Beachcombing on historic island, finding Hag Stone fossils and revealing our competition winner!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello so here we are on the beautiful and historic holy island of Lindisfarne which is off the coast of Northumberland and today we're going to be looking for oh they're also called holy urns or witches stones holy sense very looking stone something anything else yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't find us a is a piece of clay pipe stem yeah so hopefully we'll find a bowl but I doubt it knowing all that oh my first phone is a day down here and it's a small shard of heating it century feather edge pottery there's lots of bricks and bits of old tiles down here the odds tiny piece of sea glass but nothing much so far that's a bit of bonfire glass but we're not here for anything else but holy stones or hag stones or witches stones but there's a particular Beach a particular side of the island that we find those on so we've got quite a way to walk yet I just found this spotty rock and it is a kind of really dense red sandstone and you can see a little nodules of agate in there tiny little agate nodules now I read that the agate here in Britain have been Scotland and Northern England actually forms in this red kind of sand so and so here is the agar in situ in the Sunstone so that's really interesting just spotted a fossil down here and I think these are the fossils of coral I found many of these in the past it's very interesting Russell strand Castle coral I found a bit of brick here it's like an orange brick looks like his rad it's a red brick so a few things to find so far but it's the most beautiful place it wasn't really about the fines as such today but rather the scenery and the atmosphere and the history [Music] the big piece of chef isn't it you see it very very real wood here probably okay yeah you see metal iron a rudder a giant rudder oh well so that would have come off a pretty big ship then wash up here that's interesting isn't it yeah and here we are get another bit of pipe step which is odd because there's barely anything else at all not even any tiny bits of sea glass or anything but we are in this natural harbour and you can see lots of fishing boats you types that fishermen I've just thrown off the side of their boat after they finish using them it has found another bit of clay five you couldn't get up close to the ground there's some interesting colored rocks and shells but something just caught my eye here it's really strange [Music] it looks like a fossil don't think it's man-made [Music] [Music] this old words actually really beautiful just the way it's worn by the sea in their elements I love it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Linda's fun castle hello fossils down here actually look at this one this is like tiny Carl fossil Oh like that but there is hag stones here too mum said but I think they might be a little bit big for us to carry around the island oh that's quite a pretty Rock looks like red Jasper it's a great place to meet combs it right under the shadow off the castle is it it's a great place to come to each girl so it's not quite a hag stone coral hag stone would be really cool wouldn't it I can see loads of Pizza Carol fossil slots we're quite beautiful really quite beautiful these I haven't have found a perfect hag stone yet found some giant ones that hole doesn't go all the way through so reject that rock has is very holy it's very ironic since its holy Island and we're here looking for hag stones all fossils to show you is that one not sure what they're fossils of more Coral it's kind of a side view of the coral which is quite interesting and there's a even bigger one there as well and over here I thought this kind of looked like a fossil I'm not sure like maybe wood I can't tell for sure there does seem to be quite a few coral fossils along here I think I found my first tag stone is it it's got a hole in it yeah oh no I don't think it is oh it is look go through ye there it is my first tag stone of the day see the hole there that goes all the way through oh look a holy stone I found one yay it's got two holes in it that one that's cool three our first hack zones of the day yay Cheers a holy stone for a holy island don't know what type of stone this is kind of bedrock it's a lovely texture though oh what's this I see another stone with a hole in it I'm gonna be lucky enough to go all the way yes it does isn't that perfect second hag soon as the day yeah barely any distance from that one as well I found another perfect so another five minutes and more hag stones there's quite a few down here that huge as well but you're a little bit too big to carry all the way back home but these are perfect see I'll show you some oh look another one there and there's some really big ones I find a really big one I'll let you guys know but it's a really beautiful winter's day actually the weather's actually turned out not bad at all look at this isn't it amazing I didn't know what it was at first I was like what on earth is it's a little tiny sea urchin and it's the first one I've got a whole one I've ever found I've never found before it's so delicate Sofia chin fossil no it's not that uh that's not a fossil nose oh no it's it's very light extremely light very delicate there's no amazing yes I know I am so happy with that it's really beautiful how where am I gonna put it though so it's not crushed oh I'm not sure if I've got anything so down here um just a little bit I think we're north of the castle a little north of the castle is this lime kiln now we saw this on the map and we thought we'd stop to have our lunch here when the time came and the time has definitely come because I am starving so we're gonna stop here in this eerie part of the island only any orange well I never thought we'd be having a picnic at this time of year but it is actually quite a nice winter's day to be having a picnic if there ever was one and we're sitting in the ruins of an old lime kiln first drink out of our new way out of our new thermal mug a little one here beautiful and this is an unusual one is that it's an odd shape yeah might be a bit big for us here are the perfect size little hack stones that we're looking for see these are perfect to put in little pouches or to even use as a necklace but on a cord and string onto a necklace there are lots of fossils around here too that I'll just show you look at that one it's quite beautiful and of course lots of coral fossils in little pebble shapes yeah that's the perfect size perfect size of hag stone that we're looking for this is stone here with a hole in it but it doesn't go all the way through some of the rocks fool you a little bit it's just got a little crevice in there look at all of these I just kind of I just thought I'd get all the coral rocks and put them in a pile and they look so pretty together so I'm trying out for the first time this scraper that mom got me for Christmas it's got like little three little prongs on there and it's perfect it's a garden tool like that but it's perfect for beachcombing anything through rocks and gravel works really well my finger I found another little agate conglomeration it's really difficult to see on here because it's so tiny where it's got tiny little bits of little nodules of agate in there with little bands it's so cool look at this is a hack stone mum found it's got eyes it's like you know it's so cute oh it's like a little person what should we call him Oh her Horace that's Horace the hag stone she put a little mouth on him googly eyes you spotted us down here can you see it's pink pink look oh it's like the same color is my hunt like salmon I don't know thank you put it on an honour different colors so you can see the colour of it isn't that pretty yeah that is look at this amazing faucet I found I think I'm pretty sure it's it's Coral it's really beautiful don't know how close I can get but you can see the detail on that perhaps it you beautiful well that looks like a lot of mini caves look it's like a mini cave tiny little okay look I got one too just a little hole in one corner the magical bag has a lil one but it's like a coral hog stone like the coral fossil but ya got a stern it's quite flat I like ah that's nice to know I like that one lots of them one of them are too big see that one's got horns it bit big for what we're looking for and that one sure I might take but we're just looking for little ones really most of them are just really big oh it's just got to you on the oh look it's got its like a little face what's this one called Oh Nick this little slit here looks like a mouth this Mildred has Mildred bag stone you will forget them oh no I thought that tricked me it was that way and I thought the whole didn't go all the way through oh look that looks like a little heart hack stone heart Oh beautiful look big one big ax down I think there's a few here at lying here oh that's another one that doesn't go all the way through ah it's actually quite a shell down here it's a little bit battered so leave that got quite a few of those shells oh this is an odd one can you see it only just goes through oh what's this one called if you were to give this hack stone a name what would its name be I think it looks like Terry I've gone mad I'm naming rocks anak this one here look looks like has a little whistling face I looks like a ghost looks like a little ghost I can't tell what this one's called what's this one called I think it looks like a Fred if I'm honest might be a bit big for me to take but I think I'll just take it anyway because it looks like a little face look that's very addictive looking for hack stones I've got say oh that one's got holes and go all the way through but it's got a little rock jammed in there just saw a really interesting stone down here it kind of looks like an egg hang stones down I think it's just quartz it's like a little egg with the yolk in the middle isn't that cool it's funny how you can find rocks it look so much like something fossils there's lots of fossils here I think that's more Coral but I found this Haag stone look it's got two eyes I think years ago mom and I used to call these nostril stones because it looks like a little nose looks like a lot of piggy nose but on the other side it's got tiny little holes hag stones can amuse you for hours now I'm pretty sure there is a myth or a legend that looking through the eye of a hack stone reveals the Fae folk the fairies and goblins and what have you can you see anything but they've been found in graves of ancient ancient people and even now people come down here to collect them the hag stones it's supposed to be lucky ward off witches cure ailments meatiness rather magical things and they still are and I love them tiny hole there's a big one here with several holes in them [Music] so we've had a lovely day lovely morning on holy Island looking for hag stones looking for hot stones and it's actually quite been quite a nice thing isn't it yeah not bad I mean nearly new yeah it's really January so yeah it will be new yeah when you watch this yeah hopefully New Year's that's a happy new year yeah I can only spend so long looking for Haxton yeah [Music] okay so here we are with all of our goodies from our trip to holy island for our New Year video and as you can see we've got quite a lot of hag stones and a few fossils well and we've got some clay pipes down here so we've got four little pieces of clay pipe and this beautiful little sea urchin shell I think is classed as a shell anyway my first one I've ever found and I love it a little bit of a feather edge pottery this is 18th century so it's at least 200 years old which is quite cool um this fossil here and I wasn't sure what it was at first and I'm pretty sure it is actually another bit of coral so if you think differently I'm not great on fossils then let us know below but since we we're finding lots of fossils of coral then I assume that that's coral as well and I realize on the video that this actually had a heart on it like it's a perfect little heart how cute and some of our hug stones they look like they should have names they look like your faces I think that's Horace and Fred I think I named that one zoom back out again there's loads of them that look like little faces that one looks like a so like a little tiny whistling mouth down there I'm like chubby cheeks so that's not much I can say about our magical hug stones other than that these will be in our Etsy shop and I think we already or did already have some axons in there that we had collected up over the years so these will be appearing in our at sea shop very soon as well and now we are going to reveal the winner of our sea glass giveaway oh so now is the time to reveal the winner of our sea glass giveaway and the competition was to guess how many pieces were in the jar and we have five people who have correctly answered the amount which was 74 today I cut it four times there is definitely so many more pieces to see guys in this girl so the winners well the people who answered correctly were traveler quest Patricia Brogdon Gale omen D Bailey and 7q Ellen and so these five are now going to be put into Alex's ha my hat and now all five were in the Hat in the Hat and whoever we think out good I pick out wins the last so good luck good luck to all the five million and here we go Alex pick out the [Music] it's Gale omen ah Gale omen congratulations and it's a gale I know gale like me ah yay that's amazing congratulations Gale and also good guessing to the other flies yeah very well done we had I think we had a 900 comments and yes 5 people guessed correct which is quite incredible and we will be sending the runners-up a consolation prize for guessing the right amount oh yes good this one goes to Gale so um that's all for this video and we want to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2020 of course and we hope to see you with a lot more videos yeah 20 god knows what else is to come we don't know what's to come here so and things really took off are we gonna we've only been doing this for three months and we're nearly on 10,000 subscribers can't believe it so thank you thank you so much thank you to all those subscribers and to everyone who supported us we're so happy we didn't dream no I mean yes that we'd have so many subscribers it's actually fine so who knows what is in store for 2020 so here's to 2020 and the adventures to come yeah northern Rutland so bye bye so I thought I asked you guys to name one what should we name this hag stone put it in the comments below what you think this hag zone looks like
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 117,996
Rating: 4.9235344 out of 5
Keywords: hag stones, witches stones, beachcombing, sea glass, sea glass hunting, mudlarking, mudlarking uk, lindisfarne, history, historic, holy stones, holy island
Id: KqpSHWwI7r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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