Mudlarking find with a heartbreaking story! Pulling historic treasures from the mud!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are back in our new favorite face face new favor God even speak because I'm really excited we're actually in a bottle digging bottle diggers hole right now and so we're going to have a scratch around the surface and see what we can find we're not gonna do any proper dick anchor we're not gonna dig can't we really asked for that kind of thing they have dug out some things including a little head bodyless and headless horseman and some other bottles and things so we're gonna continue scratching around their leftovers and do a bit of scratching around ourselves as well yep so we'll see you on the first good find yeah it didn't take much scratching noise add1 just scratched once and it's a Thomas white TW pipe bull with a hard-on oh I'm not gonna do very much digging see what there is can't believe it just a little bit of scratching down here under these roots and there we go I fancy that it hasn't been that long here at all I'm not under a big tree by the way it's just a small bush so I'm not undermining anything but I just saw that down here I'm wondering if there's more in the same spot the likelihood of that is but there was a string of beads dropped here it's got decoration around the edge like thumbs I just pulled that out of there I wasn't filming oh yeah this little ink how cute that first I found a bead didn't they are you found have fun I found a blue bead oh yeah syrup how cool that mrs. Willet wins Winslow Winslow's half a bead oh and a bag feel how cool so much fun [Music] another TW pipe just come out yeah a nice blue bottle would be good I like I love blue colored bottles like cobalt blue bottle a poison bottle whoa so we were up there on the spoil heaps but we've come down to the river and started digging around amongst all this ash that's just been dug out there or washed out with the the bottle dump and look that it's a German marble that's a Victorian I'll have to zoom in it's absolutely beautiful that is a Victorian German marble so it bashed look how beautiful that is that's a really cool find on the cow in the car on the way here like we'd love to find marbles do you and I got another clay pipe TW and a button that can't make hat out anything on a mum found this stopper and it looks like a big terracotta bottle stopper but I'm not sure really what that is hey so far I've got a gorgeous little flat glass button there and this thing which kind of looks like a sweet pencil which for some reason I just like collecting them up and then this metal thing that's really difficult to use one huh this metal thing which has there it's like oh yeah it's like a bigger one things you up version of what you found it's like a bubble just is it's got bubbles inside there I like that like a little globe oh yeah it's but I think it's hole oh it's just got the very tip missing oh cool there must be some kind of happen oh that's beautiful I love that it was a stick found a really worn down clay marble here by the looks of it but just next to it it's a cobble that is what we abuse oh you got a foot it's a fruit Oh Oh No heads gone well some of their head is still that face is still there look it's a little boy or girl holding a wine bottle and some flowers I think that's quite cute look another wheel this that's really odd why have you found so many wheels so things oh look I found a little charm down here I think that might be some kind of religious token I also spotted a cod marble here and let's zoom in on this token token hmm I might have to do some can see it there I think there's something words in there but we may be able to clean that up have a look that would be cool but called marble I don't know why but I'm gonna take this [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] must've walked over a few times can you see it yep it's missing it's poor little head though oh look how cute Oh looks like a little girl praying look Oh praying Oh cute maybe she's praying for her head and there's a lovely glass that set a stopper I found oh that's nice and mums got a pipe that says what does it say something a mother and a cop marble cod marbles always good I'm determined to find something with its edge today complete something complete yeah okay so I'm gonna do a bit of a spot the find here can anyone see it BAM double Papa or what's broken though unfortunately Oh mom says she's got an ink bottle with words on it oh wait a minute oh no I don't we we've never found one words on oh oh I like that Oh Bridge bridge London no I've never seen that before before before who's found a lead seal that bag seal spot just down here oh I found this which is part of a German marble it would have been like the shooter marble such a shame look at it that was that was hole that would have just been with the find of the day to be honest well but look how many seals there is there are they all look like they've got the same the same initials on found another whole bottle another beautiful aqua one and it actually still has its coconut up vocals that and up here that looks like the handle of drawers I draw a handle or something oh look but metal down here that is a ladies corset fastener how cool is that it's just a tiny little piece of brass but it's a really personal little item did you see that Oh another hoof oh it's a clay pipe of the day what this down here oh she's a natural stone yeah might be some kind of gaming piece oh yeah pipe stem and it's got oak leaves on it it probably had an acorn Bowl or something leaf theme that's another tooth look didn't you find that what our toothpaste like that the last time man she's like in the same spot aren't we exactly do you think there's a skull here yeah right down here I can see and a few things actually just there I can see a button but Oh around about wartime those kind of buttons that looks like a queen oh don't think it is oh that's that this is it weena I can't tell the new things that you're muddy but I see a bottle stopper but I can't read because it's too muddy that's out on there no that's not and there's one here just pretty stuck get it out that has words on it too but I can't read it I've got nothing - maybe Workington again that one w c RL so things with words are always cool to find see if there's anything else along here very slippy oh yes there is there's another one there's another stopple dopper gonna have to get my scrapey thing out I think it's pretty crested up in here oh there we go that looks like has something on I can't see our war grade as a war grade volcanic bottle stopper so during the war they'd cut down they scoop out the middle although this doesn't actually look like it hasn't passed the middle scooped out they usually have a big scoop out the middle to save on the rubber during the war because it wasn't imported so that's a cool find oh it's a bit of oh well how much of it is oh that's weird it's like yeah that is really strange look I think math quickie in its its own special little way good it's face buttcheeks sticking up oh I see something down there well mom spotted it first it looks gorgeous oh it's another tiny it's like snap ah cute I found this piece of pottery which is absolute gorgeous it's got little flowers and thistles on it and I just absolutely love it isn't that beautiful I just found this big pipe and for some reason I've decided to take it home it would be a really quirky plaintiff you can put great in the garages [Music] so here are our finds from our latest mud locking adventure sorry about the sunshine it's putting some bits into shade at the minute yeah we've got a really interesting and eclectic mix of stuff that you can't see in the shade so bottles look pretty they do you look beautiful though and oh okay so we'll start with that pottery shall we yeah that's a piece of glass beautiful little blue no glass must be pretty and this that's got like ivy leaves on it which is really beautiful that's sponge well this one's signed yeah yeah I think it's and yeah there's the sponge where's and transferware and the last time we're known through stone where's this stuff but isn't it a pretty green bowl it's like an amber kind of Alliance photo set yeah and I don't know whether these are feet I think that it like it sits nicely yeah yeah isn't it what could have gone that way I'm not sure I think it probably went that way it's like a piece of window and I cry toilet door I think you're a bit of ketched glass that's just only the shadow it makes yeah that's just a random piece of land from a pipe probably that water pipe yeah not good wonderful oh yeah something quite attractive about these melted glass lumps that's second I know of you said it was like an object I think it's a drawn up so badly broken and then we've got the metals so on the theme of handles we've got this handle which is probably off like aid a draw yeah like a bureau drawer or something this I think it's a buckle buckle possibly I'm sure you know let us know below because we before it's funny because one yeah slit is longer than the other and it's got these two holes so not really sure what they are yeah we have found them before that's for turning for winding on an oil lamp the the wick up and down copper nails we've got some copper washers this is a wheel off a lead toy toy like a sink chain one chain that's like a curb chain think this is I think it's a fastener isn't it yeah for khalsa pretty sure that is a process that passed ladies corset fastener and one of these men's fly but cause I don't see because the contrast but meant fly button sucker was the ladies corset passage like wartime first of all kind of era and that says be probably Birmingham on it well that's the metal the metal though this our bag bail seals I think they all have the same could be non bales of cloth yeah Horan bags it was kind of like a seal a guarantee that the battery and the ends have got in there yeah come out the other end it would mean to fold it over on to the the the ties of a bag or bail and this little them I think it's a communion token something like that yeah you can see well I might not be able to see very clearly here but I think there's a Virgin Mary on there and there is text a roll around the edge and which probably Bible verse that's a pretty black button you can just imagine that coming down the front of a black dress Victorians really beautiful can tell the difference between glass and jack because glasses got a cold feel and it's heavier whereas jet is a fossil so it's it has a warmer feel and it's lighter than glass yeah and I think that's part of the back verb collar stud something like that when there's our marbles marbles it would have been from a bottle like this one see the marble in there we now have a bottle like that see clay marbles are very small they've probably worn down away corroded over the years unfortunately we've got these cracked ones probably being in a fire that would have been an amazing big shooter shooter marble yeah these are German marbles Victorian German made marbles and they have these beautiful swirls so not good like absolutely naked but yeah I feel beautiful there are some slate pencils yeah I like collecting slate pencils it's some reason and this is a bone counter of some sort yelling peace yeah it's definitely bone it's like a draft piece that's kind of what it reminds me of or checkers as they call it in America or checkers yeah and this is bone also no we think it's um could be a hatpin it's beautiful isn't it just the tip missing off it it's lovely it's a nice find poor a person's hat pin here and here we have some bottle stoppers the ones we usually find here that's the normal size and here's a really cute little yeah look at this one I think this is probably why the smallest stuff with poppers we found it's tiny it's lovely that's like an average sized one and there's the tiny horn is makes you and then we've got the ground glass stoppers yeah the ground ground to fit into the particular bottle see the bottom tape it bears ground it's probably I'm some sort of apothecary jar or something then we got these Stoppers oh yes most uppers volka night I think this is a kind nice rubber this one's plastic yes plastic yeah that's much different to these it could be cellulose this is an early type of plastic yeah and and that says w CR l know I did this last time I read it W C are limited and this is w Wharton Mary what which is near where we were yeah that's war great great haven't taken much off yeah they happen them just like a millimeter they've taken off there it's not really saving much rubber and that one this one's got working working turn Brewery says John peal on peal wagging tune it's also not very far from where we were searching for these bits and bobs either and empires unfortunately we don't find very many decorative pipes the heart is pretty much as decorative as we get we find lots of we find lots of these by Thomas white you can see TW one there and something nice about them it's still pretty and then some pipe stems see that's been a fancy one yeah see all the way all the fancy ones we find broken up that has an oak leaf on it and that one why can't we find a pipe that's got things on this has got the ball and it would have had a foots kicking it oh yeah it's strange because the last time were there when we found a tooth and then I found this one and it's a bit big to be a badger looks like it's and it certainly not a fox so yeah we think it's probably a dog's tooth then we got the strange stopper here yeah I think it's a stopper bring it into the Terra Cotta very crudely made okay turn it broken but it kind of does look like a giant stopper but it might not be if you know what this is fish or less no felo because we don't really know Instagram recently as well and then we've got our dolls or figurines animal and human body parts we've got two legs but both are broken country lost legs which are broken it's really strange how we found two moved feet legs on this trip and this is a very broken head so found in the mouth basically and praying go he's praying for a new head show you and this which is um bit disturbing isn't it look at it yeah that face is a bit mm-hmm little boy laughs only a mother could love yeah look at it Oh give me nightmares that Facebook yeah and he's kind of lying on his belly he's got like a little like a little jumpsuit on sailor suit or something I suppose he's cute in his own little way yeah um [Music] awesome the front end of the horse and the back end of the horse whose rider headless horseman who has no tail revenge horse I think that's been glued on at some point because that's the remains of yeah looks like it doesn't it but when this bit broke I think you go on but you said it's maybe it was the bad shots to someone once oh yeah put that like a new horse head on there like that and this guy is another one who think it's a man and he looks like he's arm and arm with maybe a lady like a married couple cause he's holding a bouquet I see like an are a hand they're like an arm going up and she's got her yeah and then we'll put him there oh yeah that's complete you can't even tell that from different figurines can you it's that good okay so we have this look at this fine is unfortunately it's broken no so it's we wanted to find one of these ever since we saw Flo finds find one then well actually her daughter actually found it and we'll link Flo finds Instagram down below as well yeah and but yeah we wanted to find on these ever since her daughter found one and it is a panty lukeheli lick and before we had ice cream cones they would sell ice cream just for a penny in one of these a Penny's worth and you the customer would lick it out and hand it back to the man or woman and they would refill it for the next yeah they would literally just like slush it around and some water you know it was a dump yeah white but it spread so much disease dysentery that it was banned they were banned and that's how ice cream cones which could be eaten yeah the wafer yeah waiver cones were invented to take its place yeah so a nice big dollop of Cholera mmm yummy just what you want on a nice hot day yeah guys don't Escarra pretty grim actually and it's a bead PDA one more beat up to a string it's always good when we find a bead and love finding beads and it's quite so much yeah I'm watching ours our B string grow is slowly getting fun it's very colorful mum made Jam we should call it Jam yeah it kind of gave us the idea for making the plant pots for drilling holes in the bottom because it's already had one yeah it cleaned quite well so we'll be planting something that yes okay so our bottles are absolutely beautiful as you can see they took quite a long time to scrub up and unfortunately after cleaning we realized that this one's broken and this one he's broken sadly it's a funny shape I think the ink ones got a crack in it so this is a stone where ink but oh wow it's so hot this is very very hot day it's hard to save the earth might not be ink it could be something else like blacking could be blacking no ink something along those lines anyway like shoe blocking faint print on there I'm always looking out for finger prints on these bottles because you quite often find them on the little inks um and this ink is unusual because it has words on it yes his words on it that has pritch london london and ii and you can see the crack there it's cracked but we brought it because of the writing yeah yeah it's an usual that they have branding on them and that's another little burr slip bottle this one is unusual because it's sort of an elliptical shape yeah but unfortunately nothing best ever this is another burst lip full of bubbles and impurity no I really like the shape of that pot and everything but unfortunately you can see like there a big crack shame bottle this one's a beautiful colors I don't think that's a crack I think this is a crack or is it I think it's just an impurity like an imperfection yeah inside the bottle because it doesn't crack to anywhere yeah might be just a fold in the glass it's a beautiful color that is nice Adam that oh and another one which has her tooled lip on it rather than a burst lip and then another birthday bottle but this was really bubbly it's so wonky look at the wonk on it look at the walk on the neck and it like stands funny it's great plus it's got like a different color going any is I've got green yeah now our last bottle we thought it was a lovely yes it is a nice spot on it's got writing on which made it really interesting yeah and it's called mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup by Curtis and Perkins they were the proprietors this probably dates from the end of the 19th century yeah but I'm looking it up it has a very very yes it does we were very shocked um I'll tell you that story now so it was first commercially produced in America by mrs. Winslow's son-in-law Jeremiah Curtis and his partner Benjamin a Perkins and apparently Charlotte and Winslow had created the syrup when she was a nurse caring for children and the syrup was very widely marketed in America and the UK at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century they had very wide advertising campaigns they even had calendars and all sorts of things so it was very sort of out there and later adverts actually claimed that mrs. Winslow's was a physician which wasn't true now and now the main ingredients for the syrup were morphine alcohol and laudanum and the dosage on the bottle recommended children under one month six to ten drops children three months old a half a teaspoon and children six months and upwards one teaspoon three to four times a day and now it was discovered that one teaspoon full of this syrup had enough morphine in it to kill one child you know one ordinary child average child so so many babies were given the syrup it was meant for so called fussy babies or teething babies babies that didn't sleep you know kept mothers and fathers awake at night and they were given this to calm them down and send them to sleep and I wonder what those and yes I know but Sir babies so many babies this and they went to sleep never to wake up again yes and it got the nickname the baby killer but why on earth people carried on buying it for their children is beyond me it's very hard to yeah it is after the u.s. Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906 mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup was forced to remove the morphine from the syrup and the word soothing from the brand name but despite this and it's horrendous reputation the syrup continued to be sold well into the 1930s which is it's unbelievable yeah but then they blame the the wide advertising campaign and the way the campaign was conducted it showed women with their happy soothed babies on their lap and it yeah will show you some it's all very hot right really horrific pictures obviously the happy the people that made curtis and perkins who made this new of its reputation knew it was killing babies and yet continued well they were making their office he making money because they sold millions of bottles of this millions they must have made a lot of money and considering how deadly the this concoction was it it really there's no official statistics on how many children died taking this but we can pretty much guess that it was a thousands and thousands of children will have died being very sad apparently it was quite common in Victorian times for companies to use a woman's name that's you know especially a missus missing because it gave their products you know validated it more and made using more honest and genuine trustworthy perhaps by using a woman's name yeah just so you see it a lot on things like this yes especially as things to do with children you often get a woman's name on the bottom yeah a really sad story and and to think that the child who was given yeah did they Abhaya hopefully were they killed hopefully they yeah we said we can just hope that's a very tragic and sad story that the child that consumed this survived event no it is yeah really heartbreaking and you know unfortunately history isn't all just fun and games no so yeah and that sad note unfortunately we're gonna go out hunting I get hunting now and it's red-hot it is so the hottest day of the year it's here it's like 26 degrees Celsius apparently but it feels so much hotter than that and tonight we're going to get bad thunderstorms and tomorrow there's flood warnings which is really hard to believe so we have to go out to DES we've got no choice so terrible we have no choice but to go out looking for yeah it's very hot so yeah we'll say goodbye and thank you thank you to all of our patrons as usual thank you to all the new patrons as well all of our subscribers and new subscribers and remember to share this video with your friends and family as well because yeah apparently that helps that really helped the sale so you get notifications videos because we will be bringing out some more midweek videos and we're going to be doing a bit of crafting as well so yeah good time yeah hopefully both hopefully fingers crossed so um we'll see you very soon and [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 52,021
Rating: 4.9566879 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarkig scotland, mudlarking uk, relic hunting, mudlarking, northern mudlarks, history hunting, treasure hunting scotland, northern mudlarking
Id: g8iwyPoV9HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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