Fascinating Victorian relics found while mudlarking in a bottle dump!

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] I think I'm thority down here [Music] so here we are back on the river Ellen in very world we have been here for ages so yeah we're really excited to see what we can find I know because this is this our second trip out since lockdown and it's just so great being out and being somewhere different change because we're going to go up the river on a part that we've never been to before and yeah we're excited we're hoping this treasures to be found so wish us luck yeah see on the first bite oh oh it looks second we you know what we this was here last time this microwave thing oh yeah oh it's hole it's a little ink isn't it let's go swing on the bottom okay three two one whatever that means and if you can see my Whaley it has a massive rip in it and I on the way here just quickly put a tire puncture packet on it just to hold it together because romanized Whaley's they're actually about 20 years old so I think it's probably time for better ones actually I don't know what that is I don't know it's some kind of offering thing it's terracotta I can't sink or holding folding incense or something might be for instance I like it I'm gonna keep it [Music] that's beautiful sir oh I think I found the best part of an insulator year it does it looks like a fish head it's a pretty pretty got really pants on as nest thing some kind of source model it's not re old case where we want to get over there outside the river so we're gonna have to go and walk back to the bridge you can almost see it from here I'm crossover and trying it to the other side a lot of mud part of the job description it's got a better design on it I'm gonna take it like it [Music] oh I found a foot the cast raphson thing not caster a leg like that that might be for holding on tracks rail tracks I'm not sure I think I might take this actually I quite like it there's a bottle some kind of sauce bottle it's not very old but we'll see what it says words on it yeah it's real says Masons okay sauce it was all right I'll say it was okay Wow look at this really pretty piece of slag it's quite nice zoom in they'd be lovely cut into jewelry that's ironworking slag yeah we met this old boat little aren't we last time we came oh yeah so rotten you should pull them out Oh all their old square ones as well must be quite old YC bits here old nails from this old boat love all copper nails so nests from kinda heuk isn't it yeah it's like brass that's nice so the inner tube fastenings have actually fallen off and I don't know where which is not good but it also means that all the mud it's coming in to my feet that's not good so now we're about to head over the other side of the river [Music] yeah yeah my votes yeah onto there I wonder what kind of factory is I have a feeling there were industrial buildings there's lots of absence [Music] the antis that is tiny we've had some kind of cosmetic and opener it's all whatever it is some kind of sauce isn't it and there's a remains of lots of all bits of bottle actually I feel like we're getting closer we're getting closer haven't found much yet [Music] oh that's not in English that's interesting I'm not gonna try and pronounce that no I'm not gonna try and pronounce that those that well he looks in better condition than my well II to be honest look at this the keep big hole and it's getting bigger can you see what I can see spot the find this one no Swan army today though it just looks like the one have you found a dump it's a rubbish dump here oh please tell me there's a bottled up oh what's that oh yeah that's fairly old turn of this entry oh yeah Nick Workington Bothwell sup broth broth well and Mills limited I think shame it's broken so we're gonna leave it here look oh it's jars not madly old but still it's bits and bobs sticking out that's off a shoe looks like it's got big nails on it a boot oh it's tiny Oh looks like a grenade again look oh it's pecs looked up pecs um paste jars before meat paste jar oh I like that that's a key one okay so I wasn't filming I forgot to film Oh No but we noticed all the nettles over there and the brambles and we thought there might be a bottle dump because nettles and brambles are the tell-tale sign of a bottle dump if you're ever looking for one and we've come into the woods and found a big bottle diggers hole so we decided to dig around in the spoils Oh oh that looks like uranium that is that uranium glass that's uranium glass I'll glow guys that glow and UV light and look at this tiny little pot last pot which would be great for putting things in oh yeah I'm raising even nut also found this little perfume loads of jars and there's a milk jar with something on it Oh Carlisle oh it's got Carlisle on it Carlile's um not too far away in Cumbria okay so we're gonna continue a little bit further up the river abandon the bottle them for the time being [Music] look that's an old miners pick head sick yeah look see the hole there and it's just the right size isn't it that's not miners pick I'll call that who spit when adventure this we think there might be an old bottle dump you [Music] empty bricks and male Jasmine's just got Miami my pic here my minors pic I've decided to bring and look there's loads of bits of cod bottle [Music] I think it's safe to say there's a dump here by collecting bricks [Music] beaten as a Seaton Oh Seaton might take that on the way back because we were collecting bricks we keep saying that I know but never end up taking them but we should though ran way down to the river's edge there's loads there's loads of grass cuttings look I can see things we can see things old bottleneck oh wow look at that does that bear pottery the scene that's on it just half is a little scene was that a lot man oh look that way the edge of a little man and a woman look Arthur Seamus cut off oh I see something there that might be hole you see that story and reach it oh yes it's all that's old Victorian what is it oh my god oh my gosh I'm I'm gonna Oh Nick this tile look like it was a heart oh oh stop above her go stop a buffer Wow Oh clay pipe oh it's it's a late one clay pipe ball oh and a cog it's dumped well well we know it's a job but people's been digging Oh brass things legs no are you joking oh oh oh oh oh hey people have been digging here which means oh there's another one there's another one clay pipe ball oh no we haven't brought anything to carry them in consumption you don't want that oh that's a big lid the whole 100 hole its whole it's a pen pen ink you know whip broken code bottle but it's got really readable depiction on it might take one to repurpose it what is it big is it is extensive oh look at the pits yep oh yeah the hole oh I'm tempted to start digging with my bare hands I wouldn't never do that I'm just excited ah put this little ink in there we're great accidentally we're great except we didn't come here for this but but here we are it's a clay pipe bowl it's another blank one though Oh one's got one as well oh it's got hot has it got any initials on I don't think so Oh again Thomas white supplied the whole north of England and Scotland by the sounds of it oh it's good we've got a collection of those and we look it's a little football a little football leg would have been probably a foot clicking a football but it's all broken up sadly just one fragment remaining look at all the stuff in the water this looks like a beer but it's probably not emboss because they haven't taken it now might be a little wine bottle it's quite an old one that's like late Victorian late 19th century what we're looking for and what the diggers are previously here might have been looking for probably two different things so they could have left behind things that we are actually interested in the clay pipe it's a little one it's a little mini ones TW as well look again just tiny I love tiny bottles I'm not looking as thoroughly as I should be because there's just so much of it so your eyes are kind of everywhere said you're just focusing Oh stop will Papa another one that looks like a crucifix but I think it might just be a coat hook it's just a coat hook some kind of hook picture hook maybe oh that's a bit of LED toy little LED wheel oh look that's ivory if there would have been a little ivory and oh baby baby's rattle yeah they would have chewed look at this it's the end of achieving no yeah-oh juice oh that's like a dog tooth maybe it's a bit yeah I think that's off a dog rather than a fox or maybe a badger oh look look at that pipe look it's got patterns on it oh it's a shame that's broken neck oh it's got a crown on it oh it's got a crown on that side mini little bit and the Prince of Wales feathers on that side look raphae Oh let's go cool looks like there's a bit pipestem here that might fit on the end of it actually you know what didn't I find it a bit of castle like that the other day I think we might I think we should collect some pottery for a path oh look that's a bag seal with initials on it CC spot might be further up here might be where the river has kind of sorted out all the metal and dumped it so it's a good place to look for it's a good place to look for things like mat buttons the button buttons and led a little leg toy would be nice oh yeah oh that's cool I like that that would be great to put in something it looks like a steel hmm oh look it's got a little shell on it so just see I don't know I don't think it might be the knob off the top of something it's got a little shell on it though Oh more lead I'll take that with me trying to go as slow as I can look look oh no oh no it's a frozen Charlotte it's a frozen Charlotte it's a frozen Charlotte but it's she's missing a head Oh No makes me so annoyed I know but oh no it's still great it's still great I'm I'm not gonna complain because um we don't want to over the mudlark and gods that's that's what I wanted I wanted to find something like that today no I'm not actually looking for pipes so I feel like a mid oh it's half of need oh no I found half a bead no no I'd love to find a hole bead hole bead would be so cool I'm absolutely on my element right now I can't even tell you I see a stop a Papa though oh wow it still has some kind of seal on the top Oh Jin yeah yes I'm gonna Qin Yun unsweetened gin oh that's interesting never ever seen that before [Music] oh how cute I got lovable oh it's bad legs Reuben oh he oh wow that would have been funky oh I like the hateful horse and then you got balls [Applause] what's that Oh every round [Music] a pencil well a a statement [Music] Oh Newcastle that's not tannin is it this is I found a tenant pipe I found a tenant pipe tenant of New Castle that's a big one [Music] oh look mom's got a beautiful stomper it's like a little bubble oh that's okay we find a little thing put it in oh yeah man's got whole bottle [Music] snapped up bottles net maybe you want men your stuff will go in it [Music] like a little phone ring where I just push the bank away yeah oh wow look at this I dunno what it is look it's got patterns on it it's like brass oh look oak leaves mm-hmm some kind of fitting of something it's pretty he's got a nice around it and take that Wow look at the size of this hole that is extensive Wow I'm gonna go down into it Oh lookin straight away there's a calm humble I don't know what their best finds were what oh it's a little figurine a man or woman so I'm holding a spoon oh your heart something oh that's so cute or is it a mirror I don't know Oh a shame the Front's chipped off it's probably why they left it oh look how beautiful the color of that is oh yes you guys bottles one man's trash as they say oh look I've only discarded pile old cat that it'll snap top [Music] Lane ah looks like a bit of a dog well Arthur penny lick Oh a shame oh it's a penny lick you see what I can see oh yeah he's here oh look how cute that is oh why would they leave that it's so cute and put in my jar of mystery and Wonder probably a piece of writing slate because I found lots of pencils a bead whoa oh yeah oh how cool like stuck together stuck together beans I haven't seen anything like that no that's really interesting they're really blue well don't show up on the cameras blue knows they're doing real how cool yes that's so cool look I've just seen something that you've walked past here where is it I've lost it oh oh wow focusing you look wow she's so detailed it's a head it's a herd you did he have egg your footprints next to it it's just the way she was facing Luke Wow look she's beautiful with a hat on Nick I know oh look she's got blue eyes oh and a little ribbon [Music] [Applause] hi me yeah just when you think you found the tiniest bottle another tiny little bottles along so tiny that is so cute that gorgeous [Music] okay-y I'm gonna take this brick I'm gonna take oh I'm still gonna take it though I said it would take a brick for a path anion okay [Music] another great time gumball the cross again we didn't expect anything we didn't expect anything to be here but we saw a river we saw this river we thought mmm look and then we run the wrong side for a path yeah yeah yeah we actually treasure with all day no way we just saw dawn that all surface fine so scratching through people's digging leftovers anyway I suppose we'll see you at the roundup yeah I did it I carried the brick all the way back to the car I did it I'm a hero seaton [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of our amazing finds from our trip to marry poor and surrounding area and we have a lot of stuff we don't expect to find this I don't know where to start no we didn't expect to find much at all actually we just stumbled on that upon that and dumped yeah and yeah kind of got out of control so and okay we all start with the metal things maybe yeah and these are the boat nails from the remains of that poor old boat yeah I was still in the word which was rotting away and their great example of Oh old copper nails Sunday yeah we've still got the kind of rivets aren't they really cuz yeah you know they it's probably some sort of fishing vessel you can see that that's like a washer on there the nails being hammered through and then the washers being put on and then it's been hammered again on this end yeah and we can definitely say they ships nails no because we actually actually found the yeah you know so yeah it's quite good and we at the dump that we stumble across we've got lots of lead fines because we've got these um bag seals yeah they there's four of them and they're all the same yeah they've got um see what is it can't see think it's long that's our double oh and then it's got CC I think on that Co Co yeah but they're all bagged seals so they would have held a bag did a little bit old Bale seals they would have held them together it's kind of a a bit of a guarantee that they haven't been opened or tampered with kind of thing um this could be some sort of seal or token but it's pretty bashed up yeah it was all the miscellaneous pieces that's a picture we've got some wheels of little LED toys and that's off braces I think yeah well suspenders as you call them in America these days our stair rod holders holders for putting a carpet on stairs this is a broken bit of a hassle that's a likely half a clock that's a catch off maybe a little cabinet or box yeah decorative thing yeah I just found bits and bobs basically this is probably of braces as well oh and this thing yeah but this bit has come off and it's brass and I'm wondering if we can actually make jewelry out of that it's got a concise got any clothes yeah definitely do sus casas thread it on the ends yeah if anyone knows what that is is that so yeah it's obviously a fitting of something anyone knows what that is and that's a cartridge a 303 round yeah 3 3 round cartridge that's so John look at its legs though look at the horse's legs it's so funny it's doing an Irish done its Irish dancing you can't see traces of paint on there so the soldier would have had a blue coat yeah and it's sort of red or brown on the horse it's a chestnut horse maybe pipes we've got pipes cool a pipe support balls and stems particular yeah yeah it's most decorative one it's got a crown on one side and the Prince of Wales feathers on that side so it's probably a commemorative thing or I don't know something like yeah we can't identify that particular one yeah if anyone knows exactly what that is to commemorate royal something rural obviously that is the remnants of a leg you can see the oddball sock there and then the foot and it would have been kicking a football but that's the first piece of pipe like that we found so we brought it to all miscellaneous bits pipes term these have got writing on these are tenants tell us all which we found on the opposite side of the coast at barrack country opposite sided not the coast of country the coast on the opposite side of the country are these on the East Coast and it's one says Wilson Workington which is near to where we found yes that says soft and wait wait this one is quite interesting it says miners pipe yeah which kind of ties in with some of the other lines god it's a heaven it was heavily industrial and along that stretch of coast back in the day and then we have this piece in his height just got green glaze yeah for the mouthpiece so your lips we understand they cuz the clay is very porous so if you wet lips actually you put on your mouth it has actually got writing on it so I was able to look up and it's from Bruce Lee our Smyth Minh and Co who operated between 1881 and 1920 at south horns pipe works King Street Bruce Lee in Shropshire and the premises is now a pipe works museum where clay pipes are now being made again so you can actually visit that place where that pipe was actually made that's a really cool unseen pipe still being made which we would have gone if it wasn't for the doctor yeah that's really cool really cool fine so yeah that's our pipes and pottery arteries yeah dancing like a big pieces didn't we yeah I mean they're gonna be perfect for building an outdoor projects like paths and things yeah that's got a little scene on it yeah and there's these bits down here I think that says grandma and this says a present from working to present just cute coral and then I love this one this is a favorite piece of the day so we got a true picture of a whole one of those a different letter on it but it dates from about the 1870s wow that's really cool it would mean a child's cup would it be H for hound as well yeah on there and horn higher so it's an H cup tiny little bits of doll fragments and yeah so these are their favorite doll pieces today this is rose and Charlotte doll which one's gonna tell you about apparently it's a type of doll that was made between 1850 and the 1920s and they're apparently the name originates from an American folk ballad based on a poem a corpse going to a ball by Seba Smith which tells the tale of a young girl called Charlotte who refused to wrap it warmly to go on a sleigh ride because she didn't want to cover up her pretty dress she froze to death during the journey people must have been so loved that story so much that they made well I think it was probably and Charlotte I think it was probably a story told to children and to you know no vain don't be so vain and when it's warm to be honest I think I'm guilty of that not wearing a coat because I'm wearing something nice beautiful really detailed figurine head oh I love a lady with black bright blue eyes is so beautiful and she's got like feathers and blue feathers and she's beautiful she is she's so um classical looking almost Roman pottery it's a figurine here it might be a tennis racquet yeah tennis racquet yeah I think it's a boy and sailor suit or something and that dog's legs or cows legs and things like how is a necklace a dog dog yeah yeah G McHale because Alex sounded yeah yeah all the dreams I found an a and they're both oh and I love this it's a horse's leg without a bit of a strange horse it's like yeah that's the hoof at the end and it's a handle for a jug you get to reuse that sure what is at the top you have something stopper office of course they seem to be everywhere we've got so many of them this one yeah Alex found this is very different not anything like this before Gilbey's gin which is still going to say castle up castle up yeah van swieten gin waa and Gilby and it's like LED I think or tin something like that we've got cod marbles and then the marble mum phone oh this one is actually made of marble and I looked them up and these date their post red evil well it could be marble or and anthracite no hey we'll put it on the screen yeah you offer on the screen yeah and they were made of marble or this other thing post medieval to the early 18th century so they're quite it's quite an old this one could be quiet and also we should never found an actual because men don't we're thinking it's been in the family for a while I've been checked out yeah cuz you do often find later not like earlier stuff in Victorian dumps just like you do now pencils that one's been burnt which is why it's a bit of a funny color I can't I keep meaning to find a bit of slate and actually writing on it and these are yeah this ivory and that's bone and this I think is a dog's tooth because I've I compared it to my badger teeth and fox teeth and they're like neither of them so it must be it's not at all unless the wolf which is pretty cool and then Alex this amazing piece of slack we often find I in slag but not as beautiful as that and on a glass theme I found this bit of melted blue melted glass is something classifying about isn't it yeah and this little piece of oh yeah it's like opalescent glass is so pretty okay what this strange thing I think it's something to do with electricity I've known that rival walnut yeah it's an insulator I think I went that way in that way yeah we found this in the first dump the later dump which was more like 1930s really yeah or later which is really relate so we got a miners pipe here and then this is our - pick which is an awesome find because it relates heavily to the industrial past the industrial history of the area minor would have used that in some godforsaken pit in the ground and we actually have a whole example I know we actually have a whole example of one I bought on from a car boot sale years ago so yeah we should have brought that and showed you the example and this is a foot to be found on the river in Mary pool maybe you're for fast or some things a bit small for about yes it's really maybe a fireplace was dosed ovo burning stove and this is it looks like a fish and the hag stone and this we don't know what it is but we I thought it might be modern something to do with some Indian offering like can you an incense burner in do thing please let us know it's terracotta or Roman because I know that I know they do find a lot of offerings on the Thames on the River Thames so I'm wondering if this is a similar kind of thing and this is something you need because yes custom is some some castle of shattered off the bottom of my Victorian bed and there there's a hole once I'll come in handy paste your it's a beautiful piece jar like paste John here now pecs pecs paste which we flipped up before in the past I think I think this is a paste joy as well yeah and we got the most beautiful bottles look at the colors of colors I know I love that one in particular these are all late mostly late Victorian well that's what you call these kind of inks is it a pen ink because you can see the little can you see the little oats the little indents on the side put your pen knife there's like a boat in a cottage ink and then something different this is a whole different kind of ink bottles and now look at these look at these bottles so though I love these bottles sick look it's oats in here in this bottle I didn't get that on camera because I turned the camera off when it should have been on and I turned on when it should've been off I always do that I'll expand that so I found and I found a bead as well which it wasn't filming which is annoying I found that yeah stop really pretty why just love those bottles and this bottle oh yeah this is cool cos we I found this as well it's uranium glass uranium I'm gonna show you this in a second but I think this is some kind of men's cologne some comments it's got a patent number on the bottom but that's lovely it's look I've got a lovely matte finish to I'll show you that in a minute um so these two beads were stuck together but I think there must have been fused together in in a fire or something because they came apart when I was washing them so I've got two beads yes of one I know how calls that so all we have to do now is add three beads on to our each string I think we're we're getting quite the collection of beads now they're adding up we have this bit of German stoneware and it's a German mineral water bottle George Cruz BER and he was a my a mine no he wasn't mine were chance George Krupa he was a wine merchant and he operated between about 1850 in the 1850s to 1878 in our viola Germany he was born in 1796 and he died in 1873 and he exploited the natural mineral springs at the pollen eros fountain and he drilled into it and expanded it to create his mineral water business after his death his family changed the name of the business which later came into English ownership and was eventually bought out by the coca-cola company in 2006 after several changes in ownership so it is in a way still going then that's really cool that's a really cool little piece of history someone that was born in the 18th century yeah that's incredible survived all these years okay so I think that's it I think we've done pretty much every everything except I'm gonna just quickly show you this under a UV light okay so I've got a UV torch here ultraviolet light and you can see that it is amazing yeah it is in fact uranium glass or Vaseline glass as you said it was yes some people call it vaseline glass because apparently it's the colour of Vaseline I'd be bit worried if my Vaseline was that kind of how cool is that I was so hoping it was gonna be uranium glass and there we do so this would date from about the 1930s yeah it's very Art Deco isn't it and it would have had a screw tops should I try and make a silver I think you should know and that other piece was uranium glass yeah bring it into the light it's just a pale kind of greenish color this this little bit here yeah oh wow that one's are really right that bit and then oh just a pale kind of green color again so that's it for this week's amazing finds yeah I didn't expect it but some we've been very lucky lately mm-hmm so we just want to say thank you again to everyone and very excited still because the laptop probably coming too yeah it's coming tomorrow finally after all this time tomorrow we're gonna film it and the next video we will yeah yeah we'll film it and show you guys so very exciting so thank you we are really excited and thank you to all of our subscribers patron e-tron's yeah and everyone else who contributes in all sorts of other ways as well yeah of course and and thank you also to Derek Derek James and get-well-soon Derek yes he's not feeling very well at the moment so wish him a speedy recovery from his bug which isn't coronavirus yeah thank goodness oh yeah so and thank you to all the people who support us through commenting and subscribing and just all the moral support through comments absolutely wonderful we love reading your comments even though we can't always answer them all yeah so we do try to read them all though okay well I think that's it so we'll see you again next week yeah [Music] be safe [Music] yeah so lovely [Music] lovely [Music] there was the last one yeah now Santa hat [Music] sit the last one last one please stay safe quite right you hippie girl staying safe [Music]
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 119,277
Rating: 4.934288 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking england, mudlarking, northern mudlarking, mudlarking uk, treasure hunting scotland, relics, bottel dump, victorian relics, mudlarking treasure, northern mudlarks, bottle digging
Id: sWLmMB82PbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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