Best Celebrity Impressions - Key & Peele

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- Oh. (cheering) There he is. What's up Noah? Michael Jackson. No. (sharp screems) That's what he does. That's Michael Jackson. (soft rock music) (bell buzzing) Lil Wayne y'all. The Carter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm coming to y'all straight from Rikers Penitentiary beds, Y'all heard me. Haters out there think I'm playing. Think I'm some kind of joke man. Young Money. Check this out right here, man. (mumbles) I'm the baddest (beep) on his whole prison here bitch. You heard, check it out, let's go. I'm the baddest dude... (yelling) (bell buzzing) Lil Wayne y'all. Young Money. (upbeat music) Yáll need to watch your back, you heard? That's right, yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm coming for y'all. What's up man, I run this y'all. In fact y'all let's go. I'm the baddest, where you going man? Where are you going? Hey man, where you going? You ain't gotta go. (yelling) Okay, I see pick on the little guy, huh? Punks, you hate. (yelling) It's ironic, come on men right here. (bell buzzing) (upbeat music) I'm not supposed to be doing this right now man. Young Money. (indistinct) (upbeat music) Man, I ain't even scared, yo. (upbeat music) (shower splashing) - This is (indistinct) I have been babysitting for 20 years, I've seen it all. - The thing is Forest is a unique child. - Everything is gonna be fine. I want you to have a good time tonight, you deserve it. - Okay, good luck. - Thank you. (soft music) (mumbles) Hey there, Forest. - Gugu gaga, I want milk. - You want me to get your bottle buddy? - I want milk. - Okay. - This is a Baba I want mama's milk. I cannot have mama's milk. It's a simple request. - Yeah, well you can't have mama's milk right now, buddy. How about we play? - Okay. I want to play with my legos. - Okay, yeah. Okay buddy, let's get your legos done. - I want to put the smallest lego in my mouth. That's what I'm gonna do. - No, no, no, you can't do that. - First, you tell me I can momma's milk. Now, you have a small lego in my mouth? What a night? This is a bad start. - Forest, it's dangerous. - Let me get this straight. You're in charge of me in my house? - Forest, it's time for bed. - I guess then, you gonna sing me a song. - What? - Mama always sing me a song before I go to sleep. Are you gonna do that for me. - Okay, okay, yeah, yes, I will. ♪ Hush little baby don't say a word. ♪ - Keep, keep singing. ♪ Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird. ♪ - Put my name in there. I like it personal. ♪ Hush baby Forest Whitaker, don't say a word. ♪ - Gugu gaga. ♪ Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird. ♪ - Good babysitter. ♪ And if that mocking bird don't sing. ♪ - Have a good cry. (crying) - Hey, babe. - Hi. - I made a really big decision without consulting you. I went by puppy rescue stand on university avenue. I had to. - You got us a dog? - Yeah, I did. (indistinct) So honey, I've got to tell you something, okay? These rescue dogs have had some tough situations and a lot of them take on the personality of their owners. This dog was owned by rapper Ice Tea. All right, little buddy, come on. - Hello my little darling. - Ma'am, (beep) you. You, suck my (beep) This house ain't (beep) - Okay buddy, take it easy. (indistinct) - Nothing ever been easy for me in my life. Now, hook me up with a treat. - You want a treat buddy? - You want to treat. - Yeah, that's a taste ass treat right there. Now give me the whole bag. - Okay, one treat is enough. - Bitch, was I talking to you? Give me the whole bag of treats 'cause I'm a treat killer and a mother (beep) handful. - Somebody is crappy today. - Meet my ass right upon this comfortable ass sofa. I'm gonna sleep on this bitch too as a matter of fact. You know what mother (beep) and bitch I'm gonna piss up here too. - Oh, no, no, no, no. Raise your hand at me? - Okay, I've got something for you little guy, huh? - You wanna play fetch? You like fetch? - Get that ball. - (beep) you, both y'all condescending mother (beep) I ain't your entertainment bitch. (beep) you. (door bell ringing) - Oh, hello, who is this? - Come on Coco, don't worry about the mother (beep) That's my bitch, Coco. Or I forgot to tell y'all she going to be living here too. - Wow, okay, you got your little friend here? Well, she can play here for a while. - Puppy play day. - Yeah. - Play day, we gonna have a (beep) date. That's what we gonna have bitch. Come here bitch. - Okay, he's doing that. Oh no, don't do that. Oh, that's my shit too. - Okay, oh dear. - Get the (beep) out of here, it's about to get graphic in this bitch. How come you don't do that with me? - I told you. - He does it. - I just wanna keep this area clean. - Here we go, we got more. (all cheering) - Come on in, yes. - All right. - Thanks for coming. (all laughing) Have a bloody good time. - Awesome. - Oh. (cheering) There he is, what's up Noah? Michael Jackson. (cheering) That's what he does. (cheering) That's Michael Jackson. (cheering) Nice. - Shamone. - Oh, there we go. (cheering) There we go. (cheering) All right, three of Shamone. Four, all right. - Well Annie, are you okay? - Oh, he's leaning. He's leaning. Are you okay Annie? Are you okay? Andy, are you okay Annie? You've been touched by a smooth criminal. Shamone. - More kicks. - Closer, close to your face. - You almost hit me there. (indistinct) - You wanna come inside? That's annoying. That is very annoying, stop, stop. Don't do it anymore. Great. - Shamone. - Just keep doing that Shamone. That's where the children act. (indistinct) - This isn't, don't even know what that is. - Real eyes. Shamone. What are you doing? (indistinct) No, you cutoff for Shamone. - Oh, okay. - He doesn't slap his ass like that. So I don't know what. (indistinct) He doesn't, I've never seen him hit his ass. (yelling) Can we just, (yelling) Hey, stop it, stop it, stop it. The (beep) costume is awfully impression of stupid and played out. Everybody and their mother was Michael Jackson three years ago when he died. (crowd noise) - He died? - Oh. - Wait, wait, he died. - Oh, Noah. Oh Noah. No, wait a second. Don't suddenly walk away. (yelling) Happy Halloween. (bright upbeat music) - Nobody likes you you girl. Well, you're a different color than me and that's bad. - Oh yeah, when you dress like a... - Now hold on a second. - [All] Whoa, Mr. T. Never make fun of a way a man dresses. A way a man dresses is his business. Remember that, whether it was overall, chains or feather earings, however they dress, it's not to be joked about. I pity the fool that judges another man's clothing. - I'm sorry I judged your clothing. - It's okay. (bright upbeat music) - Hey Scout, there's a man over there, who said he'll give us candy if we get in his van. - I don't know if that's a good idea to me. - What are you afraid of? Is it because you have a stupid name like Scout? - Hey. - Whoa, Mr. T again. - Never make fun of a person's name. Your mama gave you that name or you made it up for business purposes. Either way, it's personal. I pity the fool to make fun of another man's name. Mr. T is a cool name. It's a cool name, Mr. T. (upbeat music) - Hey Scout, wanna do some drugs? - Aren't drugs bad? - I don't know. If you're afraid of drugs, we could drink a bunch of alcohol. - Yeah, that sounds good. - Well, guess what? Your hair is stupid. - Never make fun of another person's hair. - [All] Hey, Mr. T . - A person's hair is the artwork that they present to the heavens. It's just like, I've been saying. (soft rock music) ♪ It isn't fair ♪ ♪ Beware ♪ ♪ People care about their hair ♪ ♪ H is for the home where I lay my head ♪ ♪ And I cry about your mean jokes in my bed ♪ ♪ A is for anxiety these are fools provoked ♪ ♪ When they're looking at my hair and they making jokes ♪ ♪ I is for I don't like the way I feel ♪ ♪ when you're joking that my hair cause it does not appeal ♪ ♪ R is for the real mean jokes you make ♪ ♪ And the hurtful little part shots that you take ♪ And for your information, it's not even a haircut. It's a rare form of male pattern baldness. You fools. (crying) For real. (upbeat music) - Good evening my fellow Americans. Now, before I begin, I just wanna say that I know a lot of people out there seem to think that I don't get angry. That's just not true. I get angry a lot. It's just the way I express passion is different from most. So just so there's no more confusion, we've hired Luther here to be my anger translator, Luther. - Hi. - First off, concerning the recent developments in the middle Eastern region. I just wanna reiterate our unflinching support for all people and the right to a democratic process. - Hey, all y'all dictators out there, keep messing around and see what happens. Just see what happens, watch. - Also, to the governments of Iran and North Korea, we once again are due to discontinue your uranium enrichment program. - Hey Mahmoud, Kim Jong, I think I told both y'all 86 (beep) bitches, I'm gonna come over there and do a for y'all. Please test me and see what happens. - On the domestic front. I just wanna say to my critics, I hear your voices and I'm aware of your concerns. - So maybe if you can chill the hell out for like a second, then maybe I can focus on some (beep) you know. - And that goes for everybody, including members of the (indistinct) - Oh, don't even get me started on these (beep) right here. - I wanna assure you that we will be looking for new compromises with the GOP in the months ahead. - And you know these (beep) will say no before you can see. - Now I know a lot of folks say that I haven't done a good job at communicating my accomplishments to the public. - Because y'all (beep) don't listen. - Since being in office, we've created 3 million new jobs. - 3 million new jobs. - We ended the war in Iraq. - Ended the war, y'all, we ended a war, remember that? - These achievements should serve as a reminder that I am on your side. - I am not a Muslim. - And that my intentions as your president are coming from the right place. - They're coming from Hawaii, which is where I'm from, which is in United States of America, y'all, okay? This is ridiculous. I have a birth certificate. I have a birth certificate. I have a (indistinct) birth certificate yet damn ass... - Okay, Luther, (indistinct) - Luther damn. - In conclusion, last night, I had a conversation with Michelle. (indistinct) Nope, I did not say that. I did not say that. (soft rock music) ♪ Well, tonight we gonna party 'til the party don't stop ♪ ♪ And the party don't stop because it keeps on going ♪ ♪ Non-stop, gonna party all night ♪ ♪ Gonna keep this party going ♪ ♪ Coz the party won't stop ♪ ♪ It's been two straight days and the party's still going ♪ ♪ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days ♪ ♪ 'Til it's Friday again and the party keeps going ♪ ♪ Party all night coz it's an all-night party ♪ ♪ Friday night, 9 PM ♪ ♪ Hop in the car, call my friends ♪ ♪ Drinks in the back, girls out front ♪ ♪ Going to a party, sending texts ♪ ♪ Cell phone rings, iPad, Facebook ♪ ♪ Party time, skin-tight jeans ♪ ♪ Friday night, dance dance dance ♪ ♪ Coz tonight we going out and we ain't coming back ♪ ♪ Coz the party won't stop, it will go all night ♪ ♪ Friday night every night ♪ ♪ The party's going down ♪ ♪ Down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down ♪ ♪ New York City, LA, Chicago ♪ ♪ Houston, Philly, San Diego ♪ ♪ Phoenix, Boston, Fort Worth, Austin ♪ ♪ Memphis, Denver, Portland, Vegas ♪ ♪ Tucson, Fresno, Akron, Tampa ♪ ♪ Pittsburgh, Newark, Plano, Lincoln ♪ ♪ Lubbock, Durham, Salem, Dayton ♪ ♪ City, city, city, city ♪ ♪ Coz tonight we going out and we ain't coming back ♪ ♪ Coz the party won't stop, it will go all night ♪ ♪ Friday night every night ♪ ♪ The party's going down ♪ ♪ Down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down ♪ ♪ New York City, LA, Chicago ♪ ♪ Houston, Philly, San Diego ♪ ♪ Phoenix, Boston, Fort Worth, Austin ♪ ♪ Memphis, Denver, Portland, Vegas ♪ ♪ Tucson, Fresno, Akron, Tampa ♪ ♪ Pittsburgh, Newark, Plano, Lincoln ♪ ♪ Lubbock, Durham, Salem, Dayton ♪ ♪ City, city, city, city, cities ♪ ♪ Now we're gonna keep it going ♪ ♪ to the break of, break of dawn ♪ ♪ Then we'll just keep partying all day long ♪ ♪ Hot girls, music, dancing and bikinis and headphones ♪ ♪ Party, party, party, party, party, party, party, party ♪ (gun shot) (soft rock music) ♪ So tonight we gonna party 'til the party don't stop ♪ - Who are you gonna call? (laughing) Hi, I'm Ray Parker Junior, writer and performer of the Academy Award nominated hit single Ghostbusters, from the major motion picture Ghostbusters, but that's just one song. I've written so many other major motion picture theme songs and submitted them throughout the year. Now they're available and together for once specially price, copulation songs like, ♪ You tried to play the game but it's driving you insane. ♪ ♪ Jumanji ♪ ♪ Danger in the jungle ♪ ♪ Jumanji ♪ ♪ This line in my house. ♪ ♪ Come on, Mr. Computer, throw me a bone ♪ ♪ I said, no, mower man ♪ ♪ Get up off my lawn ♪ ♪ When Armageddon is near ♪ ♪ You better get out of here ♪ ♪ Looking like (indistinct) ♪ It's getting legal y'all. These songs have only been heard by the highest level of industry decision-makers but now you can feel like a Hollywood executive in your own home. ♪ I see your face off ♪ ♪ That guy walking around ♪ ♪ It's a face off ♪ ♪ That ain't even your face ♪ (indistinct) ♪ You know my daddy is the boss. ♪ ♪ That is not even a word ♪ ♪ Now, there's a whole lot of kinky ♪ ♪ That room is stinky. ♪ ♪ 50 Shades of Gray ♪ ♪ All right white people ♪ ♪ Who's a slave ♪ ♪ I'm not a slave oh, oh ♪ ♪ 12 years a slave ♪ There's one thing I know, is that persistence makes perfection. So Hollywood missed out. But that doesn't mean you have to. Down ain't enough basement, what's going on? (indistinct) (soft music) Order now, to receive your free copy of Bobby, sings the two theme songs to sequels that were never made. - Call my agent. (phone ringing) - Jen Pickett Smith, my man. - What's up Clyde, hey look, man, I'm gonna be real with you, okay? This alien boy script, I'm not feeling it. I mean, it's hard being Will Smith son. I just wanna make sure my next project reflects I'm a down to earth normal kid. Am I making any sense? - Yeah, I'm reading you loud and clear. I've got a script right here. Very real called Street Ball. - Talk to me. - Okay, so you play Tony. He's a kid from the streets, lives in the hood, in a house with his mom. - Stop. - House? - Oh, it's like a tiny mansion. - Got it, go on. - So his mom and he, they live in this house and she works at a supermarket. - Stop. - Oh, supermarkets, like a mansion, but it's full of food and anyone can go there. - So like where the butlers go? - Yeah, basically so he... - And wait, you said his mom was doing something at the supermarket? - Working. - So... - Working as kind of like acting on a set every day in a film that no one's ever gonna see and it lasts for the rest of your life. - Oh, like a maid. - Yeah, yeah, she's like the maid of a supermarket. - Awesome, continue. - So anyway, Tony doesn't make the basketball team, right? So he decides to start playing pickup games of street ball outside. - So he plays basketball on his plane? - No, on the ground. - In his limo? - Outside is that stuff that goes by when you're inside the limo. - Oh snap, he plays basketball outside of the limo door? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So then he gets really good at basketball and then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, fast forward at the heart of the story, Tony has to choose between his mom... - Choose. - Yeah, choose is when you have to make a decision between two things you want but you can have only one. - But there's two. - Yeah, but I mean, he can't have both. - What I say about science fiction Clyde? It's a no. - Okay, we'll pass. (Clyde sneezing) - Dad, bless you. - Thanks - Ladies and gentlemen, Darrius Rucker. (audience cheering) (guitar music) ♪ Don't wanna wake my friends no more ♪ ♪ Don't wanna hold your hand no more ♪ ♪ I don't wanna be with you. ♪ - [Crowd] Hootie, Hootie, Hootie, Hootie... - Oh no. Nah, nah, nah. I'm not in Hootie and the Blowfish anymore y'all. Doing my own thing. - What do you mean in Hootie? Because you, you are Hootie, man. Come on everybody - [Crowd] Hootie, Hootie, Hootie, Hootie... - All right, no, no, no, stop it, stop it. I'm not Hoodie, I'm Darrius Rucker, all right? I used to be the front man for a band Hootie and the Blowfish, all right? But I was never Hootie. There was never a Hootie. - Just if I may ask, where are the Blowfish at? Right guys? Come on everybody, Blowfish. - [Crowd] Blowfish, Blowfish, Blowfish... - Oh, no, no, no, there are no people known as the Blowfish y'all, okay? The whole band was just called Hootie and the Blowfish. That's it. It was a nonsense name, like who was that or Told The West Pocket. - Oh. (guitar music) ♪ No going out with my friends no more ♪ ♪ Don't wanna hold your hand no more ♪ (indistinct) - I see, I get it now, I understand. Hey, we gotta pick y'all.. We gotta choose between Hootie or the Blowfish. So who wants to see the Blowfish? (crowd cheering) - There's no Blowfish. (crowd cheering) - And who wants to see Hootie? - Hey, that hurts my feelings y'all. - But you said you weren't Hootie? - No, I'm not, sir. But in the question you just asked the audience, I was clearly Hootie. So you are Hootie? I'm not though. - He is Hootie. (crowd cheering) - [Crowd] Hootie, Hootie, Hootie, Hootie, Hootie... (crowd cheering) (sharp cheering noise) (audience clapping) - Now ladies and gentlemen, the man you've been waiting for Mr. Michael Winslow. Go get them Winslow. (audience cheering) Bring the noise. Another sold out night for the Kings of mouth noise. I tell you though, we wouldn't have this audience without Winslow. Lucky for you, huh? This police academy fans. Look at all the T-shirts. Six sequels, can you believe it? Every sound effect this guy makes is like a little tiny Mona Lisa popping out of his mouth Have you ever heard him do the walking through leaves in the fall? (intense upbeat music) (door banging) (shouting)
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 1,854,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Key & Peele, Key and Peele, best celebrity impressions, celebrity impressions, Key and Peele celebrity impressions, impressions, comedy, sketch comedy, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Mr. T, Michael Jackson impression, Barack Obama impression, Mr. T impression, funny videos, funny impersonations, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, comedy central, comedy central videos, comedy central sketches, celebrity impersonations, comedy videos, Key & Peele compilations
Id: 2WEVEpaGM-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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