GE Patterson 1 Timothy 31416

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[Music] [Music] can I say [Music] [Music] gee the fee let me see anybody know about this anybody glad he came to sing whether to help it less the name of Jesus tonight [Music] Oh him [Music] I love the call [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] keep my saya saya saya tell mercy shame I disable it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he came his famous Palma Ceia say [Music] what's her name he came to save them his name is Jesus but that's not the only reason why he came to save me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we differ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you come to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] roll over [Applause] [Music] you know the world don't really know why he came [Applause] they think he came so we can argue about [Applause] [Music] what there's happy holiday what there's Merry Christmas [Applause] but I don't know why I came [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time Jesus do you say one more time [Music] [Music] Laura [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you every day he'll sing Sanji the precious name [Music] that wonderful name [Music] give the law to hand we may take the seat [Applause] what a wonderful Christmas morning we have come to celebrate the word made flesh vanilla 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior was born in Bethlehem of Judaea and as I said earlier while many do not understand why we celebrate the fact is that had it not been for him Oh hallelujah [Music] we wouldn't be trapped in our sins but praise beyond the God hallelujah [Music] I'm just wondering before I get into my very brief message there were some churches that were making it known that because this is considered to be a family day that they would not be holding services on today and we certainly did not want the fact that Jesus Christ who came to save us as individuals and then also as families to miss the opportunity to worship Him in the beauty of holiness normally we do have our worship celebration at 7:45 and then again at 11:00 o'clock and I felt that possibly today we would be able to bring both congregations together and not have to have the 7:45 and the 11 so I'm just kind of wondering before I get into this message how many temple of deliverance people and I know we've got a lot members who are out of the city but I'd like to see how many of our members are here on the date I want you all to stand up all over this place [Music] all right as I've been saying for so long that those who come at 11:00 only maybe about 200 short of those that were present at 7:45 but we do want our visiting friends and in spite of the fact that it seems like the whole house is temple of deliverance and they are quite a few visitors yeah won't you all the stand to [Music] [Applause] I've chosen a subject today that well at the beginning it may not appear to be very much in the way of a Christmas message but I do believe that there is something that will be said that will bless the Lord's people I want you not to go with me to mark not to Matthew not to Luke now even to John but I want to go to first Timothy verses 14 15 and 16 and I know that when you first get into first Timothy and you begin to read what the Apostle Paul had to say you'll say well bishop but don't really think that this has very much to do with Christmas but as we go to first Timothy chapter 3 verse 14 15 and 16 it simply says these things right i under thee hoping to come unto thee shortly but if I tear along that thou may it's no how not ordered to behave thyself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of truth now we come to my verse and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up to glory and made a lord out of blessing to the readers and hearers of his word God bless us the words of the Apostle Paul to his son timotheus and of course the fifteenth verse is really the theme of the entire book if I tear along that thou may it know how thou ought it to behave thyself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of truth Paul is writing to his son Timothy us because he wants him to understand what procedure he needs to occupy in order to be the kind of child that God would have him to be you know we ought to be past that stage but there are a lot of us even now who do not know how to behave ourselves in the house of God I believe that if you're saved you're saved everywhere you go but there is something unique and something special as it relates to how we ought to behave ourselves when we are in the house of God in the house of God that is a certain character that there is a certain oh how shall I say that I [Music] don't want to mess with nobody's mind not that you put on a facade but you really are supposed to be who you are when you end the house of God you don't have to act you don't have to pretend because if you are really holy you're going to be holding every where you are [Applause] Paul gives a lot of practical information but when he finally comes to the end of chapter 3 he talks about how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God and and somehow look like verse 16 is broken off from the rest of the chapter it really does not seem to fit he has talked about bishops and how that they well I don't want to give anybody the wrong impression but he does say concerning the bishop in verse two of this chapter bishop then must be blameless husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given the hospitality apt to teach and he says something kind of confusing here he says not given to wine that I can understand but I don't seem to be able to correlate it with verse 8 where he says likewise must the Deacons be green not double tongue not given to much wine [Applause] but they can righto understanding the bishop should not be given to wine and the Deacons shouldn't be given too much several years ago I believe the Lord gave me somewhat of an interpretation that when he talks about much wine and telling Timothy to use a little wine for the stomach's sake then I thought about how wine is used for medicinal purposes and when you use it for medicinal purposes you do not drink it in paints fifth courts [Applause] but if it is medicinal it comes in teaspoons oh you hear what I'm saying now now when Paul finishes all of these things and he will confess that they are controversial and he says without controversy I've crossed a few things here that may seem to be controversial but I want you to know without any kind of controversy great is the mystery of godliness well what do you mean when you say godliness I believe that he is talking about the mystery of our faith because no other religion no other faith contains within it what our faith contains look at him saying it's a mystery there are many mysteries in the Bible a mystery is something that is not readily understood a mystery is something that is covered over unless the fact is that it is revealed I've used this illustration a few times even behind me here in the center you see the curtains all the way across and those curtains those panels really don't do anything but just kind of cover over a dead wall but when you get to the center directly behind me that is a curtain that reveals a ruther it is a mystery in that you cannot see it but that is a Baptist strip you can't see it because it's covered want you to hear this but when the worship coordinators are whomsoever they have designated pulls the cord and actually I'm trying to remember I don't even think they have to pull the cord it's done from the back but it opens and it gradually revealed what is behind it you see the things of God our cover jesus said that it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but until the rest of them it is not given and the only way people who do not understand the plan of God can understand it is when God pulls the cord of the gospel and when you are able to look behind the veil oh you don't hear what I'm saying far behind the veil you can see what God has hidden from the world salvation was hidden from the world until finally one day God the Holy Father he revealed to this world the mystery which is the mystery of our faith and what is the first part of that God was manifest in the flesh that's why we're here today we are here because God was manifest in the flesh now don't anybody try to make me believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did not come into being until Bethlehem oh no no when I look at the panorama of Scripture when I see in Genesis chapter 1 it says God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and darkness covered the face of the deep and God began to create and the word that he used was let us who was he talking to he was talking to the one that was there with him let us make man let us make him in our image little fuck-around it says something to the effect that God not only made man but it also goes far enough as to say let's give him Dominion and you keep on reading and it talks about the fact that man could not even see what God was doing because God himself had hidden it some man I don't want to get too strung out here I don't want to get too far but when I jump into the New Testament the Apostle Paul he talks to us about the word in the beginning if you don't believe what I told you its first when he said let us make man John comes along and says in the beginning what does he say about that he simply says that was the word and the word was what with God and the Word was God in fact I remember doing the little involve steady back during my three months in Bible College you're always supposed to laughed at that one you know all of all of the great doctors they they have so many years and so many months so many doctorates and somebody told me Bishop you shouldn't tell anybody that you were in Bible College for three months but but I think I heard what I found of the Church of God in Christ Bishop mason and bicha mason went to the Arkansas Baptist College and after he had been back three months the Lord told him said now what you want to know you won't learn it here but he says if you just walk out of here and follow me I'll give you wisdom and a mouth that the adversary won't be able to gain say now resist and whether or not God did that for me you have to be the judge but but when he in Genesis says let us make man and in John he says that tongue the Word was with God and I was about to tell you that that was a little study that I did during my 3 months of Bible College and in that they made a difference between four Greek words one of them was prose TR OS the other was power then that was another one and another one yeah and the four of those words all could be translated with one of the words meant with God in that he was in close connection the other one says he was with God in that he was beside that God the other one simply says that that was a United activity that God the would say it and the son would bring it back that when God said let that be the next thing the son would bring it to him and he would see the thing that he commanded I want you to know that it's still the same way that God speaks and the son brings it back but that was that day when God Himself decided I've got to disguise myself got a disguise myself like a baby go down into this thing that we created and called earth and God allowed himself to be emptied into the womb of a woman now there's something about that I've told you before that when I was just a little boy I used to watch Superman and God knows I don't want to get off too far in this but in that Superman picture that I used to watch it did not have so much of well how would I say that didn't have everything that the new model put in it because now the Superman the movie it tells you the story of a man that left a planet called Krypton and when he left Krypton he didn't even know himself who he was but the thing that happened is that his father had left for him some information in somewhat like a like - and he went up to some place way in the north nothing but ice and he was able to see his father's face able to hear his father's voice and his father began to give him instruction telling him where he came from letting him know that your being on earth is not an accident but it is something that was prearranged well that's nothing but a mythical statement but when I read the Bible Jesus as a little boy grew up and growing up he did not know from whence he had come he didn't know would was that made him didn't know what his purpose was for being here so by the time he got 12 years old this little boy he had to go in such the scripture and you know the story that after the days had been accomplished everybody else went home but Jesus stayed behind and when Mary and Joseph wanted to know what are you doing here we are almost home we've gone a day's journey and had to come back the day looking for you your father and I have sought you sovereignly but he said don't you know that it's time for me to be about my father's business in other words I didn't even know who I was didn't know where I came from until I read the record I want you to know that one day Jesus read records when he read the record he discovered where he had come from and I want you to know this today that when he got through reading the record he was ready for whatever was ready for him let me go back to the word being made flesh Jesus wanted to know exactly who he was he was the Word of God the incarnated in human flesh did nobody else know where it came from all that we know is that the prophets had already prophesied that he was going to be born in Bethlehem somebody said that he was going to be raised as a Nazarene and somebody else decided well he supposed to grow up in a little town called Nazareth but finally he was able to put some wings only everything that had been said about him and so Jesus my Savior he grew up working miracles there in the town of Capernaum but the only way he was able to do that is because the Bible had said that he would be the son of the Most High one night out there under the light of the Shepherd's we see these men in the light of the stars and they're trying to rationalize what is that there's a new stock in the elements and they didn't know what was going on but Jesus was just being born in Bethlehem of Judea he was the one that was manifest in the flesh you couldn't see him if he hadn't been manifest in the flesh but not only was he manifested in the flesh but he was justified in the spirit everywhere anybody tried to track him they had to understand that he was not going to be trapped by an immoral man when they tried him Pilate had to say I find no fault in the man finally when he was through with his work down here on earth the Bible said he was seen of angels what do you mean he will see my angels seen of angels doing the day when the angel spoke to Mary seen of angels doing the time when didn't nobody seemed to know who he was see you angel when he got Todd praying in the garden scene of angels when it looked like nobody was going to be able to give him any identification but when he was seen of angels - he was caught up on a cloud and they saw him going up toward the heavenly father's house or blessed name but not only that what he was preached unto the Gentiles I don't know when you heard it 2000 years ago somebody heard him being preached everybody that heard him in that first voice of that first verse they don't know just exactly what he was doing but he was seen of angels he was received up to glory oh I know y'all looking at me yeah but one day as I get ready to close my book he said don't worry about the fact that I have gone up into the father's house but he told him disciples the same Jesus that you see going away he's coming back coming back again the star that you saw out there on the Judean plane that star will appear again that star is going to come back and you're going to know that the same Jesus that walked in Galilee the same Jesus that taught beside the sea st. Jesus by faith I have been told that this same Jesus will save your soul as I go to my seat I just want you to know today that Jesus the Son of the Living God Jesus the one that was hung a flower hang up Jesus my soon coming King I heard somebody saying the day he's a savior savior savior he's a healer he's a healer healer I just want you to know that whatever you need you can get it from God if you need it God's got it he's got everything yeah everything you need hallelujah I'm gonna close now but I just want you to know that Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God I told you all the every once in a while but this thing messes with my mind and I know I know what it's doing but I also know this I know that Jesus that was born in Bethlehem Jesus the same one see I know we're living in a day when they're trying to introduce us to a lot of new Jesus they're trying to make us accept another Jesus but I want you to know that the same one not another one but the same one that was born to Mary and Joseph the same Jesus you don't him in but the same Jesus my god that gave His disciples the power to cast out devils that gave them the power to renew their hope in God this same Jesus he's got the power to do whatever he did then when it grew up and he became a man and He healed the sick and he raised up the dead but I want you to know this one thing that when he comes he's coming back after the church without a spot or wrinkle when he comes yeah you gonna have to know that he is not the one that's all there somewhere they may call them son young moon I don't care what you call them but the same Jesus that walked in Galilee same Jesus that taught beside the sea I have been told that the same Jesus will save your soul if you'll sit today you let problem the Jesus heal that problem the Jesus god bless you stand up on your feet hallelujah hallelujah I want you today I want you to understand that Jesus came to this earth to save sinners I don't really know there may only be one sinner in this building but there is enough of God's saving grace that he can save whomsoever we'll come to him by faith if you're in the balcony you're on the main level and you want to give the Lord your life I want you if you would to step to the nearest aisle [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's a friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and yet waiting [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm yet waiting on you I said to the Saints last Sunday it does not take a whole sermon but all you got to do is open wide your heart the Lord is calling you the Lord is calling you [Applause] [Music] come on that's right come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Parvati [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] do you have to save it from the sin [Music] oh how wonderful this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want just about ten of you ago to just walk behind these persons and let them know that Jesus came all the way down from heaven to earth just a saved a wretch like you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless your name [Music] somebody oughta call [Music] we need to ride [Music] [Applause] what we need [Music] if you could see what I'm looking at tears that streaming hallelujah II [Music] oh god I thank you I thank you I thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] lure in a god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when asked those of you who have come forward if you would just go to where the elders are standing somebody wants to give you just a little more information thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 99,779
Rating: 4.6329479 out of 5
Keywords: TD jakes, TD Jakes 2019
Id: J38mR03gOCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 40sec (4600 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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