Gem hunting near abandoned mines! We find rare GLOWING crystals!

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're back at the minds but were a different mind this time we'll go around and the psychics behind us here which we're going to be looking in so and we're really excited we're finding some there should be some amazing purple crystals fluorite crystal fluorspar around here because we've been here before what it was years ago so I'm really excited to come back can't wait to look yeah so let's get to it I can't wait I'm so excited to get started everyone I'm trying to hold off until I get the come look oh my God look oh my God look at that one look look you can see it the square can you see that so hard look it they they form in these cubic shapes and you can just see on that one the kind of cube shape hold on I'll zoom in a little bit and here wow I can just see steel all right there's some beautiful bit there's some little bits of quartz here like a bar well that's like a little Herkimer diamond as well as there oh wow and yeah I take that one on here look yeah yeah just take them all they're gorgeous oh my god by my foot here there's one that's quite big and they're everywhere but I'm hoping to find some quite biggest ones because in the past I found a few large ones here that one there it's weathered a lot since we way yeah so more has been washed out in rain and things since we were here here you can collect them I didn't bring a bag no you're too excited we just got the car I was like ah crystals I see them just lying here there okay so on this little bit here can you see that little tiny one out of the little tiny ones because they're great the jewelry and oh see the corner quite a dark one there and there's logic and oh yeah these are like really gorgeous washed-up as well yeah that looks like a bit of coal I can see a large something sticking out here I know hoping it's a Florrick crystal oh my god it is look Oh mom screaming hold on hold on what oh oh I see it I see it oh my god can you I think you can definitely see it on the camera yeah get it get it hi now there's the big one that we are looking for the big ones oh my god that is amazing show it to everyone gorgeous I'm so excited and yes it's freezing I've got these gloves on because they're half gloves and it's very cold but we're so excited so who cares just look how crazy is when you get up to the ground salt one here and look you can just see them little purple glowing purple nurse there's lots of them here but they're a bit pale we're looking for the nice bright purple ones and we've come here quite late in the day because we're not only here gonna be we're not only gonna be looking for these crystals in the light but we're gonna be looking for them in the dark but that's for a bit later on when they're when the sky darkens these two look pretty dark or can you see the kind of cube shape that they are Wow that one's really nice treasure Mama's calling so let's have a look down here they're everywhere Oh oh yeah it's of old relics from the mines oh I'm right over here look I can see a nail oh is this to hold the rail the rails on yeah underground yeah they're really interesting that's an interesting bit of metal relics well X from the minds there's a pile of little Timbers here look just rushing away part of mine buildings I suppose that once stood here oh yeah sleepers yeah there's a few nice really nice little quartz crystals here as well nice a clear point [Music] [Applause] [Music] somewhat of a large kind of cluster here because there of course are different kinds different colors of fluorite some of them fluoresce some of them are fluorescent and some of them are kind of dark or yellow oh I think that was about iron yes I smell the fluorite is yellow some of its green some of its a multicolored it changes color it's not a little bit iron I might collect up these little bits could use them something but in this area it's just the beautiful purple crystals there's another bit of iron there it looks like it's got holes in it a pop something can't tell [Music] look at this I love that it's so sculptural I love it I'm going to take that as well if you got Oh some nice juicy wet oh yeah Wow that'll be amazing once it's cleaned up won't it I've just spotted something here that's quite intriguing it looks like the handle of a teapot apart the handle of a teapot it's of course the minors and the offices mine officers would have been eating and drinking right here as well so there's another little connection to them something a little bit more personal maybe than just random it's iron I spot a really big bit Wow that would look that look really nice when it's cleaned Wow oh look at this that's interesting what is that if you have any clue what that is I don't know that's weird anyone does have any clue what that is or was it looks like an iron dinosaurs spy yeah it looks like an iron spine your hair's cool that's cool I quite like it I like take it's quite sculptural it's by phone oh sorry nice crystals it's another dark one here Wow look see how dark it is on that end gorgeous oh my gosh oh yeah it's got a lovely face on it hasn't it like me I have real yes but look at this oh my god oh my god let me have a look Wow that's big one I'll just check it that purple sticking up just say wow look you can really see the kind of the formation of it Wow see little cubic crystals on there Wow I'm very pleased with that that's a keeper for sure in these burns here I'm not sure if you can hear me because it's really loud but in these burns and streams they are absolutely full of these beautiful purple crystals because when I was a child I used to just collect them out of the streams but since we got older and mum and I started making jewelry we started coming looking for them specifically because obviously fluorite is quite soft flora it's quite a soft stone and the ones in the river are worn down quite a lot so if we come to the mines we can find them in their original cubic shapes I just found this cube it's like a it's so I think it's so clear a clear crystal but look at it oh it's got a bit of purple can you see that cubic shape I love that and down here can you see this tiny little one that's tiny little cube shapes oh wow I love that look how dark that is oh my god gosh that's absolutely beautiful there's some more dark bits here actually see this bit see when the muds washed off it'll look amazing Wow it's slowly getting dark but that's the point so we can't see them too well now but as the Sun disappears oh wow look about that big quartz crystal how can you see that sparkle oh my god I am in my element here I am so happy in the dirt can you see that dark bit oh that's very dark isn't it no I think it's a hot it's iqb bit wow that's very dark gorgeous oh I found a bit of wood with a bit of nail in as well really and the back Oh what was it that means yeah what would that mean that's really interesting that has something written on it I'm not sure we'll have to we'll have to take a closer look yeah yeah definitely ok sir we're going back up here and over the road because I want to show you some of them mine buildings that are remaining on the other side just before it gets dark it's gonna be very dark soon and we're not gonna be able to have the light we won't have the light to film those so yeah we're gonna show you some mine buildings though and we've come to the other side of the road and we're gonna quickly show you the mine workings it's one of mine buildings before it gets dark um so yeah that's gone let's go and check it so this mine building this house in the 1970s and the 1980s it was actually standing it had a roof on so just in that short amount of time it's pretty much completely falling down such a shame but the one next to it this little cottage here thankfully is still standing so I'll go up and have a quick look at that Oh No mud it's always much so yeah thankfully this one is still here and it's got a roof on do you think mrs. used as some kind of bothy the farmer uses it oh yeah I see I see a trail of her Hey I see the trail of hay leading under the door well I mean I suppose it's a good thing that it's still here I don't think we're gonna find a bottle dump this time this is the sum total of oh this is what we found yep there we go well you know you win some you lose some Wow over here it's very squishy but look at this fungus Wow oh my god look at the size of that it's huge Wow [Music] yeah [Music] Here I am [Music] [Music] this actually looks like a shaft and the farmers dumped rubbish down there so yeah I don't think it would be wise going down there so I have gone down here just a little way because I saw this oh what's this some kind of door hmm that's interesting that's beautiful Wow okay so I've almost finished looking around this bit there's a very precarious looking bridge here oh wow look at this completely collapsing away into the stream oh hello sheep what evidence of mine buildings here it's probably very similar to the mine in our last video well a few videos ago and I'm gonna walk across here it's a bit scary knowing just how unstable is under my feet [Applause] but it's getting dark and it's time to go and look for crystals so just bear with me and you'll find out very soon what we've come here to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello so it's getting a bit dark now so we come back down with our new meter yes so let's see what we can find okay so this is what the ground looks like normally and it looks a little bit brighter on the camera because and that's what it does it brightens up the image automatically but we're gonna turn our turn on our torches now and can see what we're looking for can you see that oh my God look Wow the ground is just glowing you can't see lose so we kind of sweet over here because in our mouth you can't see these um with the naked eye but when you shine the torch on look how they come up oh my god mm-hmm oh they are crazy it's amazing how much more you can see I'm gonna pick up some it's difficult to shine the torch and pick things up at the same time let's look with some giant ones it'll be better when it's a bit darker that's a bigger one oh yeah see there's a big one I can't shine and pick up the same time yeah you pick up Oh you mmm-hmm that one there Wow look how bright it is under the torch that's amazing I don't know if you can see how purple it is yeah on the camera on the camera it kind of looks white but when we ask we see it it's bright bright purple there for the rest and fluorescence okay let's find some big bonds I want to find a big bond oh there wow look how bright that is see some bits a bit brighter than others like that bit there our mum found one with the torch down here oh yes can you see that I do Wow oh I think that's going to be really dark purple when we look at it at home mad this one Wow so that's it in the daylight and when I put my torch over the top look the ground just glows it's like the galaxies isn't it yeah look mommy just spotted our cheeky little one down here oh that's really bright that's such it's so purple in real life isn't it yeah it just glows really really dark purple Wow we found something here the corner of this pink rock but it looks like what is it could be fun like some kind of mold or fungus oh yeah sometimes bird poo actually shows up fluorescent Oh does it okay look at this piece guys Wow oh there's a big one here it's very cold but it's so much fun looking for these crystals in the dark look how purple they are oh my god this there is actually too many to pick up isn't there yeah Wow that's treasures right there Oh Corner 1 oh yeah I think it there's some on matrix there we'll take that bit that's cool I know it's dark but there's a huge bit of I in here don't know if you can see it on the camera it's probably for holding the rails or something similar who knows look at that Wow sky ticka ticka ticka ticka ticka ticka Wow that's crazy it's covered just the tiny little crushed crystals absolutely everywhere there's just the whole grounds completely littered in them look at this Wow good bath Wow get this one down here my gloves glowing is Walia [Music] really don't know that one's really bright oh yeah that's a good one Wow guys look at this absolutely a giant crystal here can you see that there's the glowing purple Wow and that is huge it's so creepy here isn't it I'm just imagining - yeah erupting out of the ground yeah with the dirt falling from them let's go home it's very very creepy yeah so we've been so distracted by the crystals on the ground didn't realize just quite how creepy is you can't see anything the camera won't even focus so I think it's time to head home now yeah don't you think yeah I think so you found a what oh yes it's like a little sheep tooth or something or a - or - it's not focusing hello [Music] so we have to shine the torches on our faces cuz you can't see us but we actually look hideous doughy anyway we've had a really great day / night and yeah we hope you enjoyed this video and here's the roundup so bye bye bye [Music] everyone so a back home I've washed all of our crystals and here they are and in the daylight they are just the most gorgeous sort of lilac purple color and I just want to show you some of them close up so I'm going to put this is a larger cube crystal that I found on a different adventure to the same spot quite a few years ago now but it's a great example of one of the cubic shapes that form naturally that's how most of these a lot of these are actually just crushed pieces this one's actually a clear one with kind of a yellowy tinge and yeah we've got some beautiful lip quartz crystals as well some lovely quartz crystals that I'll make some great jewelry but yeah I'm really pleased with our whole and we had such a great time it was great fun finding these right well I'll show you some of the bigger ones now the big bit that I was actually quite excited about all that I'll zoom in I'll put it up to the UV light just so you can see it glowing look at that oh my God look at that glowing there under the light this is a great example of a plate of crystals on matrix and you can kind of you can really see there there little tiny cubes on there and then up to the light look at that Wow beautiful but when I hold this up to the light as well it's got a lot of iron staining but it still glows really bright you can sign kind of see the purple better now then you could when we were looking for them at night that's closer to how we were seeing them before so gorgeous and here is some of our iron the iron bits we found I almost forgot to show these but yeah they're all very random and a lot of them unidentified they're just it's a bit a sheet of iron and who knows what that is could be part of anything that's an odd bit of metal that's I could a big washer and I'm wondering if this it's an escutcheon or a keyhole I'm not sure still could be anything I think that's some kind of pin to hammer into walls to hold things onto walls and there's lots of nails of course and this huge nut which I really like you just square nut that's lovely now I don't know what we're gonna do with all of these but we are thinking of making something we're not sure what yet but we just the texture of the metal is just absolutely beautiful and we couldn't leave it behind so me and mum were picking these up it is lovely and then there's this that's a bit of wood with some kind of rivet in it and fabric attached it kind of looks like wool so I'm not sure what that would have been mum thought that might be writing on it but there's not it's just the patina on the metal oh and her - tooth which is actually a sheep tooth but there I think that's it crystals and metal and that is all we found on this video but anyway bye bye so here we are sitting in front of the fire with a nice cup of tea with some very exciting news because today we received this we received a gift a gift from one of our viewers and we're very excited to open it we know what's in here but we haven't seen ya we're gonna open it on camera to show you guys so this is from Brian and it's all the way from Connecticut and Eska in the USA so we're very excited to open this and see what's inside it's treasure hunting yeah Brian oh he said he found these with his son many years ago so a fellow adventurer and he wanted to share them with us as well thank you bro thank so much thank you so much Brian that's really that's really lovely but I'm really excited to open this now you can't find Herkimer diamonds in the UK unfortunately we wish we find quartz crystalline we have found double terminated crystals before but nothing like oh wow they look amazing oh wow oh yeah you can have two I'll have three Oh we'll have to show you guys close-ups of these yeah oh my god Wow thank you they do look like diamonds there quartz look how shiny but they are got little diamonds in this light Wow you know what we should do we should make necklaces out oh you can wear them ourselves we'll make a necklace each and will wear it and maybe it will bring us good luck Oh ring or something well thank you so much Brian they are so lovely fantastic we actually learn about thank you thank you very much they're absolutely beautiful I'll take some pictures of them and then post them on and put some on Instagram as well so thank you very much and goodbye I hear them close up you can't see very well it's quite dark but aren't they beautiful can you see them sparkling thanks oh they're so sparkly beautiful thank you so much Brian thank you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 100,170
Rating: 4.9501967 out of 5
Keywords: Crystal hunting, Gem hunting, north pennines, Alston, Mudlarking, Abandoned mines, mudlark, treasure hunting, fluorite crystals, British history, rock hounding uk
Id: fMZ0cGUT0N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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