Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 14

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how are you doing welcome to last live episode number 14 my name is lars Christensen and this is where I hit the song my emails hopefully adding some value to your fusion 360 experience if you haven't already subscribed to the channel I would appreciate if you would do that and as always thumbs up if you like this thumbs down if you dump I have a good list of it we're gonna get all over the place in today's series here so I should be good let's just let's just get going here our first one is from Mark hi Lars love your videos thank you so much mark um I am designing some items that I want to put a logo on and I would created a logo object that I can import into all the design files I created the logo by importing a jpg and tracing it and then extruding it so I have a 3d local object alright so ultimately I want to print something on the 3d printer and then I want to be able to extrude this logo up two to three millimeters now the thing is how do I save time by importing that logo into all the files let's look at it let's look at the product this should be a this is one of those that if you already knew this you're gonna be like oh yeah I already knew this but if you didn't you can be like whoa wait a second so let's let's make a logo and mark Haredim had imported a pack and do some tracing vx gonna do that later in in this Sunday edition anyways so I'm just gonna make a sketch line here let's do an offset of bats let's do that ten millimeters and let's put some text in it so I'm just gonna make make kind of like my own here and then we'll go ahead and place that something like this so let's say that's bigger let's say that this was the logo that we had created in that in that sketch so the idea is that we have this logo we're gonna be able to include this two different surfaces for different models later down later down the road so what I will do is I will do this sketch that you have used Mart I would save this I'll go in here and I would save it as mark logo sketch so did you see that I haven't exceeded anything out I just left it as a sketch now two weeks goes by and we are now modeling something up let's just do a rectangle here make it 400 by 400 maybe I don't know so now we have like this surface we have model up could be all kinds of things probably probably linear of a flat sorry surface now I'll go back to where to the file that we had I would open it up in its own window here I would go in and edit that sketch and then I will just highlight it all and do a ctrl C for copy go to our new part open a sketch and then just do a ctrl V and that will show up now you might have to spin that around but now this is brought in as a sketch that you could move wherever you want on that surface hit OK and the cue for press pool and you can now do your two to three millimeter exclusion that you want so literally what we have is we have created this sketch in the move down to say from the sketch what we have created here is kind of a template and that would just be a file sitting over there being its own and like I said all you do is right-click go and say and it's sketch and just window and whole thing do control C and then you can go in and open it the face you want to have it on a control V and then it will be be pasted right there as a sketch entities that's one way that you can copy you can copy that what do you think mark I think that was a pretty neat trick like I said if you already knew this you know like I knew this but that's the trick that I would use for that so thumbs up if you like that mark thumbs up if you don't leave a comment hope that was useful all right let's let's move on here next one is is from Ryan um and the email is by the way you can always send me an email last night Christensen and all of this calm so down description of the video um the title of this email was crazy strong hi last love your show very happy about that Ryan I would like to know how to make a crazy straw and I actually had to accept to look that up because I don't know I got kids as you probably have known what a crazy straw is but if you're sure it's crazy story you can kind of see those on the images all wacky like that there who would have known I was thinking sculpting it however is that way to hollow it out or would I have to design it like the bike frame you recently did I don't want to do the bike frame we did recently Ryan I'm going to show you two ways to do this you could definitely use the sculpt workspace we'll do that first but I will probably use the standard modeling environment I think depending on what kind of crazy straw you want to make let's take a look at it quick here that should be a good little one so let's go into Fusion there was our logos so he's got a do sculpt well clicks create form in a new file and you have these predefined shapes we do have a sin so I'm just gonna sketch a circle I don't know how big it really Astro is to be honest six millimeters in diameter and then you kind of get that's shape here now there's many different ways we could do this and and you maybe wanted to sketch up something too to follow but if we just use standard sculpt tools double click on the edge so I like the whole thing here we could start pulling in this straw here if you hold down the Alt key while you're pulling then of course you're adding a new section and you could start to kind of like pull in kind of like in this and try to make you know start creating somewhat of a band holding down alt every time you see I'm adding adding a new section here so you do kind of have that options you could play around with it I said this before that with the sculpting it's all about how much time you're spending on this right now I might move over to the front side here and then I maybe start kind of like doing the same thing you just have seen me do so maybe I I start twisting it a little bit this way adding a new section to that twist it this way so this is kind of how you could use the sculpt is space here to kind of create now it looks like we might want to work a little bit of this shape here but this would definitely be a way to kind of start creating should we say organic shapes now the trick in skulls is that when we're done with this when we have where we have moved it around like this there is an option in here called thicken sitting right down here so we can add a thickness to it select our body here and if we do I don't know how people make if we're gonna make it point to five and we hit enter then we actually now have a strong this is now hollow if I hit finish farm it will give us a warning see that there's a warning right there X is kind of hard to see if I hit there you can see that it shows up in red that there is a warning and that's actually because there is some overlapping geometry they're probably all I have to do is I would populate to go back that way I know where it is let me go control Z to get rid of the thickened surface there and I would go back right click edit double click on that face and it's probably just because it needs a little help maybe so let's just see if we can bolt that out a little bit might just it's getting that intersection there let's try that might not be so this is something you would have to to play with and probably also why I would not be doing like this that's what you want there we go now became a solid right now we're back in the solid environment and you have a straw and you could you could go crazy doing this and anything so there would be one way now another way to think about this would be standard a standard kind of modeling environment so let me go in and you could for example do something like a car I'll use the car so if I click coil and let's do another straw over here and we drew that six millimeter spikes that's gonna be bigger let's make it 100 like that so here is a car that you can see this could be maybe considered but you know already having that that sheep and you have some different options in here so if I go down here and we do six-millimeter so we kind of have it the same kind of diameters before you could start adding some angle to it here so maybe we do I don't know 25 degrees right so now we start getting something that might be a crazy shape and you could you could now extrude to this so we could exit go away and say over a new sketch on this face here and we could now draw something get this let's do a right so we could we could keep on here and then we could draw another arc that would even be another another coil on here some direction but then the trick here is to use the shell commands up here so click shell and then we'll just click on this face and we'll click on the other face where we want the openings and then we can give it a thickness of whatever we want this case 0.25 and and now this thing is actually this is actually hollow too so that's a couple of different ways that you can create crazy straws I thought I would be never thought that I would be modeling crazy stores inside a fusion 360 but Ryan yep two different ways you could use the sculpt again mmm the skull might be a little bit of a you know workaround because it is so organic we're at least using something like the coil you're probably getting a ball more normal shape you could also just using like a sweet command following to have a profile following a path if you just wanted to do something more like flat and don't all crazy hope that was hope that was useful um next one is from expose from job this is camp hey Lars hey God I really enjoy your videos I recently purchased a seat of fusion to run my mori seiki that's a cool mil still any fusion but I so here's the question I have a part that I'm currently doing that is round sticking out of the main spindle with a pocket going through perpendicular to the center line axes I would like to use a ninety degree chamfer middle to break the ads I couldn't use a freebee chamfer but that will not give me a uniform result what is really want is to use the rotary axis to chamfer with HEVC video so let's do that so we're gonna actually do 4 axis this is four axes mil turn or it also most maybe could be called live to lis let's take a look at this so new model here and let's just go ahead and do see the circle and let's do a 150 millimeter diameter and each new this out that's the round power and then john said that he has a pocket going through through the center line so we can grow up the center line if you want to like that and we could do a pockets there and i don't know how big we want to make this pocket maybe we make it 55 no that's probably okay I'm not gonna put the find it but let's just that let's just blast that flew here hold down left mouse button for a little and you get this little menu here where you can select profiles and let's blast that through that alright so um here is is this pocket we have going all the way through now there's a couple of things I'm not under wasn't sure about with this pie but what I'm going to show today is what I hopefully you will find as a cool little trick see so most likely you have some inside corner radiuses also in this pocket going through but if you just I don't know if you do that you could be doing something like a singer EDM or something but if you go in here and do a chamfer what it's really what we wanted to do we wanted to do it a chamfer we're using a 90 degree chamfer mil if I go in and select this edge and this edge and I give them I don't know five notice what is happening in here when you get in close you see how there's a little section in here where these two are really not playing to nice with one another in and John you're welcome to write me back this is where I we start talking about like what is it really we wanted what is the end result we want in here what I personally probably would go for if I was going to do that because I'm going to be using a 90 degree chamfer mil to chamfer around here is this corner really just gonna be a development probably almost regardless of what corner radius was we have in here I'm so what I would actually do it this is I think is a good cam trick I would actually delete this chamfer and not having it to my model and I used to do that back when I was a ritalin I actually would many times just I wouldn't have chamfer on my mom I knew as the programmer that there was gonna be chambers there and and even the drawing my calling it out here's the cool thing if we go in to manufacturer and let's go in and select the set up and we're gonna go over here in the menu we're gonna select the turning a mill turn the lighting okay we want to call it and it sets it up for turning here but if we just go ahead here and go in and select this standard 2d contour and it's going to select that 90 degree tools I'm gonna go into metro and I don't know which one of these I have here I have a 45 degree chamfer mill it was just double-click on that's let me just gonna check it here and it this is right out of the tutorial library right so you would like to see that is not sharp so I'll probably want a no tip so now it's shot 1 and now if it was a if so I'm just going another passage on if this was what I was gonna do I would now save this to my library I'm just gonna leave this in here we're gonna use this one ok next I'm gonna go to the geometry tab and inside of the geometry tab you will see that there is a wrap function I checked that one it's asking for a cylinder I'm gonna select this top cylinder here and then it's excellent for a contour selection and I'm just gonna select the selection right here now remember when I'm talking and I've talked about before about doing any kind of like when things gets hard inside of CAM select a few things and since it ok and see what you get and what we exit seed here is we are getting something that might look pretty close to what we want i'm exit gonna go into my setup again what about post processing tab and see how under stock you have set the diameter what is fine but it has round it to the nearest so I'm gonna make the stock finished just process this and let's simulate this you can turn the stock on and let's see what we get when we are doing this so this is definitely a this is a four axis move right it's gonna do that right on your machine of course your post has to have to support this so we can kind of see this here this looks decent now of course I just picked that ad so right now sex is not removing anything it's just right on that right on that ass that's not good enough but did you know that inside of the 2d contour if the 2d console to a pad sees a chamfer mil then if you go to the pastor said you would like to see that there is a chamfer section that normally don't appear for our standard end mil so now we could go over you and say all right let's try to make it one millimeter a chamfer with and maybe one and a half tip-offs in I'm not sure if this is good I mean okay to see what I get that might look pretty good let's go back here and let's just simulate this and now it looks like we actually get somewhere right like we're getting a chamfer now it's a little bit of hard to see when I do this because I just get that raw stock but what I could do was I could go into my setup again and instead of using this fixed stock I could actually go and say from solid and to select this original stock we had here let it reprocess regenerate and then now if I go in to simulate now you will ACC we see that finish pocket but it's really what I want um and let's try to slow it down a little bit and now you will actually see that it looks better now if you still like yeah but now the solid kind of comes in a way I still can't really see how it's gonna look like you could go into your model just turn that off now you can actually see the development better you could also go in and change the material to to something else in here if you feel like this should be a little better to look at so let's just run this backwards a little bit so now to go in and we look at this corner here comes down and what it does is it creates that development right because it's literally just driving that square I think that that that is most likely but most people I would think one is just to drive that and then bring that over there and then whatever kind of like the corner is going to be is going to be a kind of like a development of that that is definitely how I think that I would interpret that John you tell me if this is if this is useful to do kind of like those jam for us if you're just looking to apply a chamfer to apart to a pocket like this most likely you just kind of like want that that development happening there without too much too much section so I hope this one was good I felt like that this one is one of those that showed you maybe a couple tricks that you didn't know that's the goal at least thumbs up if you like this comes the hunt if you don't um just a quick little cam chamfering fall taxes tip them subscribe if you haven't already and hope you found that useful all right let's jump through a couple of other ones here it's good stuff next one here is from Dominic and now I'm gonna accept me an email he also sent me an image I'll call the image up done with with his cam one here he sent me this image preacher one go right there that is a pretty cool fuchsia model um hey lads I'm really enjoying your videos thank you so much Dominic um I just I just didn't find if it's possible to do a walk through animation I'm drawing a 3d of my house and I'll build and I like to go through the model to see how it looks like from inside and then he sent me a link to a video here where and this is actually this is the fusion this is 3dsmax now if you are not only a fusion user maybe you are your company is what we call product design and manufacturing collection customer meaning you also have in vendor your fusion you also have 3ds Max and you could actually do it within 3ds max but what this guy is doing bonnie bucks whatever is he draws a spline and then he follows kind of a when he can walk through with that spline within his house what is super super cool now the difference between fusion and and 3ds max is the fusion is a mechanical cat software where where 3ds max is more used for high renderings and animation like in the movie industry and things like that now in fusion now remember how I last week I opened up my weekly fall I opened up my my crotch here and we do have an animation space now this animation space though is not really meant for walkthroughs it's more meant for like exploded views and things like that you can somehow get there if you go into the animation space but I'm not that good at this you probably have to be better than me but what you can do she had this little timer down here and you bring it over I thought this is a curtain to read little thing I thought it was a cupcake full of time if you bring it over that then it will not recall anything when you're moving around but if you set this to let's say two seconds and I move this over here see how it just recorded something and if we hit play he will actually kind of bring you from one space to the other so actually probably the best way to show this is if I go here go to front bring it over to two seconds do a rotation like this you get that recorded we can do another two seconds we can go like this right so you're kind of getting you get the idea and then when you're when you're doing this you can kind of see how we can we can play through the model now that might made you tempted to say little B here and I've done a video on this before that might make you tempted to say well I'm gonna make a walk through two seconds and then I'm just gonna scroll my mouse mouse wheel and get myself nicely into the garage here and that will work okay the problem with this is that you have a tendency and this is just because this is not really meant for this you know if I hold down and do a rotation with my shift middle mouse button here you can see how I'm kind of like ending up getting myself outside the garage and now I'm actually anything I'll be having like the first section is good but then I kind of ended up out there what is maybe not what I wanted so you can do that again be back in there so it makes it a little hard so I'm gonna talk about freedom Mouse to kind of make this movement you know kind of outside again I'll get through the wall there we go that's my staircase and now I'm probably making a mess out of it right so so it's not the same as when you are watching using a professional tool fold that so so this it's not really that great to do this kind of movements but if you're looking to just kind of like if you're gonna you could maybe doing some section views of this multiple recordings and then stitch it together again but this is definitely best for like I said before where I kind of like did a auq kind of thing where you know you're trying to just maybe do a little bit more of a presentation you know in this sense here spin it around like that and then when we play through here we get a little bit more like a interesting look and then you can publish it out si as a video so just know you can you can do that I say without either as an avi either you can save it to the cloud you can see the right to your computer I'm not gonna do that hope that was somewhat useful for you Dominic know that was that crowd the solution you were looking for but you know this is kind of like one of those things using I think using the right tool you can do something maybe alright next one is from Ricardo hey Lars I just received NDF fall so that's a hast machine I made a simple program in fusion 360 and when I beast a blog with a g41 it jumped alam 367 i was turned to fusion 360 and change the type of compensation from where for in computer and i tried and worked i think the problem is that the measure of the tool taken by the Renishaw does not match the nominal size of fusion library is that right is that parameter just to avoid the alarm so this this this this email is probably about a week old us all so you maybe have already found found your answer I don't know exactly but I have a suspicion for you baccata so on the highest just from past experience when I used to run a house like to control you see in the back there normally if you don't have a probe then you'll use T 351 but in your tool offset for where you will normally just leave it all and like Sarah Sarah Sarah if you're using the Renishaw probe however then you need to put the tool diameter in there for the probe to kind of get that so I think that that's probably what you're missing hope that is useful all right another one here this one is from this one is from Charlie hey Lars and he sent me an image so let's get that up cool got this cool gear here um Charlie says long time watcher first time caller I have been I am building a geared extruder for custom 3d printer I'm working on I'm trying to figure out how to make the correct yearing for a planetary gear setup and animated to make sure it works I'm starting to find anything out so if you're if you are interested I could use a hand here image on what I'm working on and he also sent me the step file for it oh I never showed the image sorry that's the image of the gear oh sorry about that alright so we have this gear this is a step file trying to make that year ratio for that and and going ahead and and and model it up now I can tell you and then animate it I can tell you that I would not I would not animate it inside of fusion 360 so let me just talk about what I would do and all the people give your comments thumbs up thumbs down this is what last we do I would first of all and I would get my Machinery handbook see whenever it comes to two years years years don't try to model up a gear like as your own kind of standard get one of the gears on this inside of the machinery handbook you can buy this one I bought this one on eBay don't buy the latest edition because they're pretty expensive buy a used for an eBay if you use the gear data in there you don't have to worry about if the gear is gonna work or not work if they will work because you use the right dimensions and everything so that's my first thing I would do the reason also that I wouldn't try to animate this inside of fusion is because the only way you can really animate a gear is by using the contact sets in that so if you go in if you're going to assemble we have this we have this enable contact sets and began because fusion is a it's a mechanical CAD software it has to solve everything so all those gears your computer will literally just it will literally just die like they won't die but your little stall it cannot make all those calculations in there and why my Canon well it doesn't have to because if you're using the gear data inside of inside a machine it's hamburger you don't have to worry about the gear ratio that's kind of my that's kind of my points so I wouldn't do that all right anybody ready for some put some 3d printing maybe hopefully here on a on a Sunday next one here is from Ryan hello Lars uh about some of your videos I have a particular challenging problem one of my designs have completely gone missing that's bad but I have an STL file of it and I've used an STL so I just converter okay and though it said still tries to upload I exercise cheated oh well you know what do they know the issue with the bees is is over a hundred thousand triangles hundred thousand triangles now it's all faces and I need to figure out how to turn it back into a normal solid without a hundred thousand triangles alright this is for all my 3d printer friends um and so I can make some adjustments that I need to make I'm currently sitting in the patch ask you to stitch it together as a file that I blah blah blah so trying to get rid of these all right so what I thought we will do because we have some fun here what I did let me just open up a new file what I did was I actually went out and I felt like we needed a new STL v 4 for our licenses so if I go out and say insert mesh I brought down from tinker's are like sing a verse dad STL file alright check this out I'm gonna show you a couple of different things with this so it's no fun weights are cool now this is fine this is an STL file right so if we don't need to make any changes to this and I'm gonna like Ryan I'm I'm moving a little bit away from your for your question just for a second of course you could just have printed that you could have opened up your freedom printing application sends your printer be done but if we wanted to convert this into a solid we didn't have to so what Brian did was he used an STL so I just converter so you can su get converted we don't have to do that unless holding that accuracy of a hundred thousand triangles is important see and I've talked about this before but let me just let me just quickly say it again STL files is made up of triangles you can see that here now the definer the more triangles you have in the more accurate the shape is so see down here on the bottom this is not a very accurate shape there's some big triangles in here we have some small triangles and the smaller triangles the more accurate the model is the problem is that a software like a mechanical CAD software like fusion has a limit on how many triangles it can use so for fusion for example we're looking at a span of under 50,000 triangles and that's you know that's just how it is now again you maybe don't need to do anything with this model but was specifically for for Ryan he wants to turn it into to a solid so we're gonna do that so first thing we'll do right click and I'm gonna say no capture the side that's gonna get rid of the history treatment well that let me do folks is we can select this STL we can right click and we can go and say math should be rap so that means mass to a solid you can click and say okay now we get a warning here that the fascism this model is 50 mm conversion has been aborted so you don't have to do this Brian because you already got yours converted but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make sure that in my under name my name up here another of my preferences I'm gonna make sure my preview that my mess workspace is turned on so I can go into the mess tools and then I can exactly reduce and now I can just highlight this whole thing and I can go over then to Z and I can bring the face count down now I'm gonna you know it could be easy to say my let's bring it out to 50 thousands but I makes it gonna bring mine further down just for the exercise here 1 2 3 so let's bring it down to 20 thousands and preserve boundaries and let's just hit OK and see what we get now this might take a little bit of time but in this case here just click on the space here and see if the models gonna move oh I expect that's a still pre-selected blue how many do we have now hi this whole thing right click which be rap new body ok so now I own is like the other one is like all of them so now it says he can do it looks right deuce face down let's bring it down to 20,000 there we go now I brought it down to 20,000 so now you will see that these hand here is actually not Maul is actually not accurate and now when I go now and try to Chinese to solid the whole thing right click and say Miss B rap okay see now it sees that it is 20 it's not recommended still a lot I'm just gonna hit OK and try to do it anyways so now we're just going to wait a second as fuchsine is it's kind of doing its magic here there we go now the thing you want to do now you see how it change color the thing you want to do now is you want to go over here and you want to make sure that this become a solid see this didn't become a solids this became a surface it was very interesting right and I think that the reason this is is if we go in to the surface tool path we can try to highlight everything again just select the whole thing now this is going to take some some compute power if I go in and say stitch doo-doo-doo there's one this has become a solids ah think about it it's 20,000 different triangles right now that fusion is doing some calculations on so this might just take a second but what we will get out of this is that few selects show us that we have a gap in this model that's why we ended up with that 20 that 20,000 surfaces because it couldn't make it watertight you see over here on the edge that it actually shows us some different areas with you're looking on the model here where there is some issue so it looks like these guys so in here see how it kind of highlights an area in there so there's something going on right in that area in there where it hasn't healed it up and this can really be this can be a pain in the neck it's not fusions fault it's because this solid model in the conversion process it just couldn't make it couldn't make it watertight now you can either trying to repair all this so go in and try to use some patch tools and things like that but I'm not gonna do that in this video I just want to show you if this happens to you you know why what I'm gonna do instead to get to John's problem is that I am gonna delete that service body we just created it's gonna get rid of that so just be there and I'm gonna turn our mess back on I'm gonna do something else just to have some fun I'm gonna go back into the mesh tool space and I'm gonna do a plane cuts and I'm gonna select a mess body and then here for my plane selection it was like this plane here and now I'm gonna just remove all this like this and and I could choose to say Phil but I'm gonna choose not Phil because that's gonna kind of show you that problem we had before where it was just a bunch of services oops I didn't want to cut off the hand the finger let's go back in and do that again my mistake cuts putting it back again let's bring it up that's okay I don't want to get rid of the hand and that's it like this meat okay so what I want to show you is exit what is happening on what happened before just with those service models see if I go in now and I say all right let's convert this over to solids then I get to your to your thing here right now I just got the model of the smaller but this going to get easier the reason that it couldn't become a solid would befall was because that there was a gap right there was a tiny little get now there's a big gap but this is my point so what you could do is you could try to go in with a surfacing tool to try to repair all this now I'm trying to do this a little fast so I'm just gonna select the pants I'm just select that out of boundary that's gonna put a patch on it and now if I go in and do what I try to do befall highlight the whole thing stitch it and if you don't have any holes if we don't have any gaps what is the case now what I just did then when you hit you see there's no gaps in here now when I hit okay then you will see that it's gonna turn this in it's gonna take these to service bodies now it's gonna turn into a body that really what we want and that's what we're Ryan is now I did all this work Ryan just to get to the point of showing you a couple of tricks to do this so first of all know that if you if those hundred thousand facets you have are like big facets like on this flat toe toe here you can actually select that area hit the lead on your keyboard and Fusion is going to try whoops you might have to go back in turn the feature tree on fusion is going to try to heal this no it does turn it back into a piece what's your service body ha that is interesting there you go so you can't be this I was under the surface too little then it just deletes it you got to be on the solid so notice what's happening here I'm selecting the face and I hit delete on my keyboard Fusion is exits trying to heal up this face it's actually been moving these triangles that's a pretty crazy now this will take some time to do I couldn't do that one let's start of go ahead and select this face at the beats so you would actually see that I've been moving those top faces and making making them more normal you could probably go we could exit probably go around here and if we did this long enough we should be able to end up with a with a unified surface so that is is one way to do this now what another way to do like the hand you can't do this on because on the hand here this is you know it can't solve I don't think it can solve that up like if I select this and hit the lead it will not keep it here it just keeps it flats that's why we can do it but this is XDA occur service what you would have to do here will take a lot more work right and this is just in nature because you're coming from an STL file we don't have better data what you could do was you could go into the sculpt environment I'm gonna create kind of like a sheet here like this and I might just add some more segments in here like this and if I go in here right click edit form and to select all this and this is definitely not a solution you're gonna be super excited about maybe but what we would have to do is we would have to rebuild all this up smaller we'd have to build all this up as a as a sculpts and I wouldn't even probably be up for this job what there is a function in here that will let you do under modify will let you do a pull function and that would actually pull these points to eats closest in a section right and then this way here you would actually be able to pull all these points you could have window selected these points but you get my point here you could start like creating a sculpt over our our STL file that is just three triangles this is a little bit like what I've said before when I'm using this terminology are many times I say garbage in garbage out you know like we don't have better data than this STL file so there fall this is what you're gonna get right this is of course with some time to kind of like pull all these points to to that solid bottom so that is that that is one thing you could do now what I'm gonna do to this model just because you know if you watch this this long here and you haven't turned me off yet I feel like I owe you this I'm gonna delete finish this so you can kind of see how it will they that sheet and I made all the videos about that now what I would probably do between you and I at this point for anybody who watched this as a 3d printing I would create an offset plane from the bottom here this and then I'm gonna do a split body I'm gonna split this body our hand body with that plane I just created there and then I have two bodies body one body two I'm going to right click and remove body to I'm gonna do a sketch on that bottom face there I'm gonna say C for circle I'm gonna draw circle up like that Cuba press pool and I am going to give this something like that there and that is now a solid body we could stop doing something grieving on it but yeah so that would be another thing we could do maybe you can replace some of the stuff with cut some of the stuff away and replace it with new solids and then it's maybe only certain areas like here where you where you have to up - all right I'm gonna finish this pot here I am gonna put a I'm gonna put a chamfer on this edge and this edge right there let's make it five let's make it - that's and go to tools go to make 3d prints I'm gonna select this mom here now does this one friends does this one need support material in here this is always my my question will this need support material I don't know like somebody said to me anything that is 45 degrees less than 45 degrees but I don't know about over on the side inside of the hand here is that gonna collapse maybe doesn't that also has to do with that with how many layers you do I'm gonna try to do this one somebody told me that two is better and if we are doing no support material with this forehand fail somebody tell me out there somebody's gonna leave me a comment five hours to do this somebody I should probably do a test cut I'm just gonna hit print anyways and with that that thing should stop running Brian so yeah not a perfect solution maybe um - you a hundred thousands but you really have you can't just remove them like with the magic button because you're STL file is the data you gave it that is just those hundred thousand facets so you really just you really you gotta kind of like re manipulate it so either if it's flat I would probably cut some stuff away try to delete those faces if it's flat or you're gonna have to go into the sculpt environment I hope this was useful to someone maybe not thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't comments I'd love to get them even if you think even if if you think this was silly and any advice you have love to her to get that - with that 3d printing alright let's move on next one here this one is a good one this one is a good one next one is from sac now this one this one is complex I think it's complex desperately needs some help on this complex for me challenge well I don't blame use that because I think it is a little challenge too now um this one's over here that is now 3d printing we don't need the piece hand here the next one so zag sent me an image and this is got a cute there you go that's that's that's awesome you know this is why I'm the same way Zach this is why I am using cat and not throwing by hand so what we have is we have a cylinder a cylinder we have a Z channel in there that is kind of following a path an oblong path in here but here's the tricky thing about this from Zacks perspective and that is that this end here is thinner or thicker than the other half this here is gonna take a little bit of modeling up and and I hope that this is useful for you now again just some of you guys out there when you see this video if you have a better way to do this that would actually work then then I will definitely love if you shoot me an email but this is definitely not easy to do do you have a couple of different options but because to your point that that this is is different thickness in here in red you're probably looking at using the loft command and I would say that even if you're brand-new you should still watch this video just so you can see some of these tools that you maybe have never seen before yeah let's just jump into it let's get into Fusion man let's stop modeling this part up here so what I'm gonna start doing is I'm gonna start with a cylinder so I'm gonna open up a sketch see the circle and let's make it 200 in diameter and over offset to to do this here let's make it 10 millimeters thick this doesn't really matter I'm gonna show this up here and let's make it 300 millimeters high so here is our two right so again if we're just looking quickly on Ryan Scott so on the inside of this tube we're on this oblong Channel of kind of like a know what you call this C gripper or something like that like it's gonna snap into something okay okay now what I would actually probably do right here is I am going to cut this tube in half and remove heavier you can always mirror it back in the end and I'm gonna show you just in a second I'm gonna do that because I am going to sew like this I'm gonna split it with the plane here okay and then I'm gonna remove one of these bodies and the reason I'm gonna do that is the next thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna make that oval so I want to open up a sketch and open up this sketch here and then I'm gonna draw up an oval and it's gonna be an ellipse and I'm just gonna draw on and loops up here draw something that looks like that maybe and let's just fully define this normally I don't like to fool define things on these these ones but this is a little bit complex so I want to make sure that we get this about right so let's make this 75 and maybe made this 20 doesn't really matter now what I'm also gonna do is I'm gonna make an offset of this oh whoa and bring that out and I'm gonna make that 10 million what we so what we have now is we kind of had this oval sitting here now and this is what what's the reason that I am going to that I'm going to do this I cut this pipe in half it's because I'm a gonna put Jack this shape over on this face but because I'm gonna do a loft on here between these I actually don't want this to be continuously all the way around because it actually you would actually screw things up what this what this oval is gonna be is it's gonna be our rails for our shape and I would like to probably only do 1/4 of it so what I'm gonna do is still inside of that oval shape I am going to create a line and I'm gonna close a line from here from this end point here to this end point and from this area here to here and then I'm going to trim this this is a command I'm not using very often it's no trim half of this oval way so we're just ending up with some of this now I just killed my fully define and you could read that mentioning it again I'm gonna go for it here comes the first tool that I don't know if we have used ever on on these s-class line we're gonna open up a sketch on this front face doesn't really matter we're gonna go in and we're gonna do a project to surface commands so we're gonna select that face we wanted so this is why we had to cut the pipe in half we're gonna select the curves that's gonna be these two curves here now it's hard to see because everything's blue those two curves right there and then instead of saying two closest point that makes it gonna control along a vector so I want to bring it along this axis right here and now you see that that appears in them or hit okay and now that that oblong section there has now been projected over to there okay we can turn sketches off and we don't need them anymore but we do need this one here now these two curves are gonna be lofted rails so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start sketching on two planes so I'm gonna start out with I want to finish the sketch this gets us done here and they can xeb and a good trick is to right-click these and I'm gonna just rename this to be called rails the reason I'm doing that is now we hover over and you see it says rails down there versus just gets to just make it a little bit easier fine things I'm gonna create a offset plane that is on the midpoint so that's 150 up that will be right where those points our and I'm gonna open up a sketch on that here here and I'm gonna draw a center rectangle and this is maybe not the best way to do this but I'm gonna do it this way anyways I'm gonna make sure that this is passing through those points and I makes you also gonna make sure that it's crossing into all of song that's important so I make it gonna hit deeper dimension and I'm gonna make a point from here to here and make sure that this is overlapping and then I'm gonna make sure that one of them ends from here to here and I want to make sure this is let's make that 10 millimeters now what I'm gonna make is now is the C channel that we have so I'm gonna do that C channel that that's a quants through here and then I'm Aixa gonna throw up out of that C channel this I'm only gonna do a half of it this is hopefully one of those that you're gonna learn from I'm just now right now I'm just coming up with some some numbers here 3.5 I had to practice this one before we did this one and I'm gonna make sure this one is ten so remember remember this ten millimeter because that was what one of the things that that Zack pointed out that there was be a different thickness now I'm gonna just take and I'm gonna use the mirror command and I'm gonna mirror these edges okay that's my first that's my first profile my next profile so that's sitting up there on top my next profile is going to be another sketch and it's gonna be on this plane I'm gonna use this slice command over here just from the slice and through here I'm gonna do the kind of the same thing you just told me to do draw a rectangle I'm gonna make sure that it intersects with our guide rail and I'm also gonna make sure that there's that I mentioned here so I'm making sure that it's always setting then I'm gonna do the same thing I did before I'm gonna make this one sticking out 10 millimeters and I'm now gonna do what I did before by driving a centerline like that's and half of it again now what I'm going to do different on this one is I'm going to make this 1/8 instead of 10 okay so that's the difference now I'm gonna make the rest of them the same 5 - and this 1.5 and then I'm gonna do what I did you saw me do before I'm just gonna mirror this enemies okay so what we have now fit is the sketch so what we have now is we're going to do it loft on this one - this one but then we're going to use these as the guiding rails and that is really twofold this solid in place I don't now you you wanted you you might need to then also do this then you could do one on the other side that you know could be different maybe this one next one is six right and and then it could kind of like go around I hope that makes sense but I'm gonna go in now and do a loft and I'm gonna select this and this is one I'm gonna select this looks make sure to select the right profile why is that that's something all of that scats why would that look at this isn't that typical see how I messed up this year I didn't close that this is the things that makes that was a sketching error on my part I lost this section that's the ten millimeter to this section here zoom in that's the eight millimeters I'm gonna comes out as a cod I'm gonna make it a join now notice what it does right here is it just doesn't straight loss from that shape to that cheek boom this is where we come in with the guide rails and we really need the guide rails on both sides to do this that's extremely important so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna pull it with one guide rail like here one guy rail on the outside now that might you might think ooh that looks good but if you're swimming in here you can see that it's not following the other guide rail that shape so we're gonna have to select that one also and then the shape goes ahead there and get that in there hit OK and now we have our that shape in there now this makes sense that we did it in half sections like this we could now so this was 10 we could now make one over here when we use guide rails again and we could do that it could also be and I don't know what you're but you're kind of looking for here Zack but you could also of course we could just go go now and do a mirror of features and if we did this right you should be able to mirror all this over like this and make sure you check up here to see that it's still one body that means that it's a fully body and now we actually have a development that's gonna go right now from 10 to 8 from 8 to 10 from 10 to 8 and 8 to 10 right but it's kind of what it's kind of cool oh and then I would start adding my fillings now in the end but no that no that uh that that wood wood will take some time to to calculate that is one way to do this how I would do that and then of course you know this last shape if it's you probably don't want it to be so we could say mirror mirror this feature okay and then these two joining together okay and then you kind of have that that cylinder there with that sheep that's how I would do it this was a I think was a pretty complex one I would love to know how you would do this Friday's helpful thumbs up if you thought this was stupid thumbs down and again if you have a better way to do this you know one way could go maybe try to build it how the surfaces would maybe be in this is the best way I could come up with hope you found this useful alright let's jump to the next one if you haven't subscribed to the channel it would really appreciate next one Lars I'm a Youtube subscriber of yours and I've been watching and learning fusion 360 from you and find it down on the program yesterday awesome um here's my question this is from John by the way I have just purchased a shaver origin I'm assuming that's a I'm assuming that that is a router can you direct me through the basic lessons that will most be most revelant in a woodworking application I'm going to be doing inlays making two-dimensional paths cutting out patterns and so on um I actually don't know John if if I have anything so what I have is if you go and you search in YouTube and you sirs woodworking maybe would lares don't know what the heck coming up then I have done something on some wood carving down here I made some wood cabinets in here I've done some small wood wood boxes I did actually a layout for cam I can lay out multiple sheets I have done a few like that now if you go to my channel anyways let's build a channel here if you go to the playlists you will see that I have my make anything playlists and if we click on them make anything here you will see that I do have and make anything sign I've done that using the router I made some salt push sticks that's probably the best that's probably the best that I got for that I haven't most people who follow the channel know that I'm not a great footwork to begin with and the step craft is kind of like I wish had more time to play with it so I have some videos on that but I wouldn't say that I'm perfect on that there is other things though if you go in and just in general say fusion 360 cam you will find a ton of different ones there's this one here my good friend John Saunders hanging out with him earlier this week you know just go and watch some of the basic cam videos and you should be you should be you should be all rolling with X that's what best we can do with that alright next one is from James by the way hope you find this useful thank you for all your guiding help I have a one-inch cue so we're back in engines I want to put a taped hole 5 by 16 by 18 on three sides but go all the way through if I use the whole command it will work out but I only get image of frets if I do the same by shooting three holes then using the model frets then I get and he gets an error let's try this games let's try this and then I'm gonna show you a solution to that maybe if we get the arrow so I'm gonna go over here and switch over to sue metric because that I'll 2 inches because that was what team sat so he had a cube of one inch by one inch we can do that one by one press pool one inch okay that is this Q now so what what do you saying is that he gets an era when he tries to shoot free holes and then use the model thread for it to work and and when I saw this James I was thinking well it's probably just because your mom frats are you know it's too hard to the computer to calculate the amount of France but you actually don't when you're using the whole command this that's what do you use if you click on the whole command and we select the face here almost look at that face so we can do a reference so let's do a reference from the top let's make that 0.5 select another reference here 0.5 so now the whole is right in the center I shouldn't have endured this all the way through all the way through this is a friend hole right and this was going to be 5 5 16th 18th so that is like 30 125 5 16 18 okay so here if you do it like this on this make sure that you check the model down at the bottom now it's modeled okay so now what what James is saying is that when he does the same thing now he didn't have it modeled go ahead and we do the on the side here look at dance let's do point 5 next match point 5 hit enter again sorry all the way through it's gonna beat and now the threaded there and the size is there's a 31 five sixteens likely modeled is going to fail on us still nothing selected a reference I did something wrong sighs sizes 131 ha what did I do folks one selected one in select the run selected all the way through God split I don't like to be a quitter but let me just exit out of that again edit modeled okay then have it all the way through that's good so now it's modeled all the way through it's on the center want its insides on me that's what happens who decides it fails what's we believe that try that again whole face H point 5 point 5 all the way through threat so what there we go I don't know what I did with the other one let's try to throw one through the top I don't know what happened I went out of it and went back in again hole it's like the top so like the nach point-five like not a wrench point five so go all the way through and then model that's right sighs hey howdy there you go so if you use that hole command you can definitely do it as you can see that I'm doing here now it's a mess this is why I thought actually would fail games because you see how the calculations they and this is how it would look in real life too like it looks horrendous in there in the section but yeah absolutely do that just do everything from the whole command it didn't used to be like this so maybe this is where games you know if you're like wait a minute I didn't know that it didn't use to have the fret inside the hole now you do okay you like this thumbs-up no thumbs down leave your comments if you haven't subscribed I would love that just trying to add a little bit more value to your day all right we are about now on 20 minutes let's see if we can do a little bit uh hey Lars thank you for everything you're talking about fusion you're so welcome this is from this is from Ben I'm not sure if I'm just missing it somehow I've even option but if it's an option I would like to know how to export the tool library or at least printed so I can keep track of things better that's a good question ah instead of cam if we listen you file let's go to manufacture you have the the tool libraries let's go into one here for example that I've created you can you can actually export the to a library if you right-click on it you can export it but if you're exporting it it's becoming a dart tool library so for fusion what is good if you need to bring it to another computer something if you want to print it like you said to keep better track of things the only thing you can really do let me actually go and take something else like them take the metric library the only thing that I'm aware of you can do right now is you can click on the top shift-click down the bottom get them all do a ctrl C and then open up Excel Excel spreadsheets blank expel stretching do control D then oh hang on that's not file/new okay let's try this again select them all copy hey Steph go I must done something wrong with the first one now you get it in here as a as an excel file where you will see that you have all the columns you have all kinds of information in here you know what all the breakdowns are dimensions and and things like that so that's that's one way to get it in there even have like 200 lism and things like that that's the only way that I am aware of we can we can bring it in hope that was useful for you then all right let's do one more last one is from summit hail Eris hope you're doing well I'm doing awesome man um this is from summit in India I'm a big fan of yours and I learned fusion 360 senior videos two questions how'd you get access to make master car hardware whenever I select any hardware it brings me back on the login page but my artist email password isn't working could you please help so I actually looked out on on the forum to see not saying this to see if I could find a good answer for you and one suggestion that was was to actually go in if you click on the question mark up here oh yeah you go to the question mark up here go to support diagnostic you would try to clear your cache data and see if that if that will help but so what happens is for cement is that when he goes and say insert and you say mcmaster-carr you don't get this and ask you to lock it in now that's what I would try if that doesn't work you might have to try to reads out to make master I don't think it's a fusion problem so that's one thing now the other thing that whoops had a picture on this was that some would sent this file this model and since all right my second question is below as a pre chance pneumatic air gun valve and I don't see it in McMaster of course it's not well known Bell so this could be a valve from like a website that is not a McMaster is there any way to be making it without making each part separately and assembling it and I think this is a really good one to talk about because yes so we're looking at this image here and you know a pretty cool valve but if you're using this for a reference in another model you maybe don't want this to be all so detailed right and do you have to model all the different components up then you don't have to now if you want to detailed you can but if you don't want to how would I go about that and I would definitely not do it as an assembly what I would do is I would actually go up and say canvas and this throw it on this side plane here and I would open up that file of that pneumatic now do you have there and hit OK and if we look at it you will actually see that there's dimensions on it so if we go over to the tree over here and we've right click on it we can calibrate it and now we can just take one of these dimensions so for example 50 six and make it 56 now it's gonna get big boom now it's exercise next thing I probably would do is turn my origin on and place that origin somewhere on this model it's alright looking at a canvas and drag and drag right click the canvas and drag this somewhere I want where I want my origin so maybe I say I'm gonna do the right on that side now right there and if you were just asking me to to model this up fun assembly as somewhat reference what I would do now was literally just let's draw a rectangle and let's make it whatever the thickness is 30 by 56 all right and now we go ahead here and say I am going to make it a relationship with this edge to this edge and then I'm just gonna drag it down here there the I mention so this is a reference for an assembly where you don't really need all the details don't do all the details just just model it close here right like that maybe it's close enough right there maybe I hit alpha line I draw this out here and then you could actually just draw like the profile again I'm just maybe I need this an assembly I don't really need all the details of this model um you know it's just a reference model you could do that you could also do the same thing over here we drew another line going down here over opt D that I mentioned this one's going to be 30 this here is going to be 18 divided by 2 and let's just draw that last line up there now again this one actually has 34 this one actually has some all rings in it but maybe I just don't want to bring those details in so with all these sketches now I could go ahead and say that's it all these sketches and now I'm gonna go ahead and say extrude and I'll stop with the box here the center box and I'm gonna turn on symmetry and I have no idea thick this boxes this is throwing up like that's if I hide my canvas for a second turn this gets back on you can kind of see all the stuff we drew up so now we could go and save evolve this one that that's the one with it with the all ring right claig repeat roll this one around this right click this one I wanna set a line up this now you might this gets us up again now if you're looking again we turn to the canvas on right we get something that looks somewhat good now you could decide that well uh you know I I want a little bit more detail so you could go in and say let's add the thread to this face 18 you could choose to just make it being a resembles of a picture because you don't want to make this file too heavy oh you might feel like well you know I have I want the model so now they look more real right um we could start you know doing all different kinds of things you could hit let's do a couple of fill it's on the side here maybe just to make it a little bit more looking a little better I might go in hit a on my keyboard and find a paint maybe it's a powder coat no that's drag that on there now I knew that this year actually we're looking at the canvas again on the photo you will see that it's the photo here it's black and but that is silver so we could go back in here single faces and then we could just drag back on there and all those faces looks you know this is depending on how detailed you want to to make this I even went into thought I took that image that you just saw and I just cut out a rectangle of that dial you could bring that in as a detail go ahead and say insert and say detail and we select this face and we go and select that little dot right now that is maybe this dial is maybe what makes everybody in the company kind of looking at this and I could have made it I just cut but maybe this is what makes everybody kind of like understanding understand what this is when they see that that dial there you could cut it out you can do you could do whatever but this without without the fur if I turn if I turn on the model fret off this is definitely the lightest we can kind of make this I would probably maybe just you know the model fret maybe makes it look little cooler so if you have you know we had two dimensions we follow the dimensions on this on this part and and if we had to stop this into an assembly this might be enough to reference a this this pneumatic valve if we wanted to make it super detailed then you were going to do that right you can keep on building on that you can put the o-rings in the things like this but this is a solid body one body the same bring a whole whole whole model of a lot of components but it might be good enough for that so I hope that was what you have to submit I hope this was someone useful this like this thumbs up didn't leave me a comment on this this it was last line number 14 we're about an hour and a half I think that's that's about all I got it here I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do I'm gonna chop these up find the best ones so you know hopefully you found this useful and until the next time I hope you have an awesome awesome day take care folks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 8,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, autocad, design, inventor
Id: 4H5EgqlCZZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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