Time Trials on an Explosive Obstacle Course! (Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more scrap mechanic multiplayer monday and today we're actually doing something a little bit different we've each built a section of an explosive course and we're going to do a time trial race on top of the explosives you have to build a vehicle that can drive across each of the explosive sections one at a time and make it from start to finish as fast as possible or without blowing up now we haven't seen each other's explosive sections yet so we're gonna jump right in and reveal what we built first before we actually build our vehicles guys i'm going to show you mine first so i can show you my car last that's the way i'm going to go look at this this is what i got [Applause] so i i figured you start on this side over here the side we're scraping it and we go up over down the little stairs up over and then up the big one and then all right i'm gonna walk it i'm gonna walk it so i get oh oh this is a big oh wow this is a big yeah the drops are pretty bright here yeah the drops are aggressive okay but that's why you got to go that way because the drops are worse than the others little ones i don't even think about using little ones there's a little staircase oh this is steve oh scratch all right okay okay ron i like these oh these are cool these ramps here on the other side oh yeah this is nice i like this and they're just some random bombs oh my god look at this jump oh no oh i guess we'll remove that part of the course no no leave it that's awesome maybe that'll be that'd be great varian was the harder part but i didn't think that it was like that bad not a work right yeah let me see the last couple things so we got that's a big drop that's i'm nervous about that drop right here okay thanks for giving us the ramp at the end all right so here's mine mine's a little bit shorter uh nice you're literally jamming explosives into my head here's mine so this is the start over here this is the starting area okay and uh it's a gap base course so there's various sizes of gaps and then some gaps with some oh god it just keeps all the i'll just find it again guys we can't even walk this course this is good we can't even walk on it i mean yeah this looks good i like it so yeah it's just about you know trying to keep your wheels up on these gaps oh boy squiddy every single time it wasn't me i swear i'm going miles look up all right squiddy what's yours i feel like no one's ever if mine's gonna be in no one's ever gonna get to it oh kind of like a hybrid gaps and stairs do you wait which way do you go is this the starting area oh no this side here what like this all right this is the end oh this is the end okay yeah this this guy's deciding oh my goodness oh my goodness how do you make it over the like that oh my god even the start of this is ridiculous yeah my my sort of idea is you're supposed to obviously build a vehicle where the wheels can move because you have to kind of go in and out and then up i don't know about getting up this yeah these only have three friction right i think it's doable i think this is a negative attitude okay go first cause we are we doing are we doing thrusters or not i think this is i think i think honestly this is the final one i think i think anything goes for your build except you can't make it fly obviously but i feel like thrusters and no and no suspension glitches for turning but i feel like you know what about like upwards thruster for like boost to like lift up a little bit i don't know i can use pistons for that never mind yeah i think i think down thrust if you wanted to like grip it's going to create a jumping vehicle no way that can go wrong you think no thrusters i think no what we're gonna do we should weld these up now so we can actually completely and then no one stands on it wow this course is a lot longer than i thought it was going to be a big course all right crap well yeah i can't save it amazing okay get ready for the two-hour special multiplayer we got 15 minutes on the clock we're going to be flexible with it because there's a lot that we have to build here you're not supposed to tell the audience that you're supposed to make them think about it 30 minutes 30 minutes on the clock no no no but i'll do that tonight everything is fake everything is cake this whole episode now and we're imagining buttons all right pressure cake there you go wait if we're flexible at the time do we even need buttons [Music] [Music] memories [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] shiny [Music] so [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] shiny [Music] guys it feels like groundhog's day to me what about y'all like it's like you know in that movie you know are you ready for the fact that we we did the same build three times and then again crashing and breaking the world yeah i will blow this course up i will do it all right now it's gone up for long enough uh it's 25 past one a.m i need to look at this i can spot a second course look at this let's not do this can your course erase the course please stop all right all right so who's first it was squiddy squiddy's john no he's crazy first yeah sweetie's first all right squishy no can i do my left because i want to okay get off the platform show down here squiddy here first okay no explosions yet here's mine um wait where is it okay hang on it's kind of gone quite far down there we go don't worry there you go here's mine oh that's a wheelie boy okay that's that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm what are you what are you doing you're spacing your wheels with pistons yeah so you can spread them out okay i can spread them out what hey they're a little bit weird turning really tough time to test it but like okay i can like extend these okay okay and then like i like all the functions you've got yeah that'll help you get up yeah that might that might be good yeah are you doing why would you do that to yourself i decided not to you did it oh my god you're doing actual like x wheels more of a climber than uh who's taking bets on the first time that those hands come down they blow up i i i did a quick test on uh on a bed of explosives just to make sure that i could go without exploding that i wasn't worried about that i was really worried about that it looks like they're hitting pretty fast like doesn't it it does it does look it does look like that because i was concerned yeah yeah i was gonna do offsets on the on the finger pointers to where it made more of a wheel yeah like like controller offsets because my main concern was the explosives have low friction and the wheels tend to slide against them on like on like the bigger see this is the problem though you're going to run into offset see where you're like your wheels aren't always going i'm still going so i have offsets on heights so i can do different things and i have outwards but i have also like so i can go different angles of heights depending and then we have front height so depending on what i need to do we can get it going oh oh your wheels are doing weird things on my screen and then change it so depending on what i need to do i got a little lift on the front that's pretty cool man he has yeah that's a lot of options a lot of options i mean you're pretty bold with your pizza statement here but um he's one of those he's one of those pineapple or you're not a pineapple pizza person are you not good thank god welcome to the smart side of humanity your vehicle says otherwise yeah well why do you think i'm riding on them because they're not worth anything else yeah exactly they're only good as like paperweights you're just trusting them with your life is all here's the only build that had to be done only once um just just i it's uh it's this i thought so well no wonder why it had to only be done well so i sit in the office chair and i've got tank steering but like see now i don't need to worry about the balance beam because it's just like a steam roller and like my office look at it it swivels see my officers felt like that [Laughter] that's a great question scrap man i haven't thought of it yet okay click on squiddy's section if you ever get there well so i thought at least the balancing sections i shouldn't have an issue i gotta get up to them first yeah but like you know like i could look at this oh maybe khan's going first because he's already ready he's already apparently i i wasn't sure if i could climb those stairs apparently upstairs you want me to go for i'll go first you know what i will set the bar guys okay wait hold on we need the timer yeah where do you get the timer you guys you're making it seem like we're not all gonna blow up at some point like you think we're actually gonna get it yeah three two one go watch me blow up as soon as i hit like the first little bit of experience i like how it's the time trial but we're all like super slow because we know it's about us here we go here we go it's gonna be interesting oh it works nice that seems so rough i know it does doesn't it the suspension was real rough he's got the corner no problem i mean yeah the tank the tank staring at the corners good all right let's go up here oh wow he's going to win this is just doing okay this is the straightforward part i mean minus the turn but yeah i know that's what my concern is is that the rest is less straightforward oh oh there's a friction issue oh look at this though oh let's go boys let's go let's go get up get up go just repeat this at the same time you're doing that it's like paint rollers yeah this is awesome okay oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh can we do this on a checkpoint based system like if i make it here do i have to start no you got to go as far as you can i want to go okay well that's unfortunate all right well at least i've made it here here we go right down the middle okay right down the middle right down the middle bruh right down the middle up over this oh oh look at that right down holy crap oh boy oh look at that okay okay john's section is a tough section hello mine's pretty friendly so you should be okay except for your super huge drop there's a drop around it's gonna be the shaky section i'm gonna actually like snake through this because i don't uh oh is this gonna bottom out all the way he might scrub it don't say that don't say he's he's he's he has to go on my platform don't don't mess up don't mess up no pressure these bombs here are getting in the way just these few ones that he put okay guys i have oh oh hold on hold on hold on you know what look at this there we go just tank steer around that boom yeah i know right okay here's the plan look at this okay now how do i do this though without you'd be fine you got this oh yeah you got that just slide down just slide down nice look at that look at that okay okay okay wow just go you got this it didn't get exploded oh my goodness come it's such a simple vehicle but it like works all right well here how about this is the part that i'm i don't know if you're gonna be able to get up these that's true get it it's the real test boys what oh he did it oh he did it so easy what what's with the sudden grip i don't know i don't know it work if i can get up this i think i'm good on like the easier okay here's the hard part if i can i got to get up this part this is oh yeah there we go oh that's so good oh my god you're actually gonna do it wow you're actually gonna do it oh my goodness can i do it am i going to actually get a time on the first shot this would make me feel good put an end zone i didn't expect anyone to just drop off soon all right all right what's the time what's the time boys let's go three minutes fourteen three fourteen let's go that's pi three point one four yeah i'm off the bed see you later boys all right we'll have a good one good job thank y'all i'll be honest i can't i can't believe i did it i i honestly can't believe i did it believe that you just did that that was incredible you read it i guess okay three two one go oh going he's going for speed why the wheels so shaky with that yeah they do look like oh what what is happening oh oh oh oh oh john's off gun fell nope all right one attempt one attempt i'm gonna try my best it's lighting me weird yeah that's what i mean like they're sliding sideways oh is it is it cons the host and we got weirdness now is that maybe i mean well you seem better this time maybe yeah you do seem a lot better the pizza wheels though even on my screen they show you like sliding it's not we can switch hosts though if you want like for each person doesn't matter oh it's nerve-wracking he's got it he's got it i can't believe khan beat it it's just like watch there's actually a glitch and the explosives don't actually go off there's some weird thing that's going on where they're not man i wish i had better turn in watching khan because his tournament looks so simple i mean i feel like tag steering's useful for some of these sections but most of it's straight to be honest right yeah [Music] yeah he handles the bumps though like so much faster the grip yeah makes a difference for the viewers who weren't aware pizza has one more grip than normal wheels there's a pineapple that does it that applies to real life too yeah throw some people you're gonna crumble all right all right good good oh yeah this is the gaps no you got like eight wheels though you're fine yeah that sounds like a brutal love for them it does sound brutal he's good oh boy oh boy oh john go oh you're the big one here i don't know john oh man [Music] can you get back up um how do i do this i'm still on oh you are you haven't even touched the okay there you go all right john one more attempt oh my goodness wow john you got a good time i guess crazy you're wow you're cruising come on baby this is your own section it'd be really embarrassing if you fail on your own sex you're just saying well let's go ahead and get that overwhelmed it blew it he blew it there it goes oh there goes the chords oh the key is still going i just want the world it was yeah it was that time right using use it one and a half minutes that's really good wow it doesn't really matter because i didn't complete it no i know but i'm saying like this you're in second place so far all right i'm gonna put john was at 1.5 minutes at second turn right because he was right at the second turn he was right at like the the ramps the first ramp yeah all right i'm ready okay three two one go all right there goes nothing i feel like i'm not fast every time the fingers hit i'm like is it going to blow is it gonna that sounded violent all right he's got the tag steering though so at least he's got that you know yeah i'm screwed when it comes to that here he comes oh okay on the up and down section now is the famous part of the course nice job yeah the fingers actually have some of the best grip i noticed which is why i chose them the the honestly i think for climbing that works super well because like you'll just grab the top of the lip and go up instantly right here it works really well for coming down by the looks of it as well yeah okay all right here's the gaps the gaps oh wow there's they're spaced out to the gaps it's almost like scrap man built this section oh okay he's stuck he's stuck wouldn't it be really embarrassing if he lost on his own section or is that is that what he what he said oh he's going going oh he's gonna make it he's gonna do it oh nice i feel like somebody should actually set it off right slam oh all right and so far i'm worried about this drop still though yeah this drops a bit of a bigger seems to make it over these ramps no problem oh oh oh that looks so hard that made me real nervous okay all right what's the time here because this is where john was what was the time here uh what what's the time now yeah yeah uh 150. okay so john's faster to hear it was much faster too yeah describing it's made it past it so yeah oh that looks so violent it was why come on keep going keep going all right i have no idea about this section to be honest oh yeah i don't know about my spacing in relation to the stuff true true squiddy section oh oh oh he fits oh no he's stuck a little bit you beached it he's slowly moving though he's moving are you moving i got there we go there we go i don't know i don't know oh my goodness is he going to be able to get the dismount too nice job he's got it you got to go down that middle section though scrap man you know you gotta oh he's gonna do it as long as he doesn't get stuck here uh-oh come on go uh-oh uh-oh on i'm here oh uh-oh what happens if he falls off here all right oh no oh no oh oh no there we go oh go go go i'm oh my goodness do you count it though because he didn't drive off the very end the front of my vehicle touched the end of the course and then the ground yeah it's good all right what's the time what's the time squiddy time is three minutes 25. oh my goodness all right three two one begin he's fast i'm a fast boy look how fast so fast let's see what happens here oh it's all good boy story the outer wheels like the third wheel i feel like your turning would be better because they're hitting each other when they yeah when they turn right maybe next attempt yeah oh oh wait he got it yeah you got it yeah look at him go he got it wow that's perfect oh all right oh oh there's been some aggressive i feel like you should be i swear this thing's gonna blow up sooner you know what i mean i guess the bombs are a little bit more resilient than we thought maybe the wheels are like considered cushioned against this is this might be a problem do the small bombs have less friction than the big ones it seems like it doesn't it because people have trouble i don't know i'm checking i'm to check uh three no same three and three they're literally the exact same stats for both what's happening here is he gonna is he what's see hold on you need kind of an angle maybe you tried to force an angle somehow and what if you lower your front wheels does that oh oh he's got it one step oh you can extend those back use your front wheels to lift your front up just can you extend your front ones forward or down yeah forward and down and push them down there you go yeah yeah does that oh that doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything voice oh there you go there you go yeah use the backwards yeah yeah yeah yeah you can do an inchworm and form it yeah right come on boys now front wheels up and the front wheels pull them out there you go perfect yeah yeah look at that there we go come on boys steady it just like bounces down the steps do we do we let him put himself back up or do we does he have to try again um i'm not difficult i you're not off the court i mean i don't know what the ruling is to live i feel like i agree with that but i'm not trying to be mean either so you think you should start over do you think you should just put a lift down here i think you should start over okay let's start over again three two one go all right squiddy number two number two yeah oh wow he went a little too fast i'm gonna extend this to give me a little bit of leverage that's a good good idea yeah that's good okay slowly does it ain't gonna slam or something okay oh look at that oh my god perfect oh that's perfect nice and gentle all right how are you gonna do the gaps just oh just full scent okay yeah i know that oh watch it that one oh oh oh no oh no oh no he's stuck in a rut oh no he could do this he could do this because you could just lock your oh maybe not that's the end of the road for squiddy oh wow dnf dnf let's never do this again okay good game good game suggestions for future uh videos in the multiplayer monday you know comments do that yep [Music] bye you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 216,793
Rating: 4.9187026 out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic explosive race, scrap mechanic explosive, scrap mechanic obstacle course, scrap mechanic explosive obstacles, scrap mechanic explosive challenge, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic multiplayer challenge
Id: 0stdsKvdi7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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