Gem hunting in Scotland for rare crystals! We find beautiful gems scattered on the beach!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone so for this video I'm having to do a bit of a voice-over in places because the wind noise was just absolutely terrible sadly but we've just arrived and we're walking over to Ruby Bay right now we're hoping to find some beautiful gorgeous blood-red pie rope garnets they're just little but they're really really pretty and I really hope you enjoy the rest of this video [Music] [Music] so we've spent about an hour or so there's mom down there such forgot it an hour or so looking up and down this coastline I'm looking in the rock and looking in the sand see if we can find anything but it's a really really beautiful stretch of coastline beautiful beaches so it's just been nice kind of walking around and hopping on the rock but down here and on this Black Rock is where all the garnets are coming from and this is igneous rock or volcanic rock and the garnets are smashed up here by the action of the steel just eroded out over time and they end up in the sand and in the gravels below our feet so you can pick them out of the rock but mom and I I think we just prefer lying on the beach and looking in this is what I found so far haven't been looking for very long been looking down here for about 15 minutes I'm just kind of got into the swing of things so they're really gorgeous a blood-red color really nice on the dark stone but what I'm doing is just taking my hand and just stroking the surface and eventually one of the little garnets will appear I just pick it up with my fingers anyway we're gonna keep looking and I'll show you a garnet can sit you when I find one this little dill sheltered Bay is actually really beautiful too it's a really lovely rocky coastline and up there is a little folly just over the bay there is also you can't see by train planning further up the beach and wasn't very successful you can just spot I mean by just so looking at the surface probably good can't see on the camera very well anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna continue hunting when I find it it was very difficult to sort of look and hold the camera the same time you found a good one quite well on camera wow that's so cool well that glows that's what we're after so I already made cabochon yep I'll go very nicely in a ring but that's because that's the biggest yeah and he goes well we've just paused to have our lunch and it's really beautiful it's turned out to be a gorgeous day it's really these are the all garnets that I found so far really gorgeous ruby red absolutely amazing we couldn't find me for so long and we started to get up give up hope but yeah I think we've got I've got a big glass in there wait are these yours yeah little tiny shots of green glass honest it's not worn by the sea so we're not sure whether there's some kind of green probably not that probably just be a bottle chips or something that we pick them up anyway yes that's what we've got plenty to UM to make some jewelry out of we're gonna finish our [Music] [Music] just found this huge one here I say huge it's still very small but it's reading that's so cool all right well it's the end of the day and I've tried some panning but nothing really worked out but by I we have found quite a lot I think we think we met some people down here um that told us that those little yellow bits and bobs in there could be zircon no the yellow are gone it the yellow garnets the green so we'll do a better round up and when we get back home and let you know let you know what we've got how much we got oh what a great day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you hello so we're back at home and here are our treasures these ones here other ones mom found and these are mine and you can see that we pretty much got the same amount I think pretty much exactly after I counted them so they look really beautiful in the sunlight and I'll pull up some better pictures of them and some better close-ups because my lens on my camera doesn't get all that close up to them [Music] [Music] so I just wanted to show you really quick baby beautiful ring but my mum made it such a sweet little dainty ring I'll show some better pictures of it close up so you can see in better detail but she's just used the rough stone and it looks really beautiful especially in the Sun anyway thank you for watching and I really really hope you like this video and please remember to Like and subscribe down below and comment because we love reading your comments and really do know thank you again and bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 874,354
Rating: 4.8897581 out of 5
Keywords: beachcombing, Crystalhunting, treasurehunting, gemhunting, rubybay, rockhounding, crystalhuntinguk, garnets, scottish mudlarking, treasure hunting scotland, scotland, fife, mudlark, mudlarking, ASMR
Id: m4KgyiTnwSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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