SciSpace AI Copilot — Read and understand research with AI research reading assistant

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why just read a PDF when you can interact with it ask questions whenever you have a doubt and highlight confusing sections to get explanations and summaries hi there I'm Kevin welcome back to another tutorial video this time I'll take you through sspace co-pilot our AI research assistant that helps you interact with and understand jargon and complex topics in research papers better you might be thinking what's wrong with good old reading why do I need an AI assistant to understand papers better the thing is research papers can be difficult to understand they can be full of dense information and unfamiliar terms at times making an uphill task to comprehend what's written if you're a student or an early researcher or even reading papers outside your domain or sometimes you're short on time you can't invest one entire day to go through one paper rereading it over and over again co-pilot can help you become more efficient at research reading and you end up reading more papers in less time so now let's get to how it works it's pretty simple you log into sides space create an account if you haven't upload all the PDFs on your reading list or if you have a zoto account simply link it to your sspace account out you will import your entire library next open the PDF you're going to read you'll see there's the full text on the left and on the right there is the co-pilot chat box before you start asking questions there is something cool you should know about if you click this button on the top right you can choose your preferred language from 75 options we understand not everyone is fluent in English but there's no reason why you can't understand papers in your native language okay so you're reading and reading and you come across something confusing like this abstract seems quite dense so you select it and then choose whether you want an explanation a summary or related papers right now I need to know what this means in a simplified manner so I'll choose explain text and there you go co-pilot gives an explanation in more comprehensible language similarly if you're running short on time and want to get through a paper quickly select large passages in the PDF and click summarize you'll get a concise summary then there's this little button at the bottom called explain math and table when you click on it you can select any maths equation or table and find explanations for it even though the answers are simplified you can still have a doubt it's okay we are all humans after all if that's the case you can hit the follow-up button here and ask a question like what unique foraging behaviors does the heliconius butterfly show co-pilot will give you the answer you see here the answers have citations in them if you hover over them you can find where these answers are coming from and then locate The Source by clicking on the scope button here at the bottom you can choose the source of information like this particular PDF your library or 270 million papers on sides space I've currently selected all size space papers so one of the citations in this answer redirects to another paper this way you can clear your doubts simultaneously while reading a paper instead of opening a new tab searching on Google and then eventually spiraling into something else apart from this there is a general set of pre-existing questions that can help you get started then you can also ask co-pilot to brainstorm questions to get any potential paper specific questions you can always highlight important information in the PDF and save insightful co-pilot responses as notes finally once you're done reading the article you can ask co-pilot to show related papers and it'll recommend similar articles in the siace repository all this is just one of the ways you can use co-pilot you can create outlines presentations and so much more whatever your imagination allows oh and co-pilot also has a Chrome extension that you can use on pretty much any website science or otherwise install it today if you haven't already that'll be it for today make sure you share your unique experiences with scace co-pilot in the comment section below and if you have any questions for us feel free to ask I'll catch you again next time
Channel: SciSpace (formerly Typeset)
Views: 4,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scispace, research papers, ai assistant, academic research, typeset, research writing, journal templates, ai for research, academic reading
Id: zI71cBFO3d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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