Can't Get Microsoft 365 Copilot? Try This Instead

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so Microsoft 365 a co-pilot is generally available if you're an Enterprise customer and you are buying more than 300 licenses this has caused a fair amount of expression of dissatisfaction out in the community this week however there are some tools that you can use right now that pretty much everyone can get access to and so what we're going to do is go on a journey together to start using these AI Tools in a business context there's a lot of stuff out there around using AI to do some pretty fun stuff we are still going to have fun here but my mission in this video is to show you another tool that you can use right now securely with your business data for business use cases and we're going to see how far we can go with that now don't run away when I say this we're going to have a look at being chat Enterprise no no really don't don't go anywhere being as a search engine is not something that I'm using every day but being chat Enterprise and what we've got here is essentially you're going to get chat GPT 4 the good one Dolly 3 New Image generation model in a way that is secure so you can put your confidential business data in there and not put your organization or your work at risk you with me let's take a look at what this is and how you can use it you'll need to be working in Microsoft Edge or Chrome other browsers aren't supported at this stage I'm working in Edge this is where I am all the time now and if you go into this right hand side over here you will see a co-pilot panel pop up now this allows you to do all of the sorts of things that we're going to talk about here however this is just a free public available version and it's not protected if you're working on anything here then your data is being shared out to the internet same as if you go to chat GPT and that's not what we want CU we're focused here on how to do secure safe business work what you'll need to do is sign in in your browser with your work account and if you've got one of these licenses here then you will have this included if you don't get this experience give a shout out to your administrator and make sure that they enable this for your organization so once you're signed in I can click through here and now I've got Bing chat Enterprise and you'll see there's a big difference here the color is different it's actually really calling out that this is the Enterprise version and it's also telling you that your personal and Company data are protected in the chat so I want you to make sure that you've got that set up first so that we've got this secure access and here's what we're going work through firstly we're going to do some productivity type things that could help me with my work during the day we're going to have a look at doing some research that might be confidential in nature I'm actually not going to do anything genuinely confidential here obviously but I'll simulate some things that give you the idea of how this works and then what we're going to do is work with a document so one of the highest value things that we can do with the Microsoft 365 Cod pallette which we don't have but we're not dwelling on it is to work across your documents now this does not give you all of that but you can bring a PDF document in here and you can work with things in the browser so this is a lot more powerful than working just with chat gp4 where you've only got text where it's not secure where you don't have access to the internet what we've got here is going to give you a whole lot more than that so let's start off with some productivity type scenarios so the first thing I'm going to do here is ask it to help me arrange a meeting I am meeting with somebody who is in uh Slovenia I actually don't know what time zone that is it's not an area that I've worked with before so I'm going to say I am in Melbourne Australia and I need to set up a call with a customer in Slovenia please please suggest some suitable times smiley face it's very friendly isn't it according to the time zone converter here we go now the other thing you'll find here is that as it comes up we've got one of 30 responses so as we work through the chat it'll give you up to 30 turns in the conversation so you can ask 30 questions there is also a limit on this of 300 per day so once you clear it and I'll show you how to do that then you can start another one and it will reset those 30 turns it's a pretty decent allowance I suspect if you're doing 300 * 30 in a day then maybe you're not actually getting any work done or maybe you're getting all your work done you can go ahead all right so here we go between 700 p.m. and 10: p.m. in Mel which is between 10:00 a.m. and 100 p.m. there we go that sounds that sounds fine let's level up here though working with documents is one of the highest value things that we're all after with Microsoft 365 co-pilot the big difference here is that this doesn't have access to all of my documents so the Microsoft 365 co-pilot has access to all of my documents that are in the Microsoft graph it has access to working them through all of those Microsoft 365 applications all I've got here is a browser but it's not just the browser so I've got the browser and anything I put in the browser now if you're using Edge Edge is also a PDF reader so I've got a document here which is a plan for LA's chocolates some new artisinal handcrafted chocolates just because you know I was feeling it so this is simulation here of something where this might be commercially confidential let's say that I really did have a chocolate company and I've got a plan for something that I'm planning to launch as a new product and I want to work with this document now it won't work with a Word document or word online but it's very easy within word to just go export as PDF little hack for you there and then you can bring this PDF in here and now I can work with it so the first thing we can do with this is to say summarize this document now the first thing sorry before I do that is that I'm going to actually reset the chat sort of say I'm starting again with a whole different topic so if I click here nice clean sort of clear away the memory and let's start again summarize this document this will also work if you've got a web page open to so if you're doing something where you're analyzing a competitor or looking at a report that's online it will actually work in the context of what's in the browser we'll have a look at that too as well so here we go this document is a product concept and marketing plan for my new chocolate Line This is just going to make me want to go away and eat chocolate afterwards I probably should have picked something that was a little less tempting so there we go we've got all of these things so what I can do here is use this information to craft and create some content so I might say here uh write me a link in post to promote the new brand now this is where the more information we give it the better it should be no more than let's say 200 words and should not give away all the details focus on the Gourmet Bon bonds okay good let's see how we go so it should understand the idea of a LinkedIn post it should be able to take all of that it's going to go through and take this information here to create that are you ready to experience the ultimate chocolate Indulgence I'm liking [Laughter] this there we go that's really good okay how do you feel about that as a as a LinkedIn post I think that's actually pretty good sort of you know thing here the other thing you'll notice here is that we've got these references so as we go through and this is one of the things that's really good and if you're using this with a web page as well then you can come along and and find these things let's have a look at who are the main competitors for this type of chocolate so we've got access to the web here as well so this is actually going to go out and find information on the web to do this which is something that you can't do with chat GPT so easily let's have a look at one of these websites here so I should be able to have a look at this and see where this has come from so this has now opened up that website for me let's go into the Coco black website here and just have a look at some of the the things that you can do in the context of the browser and I'll show you how to set that up so let's say give me a list of all the recipes on this site um put them in a table name and a short description so this thing where you can ask the chatbot to give you the output in a certain format is always something that's worth looking at let's see how we go here while we're doing this what you need to do to make sure that this part is working is that there's a setting so if you do this and it's not connecting to the web page it doesn't seem to be able to get to it make sure that you have done the following permission so we'll just do this while it's coming up with these things you need to go in Edge into settings you'll see it keeps going on the side here we've got your sidebar and then in this app specific settings for co-pilot here you want to make sure that allow Microsoft to access page content is switched on so just check that in your browser setting if you're not getting the desired result so there we go we've got our nice list of very tempting looking things I can grab that and click copy and paste that straight into a word document or whatever else I'm working with I can also choose to export it download it as a PDF or download it as text and off I go all right let's work with another example here this is a government report this is 264 pages long there's a lot going on in here and you've just been handed this and you need to get across it and figure out what it means for your organization and do a presentation back so how can we deal with this you'll notice that we've got some different options here so I'm going to stick with the more creative one but you might want to play around with more balanced or more precise depending on what it is that you want to do in terms of the conversational chat I've had to play with it I maybe it's me I like the creative one a fair bit better so what we're going to do here is ask it what are the key points of this document and this is actually going to do a lot of work for me here is to go through and analyze this 264 Pages worth of information around what's going on so my starting point here is to summarize it I've actually downloaded this as a PDF if this was sitting in the web browser this would also work and what we can do then is start to feed it some context about the specific business or industry that we're in and see whether it can come up with some more specific recommendations so it's going to go through and do all of that what I'm going to do is just grab another prompt that I've written here to get a little bit ahead of it to say here's a scenario that we want to be working with so this is this is pretty good I mean honestly compared to reading 264 Pages you'll notice when it comes up we're also going to get those little footnotes in here as well that make it easy for us to see see what's going on and where that came from so I can click here and it's going to sort of show where all of that came from let's give it a bit of a context now your organization is a book publishing company which publishes locally in Sydney Imports this is how you sell what action will you need to take so what does that mean for us and this is where this is important in terms of this being a secure session that you can put quite a bit of detail in here and use some of those skills to sort of prompt the chatbot to understand context and so on to be able to give you a more accurate answer so it's going to give us some suggestions here about what that might mean for that specific industry so this might affect the customer base the types of books they're interested in uh what else have we got here implications for the business about our operations something about Skilling oh here we go so here are some specific actions that we may need to take a skills audit and GAP analysis a digital strategy yes review M Market Research and customer segmentation okay great so so now what I have to do is prepare a presentation so what I'm going to do is to say let's come up with some content for a PowerPoint deck so that I don't have to do that work I need to prepare a short presentation for the executive team please write up the headings and bullet points for PowerPoint presentation which is no longer than five slides let's see how we go with this so as much as you know the the big drain here of Microsoft co-pilot is that I'm in PowerPoint and it's doing it for me this can still do a lot of the leg work I've got a 200 64 page document here I've given it some context about the business and in a real world scenario probably given it a heap more than that so now we've got the outline of the PowerPoint presentation and you could refine this as well to say here we go so there's the slide one is the introductions it's giving me the title title purpose and key points slide two five objectives five forces 10 policy areas it's not bad actually as a as a structure of summarizing it so so again play around with your prompting and see what you can get here let's also ask it if we can get a talk track because I'm going to not want to have to figure out what my words are there so write a talk track for the speaker to introduce the topic to the group I might want to say write it in a tone that is friendly and reassuring for people so we can refine those things as well this is pretty much just a fairly straight down the line what are we going to do we are going to write an email inviting people to the message so now I've got all my content remember you can just copy or you can download it I can put all this into PowerPoint document I've got my talk track so we can write the talk track for each slide how much time have I saved in my day so far here we're going to just kind of hit stop responding on that and get on to the next one here I'm giving it a little bit more this time your middle level manager presenting on this report write the email invitation to the session that's okay that's a little bit wordy so I'm going to say make it shorter this is where it falls over a little bit rewrite the email and make it shorter so you have to give it a little bit of context I haven't um I haven't quite haven't quite got that one right let's see if it can handle that one much better here we go that's much better so the next thing we're going to do is to generate an image here so generate an image to use on the first slide oops first SLO hopefully it'll work out what that means what we've also got in here in addition to this chat experience is access to the dolly3 image generation model now I have had a bit of a play with that don't worry when this comes up this beautiful thing at first this is just like the timer you'll get a little sort of random RT message that's not your actual image I found it's better if you don't have images with people in them we'll see what comes up here but some of the images with people are kind of um awkward and problematic whereas these ones are quite good let's see what we've got here so this is about sort of the future of work and jobs that's not bad the the ones as I said the ones with people are problematic um also the ones with text are problematic so those people's faces are not looking so okay um that one's quite a good image but so you'll see it it kind of messes around with the the words in it so again yeah not look not not terrible so you can use this to start to refine these things and again the image generation prompting is something that I'm really going to work on because I think that's something where you need to get much more precise with so I hope that's giv you some reassurance I am also going to do a tutorial here on how we can use power virtual agents to upload a lot of documents and query over those or things on SharePoint so stay tuned for that let me know what you think you will use here the most and stay the course with me until we can all get access to Microsoft 365 co-pilot thanks for watching
Channel: Lisa Crosbie
Views: 30,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot, microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot, bing chat enterprise, bing chat, edge copilot, generative ai, lisa crosbie, microsoft copilot launch, microsoft copilot how to get
Id: stEIvQkDFBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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