Funniest Dining Moments – Key & Peele

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(man moaning in pleasure) - I love being incontinent. I love being incontinent. A delight to the senses, isn't it, my friend? Isn't it? I'll have what I'm having! I'll have what I'm having! - So glad we could bring this project to this neighborhood. - It's so rich in history. - I grew up in a neighborhood like this. - Oh yeah, I grew up in a neighborhood exactly like this. - All right, welcome to Mama Sugarback's. Y'all ready to order? - Yeah. Can I have a chicken fried steak with gravy and a cola? - Okay. - I will have the baked beef short ribs with collard greens and throw down some of that corn bread. - [Waitress] All right, babe. - You know what? Hold up a second. I'm also going to have some of them collard greens and cornbread as well, but hook a brother up with some of them hotlinks. - [Waitress] All right. - All right. - You know what, why am I trying to front? Scratch all that. Give me some okra and some fried red snapper and girl, you know, I want some chitlins. - [Waitress] All right. - Y'all got ham hocks? - [Waitress] Of course. - Well, that's what I want. I want to plate of ham hocks, deep fried, blackened, and served on a bed of mustard greens. - Pig feet. I want some pig feet and four pounds of grits. And oh, and you know what else? Give me a little Dixie cup full of lard. - All right, I just remembered what I want. A bowl of mosquitoes. None of them tiny ones either, give me them big (beep) you find down at the swamp. - Sista,' could you please hook a brother up with a rusty bucket full of fish heads wrapped in razor wire? - Donkey teeth. - Donkey teeth? - Straight out a donkey's mouth. You know what? (beep) it. Any animal tooth will do. I want you to stick it in some honey glaze, fry it with fat back, and serve it in an old tin coffee can. - Forget everything I said up to this point right now. Bring me some dandelion greens, a cow hip, and a dog face. Wrap that whole mess in an old Ebony magazine and serve it to me in a shoebox. - Okay, I want a platter of a stork ankles, an old cellar door, a possum spine, and a human foot. - You want a human foot? - Mhmm. - I got just one question for y'all. You want gravy on that cellar door? - Oh, definitely. - Oh yeah, you got to put gravy on it. - What's a cellar door without gravy? - It's not food. That's really- (man gags) - This place is so nice. - This is supposed to be one of the best French places in town. - Ooh, I did not realize that you were so cultured. - You're sweet. My French is pretty good. So I can order for both of us. - Oh, well, well, well. - Bonjour, welcome to Chez de la Notre Vendre. I am your waiter for this evening. My name is Jean-Luc de la Pierre-Renault, but you may call me Jean. - Bonjour, Jean. - Oh, look at you. - If you have any questions about anything at all I'm more than happy to assist you. - Jean? I got it. Merci beaucoup. - Tres bien. Well, our first special tonight is a (speaking French) served with a (speaking French) that is served on a bed (speaking French) - Yum. - Our soup today is a (speaking French) with just a dash of (speaking French) and served with (speaking French) - Soup. - Our other seafood today, we have a very nice (speaking French) from the good Salt Valley and Vessel Town. It is served with the side of (speaking French) cologne sauce. - And it's just... I'm a little bit overwhelmed. - Oh, yes! Oh God, I'm so glad you said that. I was about to say the same thing. - So you would recommend getting the (speaking French) with the, oh, I'm sorry, is the (speaking French) in a heavy (speaking French) sauce? - Oh, no, no, no. It's more like a (speaking French) sauce. - What do you think? I'm going to defer to him on this one. Because he knows this stuff way better than I do. - Monsieur? - What, what? Yeah, we're, we'll have the (man speaking gibberish) We'll try the (man speaking gibberish) It's been nice knowing you. Have a lovely dinner. - Excuse me, I think we're ready to order. - Well, I'm sorry. That's not how things work in this establishment. Someone will come to you. - Yes, we're sorry. No problem. - What was that? - What? - Well where was black Jeff? - Black Jeff? - Yeah, black Jeff. I read somewhere that when you date a biracial guy, you're supposed to get the best of both worlds. So there are white Jeff situations and there are black Jeff situations. And that was definitely a black Jeff situation. - Oh, okay. - Hi, folks, I'm so sorry for the wait. Can I get you bottled or tap water for the table this evening? - How about I bottle your ass and kick it down the stairs, man. We've been waiting half an hour for one of you (beep) to show up. - God, I'm so sorry. I'll get you a bottle of our finest premium water on the house. - That's what I said, bitch. - What are you doing? - Black Jeff. That was black Jeff. - But he was just trying to help us. - Oh, so white Jeff? - Yes. - Good evening, I'm sorry to bother you two. I am the matre'd here at Shea Henri. - Oh yes, what is it? - I am so sorry to disturb you both, but our establishment has a certain dress code and madame's (speaking French) is inappropriate. - Oh my God, we're very sorry. We didn't know there was a dress code. We'll certainly remember for the next time, but there won't be no next time for you, looking at my woman and her (speaking gibberish) or whatever you said, man. - Is there a problem here? - Okay, see, it was really a simple misunderstanding. It all started with that (beep) right there, who was disrespectin' myself and my girl. But we really love this guy and he gave us exceptional service. - We're going to have to ask you to leave. - You have to ask me to leave? You have to ask the black man to leave? Huh? Actually, you don't have to ask us to leave, we just want to see ourselves out, and we ain't never coming back again. Though we really appreciate your help. (dishes crash) (speaking Spanish) Watch yo' ass man! Let us reimburse you for that break, it's okay? Right after I burned this whole place to the (beep) ground with everybody inside of it. By which I mean, you're going to get a very negative review on Yelp. - You will be in room 237. And you have free wifi there. Also from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM every morning there's a free continental breakfast. - Oh! Continental breakfast? - Yes. From 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. - So it's continental then. - Mhmm. - Very good. Hey, Garson. One admission for the continental breakfast. - You can just help yourself, sir. - Interesting! European style. (man chuckling to himself) When in Rome. The forbidden fruit. (cereal crunches) Well, aren't you a tiny plum? Well, la di da. Paper and everything. And who are you, my little friend? Not a spoon, not a fork, but something in between. A f-poon. (man chuckling to himself) Will you think of next, Germany? All the European countries lay before me. Where should I fly to first? The pit of the donut. Thank you, Turkey. Buckle up. Let's see where we shall go next. Oh, the danish. Clearly from Brussels. Hello, Greece, where the yogurt flows like water. (man slurping) Yes. Like Go-Gurt, but to stay. Oh God, pulling into Spain. Baked to perfection. Can you believe it? It all comes with the room. (man groaning with delight) I love being incontinent. I love being incontinent! A delight to the senses, isn't my friend? Isn't it? I'll have what I'm having! I'll have what I'm having! (man sobbing) It's so good. - Oh, good afternoon, sir. How can I help you? - Well, Davis, I will be staying indefinitely. - But sir, don't you know that you've always been here? - Really? - Mhmm. - Continental breakfast? - Right around the corner. (old-timey music) - Welcome, welcome! Sit here, sit here. That's a good lady. All right, first time, first time? First time, first time for you? - Yes. - Oh, right! - So what's good? - Oh, you have to have do kebapi. Kebapi is what they're going to have, okay? - Oh, don't they serve that in the cafe across the street? - No! You can not get the kebapi at the cafe across the street! (man cursing in foreign language) (dishes crashing) - What did I say? - Across the street is Albanian. This cafe, Macedonian. Macedonian. - My friends. I like to apologize for the behavior of my passion. I just feel bad in my brain for people to think that your mouths will have been raped. But the food that they're serving, these Albanian mother bitches. This mother bitches, sons of my bitch across the street, what they be serving is chebapi. - And what do you serve here? We serve the kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Ke, ba, pi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - No, look at mouth. Ke, ba, pi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Now you're getting it. Kebapi. - Kebapi. - Kebapi. - You finally get it, perfect. - What is the difference between kebapi and chebapi? - But they don't know. - I have to forgive them. For the bastard mother bitches over there that are serving the chebapi, put in the grilled meat, salt, chopped red pepper, diced onion, cream, gushmuck, ice, and the cottage cheese. (waiter laughing) - But what do you serve? - We serve the kebapi. And we put in the cottage cheese, the gush muck, the cream, then it's the diced onions- - Sounds exactly like- - The red pepper, and then the grilled meat. Then the grilled meat. And then we stir. - And across the street, they do? - Those mother bitches over there, they mix it, the sons of mother, mother sons. (waiter yelling) (waiter speaking in foreign language) We are here, they are there. Here, there, here, there. - Hey, my friends! - Now it is time for you to try the real good food. Not what these sons of my bitches serve across the street. - McDonald's? - Sure. - Make sure to give us the five stars on Yelp. - God, the moment that I saw you last night at the club, totally had to ask you out. - Are you kidding me? Like the moment? That's so sweet. - I was actually afraid that you were going to be like one of those high maintenance chicks. - What? - Yeah, I don't know, like a control freak, I don't even know. - Oh my God, that's so funny. - Is it funny? - No, I'm like, I totally just like to be easygoing. - Hi, I'm Wayne. - It's been five minutes and we're just now getting our menus? - I'm sorry. - Don't be sorry. Be better. - Right, okay. I'll be better. - That's your job. Thank you. So yeah, my philosophy is pretty much like, keep it chill. - Right, yeah, yeah. - You know what I like about you? - No, what? - You're not afraid to be like brainy and respectful. - Right. Thanks. I really like your boobs. - I think we really compliment each other well. - We just did it right there. - And I pretty much go with the flow. What the (beep) is wrong with you? - Excuse me? - Do I look like Mad Max to you? - I'm sorry? - Do I look like Mel Gibson with a mullet? - No, not at all. - Does he look like a feral child with a boomerang in his hand? - No. - Then why the (beep) is water a rare commodity here? - It's not, it's not. I'm just... I'm sorry, I'm just really slammed. - You'll know when you're slammed because your nuts will be on the table and my fist will be covered in your blood. - You were really, kind of harsh to that guy. - Oh him? - Yeah. - No. I was a hostess at a restaurant. In the industry that's how we talk to each other. I'll show you. Hey! - Hey. - What do you see there? - That's your water. - Down, down boy. Bend your knees. - Okay, I have five other tables. - What's that look like to you? - Yes, there's a little lipstick on your glass. - Okay. - I think it's yours. - This is what I want you to do. I want you to take this glass in the back. I want you to break it. Take the biggest shard you can find and bring it to me. Then I'm gonna slit your gullet. - I'll get you another one. - I'm gonna slit your throat and watch you bleed out and I'm going to shower in your blood. - Okay, I'll get you another water. - Well, that would be great, thank you. But as I was saying like, I just feel like it's like do unto others. - Wait a minute! It was your lipstick on the glass. The hell was that? What are you doing? Wait, oh no! - Oh my God. No one's talked to me like that in my life. You have his back? Who does that? - It was your lipstick on the glass. - He's just a waiter. You know what? Take his side. I hope you have a very happy life together. - What's going on right now? - No! You left your jacket! - Hey, don't do it. - But I just hurt her feelings. And then she left her jacket. The least I could do- - Don't do it. - She (beep) needs her jacket. - She doesn't need it, it's 87 degrees out. You know she doesn't need it in your heart of hearts. You know she doesn't need that jacket. Don't do it. - She's gonna need her jacket. - Seemed like a nice guy. - Which one you want? - Give me both of them, man. I decide which one I want when I want to eat it. - You want some of these vegetables too? - Nah, nah. - Just saying man, the nutrients is good for maintaining energy levels, so. - I know what the (beep) a vegetable is, man. Don't don't tell me what a vegetable is, man. I'm, hey, I'm a grown ass man. All right? - I'm sorry. This three bean salad is the bomb though. - Oh snap. They got three bean salad up in there? I ain't even see that. - You want some of mine? - Yeah. - Open the hanger. - Whatchu doing? Nah, you don't do that. You don't feed me like a kid, man. I'm a grown ass man. - Okay, yeah, you got some schmutz right here. - Hey! Wanna (beep)? You never touch a grown man's face. - Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry, okay You are a grown ass man. - Hey! I don't need you to pat my back. I'm a grown ass man. Whatchu doin? - I know you're grown. I don't want to hear any more about a grown ass man. - That's what I am. - I don't want to hear- - Why you treating me like this? - This is not the place for this conversation. Don't start acting up. - 'Cause you're making me angry. - Okay, then I need you to breathe a little bit. (man exhaling loudly) - Don't tell me how to breathe. - (beep) I want a (beep) inside voice up in this bitch. Don't be getting loud around these white people. - You treat me like a baby, well I'm not a baby. - You're not a baby? (man sniffling) Did you pee yourself? - Just a little bit. - Well, go to the bathroom and change, okay? - I don't wanna change. (man yelling) - Is that how we behave? How we behave? - Stupid bitch! (man gasps) (man slapping friend) - Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're a grown ass man. Who's a grown ass man? You a grown ass man. (man yelling) You know what grown ass men do? They go to the bathroom and change their pants without the pee-pee, right? - Right. - Okay, let's go. Excuse me, everybody. I'm sorry, but my son got that Benjamin Button's disease. He's 4. - Well, 4 and 3/4. - Thank you's for being here. - Oh, of course. You know, he's glad we could set aside our differences and avoid a war. - Salud. - All right, salud. (rock music) Whoa, whoa, whoa, Anthony! (man punching) We're trying to avoid a war here. (man grunting) That's too much. What are you doing? We're just having a nice little dinner here. Well, that's just disrespectful. No, not his hair. Hey, he had good hair. Yeah, you're done. You already messed up. No, no, no. Don't go deleting his contacts. He's not gonna know whether to answer it or not. You're finished now. That's good. Look what you did. Now we were in the middle of something. And now what's going on? What are you going to? Oh, that's permanent. That's a permanent silly mustache. Oh, now he looks like a sleeping musketeer. That's adorable, but it's ridiculous. He can't even hardly wash that off. That's what, what is that? What you're putting in his hand? That doesn't even make sense. It doesn't even make sense. Oh, Anthony. Oh, that's hilarious. But save that for a slumber party. All right, what are you doing? You're rearranging the silverware. That's just so mean. It's confusing. It's confusing enough. Oh, well you know the salad needed a little pepper, so that's good. That's not so bad. You finally did something constructive. What are you looking for? You're putting the silverware back. That's good. That's good. Now he knows he can go from outside to the inside. Oh, you're putting a little shush in his hair. That's good, yeah, shush it. Well it actually looks better than when he came in. If he wasn't unconscious, he could go out on the town. So that's good. All right. Wipe off his face. Yeah, get the mustache while you're at it. 'Cause that's the most embarrassing part. He doesn't look ridiculous anymore. Okay, now you're helping everybody. That's good for everybody. Everybody likes that. Nobody wants lettuce on the floor. - Stick a (beep) in it, Stanley. - All right, we done? You really turned this around, Anthony. All right and then you're gone. All right. All right, he won't even know what hit him. He won't even know that any- Oh no, no, no, no, no. Anthony, I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your eyes. You're going the other way now Anthony, and it was going so well. Well that's perverse Anthony. I don't even know what what's that, what's that? What are you going to do with that finger? (man yelling) Oh no, not the wet willy! No, no, Anthony we're going to war. We're going to war. (upbeat music)
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 7,703,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Key & Peele, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, kay and peele, sketch comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, Get Out, Us, Jordan Peele Get Out, Jordan Peele Us, Key & Peele sketch, Key and Peele comedy, Jordan Peele stand up, Keegan-Michael Key stand up, comedy central, comedy, skit, sketch, joke, high school, substitute teacher, a a ron, sketches, compilation
Id: cvtOFHbENf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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