Fusion 360: Wooden Fishing Boat (a Recap)

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my channel so this video is going to be a kind of recap of all the other a boat whole technique that I showed you and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to build this a wooden fishing boat from the beginning to the end including the those paddles and I hope you can enjoy it and while you can hear me talking that actually me taking thinking very loud so don't be scared okay so let's start with it and we're going to start with a new design here I mean first thing we're going to do create a new component I'm just going to give it a name gonna call it skin and as before I already talked to one of my videos I explained it that I'm going to build it from the outside in it's going to be much easier when it gonna need to sticking all the yeah everything so let's start and I'm going to start with the new sketch here and create line from here to here I'm going to constrain it in the middle give it a dimension going to be 1 meter let's go to a bit back I'm going to show you a bit more up and gonna create now the the back side here you do again constrain it to this point here give it a dimension it's going to be something like poof 250 and think it's going to be enough maybe actually too 80 that's 8 to 80 okay yeah let's see if we need something else no we just need to turn it into a construction line and yeah now we're going to work on the the shape from above so I'm going to use this spline tool let's see if I'm going to need how many points I'm going to need for this one I think I'm gonna need only three points I always like to start with less and it's going to be something like that I'm going to mirror it to the other side and this is just to give me an idea how it's going to look like and if it's the shape that I want and I think it looks actually okay so we can move on to the next piece so I'm going to I'm not sure if it's okay we can change it later but okay let's stop the sketch and move on to the next and it's going to be the back now the the the order that I'm doing the sketches it's quite important and you when you're going to try to surf then you know you can understand why so I'm going to go into the planet angle to this one and choose this sketch here give it the 70 degrees something like that I think it will be okay we can also give a 90 degrees it's up to you and maybe 75 and click okay good and now we're going to create a sketch on this plane here 24 and then I'm going to project this point and this point this one here in the middle I'm going to start with a straight line let's create a dimension in 150 it's okay right now and I'm going to create another straight line here and somewhere about here and another one that goes all the way here good I don't care about the other side so now and we'll see how it goes we can always change it and yeah so so far so good again dimension it's quite important if we can give it now do it now if not do it later so but don't forget in because if you're going to change something it can screw up many things so remember that you know yeah I don't thing is I need to turn this one into a construction line okay we finish this sketch now we can move on to work on the on the side and we're going to do this one here we're going to project this point here and let's see I'm going to project also this one here and now we can go into the spline you don't have to use the spline and just feel comfortable working with the spline and I'm just going to create the shape of the bottom let's see maybe I'm going to need to use some extra points I'm just going to hit the control key one and playing with it and we're then going to move it a little bit just a little bit moon down here I think maybe the backside here I need to make it a don't grow a little bit more longer so it will say and yeah I think I'm going to add an extra point here so no problem and insert spline feed point it's going to be somewhere here yeah that looks this looks much better but this one I it a longer let's see if I can do it from here and let me show the dimension can I see it from here yes but let's see can do it the instead of 150 I can give it to 170 nope something went wrong [Music] and just go back and maybe yeah that looks better so as you can see here also I don't have to stop it and go back to the other sketch and all that I can do it from here and I'm just going to make this one a little bit more straight something like that that looks fine good and now we're going to stop this one next now we are going to just going to hide these dimensions I'm going to and there is one thing I forgot and that is I need to project also this point here and now I'm going to make a point a where is it right here I'm going to put it somewhere here and I'm going to create horizontal constraint between this one and this one now and next after that something very important I'm going to going to break here the line here it is very important you know the warning I can turn this one into a construction and yeah that's it it's important because now when we're going to work on the left comment and even now we're going to move on and create the second line here gonna help us to shape the boat the hole and so we can create a love between this line here so the next one and then to the bottom one and if we didn't do this one then it's going to be like one long not line all the way up and it's going to give us an arrow so that's why okay so now we can to move on to create two points here - this one and this one here and I'm gonna go and create planet angle and get it 90 degrees and click OK you can hide the the exes here and yep let's look let's see what we want it yeah so we can create a sketch here and I can turned on me okay good now we can we need to project and this point here and we need to project this point here go into the top view again and we're going to go and use the spline as before we're gonna follow almost the same shape as we did earlier and now I'm just going to go and move on this one a little bit or not go into inside and this one we can always change it later and but let's see how it looks I'm going to stretch it a little bit more okay I think it looks fine let's leave it like that so now I think and maybe there is too much spacing I don't know do it like this good you can finish this one we don't have to be right to the other side sorry now we can go and start doing the loft you can go into the patch environment go into the loft create lofts oh sorry something was selected before so we can create a lot between this one and this one let's see if it's gonna let us to create another loft here going to create click on the plus no doesn't matter it's not really that important and then we can use this one here as the rail and also this one here is the rail now let's turn them back on create a new loft and this one is going to be between this one and this one oh sorry it need to click on the plus because they are kind of connected to each other and yep and we need also rail here which is going to be this one here it's very important not to forget it okay good now it's plus minus what I'm looking for and it looks not so bad actually so I'm going to put them together and stitch them and I'm going to and Bureau everything to the other side so I'm going to mirror the body here gonna be row all the way to the other side as you can see now it starts getting a shape our boat and you had a option now we can create also the back or you can also do it later eh doesn't matter really at this point but I'm just going to create it I'm going to create it now let's see if I can nope I need to turn some of the sketches off maybe I just need to do something like that okay and it looks okay looks fine so I'm going to stitch off this one and this one together and yeah so far so good it looks kind of the shape that I was and I was looking for now I just want to make sure something here that it's completely straight here the top looks really nice okay next now this is the skin okay now what we left to do it's going to thicken the whole body here so I just want to make sure that we have no see we still have those two bodies which we need to stitch okay this one and this one click okay so now we have only one body so now we can click in everything and we need to thicken inwards okay and I'm going to give it a not start with two millimeters and I think it would be just fine with two I began don't forget this is just a very very small model okay and click okay good so this is our skin next what we need to do is we can hide all the sketches we don't need them right now and we can now now we're going to work on the ridge so we're going to right click here in the top new component and we're going to call it ribs so we're going to create and then offset so we're going to offset this face here this face this face and this face if you want to give it some space so you can give it a space here but I'm not and click OK so we can hide for now the the skin and we got this extra pointy here now if you want you know what we can go back and take everything maybe it's going to help see it's not going to help but it doesn't matter we don't really need it so but I we're going to create to think anew and side for for this back but to be honest personally it's kind of annoying me this point here let's see if I can fix it I look for a splitting tool so I'm going to go into like this one a bit this one my second I'm just going to turn the skin on I think it's this one yes okay I now I see why it took everything and so nevermind we can cut this point in the end if it's happen to you okay so we're just gonna ignore it for now it's not a it's not a big deal so we're going to work on the ribs as I said and we need to give it a thickness and I can't go select everything here and it's going to be yeah again depends on the ribs how thick do you want them and I mean in words it can be maybe 10 something like that okay and then there we can click we finish with this one can click okay good actually this point we can actually does much easier to get rid of this but again as I said before doesn't matter but I can show you actually how we do this we can just go into split body go into this one here then we choose this face give it a few seconds so it's not going to take all right now never mind forget it so now and yeah that now because my stupid mistakes so sometimes you know it required a little bit patient and let's make a few seconds see it it's going to go away and this is one of the challenges sometimes when you're working with the infusion 360 and it's not so forgettable so if it doesn't like something it's going to tell you okay now you can see here this one it's got some kind of an angle which I don't really like so much and let's see if we have this one is we'll hear it the the skin not so much but what I'm going to do is because I want to straight it out before I'm doing everything else so what I'm going to do is we're going to split buddy I'm going to choose this one and I'm going to choose here the xcx's so now we straighten this one out we can go into the bodies here as you can see here we got this one extra here which we if we want we can just remove it but I just turn it off and unfortunately it's going to give us this extra it's going to tease us in some point but they don't worry about it and yep so at this point here what we're going to do because we're going to create the ribs you have the option to already know to shape your ribs for example can add some feel it's over here and over here which creates some kind of as you can see the round shape of the inside of the rib giving maybe 20 if it's gonna allow us okay but I touch it if you want it I didn't do it and but you can you can also only do it white here if you want it you can see here on my ribs there are more they have some kind of a very sharp angle okay so yeah let's go back here I'm not going to do it and I'm going to create a new sketch here right in the middle and I'm going to start from the back here and you can slice it or not and I'm going to create some kind of a rectangle for maybe somewhere and here now this is going to be the thickness of the rib okay and it's very important that it go all the way through you know outside that it's much higher than the in the boat now a if you want the ribs to be thinner obviously just going to create something which is thinner and maybe 18 in the thickness and just remember this only to be much more down here and yeah so basically now what we're going to do is we're going to create a rectangular pattern so we're gonna choose all of the the lines here and we're going to stretch it we can say okay we want it all the way to somewhere maybe here and how many ribs do we want okay I wanna just say ten fine so I'm gonna click OK now we can change again this and how thick it's going to be later so we just finish with this one click ok this is the fun part we're going to click on the extrude so we're going to select all of them let's move the window and next we're going to do a intersect tooth is going to be symmetrical and let's just see 250 let's see how it looks ok and voila so this is the ribs and if I want to make them you know as I said before maybe dinner so we can show the dimension and we can change this one to maybe I don't know 16 here we go so you can just try this one again now we can turn on the skin you can see how it looks see it's already starting to shape up and yeah it looks really nice good next what we going to do is a we need to create to work on the yeah I don't know exactly I forgot the name of it of this yeah the line here in the middle it's kind of a piece of wood that's holding almost everything together and for that we're going to create another component hey I don't remember the name of it so let's get loaded for a moment you're going to go to the sketches I think it was sketch number 3 yeah so this is it and I'm going to go back to the patch environment I'm going to go into the extrude and we're going to select it and wanted to be symmetrical on both sides start with the 105 something small see if you need sticker and I think it's okay and yeah 5 it ok click ok and now we are going to and going to give it down techniques and oh it's going to take in outside but I wanted also to to thicken actually from the inside so I'm just going to hit the minus here I'm going to give it a thickness outside later a just because it's not oh it's not going to be exactly symmetrical that's why I you can either do it like this and then remove the sickness from the outside it's up to you but you know what let's just keep it like this but now we can also see how it's going to cut through the ribs because the ribs need specifically cut they gonna sit on it and so we can see if it's thick enough or hopefully it's not too thick and I think it looks fine so I'm just going to leave it like this now what we're going to do it's going to be the can't here all around we have this say can't hear and so how I'm going to do this one and down various options to that and I think the easiest way will be it's just going to create a new component and I'm going to and let's see here yeah we can create for example an offset of T you can see here the the skin here just going to leave it like this and and then we can go into the modified we can do an extend which is this line and here it says natural let's give it let's just see five so it's going to extend everything by five millimeters I just want to make sure how it looks on the other side here but you can see it goes upwards so I don't like it so I'm going to do a tangent let's see how's the result still not good perpendicular obviously not good so no it's not good not going to give me the result that I am looking for and so the other option is so it doesn't look it it's to use the the original line here from this scheme here it's this one here so we can hide the bodies just a second I need to go back one more here now we can go into the return on this one here and now this one we need this one here now we can use this line for example and we can use going to the extrude now it's choosing everything so I don't want it and this one one here and it's extruding upwards which is okay that's fine and we can say okay I want if I don't know ten millimeters and it's too much then maybe six much better I think and I also want a symmetrical on both sides yeah that's fine and I'm going to click OK now we're going to thicken this one and let's see if it's thick enough or maybe too much and now we can cut those a ribs later if we want or if you wonder if you wanted to cover the ribs or not oh do you want the ribs are going to be only going to reach the face of the can't here I can show you how we can do this so we could and just leave it like this song for moment we can go into the patch model and then press poll we can give it an extra a new offset of an or maybe three millimeters something like that and then on the other side maybe we can reduce it a little bit if it's too much if you want again it's up to you you can say ministry like that and click OK now in order to cut the ribs what we're going to do is because we're going to start to shape everything now you can hide this one and we're going to go into first I'm going to going through the ribs here and I'm going to the okay let you see we pass through all of them yeah okay so the easiest way to do is actually go into the count here we're going to mirror it to the other side okay now just forget about this end here we're going to fix it later a what we're going to do is we're going to combine a but as far as I can see here it doesn't go all the way through and that combined it's not going to be the best idea for that so I'm just gonna go into split body it's going to create a lot of bodies a pieces but never mind so we're going to go and choose you know all of them here three four five six eight nine ten and the splitting tool it's going to be the face here below okay it's gonna be this face click okay so now we cut all of them so if we go to the yeah to the the body series you can see boom we have a lot of those small pieces and let's just turn this one off so it's going to be easier to select them actually from here let's go to the ribs okay so we have this this one okay just make sure we're not selecting something we're not supposed to and last one we actually have another one here somewhere this one and then we hit the V and the keyboard and that's it again you can just delete them if you want it's too many of them we can not delete them but hit the remove so it's not going to bother us later on more know right click remove okay not delete good and so now it's clean let's see how everything looks so far it looks really nice starting to get the shape so we need to finish now this one here and then how we're going to do this first I want to create the shape for here in the front so what I'm going to do is let's see what's going to be the smartest so I'm going to this one here and I'm going to create a new sketch here in the middle and I'm going to slice everything I don't need all the ribs and I don't need the can't here just disturbing me but I know that the counts okay so let's keep the can't here so I can see exactly what I need to do okay okay so I'm going to project this one here and project this one here so I'm going to start going to take the spline tool actually and I'm going to create some kind of a round shape oh sorry try again okay let's make it so it kinda looks and nicer can take it a little bit more down and okay maybe I can just leave it like this another thing maybe I'm going to do is let's create a hole here in the middle it's going to be right here and we're going to create click on okay so we're going to go to extrude let's see what's happened here one closed no it wasn't for some reason and let's see why not so we go into tooth this one and this one if I'm gonna hide this was kind of surprising because they're supposed to be close but it's not and just going to hide this one from it it's going to be much easier to see figure out what's going on there is a function line here and there is one here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to break the link here and I'm going to trim a B this one here no it didn't help for some reason the the geometry here that I've created it's not it's not closed and I think it's because of the other side so what I need to do add here I think this is why it's not working because it's open on the other side yeah that's fine so I'm going to click OK here and I'm going to extrude this one it's going to be both sides symmetrical and I'll forget to need this one and it's going to check all the way up to let's push it a little bit help it and into this surface and we wanted to be joined and see and click ok good so this is how it's going to look like and now we go back to the can't hear what we are we going to fix it it is going to choose this one this kind of discount we are it's not really a joint it's going to be a cut and sorry this one what if can do them both no we cannot so it's one by one and the tool it's going to be this one I just need to make sure that it's fine so another thing I forgot it's to keep tooling and now let's do the the other part going to select this one it's cut and the tool it's this one and keep tooling good so now we have some extras here you can either combine them or you know delete them it doesn't matter you see this piece up if you go into the you can see them here those extra from this part here so we can do this can do like this now I just join them together or alright if we go inside here see it's this space and this one so this two you can just remove them we don't need them good so everything starting to look really really nice let's turn on the ribs it also looks beautiful and another thing is left us to do is to work on the on the bottom a now this is also gonna be kind of fun to create and it's also relatively easy to create and yeah let's see how we going to do this okay again I'm thinking loud in my head so we can just ignore it or not let's create a new component now to create it there is different ways to do it but I think maybe the one of the easiest one is to create an offset go to the region here and we can say okay I want to offset I want the bottom to be somewhere about here see how it looks maybe somewhere here so I am minus 130 so try again egg here - 130 good we can turn this one off and so a we need to create a sketch here at the bottom now the arm to the options to do here is let's see the smallest it's going to be I'm going to use the intersect and project intersect and so we can project either everything here so which means we're going to have both lines okay I'm going I need this line here in the middle and it's quite important so it's going to click ok and I'm going to go into the patch environment and then I'm going to create patch here this one this one and this one here good and I'm going to thicken this one maybe upward pickin up one side I need see which I'm not going to go through everything it's going to be it's going to be less going to be 5 half of this one and you're going to click OK next I'm going to do is so we have our body here we're going to go into the model we're going to combine and we select this one it's going to be cut keep tooling as I did before this is this one this one this one and this one and I know this one if it touches No so we can you know this one and click ok so now you see us why I did this one because if I'm going to hide the width you can see we got the shapes okay that's why so this one it's also ready and let's see everything together if you want we can turn on the inspect component coral color cycling so they have some kind of a contrast now if we wanted we can also push it much higher okay and yeah it's coming along pretty nice now I want to create some kind of a bench here so I can sit and pedal how we're going to create a bench here I'm going to create a new component and kind of the plane and I'm going to create the bench maybe I'm going to create it here this time click OK going to create a new sketch and we're going to slice it so the bench is going to go going to do some intersection projection and it's going to be this one here and I'm going to give it a create a new let's go how high it's going to be somewhere like this okay now if we hide the ribs for moment let's hide almost everything I need also into six this one here the bottom part take everything it's quite important so okay good so that's some kind of you know double intersection here it looks good deeper see this one for example we don't need so we can delete this one but we need to make sure that this one touches all the way to the other side and now it's a hole okay so what we're gonna do is stop the sketch now we can turn everything back on now we can go and do an extrude back all the way here it's going to be a new body and we click okay next I want to make it Hollow both sides three millimeters and you're gonna take okay so say very simple creating the bench again let's go all the way back and it's precisely you know got we got the shape of everything and it's going to be really nice because this way sorry this way you can it's going to be much easier afterwards if you want to create a DXF file so we're just going to project this profile and we can cut it so it's going to be exact fit of p.m. for the ribs okay so it looks yeah really nice now we're going to create the place here for the folder for the pedals and again we want to create a new component and we are going to if it's gonna allow us if it's straight enough and going to create I'm going to create it here and going to create a sketch here now where we want it yeah I don't know somewhere let's start by projecting everything here so we know this is the bench so it's going to be somewhere here so I'm going to create a straight line from here to here and another one from here to here again I'm doing it so people can say man why didn't you do it well so I'm just showing you how we can do it and more what we need it I'm going to create now a and C I'm going to create a kind of central line between this one and this one it's good end up I'm going to create another centerline here and this is just so I know where the center is and it's going to be something like yeah four point five and another one maybe somewhere here so four point five now let's see the distance here and nine and the distance between this one to this one it's going to be four point five oh sorry and that gets I need to push it this direction here the 798 yeah again when I trying to do here then constrain everything it's very important and now I can go into mural can select this one this one and we can use this line here that we did as you can see because it's kind of a round shape so it doesn't really work as I wish it would so so we can actually do this so I'm going to have to recreate them so I know it's like four and a half here but again this is just the holes for we're gonna for this screws I'm going to see it in a moment now at least it's nine between those two and I know that between this one and this one we had eight and it looks okay it's okay for now we can sit down and work and make it more precise you know oh one thing I forgot here good and so far I'm just gonna move it a little bit here another thing is lying between this one and this one 63 that's okay and I can create them also pile to each other if I want this one it's fall into this one or not but that's okay this one is just a construction as well as this one and we click finish so we can now X to this one way up maybe five millimeters and click okay next we're going to create a new sketch right here and it's going to be a circle here somewhere here in the center again you both and welcome to work on the measurement here and this one is going to be eight that's fine you're going to extrude this one out somewhere here eleven and now we need to create an axis here through this one here and we're going to create surface here and we're going to go just you know make it faster so we can go either you can create this one here or I'm going to create a new sketch here and now this is my Center and let's see how big I'm gonna make it so this is just a technique I'm just going to show you how you can create these and just going to go sorry into the pipe comment how we're going to create this ring and yeah just give it a thickness of final three maybe something like that and hit okay let's go into this construction here now at this point here it's quite easy to continue I'm sure you know what to do so I'm just going to mirror this one to the other side and because now we're going to do the pedals but they're here you just need to work on the the finishes you know create maybe and sorry feel it or you can create also and draft here if it's going to let us not just a where is it jumper here I don't know three something like that start shaping everything together okay so that finish it the finishes I'm going to let you work with it and I'm sure you not you don't need my help for that but here how I created the pedal and it's I just went to the exit through tube or this one here so I'll have a nexus here then again planet angle and then I give it some kind of when you don't remembering the exact angle maybe it was yeah 24 so you shake something like that hit okay now I created a sketch here okay and I'm just going to slice it so it's going to be easy to see where we are so here is our center point so I'm going to go a little bit back I'm going to decide I just series form here so somewhere about here click okay then we going to just create a constraint here I know it's right in the middle the lens yeah just play with it click okay okay now you get it so I'm going to be platforming again and your body now basically I forgot to create um you know I needed to create a new component for that okay so it's going to be maybe something like actually maybe 10 and click OK as you can see I did it completely wrong so I'm going to show you again we have to do have to create a new component okay if you do it do it right if not then don't do it here you go again toward something like 45 degrees or 40 degrees so we're going to create a sketch here it was somewhere between no no here all the way through here okay now we're going to just constrain it here to the move to the middle point to the region let's see how it looks this one we can just delete this one we don't need it and we we went into the pipe comment give it was like 10 or something and we click okay now we need to create the flat side here again it's not so complicated we're just going through the same procedure here then we go into the planet angle then decide the angle that you wanted you can also have it this way create a sketch on this here we're going to slice it and then we can just you know work on the shape and be something like that maybe this size and so maybe I'm going to do something I normally don't do and it is I'm going to create feel it so I know it shouldn't feel it here and here so something is not right here so again fill it to in this line and this line you can increase the fill it if we want and the same one here so here okay finish it extrude it both sides symmetrical on one millimeter something like this it's going to be join and voila so now you have on both sides I just wanna hide it instructions line now all you gotta do is create a mirror this to the other ones to the other side on this one into here and let's see the results now and here we go this is the boat as you can see it wasn't that complicated it's quite simple all you got to do now it starts working on the finishes and the different cuts and which you already basically know it by now for example right here below we need to cut for example the the skin here so how going to do it because right now the skin it goes all the way to the other side but we need to make the cuts because it's going to go all the way to this side here so the usual we can use the combine it easiest way if we go into this one here and you want to cut we want to keep the tooling and choose this one here keep tooling okay and then click OK now if we hide it and see where is it this one here so if we hide it now as you can see we have the cat exactly that we want and so in this one we can just remove it and create a new one behind and you can do everything that you want and again it goes for the for the ribs I'm going to put it back on I'm going to hide this one we need to create cuts on the roof for the ribs to sit on on this piece here so I'm going to go and let's just hide the the plate here I'm going to select case all those orell all right she's going to let us to do multi selection no unfortunately not you're gonna have to do it one by one at this point but it's not a it's not a big deal but I'm just going to do one and you're going to cut it let's see what this arrow means the object that you're creating is not visible on don't worry about it and as you can see here if I'm going to hide this one so we got the cut the exactly that we want for the ribs okay so you can just continue from now and if you have any questions so just let me know I'm going to attach a I'm gonna send add a link to to this one here so you can see also exactly how I did it and at this example of how I did it and yeah if you have any questions just put it down in the comments and don't hit the thumb don't forget to hit the thumbs up and I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 12,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design, engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, Boat, yacht
Id: E7fGiyzEzDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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