G.E. Patterson Learn How To Talk to the Devil

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I bless you open your Bibles with me to the Gospel according to Matthew that's just because I'm gonna do quite a bit of reading here let me just announce the subject and then you can get your you may get your Bibles as well let me say it this way learn how to talk back to the devil hello tell somebody that learned how to talk back to the devil [Music] you may not get very much out of that subject until maybe I clarified a little bit if we don't watch ourselves we will allow the devil to do all of the talking and he's not going to just well there may be some rare instances but for the most part he's not going to appear before you in a physical form like in many of these movies that depict demon possession and satanic worship but the devil speaks you know a lot of folk don't even believe God speaks but God yet speaks to man and the devil speaks also but rather than the devil appearing before you in some weird are grotesque form and he certainly not don't stand in front of you the way they used to teach us in Sunday school and the card class they would always show us a picture of a devil with a red suit and a tail and a pitchfork now it is doubtful that you will ever see him that way he transforms himself into an angel of light he may speak to you through some beautiful physical form while the male are female but in most instances he's gonna speak to you through your mind those thoughts those evil thoughts that you cannot prevent them from coming to your mind but you don't have to entertain them I think I mentioned this not too long ago my mother was saying to me you know it was an old saying I guess they were saying when she was a little girl she said you can't prevent birds from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building nests in your hand you can't prevent the devil from bringing an evil thought to your mind but you don't have to entertain that evil thought hello then he speaks to us out of sickness out of disease out of bad circumstances that he's the author of but what I'm trying to tell you is don't let him have the last word when he talks to you learn how to talk back all right you gonna do that tell somebody again learn how to talk back to the devil [Music] don't let him have the last word open your Bible to Matthew chapter 4 I want to read through a few passages right quick Matthew chapter 4 let's read the first I suppose the first four verses might be enough come on and read aloud with me then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread not not looking here this is Jesus this is Jesus whom the devil is tempting who he's talking to now think for a moment that he's not gonna talk to you now notice if you read the earlier chapter you'll find that Jesus is just leaving from his baptism experience well what baptism we taught my he was baptized in the water coming straightway up out of the water the Holy Ghost descended on him so if you want to say it was it was either one it was either the water baptism other spiritual experience but he is fresh from a great religious experience huh but he is carried into the wilderness into a solitary place and whenever you go into solitary and you say I'm going into stead of my Bible you say I'm going into fasting prayer you say I'm going in to become more like the Lord I want you to know one thing you may be able to shut out the telephone you may be able to shed out your spouse you may be able to shut out coworkers your family but there's one person you can't shut out I don't care how you fast and pray when you go in to shed in he comes in either under the door through the keyhole or he comes in somehow with you but when you shed in he's that too you can't get away from him now that a lot of folk that's trying to get away from him now in this day and time I don't want to offend anybody but of course we are all aware of it and since we all want to be such positive thinkers we easily get caught in that trap and and the leading exponents of positive thought people who often to the study of metaphysics you know there is no devil y'all have heard that happening but let me tell you something saying that he does not exist doesn't run him away when you get through claiming that he does not exist he still is going to follow you dog yo trail and he's gonna infiltrate your folks you can explain him away but you still don't get rid of him come on verse 3 if thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread verse 4 read with me but he answered and said it is not that's enough right there without even going on to tell you what Jesus said it was written when the devil tried to make the Lord yield to do what he wanted him to do the Lord's response was it is written three times the enemy tried to make him do that which he did not desire to do and three times Jesus went back to the book of Deuteronomy and quoted scripture to the devil telling him it is written all y'all don't hear finally finally verse 10 come on and read then said Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve now Jesus had the last word and verse 11 says what then the devil leaveth him and the whole angels came and ministered unto him now Jesus was so weak from forty days of fasting forty days of praying forty days of doing without food and forty days of fighting mentally with the devil that an angel had to come and minister to him in order to strengthen the Lord Himself so I'm here to tell you you're gonna help battles with the devil but if you are going to win the battle you cannot allow him to have the last word and when you talk back to him you cannot talk with your own words you are only permitted to use one weapon now that's not in my notes right now but turn to Ephesians chapter six look please don't let me be long this message is shaping up to get along but I don't want it to be long hello chapter six of Ephesians look at verse 10 come on and read this with me finding my brethren be strong in the law and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil now listen Paul is telling the church and he said my brethren but but sisters you're not excluded you're gonna have to stand against the wiles of the devil we for we wrestle not against flesh and blood wait a minute wait a minute we wrestle not against what now what is that next to you on your right or left brother our sister their flesh and blood right touch somebody and tell them quit thinking that I'm your enemy hello flesh and blood is not your enemy I'm not your enemy and you're not my enemy hello y'all you see what we've got to learn it's not the people it's the spirit that people allow to possess them your brother or your sister in the Lord is not your enemy we wrestle not against flesh and blood what come on but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places now everything that is stated here principalities powers rulers of darkness of this world spiritual wickedness in high places you're talking about a hierarchy of satanic forces you're talking about either the devil himself are you talking about those immediate demons that are on to him or you're talking about the many legions of demons that they have at their disposal you are not fighting quick-thinking and it grieves my spirit when I read letters and and talk to people trying to counsel and and folk think that some individual is their great problem your problem is not flesh and blood hallelujah that person can have a heart attack and die right now and if you don't watch it before sundown you'll see the same spirit working in somebody else that individual is not your problem somebody said that but for the grace of God go out and don't fool yourself the same evil and demonic spirits you see working in other folk if you don't remain Praful if you don't make sure you know self will few else will make you think that anything self does is right but you got to judge your own actions like you judge everybody else's by the Word of God and when you find yourself acting off you better learn how to rebuke self because the same spirit that's in somebody else if you don't stay Prattville and stay close to the Word of God that same thing will take you over and you gotta be all especially careful when you are worshiping in a full gospel Christ sinan church and ministry like this one because devils are being casted out and why are you sitting around here grumbling why are you sitting around here complaining why are you sitting around here laughing that's the way somebody shouts before you know it hallelujah you'll just feel a lump in your throat you'll feel something happened to you and you don't know what it is and the very devil that have been cast out as somebody else will be on you [Applause] I'm not in the I'm not into my notes yet let me let me hear them get through with this part so I can get to the notes for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places come on wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God now since you know that you're in a battle and you may as well get that made up in your mind you are in a battle you didn't get saved and come in here to sit down and stretch out on a rolls there bed huh you ain't an army we don't sing it no more but you're still an army hallelujah and God want us to be soldiers and you may as well get ready for the battle because the battle is on huh since you know you're gonna be in a battle put on the right clothes men that when they put on that combat uniform they're not dressed like folk who walked down the street with an attache case going to work at an office pull off your office clothes put on your battle fatigues is that not what he's saying here that you may be able to withstand in the evil day come on and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins Girt about with truth hallelujah huh and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quit all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation now listen listen everything that we've read thus far our defensive huh it's a part of your dress to defend yourself against the enemy's shooting his darts at you helmet of salvation to protect your head huh and then have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace so you won't step on a landmine huh lawns girl about with truths breastplate of righteousness and when you get through with all of these defensive articles of clothing you don't have but one thing to actually fight offensively with talk about I'm gonna fight with a knife and I'm gonna fight with a gun and I'm gonna fight by putting out a ruler to replace that rumor but God said I don't give you but what offensive piece of weaponry and what is that back to verse 17 read take the helmet of salvation and what the sword of the Spirit which is the word you don't have but one thing that will turn the devil around and that's the Word of God hallelujah what what about my shouting and dancing remember now the joy of the Lord is your strength when you start shouting and dancing it strengthens you it encourages you when you speak in tongues he terrifies your spirit but the only thing you got that will turn the devil around is the Word of God when the devil come at you you can tell him I'm a member bonus for blessings so what I'm one of the newly appointed leaders so what they nothing you can tell the devil that will turn him around until you put the Word of God on him and you got to know the word to know what part of the word to put on it when he come to you talking about what he's don't do to you the whole glory you got to know how to go in your arsenal hello somebody you know the golfer he has a selection of golf clubs and when he's beginning the game when he gets ready to tee off he doesn't use the same stick when he tees off that he uses when he gets on the green when he gets on the green and when the hole is only you know 15 feet away he uses a putter huh but he doesn't use a putter when he starts the game and the ball if it's four hundred and some feet from the green he's got to use the right kind of a club he's got to use a driver you don't hear what I'm saying and sometimes you need to use a drive on the devil and you reaching for putter you got to know the Word of God and know what to reach for see because that enemy he's been around he's been around if he wasn't here from the beginning of creation he was here before the creation of this earth now I don't know how many stages God created everything in but but before he created the earth and made man the devil was already here so he knows what it takes to go after you remember when you got saved and walked in that door we just met you but for devil been knowing you he knew what you were hung up on before you got saved [Applause] go back to Matthew and let's look at chapter eight chapter eight look at verse 16 well let's look at verse fourteen you have it come on and read and when Jesus was come into Peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched a hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them when they even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that was sick now you see how he cast out the spirit he did it with his word well look over the verse 31 let's read that well wait a minute wait a minute that you'll get even better a little better understanding start with verse 28 come on and when he was come to the other side into the country of the gurgles scenes they met him two possessed with Devils coming out of the tombs exceeding fierce so that no man might pass by that all I tell you sometimes people have such a bad case of demonic possession that you're scared to walk in the area and you see them a little bit everywhere you see I'm walking down Calhoun Street I remember one day my father and I we were out on the lake fishing and that was a man over on the bank and I kept hearing something and and the fella was preaching to himself and walking over to the lake and preaching to the fish and talking about how you know that he these are god's little creatures and then he went on to talk about folk trying to catch god's little creatures and he looked over there and saw us he was a caucasian brother and he was saying i love to kill i love to kill Jews and he was just caught up in his world I mean the devil will make people so fierce don't you fool yourself and then you got a lot of folk around here claiming that God has saved you and filled you with the Holy Ghost and sent you to preach and you out there messing with trying to cast out a devil and you don't know what you're doing and you end up like those seven sons of siva in the 19th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles hello somebody come on read just a little bit more and behold they cried out saying what have we to do with thee Jesus thou son of God I've come hither to torment us before the time and that was a good way off all right did we offer them a herd of many swine feeding read so the devil's besought him saying if thou cast us out suffer us to go away into the herd of swine and he said unto them go they could even though until Jesus gave them permission I'm trying to show you something the devil is a great usurper he is a big Bluff he claims power and authority that he really no longer has hope you can follow me through here remember there are no powers but God the powers that be are ordained of God when we say God is omnipotent we said God has all power well the question comes we're above the devil get his power the devil got his power from God because remember when he started out he was not the devil do you hear what I'm saying and even after the Lord dismissed him from his presence he still had power now the greater portion of that power was stripped of him at Calvary he's running now on greatly reduced power but that little bit of power that he has is magnified when you fail to realize that he has been defeated much of the harm that he does Hills the harm that he makes you do to yourself because you don't know the whole story what I mean if somebody would have come to your house at 3 o'clock in the morning and flash a badge real quick and say that I'm from the Memphis Police Department and I've got a warrant to search your house in all probability because he flashes a badge you gonna back up you're gonna let him in and you're not gonna resist him even if you got something in your house to resist him with but now if you take the time and look closely at that badge and see that it's not really a Memphis Police Department badge but it's just something he bought at the stove some private security firm you ain't gonna let that joke across the threshold huh and whatever you got in there to resist him with if he don't get out of your house quick he's gonna need to call the police to get you off him but you would back up because you don't know the limitation of his power y'all don't hear what I'm trying to tell you the devil does not have all of the power that you think he has remember it's been a long time since the Lord it's communicated him it's been a long time since he's been cast out of heaven and then he sustained the death blow on Calvary hallelujah you ever have one of these radios that you know you can work it either by battery or by electricity and maybe you usually leave it plugged in to the AC current but every once in a while you want to take that radio out in the backyard or somewhere and you disconnect it now see if you let it run too long without being refight up the battery is gonna run down now all the power that the devil got he got it from the Lord but he's been disconnected so long that his power have just about completely just about completely run out hallelujah so whenever Jesus encountered the devil but devil knew who he was and he had to ask permission and see if you don't know what I'm telling you today a lot of what the devil is doing to you he's doing it to you by your permission hello I said a lot of what the devil is doing to you and doing to your home and doing in your circumstance he's doing it to you by your permission now here in these verses Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 it says something to the effect that he cast out the spirits with his word it says they were possessed with Devils now whenever you see that word Devils plural huh it really means demons or evil spirits there are many demons there are many evil spirits but only one devil hello well he has a number of proper names in the Hebrew he is called Abaddon ah in the Greek he is called apollyon hmm he is the angel of the bottomless pit that's in Revelation 9 and 11 he is called Beelzebub the Prince of Devil's Matthew 12 and 24 he is called be Lisle 2nd Corinthians 6 and 15 he's called Satan in Luke 10 and 18 you remember when the disciples came in saying Lord even the Devils are subject enough through thy name and Jesus said I be here Satan as lightning fallen from heaven well he is the accuser now he's called the accuser and in fact in the Greek the word devil comes from the Greek root word da Avalos meaning accuser slanderer that's what the devil is he's an accuser you ever notice how that's the way he tries to tear up the church anybody who does anything the devil accuses them preacher can be sitting down on that front row and never get a chance to say anything and you don't hear nothing about them they get up and preach one good sermon and here comes somebody with an accusation y'all don't hear what I'm saying qualm members can stay back to end the choir never lead a song but the first time they come down to the microphone and they better not lead a song and leave everybody shouting along comes the accuser you can sit out there in in the audience in the balcony wherever and never testify but praise God if you get up with a testimony of deliverance and set the church on fire don't you worry within 24 hours the accuser is gonna have your name the word divert loose which is the greek word that devil comes from means accuser or slanderer he is the malignant enemy of God and man he accuses man to God hello a good example of that is in Joel chapter 1 huh when the sons of God presented themselves you note that Joel 1 verse 6 through 11 and and and and the Lord looked in the midst of his sons and that was one disguised of a son but it was the devil and he wanted to know what are you doing here he said I've just been going to and fro in the earth walking up and down in it the Lord said have you considered my servant Joe he's a perfect man he's holy he's upright he fears God he is shooing evil and the first thing that the devil did was accused Joe before God and said he's not serving you for know he's only serving you for what he can get out of it you got a hedge around him and if you remove the hedge I'll make him curse you to your face and saints of God do you not know that's what the devil is doing now he's trying to accuse you and me before God he's saying you know those full down there bountiful blessings and in these other ministries where they're teaching folk to be prosperous those folk all is serving you for the new cars they're serving you for the reasons on that job they're serving your father hold that not let them have any trouble they'll crush you to your face but we've got to make the devil out of life we've got to let him know even in the presence of God that I thank God for the car I thank him for the house I thank him for the job and the raise on the job but if I don't have a house to live in if I got to move in and rent hallelujah I'm gonna serve him in a house if my car won't run and if I got the farmer ride I'm gonna keep on serving him hallelujah that's what he does he accuses man to God same thing in in Joel 2 verses 1 through 5 in Revelation 12 verses 9 and 10 but he also accuses man to God rather he accuses God to man huh look at Genesis chapter 3 and you'll see how he tries to make man doubt God see he doesn't that's the thing you got to remember the devil is neither a friend of God nor man look Genesis 3 let's just quickly read the first five verses now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said under the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die don't you know the devil as yet lined us the devil is yet trying to tell us now maybe it is in his book but you can't believe everything that's in his book you can't really believe that a loving God would send his children to hell hello touch somebody and tell them don't you listen is what the devil said that's all the else he is the accuser he accuses man before God and accuses God before man then I tell you what else he does he afflicts men with physical suffering hello acts 10:38 I don't even have to turn then maybe you don't either this is Peter talking in the house of Cornelius how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and what healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him then in Luke chapter 13 and verses 12 through 16 you find the story of the woman that had an 18 year infirmity this is not talking about the woman that happy-ish your blood for 12 years but this is the one that had an infirmity 18 years that calls taught to be bowed down I often said she was like a you turned upside down bow down and couldn't straighten the sever but when Jesus looked at the woman and said daughter Thou Art Loosed from my infirmity and the critics began to criticize saying all of these are the days six days in the week and he comes any healing on the Sabbath day Jesus let them know set you hypocrites how many of you if your hearts I ask what fall into a ditch you get him out how many of you are velvet take that animal and lead him away to the watering and all not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan had bowed low zeal eighteen years or not she be loosed from her infirmity now this tells me the way Jesus looks at sickness disease and infirmity he looks at it as bondage from the devil and since Jesus looks at sickness as bondage from the devil then why would you pet bondage from the devil hallelujah you're sick and you stand hold from church you pet you arthritis you pet in your own glory tuberculosis you pet this your pet back but the Lord Jesus said that's bondage that's all it is and since its bondage from the devil don't take it as a gift of God you don't hear what I'm saying jesus said there in John 10 and 10 back 14 and that's another name for the devil he's nothing but a big thief he cometh not but for the kill steal and destroy but the Lord said I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly so when sickness illness disease and infirmity is in your body realize that it didn't come from God it came from the devil he's put it on you to try to bind you quit petting it and learn how to talk to it and tell that off Ronis you got to go tell that blood condition you've got to be purified tell whatever that condition is in your body that God wants me to prosper he wants me to be in hell he wants me to have the best of life and I'm not gonna accept this pain but I'm gonna tell it in the name of Jesus to be removed sit down I'm almost through another point I want to leave with you concerning the devil his purpose is your destruction reach over and touch somebody and tell him that his purpose is your destruction in 1st Peter 5 and 8 I heard Peter say your adversary woo your adversary the devil don't don't think he's your friend don't think you can form alliances with him and he'll help you over the hump no no no no he laughs - you keep out to destroy you he's your adversary your adversary the devil is that's what a royal line [Music] and he's not doing anything but walking about she's talking the earth seeking whom he may devour he wants you whoa he wants you for dinner but he can't have you unless you submit yourself to him I told you he don't have all the power that he wants you to think he's got he still has the raw but praise God he don't have the bite he's an old lamb he's an old line with decayed teeth [Applause] and all the way he can devour you you got to slow down you got to submit and let him devalue but a whole lot of time when we him grow [Music] huh just like in that fairy tale bottom go huff and puff and blow your house down now if you get scared and leave the house that's all he wants you to do but what you got to realize is that kaleri the lounge teeth was fooled he still has the wrong but he doesn't have the bike [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me quit whoa I haven't even gotten to the main points but as I told you earlier when you see the word Devils it really means demons are evil spirits there's only one devil and I want to tell you something about that one devil he is not omnipotent the word omnipotent means all-powerful nobody has all power but God he is not omniscient only God knows everything the devil knows a whole lot about you but he don't know everything and let me tell you one other thing he is not omnipresent because one place where he's no longer loud he ain't in heaven no more hello y'all and if you say excluding heaven he's omnipresent well if he's all not prevalent he's not ubiquitous what's the difference on my present means everywhere but ubiquitous means everywhere at the same time and only God is ubiquitous you don't hear what I'm saying now since the devil can't be everywhere at the same time he's got some agents these are his demon spirits hello they don't have all the power even that the devil himself has little imps running around causing confusion y'all don't hear me you gotta learn how to talk to him when they get into your business get them out [Applause] may have to be like the song believe surely Caesar recorded it said this joy that I have the world didn't give it the world didn't give it in the world can't take it and when those little hill start coming around to my I'm gonna make you lose that job I'm gonna see to it that you lose it you gotta learn how to talk back to it tell that devil that this job that I had [Applause] the devil didn't give it to me God gave it and the devil can't take it and when it's not messing with your health huh and then when you feel something that wasn't in your body alap here are growth paths and the devil tell you all right you got it you got the big seed you're not gonna be round here long you got to let that devil know listen the Lord is mine help he told me in his word he wants me to prosper and be in health I'm agreeing with God that I will be in health and this little thing is only temporary the devil say I'm gonna kill you but learn how to say what Jesus said this is not unto death [Applause] but that the law might be glorified devil you might have sent it to kill men but God let it come because he won't to heal me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch somebody and said don't let the devil help the last word [Music] I'm closing but in that 17th chapter of Matthew you remember the story when Jesus was up on the mountain there he was transfigured before Peter James and John down at the base of the mountain were the other nine disciples well that was a man that had a son whom the father said was a lunatic simply meant that he was affected by the changes in the Moon and as bad as we have to admit I hate to admit it that lot of folk like that now look at him one day and they're so loving and kind but every so often something happens they go into a secret kind of a action and you don't understand what make them tick this man had a son that was a lunatic at one point he would seem to be normal but when the moon began to go through its changes something would happen to the boy and the spirits would throw him into the fire just about time it looked like he was going to burn to a crisp in the fire the spirits would pull him out of the fire and throw him in to the water the disciples of the Lord tried to cast the devil out but they had no success finally when Jesus came down the slopes of the mountain saw the crowd that was around this church said to what is the story here and the man said master I have a son who will the lunatic often the spirit cast him into the fire and into the water I brought him to your disciples but they were unable to do him any good what I wanna know master if you can do anything have mercy upon my son Jesus said o faithless generation how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him to me O Lord and the Bible said there in the seventeenth chapter of Matthew in verse 18 that here buked what did he do he rebuked the spirit that was in him he rebuked the devil that's what I'm trying to tell you quit trying to pet him and learn how to rebuke him hallelujah in other words Jesus corrected that devil you devil you you filed evil spirit you quit throwing this ball into the water you quit throwing them into the fire I command you to do it y'all hear what I'm saying and will the devil try to put a pain on us Oh y'all pray for me I got to take it a little bit easy touch somebody and tell them learn to quit petting the devil and learn how to rebuke him [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'ma quit in that 16 chapter mark he said these signs shall follow them that what believe huh in my name shall be no it said ask him out [Music] quit asking him and learn how to cast him hello y'all you see if somebody would have come up in here now creating trouble hello y'all now if the man was under intoxicating beverages and he staggered a little bit getting the loud we'd ask him to be quiet is that right we try to reason with him but if he insists that I'm just gonna take over I'm gonna preach this sermon today tell that pastor to sit down you know what would happen about 7:00 my eight brothers would get around him and cast him y'all don't hear what I'm telling you [Applause] and I'll need you trying to be nice and play with the devil don't ask him nothing but learn how to take authority over him and in the name of Jesus tell the devil get out of my business [Applause] relationship hallelujah hallelujah you don't have to pet him you don't have to play with him jesus said I give you power against all unclean spirits I give to the authority to tread and the word tread mean walk old demons wobble Devils and nothing shall by any means hurt you you got the power to triumph over him you don't need to ask him nothing but tell him if he get in front of you trying to lead you tell him devil you're not my leader if he get in your ear trying to talk to you tell him devil I won't hear you if he get behind you trying to push you into a mess tell him you don't belong behind me you don't belong but one place and that's on to my seat get out while you belong get out get out yeah Oh Shia listen and when you put him under your feet don't be scared to step on it don't be scared to dance on it don't be scared to jump on it yeah glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah Lloris hallelujah [Applause] wait a minute reach over tell somebody never see them doesn't belong in front of you leading you neighbor Satan that belong beside you whispering in your ear never Satan doesn't belong behind you pushing you in the stuff that you don't have no business here he only belongs one place and that's under your feet put him under [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory hallelujah hallelujah Laura Laura Laura [Music] [Applause] hallelujah what a wonder [Music] Lauren [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 115,630
Rating: 4.7610064 out of 5
Id: VouSXrpmLnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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