Getting Started with Copilot Studio Part 2: How to connect your own Copilot to SharePoint

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good day everyone Daniel Anderson here now this is part two of our getting started with co-pilot little video series and in part one we took a look at how we get things set up how we actually create our very first co-pilot how we connect a public website and also upload a document as our data sources to give us our generative AI responses and the ability for us to chat and talk to our Uh custom co-pilot for it to come back with some responses based on those things as data sources now in part two we're going to take things up a little Notch and connect our SharePoint sites as our data source and then see what we can do with our generative AI responses so let's get stuck into it there is a little bit of setup so we're going to go through what we need to do to configure things and then we will see what the outcome is all right so I'm in co-pilot studio and you can see that uh like in part one we go to copilot studio. now under the generative AI blade here you'll see that we can add our different websites so you can I've already added two SharePoint sites here uh under the the websites tab here so what we can do is if you've got specific SharePoint sites then we can paste those in here and we click the add button and that just gets added to our list of websites now what you will notice is that we can't go more than two levels deep like with our public websites with our SharePoint websites we can't go more than uh two levels deep so if we go this and then we go uh with another level you can see that we can't go that far all right so we need to stay at the two levels or above all right so I'm just going to leave it there so first step is to add our SharePoint sites now one thing thing to know here is that we obviously need to authenticate to be able to access our SharePoint sites so I'm just going to save this um these settings here and I'll just wait for that to save now what we do need to do Under the settings uh section here we're going to go into security and we're going to have a look at our different authentication methods all right so under security we've got a few different options for us so the one that we want to get here uh jump into is our authentication now when we're config I'll just jump over to this uh Microsoft resource here and I will post this in the comments of the video on the PRX and how we go about configuring uh user authentication um for use in this co-pilot as well because what we do need to what we do need to see here or what we can see here is that the content analysis and the retrieval happens on behalf of the the the signed in user so this feature does require the user authentication so that's why we do need to set things up um and it is under the manual or for custom website authentication option and we'll note here that the no authentication and only for teams authentication option can't retrieve the information from SharePoint or one drive for business so we do need to use our manual option um when we're in the authentication section here now I will also um bring to your attention here that we do need to have some additional Scopes here as well so in particular we need sites read all and also files read all in the Scopes in addition to the default profile and open ID values now a really really important thing to note here too is that these Scopes don't give the user the ability to see anything that they couldn't already see all right so important to note you'll only see what you've got access to see all right now I've already gone through and set up and created my app registrations I've follow the instructions on this page here and as I said I'll post that in the in the description of the video here as well so we go through and we step through and we create our uh our app registration so that's already all been set up and we're ready to go you can see I've got the client ID and I've got the client Secret in there now if I just close this off now I'll jump into our sites that we've got added to um that I added under our generative AI uh section here so I've got this um this opt this site here and inside of this document library is where I've got my policy documents so once this loads we can see that I've got a leave policy I've got a mobile phone policy and I've got a work from home policy to and these are just Word documents now I also do do have a SharePoint page here that is all about the covid-19 policy as well and you can see we've got the contents of that policy on the page so I've got a few different types of data here now if I jump back into uh into the co-pilot Studio let's just give this a bit of a test all right so you can see that we can use this blade here and we can test out our connections all right so what we need to do let's ask let's have a look at one of our policies so I'm just going to jump into documents and then I'll jump into let's have a look at our leave policy all right so let's open up our leave policy and have a look at what the contents of this document is so we've got different types of leave so how about we ask our co-pilot what the different types of leave are all right so let's go jump back into here um let's go for uh what are the type of leave and we'll hit enter so what we should it's now sending it uh across to our co-pilot and what we will come what will come back is our generative AI response here now you can see that we've been it's it's come back with the different types of leave and we've also got some citations here and it links us directly to that document so if I click on this doc this link here we can see that it's going to open that document for me um so that I can look at that document if I want to as well all right now what about so that's out of a Word document so we did also see that I've got a covid-19 policy here that is in our SharePoint site all right so what we might see here is let's have a look at the purpose right so let's go uh what is the purpose of the co 19 policy all right so let's see if it it's um deter and picks up our SharePoint page as well all right so we've seen that it has uh has gone through the word documents inside of that document library and now we can see that we've got a response here about the content of that particular SharePoint page as well and it does have a reference and we've got a reference directly to that SharePoint page I click I open and I'm taken directly to that SharePoint page uh as well all right so let's now try and find something about email and communication uh on our mobile phones and can we use our mobile phones for email and other communication so in the message box here uh let's ask can we use uh mobile phones for uh email and communication all right so let's ask that question because part of the mobile phone policy is a section about email and communication so let's have a look so yes we come back yes mobile phones can be used for company email and communication purposes so again it's it's looking inside this word document and and picking up that um that content and and generatively uh responding to that particular question as well now what about social media and personal use all right so let's have a look and ask this question um can we use mobile phones for social media and personal use again we'll hit enter ask it a question let's see what our response comes back like all right you'll see that we've got a response here and here we go we've got some different references all referencing the same document the mobile phone policy document um and we have got some some uh direct links to the document as well now what about this other site so we're just getting responses from a single site but remembering that we included a couple of other sites in our in our data sources so we can see here that this is the other site that I've added all right was we've got a policy Library we've got an invoices Library okay so let's have a look at this invoices Library here and what we might do is let's open up this xt1000 test plan all right let's have a look at this document I just want to have a look at the contents inside this document here so once this opens up let's a look all right so there's a project scope there's some stakeholders and some Milestones let's ask our co-pilot what the project scope is of the xt1000 test plan so we'll jump back in here um what is the scope uh let's go what is the scope of the XT 1000 test plan all right different site different document it's all included in our data sources as well as our policies so let's have a look and see what this comes back with all right so it's sending it away um and we should get a response in just a second so we'll wait for that to come back um here we go here and you can see here that the scope of the XT is to provide a working reference document for the project team and we do actually have a um also a a reference to a PDF document here that does include information about the xt1000 test plan as well all right so we can see there that in addition to what we saw in part one where we can consume and use public websites and also upload uh documents to for data sources we can actually connect to our SharePoint sites as well and and really really quickly start to surface that content in our co-pilot as well so I hope that brings you some value today thanks for watching and that was part two if you if you missed part one uh then jump on to the YouTube channel as well and you'll be able to see part one where we did set things up and uh include public websites and documents as well
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 5,138
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Id: g4Ju14MnAdQ
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Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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