that cheddar I get it look at the size of that [ __ ] if I do that I just doubled our profits just like that give me a goddamn promotion very well there's one newspaper what else do you want okay sure I've seen them which ones you want I got four to smuggle boxes amber jackpot Noir money later you gonna have to help me out here a little bit I'm not a blade mind reader occasion on this look there you go I jump Oh sighs it maximizes your arts you didn't win can I just if I just keep your oven I know I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know nope nope I won I won a million dollars that's two million dollars now this is how life works that's how science works things what Carol I want them no work I mean I already did it you lost your eye loser you did not win I won I am a millionaire you are not bloody hell she want me to go if you just for another one again there we go look done a chick lady what do you think we are you don't do it oh we can okay we I'm getting worried for my boss can we accept checks we can accept checks it's your lucky bloody day get out of my sight what are you talking no no I'm talking to you no you get off your goddamn phone and pay attention to me I am here right now stop it I give you a goddamn hot dog you want a goddamn hot dog I'll give you a goddamn hot dog buddy you wanna buy gum I hope it tastes delicious I have it fries all your systems are you looking sad he's rude my bosses are telling me off so it's fine beep there's he got it the pink stuff on it you want some gum beep there's a goddamn gun this is the gym this is actually making me I I've worked in places like this in the real world outside your stupid little robotic environments and I've dealt with people like this and you drive me goddamn insane give me your glasses they're stupid I hope you got something get here by damn car you're gonna be buying a lot of noodles today my friend 1920 did you [Music] required to smile and be polite no and can we get somebody to clean up this mess on the floor weighs it weighs it's making me genuinely uncomfortable because I'm reliving past experiences now you stay here for a minute dearie mommy needs to use the little bathroom you want some sugar huh want some sugar suck on this look how sweet that is I'm trying to do the middle finger but it won't let me I don't have to take this I'm a millionaire she'd be kissing my feet have a bloody firework you want sugar bus what is the recommended overdose amount for sugar you know the level where you have too much and then you jump up through the ceiling and just you crack your neck in the roof your ungrateful little worthy had it [ __ ] get out of my store you get hit by a car as well I be gas are you by a crocodile and mechanical [ __ ] adult without a conscience go you go do I have to give it fine I'll give it bloody there goes a tiny little bit of bloody sugar I'm matching what your mother is gonna say when she sees the bail imagine have it not enough I didn't do enough and grateful little [ __ ] [ __ ] the right thing they're human just do whatever the customer the key to something it's a problem in managers like you you you dictate and you tell people to do stuff and you don't lead by example I'm stretching outside of the virtual reality realm and I'm just I'm just getting I'm reliving bad okay whose hip go on next customer maximum energy whatever okay let's go for the display then there's pump it up a little bit done I made such an effort what did you do I regret everything everything has given me flashbacks and I hate it I hate it here have this stick of butter or whatever this is yes you bloody well now go in there and clean them you got damn mess the sign is facing the wrong way I also hope he gets hit by a car there we go Oh is right now okay hang on I'm just gonna push some buttons because it bit multipliers of price and I want to get my money out of you know not 50% off free yes oh the green button gives you a random price yeah two thousand two hundred and seventy six dollars exactly for this please thank you have that one is shake it yourself wow this stuff is rocket fuel I need it unusually more system nothing's happening got them weights too damn stinking - okay next well you can have an empty can an empty slushy cup another empty cap a third empty slushy cup 1/4 1/5 take all the slushy caps there's an infinite supply of them there you go just stack them up there we go there we go and green button that comes to $4,000 $685 full fare but money give me those the money pink money thank you so much I have I'm gonna keep the pink one that's my tip can I go home yet how long has it been when do I go home do I have a break should give me a break hello there's your weekly delivery stuff in the shells and stuff what well there you go you know the joke on the gun rack magazine the magazine rack but somewhere it goes get it sorted what I what magazines on the magazine rack gum on the gum rack okay I'm very good at least look at me it's not my job or something isn't all this belongs in here okay there we go that's every vendor by have you given yourself employee of the month what about me I'm really good I should be on the cover of unplugged entertainment hey I don't have a my is there anything in there can have for free how about those popsicles in the freezer if we don't sell those by tomorrow we're gonna have to throw them out anyway how are you still open you can't just go into a shop a place of business and air for free stuff I'll tell you something you can have a free piece of ice get the hell out of my shop or wrangle your nuts all over the floor I don't know what that means but I'll find a way to bloody do it okay you know what fine you're the bloody boss I'll get the plenty popsicles out look you want a blue one is blue because it's gone off and it's bad for you there you go really you're the worst owner of a business I've ever seen bar none even in a virtual reality world this annoys me there you go he's gonna steal stuff what is he doing something I'll give you a quick exit get out of here before I lose my freakin mind you can have our shift schedule okay look Oh 11 p.m. is when I finish oh I've got like six hours sometimes it was necessary to make special deals with customers like this to assure their repeated patronage no because he didn't give us patronage in the first place did he you idiot cooked and stupid [ __ ] I can I quit I don't don't wanna this is awful oh that's a banana buddy for coming Eddie yeah okay well is just I'll have that as well cool that a banana this is a banana hang on give it back I'll tell you what I'll give you what the bloody cheddar okay so this I care about this place any I'm a millionaire I could do what why don't you just take that idiot idiot idiot oh the cheddar has multiplied since I mean why not dream bigger than that I think they call him why didn't you just ask for all of it little too much juice better throw something to get its attention I'll throw my giant banana pay attention all right pay attention come on wake up burrito be beat and that burrito comes to double that seven grand eight grand no I wouldn't customer isn't paying attention haven't seen a mess this big since the human uprising of 2027 to clean even the most disgusting human messes Oh oh that's very cool robot I mean you're a robot you know what I mean that's good enough for now I think no I'm gonna get it all okay I guess it's been annoying me the whole time so some unicorn walk in here and just just took a dump everywhere I've got to get it all okay I believe I've got everything you something about this seems a little bit strange you should probably check their ID I don't know they seem fine to me I'm not sure what exactly we get it you're the adult but you are age old enough ID is totally legit okay okay you're the one that's fine you are so old and okay because you've been so cooperative I'll give you all of the fireworks there you go they've with lots of small adults hey can I make a really big firework Oh baby I can look a firework don't look at it plug it up I can't plug it up early this evening yeah you've captured the suspects we just need you to point out who did it just hand me the one who did make sure you're certain hey you the guy on the phone it was definitely him yeah well let's go bus yeah honestly you're the worst boss I've ever had and that's really saying something so I'm just gonna take my stuff and I'm gonna get that where's my baked banana I don't have a big banana give me another big banana I'm gonna take my talents elsewhere where's oh bloody hell bye-bye life sucks thank you so much to my patreon producers bear woman subjected Alec McNeill Victor 8's Kelly - Melissa Ferguson notice of the son Spencer Purcell Joshua cross cat clone Jackson Joker's wandering Khajiit Saracen 1974 and two bagels
Channel: IAmCrusty
Views: 577,343
Rating: 4.9101443 out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, gaming, video game, vr funny moments, virtual reality funny, job simulator, job simulator vr, job sim, job simulator funny moments, funny, moments, job simulator gameplay, iamcrusty, job simulator store clerk, job simulator shop, job simulator store
Id: uLvYEdL-scs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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