Fusion 360: How to design a Wooden Boat - Part02

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[Music] and we're back okay so we're in the second part now and so we continue where we left off don't worry you didn't miss anything yet so so we finished with this frame here one side now we need to copy it to the other side how do we do this first let's start with copying the get the cut that we did here and yeah but that how how are we going to do this we're going to use the mirror as usual that's two mirror faces select a mirror plane and click OK wait wait for it now I'm both recording and using fusion so again it depends how fast your computer is and usually help so here we go so now we copy it to the other side now what we need to do is copy the frame to the other side as well so we again we activate the frame component and we go into the 0 this time it's going to be a body this one into the other side and we click OK and voila here you go it's beautiful and this one it looks good too now we can move on again it's up to you you can create a second frame for which one it was it is to create also frames for this one here down below exactly the same way I'm not going to do it because you would see it's the same concept ok the same idea you can do it here and you can also do this one as well you can also do a frame of info for this one here oh you know what maybe I'm going to do this one ok it should be relatively also easy so I'm going to do this one and I'll go again playing along test to accept check it back now we are on the frames here that's ok let's see we can create maybe a new one ok it's just another frame but another mind so I'm going to keep it this frame body in inside here but in general I will suggest you to create separate a component to that now let me just go back good try not to play with the view now what we need to do is we gonna need to project this line here going to the line comment and we know this is the line it's right here okay so it depends on the how sick view on it and you know this is can be sometimes really you know really annoying again this is one of the season glitches you see the finish a thing thing you do it with really annoying came right on the way so now it's closed a can dimension this one is going to be one centimeter I don't know oh maybe 20 but of course it's need to be proportional to be the rest of the body so I'm going to leave it like this it looks okay and now if I want I can extend it outside but I'm going to use the same technique as before so we're going to go to create sweep choose this one select the path and all the way to the other side okay and this one is it doesn't supposed to be a huge one and so what I can do is again I can reduce it either we can use the sketch for example turn it on and can just put a pop-up which would be better if we do it from here maybe eight millimeters but I want to be in the middle so how do we do this create a middle line here then go to symmetry check this line here this line and this one in the middle and it shouldn't have happened but I like to give it a dimension here five millimeters so again this line this line and this line good so we keep it in the middle okay I think maybe I'm going to give it six like this much better and good I'm pretty much happy with this one and next step you know what we need to do two things we need to extend this face need to bring it out all the way out again don't worry about this we're going to cut them and we need to bring it also out form from here so let's give it one millimeter or maybe actually two millimeters just to be sure now we're going back to the to be a which going to combine select the body and select our tool this one and we click OK now we can go back to our frame yeah I know it's like back and forth but it makes senses hopefully push pull and we select this face here new offset minus two okay and yeah okay so far so good and then you can do the rest here exactly the same point okay now what we're going to finish here is the we need to finish the the cuts that we did I'm just going to hide it for a moment and we're going to go to the mirror and see faces so just to be sure I'm going to select this one and this I'm going to use the faces instead of the feature sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't I don't want to start don't have time for that click okay good and now we're going back to the frames and we go into mural good buddy here to the other side and okay okay that's it now I'm not going to play anymore because he's probably not looking for the how're we going to cut now the the ribs but a yeah we can cut it now we can work on the frame afterwards the skin outside afterwards it's not a big deal and I just see here okay that's but let's make care now the skin and you can do it like this it's the first time actually that we are going to use actually sketch it from somewhere else you can either use the sketch or use the body but now I want to use the sketch because the body is a bit different from how the skin is going to look like so we're going to go to the patch environment and this one it's our skin and it's activated I can hide the ribs I don't need it Oh actually the ribs I need the bodies I don't need we're going to go to the love cumin and exactly as before to these to go to the rails to one sorry and yet second and profile this one now we go into the rails we choose a this one and we choose the top one okay so this is how the skin is going to look like but again every time going to change something it's going to affect everything so don't worry about it aim we have now one buddy here and let's turn on the you can see how it looks like okay so in the middle here the scheme is not gonna touch this one but again it's up to you how you want to do it you can either do it exactly the same or you know you know do the skin separately and separate kind of from these parts oh you can just make the frame so it's going to be exactly that the skin is up to you I'm giving you the option the tools let's turn this but it all from now and we're going to a thicken the body again this one can be yea tricky sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't let's see just make five millimeters again see it doesn't work so give here five millimeters click OK repeat another five millimeters and click okay and so we have now two bodies now next step is going to be go back to the model and we're going to combine them together I don't need to cut I just need to join them and we click okay and go back to the touch environment and yet now we need to Miro mineral a this body to the other side and we click OK ok now a actually the direction was supposed to be outside so that's what that's why we take what we're going to do now is let's go one step backwards and I start with this need to be -5 and second one as well - five wait for it wait for it got a big patient sometimes we dish no because it's not they're going to have a lot of problems good now we need to go through the combined process and what we're going to do next in order to cover this a crack here we're going to use the loft come in here to close it so it's going to be it's going to be okay I know it's not perfect 100% but it is what it is but it works so going to create loft choose this one here this place and the second profile and just keep it the los lunas before the direction try adjusting the continuity sitting the top of pop now if I'm going to change it to before I'm going to do this I'm going to save it I'm going to save it because I know from experience that sometimes the that the loft command can crush everything so I'm not going to take any chances I'm going to you know save it now you're going to try again to try from the bottom here and to the top and you see now I change profile and now it's suddenly it's working okay so if the top down didn't work try to start from the down and up and yeah why it is really so now it's closed okay all the way to the other to the to this point here so now we can go and as you can see we have only one body so now we can go and we work to the other side well now now don't worry much about this here we this one we don't need to close and in a moment you're going to see also why so we're just going to make just simple and combine this one with this one and we + - finished with this one here now it didn't combine them okay it doesn't matter to be honest it doesn't matter we don't have to combine them because they are going to be separate okay and so just let's let's leave it as it is now what we're going to create a new component and this one I think it's called Q it's the bottom part you know goes all the way down and it's also connected to be Stern and stuff like that okay so where it comes from it comes from this sketch here so the bodies we turn them off the skin we need to turn off now we're going back to the patch environment they unselected chaining and choose this one here and it's going to be on symmetry on both sides and I want it we can start with the five millimeters if it's not going to be enough we can always change the ways you know now we just need to turn it into a buddy so we're going to thicken this one again both sides 5 millimeters maybe I'm going to give it even more 6 you can go into the turn this one phone and like this you can see if it's deep enough or not okay click OK now it looks really good and if you're going to put on top of it the skin so you can see we're going to cut the skin here in the middle so it doesn't matter so let's first cut the the frame here by the ribs and we are the web component and turn off the sketches so now I think I'm going to need them and we are going to the modern environment going to combine so it's this one we changing into cut keep and this one boom we cut it okay so if we turn this off ego got a beautiful length but something here it's not what's not right let's see why I'm not sure hundred percent white looks like this but it oh maybe it is okay I don't know depends how you look at it it's kind of weird anyway if it's not good then you can maybe drag it a little bit upwards but we can see the arrows later on when we're going to cut it if there are any arrows then you can always go back and make change stuff so let's go now to the skin we can turn off the ribs for now and we do the exact same thing we go with target body and we have to do it one body at a time because they're not combined and now we're going to we don't need this one for sure this one click okay now again to the other side this one and voila okay so now we see put everything together that's how it looks let's turn all their zombie on and it looks really really really nice except something here it's a bit off and what is this okay the skin here okay again let's figure out these things later again we can always change stuff so let's not worry about this now but let's work focus now on the web's okay this is the the most exciting part and we need to turn off the Q's skin and frames as well and yeah what are we doing the cutting now in order to do this we are here we're going to create a new sketch and so we're going to offset a plane here this one you know if there is some way about here like this click okay and we're going to create a new sketch here what we're going to start from here we go into total total top line here maybe we can start for this point here all the way so we cover everything and the second line parallel to this one now what's dimensions the thickness will be maybe like you know eight millimeter and thickness you can always change it later on okay and we click finish stop and now let's look what we are going to do now that's how the magic starts so we choose the body that we need to split which is this one first click ok go through the same process just need to turn this one back on choose the body and choose the second line great so now we made a slice here what we do next go into the pattern and you get right rectangular pattern we go into feature which is feature here and then the object it's this one and this one select direction it's going to be on the X this one here and we drag it all the way where we want it let's just say yeah nine nine hundred and maybe ninety on behind hundred here we're going to create like a horizontal something like with an angle cut and how many we want I don't know seventeen it should be enough I think and cross your fingers give it a few seconds voila here we go it looks kind of funny let's minimize this one here let's go to the bodies and see what we've got here yeah there are a lot of bodies but don't worry about it we're gonna arrange it and note this one we can hide this one we can also hide so it's going to be you know every second I think okay I don't know quite sure about what these bodies are or where they come from come from somewhere I'm not quite sure where but yeah let's start with this one so it comes from here going to this one here and I think it's this one and this one this one this one we are going to need this one we're going to cut on the side here and [Music] okay and this one is this one fine good and now we have some extras here and learn not quite you where they come from but yeah it is ready now how do you change how can we deal with all these extras that we have very simple in the last update in a fusion added a new feature here for new group so we're going to have a new you know folder here which we can put organize all the bodies in general like this so I'm going to call it a bar this I don't need for example and select all these that I don't need then drag them inside the folder due to all the rest as well everything we don't need we can drug them or you can also right-click and remove you don't delete okay right click remove we remove it from the future ok we don't remove it from the past we remove it only from the future we say ok from now on I don't want to see it anymore ok but don't use the delete that's going to be a huge mistake or just do it like I did here just leave it alone put it on its own folder now it's not bothering us ok and look what we've got here beautiful these all the ribs that we want it with all the cuts and everything again if you made another one you can always go back in time and if you forgot something and do whatever you need to do and it's going to fix then move back in time and to the future ok so this one looks really really nice just goes down this one I want to turn on the skin here let's go to the top here I want to see what's going on ok so we have this problem here this issue with with this one here we need to fix it because here it's good but here it's not so good and that is because of the sketches so what do we do we need to go into the sketch here and we're going to turn on the the rhibs sketch ok that's the part that shapes our ribs and now what you gonna need to do is we can push it in again this part we're strong computers we don't you know really fast CPU it could help so yeah maybe I should have just go back in time before all the cuts and then do this change I know sometimes I keep forgetting that you know my computer is not that fast so something like that can take you know you can take an effect especially now because I'm also recording so I just need to give it a few seconds more as you can see computing doing all the calculation that needs okay now I'm going to split and okay now you can see did the sex okay I don't want to do it again it's going to take way too too long time but you get my point it's not a big deal we just need to push it a little bit more inwards and it's going to be really really nice so what we can do now okay so it's going to look like something we can just I know going to give it some appearance okay so it's going to look like a boat and we keep going to turn as you can see here the the frames also need the same material and I think the key we're also going to need the same materials friends here and here as well and let's forget about for a moment about the skin and look at that tongue it's amazing looks really really really nice I like it the results are really good look at the ribs here how beautiful they look it's brilliant oh and you saw with nothing seriously nothing I didn't really finish also the cedar down if you have a lot of things to do but look at the timeline it looks really really nice yeah let's remove the frame here now we can see you got all the impressions everything here now if you are going to use a CNC machine to cut those a rib so easy just right click and stay with SPL and send it out to the CNC and that's it very easy now what we need to do is they probably want to know how to do the cut here at the top for the cockpit and all the other stuff you can finish the rest you know just you did and I just do the same thing sketch and make a some kind of a line which is parallel to this one here and another one here and another one and then you can create this cut here and remove the one here in the middle so it's very simple now let's make a that's like the copic here the hole here and how do we do this eh okay let's go on need to be on the web side and and let's just see here now we need to use a we're gonna be oh yeah we're gonna be on this storage in here okay so we're going to create a new sketch it's going to be here so we need to figure out how far the we want it back and forward we need to for example they if we're going to use it from here - let's just say - here okay and then we can project this line here and this line here as well okay so you see we close here the line now what we got to do is next and click cancel we could right-click the lines and then break the link if we want or we can just let them be and and this is gonna give us the option to make cut through and then we can start you know working on creating the the frame all around and yeah so now let me show you what I'm going to do next and also we're gonna finish here oh sorry let's go back again now what we actually going to do is we are going to a I want to actually bring this one in words and I like to say ten millimeters from this side and another one - ten here okay wanted to be like this I don't want to cut it all the way to the corners wanna cut it a bit more in here and so now we do two things two things first week we extrude this part both ways and and we're going to cut all the excess that we don't need you can see boom so now we made the hole here for the cockpit now how can we build the frame here that's easy enough we go into the sketch environment which on a the patch environment we turn on the the sketch on again and we're going into the extrude and we're going to extrude it we can exclude both sides you can decide different lengths here I want it all the way so it's touching this one here and you publish thingy okay but what's going on and it's not going to be as how can we make it nice and round and I'm going to show you in a second how we're going to do it click ok so now we have this extra piece here again you can make it in a new component that actually will be my best suggestion to create a new component for this part and then now we're going to thicken chain and cook everything ok taken inside I wanna a so it's like - I don't know 5 millimeters thickness it looks good beautiful we can make this one number if you want and yeah next step that's the cool one just need to ok so this what we're going to do is we're going to be a model you can actually do it also from the patch go to split body choose the body we want to split and choose the splitting tool and it's going to be this face here and we click ok cross fingers at the same time boom chakalaka and so now this one we don't need anymore we can move it over here and we have this extra stop which we don't need then we can also move it here and voila now if this is actually a you know intruding into the wood hey which I don't understand why it happened it shouldn't actually have happened because we extrude it let's just say I was symmetry that's why one way sorry as you can see here I made a mistake we fix it click OK and voila here we go so all those drop-down menu things that you did before sometimes it's remembering so you have to pay attention to that so here we go we created a hole for the cockpit we create this frame and you can continue create another hole here or maybe do something different here you know play with the shape it can be like seats here Falls for the guest and here it's going to be a cockpit and on this side so you can create the shape you know it can do all kind of stuff and now it's basic could be also time to start to work on the flooring and everything oh yeah let me just save this one okay and yeah we can just say now continue with developing everything here and making it more nice go to the small details fix this one here it to be honest it really really annoying but you saw what happened before it could take more than a few seconds to to change back because again I both recording now the program here which take resource on the CPU and also with working with fusion so it's not gonna be a good idea for me to do in the future a few months I'm going to buy a new computer then I will be able to do a much more crazy stuff so we're but there what I'm going to do I'm going to give you a nicely gift I'm going to save this file and I'm going to save also I have this files worth of course and I'm going to attach it and it's going to send you a link where you can download it from and then you can you know play with it and can see exactly in your eyes and your machines and a half those files and yeah and have fun with it okay so again we achieve our goal the goal is to show you the process how to cut how to make those ribs and as I explained at this point you can always go back and make changes to the ribs if you think we are missing something you can always go in and make changes go back in time and it's much easier when you separate the different elements because your timeline is going to do cost of difference so we can always go back in time to this point or to this point or to this coin do the changes and then move again to the to the air to the current time and you're going to see the effect okay and so so yeah this is this is great actually I'm really happy with the results even though the skin here it's not hundred percent but it's not a big deal as I said because we just need to push it just a little bit more in and that's the whole idea with these techniques that you can do whatever you want you can always change it so this is really really not a big deal but there yeah I hope you enjoyed this guess this video and it's going to help you designing your boat and and how really a lot of fun with it and again if you have any question you want to know something please be as specific as possible don't tell me okay continue developing be more specific because I can do a lot of things here here at the top you know it's pretty much easier to to cover this you can do it in many ways you can use the the same you know a bridge that we created for one side to the other and then stop it here and then cut pieces all along along it or do whatever you want but just let me know if you have anything specific then your link so how it should look like and it can help you understand exactly what what you want and if it's something that I think it could benefit everyone and then I'm going to make tutorial if not then we can communicate off the records you can say through and you know the fusion 360 form we can send me a PM and yeah but this is for today a the video is pretty long a it's long enough I hope you enjoy it please leave a comment and don't forget the thumbs up and yeah I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus
Views: 27,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 join bodies, texture, Fusion Tutorial, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD modeling, 3D modeling, 2D sketching, components and bodies, combine bodies, custom threads, threads, beginner tutorial, fusion tutorial, Propellers, modeling, autodesk, fusion 360, design, engineering, mechanical design, computer aided design, cad software, mechanical engineering, product design, Gears, Worm Gear, Boat, yacht
Id: 9zCteq0qkZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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