FULL PSEUDO LEGENDARY POKEMON TEAM ! ( All Pseudo Legendary Pokemon )

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[Music] what's up youtube for today's video with a full suno legendary pokemon team now five years ago i did this team and i thought you know what it's time for a revamp because we got some more pokemon to use here now if you want to come and watch my live streams this is where i take all my battles shiny hunts pokemon sweeps theme teams make sure to check out link in the description or the video and let's get into today's battles now i've got three battles today and these are some really really interesting matches now the first battle i'm not sure what my opponent's name is but i'm sure some wonderful person in the comment section could not go ahead and translate for me i'm so lucky to have you people translate so we got a dragofish lady never seen that one before and i've got a guard shot which is a special set now at this stage i was a little bit scared that draco well what draco media was going to go drake or miss rope so i swapped into salamancia uh to hope for you know officius red so here comes the outrage here and it's going to take my solo amounts out in one shot but don't worry salamance will be featured in some of the other battles now you're probably wondering how am i going to get all the pseudo legendaries into one team what i'm going to be doing right is i'm going to be doing a battle or barrow or two with one team and then i'm swapping a few pokemon out so that way all the pokemon get a chance so we're gonna go to metagross now metagross is uh one of the few pokemon there's a pseudo ledgery that isn't actually a dragon type uh i like we're trying round after two so here comes the second outrage doesn't do a lot to metagross of course metagross has got some nice defenses and it's going to of course reduce that so i've got this zen headbutt our flinching set here we've got agility zen headbutt rock slide there rock side is very very good there for those fire types and we also got um iron head too for some nice stab and a good chance of flinching so the drag race is going to be swapped out here and we got the ferrothorn coming in so that's really really unfortunate right because i cannot do an absolute thing to verify now a secret right what can i do to bear i thought looking at my sets though pretty like some of them were pretty bad sets let's be real i mean a lot of the time now let's be real about that too so i'm going to go into garchoma this is a choice back scar jump i've got buy a miss on this set however it's going to knock off my choice max i was like you know what even without a choice base i'm pretty confident that i can take ferrothorn out and i don't think they're probably going to be expecting a fire bus now two of things could happen here i could miss or i could swap uh oh that could happen focus with which would be impossible right because we've already seen the item so we're gonna go we'll go over the fire blasting and they do stay in and fire blast does connect and ferrothorn is gonna be going down in one shot man that felt so good taking pharah thought out with a special guard jump a beautiful start to the battle there i mean i did lose my salamance but uh you know dragwish is a pretty rough vocal right so in slidesy gastry i was like man what can i do to think i smelled a rat as soon as this thing came in right i was like they know i've got fiberglass why'd they swap this in for i was thinking they made dynomax and weakness possibly but they didn't it's like okay so there comes the fiberglass does about half help around half up and there's the weakness fasting i knew that it would have one and it's gonna have a lot of attack now man so we've got this uh ice crasher coming and uh guy trump is not gonna be living that one no way so gotcha is gonna be going down i mean it did a really good job there taking pharaoh now so i was pretty happy about that now i've lost two pokemon so it's probably not the greatest start you could possibly hope for but you know a dragonfish was a very very scary pokemon out of all the pokemon right only two of them weren't dragons so that was a very worrying pokemon you know to come across so we're going to go into metagross now like okay i've got max speed and max attack on agility gross uh we're going to go for iron head get that flinch and get that dub right so go for the eye necklacery leaves i'm like no and it doesn't get a feature and it gets a high horsepower out and metagross is going to go down it's an absolute disaster goodbye metagross i've lost half my team here things are not looking too good at all like this thing's got plus two in attack it doesn't really matter though because it's quite a slow pokemon but it did manage to take two of my good pokemon out now well metagross is probably one of the better pokemon so we're gonna go to tyrone this is the special we've got snail fire blast and japan blizzard we got uh max health and max smash that modest nature and the item at throat spray right so i'm gonna go for that snail there i up speed which is nice and that's gonna give me a plus one in special attack which is good and obviously i didn't take any damage there either so tyron is all set up to uh you know fire some pretty powerful attacks off right it's special attack actually isn't all that bad now fun little fact too right metagross is the only pseudo ledgery to not have a dragon time move which is kind of cool when you take away hidden power dragon of course so uh we got the dray bridge coming back in here what can i do this i've got snow i like should i dynamax i was really caught in a rock and a half places so here comes the fishiest rent i could have swapped it was it would have been so easy for them to go for outrage too like looking at the rest of my team so i just had to you know let tyrion to go down so at the moment i am getting absolutely annihilated so we're going to go to high drake on the outside is this troy stark is a choice band and like is it choice like what items are going to be so i didn't really want to find out i thought you know what i'm going to hide drake on and we're going to go for a dynamax uh dual wing beat hit this was a physical set yeah the item on this one was weakness bossy so if it did have a dragon type move i believe i could live it not very well but i could get the weakness posse and i might be able to clutch back into this game right and uh high dragon looks really really nice the green really suits it so we've got um max speed on this one with jolly nature and max attack of course so go for that max restroom i was a little bit worried that it wouldn't actually take it out and it does so little damage to dragonfish dragon is kind of bulky when you think about two so getting that plus one and speed there and here comes the scummy it's red and it does nothing so they were choiced obviously so uh they would have gone for outrage otherwise so i'm happy about that lisa got to take this down that's something like there's better than nothing but so my other moves i got to this one were dragon dance iron tail and crunch right i entered was it was simply there for fairies right so go for another max airstream here unfortunately i didn't get any attack races so like i didn't get a dragon ants up so i wasn't going to be hitting like super duper hard but it was better than nothing right at least i had one more turn of dynamic so now i've taken out the dragonfish uh which is probably the biggest counter on their teeth so in comes the illegal so i'm like okay i've got iron tail or max steel spike this should do some good damage like what are they gonna do to take me out in one shot like they might but maybe they're gonna try and boost this special attack with a poison type move and then take me out afterwards i wasn't really sure anyway we've got a dynamaxx knight legal here one big uh what would you call it it's is it a squid i'm not sure i'm not sure what you call it anyway a jellyfish there's a jellyfish not a squid what am i talking about um i'll get those tentacles mixed up anyway so we got one big night leg here actually done a nine lego sweep on my channel if you do like this uh this pokemon so uh we're gonna go for max steel spikey i'm gonna get a plus one and effect so not that it's really gonna matter because this is a special attacking pokemon that does very very impressive damage now i'm very uh oppressed by that obviously this defense isn't the most amazing in the world so here comes the uh max rockfall here that is to put the um that's going to put the hurt on my high dragon of course got to put the sand on the field too now there's one real big problem here that was my third turn of dynamaxx right so now i'm going to be out of dynamax and crunch will probably not take it out um i mean like this is a really really dodgy situation here i've got to go for iron tail that's my only hope here crunch i believe it'll actually live so go for ital um crossing crossing my little fingers and near lego is going to go down man i was so happy that went down that would have probably been gg there if uh that one missed so damn guys night leaguer we are still in this game which is absolutely awesome so uh the next pokemon before that comes out i'm gonna get a little bit of uh sandstorm damage next pokemon here is the alola doug trigo so uh i was like okay all right what am i going to do here i've got i mean i've got iron tail drill wing bit a crunch is my best move but i feel like crunch will still do a lot of damage to this thing too so i was like you know what that's a that's an easy two here go let's go for crunch right uh that'll do nicely so we i definitely know they're all out speed it's alright so go for crunch on the dove tree does a lot of damage almost take it out ah they're gonna have tangling here as the ability dropping my speed and then they went for earthquake maybe that was a misclick or maybe they just forgot what my ability was but uh i'm going to take no damage from that which is really really good and then they're going to swap the dud true outright and now they're going to go into tapu finishes like i'm not sure what they're planning right now so i'm thinking okay well this thing's just gonna have a very tight move and moon blast me you know out of this battle ride so we've got some missy terrain in the field going for dual wing beat it was really my only hopia and it really does very underwhelming damage considering i'm running like a physical set right so getting some damage from the sandstorm and also the tap if it's going to take some damage too which is i guess that's good right the more damage the better at this stage right so go for another dual wing beta we're almost we've got it down to half health now and here comes my iron defense i was like what okay iron defense right so this is not good my attacks are not going to do much damage should i try and match from a dragon dance or should i just keep going for damage right on my dual wing beat i'm not sure if they've got any forms of recovery either so go for the dual wing bay here and i'm getting them close to like a quarter damage here or a quarter health and here comes a hydro pump it's like hydropod that's not going to take me out why didn't they use a fairy type move so clearly they don't have a very tight move on this set so it's got uh iron defensive height from not really sure what the other moves are i mean i've got sort of ideas what it would be but uh you know clearly it doesn't have a very tight move so i got a nice little crit there on the dual wing beat unfortunately for me the opponent is going to have a berry there which is going to be the egg white berry healing it up really nicely so it's back to half healthy and dang it so here comes a hydropop again the second one and high dragon is going to go down however i've got one more pokemon and the thing about this last pokemon it is actually going to get counted by this right and that is dragon i use the shiny dragonite you guys can roast me in the comments section and uh this is a toxic rap set so at this point in time right i can't do anything all i can do is roost um and rap right so go for the rapier i'm gonna avoid that hydro problem it has nothing to hit me clearly they do not have a single thing to hit me with outside the hydro pump right so i gotta get a i got i got a i actually got a crit on rap then so go for a rat man that purple looks so good around tapu fit site it matches its color so getting that wrap up and now guess what the mist is gone right and they can't swap out because they're actually trapped in so now that's gonna allow me to go for a toxic and rap and i can tell you what here this is a bulky dragon there's no way taboo finney is ever going to be out here to get around this ride so my ev's on this dragon i said right uh they are as follows so we've got a max health uh drag note with multi scale leftovers as the item and i like to go between max special defense and i like to go between max uh defense too uh this one is actually a max special defensive you can run it as max offense who works rather nicely it's a trapping toxic set it's got bruce as well and it's it's very very like very very bulky right so they're going to go for another hydra up here here comes another rap there's not much i can do i'm just basically waiting for the rat to take out the tapping video which is going to be very soon right so another round of toxic and tapiffini is going to go down there is only one more pokemon left and you know what it is it's that jump tree from earlier on so i'm sitting here thinking well it's got to have stone inch right it has to have stone edge should i just take it out a rat or should i be a troll and go for a track i'm sorry people i did i just couldn't help myself i was like you know what i've got to go for a track let's do this so uh it's going to go for storage i'm like oh oh here comes the stone edge it does around close half health there and that was the critter like oh man that's bad so here comes the attract on the dutch i should have gone for rap i mean i should have gone for it anyway so dude trey's got a 50 chance to actually attack it it falls and love me i'm gonna get a round of left recovery i was fairly confident i could live a stone edge here and guess what happens people what i did right as i went for the rap to finish them off there i gave them a little bit of attracting salt there and they cancelled the battle on the last turn they could have gone for a stone engine ax they could have won that if they got a crit i think they were a little bit salty off that attract but i hope you enjoyed the first battle i had to do it people i just had to do it it was beautiful i mean it was it wasn't a dc but it was that it was a it was kind of close to a cancer rage quit so uh we got another battle i'm not sure who this uh you know trainer's name is either like i think i actually battle against um all japanese players today so we got a nag and not deal leader i've got my taranti you're right that's a weird name but it's a very very strange name i'm not sure what they call it anyway so i've got snarlers let's get that my throat spray started they went for a sub i'm like wait if they go for a sophia right i can break this sub or go through this i'm not breaking get some damage on there plus boost my special take so i almost took it out there and i dropped this special attack at the same time got through this sub and gave myself a plus one in special day that was absolute fire like um straight off the turn of the first turn in the battle so i was like okay what can they do just attack me go for a dragon pulse that's about all i could do or drake or meteor so here comes the dragon posse on my tyranitar tyrante is uh you know quite a bulky pokemon max health plus i've dropped their special attack by one stage already so that did absolute monkey so tyrona beats the naganatel absolutely easy that's a weird fighting animation did you say that it was just like it's i don't know what it's stinger thing i'm not really sure it's just like there's such a weird fighting animation like did you see that anyway so in comes the intelligent this is actually quite a good pokemon uh against my team when you think about it it could have sniped shot and ice beam i didn't really want to swap out here in case they predicted me to swap out into one of my dragons and uh it would have been destroyed by ice beam so i once again had to let tyrann to go there but you know because sometimes you just got to let it go but anyway um that went down and uh you know the nagano went down so i'm pretty happy about that so going into my dragon pod here this is probably the most standard set on my team this is a uh a jet or nearly said rocket pack a rocket pack dragon fault and it's got draco media and thunder and fire bass and shadow ball my thunder misses and then they pop and mix it with the ice cold sphere look at this only on people's channel people so here comes the third high school sphere on my dragon ball man if this hits me five times i am going down hits me for the fourth one and it hits me only four times i'm so lucky about like if i got hit five times i was done so i thought about this for reals like you know what i've got to go for that let's do it and finally the thunder connects on the intelligence i was very happy about that one there and then they lived on one health you wouldn't read about it and they're going to take me off i school sphere man i can't believe that what happened but then i was like wait a second this is my chance to use the salamance because i didn't show what this salamat set was it is hot smoking trash so we're going to go to manchester this is a moxie set fury cutter home claws focus energy and sub dude this was my chance people so i've got the fury cutter sliding in real quick there and taking out the italian in a one shot which is beautiful so that's going to give me a moxie straight away so now what i can do right is i can keep spamming fury cutter i mean this set is absolutely wild so the next pokemon is so golly i was like you know what sulkily would get pretty hit pretty hard by that whether i'm going to leave his attack is going to be another thing right i've got max attack and max speed on this set i'm running jolly nature so here comes the fury cutter it actually does pretty good damage and uh now we've got a sun's scum still striking outside that sounds better this stuff it's like sun still straight and uh here we go i thought i'd probably just leave this one kind of badly and i lived it pretty well it's like okay that's that's nice um i can go for another fury cutting and this will do a lot of damage it may even take it out and it does take seoul galera this could be a moxie salamance fury cutter sweep so it's taken two pokemon out now i've got plus two to take like everything is happening right now people like salamanch is absolutely clutching so the next pokemon is cinderella so i'm like oh this is probably where my this this could be the end of the road for the sweep here so go for furykana anyway it was my only attacking move and boy did it drop i did almost took it out there i was very very close here comes the pyro bomb like wait pirate ball i don't know if this is gonna take it out and guess what i lived on one healthy wouldn't believe the merch available people below the video make sure you cop some of that merch so this this is prime time people i went for fury cut out of this i could have got i could have got another moxie and it took me out of the blast burn i can't like this you only see this whole pit my shadow maybe this is where you say the content so salamance is going to go down to a blast burn on one health oh okay let's go into como here so i didn't include this in my first team here and i was like okay you want to use blast burn against me let's set up a substitute so we got that little substitute up there and uh what i can do right so i can go for a belly drum this is one of the better um more better sets on my team too so we've got belly drum and the sub dude this pokemon's got a fair bit of our bulk to it fair bit of attack it's a really good pokemon all around right just think of that yeah sort of horrible typing now i've got sound proof as the ability to so sad the opponent goes for a sound move it's not gonna work so here comes the pirate ball on my coma here and obviously i'm gonna substitute gonna take the damage for that one but it does fade this up so what i could do here is i can go for a dual chop and i've got drain punch as i move so goodbye cinderella you've wrecked my sweep we were so close there people to like a mini salamance moxie fury car to sweep so the next pokemon is lunala and was like okay luna lot let's go for a dual top so the first thing that's pretty good damage the second one absolutely dumpsters it so down so one more poke left here and they haven't dynamics i was like are we going to get a baby bottle are we going to get dc or are they going to play the battle lap so in comes the crossover so i thought the panic dynamax button has to come soon and without a doubt it did it came all right just like a good panic dynamics button does so here we go big old no christmas i'm like should i go for dual top and take this thing out or like should i dynamics myself i decided to disdain and go for dual top and see how much we're actually doing to uh the cross mark now now cross me is a very very bulky pokemon especially a dynamax look at look at the crossman's legs i'm pretty sure it like skipped leg day anyway so go for the dual top there the first one actually does a little bit more than the second one but uh even with plus six in attack it wasn't enough to take it out and it's gonna go for i think just any psychic type move probably confusion and that's gonna take out my como and now they're going to put the max um not the maxa they're going to put the mac where for the max minus saw and they put the psychic terrain on the field so i've got two more pokemon here remaining and what i'm going to do right is i'm going to swap into goodry now goodrich wasn't used either in the last battle but gucci gets a lot of action in the next battle too so what i'm going to do right is this is a infestation toxin set right um i'm going to go for toxic first up to straight up in case it's me like a lot of damage i want to get it up like soon right so here comes the max steel spike that doesn't do a lot to gudra at all now gudra is running max health as well so it's very very bulky and it's got like it's like a hydration set but more on that you know into the second battle so i thought you know what i want to see if i can finish this off with a dynamax goodra with infestation on max flutterby like i had no special attack eps invested in this all when i was very curious whether it would actually take it out so here we go this is one big good truck also i always found it funny how um out of like all the dragon type pokemon do you really think goodra looks like a dragon be honest with you in the comment section like do you really think it looks like a dragon i don't i don't really think it does anyway so here comes the max flutter by here i'm going to get that dub i don't live down so little damage and the cross was actually going to go down to like toxic right because uh you know the max flutterby did so little damage so here comes the max mindstorm there that does no damage i dropped this special attack plus i'm very very bulky myself and that concludes the second battle necrozma is going to go down uh to that toxic damage i hope you people enjoyed this second battle we have one more battle left in this video i hope you're enjoying them so far feels really good to get back into the theme team so i've had like almost i'm just looking at my channel right now i don't think i've uploaded one in a week we've been uh sort of busy and i've done like some pokemon sweeps that have taken a long a long time so let's get into the third and final battle i think this is that cr is that korean i'm not sure i'm there's going to be that one person in the in the comments section that translates all of them like an absolute boss so here we go another doug triola this time it's just it's just a hack piece of it's just a hat little mole all right so we're going to go into turrets as a lead once again now i was thinking you know what i can go for a fire blast here and that'll drop doug trio um it's defensive special man it's an absolute trash right uh so let's go for fire blast let's see what it does so here comes the earthquake here from the totally legit uh doug tree those are three quarters to me they're probably expecting to take me out uh but they didn't there here comes a fire blast and it lands and it takes them out in one shot so man that feels good taking those naughty little hack pokemon out so that's that's one for tyranitar gets a lot of surprise kos with special set so uh now we've got another nagana deal and this time it's another hack one as well man what is the what is this team so we're gonna swap out here i'm thinking well they're probably gonna try and get a beast boost up i don't really want that right so going to metagross and they were running a physical sound like interesting physical uh physicals they actually did a physical sweep with that um with this set too i believe it did a fair stinger one as well very like a long time ago i think it might have been two or three years ago so i thought you know what i'm gonna go for a agility and they popped out a fire blast i'm like oh it's a mix set bugger and metagross is gonna go down nothing i could have done there um if this is really really bad right so now they're gonna get a special attack rise i have to take this pokemon out so into dragon ball i know that i can out speed it here i've got my dragon uh draco media all ready to go nothing else will you know definitely take that i went for that and it connects i was like please don't have something like focus something weird like that and hopefully i can take it out and naganatha is gonna go down and that's another naughty pokemon one shot at which is awesome i had to take that one out now since i've got rocker pack a jack pack you know what i'm calling it rockefeller since i've got rocker pack as the item i'm gonna eject out of the battle if you don't know what a jum ejector a jet pack is when you are when you have a stat drop right it will actually eject you out of the battle one time use a pretty interesting item right so now we're going to go back into torrents they've already seen the set and reggae rocket's gonna come in and it's another hack pokemon this is the third one in a row so i've got my options here i was like snarl i'm gonna probably go down to an earthquake or a fighting type move right so i was like you know what let's go for blizzard i might be able to get a free stack so go for ballistic it connects on my knife uh it does some pretty okay damage to a reggae rock considering and we got instead of an earthquake we got a train punch so they're gonna drain punch me out of this battle nothing i really could have done there so i was like is this gonna be like a weakness policy set like what's it going to be and tyrant is going to go down now my question was immediately answered after i seen the leftovers like okay leftover it's going to be a bulky set right i thought blizzard might have done a little bit more damage there so they definitely got some good old bulk invested so now we're going to go into goodread this is my toxic infestation uh rain dance hydration set which worked very very nicely i actually ran this set or very very similar set to this when x and y first came out man that seemed such a long time ago now and you know i did it with uh sligo as well and i think i even tried it with the goomby so we did a double toxic on each other the thing about me though is i have a way of actually healing it off now i'm not sure if reggie rock has rest or anything like that i don't really know i'm hoping it doesn't uh because that'd be really bad too so i've got hydration on this set right so what i'm going to do firstly before i set up the rain i'm going to go for infestation to trap in the reggae rock now the item i've got on my goodra is a damp rock i want to extend rain out for eight turns um you know as much as possible and with that right us i can go to sleep hydration will kick in and wake me up so i can heal off that uh you know that toxic right away and any damage for that sake which is really really nice i mean obviously uh this is that you know the rain dance hydration combo is probably better outclassed than something like i know vaporeon probably does a little bit better job on it but it still works very very nicely right so now we're both poisoned they have no idea that i've got well they might have an idea ah that i've got hydration but uh i don't know i feel like that they definitely knew that i had that once i used rain dance right now you're probably wondering what the evs are on this pokemon so gudra as you know if you didn't know has a very nice special defense right so i thought what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna give it max elf obviously and i'm gonna give it max defense so that way it can tank physical hits a little bit better it can already tank especially it's pretty good so i thought you know what i just i just need to be able to live maybe one or two hits and then rest off under the rain right i don't need to be super bulky on one side i want to be bulky like all round so we got some more toxic damage and infestation damage here on the regular i gotta admit reggie rock shiny looks like really really nice like super super nice looks i know just looks a lot better so now it's a prime opportunity to go for the rest and what that's going to do it's going to heal me all the way up and it's going to cure my sleep as well which is good now this could easily be counted very like easily by say their dynamics right and they're able to change the weather to like sun or sand you know obviously i'd think about that before i swapped it into the matchup so hydration is going to kick in there and reggie rock is pretty much on borrowed time there there's not much you could really do i ran i actually took out my dragonite and replaced with the goodra so i needed one pokemon on my team with a little bit of bulk and a little bit of stall right you usually need probably one on your team so uh reggae rock is definitely gonna go down the next turn i was like you know what let's swap out the goodra and let's go to salamance right i think they're going to go for a drain punch well hopefully i do right so here comes the drain punch and i thought i might be able to actually get a fury cutter ko on this regular i mean it's going to have to be on a very very low amount of health right for me to actually get this to work again so uh we've got leftovers on the reggie rock and i've got no infestation damage this time because obviously i swapped there my goodreads so i'm not gonna get that rap now that actually cost me the ko but it has put it in there's a chance there's a chance he's like you know fury cutter could actually take this out there's a very good chance it could but it might actually live as well i thought about it for isaac you know what let's do that and they swapped it out that was so worried about a moxie and now they're going to swap in another hack pokemon which is arcanine so this is four in a row like 40 naughty pokemon in a right they're gonna drop my attack which is sort of like yeah that doesn't really matter too much um i mean fairy code is going to do nothing to arcanine so i'm gonna need like a lot of uh fury cutters up so i thought you know what let's go for a focus engine here and we're going to bypass the crits so the item on this salamance is scope lens so i can get 100 crit right unfortunately for me arcanine is going to have outrage i'm like oh no this is really bad because uh you know it's quite a bulky pokemon and it you know it's going to hit me pretty hard so i live on sevenalpha the only thing i can do is go for a fury cutter now the only i guess the only saving grace here would be if it actually gets confused and then hits itself and efficient or it has to swap that's going to be kind of handy so here comes the second outrage and salamence is going to go down i'm sorry people i couldn't get the fury cutter set to shine again that was that was that was so scared of it with a reggae rock so now good uh this is actually quite a good thing archeron is now confused so i thought hmm i might be able to get a sub and a belly drum off this could be very very good i've also got sally berry on this set too so when the salivary pops i outspeed pretty much everything and i can heal myself up with drain pipes so uh it's gonna be going first here and it's gonna go through the confusion and it's gonna get another outrage off this is really bad because it does well over half health i'm very lucky i went for a sub there instead of a belly drum because i would have been facing archetype on the next turn you know without a sub so eating that celica there it's going to enable me to out speed archive um i'm probably thinking it's got extreme speed most time it'll always have extreme speed so i want to make sure i can do some good damage shots so i was like you know what let's go for drain punch i might be able to get some health back and uh maybe use substitute again if i do get the outrage off so i do some really solid damage here with the drain punch and that is going to heal me up very nicely and enable me to get another substitute off if they are able to attack me again and they are they're going to snap out of confusion and hit me with another outrage i'm like this sucks i really would have loved to you know what i wanted to do i wanted to keep frame punching them right get enough health back and then belly drum that would have been absolutely wild but i wasn't able to do that right they were getting quite lucky with their confusion so i was like you know what let's go for another sub again and let's hope i can get them confused again in two turns so here comes another outrage from the arcade and that's gonna obviously break my sub now looking at the rest of my team right dragapold and goodra are both weak to outrage and there is another pokemon on their team two which is uh pretty strong as well it's another pokemon that i've got so here comes another confusion here and they break through and get an extreme's feed off man i just i just the luck wasn't with me and that matchup ah they got all the luck they possibly needed to take me out there so that's how pokemon is sometimes so now we're gonna go to the dragonbot at least i can't use extreme speed against me i was like you know what i'm gonna go for a shadow ball here and take them out and you know hopefully it's not like a super super bulky set so shadow ball lamps and it doesn't take it out and they are still confusing like oh no here comes an outrage and they hit themselves in confusion so i guess that was a little bit of karma from the turns before right it's good when that happens when you get like a really bad run of luck and then the opponent gets thought of even it out so as i was talking about another obviously there's another poke one here it's a salamance so i was really scared of this if i miss right with draco meter it's game there's nothing i can do it'll be a moxie set and it'll take me out so what i'm gonna do right is i've got to go for the dynamax uh here and i've got to take this alamance outright i thought they might go for a dynamax here themselves considering reggie rock only has like a little bit of help left and i don't but maybe the last pokemon could too but i thought their best play would probably go for dynamic salamance right so we got dynamic dragon body i didn't really want to do this too often but like i kind of had to hear so i'm going to out speed and go for the max worm when that is coming off draco media and sullivan's is going to go down in one shot so that was a very very good pokemon to bury them now this is a very fast pokemon however my opponent has something even faster which was the reggie leki and it's another so that is six back-to-back hat pokemon if you have any pokemon with these nicknames and stuff like that if you got them off surprise trade just you know what just grab the item off and dump the trash right just don't use them uh they are obviously obviously hacked so we got a swap here which is coming off the vault switch and reggae rock is going to come back in so they're trying to stall out my dynamax you know which is a good play there um i would be doing the same so here comes the uh max wormwind and uh reggae rock is going to be going down so i've got one more turn left on my dragon ball here right and you know then it's dynamaxx is done and i've still got a goodra in the back too which is going to be heady so here comes the reggie leckie so this is going to be their dynamic spoke one and i'm like are they going to dynamics this turn or are they going to wait to my you know for my goodreads wondering what they're going to do i knew that max wormwind would do a lot of damage here i thought it may even take it out um we like a very good chance of actually taking it out i'm not sure if they've got a sash or something like that or something you know access the light screen i wasn't really sure so here comes a thunder cage like doesn't really do too much damage to me and it's gonna be not very effective i don't think they've got actually much to hit me with here and here comes the max woman and reggie leki gets one shot at there and that my friends is the third battle unfortunately reggie leckie's a baron move ball sort of let it down there i really hope you enjoyed all three of these battles if you want to watch some other cool videos i've got a outro here with some other cool vids here peace [Music] people [Music] you
Views: 142,221
Rating: 4.9466176 out of 5
Keywords: pseudo legendary pokemon, pseudo legendary pokemon sword and shield, pseudo legendary pokemon ranked, pseudo legendary team, pseudo legendary, pseudo legendary tier list, pseudo legendary pokemon explained, pseudo legendary pokemon team, pseudo legendary pokemon vs legendary pokemon, pseudo legendaries ranked, pseudo legendary pokemon go, pokemon pseudo legendaries, pokemon pseudo legendary team, Pokemon Theme Team, PIMPNITE, legendary pokemon, legendary pokemon theme
Id: OC1gxp6LwYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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