GE Patterson You Are Not In It Alone

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we thank you the costs in the time of trouble you are our refuge you are hiding place hallelujah and we just praise you for it glory to Jesus glory to Jesus Laura Laura holiday thank you thanks time [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh come on just give him phrase take a moment you betrayed holiday we'll buy five huh hey thank you so magnify your Jesus Papa dude thank you all now if you would have not these lips of clay allow us to speak as an Oracle of Christ hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood no flesh will glory in your sight take no credit for anything that you do but we give you all that lordy on in the praise through Christ our Lord a man and a man come on and praise Him one more time he who is our refuge thank you Lord Jesus you may be seated glory to God [Music] good to know that when the storms of life are raging [Music] that we have a refuge [Music] we have a secure hiding place that it doesn't matter how the storm winds blow [Music] this is a place that the enemy cannot shape thank you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the storms of life arrayed [Music] standby me [Music] when the star of life of rage stand by me when the world is tossing me like a ship ah on a raging sea fowl who rule this wind and water stand by me I'm just glad I got a refuge [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah anybody hear you in the mid-level stall [Applause] Your Honor look at somebody and tell them I'm not worried about the storm because I've got a rescue [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah or Lola go go that's his name let me [Music] [Applause] let me speak to you this morning well this afternoon now [Applause] that'll spirit of praise in this place blow blow blow blow [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah leopard-man [Music] whoa hallelujah nah closer closer closer [Music] [Applause] open your Bibles with me for a few minutes I want to go over the same scriptural text that we shared this morning at 7:45 and yet it is not really designed to be the same message but from the same text some 23 and then Psalm 23 there is a phase phrase rather there in verse 4 then we will go to Isaiah chapter 43 and Matthew chapter 28 Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and this is the verse yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil can you say with me Father art with me for thou art with me keep that line in mind Isaiah chapter 43 beginning with the first verse and going into verse 2 but now thus saith the Lord that created the old Jacob and he that formed the O Israel fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou at mine when thou pass it through the waters say it with me I will be with thee through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walk it through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame Kendyl against thee but bear in mind that word I will be with thee the psalmist said thou art with me and Isaiah the Lord says I will be with the Matthew 28 beginning with verse 18 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power was given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world thou art with me I will be with thee I am with you look at somebody just tell them you are not in it alone you are not in it alone and for the next few minutes I trusted by the grace of God to get that point over to each of you I'm aware that as I speak to a little better than 2000 persons who are present here and the hundreds of thousands that view us by way of radio television the worldwide web and video audio tapes DVD that there are as many situations as there are people every face every individual is a different story there some who are facing a crisis of physical health you have some serious tests scheduled in a few days it could be that you've already completed the tests and you are now faced with a delicate surgery some of undesirable method of treatment and at this crisis hour in your life you feel all the some of you who are concerned with the question of survival you have tasted the good life the American Dream purchased that house in the suburbs with two new cars in the driveway and you are up to your eyeballs in debt and now you're faced with the possibility the real possibility of losing your income and you're asking the question why is this happening to me it doesn't matter how many other people this happening to you are at a solitary place because right now it doesn't matter what's happening in the whole world it's me I stand to lose so much I'm also aware of some senior citizens who feel abandoned by that son or daughter whom you sacrificed your life to put them through college and now you left all alone then there's that caregiver who is now in failed in health as a result of the months and possibly years of physical and mental pressure caring for one who has made it difficult for you and now you feel that it has all been a waste because after caring for someone else it seems that no one cares for you and let us not forget that young person of those young people who struggle physically and emotionally in a world who are seeming that no one understands or cares what he or she is going through I want to let you know that you are mistaken when you feel that whatever you're going through that there's nobody going through it but you the Apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians 10:13 there hath no temptation no situation has taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape and the thing about it is there's no period there we'd like to put a period there God will make a way of escape so I can get out of it no that's only a comma that you may be able to bury it God doesn't always allow you to escape from it many times he allows you to escape in it those Old Testament stories with which we are so familiar you know Daniel in the den of lions and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace but God did not allow them to escape from it until first of all he delivered them in it had God not already delivered Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the heat was so intense that it burned the ropes that had them bound and burned the men who were throwing them in but they were able to walk around in the fire and feel no hurt and when God first of all proved that he could deliver them in it then the next morning he delivered them out of it we think that God has to always deliver us out of it but first of all he delivers you in it he proves to you that that thing that you say I can't Bamm first of all he proves to you that you can bear it and once he delivers you in it then he'll deliver you out of him now the only reason they were able to endure the flame was because they were not in that furnace by themselves even the King had to admit didn't we throw in three bow but as I look I see fall and nobody's bound they all loosed and the fourth one looks like the Son of God you got to understand that they put in three and that will fall in them they took out three the fourth one never came out I heard one preacher said the reason the fourth one didn't come out is because he stayed in the flame waiting for when you get that so when you get in to your furnace you don't have to worry about even being in the fire by yourself the same God that met Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he's waiting in the heat of your trial in the heat of your tribulation and whatever you're going through Oh hallelujah so Paul says what you're going through you're not the only one what you're going through is common to man I know that many times in our situations we feel isolated that's the devil's job to make you feel isolated you walk out of your house and you just got through having an argument with your spouse and you just feel like your world is falling down and you look across the street and here's that other couple they coming out of the house all smiles and you talking about all my just wish my marriage was like there's no you don't many times that the situation is worse than yours but they have a good acting ability and you weigh everything you feel on your face and sometimes they just got through having one of the worst knockdown drag-outs and then they got alright now we got to go out the door so come on waves that smile where's-where's brother being Watson when when brother man gets up when it's his Sunday to announce he always tells us now put a big smile on your face and show it to your neighbor and those folks just got through fighting but they said each other now we got to go out and face the so put a big smile on your face and let's go out of here nothing you're going through are you going through something that no one else hasn't already been through and if God could bring them through and remember now the operative word is the word through that's the thing about God no matter what you end he doesn't let you get stuck in it the word through means you came in on one side and you're going out on the other yeah I've traveled many times and I've had to go through tunnels thank God I made it through from one side I went through it and came out on the other side and here's what you got to understand no matter what you are in when you come through you're gonna be on the other side you're gonna be on victory side the trouble will be over the battle will be over hallelujah what the enemy has designed to kill you will be over and you'll be able to say that I made it can I hear somebody said through Paul said there's no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able you say you can't take anymore but you don't know your own strength I'm here to tell you you stronger than you think you are many times that's why the Lord keep letting things come on because you're constantly talking about this is it I can't stand no more and every time you say that he's okay yeah you can take a little more let me show you so he lets a little heavier burden fall on in order to let you know that the lad there is no last straw the straw that breaks the camel's back God has given you enduring power he's given you survivability beyond your imagination because the thing about it is you're not bowing the Lord alone every load gets lighter when it's shared it may be a hundred pounds but if two people get under there's only 50 pounds falling on each one if four people get under there's only 25 pounds falling on each one the more people share it the light of the load becomes and I'm here to tell you that when God is sharing your load if he's for you he's more than the whole world against you my message today is designed to say to each of you whatever you're going through you're not in it alone I'll create a new from the beginning the dangers of loneliness his words in Genesis 2:18 the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him the NIV version says the Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him yes he was already surrounded by dogs and cats and lions and tigers and butterflies and snakes but he needed someone with whom he could share his feelings of joy and sorrow and I don't care how much of a private person how much of an introvert you think you are you need human personalities to help you share oh I know there's some folk you're always reading about them living with a house full of cats leaving them money to cats anytime you find people who can live only among dogs and cats and can't stand to be around folk that's automatically something weird I don't want to get into that human beings were made to associate with human beings one of the main purposes for marriage and family is the word sharing God gave Adam a helper someone with whom he could share that idea scene even later in Psalm 68 and 6 where it says God said it the solitary in families God doesn't intend for you to be out there by yourself nobody to help nobody to share I know you all want me to get back to the thing of where God but you also need some human personalities to share with the journey of life is to be shared that make sense for people to live in the same house sometimes sleep in the same bed and refuse to talk to each other that is not God's idea of family oh I just turned you off now oh he got his habits on if she got their habits on maybe every once in a while but not every day not all the time at some point I don't care how introverted you are there's got to be somebody that you can open up and share what's going on if you're married it's supposed to be your spouse that's it quietness oh no God did not design marriage for you to be married to one somebody but you always feel so free to share with somebody else [Music] [Applause] I don't think y'all want to shout no more what somebody sent what preacher yeah I mean listen I'm I don't really have a natural family I know that some of you do not have natural families and some for reasons beyond your control estranged from your family well God Jehovah Jireh the one who does provide he's made provisions for you if you are without a natural family he has provided the church as your spiritual family as a member of the body of Christ which is the church you have a large family listen that the way Jesus fixed it when he had that encounter with the rich young ruler and when that man was unwilling to sell everything you have and give to the poor and follow Jesus Peter wanted to know master in mark 10 28 through 30 he said well we left all and followed you and jesus answered and said verily I say unto you there is no man that has left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother a wife of children are lands for my sake and the gospel's but he shall receive a hundredfold something meaning that if your conviction for the Lord calls that mother to throw you out cause that brother to throw you out that sister to say I don't want to have anything to do with you the Lord Jesus said you can have a hundredfold for every one you have to give up the Lots that I'll give you a hundred you'll have a hundredfold in this life hallelujah houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands but now when the Lord begins to bless you and prosper you remember this other word he said you'll have it with persecution some of you don't understand why look like certain folk that used to love you don't like you anymore you know there is an old demon spirit called jealousy and when God's people are being blessed look like just out of the clear blue folk who didn't have speak to you in the first place then they get funny yeah you gonna be talked about before you ask God the price for you first of all ask him to condition you for the prosperity because when he began to bless you that don't be folk who can't stand your prosperity David said I'll tell you how he blessed me say he prepared the table before me and he didn't call me around the corner where my enemy couldn't see it but he set the table in the presence of mine enemies hallelujah look at somebody and tell them no we're about you in him and if God have spread the table you sit down at the table and let your enemy through the we're in yeah uh-huh now that's something that I'm trying to get through here and then I'm gonna get read and close this if the Lord sets you into a church family the same idea is true in the spiritual family that is true in the natural family the key word is sharing in the large church family there are strong ones and there are weak ones but because we are family we are commanded to share with one another Romans 15 and 1 we then a strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak so many things that we try to push off on the church as an organization the Lord intended that you would deal with it as an individual you didn't hear me I think the people up in the bleachers they're a lot of things that people try to push off on the church as an organization he intends for you to deal with as an individual if that's somebody that's a member of your church and they live down the street from you around the corner across town and you know the suffering situation they are in it's not for you to say have y'all call the pastor help have you called brother Plummer and you got more money than you can spend God intends for you to go in your pocket oh you don't believe that first John 3:17 says but whoso half this world's goods and see if his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him the NIV version say if anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him how can the love of God be in him God expects us as a spiritual body to share not only does he say in Romans 15 and 1 we then of the strong author about infirmities of the weak but Galatians 6 and 2 says baggie one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ so you got to understand I'm not an evangelist I happen to be your pastor and I can't just get up and tell y'all sermons that's gonna make you showers we have mastered the art of praise and worship but I'm here to tell you don't matter how you praise it no matter how you dance how you run up and down the aisle how you speak in tongues if you don't have the kind of love that motivates you to share with your fellow brothers and sisters oh praise the mounts to a sounding brass and a clinging cymbal I'm not saying stop shouting but bring up that part that's lacking so that all things can be equal Oh hallelujah so tell somebody God doesn't want you to be in it alone because he wants me to get in it with you and help you share Oh hallelujah now let me go just a little father Jesus he knew the danger of loneliness when he came on the scene he met some individuals Peter James and John they kind of companion together as fishermen but evidently they were hitting miss fishermen because the time he met them they had told all night and caught nothing another one by the name of Levi's who is also Matthew he was a tax collector and the Jewish people looked at tax collectors as the lowest form of humanity because here were Jewish men who had sold out to the Roman government the Roman officials didn't know who the haves were in the community so they would get somebody from the community who knew what an individual was worth and give him a contract as a publican or tax collector texe collector was a lonely person but when Jesus got through gathering those men one by one every time they had problems he was right there to help them meet their need but finally one day he called them together there in Jerusalem in the upper room where they ate the Last Supper he said to them I'm getting ready to leave you but I know you can't stand to be by yourself and he says to them in John 14 and 18 I will not leave you as orphans yeah King James Version says comfortness the NIV version said I won't leave you like your orphans but I will come to you and what Worthy talking about that when I get back to my father I'm going to pray the Father and he's going to give you another comforter and you know what he's going to abide with you it doesn't matter what you're going through he's gonna be with you when you're sick he's gonna be right down when death is in your family he's going to be right there even when you get a pink slip telling you your job has chosen the layoffs and you are part of the number he's gonna be with you and he will be with you far ever and that's the thing that that I don't understand how so many fold can be a part of the body of Christ how so many can come every week and are content without having the Holy Ghost because I'm here to tell you you're gonna have some lonely days you're gonna have some days when people are not going to stand with you don't don't pay no attention to how they pledged loyalty friend right or wrong but you go to jail they sure call stay home we told that story when we were kids growing up but I want you to know that it doesn't matter how many people forsake you if you have the Holy Ghost whatever is going on in your life you are never alone jesus said to those that were preachers of his word go in all the world preach this gospel to every creature teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the world I don't know that maybe some folk in here that's been trying to do a work for the Lord you see everybody that's working for the law it doesn't sit up here on the platform you don't have to have credentials to work for Jesus you don't have to be ordained the work for Jesus but if you know the reality of who he is you can be a witness everywhere you go witness doing the coffee-break on the job witness during the lunch hour on the school campus witness to the neighbors when you meet outside in the driveway witness to anybody who calls you with some kind of a problem you can tell them about Jesus and he declares that whatever you are doing if you're working in my name lo I am with you people may say you've taken leave of your senses but the Lord said I'm with you and I don't think there's anybody in here that when you first got saved and I'm talking to folk that really got saved and that job and those people you used to run with they knew how you could drink they knew how you liked the party they knew what you were like as far as substance abuse but when you got saved many of them thought you had lost your mind but I want you to know that when your friends think you've lost your mind when we used to even sing that years ago they sang my mind my mind my mind is gone that old evil mind I had my mind is gone and when you get saved your mind leaves and you take on the mind the price and I want you to know that when others want to put you down he said if you are teaching if you're standing on my word if you're proclaiming my truth don't worry about how many people turn their back on ya with you I wish you just tell somebody don't worry about it the Lord is with you I'm almost finished in that forty third chapter of the book of Isaiah the Lord said to the children of Israel said I am the one that created you I am the one good god from on high that called you by your name and I want you to know that I am with you when you get into trouble I'm with you when you go through the water and the water represents trouble rivers that are trying to overflow yeah I him said when you have trouble that seems like a sea that's trying to wash you away don't worry about it and with you when you get in the trials that's like slaves trying to consume you don't worry about the enema stretch the enemy is just like the big bad wolf that said I'm gonna love and bust and blow your house down but I want you to know that if Jesus if biocide in that matter what you're going through I am saying I am with you and if Jesus is with you the enemy can't destroy you if Jesus is with you the Devils in hell pay attention if Jesus and Wikia you can go through any test in a trial and in tribulation I know we're living in some perilous times trouble is everywhere you hardly meet anybody that's not going through a serious time but the one thing you got to know he's not with you because of what you feel I don't know about you but I don't feel good every morning and I don't see you like shouting every day when my feet hit the float but the Lord didn't say I'm with you long as you were feeling good he didn't say I'm with you as long as you're popular with everybody but he says I'm with you simply because my word says so and the thing you got to know Balaam said it to be like in the Book of Numbers God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent you got to know if he said it that settles it if he said I'm with you you may have winds blowing Lightning flashing Thunder owing earthquake and storms in your life but he's because he said I'm bad with you what mother and father forsake you David said that's when the Lord will take me up David said I'm with you he said you may be in the valley the valley is the opposite of the mountain the mountain peak is the high place you on the mountain when you got money in your pocket you're on the mountain when you're feeling good not a pain in your mouth you're on the mountain when you're surrounded by freedom and everybody's speaking well but when you're flat broke sick names you are in the valley enemies more enemies than friends you are in the valley but I am say yeah through the alley I'll send all evil they anybody that's going through the valley I wish you tell those around you don't worry even if you're in the valley you're not by yourself [Music] I'm gonna have to close but many biblical historians they debate Psalm 23 some of them saying welcome David some of them said it was somebody else who was going through trouble but most of us usually believe that David was the author of Psalm 23 David leaving his sheep on a dark night but it so happened that it was the blackness of night but when the cloud disappeared the moon was shining in its fullness David is in the valley leading his sheep and there's a mountain lion perched on top of a mountain piece and when the moon light reflected the shadow of the mountain nom down in the valley David knew that lion couldn't mean instant death but I hand said I'm not worried because just like I'm the shepherd for these sheep I'm a sheep in the pasture of my shepherd and I'm not worried about that mountain man that's only under speak for yay so I walk through the valley and the shatter of death since the Lord is my shepherd and the thing about a ship of the shepherd is always in front see a dope person is a good herdsmen he's got the drive goats from behind but a shepherd lead sheep from in front he said the Lord is in front he's my shepherd and then I know where some of y'all because I've seen the lightning flashes I've heard that's on the road I felt sin break of Datchet trying the talk of my soul but I heard the voice of Jesus he bit me still final he promised he promised never to leave never to leave me [Music] no never alone I'm with you in your sickness with you in your trial with you what friends walk with you while the tryna get you off [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the pleasure of surance that you with us thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] just just stop your walking please he promised never to leave you it's dangerous to leave unless you have to without the benediction being pronounced unless you have to leave I wouldn't leave right now you need the benediction pronounce Tanya our pastor has assured us that he'd never leave us nor forsake us he'd be with us until the end of the world and you need to stay for the benediction if you can there may be someone here today who feels like you're alone because you have not accepted him as your Savior if you here today and you have not confessed Jesus as your Lord we want to give you an opportunity to come he promised never to leave [Music] No [Music] [Music] never [Music] to me giving you an opportunity to accept the Lord as your Savior if you're here and you're already saved and you would like to become a member of this church we bid you to come now there's someone who should have come to be saved it's not too late he promised he promised he promised come on he promised he promised [Applause] never to leave me somebody can hide with those who are joining the church if you don't want us to know you're not saved but you need to come never to leave me [Music] I'm pleading with you to calm if you're not saying I'm pleading if you're back slaughter I'm pleading with you don't let this harvest pass don't let this harvest pass the summer is ended and you're not saved yet don't let October end and you have not accepted the Lord as your Savior I'm pleading with you now if you're not saved get up oh that's fine for the child to come but I'm talking about in the dog hit come on some adults come I'm cleaning up I'm pleading with you to come I'm begging you to come if you're not saved [Applause] [Music] pray church pray church pray break break I'm pleading with you if you're not saved come and play I'm pleading with you if you're not saved don't walk out the door [Music] [Music] I see the exiting I'm not discouraged [Applause] I know that when the spirit is pleading there's someone that needs to come we'll hear later that I should have come and I did not heed the call we're not discouraged we've given you the opportunity I've almost begged you to come I feel the grieving in my spirit somebody needs to get up and come you know you're in degradation and shame get up and come get up get up get up get up out of your seat and make that devil a liar you came to church today because you want to be delivered you get up out of your seat and come Itza get up and come you know you want to be saved but the immanent want you to get up don't look to your right and don't look to your left just get up in the name of shoes [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] it's alright Lord I've done what you gave me to do yeah Jesus hey Jesus breaks every [Applause] [Applause] come on Simon cheese [Applause] and he set me free [Music] she's not to come on shoes Jesus [Applause] he pretend you're compounding she spread [Applause] there's a man come on ready set me free any second tree and I set me free [Applause] these two ladies have come broken he came to set you free today he came to today [Applause] [Music] Jimmy airing on the ground if you're here today and you have a gambling addiction again addiction come on [Applause] and he set me free [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you for the children thank you Lord for the yoke destroying anointing that's in the room Saints we have to take time we have to take time with souls here our primary business is soul winning [Music] everything else is a bonus he called the sinister repentance and we thank God for those who've come today to repent of your sins those of you who've come saved and want to join the church we're glad for you too but those of you who came to be saved I want you to follow now the Amos elder White's gonna direct you I want some of you missionaries to go in this young woman wants to be the new eternal but Jesus somebody said Jesus somebody saved Jesus he he will loose you today it is something about you he's come to loose your shackles he's come to destroy the yokes of the devil in your life he came to set you free today open your mouth and call Jesus aha somebody Terry with hahaha go and get her somebody called Jesus Jesus Jesus he said it's word to heal women of our show in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus somebody [Music] it's in the name of Jesus yes he in your opinion yes we've come in the name of Jesus today and we thank God for those who come I thank you for those who did not leave something has drawn me down to the floor thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus somebody tell him thank you I feel the spirit of humility in the room huh thank you Jesus he that I'm with himself shall be exalted thank you Jesus and he then exalted himself shall be made a base thank you Jesus I heard Bishop when he said that when you see a need close by for you to meet the need and not refer them to somebody else if you can meet the need I heard the spirit when he was saying that saying for us to take a good look at that but when we can solve a problem we need to solve it thank you Jesus it calls the love to soar in the church I'm going to my seed in a minute but I'll shed all bye hi y'all know I came here in evangelist and every now and then the evangelistic spirit comes up on me I can't help myself God made me there all Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus I want to see the church blessed want to see people delivered want to see everybody prosper in God not just things but I want to see us all prosper in God I want to see the whole church baptized in the Holy Ghost I would everybody else shut up I want to see everybody I know attend with the anointing so that anybody that takes the microphone can stand up and cast the devil out you can speak healing to the body of Christ somebody say yes no somebody get up on your feet and kill somebody get up and you can annoy me afresh if you wanna come on and you can annoy me if you wanna do what you get me to do yes I will yes are we good yes yes tell them yes yes thank you huh thank you for the yes thank you while you're standing thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you we must be fervent in business thank you we walk in the spirit and when the word comes forth and the anointing comes forth the the money will come tell somebody the money will come we have to take time thank you Jesus there's one great deliverance going on right now just that one is enough to be happy over and while we're standing I want you to flood this offering because we still have our ongoing project our Youth Center and everything that we soul is a blessing [Music] we heard the blessing from mighty today I want you to keep standing unless you're ill
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 429,718
Rating: 4.7061934 out of 5
Id: YMlmztCANS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 30sec (4590 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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