Amazing geodes found here in the UK

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afternoon morning good day one of my favorite locations today collecting some geodes this is one of the first videos i released i thought i'd come back here do a new one get an up-to-date video last just down on the beach now and looking for some really nice geos it's not the greatest tide see if we can get that in there quite a high tide today but that's fine i've got an hour before low tide so that's an hour low tide an hour and slack water and then it will start coming in but it's going to come in quick today so i reckon they're on the beach billions billions of rocks on it you're trying to process all in one go let's see what we can find across now just going off the amethyst beds as you can see this is how they perform in the dolomitic conglomerate here just coming on pinky quartz protected sight so we don't hammer into the into the bedrock to be honest there's no need you find some really nice little bits of quartz see some more bits just waiting to burst out these are all geodes little pinky quartz waiting to pop out and they will give them enough time they wash out it is about time and just waiting for this terrible weather you see it's just more mud [Music] probably a couple of swirls and lies in there tell by the shape of it it's really nice shape [Music] another one it's cracked open a little bit you see he's got abandon and then some quartz a little bit of pinky amethyst on the side there ah see it amazes me you find them like that cracked open what happened to the other bit and how nice was it this is okay but it's been a bit i stopped by the beach so we'll leave it here same again i have a little one really nice points for splashed up by the beach don't forget when you've only got an hour on the beach make sure you're checking your watch if you think you've been here 10 minutes and you've actually been here 45 and you're about 15 minutes before the tide starts coming in lagging off the beach it's not fun been there done it i know some other people should have done it and uh yeah it's pretty scary seriously dangerous and those beautiful rocks are pinky purple amethyst beach one they're not worth dying for getting mildly injured falling over a few times that's okay but that's about it oh look at this one down there there he is in the sun where's the sun come on son there he is pink amethyst pinky quartz just popped out it's only got one decent point come on focus yeah only one decent point so leave them there right next to it one that's already cracked open again a little bit of pink banding in there focus just in there for the reds we'll leave them this one's gonna be a bit wet so i'm gonna switch you off for a moment while i go across this because the bed's pretty much disappeared now i think i might have found the smallest potato geode today there's some tight con sure that one there not quite the right shape but i'm pretty certain that's a nice little geode feels like a cutter we'll cut him open see what we can find later on i think it's gonna have some nice little banded in there pinky purple color that's why i like finding down there as well it always finds teeth forced bison teeth you see anything look is that one no that's not another small little bed see what we can find there's a little one you never want to get distracted by the little ones because if you're seeing the little ones you're missing the big ones we'll take this little one because we're not finding much i want to slice it so you guys can see what's inside of it feels like a solid one once again going by the weight of it don't need to shake that one it feels nice and solid see the quartz just on there poking out it's nice little pointy ones i feel like we're gonna find a good one in the moment usually when it's like this and go a while not find anything and then find a really nice one sometimes that's all you need one really good one and then you're good to go trust me i've been here many times and not very much i think it took me five visits with finding nothing until we got my eye and started learning the shapes the colors all the different things you can find possibly i'm looking for what i'd really like to find is a nice size amethyst one about the size of a small apple sort of fisty size nice great coating on it all over again either a smooth one or a one that's got a nice flat side so i don't mind on the external shape there's a pinky one that's been bust open and smashed around a bit ones i haven't seen for a long time although i think that other smaller one hexagonal shape one i got it's what i call beach truffles and they got these like really sort of gnarly black color to them and they're quite bumpy bit of a hexagonal shape almost sort of source uh hexagonal type shape and uh they have the most beautiful pinks and purple colors a really nice band in a really nice little what you call like i against the eyes in them but those ones are like handsy we really do only find the odd one i think i've lost count how many times i've nearly fallen over now are we into double digits that's not very well formed you can see the dolomites in the middle of it which [Applause] leave him to wash out saves me breaking order rock off another one that's formed not very well though yeah i definitely think we need more storms down there there's a lot of material that's just on the cusp of freaking out we know when there's been a lot of storms because there's a lot of broken pieces around and we're not finding many broken pieces i think two nice quarts we've broken pieces so far that's it might be one inevitable [Music] uh he's already broken over open a bit of a smoky course that one could have been might be we're slicing when we get back let's see if you've got some nice swirls you might have some half decent banding maybe a bit of an eye in there glad we found another piece was struggling today [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we've been walking around for about another 10 minutes that's all the area i've come from there's not much space showing just come down here and just push it around in the water this one now normally is here scatter water mine is a nice shape i got a feeling that one might be a rattler too it's quite light [Music] so we'll tap that one open with a hammer when we get back pretty fresh out still got a bit of a natural stone left on him hasn't rattled around too much and got cleaned up but glad finally found a decent one which is and nice walk around the corner and find this one this is really nice pinks and yellows ah you must be able to spot that one that's what it's all about that shape right there it's beautiful just sitting up in the air rattle reasonably light might have a hollow in there we won't hit this one we'll slice this one and see what it looks like inside but that's the shape they're the really nice ones that's what we're after so i'm happy now really happy there might be another big one up here let's have a look seeing it from a distance oh yes look at that he's solid completely solid unless he's full of water we'll go clean out quickly ah super happy now i can leave the beach a very very happy man i say that's all it takes one decent piece that's all it takes sometimes there's one really nice one and i bet that's gonna be a beauty on the inside oh let's get down here getting all excited everything's turned into pretty stones now seeing geode which aren't even there so we'll wash this one up calm down a little bit try not to get soaking wet see to most people it looks just like a rock but you can just just make out oh that was a big wave these flat surfaces that's the tail towel sign it's not much of a giveaway especially on a big piece like that you can go in the bag stacking up nice and tight caramel i'm so happy all right we'll keep moving on back down here a little bit those gray ones stand out really nice once you get your eye in on them just trust me there's a lot of green rocks as you've probably seen and it's just teaching your brain to process that shape just looking for that tiny bit of one-sidedness really nice smoky quartz in there that's what i'm hoping my big one's going to be like should we take this one i suppose we could polish that up one side can anyone spot what i've just seen in the background come down here yes look at that that's sitting there just like that but you can just see just a little bit smooth on a few sides and that is the solid geode hopefully some really nice banding again they're all pinks around here mainly pinks yellows get some purples as well some really nice purples i just spotted one that's already cracked open as well just here how far are we from that's not too far that's okay so we're just gonna come down here make sure he's on camera because he's a beauty now when you've had a few days of storms you get these ones cracked open everywhere now i'll get my bubble wrap out and i'll wrap him up put them in my pocket that's a lovely little piece really happy with that and i think there's another one just in there so i'll dig him out because he's not in bedrock he's just in stinky mud and they will overlook yeah that's another one there oh yeah i just sucked him out a little bit let's pull him all the way yeah it's another nice nice pizza now i can always get confused whether these geodes or just a gates so if i'm getting my terminology wrong and you don't like it that's fine correct me i don't mind i'm still learning lots and i suspect a lot of people watching this and learning lots so you won't just be educating me be educating other people there we are there we are nice shape to it flat sides again oh it's going to be a wet one oh yep there's a big wave looking back this is a really good little area wow you see it nearly missed that one look at that that's another one ah they're rolling out left and right over here this is amazing happy so so happy all that first bit falling over constantly and now they're just everywhere this is great you can see the grey one just down there and that isn't one you can tell it's a bit smoother not just generally the color of it because the rest have been quite great but it's just that shape i'd say once you get your iron on them it's amazing how much they do stand out from the rest well i wanted one really good one i think i found three or four really nice ones now super chuffed super now bizarrely this rock here my favorite rock on this beach because you usually find some really nice ones around it in fact we found some big ones just to the left here some really nice shaped big ones i'll be happy if we get to that rock today and don't find anything around it because they've just shifted up the beach you might think i'm talking crazy but it's true okay sometimes you get long ones like that so i thought i'd pick that one up see what it looks like so you get the doubles which are almost formed together so two stuck end on end it's really nice all the elongated shapes are [Applause] i love these little random rocks you'll find fantastic can you see there's one there on there potentially another one just there there's a broken pink bit let's see if we can get him in there zoom in on him oh there he is there's always stuff around this rock there's a little one there not too bad there's another one just behind it so this is a decent sized bed just here we're going to finish off on this one today up the emergency steps or i could walk back no point taking a risk well we're on them today look at that it might even be hollow that's a biggie as well that's nice there's another one there we are this is a really nice shape one you can see all these flat faces they've got some holes in them i think it's just a really nice little smoky quartz in there i think so that's gonna be pretty cool so another one yeah it's not too good i'll leave that one there's a smoky quartz anyone turn the camera around just under there i zoom in and it's that one there he's broken so i'm not gonna fetch him out but that one's a smoky quartz if you wanted to take him out you could cut him and polish him make a really nice little pendant gemstone just a piece for the shelf another little one down there we'll be showing you nothing too exciting there we are found more than i anticipated really nice and just as the last one let's come across this one here no it's broken no we'll leave them the solid that's why we can leave that clutch down you see this one good here there we are i think we're done for today so i'm going to pack up the last 20 30 yards of the beach just to uh see what's there walk up to the steps and we're out and then we'll see you back at home i can start cracking some open and showing you what they look like there we are just cracked in it's gone into three bits but let's have a look oop one two three oh really nice i'll keep this like this and then what i'll do is i'll grind around the edges just to smooth them out a little bit so that's some really nice little pinky quartz almost a bit smoky at the top there this one's a really nice one happy with that this one next put this one through the [Music] saw [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: UK Gem Hunters
Views: 2,992
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Id: 92tP47tSlas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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