GE PATTERSON Parable of the Lost Sheep

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hold them up all right hold them up now while you're whole while you've got it lift it up kind of scan your rope and see if you see anybody there that does not have a Bible if you do just kind of politely tell them maybe you are new but we have a custom of bringing our Bibles all right [Music] let's give God a hand the praise [Applause] now I'd like for you if you would to open your Bibles with us to the Gospel according to Luke and there I would like for you to turn to chapter 15 chapter 15 now I want to possibly cut this message a little shorter than it would have been under normal circumstances but by the grace of God that this time next Sunday we'll come back into the same chapter and continue as the Lord shall lead and erect chapter 15 of the Gospel according to Luke we want to read together from verses 1 through 7 come on and read it with me then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners fought to hear him and the Pharisees and scribes murmured saying this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them and he spake this parable unto them saying what man of you having an hundred sheep if he lose one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost until he find it and when he had found it he laid it on his shoulders rejoicing and when he cometh home he called it together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth more than over nine just persons which need no repentance god bless we want to talk to you today from the parable of the lost sheep the parable of the lost sheep and this is just another in our continuing series of sermons based on the parables of Jesus and I tell you the more in-depth we go the more exciting the study of the parables become for so many times we have just kind of scanned over these profound sayings of our Lord gleaning a kernel of truth here and there but this is the first time in my 28 years as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ that I have ever felt such a compelling spirit and a compelling how would I say it nudging of the Holy Ghost and just a pushing forward to just get in it and learn it and hear what Jesus Christ Himself has to say we are all students of the gospel and students of the Bible but so many times we spend so much of our efforts in hearing what the Apostles had to say and we spend our efforts hearing what the various contemporary commentators have to say and we don't spend enough time hearing what Jesus himself has to say and reading his own words and digging beneath the surface to get down into the depth and overall meaning of his words it arouses something within the spirit that absolutely nothing else can arouse now in this fifteenth chapter of Luke's Gospel Jesus presents three parables in defence of his mission and his method I shall not deal with all three but there are three lost things first he talks about the lost sheep secondly he talks about the lost piece of money thirdly he talks about the lost son whom we call the prodigal son but all three of these parables are designed to really teach one truth and that truth is God's concern for the Lost now early in our study of the parables of Jesus we came across three parables that he presented in order to reveal a truth he had been asked by the disciples of John the Baptist why is it that we and the Pharisees fast often but your disciples fast not and Jesus gave them three parables showing the inappropriateness of his church fasting while he was in the midst and he starts off by saying the children of the bride chamber they don't moan while the bridegroom is with them it's just inappropriate you don't you don't moan at a wedding I know that they're people who do moan there are always the persons who will hope and of course the other individual beat that time they might do a little mourning but they are not usually a part of the official wedding party everybody who is involved in the official wedding party they see it as a time of feasting and rejoicing and Jesus let him know that for my disciples to fast while I'm with them it's just as inappropriate as mourning at a wedding and then he turned to another parable and said it's the same as trying to mend old garments with new cloths and furthermore it's as inappropriate as attempting to pour new wine into an old bottle so here to illustrate a truth he gives three parables well we must kind of look at the setting here Jesus is in the midst of a large company of publicans tax collectors and other non centers that's the way the chapter begins then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners father hear him and isn't it something how the center seemingly is more interested in what the Lord has to say than many of the so-called religious folk some people who claim to be religious they never have time to hear what God has to say they're more interested in that dream they are more interested in what the critics want to say they are more interested in prolonging their own traditions their own customs their own selfish ways than to really hear what the Lord has to say and here was the situation the tax collectors and the other sinners they got around Jesus and they wanted to hear what he would say but at the same time that the publicans and other sinners were encircling him and coming nigh to him to hear what he would say the religious onlookers the fallacies and the scribes they began to utter that resentment in fact their words of criticism struck at the very heart of our Lord's mission listen at what they say it in criticism this man receiveth sinners now can you imagine them criticizing him with those words this man receiveth sinners that was their complaint and I'm here to tell you that truer words were never spoken Jesus himself had proclaimed that receiving sinners was the purpose for which he came for a minute why don't you just stick your thumb here in this fifteenth chapter of Luke and turn over to Matthew chapter 9 and there are many such passages in the Bible but let's look at Matthew chapter 9 and read verses 10 through 13 and hear what the Lord Himself had to say on this subject of receiving sinners you have it come on and read aloud with me beginning with verse Qian as Jesus sat at meat in the house behold many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples and when the Pharisees saw it they said unto his disciples why eat it your master with publicans and sinners but when Jesus heard that he's saying unto them they that be whole need not a physician but they that are sick but go ye and learn what that meaning I will have mercy and not sacrifice for I am NOT come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance jesus said yes that's exactly what I'm doing I'm receiving sinners that's why I came not to call the righteous and when he mentioned the righteous he was not really talking about those who are truly righteous he was talking about the self righteous and we still got a whole lot of self-righteous folk and and and and if Jesus want to listen the self-righteous folk nobody would ever be saying I hear the self-righteous now here is somebody that has spent all of their life in the street and they don't even have what we call church clothes so here they come in with clothes that may be ragged and before they can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ which is their purpose for coming here is somebody that see them coming in the door and the whole sermon is on coming to church without being appropriately dressed or maybe here is that woman that has spent her time at work and she didn't have time to go home and change clothes so the cost of the job where she works she works in slacks and she comes on the church rubber band miss it all together dressed in her slacks and instead of people trying to understand they're talking about you're going to hell because you're wearing slacks if you listen at what people who are self-righteous have to say you we'll never hear what Jesus has to say when I read my Bible Jesus went and he got into a bull on one occasion and had them to push the boat out from the land and he just began to preach and to teach and even the Sermon on the Mount seeing the multitude he went up into the mountain when he was set his disciples came unto Him and he opened his mouth and taught them well the something about it when Jesus was in a particular area people didn't have an advance announcement nobody had television in that day no such thing as radio they didn't even print papers and flyers and leaflets and distribute them the only thing a person would know is suddenly Jesus is in the neighborhood well the soldiers would come as they were from the battlefield the cooks would leave the kitchen and come as they were the fishermen would drop their nets and come as they were and for I Got News for You God's not concerned about our hypocrisy of how you ought to dress he's only concern that you will come and hear him just as without one plea but that my blood was shed for me that thou biddeth me come to thee o Lamb of God I come you better quit listening at folk hallelujah folk will cause you to be lost when you hear the voice of Jesus come like you are man is looking at the outward appearance but God is looking at your heart [Applause] this man receiveth sinners Apostle Paul recognized that Jesus came to receive and to save sinners and he said something bad in the first Timothy 1:15 I could quote it but I'd rather read it and you can turn quickly in your Bible and look at first Timothy chapter 1 verse 15 Paul says here this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief glory to God somebody ought to said thank God that he receives sinners if he didn't receive sinners we wouldn't be here hallelujah everybody in here will not dope addicts I listen never a lot of folk talking in fact one of the ministers mentioned this morning that when he was in sin he was a sinner he was a dope using sinner he was a drinking sinner hallelujah some of us might not have been in the dope we may not have been heavy in the liquor we may not have been in the prostitution and pimping we may not have been in the murder we may not have been in the robbery but for I Got News for you before Jesus saved us we were all sinners thank God he receives sinners reach over and tell somebody name I don't know about you but I'm glad he receives sinners now in the parable of the lost sheep Jesus depicts himself as the shepherd they are criticizing him for receiving sinners and in order to justify his mission justify his ministry he presents a parable and in the parable he depicts himself as the shepherd and so he is he says of himself in John 10 and 11 I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd his life for the Sheep Paul in Hebrews 13 and 20 calls him that great Shepherd of the Sheep Peter calls him the chief Shepherd in 1st Peter five and four and one of the most familiar passages in the Bible began with that memorable statement of David in the 23rd number of song the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want he is the shepherd praise the name of Jesus in this parable the Shepherd does three things after missing one of his sheep he searches for the lost sheep first of all secondly he finds or he reclaims that she and thirdly he rejoices over it his joy is so overwhelming that he calls in his friends and his neighbors to share in his jubilation Jesus is the shepherd but just for a moment we want to look at the Sheep the condition of the sheep it's armed up in the one word lost what a terrible word lost I don't believe that there is another word that is so tragic as the word lost broke that's no problem even the richest of people have had times when they are broke but money income as I heard one of my college professors said income is a flow well if a fund the truly wealthy they don't have to make money that money makes money well if a fun but income if the flow and and all that's got to happen is you can get laid up for a while and income is cut off and you'll end up being broke you don't hear what I'm saying but as soon as you get back into the mainstream income begins to flow so broke is not the worst word sick is not the worst word one thing about it modern medicine and and I don't fight going to the doctor remember we just finished reading where Jesus said they that be whole need not a physician but they better sit in other words the Lord admits that sick folk need a doctor I know that there is a teaching going forth now that if you go to the doctor there's something wrong with your faith there is something wrong with your commitment to Christ but then you're going back to condemn the apostle that gave us most of the New Testament Apostle Paul he traveled with Luke the beloved physician he traveled with a doctor and Jesus said they that are sick need a doctor you don't hear what I'm saying because even though the doctor may be ever so skilful he may be a surgeon and he can cut out the infection or he can reroute certain things in the body that have gone wrong but for doctor cannot heal hallelujah God and God alone is the healer so to be sick the word sick is not the worst word because when you're sick you can be healed you can be healed directly by God or indirectly through modern medicine but when all is said and done is still God to be sick it's not the worst word but to be lost is tragic it's tragic to be lost lost and don't know how to get back home hallelujah I look at television nowadays and one of the greatest things going on in our nation is the search to find lost children some of them are kidnapped some of them are runaway but the situation is nobody knows what's wrong because they are lost well to be lost is to be separated to be separated from the fly to be separated from the shepherd to be separated from the protection and from the provisions of the fold this sheep was laws lost means that he is in unfamiliar territory lost simply means that he is somewhere exposed to unknown danger without anyone to care for and to protect him and when you think about a sheep being lost the question automatically comes to mind how does he get lost just said that that was a city man that went down the road in an area where there were are sheep herders and he met the sheep herder coming down the road and he asked the sheep herder do you have a stray he said yes he said how do they get lost anyway and the Shepherd said they just nibbled that way Louis if you ever go out and see the Sheep they have that head down eating they don't raise up they're just eating they nibble and nibble until they get too close to the fence they pull down the side of the fence and nibble that way through a hole in the fence but they never can nibble that way back to the hole to get back on I said something that you didn't hear but it'll dawn on you later there are a lot of folks today that are nibbling and they have nibbled that way through a hole they never looked up to see where that Shepherd walls they never looked up to see where the rest of the flock was they just nibbled through a hole in the fence and now they are trapped and can't get back home you gotta be careful what you nibble hallelujah you gotta be careful where you nibble lost hallelujah they nibble themselves lost but they cannot nibble their way back home well somebody said preacher when you talk about sheep you told me the Jesus is the shepherd but but what do you mean when you talk about sheep well what are we like it or not God has designed that his people are called his sheep you don't hear what I'm saying why don't you turn the Acts chapter 20 for a moment look at verse 28 these are the words of the Apostle Paul speaking to the elders come on and read it with me take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock wait a minute the flock the flock of what she hello somebody remember when the Lord comes that's going to be a separation do you remember that he's gone to separate as a shepherd divides what sheep from the goat sheep on the right goats on the left God's people are not styled as goats see because the Sheep can't eat anything sheep has to have something that is green he leads me huh to green pastures and then she can't drink water when the water is troubled so he leads me beside the still waters you don't hear what I'm saying goat will eat your clothes off the line go to lead a rag and try to eat a tin can go delete everything and anything you can't eat he'll but you ever find folk in the church they got a buck spirit preacher can preach on proud said well that's all right but teach on time and that's all right but teach on faithfulness that's all right but it's a goat spirit that buts everything you don't hear what I'm saying but the Lord Styles his people as sheep and in the final day he said I'm gonna pull the goats out and they're gonna be on the left and I don't want to be on the left hand of God you don't hear what I'm saying but the sheep are going to be on the right and you can say what you want to we may come to church together now but when the Lord does is final separation of sheep from dope I'm here to tell you they'll never run together anymore Oh hallelujah so Paul says take heed that fall under your sails and all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost have made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he has purchased we this old blood and maybe you can remember in the book of John just before the Lord left this earth he had already gone to the cross he had already been buried in Joseph's new tune he had already been resurrected on that third day morning but just before he went back to heaven he appeared to his disciples on numerous occasions finally in that 21st chapter of John and down around the fifteenth verse Peter had gone back fishing carried all the other disciples with him and the Lord wanted to know from Simon Peter Simon son of Jonas do you love me more than you love these and the word these referred to the fish I gave you a job but you going back to your old life your patient and I want to know do you love me well if you love me I want you to feed my lambs and the lamb is a young sheep one of the young ones that you pick up and carry in your bosom and the Lord said peanut you don't have time to go back to your old occupation I've got some young new born Christians and they need to be fed with the Word of God and he asked him a second time Simon son of Jonas do you love me well if you love me I want you to feed my sheep not just the new ones but feed all of them finally asked him a third time Simon son of Jonas do you love me Peter was grieved and said Lord you know all things and you know that I love you the Lord said all right if you really love me I want you to feed my sheep say what you want to [ __ ] will live in a day when a whole out of the sheep have been beaten but God want the Sheep to be fed and because the Sheep provide wood wool shall I say and there comes a time when there must be a shearing of the sheep that must be an amount of the wool cut off hallelujah but you don't share them all the time and when I look at the television and when I listen to the radio sometimes I don't hear nothin goin on but continuous shearing of the sheep every time you turn the radio and TV on it's send me a hundred dollars send me five hundred send me a thousand you can't share the Sheep all the time the locks that Shepherd if you really love me see feed my sheep I'm gonna have to get through in a minute here but I want you to know that God is concerned about the Sheep look at what the shepherd of when he realizes that one of the Sheep is missing first the Bible said he seeks until he finds him and the word seek tells up the pursuing love of God I'm glad that God is not like us we get tired of you and if you're go why you don't have no business going will soon sack later for you but God was so concerned about his lost sheep that Jesus came all the way down from heaven took all our / a virgin yeah no it's God seeking for his lost sheep and I want to tell somebody maybe you feel you gone too far maybe you feel you stayed too long but I Got News for you the lodge is yet seeking after you you may be out on the corner selling your body to anybody that will buy but I Got News for you the luck otter is seeking for you you may be in the prison because of a crime you committed but I want to tell you something you are yet his sheep you may be lost but he's looking for you yay I have a songwriter said Jesus my Savior from Bethlehem pain born in a manger of suffering and shame oh it is wonderful blessed be his name she can seeking for me seeking for me ah how to do yup but not only does he seek but he keeps home seeking he seeks until and the word until refers to God's unwary persistence that God never give up your husband might have given you up your wife might have given you up your children might have given you up your parents might have given you up church members might have given you up but I want you to know he's yet seek him he's yet looking he's yet saying come unto me you've done wrong but I'm not gonna throw you away you've disobeyed me but I still love you you went through a hole in the fence but I still love you Wow Wow [Music] hallelujah and finally through seeking through not giving up the Shepherd find the sheep and puts him on his shoulder and he goes skipping down the road yeah and I heard Jesus say there's joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine just person they need no repentance I want to set to the lost sheep in temple of deliverance today I want to sack to the lost sheep that's watching me on television I want to sack to the last sheep that's listening on the radio I want to sack to the lost sheep that's listening on cassette tape he's looking for you you can make heaven rejoice [Music] [Applause] No halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Music] Wow [Music] thank you Jesus lift up hold hands and praise Him somebody praise the name of Jesus pray the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Shepherd is calling Jesus the great Shepherd of the sheep he's saying I don't care what you've done I still love you [Music] you see that that will try to give you a hang up huh the devil tried to tell you you to run away so many times folk don't even want to see you coming number one that's a lie because any real believer in Christ it's glad to see a runaway come home you don't hear what I'm saying but if by chance they're awesome carnal Christians and they don't understand the Lord is saying you'll make him happy oooh if you make your way back to God somebody in here today you heard the Shepherd's voice and when I said the Shepherd's voice I'm not talking about me I'm talking about Jesus the great Shepherd of the Sheep you heard my voice but you heard his words why don't you get up and come on home today you ought to be tired of sin if you have never confessed him as your Lord and Savior you lost but he's ready to save you and maybe you have been active in the church but you've strayed away don't let nobody fool you true you are his sheep you belong to him but in the state you are in you're lost god bless you young man hallelujah god bless you young ladies there at least another four of you let the Lord have spoken to get up and come now come on to Jesus today he'll wrap his arms of love around you you talking about a banquet there'll be rejoicing in heaven if you just come on home today let him speak to your heart let him speak to your soul let him speak to your mind if you've never confessed him as your Lord and Savior come now hallelujah if you once lived for him but you straight away you've gone through the hole in the fence and you're back out there in strange territory god bless you young lady come home if you're seeking a church home and you know this is what God wants you to be get up and come right now thoughtless Oh Lauren Wow glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's right come home how to do you there yet two more of you come on the Lord is calling it whoa thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hey you get all the praise a minute huh you just oughta praise him anyhow god bless you young man that's still another one that the Lord is speaking to obey him today whoa he's calling you he's calling you he's calling you [Applause] the Holy Ghost still says there's another one more than one but there is at least another one that the Lord has given you to know this is your day and you know it you don't have to try to please nobody you don't have to ask permission from your friends you got to meet God for yourself [Applause] hallelujah god bless your heart come on and praise God [Applause] whoa whoa red hallelujah you get all the praise them anyhow you just ought to praise him anyhow whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god oh my god hallelujah [Applause] there were two people on this side that breathed the sigh of relief but he's yet talking to you he's yet talking to you and you know who you are they're two more of you right over on this side I don't know whether you're coming to give him your life for the first time or whether you in a backslidden state of whether you are one of those that's trying to live for the Lord but where you are you're not being fed and you know you're not being fed hallelujah you can't grow if you're not said you can't even live if you're not fed and the Lord has given you the note that this is why he wants you to be there's one over here and that two more over here that the Lord is spoken to will you obey Him today with your BAM today when you begin to obey Him doors will begin to open fire god bless you young man god bless you young man here they are hallelujah there's one over here that's one over here god bless you young lady come on hallelujah come on and praise it come on and praise it come on and praise it hi hallelujah lower it to Jesus glory to Jesus glory to Jesus glory to Jesus hallelujah just praise him for a moment just praise him for a moment hallelujah hallelujah glory to Jesus bless the name of Jesus glory hallelujah glory hallelujah bless the name of Jesus follow my soul delight in you my soul magnifier wonderful is God hallelujah hallelujah must so magnifier Jesus thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey Cory to God thank you Jesus I tell you what I want you all to do I'm going to ask sister Chris we'll listen elder Raymond fini and they are going to lead you all over I believe into this other building and they just want to open the Bible and if there are any questions you have remaining as far as what must I do to be saved they're gonna answer those questions those of you that want to make this your church
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 88,601
Rating: 4.6823611 out of 5
Id: lOOXRlqzcOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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