Shape it Up! Learn How to Create a Solid Form Model

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today's subject matters shape it up hope you guys like the name we're gonna be talking about using sculpting or freeform or whatever you want to call it that's within the fusion 360 tools so real quick about me I'm a mechanical engineer I went to the University of nevada-reno I'm all over LinkedIn I'm all over Twitter if you have if you want to you know check me out and see what I'm talking about and I invite you to you know join in the conversation in the past I did work with solvers quite a lot so that's kind of my background and I did do a little bit of industrial design work if you want to call it that I mean I was working on a stand up paddle board and it had these really complex shapes and and it's something I really struggled with and something that would have been a lot easier for me had I had a tool like fusion 362 working so um a little bit of background about the sculpt technology what's going on behind the scenes there and and essentially what's happening is you know fusion 360s using this t-splines technology which is really specialized CAD surface that enables you to create these non rectangular shapes these very curved shapes and it's just so easy to manipulate and change and it's it's I think better than some of the competitive tools and in this kind of realm because you can have these these T points is what I was reading about and these star points where you know you have multiple edges coming together and that's something that's that's difficult for other software to handle or different technologies to handle so there is nervous compatibility so if you are looking to get into that as well so let's jump right into it you know you guys are here to see fusion 360 you and I here to to learn about me or to hear about the technology you want to see how to use it right so tips and tricks first and foremost what I recommend to to everybody is that you implement the KISS principle if you're not familiar with the KISS principle it is you know keep it simple I've the simpler you keep it the better it is the easier it is to work with and you'll see that you can do quite a lot with with seemingly simple bodies so jumping into fusion what I want to be working on now I'm going to just check into my GoToWebinar panel here see if I have any questions and so Mike and I get to a little bit later there so what I'm going to be working on today is a couple things but the first one is I want to redesign the base of this food processor and I want to make it you know a lot more shapely a lot more pleasing to look at let's call it so you know if you haven't seen fusion 360 this is the the interface we're gonna be working mostly as the canvas there's a browser on the left and timeline on the bottom where you can you know see the full feature history but what I want to do right now is I just want to get into creating a shape one of these these t-splines shape so I can make a new base for this thing so all I'm going to do is I'm going to select the create form button from there I have you know my my sculpting tools all available from from the ribbon there if I use the drop-down under crate you'll see there's some very simple shapes that we can get into you know square circle spheres some of the more complex and ones that you get into if you're doing a lot of this is just using simple faces and leveraging those two to great extent but in this case I want something that's somewhat rectangular so I'm going to just choose the primitive box here and within the dialog you'll see it's you know looking to draw a rectangle to start out this box and makes the most sense and I can choose you know if I wanted to go mid playing or one side or both sides and I can choose if I want to do a new body or whatnot so I'm going to just choose the plane down here right from the graphics area and then sketch out this rectangular shape and it's a center rectangle I'm just going to do it off to the side here is little this will work fine for just you know giving an idea of how to work with this so just like that you can see I get this shape and it's it's got all this curvature continuity to it and that's great and also let's just use some of these manipulators in the screen to kind of get it you know closer to the size that I want and you'll see that it's very easy just click and drag sort of thing you can actually get in here and type in values if you're looking for something very specific and you can build in things like symmetry so in this case I might want to turn on mirror symmetry and then you know when you're looking at mirror symmetry you can do it in a couple different directions but in this case the length symmetry makes the most sense and the other thing I want to pay you know point your direction too is you know the number of faces here and this is what I'm talking about when I'm saying keep it simple we could you know use thousands and thousands of faces and creating this thing but you'd only give yourself more headache than it's worth so I'm going to just go ahead and put four faces along it looks like that's my height I can do maybe like an extra along the width now we'll just keep that at two I just like the way that that's going to work here and you see how easy it is click and dragging again you can go and type in values here if you have some things very specific in mind so there we go that looks great it's good start you know it's it's very simple right now but let's jump into it and see what else we can do here so I'm just going to zoom out a little bit kind of reorient myself so to to manipulate this you're essentially going to use you know one tool about 95 percent of the time this is under your modify you have this edit form tool so when I select it you have the ability to choose a lot of different things things like you know vertices or edges or faces or you know right now it's using this also I could do you know any number of selections that I'd want to do you can also do things like you know move bodies completely if you'd like so you know use the tooltips use the menus that pop up to your advantage you know you can dig through and find exactly what you're looking for in this case I'm going to just start to click on some faces and because I have that symmetry turned on you'll see that I selected one face there and actually got both of them on both sides of that symmetry line so just like that I'm going to click and drag and kind of reshape this thing kind of get it to to look a little bit different so you know that's you know clicking and dragging just translating basically face but all the curvatures can you know maintain and everything looks great and I'm liking the way it looks right now so everything's good there and just double-check and see if there's any more questions so I mean also just double use you know other inputs as well I can use edges I can use vertices as I had mentioned so I can click and drag on this edge and kind of scale it down or sorry translate it down it's good that I use right terminology when I'm trying to present this right you can also do things like rotate things so if I want to take this edge or this face with you that I have here and rotate it I can use these sliders these nice handles kind of slide this around and get it exactly to where I want it to be so that's you know essentially what you're going to be doing most all the time that you're working in this tool so that's kind of a real quick introductory way of how to use this now there's a lot of advanced capabilities there's a lot of ways of combining your design methods one thing that I like to show is that you know if you want to add geometry you can just click on the face just like you're you're doing your normal kind of manipulations and if you click and drag just normally you see it just translates it out just similar to how we were seeing before the other thing is is it ctrl Z if you want to go back to where began originally the undo button command Z and the Mac kid it goes back thousands and thousands of steps you know I've had to undo a lot of stuff in my time so so that's great what I would actually wanted to do there though was I wanted to kind of create a really sturdy base for this food processor so if I hold alternate on my keyboard and click and drag on the same arrow what it's going to do is it's going to add geometry so that's cool that's great you know maybe not the best looking design in the world but it's it's looking all right there so you know this is this is kind of how you're getting into making these these the shape so you know I don't like how long this thing is so I can use a different slider here in this case instead of translating it maybe I want to make it a little bit smaller so I can use the scaling tool and so you know you can scale in every different direction you can do like a universal scale you can do a scale and the vertical direction or the lateral direction there's you know every single one of these sliders in the graphics area does something slightly different so just click and drag and see how easy that is to manipulate now that looks alright but I actually want this to be you know flat on the bottom and right now it's got this really nice looking curve shape and so that's that's not quite exactly what I want in this case so what I want to do is I want to fix that I want to kind of just clean it up make it a little bit sharper on the bottom and you know this thing needs to get manufactured at some point so that's another consideration so let's go ahead and just control select a couple different faces you know you can always select multiple entities you're not just you know set to do one or two at a time so I'm just going to select a couple these faces and then just hit the Delete key on my keyboard and when I do so it actually deletes those faces and it straightens those out Taylor Stein one of the guys over here he had another video on YouTube of how to like flatten these things out really cool a nice little tip that he had but in this case it's already flattened out so I like the looks of that and so just like that you know we have this the shape and you know like I said it's not the best looking thing but it's a good start and it's good introduction to this but because I went and I got out the the bottom of that when I finished this form and I'm back into you know my more --ml modeling tools it it shows up as a surface basically because you know it's open on that face so it doesn't you know necessarily know how to fill that so you know what I want to get at here is that in order to accomplish you know exactly what you're after school things are always going to do it for you you know you can combine sculpting with other modeling techniques so here I want to go and I want to change this from the modeling workspace to to my patch workspace this is you know surfaces if you will and in this case I'm going to patch the bottom of this and just like that and you can see how easy that was it got the whole chain had the chain option turned on there and so now I've created this enclosed space it's not quite a solid yet so in order to turn this into solid I'm going to use another tool here my boundary fill and it's just a matter of selecting those two faces that we have you know the t-splines face and the bottom face there and just like that and this is something that took me a little bit time to learn is you know after you select those two faces you want to select that toggle there but in order to do so you need to switch here so just go ahead and switch in there hit that in the graphics area click ok and now we have a solid in which to work with and so we can use our normal tools and press poll if you haven't been using it does you know everything in the world it does extrudes it does fill it's as I've just created there it doesn't quite show because the surface is still showing but see how easy that was how quick that was looks looks pretty good I mean you know there's a lot more refinement that I'd want to do before submitting this to someone but it's good start we can you know you know check out the inside of this maybe maybe do some manipulation some some checking of this body that we've created here we can do a section analysis and maybe use like a plane that slices through the middle of this guy we'll do this guy right here and you can say yep looks like we'd now in fact have a solid it's no longer just a surface shape so great little start you know that's that's your very quick introduction to sculpting in fusion 360 you see how easy that was to create that but we're going to go deeper than that in this presentation I swear so let's let's go on back to our slideshow and I just want to reiterate you know while you can make shapes with a lot of faces the less faces that you have the easier it's going to be for you the happier you're going to be so you know it's all about what you need to accomplish in the end and you can always add or remove faces or add or remove edges later on so if you do accidentally you know make a mistake it's something that you can resolve quite easily understand the handle so the one that I was using you know and that last showing of the software I was using the full gamut of tools I mean translate rotate scale so it's all built into that but you can you can use filters kind of find exactly what you're looking for so I kind of broke these out into the different windows and just took screenshots so the one on the left here represents your translation tools the one right here represents your rotation tools and the other one over here is scaling so you know it's all built into the normal sort of handles that you see there but you know you have an ability to modify that and get the right one that you're looking for and you know as I had already said combining your design environment slash workspaces is the best way to get things done mean sculpting's great it's fun it's quick but as you saw in that previous example to accomplish what I was after I needed to combine it with you know patching in order to get it just right you know add that to your parametric modeling that you have in fusion 360 and and your you got a pretty good tool set that you can work with so let's let's look at another example now let's look at this fireman's nozzle actually this is this is part of a larger demo set it's actually I think part of the learning files that we have but what I'm what I'm assuming in this case and and what you're seeing over here view if you're not familiar is the data panel so this is where you can go and find all your projects that you're currently working on I'm just going to close it right now is this is this is a you know maybe an imported model that we want to make some changes to maybe we had a desire to make you know the the finger grips a little sharper or something so in this case I want to clean this up and maybe delete some things out of this one I'm currently working on so I'm going to do something here I'm going to select the the fill 'its and I want to to basically remove everything down to the bottom here so what I found in fusion 360 is that it is super robust in addressing things like this so what I want to do here is I just want to select as I mentioned the four faces that go around this fill out so I'm going to use an option here just to kind of slack through real quick if I click and hold I can get the face behind and if I get it at the right angle I apparently missed it there if you click and hold there we go now I can get that other face behind it so I don't have to be rotating too much guys I'm going to ctrl select the other fill it's there and even though I'm working with imported geometry I'm going to be able to delete this Villa de as you'll see in just a second here but before I do so I'm going to just right click and create a selection set if I want to go back and reuse these same selection later I can do so so there you can see I just very easily created a different selection set for me to use so I'm going to select those fill its once again and just hit delete and you'll see it actually cleans up those fills it gets rid of that and so in order to delete the rest of this handle it's just a matter again I'm selecting a couple different faces here and get the one in the back here if I delete all those it's going to fix that all up for me so now I want to recreate a new handle and we'll do this very quickly again using my sculpting environment so I'm going to select to create a form here and you can see again I'm going to use a primitive to start this out and you know once again the box is going to work pretty well for what I want to do here so I'm going to select my box and then I'm going to select the plane that I want to drop this on to so this one right here makes the most sense I'm just going to rotate so we can see that a little bit easier so there we go and before I go sketch this out I'm going to just rotate back to this view and you can use the view manipulator up on the right top right side of your screen there I'm going to make sure that this is a go symmetric in both directions and I can either do a center or two point rectangle to start this out so we'll just do two point here just going to sketch out a general shape of you know what what you'd expect to handle to look like so again same kind of thing we get the ability to turn on symmetry or turn off symmetry we can add faces and do different things so in this case I want to do six faces down the length and that's really the the main change that I want to do here I'm going to turn off mirroring real quick because I want to show you how you how easily you can add it if you forget to at it so um and I had scripted to forget it but then I told you guys that I was doing it so that's a little a little uh you know anti-climactic but I'm gonna click OK here and so now I have all these faces to work with and you know this certainly doesn't look like a handle right now but you'll see how quickly I'm able to turn this very primitive shape into what I would expect a handle look like for you know sprinkler or fireman's nozzle whatever you want to call it so let's add symmetry so as I mentioned I forgot to add it so I can always add it after the fact using the ribbon up here I'm just going to select my symmetry button and to add this I'm just going to select two faces that's all you need to do so between here and here I want it to be symmetric you get a nice highlight in the graphics area just like that we've added symmetry to this so that's great back to our modified dialogue the dialogue that we're going to be using all the time here let me use the drop down there but before I jump into using the edit form tool I want to insert a couple more edges here and I want to use some special types of edges and I'll talk about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it in just a second here so I'm going to select insert edge and I'm going to just select this front edge here and I want to say I want this to be you know I don't really care about the insertion mode right now because it's not a shape that I'm very fond of really it's just the starting shape so I'm going to do it in both directions and and I do have symmetry turned on so by adding those two it pops it over to the other side there automatically for me to repeat that command I'm just going to right click and hold and go up through my repeat command tool there so a nice little keyboard a nice little shortcut to keep me from I'm going to go and find that command once again let's do this one more time using this edge here and you know those of you out there you might be aware of what I'm trying to do here right now I'm actually you know adding enough of these controls so that I can you know make a finger hold for each one of the fingers it's going to be on this the four fingers is going to be on this so I'm going to go ahead and at this point now as I mentioned I want to make it kind of more sharp than the previous design so I'm gonna use the drop down from modify and get into my crease style edge and this is going to essentially create a sharp edge between faces let's just use the tool tip there to describe it so it's going to it's going to do that sharper finger grip that I mentioned that I was kind of after in this case so I'm going to just select you know four edges here for each finger and just like that we've defined it again it's leveraging the symmetry so it goes down the other side there and now I'm going to jump into using my modify dialog and you know really starting to shape this thing up so let's jump back in to modify and let's select to start just the the for creased edges that we have there and you can see they show different in the graphic so just makes it easier to visualize and then again I'm going to just use my translation tool just click and drag and just like that you know we're starting to create much the sharp handle that I'm kind of looking for you know we don't want a too sharp that let's drag that back a little bit so that looks all right we'll go ahead and and therefore for the manipulation of those guys the other thing I might want to do with this is kind of have a curve right now it's just kind of this very straight handle and you know hands don't really look like that so I can do a couple things here to kind of add the curvature so one thing I could do is I could just you know I could just highlight all the faces on the side of it and start you know just clicking and dragging and making the manipulations as before so that's one way to do it another way would be to leverage some of our selection tools so there's a quite a lot of selection options that we have here and again what I recommend to new users is just get in here and kind of fiddle around with these and figure out what they do and how to use them some of them are very self explanatory some of them not so much oh the one I want to use right now is this grow shrink option so I'm going to select this vertex at the bottom bottom of this design right now and hold shift while I click up on my keyboard you see what it's doing there is it's getting every vertex from that point and it's going to enable me to make very nice manipulations in a very consistent manner too because I selected very very evenly there so I can click and drag and start to kind of rotate these things around or rotate this and translate it at the same time and so just like that you know it's starting to take shape a little bit better and I'm liking looks that even more so that looks alright but you know in the background it it there might be some curvature changes there that you you might not visually see right now and this is a really thick handle I'll fix that in a second but there might be some some things happening there that you're not really visualizing very easily right now so what I also want to point your direction your your attention to that's the word I'm looking for is the display mode here so you can see there's keyboard shortcuts because these are things that you'll probably use quite a lot so right now we're in the smooth display there's also this control frame display which kind of gives you this this ability to see how the curvature changes a little bit easier because essentially this is kind of how these these points are being connected in these faces are being created or the one that I really like to use is box display because this this makes it very clear and easy to see you know maybe I missed this vertex here so this vertex wasn't translating rotating with all the rest so it doesn't have that curvature that we're after so I'm gonna just click and drag this down and kind of reorient this and again this is this is really just you know clicking and dragging and and now I can select a whole loop of edges and kind of rotate it around to kind of get the this the correct sizes for the finger grips or you know I can even go and select you know the four vertices on the edges of this to kind of help round it off and and again I can kind of reorient myself and do different things here so so that looks great when I was editing this this maybe this edge here you'll see that the the manipulators are using the global coordinates so let's you know your standard XY Z or Z um I was living Canada for the last few years so I say Zed now but what I want to do now is I want to to actually change how this is oriented so I'm going to go ahead and using my coordinate space options I'm going to change this from world space you also have this option to use view space I haven't found a lot of uses for view space to be honest it's all about how you're looking at it right now so as you can see I can even see one of my manipulators at this point but you know just added flexibility it's always good and I'm also instead sorry I'm going to use my local control here so when I select this this coordinate system orient to that edge that I had selected so this just makes it so much easier to kind of make the real simple manipulation change that I was trying to do earlier so that looks great I'm really happy with the way it looks right now maybe I want to round off you know this corner here vertice and just you know slightly do it but just like that it looks really good now I mentioned this is way too big this handle I mean the average users hands probably not this large so I'm going to go ahead and use a different kind of manipulator here I'm going to change from my all option that I was talking about earlier in this presentation to this body style control so this body style control kind of gets you back to your you know basically where you started in creating this and being able to manipulate the whole size of the body so in this case I want to I want to scale it along the width so I'm going to use the scaling tool hearing it see how easy it is kind of scale all of this handle all at once and you know I'm going to change the display style back to this rounded so I can see this a little bit better and then I also kind of want to actually move this up a little bit more because I want this body to be fully contained within the cylinder that's in there already so just like that you know we'll click OK and you know I'm done with this handle that that was that was too easy so I'm going to finish the form now I have you know two different bodies here all I need to do in order to make one single body from this and then you know fill it the edges where they're connected is just do a quick combine and then which is under my modify option here combine the two bodies join them together click OK now we have one single body and I could add a fill it to this this corner here we'll see if I'm able to do it yeah there we go that looks great alright so just like that you know you can make these very complex shapes I can't even imagine trying to do that and some some of these other tools that are currently out there so I think the the last thing I wanted to do after a real quick additional PowerPoint presentation here was to talk about you know working with this imported data so I showed you one example is a really simple example just getting rid of those fill it's and get rid of the the existing handle this next one that I'm going to be showing you is a little bit more complex and it's back to that food processor whoop that we're looking at at the beginning of this presentation use those display settings to your advantage it makes it very easy to visualize the curvature changes of the models you can also use tools like the zebra stripes and different visualization tools like curvature to see these things even more pronounced so really great tools to use understand and use your your all the settings that are given to you you know all those filters to select exactly which looking for all those coordinate systems that you can get into and use and your selection options these these are really going to be great for you there are keyboard shortcuts available so make sure to take a look at those there's there's actually some new keyboard shortcuts that came out in the last release that happened this weekend and there's some other functionality in there that I'd like to talk about and I will at the end of this presentation but know how to use those really huge time savers and it'll help you get these these designs done very quickly and very easily so lastly I wanted to show you a problem that I kind of struggled with and will just go ahead and close this guy now close this guy we don't need that guy open either so this was you know another iteration of this food processor I was kind of working on this is actually I'm putting together a video to show some of these different techniques as well so here I have an existing form but I've done something different you know in that first case I just kind of was making a shape but you know in the end what you're designing is need to make sure that all these things fit together and that you know if you have like really complex top that you want to connect to you don't want to have to redesign that so what I've done here is basically I've copied the existing food processors base because I'm not changing maybe the where the food goes into the food processor I don't know what that part is called of a food processor assembly but the top part of this I wanted to maintain because that's not being changed in this the ccr so here we have you know a free-form and we want to connect it with an existing body and a pretty complex body at that so one thing that I want to do here is I want to to simplify it a slight amount and as I mentioned before you know the leading faces is a really quick and easy way to make changes to your existing models and just just hit your delete key and see what happens I mean sometimes it just fixes things in the in a time that would have taken otherwise a lot longer so test that out I'm sure you'll find limitations here and there but it's very very powerful powerful so I created a selection set here similar to how I did when I was working with the fill it in the fireman nozzle so I'm going to go ahead and just use a selection set and I'm just select all these different faces there's 20 different faces so I'm sure you guys didn't want to see me selecting all these different faces but with all these faces selected all I'm going to do I'm gonna hit the Delete key on my keyboard and that's gonna patch up that geometry back together so see how easy that was so I'm doing this to kind of simplify this very slightly just so I can you know get through some of these designs a little bit quicker and show you something else but I'm going to keep everything else standard and as it is currently so my freeform I was using you know proper design methodologies I'm and you can always go back and edit your existing freeform so you can see I just selected it from my my timeline there and I select it to edit it and you can see I was using you know practicing what I preach there's not that many faces here so it was very easy to create this the shape but now I want to connect it with this body up here and so if I try to do it as is using this match command this is how you can connect your t-spline edges with you know existing bodies you'll see that when I do this it doesn't quite capture the chantry that I'm after right so it's similar to lofting where you know you have these may be a very complex design on one side a very simple design on the other side and so it tries to interpolate and figure out how to connect those and you know what's doing the best again the best it can with what it's given in this case there's just not that many control points to use so let's cancel that and let's let's make a couple quick changes to the design and I mentioned before and you saw before that you can add edges very easily so I'm gonna go ahead and insert a couple edges here so I'm going to just select this whole edge here and I do want to show you something else real quick while I'm doing this I'm going to use the simple option and click OK and when it does that it tries to just you know add these edges as best it sees fit rather than to capture the exact geometry that you were working with and you know that's not what I wanted to do there so I'm going to undo that real quick and I'm going to do repeat insert edge just using my my mouse shortcuts to find that I'm going to do this one more time but in this case I'm going to change this from simple to exact and this is going to help capture this existing geometry that I've created in my previous iteration one thing that you want to pay particular attention to when you're doing this is where these edges are you know because most of the complexity of this existing body is in this area here I'm going to kind of shrink those in and kind of get them closer to where that is in the design so it's okay that let's do it one more time and in this case because I've you know already created one edge in the area that I wanted when I do another edge insertion it's going to not only do the two on this side it's going to do the two on the other side because we have symmetry turned on and just like that we've split a couple more edges in there now I've practiced with this a couple times obviously and and currently if I try to do it it's going to look better but it's not going to look you know exact so I'm going to do one more thing here and it's just another way of adding edges and adding complexity and so I'm going to use the drop down under modify once again I'm going to get into my subdivide and what subdivide does is it adds basically divides the face into four sub set of faces in this case it's going to be four faces so I'm going to select subdivide here and I'm going to select one of them and you'll see that once I select it it's doing the same thing that was doing before and it's doing this simple insertion mode and I want to change that back to exact so it captures you know the exact design that I was shooting for before there's a reason why I was doing that and then I've selected one face here and you'll see that I can't select other faces right now so I'm clicking right now you might be able to hear that I'll put my mic near my mouse there so it's not enabled me to select more now in order to be able to select more items and fill it work similarly if you've used the Phillip command you've you might have figured it out but on a Mac you're going to hit your command key and you're going to just be able to select additional faces into this input so I'm going to select another face there and just like that it's it's divided those additional faces as I've intended so let's go ahead and click OK to that and it looks alright and we'll go ahead and try this so I'm going to do that match one more time so use the drop down under modify I'm going to go ahead and find my match tool and I'm going to double click the t-spline edge and now I have 14 vs. I think it was or before so this should work a little bit better and my target edge is going to be the bottom edge of this design just like that you can see it's doing a much better job of doing that transition that very very complex transition and you know this is maintaining all these these complexities of the T spline that they're very curved I don't know I almost want to say beautiful look at how look at how beautiful the same so really dig in the way that this looks so I'm happy with that so at this point I'm pretty much done I'm gonna go ahead and just click OK to this you see I'm getting a warning down here so it's essentially saying you know you're connecting something that has symmetry to something that doesn't have symmetry so if you want to fix this all you need to do is jump back I mean if you're done with your design you don't necessarily need that symmetry anymore and you saw how easy it was to add symmetry after the fact so I'm gonna go ahead and clear the symmetry all I need to select the body and again using my keyboard shortcut or my mouth shortcut I should say I'm gonna use the ok button from there and that looks pretty good now it might not be perfect you might want to add more and more edges but like I say less is more and that looks pretty good I mean we could also do some things with filling can also do some other you know approaches this as well we could actually use a loft just a lofted solid feature to try to connect these again and just add more connection points similar so but but it there are you know obviously big advantages to using the sculpting technology and it's just so easy to work with so let's go ahead and just finish this form and there we go we've we've created this nice-looking new base for my food processor and it's got a nice transition to the existing kind of mechanical side of it so you know to solid this thing to to make this thing into solid again I just need to jump into using my patch tools patch up the bottom and top and then you know fill in the center there so let's see I just wanted to do a quick recap I actually looks like I'm going to finish a little bit early I thought I had a lot of content but maybe I was talking too fast I mean I'm going to be around for you know the next 20 minutes anyway just in case you guys have questions or you want to see something else it'll be my best to discuss all that but just a quick recap you know keep it simple you can do quite a lot with with very few faces use every tool that we've given you in the sculpting technology so you know dig in there there's there's so many more I really am just kind of scratching the surface right now so take a look at some of those options useless display settings so you can you know visualize the curvature changes very easily you can see how easy it was for me to work with you know incoming CAD so if you have a design that you're currently working on you want to try it out in fusion 360 go ahead I mean you know it's free for 30-days I think there's actually a 90 day program right now so you know there's not a lot that you can lose by doing that I'm going to try to re-upload this this presentation once I finish going through the slides here there's a website that you can go to for for additional educational resources our YouTube channel is updated you know like five times a day that's what I work on a lot so there's built-in tutorials to get to the tutorials just use the the menu drop-down as shown there and jump into step-by-step tutorials this weekend I was mentioned this before if you saw this it's because fusion 360 was being updated I mean you're still able to make designs I was actually designing my my new apartment to try to lay out some some furniture to figure out how I want everything laid out so I was still able to work in it so you guys were still still able to as well you're just in an offline mode in that case but the big thing that came out was simulation in fusion 360 so everyone wants to simulate their designs everyone wants to learn and see where you know things are over engineered or see where you know you might be concerned with a failure FAA is the way to go about doing that you can see in this case there was a adaptation going on so you could see the convergence additional keyboard shortcuts were added this this little inside image is great it's available on that link that's that's linked in my PowerPoint presentation that you should be able to click on so some really great updates in the September 2015 update and you know they're coming every six weeks so be ready for more and if you're wondering the name of this presentation was based off the the famous Devo song so I found this flowchart for whether or not you should whip it I thought I'd share it with you guys with that is pretty funny so it's very engineering approach to that song so I thank you guys all for attending I really appreciate your time I know that everyone's very busy and you know we're very excited about this tool and we hope you are as well they can do quite a lot in addition to free form there's CNC code there's the health FA there's renderings there's animations there's just you know so much stuff
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 122,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: VPpbaKqTS2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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