Fusion 360: Designing a Hull for Yachts, Boats & canoes

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hello everyone and welcome back so today I'm going to show you I really really great technique on how you can design a bowtie act or a canoe for example and by no means a boat or something like that designer a or builder I just you know I saw more than one guy two guys more in the vision form they have been struggling on the design part and then the way they did it was way too complicated they have created so many a a work planes and sketches and so I thought I'm going to share something which I believe it will be much much much easier so we're and obviously again you can use this technique for the other kind of application of kind of a bottles in shape so when okay great so let's start and they start a new project a new component now if you have sketches of the different profiles example the top side and back that would be great and also going to tell you where you're going to put it so I'm great now we're going to start sketching on the XY plane first sketch I'm gonna do here is going to going to use it as our center line and also going to give us indication of the length of a boat Yakov can do that you're going to build but let's just say we now we're going to build some kind of a boat so I'm going to give it some kind of a dimension um yeah let's just say maybe 500 millimeters I'm just going to train it here in the middle and I'm going to move it upwards great now at this point here you can just go in here and we're the insert and attach canvas and when you're going to attach the canvas is going to be really great you know because we have this 500 millimeters we have distance so we can change it according to this one now that I'm thinking about it I think I would actually prefer to start from the portent from the top and not from the bottom so but the the princess is exactly the same so I'm just going to go back and I'm going to create again a new sketch and I want actually start from here okay yeah well again sketch the line here I'm going to give it a dimension and I'm going to Center the line good so as I said before so now it's time to put the canvas for the top of the boat good so a next video I'm going to do now is again I'm just going to draw back side of the other boat going to be something like this for example and give it some know what so I'm going to give it any kind of measurement in this part I think I will because the first thing the problem is we don't always know 100 to 10 if you don't have their you know sketches and exact measurement how it's going to look like so I would rather not a create time you know that I mentioned the fix the measurement because then we can play with it and change everything and you're going to see also why okay so we got the part the the back side and now I'm gonna start with a I'm gonna use the spline tool you can use any canned food that you want a now when using the spline try not to use too many points because then it's going to be really difficult for you to you know control all those the different points so one and you don't have to throw also in the other side pay for the obvious reasons you know left side right side there are basically the same unless you want to design something which is quite unique and so good luck with that but what we will going to do is we're going to mirror one side to the other and if you follow you to design only one side so you can just close one eye okay just kidding anyway so we got this first initial shape it actually looks really nice on the first shot and to be honest I kind of actually like it so I'm just going to keep it and now I can just go in here to the mirror and say okay I want this one and this is our line and voila which means now everything is we going to do in this side it's gonna replicate to the other side great so now this is the top part and next I'm going to work on the on the middle part let me think for a second if I want the real it now though I'm going to do the back one actually and for that we're going to create we're going to use this plane at angle you can find it here planet angle and we're just going to go up to here and connect this one 90 degrees you don't actually have to put 90 degrees you can actually also put something else maybe the back gonna look like this you know 70 degrees like this and you know what maybe I'm gonna do it like this let's see how it's gonna how it's going to be in the end average white a okay so now we are going to create a sketch here and I'm going to create a line here and later going to be something like this again I'm not going to give it a dimension yet and I'm going to use the spline tool again to create some sort of shape but just to be you know cautious I'm going to project those points and this is very very very important because if you didn't project the point all that you say the line you drew dealing intersect with the other a sketch correctly because you're going to have some arrows in the one you're going to use the loft so do that just in case so I'm going to use to something like this and I missed it but it's okay just drag it to here and again I don't have to do it both sides I can just do one side and then I can you know go so X to the M zero and check this one and B right to the other side voila so now you know we can play with them the way we want so we can give zoom in a little bit Oh see something like this can happen and that is not good so I'm going to push maybe this one a little bit up here and I'm going to give it maybe something like that push it a little bit down yep that's good okay so let's say we finish with the back and by the way when we are in the back side so here is going actually obviously you're going to add the back a canvas okay and then you can start drew here it's going to be much easier for you this way so you're going to have the top canvas here and also the sides of the back compass here okay now we're going to through the the middle parts that is profile or the side profile if you want to call it create a new sketch right here in the middle and pop pop pop pop pop okay now for this one I am going to use maybe I'm going to use a combination I am just now considering it and I'm going to project this is the the point here that I want and of course I also have this one here so I'm considering maybe to use both you know a straight line now top story and the line here this way and from here I'm gonna bring the spline so I'm gonna have some kind of and nice try to create some kind of nice integration here and good looks better again want to push it in but it's not gonna let me because of this one here so just going to delete it I can add maybe an extra a nine-point here okay you what you're gonna do with this one here okay so maybe something like this great next we're going to create you see it's not that difficult so far at the moment you have this skeleton that's it if the rest is going to be extremely extremely easy so it's not that much of a work now I'm going to create another outfit claim here and this one we're going to put it it's up to you how many do you want again it depends also on the shape of the boat that you are going to design but I think some place here are going to put maybe a little bit more up here yes so now I'm going to create another shape here which gonna help us to you know another line a spline so it can help us really to play with the shape of the sides of the boat so we're going to again go in here and now I'm going to use a intersect a project comment so I want this one here and this one here and this one here yes actually this one I didn't ladies which one I came just to remove this one I just need one side remember okay so now I can work or maybe this time I'm not going to use a I'm just going to use three points like this I just say I'm just going to test it see how it looks it looks fine looks good if not you know we can always play with it later so while what we have left now to do is we just need to mirror it you can except this one so we're gonna have to create or maybe project this one thing it will be easier to just project the line here and then we can me roy going to be about this one this is our centralized great so far so good so these are the right place and yes good so now we just need to click okay and now the fun start the fun part starts we're moving to the hatch environment and we're going to choose the aloft comment and we can start from the bottom up or the bottom a sorry from the top down but you can choose the change select a let's just say here yes you choose this one then we go to the next we stay the losses in right direction instead of just blah blah blah blah blah okay so I'm just going to remove this one here I'm going to start here here and the top and then we're gonna add some those here and the one here okay voila you see smooth on the first try everything works brilliantly because we connected all the lines to each other if you have some issues that probably because it would say that is not intersecting with the rest of the sketch bla bla bla bla bla so really just as a server and make sure to project before you know like I did and we can click OK and here you go so now we have the skin we have the outside shape and it looks really nice and I want to actually turn on all the sketches again see how it looks great so we don't have to do the other side there manually in this point basic you can just design only one side here we can just create you know and I just see if it's going to let us choose only shown here and maybe here no you're going to have to do seeing everything here so wait a second if I can touch everything here no never mind I'm not going to do it this way I'm going to move on to the next the other side so like before make sure that change the leg is not selected and we're going to start to choose our lines and the rails front and the back here you go now if we want to connect now the back side we can actually a thing we can close all these and we can use this one no not going to let us i'm here to hear some Conakry so sorry and we're gonna have to use be worried the back here okay that's because I don't really have line here but it should now work and see [Music] comics not there okay voila so now we have onto the back okay so now we have we have three pieces three bodies which we need to connect together to stitch them one two and three boom so we have now SPC one body which builds out of three pieces and yeah that looks actually really really nice now at this point that will be actually a good idea to really start and manipulate the the shape of the boat before we start to do more advanced things and we start making it transferring it into a real body into a solid so now we can as you can see I didn't on purpose I didn't dimension all the lines because now if I want you know I can move them I can move them around this one it's like black because it's the thing it's fully dimension or something like that but it so we cannot really move this one now I don't know why that's kind of weird we should be able to see we can change things if we don't like it we want to push maybe this one a little bit more inside and see what's going to happen to the shape of the boat as you can see here changing I think it's starting to become more like a speedboat or something like that and again you can do all the kind of changes that you want see make a much low profile so you can play with it you know gently until you get the results that you want and then what you're going to do now it depends you have to you can say mm maybe more than two direction you can go because you have those who need the the ribs in the middle for example if you create this those small fishing boats so you need all those ribs here but no matter what I'm going to turn this one I'm going to actually going to close it in the top a rudders just closes to make it like a one block and then create a shell inside if that's not going to work the way I want then I can just you know use the chicken because I can actually use the second right now hey no problem and I can give it I don't know 30 millimeters let's see if it's not going to scream something like that see the selection fish will not be upset you are just in the Austin and now if we give it let's see if you stick to the outside changes to the inside let's go in and see what's going to happen okay but that is a billion meters maybe which was too much for this so maybe 10 okay this one also quite a lot yeah - it's fine a it looks really nice but so you can either do it this way you know and choose also this face and this face give it two seconds get and click okay and wait and wait and wait okay so now we have our body it is ready and so now you have the thickness so now if they're talking before I was talking about those who are going to read for example the small boat a fishing boat for example Oh so you basically now need to determine the thickness of those and of those day I call it the whip that's how I call them anyway another choice is the right terminology but then you need to give it the right and the right thickness what you're going to do next is first going to create and we're going to create the order you can take the skin and then we're going to cut this one into pieces you understand why it's so easy the other people that I saw they started to work on the pieces and the shape over in the beginning and they had like in countless of really sketches of all the ribs it's so really difficult work this way it's much easier so we're going to go here sound 3/8 we're going to go to offset then we're going off this one and this one and if we want also the backside yeah and let's just say we can offset in maybe one millimeter it should be enough then it should be possible and see the question cannot square the valid ring go to adjusting the values changing the input and I'm not quite sure why I didn't allow us to do it it should let's try again so we chose this one and this one that's odd I never experienced it actually this one before this one obviously is not going to allow me but let's stay with zero see if it's going to be okay now good zero is fun I think maybe it's because that it's kind of a very tricky you know face that's why I couldn't really increase it this way but the other ways to increase it so this is fine so this is these pieces now this one we're gonna use to cut you know the different ribs and this is going to be the skin there you go so this one we can thicken outside and that's this one we're going to use for the skin you understand why it's so smart so but then our exercise now I just want to continue and basically there isn't much to do from now on now we just need to continue design the boat and perfect it and you can create you know the walls here and you can do it there yeah many different ways to create here to the deck but I think the most crucial part that actually take a really a long time for many people when they designing the boat if this one to really work on the shape and how to do it you know in a way so it's not going to take you so much time as you can see here it was so so simple so easy I can change things you know along the way if I don't like them remove things and without so much effort into here now the rest you know it was quite quite easy how I made all of these if you want me to create more tutorial to continue specifically on the boat and she just let me know but they I'm sure from here we can take it continue working on it and because the way they are quite easy I'm using is where I know as I told you I'm using a lot actually the patch and environment its how easy it is to manipulate all those phases and to create those amazing also sketches and it's so so easy and yeah so as I said before if you have any more question if you want me to continue for example and show you how I'm going to build you know the deck and so on because again and Adam a boat builder so I really have to be going to different you know places and look for inspiration in order to create a deck because there are many ways to create it but then I think at this point here it should be relatively you know easy for you to do well I mean for example you can continue from here and create you know to see create discover here and it doesn't fit then you can always use for example the The Lost comment instead okay and so yeah so just let me know if you have very moko if you have any questions or if you want me to continue you know designing this boat or if you have a question to regard me you know how to design other parts of the board and yeah so I will try to figure out the good techniques for you guys so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial as I said you can use those technique also for other kind of shapes and and but this one is really really good for people who want to design gaps both and colors so good luck with your project and I'll see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 49,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design, engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, yachts, boats, canoes, hull
Id: B-oWYltBpAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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