his first happy meal :)

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ah smashing uh i told you no goofy grape anymore dude look it's smashing turns out normally no why'd you always take my goofy grape away from me you said i get to watch it for three hours a day you've already watched it for three hours today smashing it's been six hours actually but it's only six a.m i know juicy hasn't slept at all look at him he's on the couch drinking energy drink i think my bristles are falling out you shouldn't have that sugar then that's bad for you i'll have the sugar you know that is voice you know who that is it's uncle eddie oh uncle eddie eddie uncle eddie's here boys i brought coronas am i allowed to have a corona molly hey sobrino are you ready to get drunk yeah yeah no no no no no no eddie eddie no he's not allowed to he's we had an episode last week dude he's not loud boys guess what guess what juicy guess what smashing uncle eddie's here for the weekend oh weekend uncle eddie what kind of cool stuff are we gonna do first just show him goofy grape uncle lady come see goofy grape come on you're gonna love this eddie you're gonna love goofy grape juicy loves goofy grape don't you juicy can hate goofy grape he loves goofy grey he loves goofy guy pretty this is my friend goofy great look at him go turn it off calm down juicy turn it off turn it off eddie juicy remember what the doctor said here here here here here i feel better though yeah yeah that's my nephew that's my nephew that's my that's my uncle can i have some hey look yummy no smashing yeah you can have he can take a little bit okay okay chill okay listen dog listen listen no no no no no get it off him get enough smashing splashing smashing oh my god dude eddie this is why you don't give him corona oh no eddie do you know what you've done the last time he had berry [ __ ] everywhere he wasn't everywhere it was just in sync and all around this thing i spent three days scrubbing the floors i did step in it a bit didn't i i've never seen a brush [ __ ] so much it was everywhere what do you mean you stepped in a bit there was footprints on the roof smashing how do you even do that i don't even know i was pretty drunk oh my god he is going to [ __ ] everywhere eddie stop it how many times i have to tell you wait hold on oh my god juicy eddie did you drink out of this after he did because if you did you probably have hepatitis yeah i have hepa potatoes he means hepatitis yeah he means hepatitis c you probably have it you might want to go to the doctors after this is type c peppa potatoes you see can you go put that in the sink for me uh yeah i can do that [Music] dude guys come here oh no what is it juicy oh my god smashy took another [ __ ] in the sink eddie this is why you don't give him corona dude no beers smashing what did i tell you about [ __ ] in the sink don't [ __ ] hold it that's where i left it look at it it's still warm oh not my pool oh i really did eat a lot of beef didn't i the [ __ ] wrong with your kid bro why mike what what are you doing now why are you putting it on a plate because it's too warm it's literally steaming it is fresh no shitty in the house smashing you know the rules okay i'll get rid of it we're four grown men in our late 20s and we're playing with a virtual piece of [ __ ] all right someone's got to be done with this [ __ ] everybody everybody stay calm stay calm stay calm all right smashing look i know how to dispose of this [ __ ] properly come on follow me come on okay come on where are we going yeah yeah yeah right over here right over here okay you know that [ __ ] neighbor you have yeah the one that cools me of [ __ ] [ __ ] all the time yeah him i bet you he'd enjoy a steaming pile of [ __ ] in his backyard if you know what i mean i think he would too that's where mully sends all the cat poop what do you mean smash we haven't had a cat for like six months i know you threw the cat over there as well yeah after you bit its [ __ ] head off don't you remember yeah you shaved it covered in peanut butter and put it in a jar it didn't quite fit in the jar i had to cut a few limbs off i miss mr biggles yeah don't we're not talking about it smashing juice is gonna cry again it's okay i told you he's not mr pickles he's mr peanut butter okay whatever you say smashing now just throw the [ __ ] over the fence yay just give him a minute guys he's he's he's special he just needs he needs a little bit extra time i'm not special i'm just built different okay smashing whatever you say little guy goofy grape yo boys come on we're grilling some burgers stop watching that [ __ ] turn it off turn it off berber time berber time turn it off smashing it's berber time smashing turn off the [ __ ] goofy grip get outside okay don't hurt me turn up juicy we got burpers bro all right boys as you know your uncle eddie is a grand chef at mcdonald's aren't you eddie yeah juicy these are gonna be the best burgers that you've ever had in your entire life okay you ready they call me eddie the flipper eddie the burberry king juicy they don't call him that for no reason do they i work at mcdonald's i can't i'm not allowed to say that juicy you excited raise your hand if you're excited boys oh me me me me i'm excited all right all right anyway i'm gonna show you how to flip some burgers okay boys i'm gonna show you how to do it first and then i want one of you to do it okay oop me me me me me me me me me me yeah yeah yeah well okay you can go but hold on let me show you first okay the first thing you gotta do is you gotta stick your hand on the patty and put it on the spatula once you put it on the spatula boys you flip it like that oh god he's good no wonder he gets paid 6.30 an hour it's the big box boys one day i'll get that much money now it's your turn smashing okay i gotta go an overhead grip because i can't see them okay okay so i let go gently smashing now a little flip fl oh oh oh oh oh oh oh molly that's not your burger you greedy that's mine oh you can hit me in the face with it smashing you hit me in the [ __ ] face my [ __ ] neck hurts again can i try flipping it i want to try flipping a berber juicy flip of berber bro this is your chance come on juicy give it your best shot give it your best shot juicy come on oh okay okay so i put the berber on the spatula and oh yeah oh no mine shotgun shotgun oh god he's on fire oh sashing i think it went out all right boys you know what these burgers are why don't i take you to a real kitchen where we have real berbers real berbers do you see you know what this means what we're going to mcdonald's we're going to mcdonald's i'm going to get some chicken tendies i'm going to get a berber i'm going to get a large sprite let me get my shoes let me get my shoes on juicy smashing mcdonald's voice oh i'm so excited i'm gonna get burberry i'm so excited i could [ __ ] no no no [ __ ] no don't do that no don't do that oh okay all right all right boys come here come here come here come here have you guys ever had a happy meal before oh no what's a happy meal it has a berber for juicy it has fries and it has a drink and guess what you get a little toy that you can play with oh i need a new hot wheels car i lost the last one in my bum what is it with you with like butt stuff dude i need a new hot wheels car as well because mine got lost in smashings bum as well oh okay boys come on come on come on boys come on boys come on come on hey boys it's uncle eddie it's uncle eddie goletti boys you're here what are you doing behind the counter well i was making you burpers oh you guys want a happy meal yeah [ __ ] hurry it up uncle eddie jesus christ i'm [ __ ] starving white white white white juicy hold on wait wait wait wait boys wait give them hold on do you have their toys they're oh one second once again once again which toy do you want to get juicy i i want to i want to get i want to get the the car with the the four wheels and the little dude or i want to get the avengers toy where it's got superman or they go batman toy or something what do you want to get oh i want pokemon cards all right who wants to carry the food to the table mommy uh here you go smash it don't drop it pick it up pick it up all right let's go sit at a table come on eddie come on let's go have some lunch come on wait wait wait wait wait wait where's my [ __ ] toy get back behind the counter and grab me my [ __ ] toy juicy juicy juicy juicy that there was there was no toy dog i was just trying to get out oh shut up you mean there was no toy i was trying to get him to shut up good job there's no more [ __ ] toys i'm gonna tear this place apart no [ __ ] toy huh no toy toy did someone say toy did someone say toy hey did someone say toy you boys want a toy i did that was me that was me okay copy me young boy i've got toys for you oh thank god someone who can help me out jesus come here come here have you got more than one toy shut up you [ __ ] [ __ ] tell me your name young one tell me your name my name is big juicy you wanna come and get your toy big juicy yeah okay come on then come on come with me juicy i'm gonna get my toy i'm gonna get my toy juicy just through here [ __ ] you all right don't say i didn't warn you come in here juicy i got your toys the toy you keep toys in the bathroom that makes sense no one would look in there juicy you want you want your toy yeah yeah where is it at it's right here come on juicy okay juicy okay juicy you've been practicing this for months no no don't touch me there this is my no no square no no don't touch me there this is my no no no no no no go boys go boys we gotta get out of here waste your meta juicy he tried to disrespect my no-no square bye-bye juicy dead monster what's your big mac you want a little big mac uh what are you doing
Channel: Mully
Views: 7,736,816
Rating: 4.9303365 out of 5
Keywords: VR, funniest moments, vr funniest moments, vr funniest moments 2020, vr, vr gaming, vr game, vr gameplay, vr funny, vr funny moments, vr moments, gaming, gaming video, gaming montage, gaming funny moments, your narrator, mully, mully yt, joshdub, eddie vr
Id: 36t8Fzas6RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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