Fusion 360 Let's BREAK Things and Extrude vs. Push/Pull —Your Comments & Questions — #LarsLive 13

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everybody and welcome to this live stream number 13 it is June 7th and it's Wednesday beautiful Wednesday here today we're going to talk about extrude versus push-pull that happened that was a question that came up in yesterday's chat and then I also want to talk a little bit about breaking things I got an email from a guy who told me that sometimes things breaks in his history tree and he's not quite sure what you should do so just kind of like want to touch on that now if you have anything that you would like to me to cover in this live stream you're more than welcome to send me an email if you go down the description of this video you will find my email so shoot me an email for that and I can see that we already have a couple of people start joining the live chat just absolutely awesome if you're watching the recording that's just perfect too but if you are in the live chat I definitely appreciate that you're taking the time to to jumping in here and and catching today's live stream so like I said extrude versus push-pull that's a good topic I think and then I just want to kind of touch a little bit about when when kinda like things breaking in there let me just make sure that I paste my email into the chat so if you are in there you now have my email address anything you want to see in the future frou-frou that in there send me an email about it and we'll try to cover it all right guys let's jump into fusion alright so um like I said a couple of things that I wanted to talk about one is extrude versus push pull and then I want to talk a little bit about kind of like when things breaking how to I guess kind of like how to attack it so let's start sketching so I'm going to go in here and start a sketch on the top here and I'm just going to hit my S key and I have my Center rectangle right here and just get something up let's make it 3 by 6 and hit enter so now we have our our standard sketch here and they kind of like turned a little bit yellow kind of here showing us that it's a closed one so if you go over to the modify we have over here a press pull and the interesting thing I don't know if it's interesting but you we also have extrude over here so I think that there's maybe a little bit confusion between you know extrude and then press pull well if you are coming from an AutoCAD system you probably never seen press pull but you've seen extrude and really what extreme means is that we extruding something out in space right we're taking our sketch now and we throw it out of space but if we go back into fusion here you will see if I do uh here press pull and you will see over here in the dialog it says press pull now as soon as I click on this space here you would like to see that the press Paul changes to extrude like well wait a minute uh what does that really what does that mean well it means that the press pull command is can do different things so you can almost say that the press Pro command will change depending on what you are going to to use it for Nick and you can use it for a couple of of different things so it's kind of like over above other commands so whatever you kind of like a doing it will adjust to whatever I do will call up the specific command so in this case here um with just a a rectangle if you go to press pull it will go into extrude because it knows that you will extrude so this here is the exact same thing as if I went in the anisette extrude like the exact same dialog box everything is the same now so why use Arm press pull well because like I said it can do a couple of other things so if I go in and I do press pull and I now select a face now I have no sketches or anything and I click on that you will see that it now changes over to an offset face so now if I go in here I pull in this I can actually move this face it's almost like I almost want to call it direct editing I don't have any sketches but I'm actually able to move this face with the press pull now it is going to give us an offset face down in our history tree so this is a quick way you know you might have a blog and you decided that you know what that was not the right size you can actually hit the press pull command and you can literally I'll modify that box for whatever you want and it it uses whatever you need in here so if I again if I create a sketch and let me hit the S key and go in here and do everything like this now I can hit Q I can click the button up here depending on what you want to do I'm gonna hit Q in this case now because it has a sketch it will turn into and extrude right because it sees that has a sketch in it now if I just click the face and hit Q again it turns into through this offset face another thing it does is that if you are selecting an edge and hit the Q or the press pool it will turn into a fill command okay so and it becomes a standard fill command so that's what the press pool does so don't look don't look at the press pool as a competition to to the extrude command look at the press pull as a way it has intelligence in there so if you're selecting a sketch it automatically going to extrude what can of course also cut if you're selecting a face then it will do the offset face and if you do a s then already do the filling so I hope that that kind of like clear that up a little bit definitely in the chat in there if you have any questions just pump them in there so that is good now let's jump in and talk a little bit about let's let's break things a little bit here so I absolutely understand that people can get a little bit confused about arm when things I like to blow it off which may be not the right term but when things kind like start going a little bit in the wrong direction so let me just go in here and I'm just going to sketch another thing is when this gets a another rectangle and with the S key do my Center rectangle here let's do it again three by six why not like this and I'm gonna do the Q again press pull I could also hit the extrude and let's just make it one inch here now I could start so right now we are capturing that down in the history tree right there's our first sketch and there is now our extrude now uh here maybe I do decide to add a fill it so you could either go up and hit the F fulfill the tool all like we just learned we could also just select the line and hit Q and we get it with the press pool so you can add a filter in here um and I'm also going to go in and create a reference sketch so this is something maybe another live stream um where we're going to go through like last week we went through all the UM the constraints what they meant inside when we're sketching maybe we do one on what all these offset plane does but this is definitely something you should know about I'm going to create an offset plane of this face here and I'm also going to create a sketch on that plane and I'm just going to create a circle something like this let's give it a dimension just to lock it down and whatever like that it Q and now Q again does extrude but it can of course also does a cut if it ceases cutting material alright so this is a pretty simple part here now what happens if we go in and we delete this sketch right here so we have delete and when I do that I get a warning here that says well hey buddy um you know you can delete this if you want to if you're sure but just be aware of that there's actually other things in this history tree that is using that first sketch because this is really one of the things that you need to think about when you're designing with a parametric software like fusion or inventor or SolidWorks or some of the other ones you are in a Petro parametric mode where things are kind of like in relationship to to one another right that gives us some of the advantage that if we're changing some of the dimensions on the sketch things will update right if I go if we just don't delete this one right now but you know if I went into the scats right-click and hit edit sketch and I change this to five right um then you will like to see that now the whole block changes and the whole still go through but I actually think that did one of the things in this whole that I'm I would normally recommend if we're going to edit this feature not you using a distance on when you're doing a hole like this if you know you always want that hole to go through don't just drag it far out like this and leave it like that going to the extent here and make it go all the way through this way it doesn't matter whatever I'm changing the block to if I make this eight feet long we will still make sure with this one that the hole goes all the way through but that's the cool thing about parametric modeling that if I make it change things things update now let me go to delete this sketch I'm just going to highlight it and click delete on my keyboard and yes it gives me a warning but hit delete and as soon as I do that we get this yellow little box down here and we actually also got a little warning over here what you can do that can be super helpful first thing to do is we can right-click on it and you can exit with you a warning be aware of that and it gives us an you know this is good because what we can do is we can actually read what the developers put in here so it says the profile reference is lost try editing the feature to reselect the lost well it says that the profile references lost that was because I did deleted that sketch now so like I said before everything is kind of like following a certain you know the history down here so we started here then here then here then here well at the end we have this marker and we can actually roll back so you'll see here if I'm rolling to the end we'll see we have a whole that's that feature but if I roll back past that feature now the whole is gone and we can't see the sketch but the sketch is X is sitting up here if I turn the sketch on we'll see we have the sketch when I roll past that that is like it never happened that scat had that sketch has not happened now we can see we don't even have the sketch folder same thing ever go to the reference plane here so um turn on that reference plane I created if I roll past it then that didn't happen right like now that is gone but if I move forward there is the construction folder with the plane if I move forward again there's the sketch with the sketch folder and then again there is the whole I hope this makes sense well if I roll all the way back here to the beginning where there's absolutely nothing and I go back in here and I'm going to create a create an ellipse and it makes see this whole thing I kind of like stole that from a quick tip on the fusion channel I like just following the same thing they did so I'm going to create a ellipse here and stop sketching now you will still see that right now nothing have really changed are in here I still get the warning down here and that's because that right now um I still haven't I just created a sketch but have it associated that now if I go in and I edit this feature it sets up here that I have a missing profile if I now select my lips and I hit OK you will see that now it's happy yay right because to this point in history with this marker right here everything is happy but what you will see when I roll to the end and is that now I get a yellow for the reference plane and I get a red for the Filat I need a sip of water alright so what just happened here uh-huh and why is it why is it doing this so when you're doing things inside of a parametric modeling system really what the software does is it's using they say there's a phase ID um and this is definitely something we can go deeper into you're interested in it so send me an email email down description area or in the chat if you want to get more into the specifics of what's happening in the background but what happens in pretty much in the background is that the software creates face IDs so every every face inside of your model has a ID number in the background well so when I created that rectangle first there was six sides on that rectangle each side had a face ID what meant that when we went in and we created our the fill it uh you know we created that merging the two the ads with the two face IDs that is now gone because we changed everything into an ellipse oh those face IDs are they're gone and the reference plane we created that we have a yellow yellow warning on right now switchin so you can see that uh down here we have the red but was the what is the Phillip that it's saying hey I can't even that edge is completely gone and then the reference plane is yellow because it's saying that that face ID I have lost my reference just like the the extrusion before had lost a reference to the sketch so when we go in and we look at at this here what do we what do we need to do well because we have changed this so dramatic right here it's perfectly okay exit but I would recommend as you're moving back all the way to the beginning and then just take one at a time right so if you roll over here we got this we got this fill it if I right-click on it and I review the warning it literally says that the reference is lost you can try to do something but literally you can see it's Chozen right here the screen but it's really good it really says I can't even figure out what to do here so in this case here I might just decide you know what let me just delete that and then I could do another cue and I could actually go in and select this edge and I could add a new filling you will see because where the marker is here when I hit OK it actually creates that fill it right there before before the plane now the plane here is telling me if I right-click and review warning that the model is using the cache geometry to solve this right now so it's actually looking back in history to try to solve this but police reselect the reference because things are not not happy what I could do here was I maybe say alright you know what I want to turn my origin on because I could use that reference in there so let me go in and edit this feature and if I go in here I should be able to find that plane and I could now use that as my my new reference hit ok so now that is happy and then we can move on to to the last ones in here and we have now solved solve this down here now of course if you're working with with bigger models but you probably are uh then this can become a little bit of an this can become hard uh you know especially you know you're working along and then suddenly you're seeing back that you have some some warnings maybe not rats but yellows your first intention is to just be like you know I'm busy I gotta get things done and move on I really recommend that you say no that bad practice let me go back and solve these issues right now because chances are that if you're waiting then you never get to it and at some point you forgot really what you're working on at that specific issue and the trick is really just roll back to the beginning of that yellow because if you're rolling back to where that yellow is you know that it's only from the beginning to that point that is an issue and right-click on it read the warning have a cup of coffee and go in and solve it and then kind of like I'll move along arm in in that in that spot so um I absolutely hope that that is helpful now I just wanted to show one more thing here before I jump off and that is now what we are talking about fixing thing is that there is actually direct mode and and the parametric mode inside of fusion so let me just go back inside of fusion here and what made me think about that was that if you ever see me starting a new file you will see down here that I have my history right if I start on your sketch you will see that that history gets populated down here now if you have ever gone out and brought in um an imported model so this was the party we were playing around with the other day but I oh yeah this is the model actually that has the the history here that's not what I was going for I was going for this one I think what I did was I brought it in as an as a step file uh in here when I bring it in as a step file you will see that I don't have a history track history true down here and that's what we call direct editing what means that um anything I'm doing right now because this is an important mod you don't get the history of how it's built this is definitely something we should talk more about in an hour a live stream I think uh and we can talk about why that is happening but if you ever bring in a file uh an imported file you will not see you have that history tree down here you should I recommend uh turn it on and the way you do that is you right click up here and then you can go in and say capture do you have to sign history now when you do that you now get that warning but if you can also get out of it again by doing this XM thing right click up here say do not capture design history and then exit gives you a warning because anything that happened in here will now go away in here now there is some some advantages are by by being in here but what this does when you are in this direct editing mode if I start a new file and don't capture the history tree is that if I go in here right now and create that same rectangle I did before like that and I had cue the software is it tell you enough to know that since it's like this sketch it becomes an extrude oh that you got that figured out right now now you will see that I don't get my history down here I do get folders in here though they will show me the different things but um you know what they actually don't matter anymore see that this gets changed but it's not driving the main thing in email anymore that is one of the differences between direct and an edit but you know what I think that maybe that is another day if you want to see that if you want to kind of like decide what you want what you want to see in these live streams if you're watching the recording thank you so much scroll down in the description area and find my email send me an email if you're watching the live chat you will find that right in there and you can send me an email about any topics you want and don't forget please if you like this do me a favor hit the thumbs up and if you don't well be honest man give me the thumbs down you know I definitely don't want to waste anybody's time with this content so that was about 22 minutes I really hope that this was somewhat helpful they cleared up the press Pro versus extrude and then we got a little bit into how to to fix things when things are kind of like broken and I know when it when things do break I know that it you get a little frustrated you know you want to finish up your your pot and you don't really want to deal with these errors but there's really good practice to scroll back to the first issue right click on it find out what it exits the software sector telling you what it's looking for and making the habit of fixing that so hope this was helpful I'm gonna do like I normally do I'm going to end the stream so if you're watching the recording thank you so much and then I'm going to jump into the chat and chat with you guys who are still hanging up hanging on in there really appreciate it you guys are the best until the next time take care folks
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 18,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, YouTube Live Events
Id: 6ZTpLj8lyyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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