A bridge across the centuries! Mudlarking the River Forth and making jewellery from our finds!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we come over to the other side of the Ring so we went over that yeah so we we're in North Korea now who are in South Beach we come over the new road bridge and yeah so here we all go have a look I've been here before so see you on the first night I say first fine but this this finds all of a sudden look up a lovely little bit of lavender year for our first thing lavender seems to be the color of the day yes does this beautiful color it is well actually you can see you can see loads of glass and enchants of pottery down here a red one there's a red pink though it doesn't seem as awarness the the other side of the coast which is interesting Oh easy pieces of quartz nice oh yeah it looks like a piece of a pipe ball something written on it but it's hard to say isn't it yeah bit small very tiny I'm seeing lots of pottery and lots of glass there's a bit of lovely bit of blue and white there and I think I've just thought of another little bit of clay pipe here yes oh my god oh I'll go with my leg collection oh that is so cool I love that stupid I love it mom's got some blue but oh my god I love my leg take my leg out find it my little I think that's my phone of the day so far ah don't look dropping the quite long bit of clay pipe well I say long but long for our standards so so far so good on this a little mini beach the tide actually pretty much come in so didn't expect to find anything cool no that's nice pretty yeah I see red look is that glass plastic almost feels like plastic so like to be glass and I thought that was clay pipe but it's just like wire wire sadly did you spot it down here a quite an old little bottle and it's actually still got the cork in so this must have been washed up here and smashed up quite recently which makes me think out there in the mud could be some whole bottles would that be cool if we found some whole bottles there's actually no it's a basic lottery yeah that's a tooth a cow's tooth where all the big ones those roots still attached to it yeah and you can see there's a bit of look like it was probably a bit of a con bottle and it's got something written on it registered British plate something oh is that alive no well that was like a jellyfish or something that's like they kick up a bottle that would have been a really nice old ink jar or something oh I'm really excited to find some whole bottles I'd be so happy to find some whole bottles that's so cool mama is over there she hasn't got a wellies on and it's very muddy so I hope her boots aren't gonna get to ruined I'm just I really want to go and find some coal bottles come on bottles where you be at so many tantalizing glimpses of them I think this probably mean a dump around here or back in the Victorian times they dumped their rubbish here with a clay pipe because it's very household EU rubbish she kind of stuff lying around you never know what you're gonna find it's so fun oh look a bead I love beads I love me so much I love finding beads look how tiny look I found a bead look it's tiny lovely there's no little holes in the bag it was not gonna fall out of their blue pottery and blue gloves look and down here there's actually quite a few bits of see worn clay pipe as well Oh flee treasures Oh mom just mom was just oh is it German oh my I think it's such Oh I think it's hot Oh oh no it's half of one oh but it's beautiful the same it's pretty all the same that'll be a Victorian German marble oh oh wait look down here oh look another bead oh how lucky how lucky are iving today I've got two beans and a leg the bottom of a bottle oh look at the yellow bead it's so pretty that looks really old as well no it's really crudely made you put that in the bag oh this is just great I have been really lucky today two beads and a leg I mean come on what more can a girl Wow oh that's really pretty this hole and it's not very sea water so it must have been washed out somewhere quite recently unless it's modern oh come on let's go get her space this is a this a good spot we found a good little spot here oh look it's broken but I bet that was the cutest little perfume bottle look look it's tiny I don't mean the sweetest little bottle oh I would have loved that oh look there's the top of her oh oh it's got another beat oh no don't say it's another bead third B don't want oh my god Alec oh my god must have been a dump around here yeah top for John to ginger beer bottle I reckon if you went out into the mud there'd be some whole bottles as well oh this is so good down here I think it's just a bit of copper pipes but I'll keep it because I do use copper in my work there are lots of big broken bits of glass pottery and everything so where was it around here they were dumping their wish Oh an old one oh yeah that is fairly old that so this this hope that there is them there are there some whole bottles around here which would be amazing look at all this ancient wood maybe not ancient foot look at the size of it wow what is that could be a floating jetty ah look at that that's a volcanic bottle stuffer and our liqu wipe that on my it's war grade can you see it written on their wall grade so you've probably heard me say this before but back in their forties during the war time they they were trying to save on the vulcanized rubber and so they scooped out a bit in the middle they hollowed out the middle to save on the rubber because obviously we weren't importing very much during the war so we had to scrimp and save so came these war grade Stoppers that's cool oh I think I found my first whole thing oh please behold oh it is it's just a little peace jar you humble little paste yeah but at least it's whole eh first whole thing look I found something that's not broken ah there's a little button feels like weird or bone or something right down in the mud [Music] things might be a bit of a bad idea going over to this little girlie I can see things in there that could be quite interesting if I made it I made it shoe but you do get lots of leather shoes around here but I notice a little bit further down stream of shoes Shubin looks like I found the base of something yeah looks like the base of a big bars or something oh that was quite that's fine around you okay so I'm not gonna go any further out into this mud I'm not gonna risk it and it's not like I can see any bottles or anything out there either so I'm gonna retrace my steps because the last thing I want is to get stuck going back okay you can see where I've made it back through that mud and I went back a different route and I was absolutely terrified right there but I'd get stuck I'm so frightened but it's okay I made it a bit muddy but I made it who wouldn't be a day out without a bit of marmalade ja oh there bottle here traps just a bit strapped lot I've just seen something really cool down there it's a bit of clay pipe and it's just a tiny shard of clay pipe but look it has something on it ah NS cutty hi maybe pipe cutty oh that's cool see we marry people we might be able to look this up it up I like that that's a good find just seen something a little yellow thing under this rock imagine if it was a bead oh my god it is it's our fourth bead of the day it's a little yellow bead Oh a fourth beat of the day really I'm so happy your little tiny glass bowls could make me so happy it's so pretty I love it I found another little volcanic bottle stopper just down here I was Oh house run going on with this bit of China with something I think it might be an old s Oh plate I'm not so if you just stop in one place and have a really good look things kind of just jump out at you it's really odd see there's a base of a very old a very old wine bottle there I can see that's the neck of a Victorian bottle as well see they're really crude and handmade Wow so I found a quite a large Oh quite a large piece of glass and this which looks like it has marble laid on spoons and loads of other broken bits love's actually and then there's this huge stoneware jar wouldn't rise anything on it oh I know what this is you can see how it's flat on the bottom it is a piece of water bottle a foot warmer a Victorian Edwardian version of a hot water bottle basically a stoneware jar they're all smashed out and another bit of clay pipe which has something on it so we can also look that piece up that's so cool I've just been finding broken broken bitter flask lair broken broken but I see something over here in the mud precarious and it looks like it's brass or copper or something oh that's odd it's definitely copper well actually couldn't be brass that's interesting that could be something I think I'll keep a hold of that a doorknob probably my best guess just made it over here because I thought this might be a full marmalade jar or something and it's just a modern IKEA up so I risked sinking in the murder for an Ikea couple I think I'll just leave thank you but no thank you I see something there ah if that is a bead oh if that's a bead or a marble having oh wow tomorrow Oh that would have been very nice hole looks like has something in coal and I can't see what's on there it's too much crude look someone maybe and it's getting quite cold and the sun's gone in so and we need to go before rush hours rush hour yeah I've got to get all the way back home so we'll see you back at home at the roundup and we'll see some of mom's stuff that she found down there too [Music] okay so here are all of our finds from North Queens and we have a quite an interesting bunch of things I found this in the mud urn we have no idea what it is do we at first you thought it was a door knob until weekly yeah and there we go that's holes in it yeah it looks like a showerhead but all the hot roll the bottom is tiny so it's not like likely to be off a watering can or a shower is it it looks like water must have come out of it but it looks like brass anyway you can see their brass color if anyone knows what that might yeah you have any idea what that is because we don't um a little paste jar the only whole bottle I found mum found a bit pipe bowl with a little bit of patterning on it and she also found some bits of ginger beer bottle yes some Gilbert ray especially special brewed ginger beer would have been and he was from dumb firm Berlin and he was an aerated water manufacturer between 1869 the company ran to 1948 so there's some interesting information on just half of a junior be a bottle if there's another bit of ginger beer bottle from someone else but we couldn't see the name yeah we don't know what the name is on that one but it's definitely a bitter ginger beer bottle because it says on ginger beer barebone random bits of glass on the thing is about the glass on this side of the river it's hardly Wong yeah it is barely worn like it's it's quite recently been bro it's all glass but it's recently been broken so it must have washed up from or out of there dumped or something um I I got a marble and mum got marble and I love marbles I love this little blue marble that I found so I got half a marble where's that oh yeah mum got like a half a while barely half a marble it's like a little candy cane um Gerben bauble so we've got three lovely little marbles and then so my favorite favorite binds those little tiny beads and most of them are quite similar but this little yellow one here actually looks really old got quite a big hole in there and it says it's obviously being handmade so they're really cute I absolutely love them I love beads we could out we're thinking about if we get enough beads we're gonna string them together in a necklace and make some sort of jewelry yeah Wow oh my yeah my favorite vine oh yeah this little leg we love it love bits of dolls parts and things I also found half a dollar yeah mum found half one witch and it looks slightly thicker than mine mine's got a little nine on it as well I'm so sadly yours is missing the foot yeah at least we've got one whole one anyway what else Oh marmalade of course there Marmite jar random it's pottery a kiln stilt misery object didn't you say it was could be of her I could be some swing over great I've had or something not sure if you if you know what that is let us know I have no idea what that could be and lastly our pipe pieces oh oh cows tooth and some pottery and things and yeah our clay pipes now a few one of them that I found here I'll zoom in some of them you we can't make out what's written on like this one it says W Richmond did you find out something about W Richmond yes he was actually William Richmond clay tobacco pipe manufacturer in Dunfermline and it says don Fuhrman on the other side oh that what that their company ran from 1858 right through to the 1940s and William Richmond actually produced Cutty pipes and got no let short pipes I found that little bit which corresponds with that as well and the cutty pipes were made for workmen usually because they were much shorter and easier to smoke while they were working I suppose but William Richmond actually produced some coffee pipes especially for the brigands working on the fourth rail bridge so that's amazing I think Mike's could be from the pipes made for the bridges yeah the actual men who built the Forth Bridge scene as we found the pipes underneath under the bridge yeah they could have actually been smoked by the while they were building the bridge isn't that amazing it was a little between 1883 and 1890 so that's sort of yeah that kind of bones yeah so that is amazing piece of history and I it's always interesting when you find a bit pipe with something written on it because um there's always a story there's a manufacturer there and manufacturers story and we found an amazing information about the bridge itself yes and the bridges who worked on it and I think there were over 70 men killed whilst building the bridge that's tragic yeah and I think a lot of the more Irish there were a lot of Irish and there was also German and Italians so people came from all over Europe yeah to come and build a bridge Wow very interesting story oh I found a little stop Oh papa this is like a little square one it has them done fair line on it oh you say done furlan done Furlan unfurling and it's grown Woodrow but wasn't s on it we haven't looked this up but I think it's probably out of a ginger beer bottle similar to that so yeah that's it that concludes all of our finds it's quite a lot richer yeah we got loads oh wait yeah this I explained this down the foreshore but his house as war grade written on there a war grade bottle stopper or stubble popper we say and that's about it really a really lovely piece of I know it's lovely it looks like it's been melted yeah bonfire girl lovely well okay anyway we're gonna say thank you to everyone and and goodbye boys thank you watching watching thank you to our patrons and everyone who watches and everyone who's come on drives and comments we really appreciate it we couldn't do it without you and we can't wait to take you on our next adventure annex adventure which we're going to the beach aren't we yes so anyway goodbye [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well here's mom's amazing necklace look at that absolutely beautiful and lovely and shiny after a Polish as well she has handmade this chain soldered it together and she also put a little a little tiny nm tag on there as well which is really cute so this could have been one of the pieces of pipe that one of the bridges that built the bridge was smoking a/c was hammering in the rivets who knows it's nice to think so though anyway but these cutting pipes were made for the breakers so could be could be probable anyway thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time goodbye okay and here are all of our finds from South Queensferry okay so here all of our finds from South Queensferry North Queen okay okay all right I will do it again okay okay so here okay so here are all of our finds from North Queensland
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 40,550
Rating: 4.9693794 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking uk, mudlarking scotland, firth of forth, forth bridges, jewellery making, clay pipes, scotland, scottish history, briggers, treasure hunting, beachcombing, beachcombing uk, mudlarking edinburgh, northern mudlarking, thefinders, history, archaeology, sea glass, scottish mudlarking, treasure hunting scotland
Id: C9adOQY0-L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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