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hallelujah let all the people praise Him praise ye the Lord come on with a lifted hands given freeze and give Him glory hallelujah for the Lord is worthy he's worthy to be praised blow over to God we should worship Him in the beauty of holiness and then we should praise Him because of his mighty acts hallelujah and has he done anything for you lately [Applause] bless the name of Jesus hallelujah god we want to praise your name once again for having allowed us to be assembled in the house of worship on this another Lord's Day and even as we have come together on this Sunday this weekend which celebrates the liberty of our nation hallelujah we want to thank you Lord that long before the signing of the Declaration of Independence you said if the Son of God shall make you free you shall be free indeed thank you Lord that you have set us free from the bondage of sin degradation and despair and even as we've come today to take of your broken body and of your shed blood remembering the act that set us free we ask that you would move mightily in our midst let your glory be revealed in this place and we will give you glory and we'll give you honor and will praise you with all of our heart mind and strength through Christ our Lord amen any man give the Lord a hand the phrase everybody and you may be seated [Applause] well how wonderful it is to be in the house of the Lord one more time yes we certainly won't to appreciate all of our visitors I was back in the office area but I was looking at the monitor and we have so many out-of-town visitors with us today and we want you to know that you are greatly appreciated we always love it when our friends come to see us we happy to have with us today also Pastor Derek Hutchins the chairman of the general council of pastors and elders in the Church of God in Christ God bless you Pastor Hutchins man and we are mindful to preform of the Mary Wells mother of own mother the older Wells Johnson and for all of those who are in need of prayer on today I'm not going to be before you in any great length but we're just gonna talk to you briefly and afterwards we're going to share our Lord's body and blood and Holy Communion I know that when you're up against a holiday like fourth of July people come to church with their mind on barbeque and all kind of stuff but if you can get your mind off barbecue and get it on Jesus well just a few minutes a man how much ow full of divine how my child since Christ is mine Woody's I cannot tell come my child [Music] I'm a child since Christ define and what he is to me I cannot tell [Music] I'm a child subscribe to my and one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me share with you briefly from an instance of healing during the earthly ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that is recorded in the Gospel of Luke chapter 5 verses 12 through 15 it simply reads well let me give you a moment I hear a lot of pages rattling Luke chapter 5 verses 12 through 15 if you have that same man and it came to pass when he was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy who seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying lord if thou wilt thou Kenneth make me clean and he put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean and immediately the leprosy departed from him and he charged him to tell no man but go and show thyself to the priest and offer for thy cleansing according to according as Moses commanded for testimony unto them but so much the more went their fame abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities if you would put a Bible mark of that that verse 15 it seems almost from the way Luke records the story to be just an add-on it seems to be something that doesn't really fit we read about the man being healed and then the next thing verse 15 says but so much the more went there a Fame abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed by him of a infirmities if you'll mark that for a moment and turn back into the Gospel of Mark chapter 1 it gives you more of an explanation as to why that verse is there mark chapter 1 you have that now beginning with verse 40 and that came a leper to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying unto him if thou wilt thou Kenneth make me clean and Jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him and saith unto Him I will be thou clean and as soon as he had spoken immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed and he straitly charged him and forthwith sent him away and saith unto Him see thou say nothing to any man but though thy way show thyself to the priest and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded for testimony unto them but he went out and began to publish it much and to blaze abroad the matter in so much that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city but was without indebted places and they came to him from every quarter jesus healed him and straitly charged him don't send nothing about this but the man disobeyed Jesus and went and told it everywhere can you just say with me I can't keep it to myself yeah I wonder sometimes when and you know we don't do it now when I was a youngster growing up it was a customary thing that in every service we were gonna have test him on his service it didn't matter if it was Sunday morning Sunday night midweek service revival service every time we came to church that was going to be a space for people to get up and testify and tell what the Lord had done but that would be those services that we would call you know red-hot soon as you as soon as you open the testimony of service you couldn't people couldn't wait up on their feet singing their songs and talking about the goodness of the Lord and many times testimonies service would take up the greater part of the worship and by the time we got through talking about what God had done and shouting but almost behind he every testimony finally after about an hour and a half or two hours testimony service the preacher would get up and say if I had time tonight but then that thing started that more and more if you would have those times when it would drag you know isn't it it's down another one anybody else and anytime you start having the big four to talk about the goodness of the Lord and I don't know what happened in later years everybody became wonderful and they instead of telling the goodness of the Lord they had to go off into some deep mystery that didn't make sense to nobody but them and consequently most churches including ours we stopped having testimony service but if we as people of God would really take the time not in church but in our homes on our jobs in our classes you know not during the active time but when you have those breaks and talk to people about the goodness of the Lord in your life you would be surprised how many people who seem to be on an irreversible irretrievable road toward destruction that could be turned around people have this in their mind that when the preacher opens the Bible and begins to talk about what God can do well you know that's his living he doesn't have any other job and he's got to make it sound good so they have a way of time you know kind of tuning us out but it is something about the power of a testimony coming from an individual who is known by the people who hear the testimony think about it when you look in the Bible and see many of the miracles that took place for instance Jesus opening the eyes of blind men bought emmaus and other blind people they could not deny the miracle because they knew the people they knew how long those individuals had been blind even in the book of the Acts of the Apostles when it talks about Peter and John going up to the temple together at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour and here was a man that the beautiful gate of the temple whom they brought daily and the man was there asking arms of the people Peter and John says look on us silver and gold don't have any of that but we do have something to give you we've got a name and the name is the wonderful and magnificent name of Jesus in the name of Jesus rise up and walk and the man instantly leaped up and went into the temple and was praising God walking and leaping and praising God and nobody could deny that a notable miracle had taken place because they knew the man and I'm trying to tell you that when God really does something in your life the power of your testimony the need for your testimony is invaluable it's irreplaceable nothing else can take the place of a testimony from somebody who has really been delivered by the power of God now if you watch it we can drop something and what we drop the world picks up practically every industry now if you watch the advertisements on television they don't have just a sterile kind of presentation of that product but they have people giving testimonials just about any industry that you watch any goods that's being sold they've got people who are supposedly satisfied some of talking about that particular product of that particular service and while the world is making money off of testimonies in the business world we sit with a demon of dumbness hmm but I believe that God wants us to set something the lady let's see Mitchell used to in preaching he said you know if you really got it if God's really done something for you then you ought to show some kind of sign a man if you can't save man say you're ought to shake that big head lift up your hand you know do something yeah I know we got people that are too sophisticated you can't praise God because you are not emotional but if I see you at a grizzly game and one of our team members happen to shoot a three that person who don't say nothing when they in church can't praise God they're screaming because somebody shot a who but I want you to know we got to get as excited about what God is doing as we are excited about things happening in the world word of God and the psalmist says let the redeemed of the Lord do what say so whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy if it is so you oughta say so Oh bless the Lord and I just believe that when he does something fire you just can't really keep it to yourself you've got to tell somebody here is a story and I've always loved this particular story from Luke I've spoken from it reading it from Mark but usually Luke is my preferred chapter book I like the way it starts in verse 12 and it came to pass when he when Jesus was in a certain city I like that because the namelessness of the city has something to say to you and me some things that we read of in the Bible the Bible is specific as to the city where as such and such a thing took place we know that it was in Jerusalem where the annual feasts of the Jews were held we know that was it was in Bethlehem where Jesus was born we understand that it was the road outside Jericho that was considered to be treacherous where a man fell among thieves we know that it was in the town of Bethany where Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus lived we know that it was in Nazareth where Jesus was reared we know that was in Capernaum where he set up his ministerial headquarters yes there are so many cities in the Bible that are named and specific things happen in these specified cities but it says it came to pass when he was in a certain city all the city is nameless because this morning that city can very well be Memphis Tennessee oh yes that the Lord Jesus Christ right now even though I cannot see him standing here in a flowing robe but he's here my hand cannot reach out and physically touch him but I do know that he is him that that certain City this morning is the city of Memphis I want to say that those of you who have come to Memphis for whatever purpose on this weekend and we've had members who maybe left the city going to other places but it is with divine purpose that you are in Memphis today because God wants to do something in this certain City came to pass when he was in a certain city behold a man hmm here again this leaves the door open it's not talking about Bartimaeus because that's not your name no no it's not talking about Simon the Lotus that's not your name it's not talking about any of the men of a women that are named in the Bible but a certain man that could be a certain man or a certain woman hallelujah a certain City a certain man somebody ought to tell your neighbor this here's the city and I am the man ah the woman hallelujah yes he was in a certain city and the whole man when the Bible said he was full of leprosy now you got to understand the word here full of leprosy that this is not one that is in that questionable era there was a time that when the signs of leprosy first appeared that the suspected leper had to go to the priest and the priest had to go through certain types of changes to diagnose whether or not this person is in fact a leper and once he diagnosed it as actually being leprosy that individual was shut out from his family from his friends and associates and had to go out into an isolated area into a leper colony and there this particular infirmity would continue to grow and increase until the person dropped into the grave looked like piece by piece when it came to the point where it was full-blown and you got to understand that there is a difference even now between the individual who is pronounced as being HIV positive and the one who has full-blown AIDS that there's a journey that one travels from the time that he is just you know diagnosed as having cancer then it goes through stages until it gets through to the final stage this man was at the final stage oh my god I want you to no that's to let you know that God not only can heal you when there is an affliction that first grips your body but when it has gone to the extreme limits when the doctor walks away shaking his head saying I'm sorry there's nothing else that I can do they used to said Jesus steps right in oh my god when the doctor shakes his head and walks away from your bed Jesus steps right in just at the moment when you need him most glory to God in that day and age be seated please I'm gonna be finished in just about seven more minutes leprosy there was nothing that one could have in that day that was considered to be worse than leprosy just as today that seems to be nothing worse than one having AIDS by having certain kinds of cancer he was in a terrible shape and I don't know who it is in this certain city I don't know who that certain man are one man is I don't know what the disease or illness sickness or infirmity it is that has seemingly run its course in your life the Bible says he was full of leprosy who see Jesus fell on his face in other words he recognized I've already gone to all of the other physicians I've already been diagnosed by the priests nobody else can help me jesus heals my opportunity I'm here to tell you that if you tried everything and everything has failed try Jesus when they saw Jesus he was not too arrogant he was not too self-important to Humble himself the Bible said he said on his face some people can't get a blessing from God because they cannot humble themselves some people can't get through to him because like Zacchaeus they are up in their sycamore tree of pride but I hear the Word of God saying God resisteth the proud but he giveth grace unto the humble although yourself oh you don't hear what I'm saying second chronicles told me that in the seventh chapter it says if my people which are called by my name will do what humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways the Lord said then will I hear from heaven we'll forgive our sin and he [Applause] he fell on his face and he besought Jesus sang along if you will you can in other words he didn't doubt the power I know you got the power I know you can nothing is impossible with you but somebody said the man had encountered so much hostility that for him love was dead he knew that was power but he didn't know if that was any love I know what you can do I've heard about what you can do but I just wonder will you do it for me and that lot of folk today you don't doubt the ability of God in other words I heard such and such a person's testimony I know what God did for them but-but-but I'm just a little nobody and I just don't know if he would do it for me but let me remind you it is no secret what God can do what he's done for of us he'll do the same thing for you he doesn't love the Bishop any more than he loves you he doesn't love the pastor's any more than he loved you he doesn't love the exact ulis any more than he loves you if you are his child he's no respecter of persons whatever you need why don't you just tell three people around you he loves you he loves you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you win you can you can make me clean and what does Jesus do but put forth his hand now that's love because lepers weren't supposed to be touched when you read about the ten lepers it says they cried for him afar off saying Jesus son of David have mercy on me and Jesus told them go show yourself to the priest but this time he loved the man enough to break the love [Applause] he reached out his head and said you said if I will I can't I want you to know that I will make clean and the Bible said immediately that's one thing I love about God he can do it any way he wants he won those ten levels cried out the Bible see it came to pass that as they went they were healed sometimes he doesn't heal you on the spot sometimes it happens gradually it comes to pass in the passage of time but this day the minute he touched him immediately the man was made whole and Jesus said wait don't have time to explain this to you but you see when they find out who I am that's when I stop my journey to the cross keep it quiet don't tell nobody if they want to know what happened just kind of enjoy your miracle but do it in secret but as soon as the man left Jesus I can't keep it to myself I got to go home the children nobody told me and I've never been the same [Applause] turn to somebody and just tell him I don't have time to tell you what he's done but believe me I got a testimony [Applause] in here really tell about three people I got a testimony [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory to God hallelujah [Music] [Applause] my feet looks are - leave them of the cash every Savior deep now hear me I take all my this day hallelujah well as pastor Hutchins if he would pray the prayer consecrating the elements father God we are so grateful for your broken body and your shed blood through whose power we are made whole now God as you have died on Calvary's cross to sustain us from the sins of this world as we take up this we ask you God to forgive us of all of our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness and make us ready to receive this that you have done for our Redemption now god we count it done we thank you for grace we thank you for mercy we thank you for your shed blood we thank you for dying for us and now it is so even as we take yield bodies yes yes yes even as we saw deliverance deliverance it is so it is so in Jesus name hey man and a man [Music] I hear the faier say [Music] the stray indeed is small tired of we-ness one finding me I know [Music] he the say chain nice train indeed it's more child a we-ness watch and pray finding me 900 can you help me say gee the pain [Music] to him see [Music] Wow [Music] and he took the bread then when he did break it he said this is my body it's broken for you shall we do our lords broken body [Music] gee I see a crimper why [Music] [Music] [Applause] to him [Music] Oh [Music] he paid oh he wash me clean you want me clean he was hallelujah and he took the cup and he gave thanks and gave it to his disciples and said to them divide this among yourselves and drynke all of it for this is the New Covenant in my blood so as often as we'd of this bread and do drink of this Cup we show the Lord's death until he comes [Music] hallelujah hallelu gay little glory glory glory to him [Music] crimson hallelujah Oh give him praise in the house [Music] hallelujah Florida Jesus bless your name hallelujah [Music] hey those of you on the main level you may stand at this time and follow the direction of the ushers they will lead you out on the right the aisle to the right of your section you'll come down receive the bread drink the cup then discard the cup with the missionary and go back to your seat on the left side of the aisle Deacon Brooks I think you all need to move that's good if you'll move over then they won't be confused now those of you who are in the risers you will understand when the elements are in front of you and they will direct you in the same manner as these are flowing [Music] for me he was he was that made the difference haha power [Music] god Oh [Music] that cake [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and give the law to handle praise everybody I want to take just a moment and extend the invitation as the prophet Isaiah asked the question who had to believe report and under whom is the arm of the law had been revealed there's one person in this building today who does not know Jesus Christ in the pardoning of your sins and you are convinced and convicted that your life will never have its fulfillment even in this earth and you will have no insurance against eternity unless you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and if you're ready to embrace him as the Lord of your life I want you to have the courage and the boldness to get up wherever you are and walk down the nearest aisle as a token of the fact that you are stepping away from sin and Satan and giving your life to Jesus Christ if your present get up and come right now hallelujah all Saints I believe if you would just give God some praise [Music] open your mouth and give him fries and thank him because one day he delivered you from the depths of sin degradation and despair I'm going to give you just about another 15 seconds one day there will be no more than 15 seconds left on the clock of your life god bless you young man come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's another one come [Music] god bless this young man [Applause] Oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] god bless you young lady hallelujah God is still in the save and business if there's another one come now let me also extend this invitation to those of you who already saved and you believe that this is the church that the Lord would have to be your church home the door of the church is open all you need to do is come now if you want to be saved come you want to make this your church home come hallelujah [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] all its Ryan throughout them right the truck [Music] [Music] might be he and she would be delivered and set free Polynesia given free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes well praise the Lord hallelujah [Applause] it's time now for the Ministry of giving our Deacons are coming hallelujah Oh bless His name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise Him praise Him praise Him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Saints let me say to you even now as the ushers the deacons are coming to make available the envelopes I trusted every one of you will do your very best today there is a shortage in our attendance this morning maybe you don't see it but if I were to take out the tremendous host of visitors that we have then you would find that there are a lot of members
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 77,272
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Keywords: TD jakes, TD Jakes 2019
Id: c8EItweQvng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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