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let's fire safaribot and I think this guy I don't like mustaches they remind me too much of Larry so we're just gonna Boop okay so I'm guessing you're oh I was saving up to buy a new hard drive listen man you could just get little blue pills for that they're cheap they'll make your drives real hard [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator so for today's episode I couldn't really bring myself to dress up like a dork again fortunately it's casual Friday in the office I'm wearing a robot relevant t-shirt so I'm sure our new overlords won't mind that's not right you did this didn't you and come back to me come on Lefty dude if I'm gonna do the job I need two hands and one of them needs to be a left hand so if you could just help me no that's still wrong do rights don't make a left would you believe that I just spent about half an hour struggling with this game to get a left hand like this is completely unacceptable this is not how you run a business I should not have to come into work and only get one hand twice and then I need to face discrimination right you got Bots only bathrooms you got the humans exploding stapler that's only further proving my point and then all the book cooking and all the illegal things you guys are doing on the down low I'm calling the police there is no nine but we're gonna go with zero one one and that's gonna work just as well yeah I'm talking to him right now try and call my bluff I'm gonna delegate this very important phone call to my assistant coffeebot coffee bot if you could take care of that for me would uh really appreciate it because right now the fax memo has got another work assignment yeah I won't be getting many of these once you guys go under it's time for lunch at midday humans would interact with primitive robots known as vending machines to obtain food oh I see how it is you guys are gonna be nice to me all of a sudden yeah here human here's a dollar here human here's a salty delicious pretzly snack I wouldn't mind one whoops delicious enjoy your meal human I will but you know what that's not gonna save you guys whoa okay that's like 10 feet away from my hand right now um there we go got it don't even worry about it I think I got it right oh I missed some uh five second rule oh I was supposed to blow but I ate hey co-worker can you give me a candy bar no go back to work Ted you know what you can have uh you can have a burrito you get what I give you there we go I get stuck sadly with early generations of robots well sucks to be you you can go back to work now Idiot is he broken he really wants that freaking candy bar oh I need to give it a shake I see hold on there we go let's see here hey this is what you wanted right just a little bit of garbage burrito just going to rub that around in whatever's growing on those and uh what did I just photocopy nothing oh I could photocopy your burrito before I give it to you right infinite burritos I'm a genius technically whenever I want to leave the game I can summon a magic burrito because all I have to do is press this button and then a briefcase appears with the magic burrito of exiting but I'm not interested in that right now that can all go away I'm having a fun time so you can have that there you go that's not what I wanted get me a candy bar um did you just not cool human so wait a minute if I take your dollar and give you another burrito no that's not what I wanted get me a candy bar will you give me another dollar no you won't give me another dollar can I photocopy your dollar did I just come up with infinite money I'm a double genius all the all the money to buy burritos with what you have to earn your money nice try though human one fake money in job we trust damn it all right I'll get you your stupid candy bar if it keeps you off my damn case so uh nuts and bolts would be the yeah that sounds uh delicious I'm sure here you go welcome it's gonna sit here enjoying my burritos what do you want from me now paper no no I'm not ready for paper okay we're just gonna keep popping these out popping these in no this place isn't all that bad did you want some workbot because I've got like half of one left that's all I've got so you can have it if you really want take that as a no okay just keep on going with the worker assignments over here get on your computer and check out these hilarious pictures ooh are we sharing memes memes at work why is this place so much better on day two than day one my computer is still technically unplugged so let's just do that and that okay and password is 101 these are calling back should I get that are you guys gonna keep being cool to me maybe I'll just you know what we'll just we'll just do that for now okay we're gonna see how day two goes and if you guys keep this up maybe I won't rat you out after all but right now I've got memes to share oh God the co-workers sent you a link has you hired new employees than fires you is that some kind of premonition because I haven't been fired cancels 4 P.M meeting Chase's Robo Mouse these are so bad that I'm literally choking to death from these memes okay what else have you got for me co-workers asks for money and a date in the same work email oh yeah look at that it's like scumbag co-worker all right not sure if I hate my job or just hate boss bot yeah it's probably a little bit all of the above was that my my task that was my task was to just check out bad memes I might need to call the police again how about we clean those stale memes off my computer with bot sweeper 2.0 clean your system and avoid viruses all right I don't really know what this does but we're gonna find out uh difficulty human okay sure oh it's it's just Minesweeper is Minesweeper for humans in that you can't lose oh you can lose okay well that doesn't really interest me I'm much more of a copy burrito kind of guy so we'll just take a new task here we go what do you got for me hello Hyun hello I'm looking forward to your presentation today um business that we did in the last week so bossbot wants you to do a presentation you'll need to make some slides time to learn about an ancient human technique called wanging it try using this program in your computer okay is this a pirated knockoff version of PowerPoint because I'm just gonna add this to the list of stuff I'm gonna tell the police when they show up completely ridiculous man slideshow is gonna be the worst okay let's just pop that in there and then we're gonna turn you back on uh let's make a business presentation okay that's the same font that I used for Captain sauce all right let's go with red on Blue so good for presentations and a blue background yep okay um Select Title oh okay I want to be provocative that's how we need to start sure uh transition can be professional cheesy or dramatic let's go with dramatic to start things off and then I want to be visually provocative oh yeah gotta share the memes cheesy memes this is going to be great I can already tell misleading yep that won't get anybody in trouble let's go with a little bit more cheesy oh my God this is just never ending uh we'll leave it off open-ended your presentation is ready okay should I oh should I practice oh come on I wasn't paying any attention to what I was just doing Hi boss here's the clicker use the button to go through your slides oh joy okay um here I got an idea hold on we're just gonna really carefully there we go now he'll never know that this is going to be an awful presentation oh I can put it on my face who's presentation for you you never know when you're gonna need a spare clicker I wonder if this one will work okay this can just go over there somewhere don't worry about it oh okay are you good enough are you are you you never know you gotta ask your questions uh explosive transition into memes right interesting memes okay okay I seem to have the audience on my side there's some data that's that's all fake that's super fake right cooking the books go into jail break break coffee pot that's right and then we have a cheese cheese trains that was cheesy not cheese nice job human that was very business hey thank you okay we're just killing it right now I guess I'm running a little low on burritos so how about we just uh don't really care about that anymore come in can I get two burritos at once is that a thing no of course not that'd be asking too much not totally sure where worker bot went but uh I guess I don't really care all that much I don't need him to tell me what to do right I've got you bored right you've been instruction board oh hello bot number one zero one one zero is retiring tomorrow we wanted to give them a card and get everyone's pitching in why don't you give me something you'd like to contribute why are you wearing earrings when you have no ears okay so I just need to give you something something to give him as a gift um I guess I could give you a burrito I don't no no you know what you can have the plant I don't want to give away any of my burritos I'm sure they will appreciate it okay so do you think you could type up a quick card to go with this it would make it a lot more personal really you have any idea how difficult it is to type okay presentation is done uh we're just gonna close that uh ABC words we're gonna make uh thank you notes yeah there we go okay um thanks for being so good at job yeah that's great I'm just gonna sign it with the smiley face print there we go that looks good hand it to me thank you oh yeah that's you're all yours don't handle the rest thanks for helping out all right that was pretty simple I've been filling up on burritos this entire time and I shouldn't talk with my mouth full okay I'm sorry that's very rude but I'm really curious what happens if I ooh paper airplane if I eat this this doesn't look particularly good but I want to give it a try oh oh okay that's kind of what I expected but when you see it in VR and it looks like it's coming out of you it's an entirely different experience okay good to know we should hold on to one of these yeah that's gonna come in very handy the next time somebody I don't like to talks to me just take one of these that can replace the donuts uh things aren't going to uh we need to find a couple Bots we can like go oh take a look at these employee evaluations we gotta fire somebody can't fire somebody man is it just me or are the burritos starting to copy themselves I don't remember making this many burritos was it you coffee pots okay how about this because you know what you've been getting on my last nerve you keep making noise behind me this entire time what we're gonna do is put you to the test because if I can fill up a cup of coffee and then photocopy an exact replica then I don't need you anymore you know we don't need two people to do the same job so I'm gonna have to keep the more qualified person and uh we're just gonna have to let coffee bot go if that's the case it should be the case oh look at that it can copy the mug but it can't copy the coffee which is a bit of a tongue twister so I guess you get to keep your job for now coffee pot I always believed in you I'm just gonna suck this at Larry oh yeah you're all howdy neighbors now that I'm ready to fire someone I see how it is let's just there we go you can have that one too hey what's up that's right you shut your stupid mustache mouth let's see who we can fire Oh I thought that was him for a second no this is Cowboy bot old-fashioned and Southern okay I don't remember you we have fancy bot embellished and elegant I already don't like him all that much we have Safari boss didn't I just hire him no I didn't hire him because I didn't like the fact that he was a human Watcher I forget I got too many freaks just sitting there watching me all day outlandish and mustache and Bandit bot sketchy and Shifty okay we did hire banditbot last time so I'm not gonna fire him uh let's fire Safari bot and I think this guy I don't like mustaches they remind me too much of Larry so we're just gonna poop okay so I'm guessing you're oh I was saving up to buy a new hard drive listen man you could just get little blue pills for that they're cheap they'll make your drives real hard sorry Safari bot but you gotta go job completes you owe me one can't believe it hired and fired in the same day I don't remember hiring you I'm pretty sure I heard somebody else didn't I losing my damn mind you know it's all the burritos they're starting to take up more of my air all right moving on next work assignment what else you guys got for me water in the office not a clients would Converse around the liquid dispenser oh I don't want to socialize with these idiots did you hear that two two seven two got fired man that's notable me on TV last night it was pretty touched down you guys just keep talking I'm just gonna keep hoping that water short circuits you maybe probably not so you just want me to drink water and then we're done here I can do that these photos of my many children do you bear Children Human uh I don't know maybe oh I gotta check my photos yeah hold on a second your kids are stupid let me just let me just fight my way through all the burritos here turn that back on um photos oh God it's just two too many burritos you guys know how it is right let me just get this back on all right uh photos photos uh oh I do have kids I guess oh I could choose to have kids interesting so do I want a couple kids do I want one kid do I want a cat uh I think that's a husband okay I I want a cat yeah I think we'll just have a cat bot for now you see you see how cool that is foreign see you later we're done we're done we're just flying through the task here today burritos all over the floor this is a travesty they're still good you know 30 40 60 second rule whatever the case is there we go another job again I don't know why I bother even taking them out what a waste hey look I've got some papers I need you to shred it has to be you for legal reasons I don't really want to get into it here just look in the case shred everything just get rid of it oh I see how it is my phone call went through did it we got him on the ropes coffee bar that's a fist bump right there okay well um yeah I guess I pulled a starch oh why do you have me shredding them why can't somebody else do this I guess I'll help you out right now but you're not gonna get rid of all the evidence you're going down okay I'm gonna make damn sure of it right you at a moment's notice what if I put my hand in there just a little vibrating I just found out that for insurance reasons you're going to going into I am not getting rid of my burritos okay there's no way that an insurance company cares about things somebody at risk of dying of deliciousness here you can have my sugar and my coffee creamer the stupid glasses yeah they can go the phone you can take the phone I don't care about that um oh God I don't know what what is this I don't even know what this is oh yeah you can have that too juicy cream for hell done all right carry on nothing to see here was that alive I thought it was just a little throw away yeah get him it worked I can't believe the cops actually showed up that's amazing and they didn't even get my burritos okay well then another job it hit me with it what else he got I'm flying through these today I really want to finish the office career today so this episode might be a little longer here's the thing bossbot needs to go away for a while and you've been doing a really good job so I'd like to offer you a promotion [Music] thank you can I catch us on fire no pull up the candles okay well I want to keep that that's kind of cool um give this a blow here we go looks like there's not enough cake for you there you go human I got you a present screw you I'm taking the cake this is mine oh okay hold on we're gonna hold on to the cake and uh present yay it's uh it's another name tag now that you're the boss of this department I'll leave it to you and do the honors work hard go home oh I get a decision oh um I'm not quite ready to go home just like give me like one second foreign feeling a little bit sick right now something about pounding Back 40 burritos that have been sitting on your desk all day doesn't feel great let's just uh top that off with a little cake I'll eat the candle and everything okay you know what I'm going home we're celebrating when I go home oh it's the end of the day oh don't worry about him man he's currently figuring out which bunk he gets but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I told you guys last time that if the video got a ton of support I would return soon to play more and that video got more likes in the first day than possibly anything else I've made before so thank you guys so much for being on board with this game people seem really excited to see me play more which is great because I absolutely love it and if you guys want to see more again as always be sure to leave a like on the video let me know and next time I guess I'm gonna return for an all new job thank you so much watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 5,643,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator coffee, job simulator full game, job simulator let's play, job simulator pc, job simulator playthrough, job simulator walkthrough, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: UeJXMwZ-eB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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