Fusion 360: How to design a Wooden Boat - Part01

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my channel and welcome to the new visitors as well now a few videos ago I showed you a great technique on how to design a hole for a yak or a boat and many of you actually comment on this video and they really enjoy watching it and help them so and some of you actually also asked me if I can continue and create a part two and maybe finish the design but I searched to figure out how to finish actually with this design and I figure out way too many options and not really both designer and engineer so that's going to be really ambitious for me to try to do something like that without knowing all the elements that I need to take in considerable all the things that I need to design so well so this video I'm going I decided I'm going to do something else is something that originally that was I was supposed to do but then I'm going to show you how to do it today and this is what I'm going to show you and I've seen many people trying to achieve this kind of design all these kind of groups I've seen people who are trying to build ships based on some sketches that they have and it was completely missed because they have created a sketch for each you know frame each week and it has so many arrows it was really difficult for them to control everything and to do also all the adjustments the timeline was completely crazy look at the timeline here compared to how much I accomplished here it's nothing performance is much better and look at the sketches that's all the sketches that I've used and yeah and look the result it looks really really nice I really actually enjoyed building this one and I'm sure that you are really excited to see how I did it as well and yeah so that's what we're gonna do today but day before I start just a side note a first I just wanna apologize for the terminology I'm not again coming from this a from this area so I don't know exactly the name of each part so probably gonna use my own parts or maybe I'm going to use names maybe a little bit wrong so forgive me for that and second is some of you also asked me regards to him I'm using a lot of the patch environment there two reasons one it is because the loft comment it's much more forgiving in the patch environment than in the model environment here second we're dealing with you know large assemblies with the summit's with many small parts you can get into situation where you have a lot of sketches a lot of geometry and you know that fusion really don't like complex geometry and sketches it starts really strict on this performance so the best way to deal with this is actually using the patch environment because over there you don't really need to create full and complex geometry you just create you know some kind of a line and then you can turn it into your face as an actual body so you know we're cutting basically all the sketches almost to half which would be what we actually need if it was something relatively small so there is no problem just use it in the modern environment it will handle it but something like that a if you're going to feel the difference in the performance so that is why I'm using a patch environment quite often especially when I'm doing a complex modeling anyways without further ado let's start now I want you to be really you know pay attention to all the technique that I'm using I'm going to use a lot of techniques and workflow also so pay attention to all of this because this is the most important you know this is what you really need to take out of this video okay the tutorial so yeah so just relax and enjoy the video okay so now we have a new file I'm going to start with a new component I'm going to rename it and ribs and now I'm not going to rename everything obviously because then you know the video is going to be extremely long but do yourself a favor rename everything that you can because we're going to have many bodies and stuff like that so it's going to be easy to find stuff next yeah we're gonna start with a first sketch right here on the bottom we're going to create just a simple line here we're going to use the midpoint constraint here this line is going to be my center line and and if you notice also I'm always working on the original do yourself a favor and do that as well okay and when I see people not doing that and for example sketching a box right here to the right to the left another Center in joining love and that's because I'm using your region also for dimensioning and as a reference and then just easy also wanted me to aim euro different parts okay so it's much easier to wait to do all of this when you are on your region good now we're moving on to create a second catch here and meet poon again and I'm going to give it the dimension 230 millimeters now this one we turn into a constraint I'm just hitting the X on the keyboard and it's a shortcut and now we can go in and then start with the spline give you some kind of a shape here second thing I'm going to do I'm going to mirror this this sketch let's move this one away okay and now we can start to do some fine-tuning to get the shape that I want and let's say that looks fine now I make and while I'm moving the handles I'm using the DD ctrl key on the keyboard because it's allowed me to do really nice fine-tuning without any snapping you see now I'm not holding you see it's doing all this snapping and I don't like it if you want to do nice a fine-tuning so this is what you should do now let's move this one a little bit more inwards something like that and if I move this one here if I think it's okay for now if if it's not going to be okay later on then I can just go come back and you know change it no problem that's the whole point with this technique it's very flexible so let's work on the on the side profile here on the profile and now we need to project this point and project this point and click OK we're going to create now a straight line here this direction something like that I've chained to the front view okay now let's take the spline tool again and put it somewhere here and over here at the top now if if you already have the dimension for everything just use it okay and I don't because I'm doing it on the fly and don't really have exact dimension so but if you do so use it or maybe just in the beginning you want to do subtractive so that's okay as well this one is going to have a little stomach now I'm holding again the key on the inner our control or the comment key you can also if you have very much and give it like a nice stomach here it's going to be a little bit wider in the front something like that now a what I'm going to do now is I'm going to use the point here and I'm gonna give myself I just say somewhere about here and here two points and I'm not using the spline point which is if you right-click on the line here you can see it interests my three point I'm not going to use this one because this point I'm I added here I don't need to change to affect the shape of this line if I'm going to use a spline point three point then the lines going to start to you know change and I don't want that it and as always said add the point is you need okay start with always with less if you need extra one then add another extra point so a let's see it's got this and this high if I wanna can add also an X here in the top a you know let's let's add an extra one maybe I maybe I'm gonna need it and put one here and one here and that's going to be for the support frames that we're going to have around ok so we are ready we can finish this sketch let's see how it looks so far looks good relatively proportional also now we're going to work on the back side so we're going to go into the construction and planet angle I already have a shortcut here gonna choose this line here and my degrees and by the way if you've used a spline to create this line it's not going to let you do this you're going to have to go under the axis you're gonna have to create an axis first you're going to choose this one and then you choose this point and this point then you're going to create a line which you can put the planet angle on it okay just so you know and okay so we're going to create a sketch in here and then we need to first project this point this point and this point here this point and we had another one no yes where it disappeared after all because here it's basically in the center so yeah this is in the center which one so I'm going to project each one as well and change the you know it's not exact and but that's okay now we go to the spline here click on this one go over here don't click because I want to just get this line because I wanted to be vertically into this somewhere about here I'm going to click is okay and create a new one now we're going to the point again I'm going to create a new point here going to the vertical constraint here and make sure this one is also vertically into this one okay now I'm going to give it a little bit zoom in I'm going to give it a little bit stomach here it's going to shape the the width and you're going to create a central line here and I'm going to mirror this sketch to the other side and generally we don't have to wondering it anyway not a big deal and we are basically to finish with this one good see how it looks it looks really nice so let's move on to the next now we need to create the axis because we want to create a plan here for this one and let's see this one and this one and we need another one maybe higher but let's focus first of all on this one here pen an angle 90 degrees this is more important than the other one the other one which is small nice to have oh maybe need to have a no but there okay let's create a sketch here f6 to bring it forward and now we need to project those point here this one and I'm going to project this one here another one here I need this one so we're going to the ik spline wanna click here and somewhere about here and finish it over here okay now we can go back to the top view you can start you know shaping shaping it and let's see move it a little bit inward this one maybe we can make it a little bit smoother yep you can see here right look I think it looks nice it looks okay and again you can always change it later this one I'm not gonna be able to the other side no need for that and we finish it now let's look again on the side I just want to make sure which one it was we created and just a little bit confused okay this is basically telling me that this is the center which is okay this one this one oh no we came from anyway and now we're going to create a new and exists to two points between this one and this one I was going to create a new planet angle gonna be here 90 degrees and we wanna catch on this one again a fix to bring it forward and we're going to project points here this one I need to project and going to be this one okay so we go into the spline comment again somewhere about the thing this one's going to be more beautiful maybe and finish it here okay let's go into the top view we see what we are doing and again this is for it's about creating the shape in the middle somewhere so maybe this one it's too much they don't want it way down below so this one should be somewhere here it's okay now I need to fix this one and [Music] and I'm going to move it somewhere like this let's just zoom in here and I want to change this line here so maybe it's gonna be a little bit more in and this one also maybe actually between this side not too much again I can always change let's see how it looks so we've got this one here and this one and here we're gonna have like it's going to be like sinking and make sure that it's not the going to be sink too much but it's um if when I'm going to be going to use the when you're gonna create the skin I'm not going to use this one okay this is just for the week so you don't have to but again let's see what's gonna happen you can always change stuff no and if we almost done there's only lasting on its Juvia and it's this one here on the top and again access so two points this one here and this one side angle my degrees here and we click OK going to sketch great sketch in here and project this point and this point actually hide ish axis and then we're going to the spline one two and three get going to G stitch you the left view and then I'm going to go and make an horizontal constraint here because if I'm going to play with it I don't want to move to the right or left because then it's going to change the shape going to move it a little bit down although one is too much up I think it's okay this one and you have to make sure with all the points that you're creating that you have coincidence constraint because if not the loft is going to complain so that coincident constrain is very important so we finish this one and we basically done okay now let's go and start working on the fun part now I'm always twenty minutes into this video maybe I'm going to cut it in the middle and then I'm going to do a second one okay just continue to the second part so the movie the the videos aren't going to be like one hour maybe more okay so we're going to divide it into two okay go into the change to the patch environment we go into the loft we're going to choose this line to this line and like one profile and then we go in click on the plus and choose the second profile don't worry about this one now we're going to the rails we choose the bottom rail and we choose the top plane you can see it looks really really nice and if we want you can choose this one and see what happens it doesn't look so good but again we can always you know play with it so let's turn them all back and move it a little bit over here a little bit maybe too much okay Mike looks Oh too much again let's hit the control now it doesn't work and looks better again we need to think about that this is going to be for the frame not for the skin for the frames so the skin we're going to use only this one here and this one and the one below okay so so you're not going to be like whoo what's going on here and again if we don't like it we can always remove it later on so let's you know play with it and see what's going to happen good and so we have all of this in place now next we would need to do is we have as you can see we have one body here so we can go in and we need to rewrite this body to the other side like the sketches confuse you you can just turn them off okay so now we have the second body here now we're going to speak them together and we're going to create now and you lost between this one close this one and use this one the rain okay now you're starting to understand why I did this what is it for and you see quickly yes now if you will try to thicken now this body it may work it may not gonna work sometimes it does sometimes doesn't it is yeah kind of frustrating but this is how fusion right now is cut it on the petition it depends on the shape and everything and so that's why sometimes it's going to work sometimes it's not going to work but there is another way to do it but let's try first let's give it a chance and see how it's gonna work okay so when go to the taken and change the legs and we need it only one direction and let's choose select it from here that's why few seconds and you see what's going to happen okay gives us an arrow it doesn't like it and let's see if I'm going to choose this one and this one and now I want 10 millimeters stitches it didn't complain but you see the results here I really don't like it even if I'm going to add put them all together later on I'm going to have this kind of weird surfaces here and I don't like this result so instead what we're going to do we're going to patch it and then we're going to stitch it now look what's gonna happen here in the moment I'm gonna stitch a little bit automatically turn into a solid turn into a body okay so we just need to go into the model environment and choose shell okay go to the shell click here and we choose send millimeters it should work voila and click OK see how it looks beautiful exactly what I needed now this is the frame okay this is for the ribs and this point we're going to either you can do it now or you can do it later I say maybe you should wait for later and what I mean later is continue finishing and cutting everything and then shaping the boat and then you can do all the extra adjustments we can go back in time and add things because now for example I want to add I think they call it a knee or something like that you go ahead like a feel it here okay I just say I want 15 millimeters okay but now I don't need 15 millimeters all the way so we can do code length and it should give me the option one second and not this one is constant radio for length okay and I was looking for something else you can you know at least I'm gonna stop this one for a moment yeah I'm choosing only this one see this is constant radio stitches bra a rival radios okay so we can say okay here I want it a 16 but here because it's more narrow and I know this piece here of the rib it's much smaller I don't need it 15 maybe I'm going to need it maybe 8 it's going to be enough okay so here it start with 15 in this part and it's end up in 8 and if I want I can add an extra point here in the middle okay and extra thickness or as many as I want and then you can click ok now we can mirror this feature to the other side so I'm changing to features I'm clicking on the fill it here down below in the timeline and then choose plan and we were to go over here to the board I don't know why I did it again this is maybe we can try to fit in each one denticles know maybe optimize yeah so optimize work for the other option didn't work but now it's like you know here's some kind of hunting with and yeah the other option is is basically if you go back now you know what let's say let's double-click on this one it's choose faces sorry so we can say okay I want this face on the other side and basically gave us the same result before okay so play with it and exactly the same also on the bottom part so I'm going here again and choose not a constant chance reliable so in this part again we can try again with 15 and here at the end we'll give it eight and you can see here it looks kind of weird over there I'm not sure if it really ate or not but let's go with it and see what's going to happen and before you can say okay I want to contact something like that but that's why I can see what's going to happen you can always change things you know go back in time and change stuff now all we're going to need to do now is change to face we're going to mirror this space to the other side and click ok good now as you know we have also some a supporting frame around okay so now it's going to be a really good time to create those and and the way to do it you have two options you can either use first of all we're going to create a new component okay and for this we're going to call it frames you can either use the pipe and you say I want it around here as you can see make sure that it's square and then you can decide the thickness that you want that is 15 and then we can just reduce it and work on the shape or we can create a sketch here and use the swipe comment to that how do we do this we go in and see the construction and plane a log pad and we use base pass now we drag it backwards and click OK now we're going to create again the frame component is active yes we're going to create a new sketch here and good now we're going to project this line and this line here because I don't know exactly what kind of friend you want to do over the shape of the frame that you want and so on but I guess it's supposed to be something that defines a great really good with the shape here overall so we can do something like this for example and then we can go into the line we can go for example something like this so like this and all the way down here okay so this is the profile that we're going to swipe and use to cut all around so we click okay now we're going to be swipe women choose this one and select the path and voila okay it looks really really nice nice smooth and clean now we need to make a cut here okay now in order to do the cut a few things we need to do first we need to drag you know the liquid right this place here I'm just going to click these seconds left click and order to get to this menu and this is the face that I need and I want to drag it a little bit out okay you can cut it after with no problem second we need to take this face upwards and because if not we're gonna have problem so you can basically you know hide this one and just to find the ribs not everything this is weird okay because now I made a mistake I should have created the component outside now it's like a sub component of the rib so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold it drag it out all right onto this one so now it's out like separate okay so now we can just you know hide the ribs and we can raise this one just let you know like 0.5 millimeters this way and maybe you know 0.5 also this way because we wanted to be to make sure that it's really outside the surface of the rib and body now we can go back to the rib and we're going to cut it and as you can see here it's not safe how it's gonna work and what it doesn't look like it's all the way out maybe let me just an illusion yes I think it's illusion but anyway which goes to the combined tool we choose the body of the width then it's on the operation it's cut and then keep tuning yes and we choose this one and boom but you can say it didn't work out as expected now if I'm going to hide the frame you see here it can give us a nice result so what we're going to do is quite simple let's turn it back on now this was this cut here okay you see the offset that we did double click on it and we change it to one millimeter instead if it's not good enough then we change it to two millimeters they should cover it and voila okay here you go now we can change it back so we know overall we need to reduce this one in two millimeters okay it let's just go back to our frame we need to activate this one first so we're going to change it back it's going to be minus two millimeters as far as I remember oh uh nope minus minus one oh I can just click over here yeah almost and let's say it was - I don't know why it's changing it a little bit differently let's see how much we've got here it's two and then we should have actually be able to just reduce it sorry okay this is weird yeah okay so we need to put it on new often okay because what happened when it was an automatic you basically took what we did before and add it so it was like minus four so this is a new offset that we are using okay so - - and here at the top it's going to be again new offset minus 0.5 so in fact the way it shows now we can go to inspect and choose component colors cycling toggle so you can see contrast of the two parts now I'm not going to focus on the on this side here but again you can just drag it out and it's not don't worry about it because we're gonna cut it at some point let's turn it back on okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to stop the video and I'm going to create a daily gonna just played the second part okay because you're already near the 40 minutes and it's way too long so when I'll see you on the second video you
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 86,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design, engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, boat, wooden boat, Yacht
Id: ixGnJjNPj18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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