Bishop GE Patterson...A sit with the Bishop

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[Music] [Applause] our time is somewhat limited so I'm going to ask you to immediately get your Bible you may have your seats and I'm gonna sit just like you are on some things that I say to you and some things that I do not but I have discovered over these last two and a half years or so that I stand and my work you know like your work everybody don't enjoy their work I do enjoy mine on the problem is is that once I get into it now I understand those old preachers those are used to bully the deaf cause they stayed up too long and while I'm standing and under the anointing of the Holy Ghost I could preach three hours you know when I cut off even yesterday after having delivered the communion message and then coming back with a very brief break at 11 o'clock and with the souls that came to the altar I just made myself quit and walk out because I could have stood another hour so the only problem is is that that which goes against me worse than anything as long periods of standing and so some of these times I'm going to not always be standing up because it gets right in as old folks is right right in the knees here you know [Laughter] let's go and mmediately to Gospel according to Matthew chapter 20 what a joy it is to see so many of you here on this Labor Day us as you do it you do a tremendous job and then let me just say this to you that whenever it is convenient in the area where you are to take your seat and get your Bible that's fine - I appreciate the roles that you play but I also don't want you to miss everything that is happening as it relates to the worship all right Matthew 20 Matthew 20 I will not spend a lot of time dealing with the timing of this particular whether you want to just call it incident however Jesus himself explained it it starts off by saying for the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard now this is one reason why to me a day like today is so important if labor was important enough for Jesus to compare the Kingdom of Heaven to laborers then most certainly it is worthy of us on a day when our nation celebrates labor then it deserves out taking a little time to look and see really what is in it well at least from my point of view it does the Lord was very concerned even in creation because when he made man one of his reasons for making man he said there was no one to till the ground he did not intend that your yard and my yard that grew up with thorns and thistles and weeds and then I own the excuse being well I'm tired don't have the time no the Lord puts people in that category who work shall I say refused to work into that category that he's got a lot of things to say about in this book and I'm gonna have to one day ask you all to give me a little more than an hour on this on Labor Day so that we can go through it now why simply because something has happened in the african-american community that it's just absolutely tragic I never thought I would live to see the day when that would be so many lazy and my father knows old men in those days call them trifling and then when you you know you can't really say a whole lot about the lazy trifling man without also consider in the scripture that talks about silly women yeah we needed today but he was concerned from the beginning you know that you're gonna live from the sweat of your brow what we want to do today is not so much sweat we want a position and a check and listen it the way Jesus styles this thing so the kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard and when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day now when you talk about the penny the Greek Denarius don't think of the penny like that a little copper thing you got in in your pocket in in your purse because a penny was not the smallest amount of money in that day don't forget that there was a farthing mmm there was the mite the widow that we talked about the Widow's mite that came up because Jesus he went to the temple and when it was time for the people to give and to cast in that gifts he stood over the Bible said against the Treasury and he watched to see what they would give and this would a woman cast in if I'm not wrong two mites now y'all find that show me I'm wrong bring it to me and I'll confess to you that I'm wrong but it was really two mites I know you've heard only the Widow's mite so long until this time ten years from now it still gonna be the Widow's mite I know just like God won't heal Senna prayed I've explained that so many times until my mouth has gotten dry I don't care what you said God won't heal Senna pray well you better be glad that he hurt somebody yes you wouldn't be here when he had agreed with the labourers for penny a day he sent them into his vineyard now the penny was really what was considered to be good daily wages that penny was enough to sustain the man's family because as I said that was not the smallest amount of measurement of money in that day so after he agreed with them you don't see where there's no argument you don't see where they called him cheapskate the agreement did not seem to be a problem at all when he had agreed with the labourers for penny a day he sent them into his vineyard I'm at verse 3 where you and he went out about the third hour now here's what you look at see at the beginning of the morning early in the morning starting time is somewhere like about six o'clock in the morning and he agreed with that group that goes to work early in the morning at about six o'clock for penny a day but look what happens in verse three he went out about the third hour now the third hour is nine o'clock in the morning when you even talk about the crucifixion of our Lord Matthew and Luke possibly John they talk in terms of six to the ninth hour and the sixth hour was three 12 noon but mark gives you the intelligence of knowing that the time that the crucifixion actually started was the third hour the day you know she can't get quiet the third hour of the day was the beginning of that crucifixion which was as I said about 9 o'clock in the morning and it was not until the sixth hour that the Sun blacked out he was already on the cross when the Sun blacked out they weren't trying to hang him on the cross at the 6:00 hour and then heaven is getting dark at the same time I mean when you think about it even from just state a standpoint of reason it does not too much make sense since I said that I guess I gotta take a minute look at ma 15 somebody'd go home so I don't know what was wrong with pastor the day he just messed up so bad you don't even know what time they crucified you mark chapter 15 you have that look at verse 24 and 25 what does it say they crucified they parted this dumb third alright now what time did when did they crucify the third hour 9 o'clock in the morning they didn't crucify him it at high noon he was already on the cross at high noon and that's the six out and that the church all right we're back to Matthew 20 this is our basic text verse 3 and he went out about the third hour and saw others standing in the marketplace and he said unto them we in verse 4 go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right I'll give you and they went that way no they started off early in the morning he sent a second crew the third hour now come on down to verse five again he went out about the sixth and night and did likewise in other words he told the people who were in the marketplace the sixth hour twelve o'clock noon it's not too late now I'll still let you work or shift to and you would have thought that this generous householder would have stopped the 6:00 hour 12:00 noon but the ninth hour he goes out the sixth and the ninth hour and did the same thing but finally in verse six about the what eleventh hour now you five o'clock in the evening now you one o'clock you one hour before quitting time we complain about eight hours but see this particular parable here is really talking to working from 6:00 to 6:00 12-hour shifts and this man goes out when there's only one hour left in the day but he's got a little different attitude with these about the eleventh hour what's his word there he went out and found others standing idle now he was willing to use the early crew at six nine he was even willing to let those come on the 6:00 hour at noon and three o'clock in the afternoon the ninth hour but now when you get to the eleventh hour five o'clock in the evening and these guys they not working they just standing around he's a 20 these are 21st century african-american men Wow if standing idle he said under then why standing here all the day idle in other words and in the eyes of the Lord there's no excuse for you having 11 hours when you should be busy and you're doing nothing but standing around being idle quiet onions but you got to understand that the attitude and the Lord he's talking about the kingdom his attitude with those folk who couldn't find nothing to do for it left my hours of the day there's no excuse why is it and and don't don't think that I am so naive that I don't see what's going on in the world today I see that there was a concerted effort to demoralize our men and the women can go into the job market now and instead of talking about women get an equal pay they'll pay the woman more now because there's something that has happened that have made our men undesirable but you can't put all of that on the world a lot of this undesirability as it relates to our men is because of the conduct nobody is gonna be anxious to have somebody working for them who's drawing the check every couple of weeks and then every day at lunch they've got his hand folded behind them and giving his buddy a little package no don't don't minute don't many people want that time the person on that payroll but I don't know where we got this thing from that you don't suppose to work that's why we died prematurely hello that's why the world seemingly has made a reverse it's because we do not seem to have the ability to stay on course and to do this thing the way the Lord intended now of course I know that these fellows that you run into a little later on in this parable felt they had a right to be angry and that's gone and get through with this in about the next three minutes he asked the question in verse six Wystan are you standing idle nice why stand you here all day idle verse seven they say unto Him because no man had hired us he said unto them go ye also into the vineyard and what self is right that shall you receive now youyou understand that from the beginning those who went in early in the morning right straight on through those who went to work in the middle of the day and even in the afternoon all of them understood that at the end of the day you're going to get a pen and they all agree those fellows who didn't have but a hour left on the clock he said whatever is right you'll get it and you know anybody who whatever the job is if you can't take hours world you really interrupt so he says whatever is right that is what you receive now we come to verse eight so when even was come the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward call the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first now here's something else that you know got trouble with now they just got here paying them first and they the last see that you got to understand that before this book was written Jesus and those whom the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost determined to be office within the confines of the Holy Bible these these persons saw this day 2,000 years later but they saw this day come on this refers eight again so when even was come the lord of the vineyard saith unto his servant called the laborers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first and when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour they received every man a penny but when the first came they supposed that they should have received more and they likewise received every man a penny when they agreement was you work today from what do they use to say from King the king from 6:00 in the morning the 6:00 in the evening and you're gonna get a penny but when they saw how generous the householder was as he gave those last ones who came that penny that he had agreed with them on then they automatically thought they should have received more when the first came they suppose that they should have received more and they likewise received every man a penny verse 11 and when they had received it they murmured against a good man of the house now notice you don't see that word any way else the Lord wants you to understand that when payday comes whether you happy with your pay or not he still the good man they murmur against the good man of the house they murmured against the paymaster they murmur against the man who calls them to be able to have food to put on that table the next day and they wouldn't have had anything but some sophie standing around the marketplace if he hadn't hired them they murmured it's it's it's sad when we look into the word and find that instead of standing with God we stand on the other side and we stand for those things that he hates and then still come to church and run up and down the aisle bucking and jumping and speaking in some tongue you heard somebody making up on television yeah that's right I mean I'm not trying in any way to nullify the work of the Holy Ghost within the midst of the saints but a lot of folk they get ready for Sunday so they can put on the show and they put on their show because believe me when the Spirit of God is at work in your life you can shout and dance and speak in tongues and feel that everything is all right when this book is saying one thing and your life is saying something else you can't do it and if there's anything at all that this book is against it is against laziness I don't know if I need to say that again but it keeps coming up in my spirit if that's anything that this book is against it is against laziness a man if we actually could catch a hold so what this book is about and you see I always try to go a little bit beyond even with these civil holidays I like to go a little bit beyond what persons who don't know the Lord and don't know his word what that purpose is and I know that the of us of nation in celebrating this particular day does not have the spiritual connotations that I have tried to bring to you today but I also know that this is one of the problems that we have in Western society and that is that we take just a little bit of what Christianity is supposed to be about just enough to satisfy ourselves and make us believe we are on track but this is a day for wholehearted dedication that this is a day when we're gonna have to we're gonna have to get away from this idleness idleness the one thing that our society should have been thinking in terms of reducing is that thing that we have increased when the worst things that could have ever happened to today's society cell phones they call they call they cause more wrecks and you can just leave out of a so-called confidential meeting and before you can get where you going I know I heard him I heard him Sunday when they was talking about da blah blah blah blah and you spend so much time gossip gossip gossip and no matter who you are and what position you hold in the church if that's anything that this Bible condemns it condemns eating the bread of idleness it condemns talking about stuff that you don't even know yeah back when I was maybe a teenager and the Connell world and and the music that they were dealing with in those days I thought it was just ridiculous but they need to bring back some of those songs I guess and sing them from the class name because the jump that you're hearing that calls itself gospel music is a waste of your time and mine and you go back to the 60s and some of the stuff that for instance here is the man who's who's telling his girlfriend his wife or whoever you talk too much you about the word me to death you talk too much even wearing my pit you just talk talk talk talk yeah you heard it talk too much you talk about people you don't know you talk about people wherever you go you just tall tall tall tall talk too much you talk about people you've never seen you talk about people you just make me scream I'll be cooking dinner you don't phone gossiping I know y'all lingo she'll know I want you to show I don't want nobody to insult my message by shouting today [Applause] [Laughter] some title was the whole that's sacrilege to quota that that's not nearly as much sacrilege as the stuff that we do now in the name of religion I was I was saying to young one of our young people and I and I know that you have to have certain liberties for young people but you also have to let them know that there is a difference between what's happening out there and what's happening in here and I drew a line not too long ago with someone the young folk they were getting ready to do some things and they wanted a smoke machine I said now you ain't Oh burn no smoke machine what's the purpose cause see if I had the time to deal with it I'd go back to the old testament and and I bring up a couple of sons of Aaron named Ned AB and a by who who got killed for offering strange fire on the altar you gotta be careful about what you do in connection with the worship of God well when Jesus finished his sermon like this they start tipping out and when the place was a just about empty and when nobody left but the disciples these are you guys y'all gonna leave too but they had sense enough to realize though we don't have nowhere to go you have the words of eternal life praise God I'm gonna ask everybody at this time our deacons are here and I'm gonna ask you to either write that chick and I I picked up some cash cuz I don't know where my checkbook is and I'm not blaming that on sister Patterson I've mislaid I do mislaid my own checkbook so I'm not gonna blame that on her but brothers if you and lucious would make available envelopes the offering that we are going to give now we're gonna thank God that he has given us a means of livelihood don't shoot the mailman that's all that's all I've done the day is brought you the mail nice address to you and if you don't want to read it that's you Lord I'll go long Lord I'm go send me I'll go if the law wants somebody here am I send me don't and sing it out go home and sing at our system machine [Music] oh yes oh yes [Music] Here I am oh yes Oh hallelujah yes but I go over to God and maybe fatherly but I go if the law won't somebody here am i know i go praise God praise God praise dog and maybe seek Lord our goal and maybe see [Music] but lord I go eat the law [Music] somebody blow it's about glory well if y'all didn't know the late rep Moore's maze you just heard his offspring his daughter brave guy I'm so glad to see my brother-in-law brother Marvin Harris with me today bless your Marvin thank you for coming to belittle anyone else need an envelope [Music] [Music] envelopes that's what they've been doing right oh I need one yeah well you all right brother adjutant you fill it out [Music] praise God well I got straight up in level o'clock so we gonna give the Lord maybe the next five minutes or so in prayer and you'll see I didn't violate too bad you know if there's someone in your family somebody in your home in your neighborhood somebody that's close to you that really need God to intervene and some financial matters sin and if they're honest answer is that they're standing idle because no one has hired them if they haven't looked you know the Bible says ask it shall be given seek you'll find not the door shall open now if they've gone through that and still have not been able to find then we put that into the hands of the Lord hello and let the Lord work out that financial dilemma whether it be in our house whether it be down the street of just a friend whomsoever because I just believe that God wants all of his people gainfully employed oh yes in our prayer we ask in the Lord for raises asking him they elevate elevate those finances if there's not enough finance flowing into the mainstream of your home you need God to do it listen I serve a God that is a God of miracles [Applause] [Music] the Bible's got so much to say about finance God talks so much about finance Tina and Jesus needed miracle money oh you remember it was tax time and when you old the government you better have more than an excuse the Lord told him the goal and cast in a hook that's one fish when you throw in the hook the one that comes up first said just look in his mouth [Music] Jesus told his disciples when he first started at the beginning of his earthly ministry drop your nets follow me I'll make you fishers of men in other words I'll teach you how to catch men in the eyes of the Lord we all like fish but look at what he said he said that the finance that you'll need is not going to come from how many fish you catch you really don't need to catch but one and when you catch that one that one is going to have enough money to pay your taxes and mine when I finished ministering Sunday and as I said God has blessed us to have some beautiful members here and our beautiful people I in touch with other beautiful people and I was trying to rush to get ahead of the crowd so that I could go home and get off my legs that were starting to actually to pain and one of our sisters she's here today and nobody needs to know who that he is she's representing but she just handed me a check fold it up and I looked at it mmm nice they call see one person giving two thousand dollars is really a great gift for one individual and as I stepped through the door of my office I heard a little voice said look again I looked again and it was one more zero than I thought was there and instead of two thousand it was twenty I went all the way home and didn't really feel another pain blow over the god hallelujah Deacon's if you come and drop those offerings and just all come and Saints if you just dropped those offerings in those baskets and just take a position I'm not going to have you all really to give it going out the door you're gonna give it and we're gonna pray with it's gone in fact we're gonna be praying even as we come to drop those offerings in the baskets hallelujah we just don't thank him first of all thank him for giving us a means of livelihood Lord we just want to thank you thank you thank you thank you lord opening doors thank you for making waves thank you lord hallelujah you're looking out for even when we are not looking out by self thank you Jesus thank you for livelihood thank you Lord for a place to lay ahead thank you Lord for bread on the table thank you thank you God hallelujah because you have just provided everything we need hallelujah all I have needed your hand has provided great is your faithfulness thank you lord thank you all thank you lord Thank You Marcia hallelujah God now begin to open some doors open doors those that need places of employment law open doors and then when we get inside the door let that be a Korea elevator that lifts you people from one level to the next and even as you lift us provide raises provide bonuses provide everything that your people need and we give you the glory we give you the glory we give you the glory and even as we keep on giving you praise you can just step from way I and drop those gifts into the nearest basket and again some ago concluded it's alright hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you hallelujah or glory such as thanks today in Jesus name hallelujah keep on giving him praise even as you come now he's given it pray halleluyah halleluyah lower the god rule it is all praise God for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks pastor said that was the dismissal press consider yourself dismissed but before you go I have one brief announcement rehearsal for this year's me as they search will begin this Saturday September the 9th at 4 p.m. in the choir room all brothers who desire to help us lift up the name of Jesus in the ministry of music are invited to attend that's this Saturday September the 9th god bless you
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 75,982
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: liauoXWh06c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 30sec (6330 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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