Game Grumps - Best of Breath of the Wild

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mr. Tintin one drink clock yeah the tower [ __ ] sprouted up from the oh no I heard a voice yeah well now a voice you say where she did she sound hot yeah and did you happen to recognize this mysterious voice no no I see okay well that is unfortunate I know no hot chick for you yeah guess you're not very good at recognizing voice actors or anything I can move the camera and [ __ ] me I assume you caught sight about like why are you having the castle I'm just gonna make that my thing now Wow rocks on the ground that's like Tetris when they fall on the ground and it looks like they're wrong that is calamity Ganon 100 years ago that violent it he brought the kingdom of Hyrule to ruin not to shame it appeared suddenly and destroyed everything in its path so many innocent lives are lost in this way thanks for reminding me for a century the very symbol of our kingdom Hyrule Castle has managed to contain that evil but just barely it there it festers building strengths at the moment it will unleash its blight upon the land once again it would appear that moment is fast approaching it's a project right now I must ask you courageous one do you intend to make your way to the castle you think and creative I do it's like excuse me he wipes his chin and like his whole beard is just like [ __ ] gravy oh sorry I whipped cream mashed potatoes earlier and I got a little lost in the experience I had a feeling you would say that because that was the only option here on the isolated plateau we are surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs with no way down let me give you this item to help you down no death could be more certain unless you had some a specific one or two who the trick of course if you had a paraglider like mine that would be quite another story here hand it over here we go oho piqued your interest have I yes I didn't come soaring down here on my own wings you know worry not I will happily agree to give you my paraglider but not one other now what could I possibly want with a barely clothed Shire LeBlanc on the end with your milky hamstrings and creamy thighs there's nobody around here let's see now how about I trade for a bit of treasure that slumbers nearby I'm talking about your penis it will soon away your adventures will be detailed here I'll show you my adventure like come let me show you something Oh God that should happen this would be the reverse order right the old man is huge oh yeah I remember it being that huge renews like it's dangerous to go alone that's a different old man okay God King and then now it's open whale on him yeah eat it oh [ __ ] oh oh this is awkward Oh God I'm standing Oh boom good job and the bees survived better balm resilient bees there ah they're really tough to kill those exoskeletons little Lola that's true alright they have their skeletons on the outside sick air bro that was awesome yo man I'll see you there he does give me the paraglider so I can go there she's this one [ __ ] at that surgery [ __ ] with me I never had a problem doing this I've gotta do why isn't it a problem oh we're back after a long hiatus by the way in case no one noticed or we didn't mention it last episode maybe we did cease arms but I had to give a little little minor facial surgery yeah how'd I go it went great yeah I got the thing out whoo what was the thing my left eye like doctor I really want to wear a pirate patch but I don't feel like I have the right yeah until I get this eye removed don't worry no I had um it was weird they thought it was like a little tumor like a little benign tumor on the side of my face and then when I woke up after the surgery they were like yeah it wasn't what we thought it was at all was it it was like a cyst or something but like equally benign but they were like yeah so anyway all those things we told you when we were prepping for the surgery we were totally wrong and we got in there like huh that's what that is I was like oh while my face was open that's when you were getting casual surprises oh that is really something you don't want to you don't wanna get surprised about it's very weird just like getting a heart transplant you open it up and it's like oh he has two hearts I don't know that we're not going to get mush them together into one big heart because yeah we can cut them in half so you cut the bad parts out of one heart and the good parts out of the other heart in this replace that make central Italy oh my god okay yeah okay cool all right so check this [ __ ] out okay you want to turn it right yeah but I gotta get it Phil no no Oh piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] Ghana dude blow it ah it's like it's so [ __ ] janky dude yeah blow it janki's [ __ ] now it's all like rotated and [ __ ] I don't know what I'm doing dude blowing is what you're doing odd it's tough yeah no what the hell is happening I didn't do anything now it's all crooked I've been holding the ctrl in the same way this whole time [ __ ] it's not straight at all uh understand Sandler has anything to say about this that's it no no let me find out all right or you get one more shot and were shot this episode yeah well it keeps [ __ ] shifting it's add motion controllers so dank oh god no what I don't want to hear what excuse all right [ __ ] this [ __ ] it oh you're getting annoyed Joey just play it super cool I'm trying to all the time in the world I don't know this is a show it's gotta be you know the show's ending on this one way or the other so high it keeps rotating I'm not rotating the controller okay [ __ ] motion controls remember how I said I could there's plenty I could complain about in this game guess what what the [ __ ] is happening we have a winner I'm watching you do this with your hands and it's not like look like you're doing that much it's I'm not and it's like going crazy are you seeing this yeah it's a no Katie like what is happening we're next over game girls god damnit see you then good to see you enjoying Zelda yeah just like old times mark hamill comes in at the end of the [ __ ] knocker oh yeah come on Tucker yeah dude classic classic comedy he's like it's me [ __ ] knocker let's see if I can land directly on these horses whoo I don't feel good doctor yeah doctor I exploded a ball I don't know how it happened thank you that was really a present Oh next time I gain gross I've got a [ __ ] horse now way to go yeah Oh didn't mean its back's all [ __ ] up really I'm ready to give this I gotta give him a little food there's a scrotum shaped imprint exactly it's good shepherd spy poor horse whenever I gasped like that I just like choked a little bit yeah I don't know it doesn't feel good boy too much air it has to be a very honest thing to guests like that like remember that that video of the polar bear mascot falling over and over no oh geez off the show anyone who want to wants to see one of my favorite [ __ ] videos on the web look up polar bear mascot falling it's a it's like a car commercial for like a Minnesota based car dealer and the polar bear is their mascot and they're walking on an ice skating rink but his heat has no traction in the costumes and the guys just like the guy walking next to him keeps saying stuff that's like supposed to like it's supposed to be like a cut into it but it's just it's just so perfect because it'll be like needless to say I didn't get my deposit back and then the polar bears like [Laughter] so good ah he's hard to keep his cool he eats it on the ice like four different times it's one of my favorite it's really slow yeah ha ha ha you're beautiful and her hair looks like Halle no whoa huh oh it's the o.r Obot Humpty camel that is the divine peace robot humpy camel with the power to go were all serosa god I love her that's me look like her with it I literally only changed my shirt yeah yeah but no remover with our band from town it's not very common for me to see someone like you once a demand be spread the push pretty timid yeah call whatever you want bit like a Christmas Missy we have these fans feels are you ready hell yeah I'm deadly happening good let's get going yeah my gonna refer to my dick is divine bees before or whatever at all first thing is the cereals to get it really close to that thing you don't want to call it divine beef the humpy Camelot against divine beast humpy robot County I was counting on you and shoot as shits feet with Bonners the board drives energy from the ground to keep moving if you damage the ground everything was fine thank god this yeah does lightning strike still getting hit even once could prove fatal so [ __ ] up geez really she's got a little little thing around her that the help sir that helps me so okay go you'll see are you wearing Dutch clogs well I'm wearing like little Giroud Oh elf pants I love your boots could you give me a better room just for a moment oh they are sand feel I okay already you don't have to give me any room anymore I thought the seals made like a seal on a door no no their literal San Cielo I love it it's went through the sand oh so great and savagery no answer my call a minute ask no busy [ __ ] please my Thai food just arrived sweet sweet chicken setter well that's cool yeah I did that [ __ ] you I feel the power coursing through me it's a little too much here we go let's move you got it whatever bro hungry thank you helpful Co you're a part of this whoa look at this thing yeah Lydia Bertha please give me give me your protection she's dead yeah she's not around she's dead cool can't you [ __ ] anything oh [ __ ] [ __ ] clock I think I just caught we get [ __ ] political here now you talking about ah [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it right after I got everything done suck my ass all right we're gonna hit pause real fast I just [ __ ] in my mouth already get it over with really old Carol foreplay okay here we go yes yes damn it yeah yeah cool a wink that's what I wanted well now that he's gone oh [Music] [Laughter] gosh - [ __ ] I don't waste my bomb arrow on this [ __ ] okay top ten my personal favorite deaths of yours in this game always my bars always my life okay yeah I'm with my bomb arrows on my own body blowing myself up to death oh man it's a great idea it's however that's all the pro players play Zelda yeah yeah oh you'll be cast as a family like I'm starting to feel that yeah totally totally and like any family you have the one shitty member who everyone hates in that time okay well next time on Gabriel come on game grub uh this guy's just talking to me and I don't give a [ __ ] Branly the [ __ ] lost son of Brandon Lee just made of fiber thinking more like the son of brandy the 90s oh yeah Bramley I was thinking like Bruce Lee's failed cereal life be like milk yeah milk flows and you can crash into a delicious bowl of Branly milk is mucus-forming alright now let's take them on the top Bruce don't say the mucus thing yeah that's bad that's bad don't look at the finger or you will miss all of the delicious glory friendly alright next time I get girl Spy she's my hero dude Bruce Lee is my hero I know yeah I know yes he's my hair - one single lens pair of sunglasses for the front of my job oh god Matt right can we see that again in slow motion please - some [ __ ] great music that was uh the hell did you do shoot the arrow into the railing yeah but it wasn't aimed at it like what the [ __ ] died no was gonna do that oh man didn't know oh sorry bud yeah walk it off [ __ ] that's mice you like that do you like that oh cool I froze his gun oh that's a yeah oh what a dingus yeah got that going for me and [ __ ] you in the eye hole you got you in the hole that windblade voice reminded me of this like comedy sketch I did in New York with my my first improv group were they called we were called cartel it actually had Julie cats in it who later introduced me and ninja Brian but it was me and Dan Hodapp who's a very funny comedian and we were like my grandson just graduated from Harvard and he was like and they were like competing grandmas you know and she's like my grandson graduated from Harvard summa [ __ ] laude you know like we're just keep one-upping each other and so like one of us was like my grandson is a warlock he makes potions he could turn your grandson into a hawk we never did anything with that but we totally should have written that as a sketch it's funny I'm so dumb my queen son is a woman my grandson is nazgul Ruth ow destroyer of work they're all like knitting while they talk you may have heard of them in the Necronomicon if you took the time to River goodness good job buddy yeah dude we got them you kicked that dude that we save the butt tree ah here comes my my beautiful heart my grandson has two hots and four stomachs like a cow if one fails he can just rely on the other one and if it doesn't he can donate it to a charity of his choice preferably one that gives kids heart rate not one that jet gives people of living next time I gave you later boys move everyone at the red everyone at the the coats the Kids Campaign was like what do we do with this disgusting on my I guess will wrong party I guess we'll just wrap it in some clothes oh is that pressure dunno coming I was not sure you really come through and please things are going well ever since the strange occurrence there's been a lot of monsters around here be careful as you proceed and hurry all of my spells are actually anxiously awaiting your arrival ye hits his head against the rock [Laughter] finally woke up for my concussion I had the other punk damn after you get that first concussion the next couple just come real easy yeah it's um that's one thing I very very clearly do remember about being a kid like the repetitive thought from like five or six onward that like thinking like I understand more than adults are giving me credit for you know yeah like I remember feeling talked down to a lot yes and I also remember thinking like you know when I'm an adult I'm not going to treat kids the way I'm being treated now but it's by the time you get to like where I'm at in life now it's so fuzzy you know like it's it's so hard to like remember that part of your life super clearly plus it's so easy to have that reaction to somebody who's like so so naive or uneducated about thing right you're just like how could you not know this yes like let me talk down to you as a result of that yeah yeah well cuz I mean you also hear like a lot of like very innocent stuff happen and you don't know where to like you don't know where to start crushing dreams you know yeah like I I was such a believer as a little kid in in World Peace you know and and I still I still do believe deep down that like most people are good you know like if they don't turn out good they're certainly born good and then circumstances and things like you know leave them to make bad choices and hurt other people but like but I was so sure when I was a kid like that like oh we can absolutely we can work it out like all people of the world can like come together under one thing but then you get older and you just realize like man they're just there's just too many people out there that are like real [ __ ] you know and like they just want to destroy everything and it's just like who knows if they were born that way but it's certainly in their nature now you know right um and and all you can do is try to be the best you can and create the most good around you like and have as much of a positive influence as you can but like if a kid came up to me and be like dude like if my nephews came up and said like do you believe world peace could really happen you know I I don't know what I tell them I wouldn't be like I don't know the guy in charge of x-country is a real [ __ ] douche and he was like you know it just doesn't matter what anyone else does he's gonna be a douche you know it's a it's a it's a tough thing you don't want to you don't want to crush idealism at too young and age you know that's not what he's really asking you don't think so know what I mean I think you answered your own question before you even got into it you you gave your own philosophy and how the people you yourself and the people around you and all that stuff right that's that's what he's asking right and primarily I believe if World Peace is going to be achieved it's going to be through tossing salad like your name Romanian I feel like Nicky was really on to something she's nailed it yeah she got nailed by that tongue just like she get tongue punched in the brown you taught me that phrase it kills me but seriously man like it's some kids coming it with all those guys you can just be like all you can ever hope for is to be happy and be and make the people around you happy and right like you don't need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders totally what exactly a suit we're just stop rampaging you need the kind of sacre bleu ha ha now get out yeah I have to poop thank you link truly our goal is the same I just I mean we've already established this but I really like rubbing it in mooses face we are great friends I consider you my number one friend you're the back here take this stingray hat and put it on your head I'll call you move new better news ooh that's a good one Kings are a fan surely you do not really intend to give this outside of the law Rama countless generations of Zorah princesses I'm tempted and I went to the one day I was sure to marry son bring this weird stingray thing outside new zoo dispose of my amusement [Laughter] by goodness what exactly is my clothes and what's my skin here in the mirror every morning concealer just not really sure what do I remove when I shower you cannot fool me with such a sensible line not this shara how could lay him if I possibly have feelings for a hidden like him you so young and supple fit the facts are clear he remembers nothing even when he looks at Arden Princess Memphis special did you just jack it in front of us is it like that's a fully to completion what is the matter link are you unwell were you unable to complete your quivering like hatchling whatever is the matter I remember oh do not mistake me for a fool iliyan there is no way you remember her just now when it is most convenient I mean he is proved yeah it's the most reasonable guy I know in any case without any solid proof I cannot possibly take you at your word if you have any such proof there was a time to show it do so and I tonight I shall tell you what a ghetto show garrow's yes here's well anything else you wish to know as well as anything else like anything I'll tell you that one thing and all things alright just make it adjust at all things lucky for you we have approved I got to put on my armor who you know focus I got this aura armor that you wore after you got out of bed with me Musa look closely up the close link is worried you really think changing your clothes is going to make me food y'all gorgeous is it your abs and pecs not well-defined but it's definitely nubile what Anna that is a sore armor lady mermaid that by Hannon yeah did you perfectly what is the meaning of this now you understand do you not they were [ __ ] her take the crazy [ __ ] why don't you get that we've been hitting on it for the last hour God now you know who her heart belong to and who she made this special armor for she voted hilly dick yeah we pick all [ __ ] night his elven dick throughout the land from the Seas of the zuhr to the mountains of Ladera she will die dick until all the cows and other creatures came home oh my god that's too funny the fact is his armor fits linked perfectly should be proof enough that Mesa made it for him and him alone you have always disliked Hillians even before the great calamity that is why mytha never told you now you know you must promise to help him see this all music oh for God's sake this is the man who drained his nugs in me [ __ ] alright fine I get it Jesus like I smell out I've drained my numbers wonder wife in my name obviously just into the sea I mean [ __ ] look at me girl I am a night breath hmm I never would have imagined she would make that special armor for one such as he you [ __ ] perfect look I do not approve you laughing well for me I mean but I suppose this is our only option at this point I am a proud Laura that means I must take responsibility for my unwarranted behavior towards you as promised I shall tell you where you could collect this pretty shocked around as you need tall mountain over yonder it is called Palamas Mountain join us oh boy look at it look at the word I'm saying I said and there you are also fine shatter back point they made a movie about it really gay judge Bush outta my coin break I tell I was thinking more about the Brokeback Mountain oh yeah the terrifying creature has made its home up there this awful beast suits worried after volley of shock arrows even a single one could be fatal to his aura why don't you just tell him about the shock arrow storage we have haha you must mean that Lionel he's a man beef that one that beast does indeed wield shock arrows but we literally have a bunch laying in the back I've warned you late he's a maniac maniac on the floor and he's dancing like he's never danced before he is vicious to be sure I am certain link will rise to the challenge in order to a piece of the fine piece I have to make the chili at least 20 shark arrows do you think you can gather that many I don't think so [ __ ] so working on gathering wood so I can pay off the mortgage on my house why do you still doubt him music you have no doubt he will be I have no no I'm all confused accordion slip right there okay link let's get moving the fastest way to bulbous Mountain is to send that waterfall east of the domain that Zorro armor should come in handy just swim to the wonderful vision and then go up a waterfall from Dar I'll wait at the East reservoir lake get 20 arrows wonderful together we shall stop that divine beasts onslaught what the [ __ ] I and they are - yes the divine beast sure did onslaught yes they were quickly slaughtered under his elephant trunk where'd link boned me for 100 years before the alright next time I gave rows next time I'm gonna go Guzman's that was fun yo see you later Wow Oh God there was something I was watching back one of the episodes of this it was so funny and I can't remember what we were say ah it was when you were measuring your dick I didn't lost an inch okay again did you disturb him I'm just like what the [ __ ] which episode of that I don't know it was what he's a while ago it's too funny holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that was the one like because I sometimes I watch these in like the trailer like what when we're filming the show but like when I need like a mental break from mm-hmm you know line memorization is [ __ ] like that I'll put on like a chill episode and my that had me [ __ ] dying and I was like Michelle Morrow has the dressing room next to me and like there's just like a thin wooden door so she can hear everything I'm listening to and saying so I can only imagine what she was thinking as I was [ __ ] giggling relentlessly at your voice talking about your dick I just want to be like don't hate congratulate I was so mad though I was so mad I mean how could you not be mad that you lose you lose distance yeah like if I if I was using my water and not right dude what if you like what if I was blind and I was using my dick as like a a pole and I would I would hit it one inch closer I bet it feels what if it was lava it's just so huge in these tiny hands I mean come on man yeah who wants who wants who wants a tiny dick okay if you have one um yes please it's not like if you have a large dick and you're like pleat this is what I want more than anything is a smaller day first of all I prefer the chair micropenis I guess there are some people that the guy who has the biggest penis in the world yeah that can't you get he's like I want a smaller dick in it you can't have sex with anybody know too much and there are some dudes there's some huge dudes who are married to like a tiny girl yeah and and wonder how and it's just like oh man like that tough of course it's tough well you never know wow that was astounding an absolute thrill because I get we got that [ __ ] black dildo back there yeah that's literally my life that's like 18 inches it's like four inches wide I'm just like gee this literally my life who could put that in their hole oh god watch some clothes on I your indecent whoa look at that yeah that's what I got from the [ __ ] bird guy bird friend so my friend he was like I guess you're cool it's like yeah that's a friend sighs [ __ ] guess I know I'm cool yeah not the [ __ ] gas just to give you an [ __ ] maybe like every time we [ __ ] use as a bastard magic we could be and then that's how they made the noises for links animations yes yes Lord that is thanks little-known trivia did you know they slowed down the voice miles and Legend of Zelda brought in a while it says quotes from the 1991 movie [ __ ] what is my good resident oh my god what other let's play would have gone there I'm looking at you Jack septic out where your [ __ ] references there's got to be a way to my throne toilet is the the the mental image that came with that review saying that was just so much resignation and your voice but also like a hint of like I always knew it would come [Laughter] oh my god bro give me your chewing I'll [ __ ] show you yes can't locate your yeah where is it where that is the worst leaf sexy voice ever Oh speak for yourself man do you ever read that study that said I like something like 90% of guys would rather be called an [ __ ] than creepy like creepy is like the worst thing a guy can be called yeah you know cuz I mean like the mixin what the hell is that over there there's a wizzrobe you every time God they always look different to me for summary well there's different elements when there's like red and the other ones like yellow that one just looks like a printing Ku Klux Klan member and it's freaking me out what they all look like yeah Shana lololololololololol achoo he's like ahh and then he like throws fire at you and you [ __ ] burn alive not a fan and then and then they sit around there like mourning go where's his rejection butyou've stop claw is glide to your doom in it there's gotta be a way to get up there without I have the ingredients I just what for the stamina thing yeah oh you need to find fought like a little pot to cook them in exactly how few and far between are those um I don't know great [ __ ] I'll just climb this [ __ ] and just like swore down or whatever there you go that's the spirit look out for that friendly barrel with a skull and crossbones on it or jump off from there that could be pretty easy oh I said to make it Regina Carol I was wondering if you were doing anything after war God if we all talk like dave mustaine from Megadeth mm-hmm hello me it's me again and my miss Midway oh boy [Laughter] cliff could you file those reports for me they're my most valued possession [Laughter] Dave you really should have you really should have filed those papers on time hindsight is always 20/20 and that's what I did this weekend nice story tell us a Reader's Digest [Laughter] holy-shit negative lyrics are unbelievable the next story I finally made it hello lucky I finished the child who's there hey are you that hero guy you know mr. hero guess what I did the trial all by myself aren't I brave you're probably here for the shrine I made it here all by myself aren't I brave what do you think seems up to the tree and it's his brother like I know oh my god if you go back to the brother really hey Hawk he has a message for you hero more like zero oh my I don't know why riddling do things with arrows and this one in vision oh my god yeah well you've done well to arrive at the Shred would you murder a tiny defenseless creature to get here I'm proud you're here that arm is it in the name of the goddess who is this guy that keeps doing this I don't know why you felt the need to shoot me with arrows I'm literally just sitting here forever sweet relief like that no now I have to sit here for another thousand years oh my god which is imagining all kinds of scenarios yeah like like Zelda's I think you must protect the traffic sick link you're very [ __ ] carefree with your era this is like how about a little [ __ ] discretion oh [Laughter] holy [ __ ] like it looks too [ __ ] funny as a snake well it's a little overcooked but why I could take it the state back for you holy [ __ ] okay next time I'm Gabe Rosen's the new formative episode do you take this woman to have it to hold lawfully wedded whatever [ __ ] marriage I do [Laughter] somebody and and do you hear what this Isis alright see you good bye everyone oh boy that was fun I gotta [ __ ] do this I gotta actually do it which is cool I actually like that I think it's cool I do this [ __ ] which I like I like when the game has rules and then it follows the rules I like that right it's nice except for the times when you job no I never not like that cue game grumps compilation me being like this is [ __ ] it's okay I wonder if like we just contradict ourselves a lot or if all human beings do and we're just recorded and he that is you oh you nailed it a hundred percent on the head everybody there's nobody on the world that it's like based on what mood you're in that day or [ __ ] you just changed your mind over time like we've been doing game grumps for five years you've been doing it for four years yeah and like five years a lot of time you know I mean it's really it's a lot of time to change your mind and say [ __ ] that you don't think is right five years later I mean [ __ ] how old are you five years ago do you have a live journal or MySpace then I read it I was 33 and of course I had a live journal I had bull yeah my yeah I had a live journal when I was 15 that means I was putting my thoughts out in the world of that's half my life ago that's crazy to think about it 15 years ago yeah and I was like I went to school a day and my mom was like oh and I was like my voice like [ __ ] like that ah oh my god it's like literally everything like oh please don't find it - please don't find it uh it is as you're saying that it's being poured over right now odd it's I mean it's like whatever it's who I was yeah who I am now you can only be honest at the time yeah exactly you can't predict how much more awesome you'll be thereby rendering your current self stupid and annoying but that's what's that's is annoying about stuff that like gets recorded as people are like this is who you are it's like that was five years ago yeah it's not who I am anymore right you may say you may want that but it's not true I have how many shits have I taken from now - five years ago like at least one a day at least I mean so that's like it's at least ten in the last like three days that's thousands of [ __ ] you're terrifying with thousands of shits I've taken in five years you don't think my life has changed since then all right are your shits like markers of growth they're all light arranging services for me so my life has changed over a thousand times I left a small piece of myself do you want to ask me what Eventide is nope okay fine I'll bite what's even time Eventide is an island where these well you know what I'll let you discover neato it's cool though okay but it's cool it does sound cool don't worry you'll you'll you will because I'm foreseeing the situation of it now in my head well look at that skull rock yeah there's a ton of limbs buki you never saw it before now I've seen it before but I haven't seen one like ID okay I feel like I haven't seen one like that we've discovered like just randomly I guess feel like everything in this game is discovered randomly what do you what do you mean okay I'll bite what's random it was this got a what's this got a good job dude yeah that's pretty impressive yeah well I got you with me you're my good luck charm oh you're gonna do it again is gonna shoot will either I guess you'll either now remember Blankman whereas frigid kids I remember playing quick God she kisses a video Zee orgasm a [ __ ] Blankman because my god my shoes so funny hey Matt Ryan can you put in some epic music cute right here no that's something I wonder we go it's like this game is that's a great note yeah yeah I think wait oh oh I got it yeah I got it yeah Aaron it's a must our sword God it's long look at how he's holding it like a penis EA's like I'm gonna [ __ ] some [ __ ] I get it yeah well thunder Guttenberg pugna cat oh oh rad dude by the arms of thundera I don't know he says it's a rusty [ __ ] sword is all Pete up and [ __ ] oh you knew so you knew he will never forget my chunky shapeless dress because she's kneeling do you okay was she's pretty she got eyebrows for days I'm planning to [ __ ] it I mean ha ha the restoration Rachel take a bath I hope you are covered in garbage oh that's cool oh I'm gonna call you back dance and great dedication in your strength yeah sure wait a princess also had a message for you [ __ ] so some about some about restoring ah I knew I should read it jack I don't know just know that she likes you I guess yeah oh here it is milk eggs no it's my shopping line has my wife 1,000 years ago gave me this list I still have returned gnashing this harder to get to all foods when you're rooted to the ground beyond all these hungry grab a Snickers well pitstop will pit stop at the layout I wish Snickers oh my god you imagine I feel like Snickers probably has some cash just lying around just a little is it Mars is that who runs that company Maura Yeah right Mars is M&Ms I know that oh yeah then they're doing pretty well for themselves yeah well I don't know man I don't like M&Ms I'm not a huge fan oh well then they should probably be shaking in their boots I'll have an s-video and of my noted internet douchebag I have that on my tombstone noted in an a douche bag here lies nourishment they told me I had the best Claymore of all the name I've got all kinds of clay more because my day game to me I got more clay hey more than hibbett I Wow we started off in a weird place my dad taught me how to mold clay more like I kissed a girl who was a mem what the [ __ ] is going on at the Ren Faire like are there potions are they being seduced by wizards in one week yes you will remind you can leave that Jewish boy ahead of me these questions material most annoying things are meant with positive intention is very true so yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know what to do man like comment and subscribe if you're in the military tell us what you think if you're in the military like comment and subscribe please and thank you for your visit tell us what you think in the comments below or also a subreddit erever and also waiters thank you for your service and also servicemen yeah thank you for your waiting and the prostitutes ah thank you very service absolutely thank you most of all scarecrow uh thank you for your service yep tennis players visit a guy who says survey says thank you for your service thank you for your service to the census people thank you for your service um but lately thank you for serving so stupid I should have said gynecologist uh Donald vist who was knighted by the Queen oh thank you for your service yeah your God read Zelda's diary hell yeah this seems yes dude she died a hundred years ago after meeting with the champions I love to research the ancient technology but nothing with no team of my research end of entry the return of cannon looms of dark forts joining us from afar I'm afraid all I care about the relics so we can stop him if the fortune tellers prophecy is to be believed there isn't much time left by any chance ever hass puts me at ease I suppose I should turn in for the night I like the return be a small my father's fighting him is lip Lane name he's jester kid I love his music I bet the window bird address set up a good city plan make some adjustments to divide these very do I still a copy is eyes on me as I want to have anything I hate how he can pull out his eyes and rub against even this weird the feeling stayed with me so long I grew anxious and wearing and gassy it is the same feeling that felt before in his company was still not a word peasants or slips his assistants a [ __ ] I never know what he's thinking it makes my imagination run wild guessing at what are you thinking for will not say jesus [ __ ] flip-floppy later they had it what the Pope would disappoint you then by the third the fierce attack you think of me wherever Jew you know oh my god you start jacking it that's about it simple I daughter I said something out for the head today I told my like daily I don't like it's a fool making jump right in backfired my research is going nowhere I was feeling depressed tonight so they were purely not to accompany me you never [ __ ] leave me alone even when I go to the bathroom but anyway we always just and so I yelled at him without restraint he was into it yeah he seemed confused anger I feel terribly guilty that guilt only makes me more agitated than I was before hey man education makes me do my practice know so I sure to put you into this in the words what's too often to feed me lately and now more than ever it feels like a [ __ ] avalanche of words actually weird first word since that week I just can't get a grasp on words words he sees me without a thought for his own life he protected me from the resource plants of the Jaeger clan so I've been cold to him all this time taking my selfish and childish anger out of him in every turn still he went there for me I won't ever forget that tomorrow I shall apologize for all transfer between us I sure hope I don't die per hundred you yeah what's your tacit to him what a me was like she was like I will try talking stuff to the Goron guys yeah stir the [ __ ] there you're like no Mike yeah today I found out his name is link I've been [ __ ] man for years bad bad bad I've got links open up to me it turns out it's quite a good'n he can't resist a delicious feel so he's a real jerk yeah let's see if he wants to snack on these titties oh my god asking why he's so cry out of time I catch I was difficult favor saying but he did with so much at stake it's so many eyes upon him he feels it necessary to say strong it too soundly bear any burden that's alright at all yeah he's like shed I thought she was really boring and I didn't want to keep talking feeling I know all too well for him it's custom to stop out early expressing his thoughts and feelings I always believed him to be simply a gifted person who had never faced a day of hardship how wrong I was now I know he's a hard person who's faced a lot of gifted everyone had struggles ago unseen by the world I was so absurd to my own problems I fail to see this is his problem I don't to see his I wish to talk with him where you know how words have made me well link has kind of like just kind of like well you have like resting [ __ ] yeah like those angry looking eyebrows Oh God it was supposed to talk to him more and to see what lies beneath those calm waters and those bridges to him and the hide me nasty clavicle to hear him speak feeling elderly and perhaps I too will be able to bare my soul to him and share the demons that have plagued me all these years boy they're a lot mother's gone God where's truly a baby he told me I have nothing more to do with researching age technology he insisted I focus instead on training that will help me awake in my ceiling magic is party sales today it's going well one of them start on his hind fins and clam I can draw them beach balls and they return them today more inator I was so frustrated ashamed I could not even speak words are constantly evading me I've been training since I was a child and yet mother passed the year before my training was to begin now this me myself Lily I put a wig on one of the seals it's kind of like my mom kind of is living her I trust not just a mutt I lost not just smothered by a teacher mother is just misses pennies worth money it's a smile tell me tell them I love all won't be well me and you can do anything [ __ ] hater for anything you can do I can do better she's a [ __ ] but she was wrong no matter how sure how much time passes the sealing power does my birthday and it made me just like word they've opened and stripped it out it in the open water inside seals mammals around my mr. genius when I lost my seals right not only love to seal but a teacher and my ticket to resurgence boys above our journey was Lincoln spring upon train but this chillin is doing such as makers came us a hot feel dreams and a brave can see my darkness alone woman gifts and we haul up our climbing right I said she was right of this world I don't know if she was a fairy or a goddess but she was beautiful and very seola she loved fish she had one girl and she brought the beach water down her lips look urgently but her voice did not reach me could work animated her oh if my dream simply a man to speech to my fears I am sure I will know the answer soon when I wish to or not my feeling finish the training and become an elite escort me to SEAL Team six there is an another dangerous mission to murder many innocents I didn't approve for here the sarcophagus I turned 17 today she's only 17 that means it until finally be allowed to train at the spring of wisdom when link arrives you'll set off a madman a real the other champions will copy us there I have not seen my father since he lost scolded me things it just rained now I will meet with him when I return do any idea how much time and energy I saved makers of this game from having a teammate oh yeah actually I've had a horrible feeling ever since a weird dream no one would believe a failure of a princess but right now the field on for that particular reason and for the base changes terrible certainty that something awful is about to happen comply or oh god next time on game room next time I gave you oh that was it that was weirdly fun yeah journey like our mental ja maybe okay yeah hit me gonna cover okay another book oh my god oh god today an alligator the sheikah tribe of beginner research into the age of technology and earnest impart reduce me to para and Robbie I respected another traveler ingredients of a power shake and tomorrow I embark on an excavation with them to meet other people with stupid names we're going to Coachella no justification we hope to find ancient tech with which to operate the guidance stones which we will use to light up during a great performance by the weekend today we have covered some ancient technology that we believe me at the cloud you can show the guidance tone I feel you're killing it didn't I see you can and it's a rectangular object small enough to be held in my two hands she could text manually and it's made of an unknown material but we believe it is the same as the Strand scattered across each region I can't the iPad Emperor propose I hold on to it for now I hope that leads to some new developments in our research if created in a denouement Robbie send me a dick pic today and I've been browsing YouTube for like knitting people pretty sweet you know the gobby interpret oriented some of the knitting girls like they have like sweaters with a deeply you can see their cleavage I mean it's a little bit cheap but it can show you in a meeting and it's like you know I mean it's like you know you gotta do what you gotta do and she knows exactly what she's doing the star like we discovered is the named we're calling it the chicest site it's stupid I know but whatever we have not sought any mention of a name for the subject in the records we have enough stuff our nevertheless per ancestor we call it the chicest light as the relic is a site made by the chicas that's Shikha site I'm going to use the next 18 pages to illustrate that point further but it was satisfied panicle oh wow she had literally thought it was stupid it said something the dad comes in here's our nose joke no not about you I was lucky nobody was laughing at your laughable nose we didn't we were finally able to master some functionary to the sheikah slave hoarding crud we had discovered that this jumps lands capable of producing images perfect languages of the things you pointed out like normal pictures drawn by hand that's requests noise to capture anything in perfect detail I keep Li admire the accomplishments of chica technology so I know there must be a perfect way to take a bathroom selfie it just haven't quite the you know yet we believe the sheikah sled may have a function the world our to control the guidance tune we had a small leap in technology and developed the iPhone 7 plus today we check out the headphone jack and people seem really upset about everything read every now we must continue our research and quickly we have started treating the champion to a pilot to divine beast Ralph didn't make the cut so instead we got this bird guy it may sound weird that I found this unexpected but NEFA mastered the controls with surprising ease the rooks juggle at first but eventually got the hang of it or both in Ramona failed I could finally see the net light of our hope and our fire gets erratic lemony I'm God this is an attack they're highly trained and you took over the game if you see a guardian balancing a beach ball on it yes uh they say you know I never felt more betrayed Vera what's their family but now they're the size of the calamity Robby Observatory than any of the gurney tomb excavated a to mr. Borg we have we have still yet to find all the Guardians records mention a greater number of them and even other types we found the dropping dead fish in the ground look cool attractive they're said to be stored in five giant columns the rest beneath Hyrule Castle oh that sounds important actually the thing is no matter how I search beneath the castle I can't seem to locate these columns all I find a porno mags I like that I can't find it calm I find our five small circular wall wait for the part of appearing in a cylindrical fashion well are [ __ ] across where they perhaps desire to sense the appearance of clarity guilty to only activate a planet Saturn that seems like a really significant some [ __ ] yeah cash you came up with caliphates instructions being discovered across Hyrule but altered sensor than it failed records indicate to pitch science if I'm trying to hear I was fated to combat the calamity but the crucial activation mechanism remains a secret it's a chica site the key to activating them it said it remains a mystery did your brain just see secret did I say secret yeah oh that was super weird but the crucial activation mechanism is a mystery you know I thought hey I mean you don't like it didn't derail the conversation or anything I'm just it's so random Freudian [ __ ] I guess yeah Yashica side the key to activated why are my assumptions always right that is per theory and I concur and you're my space and so far have been for this within the same because fruit with what we're going to go in my perishing Shelly looks exhaustively enough to get all Mabel opposing the Clemen we must not give up no matter what I gave up I spoke with her I got hungry and too many stuff I got tired and I chickened out turn on the radio my favorites I was on when I woke up miss pearl that's a shadow resurrection we discovered earlier oh my god this is like a text-based adventure game that's a speculator this particularly sure is in fact Oh a medical facility it's the power to heal God you must have gotten sunburned or something can damn your Enya you're like you're like the color of a friendly grilled cheese that's not good or just laid egg yolk Wow it also has a long-term stasis function that can be activated and maintained until healing is complete in the war against the calamity 10,000 years ago where the injury is so great as some SS it ate such a facility if so I will remain uneasy until we have made all adjustments necessary to restore it to full working order I can only pray that even calamity Garrett turns for battle will not require the shrine resurrection power Oh awesome yeah that can't be it Oh [ __ ] off that was also too easy I'm sorry Aaron no I mean it looks it looks rad as [ __ ] it okay what's that bitching I'm the hottest loony of all fun I'm pre-rendered [ __ ] yes elder years elder drop before me [ __ ] you it's so warm and God ah I can't be it you happy link you vaporized an energy caramel God oh crap well we [ __ ] up yet again in the name of love oh yeah I try oh she wasn't strong enough huh yeah that what she said I'm not strong enough think all I can do is create a son whoa you just [ __ ] vaporize them Wow [ __ ] awesome like that [ __ ] Oh way to go Zelda didn't even even didn't [ __ ] need link and I'm chic [ __ ] you I was awesome I would destroyed Ganon great holy crab no cutscene necessary there will be one though really those flowers kiddo I know you've been talking to me I just slit her throat baby all you [Music] didn't I did it for you have you seen guardians of the galaxy - I haven't seen it yet I need someone to go in no spoilers yes oh this is making me feel sang I do he just stands there blankly yeah um [Music] can't place you oh god it's so good I uh Rosaleen I'm gonna Jeanette Polly uh Sandra Willis yeah I want to say Rachel Rachel it's Rachel it's gotta be Rachel no not reaching out look uh Sabrina Sabrina Meredith uh Jill Jessica yes yes definitely Jessica it's not just um if it had a amaro fujibayashi not even close okay now uh is it uh um you know I honestly I don't I don't remember you know is it Erica I don't don't remember now now is it a sue so you've got to be su now Camille no okay Camille Annalise I got the news Camille ah Frankland yes know that I also have a Jeanette already said Janet Zelda that was our longest and stupidest joke ever Jesus Christ oh my god what a [ __ ] game yeah all these people deserve tremendous tremendous credit I don't know I don't want it to be over it's not over you can I'm sure this is like Morrowind and you can just don't know it totally is yeah you can do whatever but you're too fruit don't my dear cells whose D will I I thought the exact same man oh man look at those killer nips on that [ __ ] lizard yeah everything has killer nips I'm gonna [ __ ] open up and drop milky juice all over everybody please and we're trying to have a nice time here hey man [ __ ] Ganon spilled his juice everywhere I can't [ __ ] divine beast good Yuga define these Japanese ZZ vegetation art thanks Yoko Merida that's actually a thing man like when I used to go up to Oregon a lot I had some friends who were working on a video game for I don't know if I'm even allowed to say it but like they were working on a video game and when we would go hiking they would take like pictures of like rocks and moss and [ __ ] and be like yeah this is I'm gonna paint this and use it in the game I was like oh my god I never even never even occurred to me that yeah people think about these things on that level yeah man there was a public at all these people or a big hero 6 it was a big deal I did a ton of research on Japan and like what makes Japan feel like Japan it was like down to like the milk crates and [ __ ] like Whitley there who wants to go to Shimizu Tigers removal sorry my name is sue gay and I want to go Sosuke a wow it I mean all of these people are amazing I want to like applaud them I can't believe they were all under one roof though I imagine a lot of these are like contract or who knows it's a huge team that's enormous that it has it's well over a hundred names by now a bit of Japanese studios there haven't been nearly this many people in there and they work on a huge game really I mean I was [ __ ] that was at Kojima studios well I can say that yeah and they were working on Metal Gear Solid 5 and it wasn't like there were this many people there oh great now [ __ ] you just spoiled Metal Gear Solid 5 release for everybody the game that's been out for like two years um yeah what of it I want to know who drew her hips oh my god yes please yeah show me the talented artist who designed the Guru dough's because I am in love with every single one yeah gosh read you okay all these people just for casting yeah all I mean a huge game like this testing like requires you like run against every [ __ ] invisible wall in the game go [ __ ] your MA what a name Hey Ohio you know good job Nate rich and Scott and Tim you made it oh yeah the localisation rich empower what are you rich and power all right well yeah as long as you [ __ ] localize our game I don't care what you are yeah Matt and Ryan please highlight the names of people as we say them so the people at home don't just think we're making weird [ __ ] up and they lose the o'leary you don't worry yes you too nice a bow harb Mara or dareka ebar Gwen go Aisha these are can we get e um yeah can we get a few more syllables please Wow [ __ ] ideas get a viola oh yeah I didn't hear if I wanted to name characters I would just [ __ ] good you like G cell yeah and I've got a crazy last name neither great I've never seen any of these before Joe dick yeah it's your dick Plus list Jen's that's nuts Jesus Gordo Martin I think the [ __ ] night van der Suisse how my rickshaw whoa that's Dutch that's Dutch I thought is that a hyphenated last name you better believe it from from becoming involved with a relationship of some kind I have to say man anastasiya [ __ ] scoffs kya uh reading off the crazy names during the credits of games there's one of my favorite I think parts of game grumps they're just so there's there's so many ethnicities and like so many different like I don't know anything about [ __ ] Russian or like Nordic names or anything so it's all like brand-new to me it's yeah it's so interesting to see like I used to when I would watch soccer like like the World Cup and stuff that always used to blow me away like how how names change and are so similar within a certain country and culture like like Thai Osato Takumi Mizuno and Jeff Miller yep all French now there's like um what country is that I think it's Croatia where everything ends in I see like itch like a team of it you know the dragon yeah and like in Armenian like in Glendale where we used to live like how many people's names ended in I am yeah you know like accuse Ian yet it's it's super interesting Kardashian Wow one producer yeah he's the that's the [ __ ] guy give me my own [ __ ] screaming that's mr. Zelda right there really yeah easy on him I mean Miyamoto made Zelda the first one but onuma is a guy now Wow he took it and ran [ __ ] Satoru man rest in peace you beautiful man yeah you killed it dude you were amazing and loved forever man I I thoroughly enjoyed lesson Zelda breath the while yep brethren wild and now it's time for see colitis yeah a legit 10 out of 10 damn yeah at am giving it to her event game perfect have you had no problems with it whatsoever no zero problems but uh it's still a ten you know oh [ __ ] is there more because I got to take a [ __ ] cool hanging there for a second well you really fly everything up there but not a cuttlefish that just explodes all the pink flakes are blue flakes now another thing when you turn the robots good they're gonna pour I would say high but in the tradition of all you this girl you like watching this man we are all collectively on fire oh man ah oh god I'm feeling [ __ ] is that my dad did my dad to explode did you just watch and then disappear and not say anything to me what's so [ __ ] sick of this [ __ ]
Channel: Tal Rimoni
Views: 934,684
Rating: 4.8591647 out of 5
Keywords: Best, of, game, grumps, best of game grumps, game grumps compilations, game grumps zelda, breath of the wild
Id: kyoPrTmxp5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 1sec (5101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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