GE Patterson i am free

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and that all the people praise them praise ye the Lord come on with a big nificant hand with uplifted open your mouth and just give him praise hallelujah glory to God from the depths of your spirit just give him praise give him glory hallelujah Oh bless the name of Jesus Lord we bless your name we magnify you we exalt your name above all others thank you for the privilege that you've granted unto us once again that we might worship thee and the beauty of holiness we prayed the law that you would smile upon your people today that everyone who entered these doors and everyone that listens to our boys by way of radio and through the internet later by tape and video let every individual who contacts this service in any way be blessed and healed and delivered and set free hallelujah and we thank you in Jesus name Amen god bless you you may be seated you won't leave it like you came in Jesus name bound oppress afflicted sick or lame for the power of the Lord is still the same so you leave here like you came in the Jesus name why don't you tell somebody that you only even like your cane in Jesus name bow oppressed afflicted sicko for the power say so just tell somebody so you like you can tell yourself the moment embrace somebody tell them we we won't be like we take in the Jesus name hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] Thank You long Thank You law Thank You Larry oh I believe that somebody that can found a press afflictive sick Elaine [Applause] it's going home another way oh yeah whoa its akiza [Applause] Oh it's yours receive that deliverance is yours receive it right now receive it in the name of Jesus receive it Oh now lift up both hands again the pykon less benign [Applause] well [Applause] I don't know what it is and most Cisco man the blue dress I don't know who else that the holy ghost say this yo is taking I don't know what it is but I wish you tell somebody the holy don't say it's yours Wow [Applause] while the power of the yard is even the same [Music] so you you only like you came in the gym [Applause] take the seat if you can let me let me speak to your brief limb hallelujah Laura thank you [Applause] Lauren Lauren Lauren [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm free praise the law no more change Oh [Applause] [Applause] power can you say three [Music] not all chain and [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's enough [Music] I want to briefly go to scripture mean knowledge the presence of elder Mac King friend of ours past the Christ Community Church of God in Christ in Chicago stand up elder king will have to have you with us on today and we recognize the relatives of our members sister Anila Rogers visiting with us today for the healed Doyle family reunion for the people who are you alright bless you are and the relatives of our member sister Patricia career visiting with us today from the Duquette Harris Taylor cook family reunion 25 people who are you all right back here behind the counter and to all of our visiting friends we are so happy to have you on this day Dave just before Independence Day as it is celebrated throughout our nation tomorrow being the 4th of July the choir members we don't give you all the modern night officers because I know you won't come no way so no rehearsal tomorrow night but Saints I don't want you to forget that this Tuesday is first Tuesday and from bedtime tomorrow night until after the benediction on Tuesday night we will be fasting and praying I trust to see you here Tuesday night and then Wednesday I'll join the other Saints in Kansas City for our national aim convention I would like to invite your attention to the Gospel according to John chapter 8 I feel that on the eve of this Independence Day holiday as I have in the past I'd like to revisit this particular passage of Scripture and hopefully we'll bring to you its spiritual meaning John chapter 8 and in the Gospel of John chapter 8 I want to begin with verse 31 and read through verse 36 John chapter 8 verse 31 if you have that same man come on let's read together then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if he continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free then answered him we be Abraham's sea and were never in bondage to any man how saith now ye shall be made free jesus answered them verily verily I say unto you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin and the servant abideth not in the house for ever but the son abideth ever if the son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed a man well how many of you can declare today I am free I am free this word which came from the lips of he who is the word our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was penned many years many centuries prior to the Declaration of Independence that was signed in the year 1776 where about the thirteen colonies declared themselves free from the mother land of England from the tyranny of the king declaring that we are now a free nation and that we are no longer in bondage to anybody well as a result of the signing of the Declaration of Independence war broke out it's one thing to declare yourself free it's another thing to be ready for the wall that will follow and I want to say to you today that when you determine in the realm of the spirit that I will no longer be a slave to Satan I will no longer be a slave to any of his demons I will not be a slave to the habits I will not be a slave to those things that help kept me chained and bound and and not walking in the freedom of the Spirit to do the will of God you can say it but get ready for war because Satan is not going to just because you say it release you into the freedom that you claim you've got to understand that this life even the life of a believer in Christ this is a battlefield some people think is like waving a magic wand and once you wave that magic wand and say one or two magic words then automatically things that used to be exists no more and I've stepped into a new life but you have got to be prepared to resist the devil you got to be prepared to resist him with everything that he's going to throw at you once you proclaim yourself to be free oh I'm talking to somebody in here today that's been chemically dependent and you haven't continued to deal with those chemicals those drugs and alcoholic beverages and the things that have helped you enslave kept you enslave you haven't continued in that because you don't want to be free but you just have not been willing to fight the battle see when God is working in your behalf to set you free you yourself are going to have to prove some kind of resoluteness some kind of determination you got to let the devil know that it does not matter how well people who are cigarette addicted they have that thing of talking about I'm having a nicotine fit you got to be willing to go through your nicotine fit and if God sees that you are willing that Lord I'm no longer going to allow the enemy to enslave me but I'm determined that if I die I'll die before I'll let the enemy put his chain back around my neck and when you show God your determination he gives you the strength and you don't have to walk in bondage you don't have to be a slave to anything God has designed you to be free now that this particular chapter and it is interesting when you read the Word of God to see how especially when it deals with the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ many times a circumstance or situation would arise and some comment would be made and then what happens afterwards in that chapter is that there is something to clarify I think it might have been what two Sundays ago when we revisited that parable of the prodigal son and we dealt with it not so much from the prodigal son but from compassionate father because that chapter opened with Jesus sitting down eating with sinners and the religious folk condemned him because he took time with sinners so what happens Jesus embarks upon a series of parables dealing with lost things talks about the Sheep that is lost and about the colon that the widowed woman lost in the house and finally he talks about the son the prodigal son that went off wasting his substance and the emphasis was simply this that wide you are condemning me father's taking up time with sinners you've got to understand that my mission is to seek and to save that which was lost and when you read the Bible so many of the stories in the New Testament that after someone makes a criticizing or a condemning statement toward Jesus what happens in the rest of the chapter is his way of proving that you are wrong and I'm right this chapter opens with the woman that was taken in the act of adultery here they come bringing a woman to Jesus sin this woman was caught in the very act of adultery and Moses law said she should be stoned what do you say about it Jesus stooped down on the ground and starts writing paying them no attention and when you read the story you see that they kept on after him I don't know of anything that that for lack of a better term that bugs me any worse than somebody asking a question and as though they think you didn't hear they keep on what about it what about it wait until I give you an ounce I heard you had to say and the strange thing is people will think about something for seven or eight weeks or months and then they'll come and ask you a question and they want to answer in two seconds you know you've had seven months to think about it before you ask it well maybe you need to least give me two days master while about it should we snow them that's what Moses law said and Jesus stooped down wrote on the ground and somebody said and I don't know what he wrote I wasn't there somebody said that he just began to enumerate some things murderer and all the murderers walked out lion and the lion out and when he got through right there was nothing left they may not have been guilty of what she was given a guilty of but they would guilty of something and then the other part that he could have written was where is the man you brought the woman but how could you catch the woman in the act without catching the man and according to the law both of them were to be stoned and you can't catch nobody in a hat that require two people and just gets one so when Jesus finished writing he looked up and said I'll tell you what you know ok the law says stoner so you lose without father you'd be the first one to cast a stone and all of them that conscience condemn them knowing that if they were not guilty of what she was guilty of they were killed it of something so here Jesus begins to teach following this experience with the woman and let me just finish that story that when everybody walked away Jesus wanted to know from the woman where are those thine accusers she said well they all gone well if no man condemned thee the Lord Jesus said I don't condemn you either but go and sin no more now here he is the son of the Living God the word incarnate in human flesh he and he alone having the power to forgive sin and those critics those religious critics and you could say what you want to the worst critics you'll find about church critics religious critics they always ready to condemn you Jesus put it on on this wise strain our neck and then swallow a camel beers it trying to pick the mote out of your brother's eye and you got a big old log in yours church folk can be a mess but I don't want to deal with that today he's talking about sin and how that when one is enslaved by sin he's not just committing sin he's a slave now let me just say this to somebody that's listening to me now somebody that's addicted to crack somebody that's addicted just to tobacco whether you're smoking it and there's still some folks shooing it whether you are addicted to these chemicals or whether it is liquor and you keep telling everybody else and Ogron with them I can stop whenever I get ready and you see that that habit has caused you to lose your job you see that it has caused you to just about lose your home you see that it's about to make you lose your very mind and you're still talking about I can quit whenever I get ready you need to wake up and realize that you are a slave the devil is doing just like they said you know the monkey on the string every time he pulls a string you jump some y'all looking at me funny but I gotta tell you like it is any time the enemy gets his claws into you and that's any kind of a lifestyle that displeases God and yet you can't seem to straighten yourself up you have become a slave and you need to declare yourself independent you need to tell the enemy I've been in bondage to this thing long enough I've been a slave to this thing long enough and I am determined that I'm going to be free and I'm not talking about sometime in the distance I'm drawing the line today and I'm saying saving from this minute forward you have no control over my life you've got to say it and you've got to mean it and you've got to be willing to resist with everything in you listen is what Jesus says here he says to them if you continue you got a lot of folk coolstar but they won't continue how many people have I seen come out of the rises and come from the various sections down here on the main level with tears running even dripping from that chin after being pricked to their heart by the preaching of the gospel and stand right here and say that from this moment forward my life will never be the same and once the emotion of the moment wears off they find themselves right back into the stuff that they were in it is not enough just to hear the word you must continue not just something that made me feel good Sunday morning but you've got to continue in it on Monday you got to continue on Tuesday you got to continue by turning the television off and sometimes taking the telephone off of the hook and picking up your Bible and reading the Word of God oh it's mighty interesting to turn on some of the television programs where they are talking about the problems of today and where they are offering solutions sometimes I get amused I don't I don't watch I don't have nothing to guess Oprah Oprah I think a dynamic woman she but I don't listen at her reasons and all of her cues I don't I don't listen to dr. field and and the reason I don't listen to them is because I don't think they have the answers I don't think nobody have the right answers until they give me the answers out of this book giving me what sounds like that psychology is not the answer the real answer to the problems of life is found in this book you got to get in the Word of God and you got to continue in it and sometimes you're gonna have to turn off the television and pick up your Bible and let God speak to you out of his word Jesus says to them if you continue in my word not not in the word of the philosopher but in my word then are you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth when I was just a little boy and didn't fully understand what my father was saying I heard him teaching one night and he mentioned how that people take that statement the truth will make you free the truth doesn't make you free by itself the only truth that makes you free is the truth that you know truth is there but if you don't know it if you don't accept it if you don't apply it it does not make you free we'll let them explain it maybe a little bit better I'm told that back when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation he set free all slaves in the United States but there were slaves who continued for weeks and months to be slaves even though the truth was you're free but they were not free until they knew the truth all you don't hear what I'm saying I'm here to tell you that that that was a declaration written in the council of Eternity that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and by the acts of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross you are free from any kind of bondage Satan wishes to impose upon you but you are not free unless you embrace that which he has done for you he's made you free not only has he set you free from sin he's even set you free from sickness he said he came into the world to do what to destroy the works of the devil John 10 and 10 blessed be the name of Jesus I want you to know the Lord said there that the thief cometh to do what the steal kill and the destroy anything that diminishes your life it didn't come from the Lord Satan wants to steal Satan wants to kill Satan wants to destroy you and he will try with sin and he'll also try with sickness with illness with disease within family but when you claim Jesus Christ to be your savior you can also claim him to be your healer and I want you to know you can be set free today even from that sickness that is seemingly taking your life away moment by moment and minute by minute all you got to do today is to believe God and declare yourself free let me go on back to this scription I'm almost finished you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free now listen listen at this they answered him this is verse 38 over other 33 we be Abraham's seed and we will never in bondage to any man it is something how people can blend their eyes to their own history what do you mean Abraham's seed and when they were in bondage to any man Abraham had a son named Isaac Isaac fathered a son named Jacob in fact there were two Esau and Jacob Jacob's name was changed to Israel Jacob had 12 sons one of them was named Joseph and he was sold by his brothers in the slavery down in Egypt and what happens down Potiphar loved him put him over his house and mrs. Potiphar one day decide that handsome young man and when she could not get him to violate the trust of her husband he had to leave his coat behind and she told her husband that this young man tried to take advantage of me and Potiphar threw him in prison but because he was an interpreter of dreams he came out one day and interpreted Pharaoh's dream and Pharaoh put him over the whole realm of Egypt and the cost that was famine everywhere else Joseph's brothers ended up in Egypt and it ended up that they grew into a nation and their roles a king that knew not Joseph y'all know that story and those who went to Egypt as yes became slaves and for 430 years Abraham C was in bondage and here they are we Abraham see we were never in bondage to any man sometimes folks won't wake up and realise the truth some of your all that's listening to me now and you're saying I don't see why you said I'm a slave to drugs I'm a slave to liquor I'm not a slave to anything if you're not why don't you quit everybody who's involved in a homosexual lifestyle hasn't made themselves comfortable talking about I was born this way that still some folk who know that if you're a man you ought not be acting like a woman that still some women who know you have no business trying to be a man and you're miserable but you don't know how to get loose you need to admit your slave your slave the something that you don't understand something is wrong in your psyche oh I know I know when I start preaching like this I know I'm a dinosaur I don't I don't deny being a dinosaur but I'd rather be a dinosaur than to embrace the stuff that this generation is embracing I believe my god is too wise to make a mistake I think my brother if God had wanted you to be a woman he'd have brought you here's one and it's because of the mindset that you have become a slave even to actions and a lifestyle that God is not pleased with but that is the one thing that Satan will do he will make one deny the truth of that situation we never been in bondage to any man how sad that you should be made free jesus answered verily I say unto you whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin and the servant abideth not in the house forever but the son abideth forever in other words he said now you fellows are trying to condemn me but I want you to know that I'm the son I'm the son of him who created the heaven of the earth and all things that are therein I'll be here my name is alpha I was here when it started and when it's all over you can call me Omega because I'm the beginning at the end but I want you to know you need somebody to set you free he said if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed free from all of your hang-ups free from all of your habits free from your bondage free from being a slave to the devil and I'm glad to know today as I go to my seat Nitori wouldn't be up before you long that I am free somebody in here you can remember when you were bound and I'm talking about bound and had a case of the Cain hip it's like Paul said when I wanted to do good evil was on my right hand I wanted to do good but I couldn't do good because evil or powered me so the good that I wanted to do that was exactly what I didn't do and the evil that I didn't want to do was exactly the thing that I did and Paul said when I was in this state I said o wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of the step and while he was wondering how can I be set free I see Jesus when he came on the scene of time and when Jesus came on the scene of time he said I want you to know that I'm the only one I've got the key that can release you from every chain and my god from on high when he died and went down into the depths of Hell Satan looked like had enslaved men from the earliest of times but I hid Jesus and the only way that I can get into the underworld I've got to die and let my spirit go down into the underworld and according to what Peter says he says that the Lord Jesus he went back into the time of Noah into the antediluvian world and he preached to the spirits that were in prison and while he was on his spiritual tool he took the key away from the grave he took the sting out of death and he comes out that morning with all power in his hand and I hear him saying hi I'm he that liveth that was dead but the whole I'm alive file more and I got the key to hell and death that I'm holding in my hand I just want to tell you today that if you are locked into a habit if the devil has you bound then you can't seem to get a lose see the seals I have a break up I wish you tell somebody Jesus is a habit break up he can break the chain of bondage he can set the captives free he can release you from sin dungeon if you want to be free but he's not gonna do it against your will he's only gonna do it if you wanna be free he'll say anybody in here today that's tired of being bound and say I wanna be free he'll set you free free from sin free from bondage I'm free I'm free I'm free I'm free I'm free I'm free and I want to see everybody free who is it today who is it today has heard this word and you've heard the truth you didn't know the truth but now that you know the truth that Jesus died for your sins and you want to come today and confess Jesus as your Lord come now there was a spirit of deliverance in the house early when Bishop got up the Lord delivered early he healed early but now we want to commit somebody say commit come on let's commit now if you have not confessed Jesus as your Lord come now come now I'm gonna sing one of the songs that the Lord has give me I have come to set you free live in me I have come to set you free live in me and in all you say and do trust in me and I'll see you through I have come to set you free living me I have come to be your friend let me and I have come to be your friend let me and in all Sandu trusting me see you through four I have a car to be your Fred let me yeah yeah yeah [Applause] thank God for this vendor that has come those of you who you know you were delivered to during the early part of the service I want you now to dare to come and seal it woman you don't know how God has ministered to you today Bishop called you out and said it was for you I want you to come and seal it it has been spoken in God on us his word come and seal it come somebody praise a lot come on and seal it and in all the sand who trusted me now see you two have come to be your friend he's come to the starting up of the demo yes yes yes yeah is just short fat good ginger is destroyed because of the anointing we have the truth we have the information we have the knowledge of God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus bishop has preached to us today hallelujah glory to God glory to God he has told us how Jesus took everything to cabaret and you have the truth now you've got the information when you have the information you have the knowledge you know now come on confess I know that Jesus is a deliverer I know that he's a hero I know that he is a habit breaker I know that he is eight people know that he's away make up and I know he's a soul saver I know he's a forgiving God he's not a God of vindication thank you Jesus a God of mercy and father we thank him of these who've come today to confess you as Lord who who have come to seal the deliverance and the fact that the yoke of the devil is destroyed because of the anointing somebody else needs to running down here hey you're not shame you've been hiding that bottle under the bed you've been hiding it in the cabinet you've been hiding it and nobody knows you slipping with your little habit you need to come on down here and destroy the yoke of the devil about being bold enough to walk out and say I'm tired of this life I I'm tired of trying to lean just guys I'm tired I'm tired you need to get up you know you've been hiding it whatever it is it's a bottle I know what I see it in my spiritual eyes you've been hiding that bottle up under the bed you've been hiding it in the cabinet and when your mom and your wife and your husband leave you get it out and you smelling like it and you my cigarettes Tomic get rid of that slope of cigarettes oh thank you Jesus somebody take the lava if you raise him shakes he's alone they don't believe you only destroyed in this house today thank you Jesus for 20 years you gotta chose Nambeesan I speak the truth my god Tuesday after Tuesday Sunday after Sunday Bishop preaches us into a frenzy thank you Jesus he preached a foreword thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you it's this word that I've heard that has me here today this is word of hope that I've heard that has me here today thank you Jesus I left my money in a semi-comatose State the doctor say it in a few days but it's just worth that told me to come alone thank you cheese thank you Jesus we gonna pray again go pray again for those who came to be delivered been hiding and sneaking sister take your family they're gonna take you to the road yes if you've come to join the church you that have come in the initial calling you lead now and what the ones to stay here now you came in the initial calling to accept the Lord and to join or to accept the Lord you go with the elder not you brother you came because you tied [Applause] [Applause] Robert you own the crutches you in the circle you said you were tired - no Charlie you two'd you tired oh go be my traveling incognito come on you time - come on you tied Satan keep on getting you down thank you you tied thank you you've been walking around with the Bible then this guy's young Caucasian you put that Bible on the altar God gonna set you free today [Applause] they're just taking a little time because we got to take time for souls deliverance is in the heat in the church everybody needs shine new Albany's shitty whoo everybody everybody in here it's got the Holy Ghost come on hey let's put our power together now Satan a lot of my future come on as I said in the live eviction sending a non rebuke ship the blood is against you we speak to every habit in the name of Jesus and by the power of Holy Ghost we don't need no touching I don't want you to touch him step back step back step back you got all babyish he must show yay God somebody say yes oh yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord destroy the yokes around the altar break these habits up in the name of Jesus do it now do it for your glory do it be your honor do it break the yoke of the devil every Sabbath every Sabbath every habit that does not exalted that exalts his name against the power of God reputed in the name of Jesus every habit that exalt his name against deprive God rebuke it in the name of Jesus drug abuse the Lord rebuke you alcoholism the Lord rebuke you the spirit of crap come on somebody you devil it's in your house come on crack demon you crack demon come on open your mouth and get it out of your house today crack demon the Lord had built you hot somebody help me called it pot Bernard with you cure it's a new thing they've got now everything that exists exists exists against the knowledge of God that causes people to be fast I don't have to know the name of a believe it causing you to be fast and it's not in the Holy Ghost I'll acknowledge it in the name of case Jesus even cockeyed spirit huh women you get in the name of Jesus somebody clap your hands down mama [Applause] [Music] we call these people back that's lost their jobs open you have to say I will be gainfully employed open your mouth I will be gainfully employed I will be able to stay in my house or my apartment I will be able to keep my car in the name of Jesus now setting it on the shooting of God is the ability of God is here the glory of God is here we will receive that that you said you told me that you'd opened up the floodgates for us and I believe you opened up the floodgates and we will be blessed with all spiritual blessings of my bias oh Jesus we pray to Jesus and we pray to Jesus Jesus we pray to Jesus we pray to Jesus we praise you catch him he won he wanted some special attention and since you'd be a man of God you he didn't have nothing to do with your license got done to do with Joe papers got something to do with it was old but your anointing God delivered you I heard you tell it so it's no secret so equal oh but you put your hand on him it shocked in a man of his head huh in the middle and rebuke that spirit him [Applause] in the name of Jesus Hey your husband I don't see your husband Stewart uh but you stand in Stewart's place huh you a Caucasian and he's a Caucasian we all want in Jesus but I wanted to connect with a Caucasian who God has delivered her out of sand but Joanna that spirit in the name of somebody yeah [Music] going going please please not going yeah go in peace in the name of Jesus go in peace of God go with you y'all go in peace you don't want to leave but I can already picture God is already done it go in peace go in peace go in peace go in peace come on my god he's delivering today he's delivering her we're gonna do what we normally do huh glory glory glory [Music] if you came after the ties and all four were collected we want you to come and bring your tithes and offering the rest of you I want you to do what we normally do our second mouth given we just ask you now recently only for $20 because that's all that I've been that's placed inside of me to ask you for I here Gloria he agreed big glory
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 65,677
Rating: 4.6810508 out of 5
Keywords: TD jakes, TD Jakes 2019
Id: v17UGIyIfzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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