Agate hunting England. We find beautiful agate gemstones scattred on the river!

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[Music] [Music] so we're in the beautiful village of holy Stoney which is passing but my ancestor Joseph Oliver lived and worked here in this mill which is now a house is being converted into a house and he worked here for over 50 years he lived to a ripe old age Joseph Oliver back in the 19th century circles come here [Music] [Applause] so we've come to another River because the other rivers we were at the other River we were at I had too many people on them and then social distancing so it was very crowded so we've decided to come somewhere a little bit more out of the way yes come into Northumberland over the border to the river Kok at and it's as you can see very beautiful here and it is getting rather late because we've been driving around but age is trying to find a way so I'm tired already we haven't even been looking see on the first fine fingers crossed okay so I just got down and I saw this here that's kind of a a bit of a waxy texture [Music] look at that oh it's like clear and then it's got like that's beautiful red bones in it happy flat I know they I get from the chariots here it's red and orange pinks reds oranges yeah that green stuff so you mum kind of green rock yeah but look no I just noticed on the edge of this green rock they're tiny tiny little as I could agate look it it's so tiny can't see on the cameras got the miniscule little bands in it and there's another greenish kind of stone like this kind of Jasper's I don't think is Jasper doesn't seem hardener I'll take some see what so far so good I don't really affirm five minutes so mums got a beautiful tiny piece of agate here and I'm not sure if you can see properly can't see I'm probably gonna have to take some close-up photos at the end of this there are a tiny little really close together bands in that time because it's a sort of a honey color I wasn't expecting I know it's really it's it's a beautiful color don't know if you can see the light through it where's the Sun Suns gone the sun's gone is translucent here I have to I have to whip out my macro lens mm-hmm oh I think I found quite interesting bit raisin video this one that's got some interested child singing oh I said Michel Sydney I don't hope yeah that's really interesting it's like okay ik I just found this oh yes I think that has em it's got what's on top and then layers like pink agate I'm gonna see it there around the edge yeah oh wait I suppose a tiny piece over here but it looks really freaking tiny the tiniest piece Oh be nice to make a ring with pinky pinky kind of toned agate there are loads of tiny little piece that looks like carnelian this is actually more of them cut in little tiny pieces [Music] might be interested here that's huge look at the color of it and that's not even wet and that is amazing Wow go and put it in the water oh wow the colors on that that is amazing you even see the color fat on the camera go wow look at the colors look at the patterns oh my gosh look at the deep red oh maybe we can cut that one in half yeah see what it's like inside oh there's a golf ball wow that's beautiful when pick up this golf ball though oh I was rewarded by the river thinking it was golf ball what did you find that is deep deep red I don't know has bands in it I can't look at it close up when they come through the camera lens that's gonna look really really beautiful cleaned up as well desi the river rewarded me for picking up this golf ball in the middle of a rock oh that's an agate nodule it's a little clear agate nodule in that it's like limestone this might not be limestone is it I'm stone I don't know it's a little nodule how cute sir oh my finding not bad pieces I didn't expect we'd find anything it's really cool I did do some research it's better pottery not going to be able to resist and look no it's that uh how beautiful is that it's a deep orange almost red there's no way you can see this it's tiny see the Sun it it's got little bands in it and it's a beautiful like pink color Wow [Music] this agate tiny bit of a littler is step rock melted and there by the looks and and then is this piece of white stone and it's obviously not chalk it's very hard it's like shirt like a white white shirt and in this rock here I see a get in there - laughs you can see veins of stuff going on in that rock as well wonder what that would look like if it was cut open oh that's a nice piece look at that oh yeah it's got a bit of algae on it from the river that's gorgeous that's the color of it's just beautiful look at it oh maybe we can make that a jewelry didn't expect to find that you go there's your treasures holding your bag as well arteries I've spotted the most amazing colour just down there look it's pink it looks like pink agate wow yeah I think it is my oh that's good look at that quartz look it's got cross crystallization in there can you see it any buds yeah Wow look what pocket inside that's a beauty can't believe we're finding the leak it's the most gorgeous pink as well I'd heard about um Cheviot her not cheap it Penang's this that's two two ranges of hills I heard about Cheviot some agates I've only ever seen pictures of them but I didn't think we'd be finding them like that no no wow that's really beautiful glad we came here now yeah this is a good spot because I think the line song is helping we went to two other locations today and it was just so crowded with people we didn't want to risk it oh there's a bit of pipe ball and pipe hole it's very worn look how worn it is wandering with these tiny pieces oh I just dropped that home oh well that's interesting like shirt that gorgeous color that is my hand it's such a nice Rock looks like toffee they look like toffee anyway these tiny pieces you can see glowing very beautifully down here wondering if we could make some like rough agate rings with them just in their rough form which would be so cool this is such a good little huh I'm so happy I didn't expect to find much at all that's in Cassidy quotes Oh over there I might be squashing my mic a little bit oh that's quartz with um oh wow that's quartz with agate on the outside cool just pinky agate so beautiful my son Wow a lovely piece a nice bit let's have a look can't believe we're finding this wow that tiny piece here it's so it's very difficult to UM capture over there Nick you can see it there can you see that Wow on the camera this one's like a sandwich that's beautiful look at that Santa Ynez little one massive band through the middle I found this bit before you called me Oh Jasper gorgeous piece of right look at the patterns in their red Jasper Wow I think we've been really lucky we have Wow badeck oh so luscious hey in this spot here down I see a few bits there's a little broken up module and I think this will look much better when it's like got a bit of water on it not sure if it's agate Oh Jasper sorry dog though so it's kind of like gesture so if I just pull myself on this gravel bar here and kind of just look towards this so I'm not at the zone but looking at direct concern across the gravel glowing easy I'm not sure if I can be real sit up on the camera spot the agate you see it just do it in the middle of the frame little tiny piece there interesting little nodule some banding and I think pieces as well lying around here sit down a little tiny oh you've been collecting out there's two ribs down here look like it's lots of it it really shines out amongst beautiful that's an interesting yeah that's like in the sunshine oh look at that so pretty it's nice and precious here it's strange looking just for agate because we're always looking for something else yeah that has potential has a gorgeous pink color and it takes and bigger pieces just in case yeah we need a candidate for I think you know off to see what's inside Oh ed slug lovely your son very easily brain read here breakfast oh wow oh I've got critter my finger got live on meat that is I think it's Jasper it's the most gorgeous Wow contrast is between like I just it's been a bit of a dream of mums and mine to be able to cut the stones that we find polish them in and gemstones so maybe we'll around raise me like that to one day with these pieces [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] yes [Music] beeping I know and this one look really different color oh yeah that's already made stone ring yeah we should totally make that choice gorgeous knit and I got these um they might be interesting but interesting bits yeah I got sure and that one looks like it's got some banding that's just peeking out of there but I love these two if it was polished I mean [Music] yeah yeah might be the interesting to cut it and see what's inside yeah yes a good candidate that one well we've had a really good day here on the river we've been really surprised at what we found there we found some really good it's a really good ad very exciting it's not what we expected surprised we can't wait to come back we can't wait to go home and clean it research and family small so I'm wondering and maybe we like go further [Music] you know we've seen some big sort of people so yeah anyway uh a beautiful gorgeous evening July it's true June it's still June ok so do it on June evening goodbye here on the river Kok at oh yes in Northumberland in our home County [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so here we are back at home and we are going to take some of the bigger pieces of agate that we found yeah and try cutting them in half because we treated ourselves yes thanks thanks to everyone people who donated the money here we am to a tile saw yeah we're gonna use it every girl's dream not just to cut agates but it's also yeah we've got other plans pottery so yeah let's get unboxing yeah I haven't even looked at it yeah [Music] [Music] okay so we've got everything set up and we tried turning it on but we had it the other way around we're gonna pull it the rock towards us rather than pushing it away from us and we've got eye protection mum's got glasses and I've got goggles so let's try this then no one's gonna have the first go ladies that one looks cool okay so we're gonna start with this one right here I don't think it's focusing cuz I can see your face there we go we're gonna start with this one here [Music] [Music] that's quite interesting see bits of Jasper oh yeah oh it's quite cool oh I think there is bonding Manik you see you there oh yeah yeah need polishing what's the first time I've ever cut the rocket I'm scared that's cool it's a bit scary but it's it's not that bad really if you slacking off towards the end it does snap but you can polish it on the side that's so cool this is fun oh it's my turn I think I might cut it lengthwise and see how that works out scary isn't it maybe you should try cutting one side oh no go on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look guys wow isn't that good that's beautiful amazing oh oh oh that would make and the most amazing jewelry oh my gosh zoom actually can you see that it's amazing oh that's so cool okay you're gonna cut this one and you can see how it has it looks like clear I get there um there I can see it there so I don't know if this stuff inside of here but there's those one way to find out [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay rinse it fast then what because I felt like so one bit was like hard push two and then the rest was like easy so I'm hoping this a get inside oh oh there oh it needs washing actually there's stuff all over it oh it does it does have to a kit inside of it but only a little way oh I'm not showing the camera properly okay yeah you can't kind of see it I'll have to take better photos as he's at the end but so far is that looking sick yeah I got actually I can't see probably who sees I've got water on him no it is look they a kit and then like this stuff I don't know what that rock is but actually can see the clear stuff around the edge so I'm maybe the agate is closer to this side than this side yeah I wonder if if you took another slice off that it would come through yeah run out finger room on this one treasure oh my gosh that's so cool I'm soaking wet I'm covered in water oh yeah I found this one the river it's not cleaned up yeah I had a good feeling about that one to be honest [Music] [Applause] Oh are these quite bands or like I think it's cool what do you think that is it's because they feel very slowly it's really pretty it's very interesting it is I don't know what's going on there we're not professionals at this okay we have no idea what they're called or yeah what's this I don't think that's I guess I think it might be caught with some kind of inclusions inside but I I'm not an expert [Music] [Music] ready yeah [Music] that's quite interesting it is look like a hole in the middle the colors are amazing all they want to be a meet yeah I just love those jasprit colors gorgeous colors [Music] [Music] oh it's quite beautiful it kind of dropped off its nice patterns and the colors just goes [Music] [Music] show the shoes about this one sake oh yeah yeah I love this one [Music] [Music] okay so that's our first attempt at cutting yeah we've had fun it was great fun it was easier than I thought it was gonna be and it was quite scary to start with yeah but yeah it's not that bad once you get going I can't wait stop cutting things like glass and tie like not cutting tiles but China China yeah China and you know other rocks and other things that we find everything we get hands on now we're gonna cut it off we're just gonna chop everything up yeah we're soaking wet it started raining we're getting eaten by midges the famous Scottish midges yeah they're nasty and so I'm soaking wet right now we're pretty wet from the rain and the splashes of oh yeah so we're going to take some nice pictures of what we've done yeah and show you the other pieces that we found yeah so see you in a bit [Music] well that's it for this Sunday and we had a great time and I hope you enjoyed coming along with us yeah it was beautiful a beautiful evening and because we've been looking for agates we thought we'd give a shout out to one of our favorite agate hunters on YouTube and yes agate dad yeah and his name is Taylor and he makes some really amazing agate hunting videos at Taylor actually got in touch with us many months ago I think was like back in December or something and he only had a few hundred subscribers back then but yeah but he has growing grown a lot and down to his hard work yeah and his really good video yeah we enjoy a long way him yeah we and we recommend that ya goes video and subscribe to him right now go subscribe to his channel and we'll leave a link to that I mean if you like rock pounding and you like looking for things videos and his is the perfect channel to subscribe to you and Taylor's lovely and sometimes his wife and little boy get involved yeah dog and it's gone they're expecting another baby as well yeah so congratulations both and yeah go along and look at his videos and you yeah well leave a link down below and something will pop up on this I can't remember it's this corner or that corner there'll be something in the corner yeah so no we'd just like to say thank you to all of our subscribers mhm everyone who takes time to comment yeah and of course all of our patrons which are really important to us and continuing doing what we do as well so thank you to all of our patrons and thank you for watching and goodbye see you next time [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 59,531
Rating: 4.949091 out of 5
Keywords: northern mudlarking, northumberland, agatehunting, calming, Rock hounding uk, gem hunting England, crystal hunting england, ASMR, treasure hunting scotland, Rockhounding, beautiful countryside, Agates, rivers, northern mudlarks, england, rock hounding England
Id: qoPy8FoQLFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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