Exploring Victorian mines, Treasure hunting and making jewellery from our finds! Part 2.

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[Music] you [Music] hi Roy we're doing that the intro of this bit in the car because it is it's windy and it's breathing the cold out there so we're just about to head out on another spot where we were scratching around the dark which is another story and we accidentally found another bottle dump Oh at least we think we found another bottle and there are other crystals down here but it's the bottles were interested in so and we might how look in the mind as well so [Music] [Music] so I'm just filming down this mine and you can see right to the bottom with this camera my friend came down here me my friend came down here so many years ago so we know that this opens up she says helping me get in it's very money hard extremely extremely slippy imagine working down here I can't imagine it I think this goes right under the road we just drove in on drips from the ceiling Wow all the wood still survived this conditioning seemed um all the way down there but I just wanted to show you guys a quick quickly what it looks like going on on these mines you've put all this down here to shore it up under the road just to make it a little bit more secure you can get down any further oh it's an old tin oh it's shundi that's quite an old Shandy okay I think I'm this is as far I'm gonna go because you can see there's being a rock fall here and the water is very deep the further down you go so that's what it looks like down a lode mine there are many and many of them that probably go for miles and miles and miles throughout this landscape but it's so interesting it's very creepy it's actually Halloween is actually Hallows Eve today so it's like strange clay kind of smells really metallic under here as well well mum's waiting for me down here so I'm gonna get a move on it's beautifully lined the entrance stone it's like little shelves I suppose me for lights something right well I should have got Riley's on but my feet are absolutely filthy anyway so I hope you enjoyed looking down he old fine in the north of England because I got pretty money for it thank you it's so windy out here I'd rather be out here than down there I hope you enjoyed that little venture so we came here a few days ago looking for crystals we haven't made that video yet but we accent it was actually at night you came down at night we were looking for crystals in the dark which is a completely different video to this one but while we were here we accidentally discovered oh yeah yeah guess guess guess what we accidentally stumbled upon yeah it's a rubbish dump looks like it was Victorian I found a bit of an old pocket watch and I found an old beer bottle so if we've come back in the daylight haha look it was dark discover a few bits and bobs lying around see their basement old metal here not sure what that is won't have any idea where that could be okay well I can see it's so much better now in the daylight there is actually loads of rubbish here far more than I thought [Music] I'm a glass looks like it's all melted yeah they're definitely signs those dumped here some creatures been taking down yellow a minute oh my god that's a heel of a tiny I wasn't that cute I think you can see where the nails the Sten nails were in the bottom child's shoe child's shoe oh what's it say oh it's probably the bottom of a marmalade yeah that's my guess whose loads of marmalade you know jaws all over the place oh yeah Oh something on it look at that later some brass look how much stuff there is broken stuff though I'm guessing that said brewery maybe glass is gone purple sadly pretty much all of it is broken like stoneware pot that would have been wonder if you were to dig in here there'd be anything surviving what's that sticking out there oh it's broken oh I think that's the top of an oil lamp yeah the glass of Illinois oil lamp oh sorry oops I in here can't tell what that is it is so cold everyone cabochon oh oh that's so cute oh that's sweet we can make some jewelry with that we can make and the end of high end of a pipe another marmalade jar I think that's what they are it's obviously means Steph jumped on top of this rubbish because look all these stones all this rock has been dumped on top of the bottles that's a shame Oh limpet shell may be collected from the seaside oh look Yorkshire radish we found this before Yorkshire yeah yeah it does look like it's part of a clock I see something here is it um no oh oh wow it's got this all on it little glass it's got a Scottish thistle on it look like that yeah I'm trying not to fall down they're not sure how well I'm doing to be honest type in I can't get up there I'm sliding down this hill I've got to it I'm gonna have to turn the camera off while I stop myself from falling into a I don't know mine down at the bottom here there's have fallen down all pretty much all broken oh that would have been a very big bubble jaw marmalade of course this marmalade Cod bottle their manes oh god bottle extremely lucky if there was anything if I found anything undamaged down here Wow will this be hole no the remains of some kind of huge barrel thing here you can see on this rubbish spread over there I think powder let's go yeah after the mine has closed and use the old slag heaps just two more little barrel the old slag heaps is dump their rubbish over onto some kind of rope here but I do not think it is yeah I am rope I know look for it crystal just next to it Oh remains your own bucket yeah there's some something I am here who knows not some crystals in the crystal sandwich oh yeah top of a perfume bottle I think it's very old rubbish actually it's probably a milk of magnesia bottle my nose is running like mad because it is so cold up here perhaps if we started digging it could be Oh I've I spotted actually I have spotted something Oh dad I think yeah it's LED you can tell it's LED because you can bend it just a new fingers really easily then wire ah the mini little paste part I love the little ones look I found a little mini paste part oh sorry I just spotted here yeah the remains of a button put it on a paste jar oh I reckon if you dug in here you'd fine Oh actually there's a perfume bottle but this one oh no it's chipped yeah that's a little perfume bottle vintage yeah seems like a bit of a mix doesn't it remains of a poison bottle here I can tell cuz of the ridges not to be taken yeah better leave it it's not it's not to be taken guys oh it's a good bottle of HP sauce actually down in this muddy pit here afraid of mud keV yeah Heinz means ketchup wooden caster maybe offer bed or something I've got an old Victorian bed I sleep in every night and it has casters like this in the bottom so that's how I know beautiful quartz crystals [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone so I hope you enjoyed I'm the little video of mum making this beautiful miners daughter's necklace and we think it's a paste stone just a glass paste own well we know it's a glass paste stone it's probably out some kind of costume jewelry maybe an earring or a brooch or something like that who knows but now it is a necklace and this was going to be in the shop but I loved it far too much it's very special so yeah that's mine oh yeah I'm keeping that it's very special and mum made it too which which really makes things extra special and some of the other things that we've brought back with us not sure where to start but I'll start with what I found last time in the dark so this is a pocket one watch just quite a cheap base metal pocket watch I'm not sure what the metal is because everything no matter what the metal has got a strange green patina yeah it has no markings on it sadly not that we can see some initials would have been absolutely amazing but I've looked I've searched and I can't say anything on there sadly and this is bit off shoe which is I think it's amazing she was such personal items I mean a little child I imagine would have been walking around in this and maybe perhaps even working down those mines while wearing this little shoe and I thought at first the dump was Victorian but judging by the finds I'm pretty sure it's from the 1920s circa nineteen twenties and because a lot of these things are not Victorian them quite a bit later some of the objects we've got I think this is a part and old gun cartridge you can see numbers and things on there Amina she doesn't really my kind of thing nails of course there's lots and lots of nails around mum collected a few bits of marmalade jar bottoms and this Hartley's marmalade or jams different jams different marmalades are still going today they still make marmalade and jams and such lots of little iron hoops maybe of harnesses or belts and mums very happy with this with a doll's head what else this is very beautiful I have no idea what I'm gonna do with it but I love the iridescent metallic I don't know quality although it's beautiful my little paste jar which I always love paste Charles of course I have got the quite a collection of these I random a few bits of things that says trade I think that probably said London a caster this could have been off a bed off off anything really anything with wheels a chair crystal and then we've got some mystery items Oh clay pipes it was always clay pipes where the miners where the miners are this is another part of a watch but this looks like the remains of a wristwatch and it was whole but it has compart and it's Chrome you can see the remains of the chrome on there still shining through and yes mistery objects this is probably part of a brooch actually a brooch or a tie pin or something similar not very old and this would be in the front of a shoe a button and then we've got some mystery metal objects which I'll put over here and there's a few that there's one in particular that is really sort of stub mum and it's this she says she thinks she should know what it is well she recognizes it from something but do you I have no idea do you I think it's brass yeah I think it's brass and I have no idea but if you if you do know or you have any idea please do let us know because mum would love to know what that is this is some kind of trim off something I don't know furniture who knows it's metal I think it's brass again random chunk of metal they're not sure what kind of metal it is this um we're not sure but our best our best guess is that it's off a clock or something something similar oh and you saw in the video and when I was editing it I was looking at the footage and I saw this I saw myself just walk straight over the top of this whatever it is and and mum showed it to me later on in the video and was like oh look what I found so I'm so glad she did find it because if I'd seen that footage and just completely left it behind I would have been really gutted but again we have no idea what this was or is could it be of some but a buckle clothing it's open at either end so yeah no idea what that is so if you could help identify that and some of the other metal objects that's a bit of pipe and some of the other metal objects that would be so helpful for us [Music] hello so part two of our expedition to the north pan is turned out to be extremely cold so we're very happy to be at home next to the fire with a nice cup of tea and we just wanted to thank all of our subscribers for helping us reach the four thousand mark which is absolutely mind-blowing we are so happy and I don't believe it yeah we can't believe it it's amazing so thank you so much and if you like this video and remember to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and that kind of thing oh yes yes on our shop our northern Medlock shop that we opened on Etsy last week we've put a few more things in there but it there's still lots to be put in there but anyway the links in the description so if you want to check out our shop it's right down below so thank you again and we'll leave you with a little teasers yeah next week so dad barking video down here we have just chillin by the fire while actually warming up by the fire drying out is a find from our next video which is a mud Larkin video which will be net for next week so remember to hit the bell the notification bell so you notified for that video cuz it's going to be really interesting one I think so anyway that's a yeah thank you and good bye bye [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 67,480
Rating: 4.9502487 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mines, victorian mines, Crystal hunting, Bottle digging, mudlarking, alston, north pennines, bottle dump, relics
Id: ZH5I4Eh5xCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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