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are you ready to rock welcome to kirby and the rainbow curse my name is aaron and my name is steve that's no here we are so we're gonna play and you're going to be my waddle duty what what do you do you better think about what you're saying before you say oh this is adorable why don't he have a beret yeah well he's got like a little like a little do-rag yeah that's great because he's a waddle d on the fringe oh dude this is the first time i've ever even laid eyes apart yeah oh immediately in love yes you are oh my god i'm technically playing as uh her and not kirby really yeah so i'm drawing lines drawings i'm drawing uh lines on the screen okay and kirby will follow my lines oh there you are oh yay look at you helping me out like a friend should yeah i'll stab you don't stab that's not what friends do actually that actually well apparently we have different promises i'm so happy yeah this is wonderful i'm stuck help me help me i'm stuck can't murdering in between episodes is gonna be tough because i can't he doesn't stop like kirby just does like i don't even know where i am right now yeah so we just kind of kept rolling so oh did i just stab a star out of here you kind of just like yeah whoa what the [ __ ] [ __ ] don't wait don't ever do that again oh i can chuck you no that's that cool why did you get the one star i got it you could have got the three up make it 49 baby sounds really good also you got more stars than i did uh jerk a dick oh sweet i got a figurine nice hope they make an amiibo out of that yay and well oh i can take all of them oh my god i got a figure of the cute girl colored girl that you want to have sex with is i shouldn't say colored girl the the girl with the color [ __ ] it you know what forget the whole thing there's going to be a guy named morph morphem freakin go on morphin freakin can you [ __ ] make these a little more stair friendly please oh my god i just forgot i'm making them for you too yeah i forgot you can't walk up right angles i've not honestly been inside a mcdonald's in almost 15 years that that is absolutely to your benefit yeah i know i can say without a doubt yeah it's coincidental because 15 years is the amount of years i've added onto the end of my life by not eating oh man sick mcdonald's burn bro yeah well they burned themselves i guess we'll never get a mcdonald's brand deal yeah sorry about that not that i would ever ever want one but mcdonald's if you're ever looking count of the game you've got three million dollars or even twenty dollars burning a hole in your pockets twenty dollars yeah i do a twenty dollar brand deal for mcdonald's you're kidding me yeah [ __ ] yeah secret area [ __ ] it's a bonus level oh my god it's a pinball game holy crap symbol that that's short for crystal crabs holy crap god damn it get up there oh my god this is the best thing i've ever done oh i love it stay in there stop got it oh my god would you please at least for a second i think you need to draw it differently yeah draw it over here it's gonna [ __ ] it's just gonna it's i swear to god it's gonna knock me back over there there we go oh yeah oh maybe not oh yeah oh maybe not i think i got oh yeah oh no no come down with me please kirby i swear to kirby okay there we go this is the worst designed pinball machine finally jesus you missed that star you could have got that star damn i can only go where you go man i got sucked back into your vortex of garbage 40 times careful well then look at what someone did the precise thing he chastised me for not one episode again yeah but you know the thing is now i understand so i didn't know about it when i was yelling at you i retrospectively feel bad about yelling at you for it okay fair enough so i know it doesn't take back the hurt the music room is open then listen to them all again and again maybe i [ __ ] will new challenge mode vega comes in shank those star bomb albums writing them at like that pace was killing me yeah well let's not do that again yeah i mean let's make a third album yeah no definitely do it like for with a with a month yeah yeah if only we didn't care about the product yeah did you imagine how relaxing that would be if we didn't give a [ __ ] if it was good or not and give a good goddamn man we can churn out [ __ ] [ __ ] be like a [ __ ] dream and then our reputations would go down the [ __ ] tubes yeah like what happened the youtubes that is i'll tell you what happened and then we could do a youtubers react to game grumps selling out to us yeah yeah the game our reaction to gabriel yeah or just a pile of money like awesome yeah who cares a contest to get to name a whoa whoa i'm not okay with this i can tell by his briefly angry eyebrows that he's someone we should be stabbing you will you stab i just roll yeah actually that's not a statement i should ever take out of context didn't like his face stabbed him yes yes trey man don't cry like a yogurt almond tear why would they do that to us yeah and just dance victoriously in front of his crying face are you gonna cry we're happy we're happy from your pain dan stop being so smart you big goof sorry i can't help it i went to school oh my god you have a cannon too yes dude we're tank buddies you finally and i don't mean we're just wearing the same shirts do the locomotion with me come on you got something in your hands now i would assume clap you gotta do complex biology with your hands now finally i think even like the one of the like the early kirby games there's like a hand boss holy crap that's what they called me in high school the hand boss i don't know why they called me ubiquitous hands you know what i'm saying oh it's because i jerked off a lot next time on game grumps super good the camera got it you know i was holding out for that three up but uh yeah it's no big deal baby deal if you want to that's right circumvent all of these collected 607. you know how much it would have been without that last star 602 [Laughter] sorry to answer my own question i think collecting stars actually gives you one ups so um you just basically did one percent of or no you did point zero three percent yeah of what i was trying to do you're welcome point three three repeating percent i said you're welcome you don't have to keep flattering me whoa whoa get us out of here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh jeez go go oh my god how the [ __ ] am i supposed to get around that i can't draw just wait on the ground oh it's just like okay thanks yeah hey can't help noticing that you've sucked for the past two lives in a row died in a pit of spikes just wait to come back yeah thanks thanks for the advice yeah keep getting uh shot by the lasers don't [Laughter] like what the [ __ ] kind of advice is that yeah can't draw well it'll come back eventually like it's like that sucks no [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] was there any scenario where i was like why can't i draw this doesn't make any sense what do i do in order to get ink back oh frick duh what the [ __ ] ropes block the lasers oh durr aaron [ __ ] dirt oh we're safe we're safe we're safe we are not safe i'm dead well i'm okay but now i'm oh dude i couldn't be happy for you got it got it got it bang oh yeah oh he's crying tears of sad i have my supercharge ugh i love it when cute enemies cry a single tear before they die just like when they realize that like yeah truly this is the end for everything for them they'll never see their families again oh man i love kirby you are without a doubt my favorite uh friend named aaron next to aaron umatani and uh and a couple other errands i can't think of a thing just the dumbest [ __ ] uh turns out to be the stuff that oh nice nailed it we are having like very different experiences playing this game which is fine by me because yeah [ __ ] [Music] man you said it all you explain the joke it's like dissecting a frog this is this one he's got he's got gross guts inside okay any and he won't ribbit no more that's yeah that's that's you know what they say at the you know with the ucb i'm almost they say i'm almost considering starting this episode the key the key to comedy is making sure it gets a good ribbit that's not what they say and where are the game grubs hey guys welcome back to game grumps welcome back kirby's rainbow star no one knows that we were not funny for two minutes there's no evidence whatsoever that we are not funny we could have played wind waker better oh sure so i'm sure there's somebody out there that's like yeah interesting to say way when only one of us had the controller at any given time know dan i'm just thinking out loud i'm just thinking you know just putting it all together right as i die yeah right as we both died they have two little red ball sacks hanging down can't draw just wait in the clouds what is this game if you can't draw the one thing that you can absolutely count to the bank is that we're definitely going to still be peeing and pooping in 20 years [ __ ] stop [ __ ] dying aaron i'm on a sucker dick yeah baby it's on my to-do list yeah baby right below getting ready to suck a dick welcome back welcome back to game growth oh god no it was premature oh jesus oh god we forgot lord in heaven we forgot would you just like to move ahead to the next stage accept your terribleness as fate get away i can't get to him i can't kick him i don't know if i can do anything to fight this thing they just stay stay near me then i can't he took me he took me he's taken me i can't get oh i should probably help you thank you jesus aaron that didn't occur to me i'm sorry i was glaring at you for like 30 seconds because i'm trying like somebody forgot i could draw things i i i'm so used to helping me oh is that me doing that oh i'm a turbo thing got it are you doing something i believe i'm using i'm doing the thrusters oh cool yeah i think you said that and i just yeah it didn't listen yeah it's cool i love it interesting when you don't listen i i enjoy being ignored and uh closed off no i'm totally done with it i know that's one of my favorites no thank you thank you aaron you're welcome god you're handsome i know and thank you for noticing i will not return the compliment [Laughter] have you ever called your dad father um only jokingly okay yeah i think i'll be like father yeah he's like what please fetch me the water barrel yeah father would you hold my tallywhacker while i pass water oh boy that's my favorite british thing that's water never really thought of it that way these cracks we have so much i've never ever taken a shower or pooped never no oh you'd love it really oh god did you see me falling down the elevator shadow like why is this whoa whoa whoa no no no get it get it and fall fall fall no no no no no no you're good you're good damn oh i gotta go no you greedy [ __ ] i want the one man oh come on dude you [ __ ] oh my god i'm so dumb i saved myself what what's the point of an extra guy if you die in the process ah if you die in the guy you die for real whoa i don't even know what to say about that you're just gonna stay nestled in the goo yeah i'm gonna get out of the goo and i'm gonna get the [ __ ] up here and go go and get the [ __ ] up damn it such a goddamn waste of money i got a lot of one man's though see we're at 44 we were at 42 or something one man check that [ __ ] out bang cheese man what no what the hell happened i don't know i saw you furiously scribbling because if you just watch it on the screen as i'm sure the lovelies will have the same experience as me it looks like you're totally inept but i could actually look over and see frantically like oh no i like that you turn into a flattened little pink condom but i'm like ready for action well here let's just forget that happened yeah here kevin make it look like i i like totally didn't die yeah just put a wwe championship belt just next to aaron's character to cover up everything about that thank you it was bad whoops thanks kev that looks great oh [ __ ] ah why why did i draw that tiny little line that doomed me forever kevin i'm gonna need you to bring back whatever you just did before whoa man what a great uh victory of mine i know dang that was amazing no another channel don't [ __ ] i see that you're terrible i'm a [ __ ] rocket ship i got a shield in front of me oh yeah i'm a rocket ship that was really nice thanks really i don't know what the song was about but like it was a little esoteric for me it didn't really make much sense yeah i mean i like abstract art as much as the next guy but geez man [ __ ] find a point maybe a theme or something motifs i don't know what this song's about i'm a [ __ ] rocket ship damn it where is my inspiration flying through the sky at the speed of light here i am a rocket ship could you with your head in your hand surrounded by 30 pieces of crumpled up paper with like [ __ ] like what is it about meaning deciphering something i can't find my inspiration in life son of a [ __ ] go into space what am i aiming for aiming for the target of space i wanna see the stars it's my favorite thing in the world [Laughter] god but who truly am i i'm kirby in rocket ship i don't know where i'm going in life i'm going to space up to the stars like that wasn't just me that was really no it was it was i just like stared at stunned disbelief i mean it's obviously what the game wanted me to do [Laughter] every time you lay with a woman you you the both of you exchange fluids it's quite lovely really when you think about it quite a lovely it's quite sweet and beautiful i'm going to take a sip of my uh sugary beverage your pepsi [Music] i don't want to give any brand loyalty but it is a sugary beverage yeah of the cola variety yeah and it rhymes with everybody's favorite disease pepsi well first of all not my favorite disease personally maybe number three yeah definitely top ten what if pepsi was pronounced peepsy wouldn't that just change everything like they just released like like you go back in all the pepsi commercial catalogs and they never actually said and then they release a commercial tomorrow that's just like an ice cold pizza and everyone's like wait whoa whoa what and try diet people clay aiken sea of fire oh infiltrate the junk factory that's another thing i'm saying to a girl at some point what about clay can sea of fire oh god we only have 55 lives can we do it to play a child's game uh i don't think so probably not you're right i don't think so have you watched game grumpstand yeah i have i have on occasion we do it's weird oh like there's oh [ __ ] there was a secret and i missed it well game grumps i missed the scene i think this is a children's game betty white tit [ __ ] but like you hear it in children's stories too like happily ever after like and you just assume like yeah they're happy the [ __ ] everything worked out like disney [ __ ] like it's all got that feeling to it like do you really want to see the little mermaid all bloated after menopause and it came out way weirder than i meant to could you stop getting eaten by the the gross butt anus monster why you gotta refresh those damn whoops all right boy i just let you do this that's so cool i'll just do like this with my spear yeah yeah into the map we'll find a way i love how [ __ ] like totally like complacent these dudes are too yeah like whatever oh another delicious meal boy like considering how low steaks this is it we are really blowing it damn it come on dude did you ever sit down weird and then you get a whiff of something and you're like and then you're like oh that's me that's my butt i never have aaron some of us practice sanitation and hygiene back get back get back oh you need that well you're boned i'm not boned pretty bad a little more faith in me oh god all the milk get the milk nice oh [ __ ] uh oh more milk dude i'm drinking milk up the wazoo bro i'm a milk drinking [ __ ] that's not how you drink milk but it's fine not put the milk in your wazoo don't get hit one more time or i'll be very salty with you you need that milk got that milk got that milk i don't think it's actually milk what are you doing all right sorry what are we doing okay we blew it yesterday yeah remember i i do remember vaguely it happened i mean only one of us had a character on screen one only one of us could control the blowing of it oh not really not really pointing any fingers even though the last bit of health that we lost was literally because of you is that right dashing i don't remember that yes that part that part's fuzzy yes it's interesting how that works cool i'll look into it though yeah hold on i'll watch i'll watch yesterday's episode while we're recording today's episode dan you know i think i'm actually going to need your help buddy really yeah because like it's it's really difficult for me to to dash you got to do my super move when i'm like really low on the screen okay tell me when you need my steez and i will deliver the ease and the style all right here we go okay i need you to dash now yeah okay some team all right that is teamwork that's more helpful than me just singing late 80s terrible [ __ ] pop music although if you would like to do that i wanna sex you up oh no we can do it too we won't wake up and i remember having a problem with that line too so i was like you're gonna [ __ ] until you die it's gonna get hard now yeah i know cool dan i know i've been playing this the whole time aaron it's the pro it's in the process of getting hard what have you been doing helping been doing god aaron it you died you want to play you want to try it you want to give it a try not at all it actually looks hard oh we're going to run out of lives so fast come back like two weeks later we've got like 18 lives left we're all unshaven i think you should just die and start over yeah you haven't even done damage to him damn all right cool i can't even die yeah i'm not goddammit [ __ ] the milk i can't even die right so much milk all of a sudden just floating around wow i am by trying to die you're like killing it by trying to die i'm learning how to live that's the deepest [ __ ] you've ever said oh what the hell whoa what the hell oh my god yeah he goes for he just [ __ ] goes for it when i have the last one boom boom boom boom yeah yeah oh wow sweet we did it we beat kirby is that it i think so yeah oh my god we did jeez wow congratulations us we beat [ __ ] kirby and bloodborne on the same day yeah we did crazy yay color again everyone's like color horrible color aaron yeah for our honeymoon take me to pee pee poo poo town one way take it please i never want to leave don't you know how expensive it is to get a hotel in pee pee poo poo town i thought you left me i don't love you as much as it takes for us to buy a house oh i could get a whole new mercedes with the amount of money it would take to go to people this poop joke took a very very serious turn i'm leaving you
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 13,771
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, kirby, wii u, gamepad, coop, multiplayer, danny, arin, egoraptor, nsp, rage, boss, final boss, colours, cute, let's play, best moments, laughter moments, wholesome, compilation, stylus
Id: y4jLy77gYsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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