FULL TURTLE POKEMON TEAM ! ( Blastoise Gigantamax , Turtonator , Drednaw Gigantamax )

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you fight today's video will be full turtle pokemon team now six years ago i did a turtle pokemon team however a couple of new uh turtle like pokemon have come into the game and i thought you know what it's time to do a revamp on this old team man six years ago that's such a long time um if you want to check me out twitch make sure i do this right do all my battles i take all my battles here my theme teams pokemon sweeps all that sort of stuff come and drop me a follow the link is the description of the video if you haven't already let's get into today's battles i've got three of them today i got actually nearly four or five really good battles this team so i don't know would you guys be against me putting like four or five battles in a video if i get them right like i know sort of today was a little bit random i got so much uh good content anyway i'll let you decide that in the comments section we've got a bell here this one gets trouble and we are in trouble here because we got a slurp up lead now i've got a shackle lead here this one is my power trick bug bite stone miss reversal set now this is max elf and max defense with impish nature and i've got the sturdy ability so what you want to do here right is you want to go for a power trick now power trick swaps the defense and the attack around on chuckles so shuckle's defense is really really high right and his attack is really really low but if you swap those stats around chuckle gets a lot of attack right and i gave it some pretty uh powerful moves that it could get like stone edge and bug bite stuff like that so we got the play wrap coming from the slurp up here i'm going to live that one on one health emergency available and now i'm going to go for the stone mist and it lands on the cake boss and the cake is gonna go down here so that's a very very good start to the battle there now the next pokemon to come out is duck skywalker man that actually reminds me i need to finish off the rest of the starboard film so i'm gonna get a quick activation pop that reversal there i'm on one health and that drops duck skywalker i am your duck father now the next pokemon to come out here is your mum damn i just got roasted hard there i'm gonna have to pull out the mum um the wii fit joke again anyways the dusk uh dust that noir is going to come not dust nor god dust lord man how do i get those things mixed up anyway so dustin's going to come in and go so it's going to come and and it's going to take me out there it's a disaster you know what i'm not even going to edit this out i'm keeping it in i'm keeping it for the means people so treador is going to be coming in here and dreadnought is going to be able to easily be able to take this thing out right we are running a special one i've got blizzard hydro mist i've got earth power and meteor beam right now i've got max elf max special attack with modest nature right and i've got the power herb as the item so in this case right guzzlord actually swapped into our creamy here and it's the lemon now creamy with a couple little strawberries on the top i don't mind a couple of strawberries on top of you know what i mean so i've got to swap out my dreadnought and i'm going to go into talk alright now talk all this is sort of my bulkiest uh set on the team it was a toxic fire spin trapping set now we got the al creamy going for a g-max al cremie so this is one really really really big birthday cried right i farm i mean if i was ever gonna have a birthday right like this is like that you need like a massive table for this cake like probably one as big as your house right so we've got the gmaxel creamy i don't even know if this set is going to be right we've had some interesting uh set so far in some of these battles so here we go we've got a max knuckle here and this is a physical el creamy and i was thinking okay even if it's a physical bulky old creamy it's going to take like a lot of time to take out so i want to make sure i can put the toxic up on there right and trap it in with the fire spin now it does have this gmax move too i'm sure it's got it and that's also going to heal a lot too so i want to make sure i can get these up you know before it actually takes me out there now the ability on my talk with shell armor i thought it'd be more appropriate on this team instead of running like drought because you know it's it's a turtle team or turtle tortoise team or turtle like team um i thought it'd be uh more appropriate having shellam in the drought right so we've got the uh toxic up on there on the el creamy unfortunately we've got a berry and that's gonna be very annoying it's gonna be healing that toxic right pretty much what happens right just visualize this in real life right you got a birthday cake actually not a birthday cake you got a wedding cake right and some little kid right he puts like some like really bad scummy tasting fruit on the top you go for that first bite in the wedding cake and it tastes like i don't know a pickle anyway so i've got my uh talker there i'm gonna go for the firespin here i'm going to trap this out creamy and at least so it won't be able to swap getting that crit there getting so much damage i think i got two damage instead of one right so leftovers what's my item here it helped me out for the best sustain now the evs i've got in this talk all uh we got max health and i've also got max defense it was a max uh just a really like bulky bulky defensive wall set so here comes the old craney with the drain punches like okay try and puncture our creamy i like that i like that physical alchemy now al creamy is going to get some health back and it's going to get some nicer stain too so i missed toxic and i was starting to get a little bit salty after missing toxin i'm thinking maybe i should swap out my torque and just take this out creamy out in one shot right so we got some more damage there from the fire spin but first before i did that i wanted to get at least one topsy up right so our cream is gonna punch me again i feel like if our creamy punches just pretend the nail cream is real right our cream used to stands alright punches you shouldn't its hand like just i don't know disintegrate like when you have you ever punched a cake before like just maybe that's just me anyway so we've got the gel cream here i finally got the poison on it right and i'm thinking actually about swapping my talk loud into one of my other pokemon maybe my i was thinking maybe my dreadnough could deal with this rather nicely maybe i could get like a um a powerful hydro pump up against it and get some solid damage then i'll say no if i swap it into that it will be super effective and it'll get like lots of health back so let's go into tertinator i made a pretty fun terminator set it's kind of bad but it is pretty fun to run right we got max elf and we got max special attacking on this turn i just said uh the item is citrus berry and we got modest nature now what i wanted to do with this set right is i want to make use of the move shell trap right i really like shell trap it's a very very interesting sort of move right it's kind of like miracle but not so we've got a shell trap here we got protect taunt and block so the item uh obviously the whole idea was to trap the opponent and go for the shell trap now obviously shell trap is only going to be working against the uh physical users and physical users are going to get hit very very hard there with a modest max a special attack turn at it so lemon pie is finally going to go down there the kid took the last slice man i hate that you know you go to that birthday party right and you see the cake on the table right you're like man i just want that last slice and then this little kid comes along eats one bite and then throws it in the bin it's happened to me so many times anyway we're getting salty let's get back into the talkalia we got a la noon coming into this battle right here and learns a pretty fast pokemon and it's going to be going for a facade on my tackle it doesn't do a lot of damage there and torquel is going to eat that one up very very nicely here now in this team right there was two g-max pokemon possibilities so i really want to make sure i could gmax you know these pokemon at least once throughout the battle so that's sort of why i've got three battles right i had to pick the best ones they had a big battles where uh the pokemon actually got a chance the gmax uh on the same so of course dreadnought one of the right and blastoise is the other so gaza is going to come back in it my mom's going to come back in i try to roast them with your mum joke but it didn't do a lot of damage right so uh we've got the guts all trapped in here i feel like it's just going to go for a dank pulse and take me out here i am on 69 health after all right so getting some more damage there on my mum and uh we got the dang pulse here and it hits me very very hard and torquel lives like i was like man that actually lived there so i think they got more bulk on this guzzle than offense i'm not really sure right so getting the toxic up on my mum man this is just a roast right now we need to i think we need you know what i've thought about it i've thought about it for a long time people i think we need to do a new your mum team now what i did last time right i did like a whale i think it was like it was like a white level 69 shiny holding on burn hill called your mom i'm pretty sure that was the theme team like i can't quite remember the members but i'm going to watch it after i actually narrate that anyway so talk was going to go down and my mom's going to get a beast boost man that's actually kind of scary so we got some more toxic damage on the gus sword and it's about half health right so i got to deal with this before it gets too many boosts right so i'm going to go into carracostia now carracosa i was running a uh swift swim set on this right instead of 30. so we got razor shelf i've got that 50 chance of dropping the fence rain dance flail and endure max speed and max attack i've got adam and nature on this one too so here comes the dang pulse there i live on five health it was very very close i could have almost gone down there i took the risk and i got the rain dance up now i've got the ability swift swims that's gonna double my speed in the rain and also power my water type moves like the razor shell right now at this stage i was thinking okay gossip is gonna eat a berry there unfortunately my mom's gonna eat a berry um it's gonna go over half health there and it's gonna take some toxic damage right so i thought let's go for the endure get another round of toxic damage then it'll be like a decent amount of range to take out now my mom's going to burp on me and i lived on one health there so it's fine right the merch survival like loki available now what i can do is i can go for flail and easily take the my mum out man this is this is me no one ever called that pokemon your mum again so go for the flower there and i finally fight my mom in a game of pokemon that better be the type of comment now there's a couple more poker left and one of them is li noon right now la noon is burnt from earlier on uh it's gonna actually out speed me due to the sticky web that the uh swerpa put on the field earlier which is a shame because i could have gone for a razor shell or a flail there so bye bye caracosta now the next pokemon here we got is a dreadnor i can easily take pretty much anything this stacks there like actually throws me right now once again i've got the swiss on this and instead of attacking me it's gonna go for a parting shot there's like okay parting shot it's gonna drop by stats which is uh it's kind of annoying because brendor's stats on the special side i mean they're not really that great right you need all the stats you can get so in comes lucario i'm going to pop a meteor beam here so it's like okay meteor beam that's that's nice obviously it's not going to do a lot of damage to the car it's going to resist the right now getting that beautiful special attack right there and the power herb is going to kick in on the lakari and medial beam is going to land so okay that's good i know that it's probably not going to do like a lot of damage right well look at the damage that it did to it it got it that was a crit i'm like what so anyway we've got the le caro go for a drain punch here it does about half my health and like okay i'll wait for the hydro mist in the rain and it's gonna this will do a lot of damage at plus one right now like cara's got all the tail back hydro hydro miss misses and we got a second drain punch from the car and lakari is gonna go take me out there there's nothing i can do i got absolutely scum there so it created me as well i don't think that really mattered well you know dreadnought was definitely going down so i'm down to two more turtle pokemon my next turtle is turtle nader so turtle nature i'm thinking right now actually that's quite a good name turtle nader instead of tertinator now since it's raining right and it's pouring i'm going to be going for a protect to stall at that last turn of the rain however the la cuaro is going to be swapping out here which is unfortunate because i could have gone for a shell truck but then i was like wait i should go for dynamax here and go for dynamic shell track because if i don't i think this lanoon is going to destroy me so go for the protector getting some uh just seeing what the uh lanoon is actually going to do it's going to go for parting shots okay i think they're going to go back into the car expecting a shell trap right maybe i should just go dynomax turn it here and i decided in the end to go for it now it wasn't too often that i actually went for a dynamax pokemon uh like oh a gmax pokemon like outside of the uh dreadnought and the blastoise right they were the ones that i did 99 of the time in this case i decided to go for the tertino right so going to my dynomax terminator look my my next sort of light was is looking around so interesting like it's neck how it looks backwards and i'm going to get hit there by the facade i've got the citrus berry as the item and that's going to heal me up very very nicely now the good thing about this set is if the shell trap does fail and stuff like that it's pretty easy to work around you can go for a dynomax and you can go for a pretty powerful fire type move right there so putting up the drought on the field the last poke one as we know is le cara now all we've seen from la cara is drain punch right and that's about it i don't know what other powerful moves of the god and then it's gonna go for a final game but i knew it's going to do something like that due to its nickname and tertinator is going to go down i've still got one more poke left and obviously they didn't have anything else to do to my tertinator outside that drain punch definitely wouldn't have taken me out from their range and that my friends is the first battle i hope you enjoyed it uh 10 out of 10 commentary there let's see if we can get on to the second battle and not make a um not make some simple errors like calling guzzlord dustnor how do you call guzzlord dustnor like how do you even do that next opponent i'm not really sure what their name is right so maybe someone can translate for me uh there in the comments section this battle was really really funny like it was it was interesting so i've got my shocker lady i was like okay suicune man even if i get my power trick combination off right this thing is so tanky so first thing i get the power trick i'm like okay that's not that great i'd rather probably get it on the second turn but you know what it is what it is so we've got the power trick they're swapping my defense around okay so we're gonna go for a special move this is fine and then it goes for a physical move like what liquidation and it's going to take me all the way down to minus 30. now i was really low-key hoping for a stone edge here unfortunately it didn't happen and i get taken out by the physical speaker and so it's it's it's been a minute since i've seen a physical speaker right i've i think i used one uh a couple of months ago right anyway uh chuckles are doomed there's not much i can do about that going to talk or now you're really desperate when you have to go to talk along the sweet good it's gonna go for a liquidation there it's a solid three hit ko against my toku so toku is going to be going for attackers here so i thought if i can get toxic up and maybe live like another hit i can maybe get smoke screen going and trap them in and then get a rest stop it's going to be very very close depending on you know what happens with this weaker now i know that i can't get credit here which is really really nice so they're going to be a mix set with hydro apartment hydro pump misses thank goodness you know what that makes up for my hydropop miss early on in the first battle right that you got to think of these things people so getting some more leftover recovery on my toggle there and we are back to definitely being ko'd uh by the i'd say hydro pump will take me out of one shot here but liquidation is still a three-hit k so liquidation is gonna miss that which is absolutely beautiful i'm gonna go for the fire spin here so now speaking is trapped in by my little smoke screening talk black smoke screen so you got a really cool animation there obviously moves like that are very easy to work around the opponent can simply swap out or just you know dynamics right but they are kind of fun moves to use not fun when you're on the receiving end and miss a hundred times though so we've got some uh vice press here it's gonna go for an extra century galaxy brain but they didn't flinch me there thank goodness so go for another smoke screen here throwing that smoke around i love how cartoony turquoise little uh smoky thing looks or like the smoke popping out i don't know like something about us like a little cloud's just floating there i'm not it doesn't look i'm not sure it doesn't look super natural to me what do you reckon anyway so we got that some more of a fire spin damage sweetheart is on his last legs here it can only do one more attack to me i've got so much smoke screens up and then it lands a hydro miss are you serious and talking is gonna go down there to that hydro mist man that sucks so much however uh swinging is gonna go down to the toxic damage but man something's crawling on my foot what the okay oh sh it was this is a little uh it was a cord i thought something was actually crawling on my foot like a spider welcome to australia people anyway so we got tapu tap tapper lily coming in here and it still smells like it's crawling what the heck anyways the next pokemon is tertinator man this is the best commentary in today's video so turn on the right you know the set i'm gonna be trying to go for a shell trap i was like okay this is probably not gonna use any physical moves at all let's just see what they're gonna use right probably psyching and then with the focus miss i'm like okay focus miss that's that's gonna be kind of hard to swap into so i'm gonna swap out the terminator right i was like okay let's go with the dreadnough here hopefully they missed right and i might be able to get uh some good damage meteor beam then they went for a player off like what it's another mix set so two mix it so here comes another focus from the tapu lily and dreadnor gets absolutely demolished only living on 31 health right there i went for the medial beam here in hopes i could get some good damage off against the tapu lily obviously i didn't expect to actually live this one after the tapu lily to uh you know obviously one shot this and definitely live but uh it was definitely going to be bad because i missed so here comes the player up and fred north is going to be going down i'm getting absolutely destroyed at the moment by these random sets i love it so the next pokemon we've got here is the carracosta so the okay caracosta let's go for the rain nets hopefully they miss and focus miss is not going to miss and i get one shot of man i wish i had sturdy then that would have been amazing okay kara costa's down man i'm only down to two pokemon this is dire straits right now all right so i've got to make a stand here people i've gotta i gotta rise up from the scum and make a stead so we're going to go to blastocy and then they go for a dynamic they're probably thinking let's finish this kid off fast right i i got to get this happening people so i work for the shell smash here now this blasto set is like one it's it's like no other right you'll see in the second so we've got the uh dynamics tapu leader here if this thing hits me with the psychic move in uh dynamic it's gonna do like whopping amounts of damage here so blast those out speeds and i'm gonna go for a shell smash here right i've got in this one max special attack and max speed and i've got uh oh the white herb is the iron right so obviously i wouldn't shell smash in front of a tapu lily so tapi lily is obviously getting out sped next head and the good thing about this is i can go for gmax i just have to be able to live this turn right so here comes the max mindstorm on my blastoise and it does close to three quarters of my health and the psychic terrain is nearly up uh he's definitely up on the field and if i do not take this out next turn i'm in a lot of trouble i was really worried though because this set was actually horrible right this is water gun i see wind and terrain pulse i picked some of its worst base power moose to put on this set so i was a little bit worried i'm like i need to actually make sure that tapu lily is not in dynamax before i go for my gmax water gun right so what i had to do right as i could play it really risky i mean i had nothing to lose here and everything again so i went for the max cup obviously that's going to block my first max mine storm right then i was like i've got to go for another one i get two in a row i finally get a slither of luck in this battle and the max mice almost gonna hit the max guard there which is beautiful now the tapu lily is gonna be small again so here is my chance to get back into this one-sided game so now the blast size right it's going to go for a jean max cannonade water gun and man look at this big water gun right and unfortunately it doesn't even take it out they're so bad so the tempur lily managed to lift that one right and it's gonna hit me with a play rough there and play rough is not gonna do much at all so i think that was like it's like a physical tapu lily what the heck anyway so my g max moves takes out the tapu lily and i finally took out one more pokemon now the next pokemon here is zapdos i'm like okay zapdos this is bad this is gonna probably be able to take me out with a thundershot so blastoise doesn't have a lot of health right right i could go for a terrain pulse but i decided to go for the icy wind instead because it was super effective right i don't miss which is wonderful there and i do about three quarters damage to zapdos which is good but unfortunately it's not good enough because now it's going to go for a discharge and take out mu blastoise so all i've got left is my tertinator and we know that terminator only has shell trap right so this is going to be rough right and it just used a um like a special move then so i was like okay i've got to make sure i take this zapdos out the only way to take the zapdos out right is to go for protect right and that will uh enable it to go down to blasto's g-max move right so go for protect here you've got to use protection people right the things i teach you in my videos so we got the drill pack here i could have got a shell trap but it i didn't anyway i didn't take any damage and uh zapdos is gonna be going down there so i finally took out three pokemon i'm slowly clutching my way back into this game people all right next pokemon was the calorics this battle was an absolute travesty so we got the color x coming in here i thinking okay unless this is like like some special set which i hope it isn't i'm going to be going for my shell trap here so i've set the trap up there and here comes like outrageous like what so outrageous there and it does a lot of damage to me right i've got the citrus berry and the shell trap is gonna pop off and it looks really really cool too calorics just managed to live on there on a little bit of health and gmax blastoise attack takes it out wow that was so cool so we've taken out four pokemon now and there are two remaining but man this is where things start to get very very dicey so my turn is going to eat a citrus fruit i've actually got a fair bit of health there so i know that i can leave probably i could probably take out one more pokemon i was hopeful about that right and then comes in the intelligent i was thinking i hope this uses like a physical set because all their other sets have been physical and then it uses snipe trauma like oh no and that my friends is it i can't do anything here oh my completely walled by this pokemon it's gonna take me out it's through snipe shots it's quite funny they use all the mix sets at the start and use the normal snipe shot one at the end but what a crazy battle there they had some very very amazing sets there the greatest pokemon battle in the world people are they were just too good for me all right people i've got i've got one more battle for you and this one was pretty interesting as well now i wanted to see if i can make water gun blastoise work as well i had to get one ko in at least one of these battles right so my next opponent this one was against armando i thought it was like a moldova and we've got a cinderella slate here so what i'm going to do right is i'm going to leave with chuckle shackle is usually my lead out of all the times that i battle with this team run so we're going to go for pow trick right off the rip here it's going to go for a pirate ball so like okay pirate ball that's not going to do much to shuckle and it does about it's about a three here kind of shackle right so go for the power trick here now the thing is if i do get hit by a power not a powerball i'd like to get hit by a powerball get that lotto but if i do get hit by a pirate ball there it's going to destroy me and chuckle is going to go down man today's narration has been it's just been absolutely memes next pokemon is my talk alright now toggle can easily take this out right and uh it's gonna go for a flame charge here so it's got powerball and flame charger okay they've got that uh they've got the flying charge to boost their speed and they've got the power ball there you know it's hit really really hard fair enough now go for five spin there and i've got my leftover recovery i believe that this scene race definitely won't be able to overcome my talker's defenses right now we've got that fire spin up here which is good all i got to get left is the toxic and we're good to go and then cinderella uses another fire move like this thing had flame charge it had purple flair blitz i mean you know what it's you guys know it's gotta have it's gotta have fire pledge that's gotta be its last move this is pure pure content anyway so we've got that accommodation happening there on the cinderella it can't swap out and talk looks pretty much got a beat here which is really really good the thing about um toggle lag and all the battles that i did it was actually very very good against swapping in like physical attackers and trapping them in and finishing them off right now also i was saying this one at the start to why my tokel destroys this cinder race if you'd like to see more if you don't mind seeing more than the three battles just let me know there because i'd ra i like prefer i prefer narrating the battles rather than doing like a like a sped up version of music and stuff like that so obviously it won't happen all the time but in this case i did up i'd like five battles of this team i thought they were you know really quite good but we're probably looking at like a like a 50 minute video then i'm not sure just let me know in the comment section so we've got some more toxic damage there on the uh on the uh cinder race and it's going to go for a pirate ball here on my uh taco and it's going to hit me below the uh nearly about like a i guess quarter health there so go for another smoke screen here turquoise needs to get a rest off soon otherwise it's going to get destroyed right so this is cinderella's last turn here it is going to go out of toxic and the uh fire spin damage there and toggles in like a reasonable amount of help against any like physical attackers if it comes across any special attackers it's pretty much you know going to go down right so bye bye cinderella's there it was a it was real but uh you know toggle always managed to beat all the syndra star sets that i came across there right next pokemon here is the ursh fruit this is pretty funny right it's going to go for the surging strikes now this is quite interesting the last night's video i did is the crit run right 100 crit one if i came across a talker with shell armor it actually wouldn't have crit so they get to see it didn't crit and hardly did any damage at all right so urshvu is going to take my talk all out that was to be expected i actually would have liked to be on a fuller mana health there because i believe i would have won that match up now we're going to go into the 1080 i thought you know what let's see how much shell trap actually does this thing its special defense isn't the most amazing in the world i feel like this will be a two here ko right so go for that shell trap and here comes the surging strikes now the same thing here is uh actually going to happen with the terminator right look at the little amount of damage that it does when it's not a critical hit and obviously it only hits three times so it's doing hardly any damage so now we're gonna go for the guaranteed shell trap there shell trap is actually a clear two here ko right so once again go for another shell trap i thought they may swap or go for another attacking move and this time they went for air race air always does probably as much as one uh surging strikes hit or maybe like a little bit less and urgeful is going to be going down to another shoulder trap i really really like show traffic such a cool move hope we get some more of these type of moves in the future so out comes italia i'm like oh no we're going to get ptsd from this thing it's got to use it's going to use snipe shot again isn't it and tertinator is it like it's in this matchup will it just can't win and i don't want to swap into another poke all right because this thing's obviously going to have a good chance of creating me right so tornado is going to go down to italian again i just went for taught there so we could play some handsies and it's going to take me out nothing i could have done there i went for the shell trap there in case they did go for a physical move but obviously they're not they're going to go for a sniper shot so tertinator is going to go down and i've lost half of my team right but it's still good we are still in this game people wasn't like the second battle where i had like all of my team basically wiped out right but you're like halfway so we're going to go into karakos there i thought this is a good opportunity to go for that uh strategy right so here comes the hydro pump there they've got hydroponic and snipe shot that does a lot of damage almost take him out in one hit so i did manage to get the rain dance off once again with my kara costa so what i can do here so i can go for endure and put myself on one health or i can go for the flail and go it's gonna be basically the same thing right so italian is going to go down so bye bye until then i'm very very glad of getting rid of you next pokemon needs the real boom and it doesn't actually have grassy surgery okay let's go for flail and let's take advantage of that right and it does half health i was pretty happy with that and here comes woodhammer which would have taken out every single one of karakos fossils that ever lived and was ever resurrected so that's four pokemon down i've still got two to go right we can get rid of this gorilla boom i was pretty confident right so going into my dreadnought since i've got the swissvale mobility i know that i can out speed this thing the only thing was right if i do go for meteor beam and it does miss i know that my dreadnought is going to get absolutely dominated and like worst case scenario really may go down to recoil damage however meteor beam this time is going to hit and dreadnor finally gets his time to shine against willow boat and it takes it out they're getting a plus one in special attack now i haven't actually done i actually i was gonna say i haven't actually gmaxed my dreadnor yet so i thought you know what the time is right let's go for that g max right so in comes another color x actually well i'm looking at that actually quite a few pokemon that was similar from this thing to the next one especially the intelli on the calorics right now we're gonna go for the g-max dreadnough here i don't know i'm not sure about this uh gmax pokemon whether i like her or not i just think they could have done a little bit more with this design like i like dreadnor don't get me wrong but i feel they could have done something a little bit more interesting with this design just my opinion anyway i do like dreadnor itself as a pokemon so we're going to go for the gmax a stone surge here which is going to put some handy little stones on the field and that does really good damage to calorics almost taking it out in one hit there so i was very happy with that right so calorics is going to go for a giga drain it was a special set and since i'm in gmax right or you know gmax look at the amount of health that it got back it's like man and now since they got so much health back right they decide to desperation dynamax and i'm going to see if i can leave my head and take out my dreadnor right now the only thing about this right i am running out of gmax very very soon and i have to make a decision where i go for a hydro pump right so we've got the calorics here it's in its dynamics at least they've used up their dynamics so that's that's a good thing right and i know what it is and it's already at half health so go for that gmax our stone change there once again i'm gonna out speed it because i am in the rain you know calorics isn't really fast anyway and uh that does really good damage but it doesn't take it out so here comes the max overgrowth coming off giga drain like we've seen before right and it does some pretty good damage to me and i lived on 14 health it was very very close here right so the grassy terrain is going to be put up on the field and i'm going to get some health recovery and of course so is the caloric so i've got one more turn of my uh gmax dreadnough here and i can definitely take out this calorics which only has a little bit of health however they're gonna go for a max guard there and deny me of my last move in g-max so now i've got to go for a high drop up here to take them out like okay hydropop i know can take them out from here but the problem is if i miss right what do i go for should i just go for hydropop or should i go for another move i went for hydro pump but i sausage fingered the earth's power button and obviously that was never gonna take it out and now i'm gonna go down to a a massive mushroom but it doesn't matter right because this pokemon is only on a little bit of health and i can bring in one of my other pokemon to take it out there which is my blastoise now remember how i was talking about in the first or second battle how i wanted to you know get this shell smash or water gun set going that's exactly what i'm going to be doing now at this stage i didn't really want to set up against a calorics with shell smash get serious got a like a grassy terrain on the field too i thought that would be kind of dangerous too and i might be able to get too much for the health back and then leave my next attack and stuff like that so what it is i went for a terrain pulse and that turned into a grass move which is really really cool and color x is going to go down obviously terrain pulse is only 50 base power without the terrain boost right that's why i chose it so the last pokemon of course is cherries out wow well it's it's the rare shiny one and what i did right as i gave him a little bit of a water gun and it took about with a crit imagine getting fainted the water gun that's it people that's all three of these battles i really hope you enjoy them what a roller coaster of commentary it was today i'll be back with another theme day tomorrow have a good day and night peace out [Music] people [Music] you
Views: 99,493
Rating: 4.9371338 out of 5
Keywords: Turtle Pokemon Team, Turtle Pokemon, all turtle pokemon, all turtle pokemon team, every turtle pokemon, pokemon turtle, pokemon turtle team, drednaw turtle, shuckle turtle, torkoal turtle, turtonator turtle, Carracosta Turtle, blastoise gigantamax, drednaw gigantamax, Blastoise, carracosta, carracosta pokemon, blastoise pokemon, turtonator sword and shield, turtonator pokemon, shuckle pokemon, pokemon pimpnite theme team, pokemon pimpnite, tortoise pokemon, pokemon tortoise
Id: 3Vf2CxgJiv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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