Ranking EVERY Pseudo Legendary Pokemon!

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real YouTube is think of what they're gonna sing once they've already started singing this might have happened when I clicked recording today right now I went to hit turn off paint but instead I almost hit the stop recording button anyway hello today we're talking about the pseudo legendary Pokemon so these are Pokemon that are well there's pseudo legendary I don't actually know if the game I believe the game classifies them as such they're like the very power of a Pokemon of each generation there are nine of them here because gen 3 has to I think every others end has only one we have two we have Dragonite from Gen 1 we have to rent a jar from gen 2 Metagross and Solomons from gen 3 guards run from gen 4 hi dragon from shed 5 goodra from gen 6 come come move from gen 7 and drag report from gen 8 so there's nine total Pokemon here which is a little less than what maybe were used to what we're used to ranking in terms of the quantity however I thought it could be interesting these Pokemon are very good well honestly I think there's gonna be one of the harder cheerless that I've made because a lot of these Pokemon are really very good of the put one of this list of the nine Pokemon this list eight of them have participated or have been legal for some kind of World Championships the assumption being drag a pant every of the other eight half of them have won World Championships okay so four of the other eight that are eligible to win World Championships have won and of those four that have won three of them have won well you know that's five of them have won right yes wait one two three four five of them have one of those five four of them have won at least twice and two of them have won three times the most of any Pokemon ever so we're dealing with some of the most powerful pokémon at all time however there is kind of a dichotomy here not all these Pokemon are created equal when I was thinking about how I wanted to rank these even though of course they're all pseudo legendary is like I thought that I wanted to rank them relative to each other and in the current meta game okay now that's tough because some pokémon like Metagross and Salamence and Dragonite and Garchomp aren't actually in the game they're not legal right now so a lot of this is going to be based on my conjecture and on my opinion and so like yeah I mean obviously I could have done this historically but then it would be different at different tearless like so like you know some of these pokémon like Garchomp are confirm coming back I think Salamis and Metagross as well are all confirmed coming back maybe nos aliments but I think Metagross and Garchomp are both confirm coming back in the DLC which should be dropping something nothing has changed in the next month so I wanted to kind of take a look at this class of Pokemon and talk about how good each of them are I'll go in genore derp I think that'll be easiest the first one is a dragon night dragon entities are gen one Pokemon the original studio legendary Pokemon it's a dragon of Flying type meaning similar to many Pokemon those listed on all of them and has a 4 x weakness for x weaknesses to ice dragon it got buffed a lot in sword and shield although it's not actually in the game but if it were in the game would have been buffed quite a lot for two reasons the first its ability inner focus allows it to ignore fake out already and being flinched in general and already however it now also makes dragon at immune to intimidate which is one of the main weaknesses of Dragon in the past it's a physical attack where traditionally you can row special but additionally it's a physical attacker but intimidate obviously is pretty good against that it also is a second good ability multiscale which is I think maybe dragon its original like original unique ability as a hidden ability in Gen 5 disability if it's at full HP try gonna takes half damage so two very good abilities that are used dragon into hard one to rank for me at least because like it's had almost no success in PTC that being said it was a part of one of the most famous VGC moments of all time one of the best moments in fiji history between gio and toby which i might react to i think that could be good maybe it's like yeah the diffusion of Eevee as well it's a very very interesting set and moment but yeah so anyway that's the first dragon knight buff it got inner focus was changed so that it now is immune to intimidate meaning it can now effectively run physical attacks state more safe the second buff that I got is now it can Dynomax and DynaVox Dragonite is actually legitimate in my opinion you can't intimidate it it's a flying type that can raise its speed its and you know and it has dragon coverage as well so for that reason I'm gonna be dragging it in the beats here I think it's better than some pseudo legendary Pokemon but it just doesn't have the success of some of the other ones and yeah I just have a lot going for it even still so yeah okay moving on generation two doesn't have any Oh a donuts two rennet or so Tyranitar is one of the pokemon that is actually only one though it has won the World Championships but actually only once in 2012 I came close in 2014 and probably some other years as well however it only is one world championship victory to its name Toronto has a Pokemon that it's known for having like incredible base stats like many of these Pokemon um but it does really good base stats I could be a mixed attack or a physical attacker or a special attacker it is really good bulk its ability Sandstrom gives you weather control the typing isn't battle that the four times weakness of fighting is like definitely painful and the weaknesses to crown and steal are not super ideal either nor is the weakness to fairy or bug multi-week this isn't short however its run time makes up for it thanks to its amazing ability and really really really good stats across the board and yeah it's a nice Pokemon that functions in and out of trick room it was run with choice scarf in the past it could be a sweeper it could be a tank it can be pretty much whatever you want it to be it's an amazing Pokemon yeah San teams obviously like they are always a staple of VGC meta games and pretty much every year turning towards legal it's used a lot and the current format is well shorten tour is really good and also kind of funnily enough has a somewhat positive matchup against many of these other pseudo legendary Pokemon like it has a positive match up against goodra and dragon Paulton hide regan it's kind of goes even with Metagross depending on who's faster and the items and stuff pause and imagine being salamence and then yeah negative matchups to come out and Garchomp so obviously that's not how we're gonna actually do the rankings we're not gonna rank them based on if they beat the other pseudo legendary Pokemon or not however I just don't think it's interesting to note that yeah it has a pretty good matchup though that to be here that's partially because many of these Pokemon are dragon types and dragon types are typically special they're not always actually yeah more learning tips in this list it's actually even on this list it's a physical a special but yeah Turner is an amazing Pokemon I think it's pretty clear to me that it belongs in the s tier I think it like goes at least even with many of these other Pokemon in the current format it stuff like I want to put a lot of these guys in sto but I think I have to differentiate them somehow yeah yeah I think Tyranitar relative to the others is nests here Pokemon it's it's honestly really hard next up we have Metagross medgar's is tough because it was really good in 2012 and before and one three it's one of the pokemon that has won three World Championships so it's obviously really good it actually won them even before its mega evolution was released so but that was also before the steel type nerf where it's you know gained weaknesses to goes to dark in exchange for resistance to ferry Metagross didn't see that much play I'm an aggressive Jenny when it pops up every once in a while when it's legal and 2017 mega Metagross wasn't legal but actually Metagross Solomon's desire somewhat common core Salamis would be bulky and used bulldoze we should lower the opponent's speed stats but not met a versus speed stab thanks to clear body and then Metagross would get a weakness policy boost and go to town kind of from there this strategy actually is buff significantly in the current metagame i think it would be if these two were legal I think of these two are legal you'd see I met some kind weakness policy Metagross for sure with bulldoze because it's a really solid strategy lowering your opponent's speed and getting the immediate speed mechanic change helps medgar's a lot in terms of its actual potential I would say without Dynomax I would put it in the god this sucks they're also good the thing is if you dynamics your Metagross like you get amazing coverage options you can boost your physical defense with steel-type moves you can set psychic train with Zen headbutt you don't have to worry about missing so you can like actually not miss you're meeting your mashings then head about which significantly hold Metagross back you could run max quake to raise your special event so his quick was common of Metagross you can run fighting you can run ice and his really good coverage moves it's such a good pokemon it actually it like there's a lot you can do with it as well it can be bulky you can be offensive even losing its mega evolution i think the addition of Dynomax makes it really good I'm actually gonna put it in the s tier I think we're gonna have a lot of s tears in this in this video because I don't really think I don't really think I can justify putting it lower like maybe you could argue it's worse than trying to hurt like I'm sure you could but then when you consider like Dynomax medicals combined with weakness policy bulldoze stuff like if you learn to lead Metagross alamin to do a lot of Pokemon and the current metagame obviously it's not there's not really fair because one would Metagross comments really one other put one more illegal as well so like I get that but if you were to do that you know a lot of pokémon in the meta game don't want to deal with intimidated speed dropped you know status versus you know +2 Dynomax sounds brutal absolutely brutal huh all right moving on we have Salomon Solomon is an interesting Pokemon it has won the World Championships three times however unlike Metagross who want it in the early years Salamence is actually the mega evolution of choice and the two years mega evolution were legal at the World Championships last generation so samel twins worlds in both 18 and 19 mega salamence was a very powerful Pokemon it actually was like a physical flying tape Pokemon that could do something most flying-type pokémon had to run bounce or a z move in order to get a physical attack because there aren't very many good physical flying-type pokémon attacks outside of like brave bird so yeah Thomas doesn't learn brave bird so Solomon's mega forum was interesting you could run mixed you could physical special all of which were viable you got tailwind it was extremely fast aerial it was an amazing ability it was an offensive you know fast Pokemon Solomon's also won the World Championships in 2009 I believe I'm the apollyon team I'm pretty sure yeah so it doesn't through World Championships to its name the interesting question to me is like how good was Solomon to be without without without mega evolution with the addition of Dynomax Sambas used a little bit in seventeen it's used to generally when there aren't like in in what it's like legal when they're even without its mega evolution in like restricted format so it was used in 2014 I was used in 2017 didn't see that much play in 15 years little bit in 16 yeah a little bit of 16 actually I'm pretty sure talk yeah definitely at least hoppy in the world so I think it might atop it the world champions twice I believe Aaron and Justin both had it you know Aaron didn't have men's tweeted Aaron events I don't remember yeah so a topcoat worlds in 2016 it was used in 2017 with the Metagross strategy that I mentioned it was also used as like a Z move user I used it myself for the first tournament in London how does in playing a team like I mentioned it to play 19 but those were both mega forms so how good is Salamis that you take away it's mega evolution it's typically only used in formats where it's like basically we're like you don't have as many pieces right like would you ever use elements over like Togekiss and for example obviously if they fulfill different roles there's stuff question for me personally I'm not entirely sure what the answer is I have a feeling the answer is yes because now that you've Dynomax you can run max flying and your your Solomon's can become very dangerous so you can run physical and use like you know it has a really high base attack stats you can even run moxie if you wanted like moxie dynamic Salim and something really strong you can raise your speed and lower the opponent's attacks and you can reduce your pressure defense max quake or whatever you could also run special which is like I think the game of hurricane I'm not positive but it always had flying move you know a trick with meteor heat wave hydro Papa has good good coverage moves here it's an offensive Pokemon I think it would function somewhat similar to Garrity's who shares the same abilities trading a four-time Cygnus for ice instead of a four times like this for two electric I don't know yeah but it's faster than Garrity's which is a big deal so base 100 Pokemon it's gonna be an A or an S here for me I'm less confident about Salamence than I am about Metagross and Tyranitar so I'm gonna run in the eighth here unlike Metagross and turn it sorry I think you'd pretty much have to Dynomax aliments if you wanted to use as salamence that could die no max it's like of course you could rub support it's all that stuff but Metagross doesn't need to Dynomax to do well like it was using the past that dharna Maxon to be fair so Salomon's but to me if you're gonna be running a move pool that's like moxie with like max you know fly earthquake and Dragon Claw you probably need to max it in order to get the most out of it and so for that reason I think I'm gonna run I'm gonna but islands in the a tier yeah huh okay how are we doing next up we have Garchomp generation fours pseudo legendary Pokemon Garchomp is an interesting one and it's won the World Championships twice I believe in 2012 and we didn't really go in fourteen twelve and fourteen yeah wins the World Championships very very good Pokemon very fast it's faster than base 100 which in the past was really milestone to get over the current metagame it doesn't matter as much for ya the fact that these 100 is really important to good abilities the first being rough skin dealing contact or if a Kokomo makes contact with it they'll take some recoil damage in exchange I'm the sixth impassive ship damaged exchange and it actually adds up a lot second ability is Santa veil so Garchomp was a staple kind of when I first started playing in 2012 Santa DeLaGarza hubble's Tyranitar it's funny to me how a lot of these like the good ones synergize with each other like Garchomp let's try net I was a core solids suspended services a core like this right here Salomon's Metagross Garchomp turn it so I would actually be like a really that'd be like a solid 2012 start in my opinion like I'd Cresselia and like Rotom wash that need have like a really good team or like are these something passable you know something this thing decent although Salomon's maybe not so much but yeah although we didn't have too many back in the day so yeah you actually could do that let me like a solid 2012 team I think anyway sorry got distracted so garchomp garchomp is really fast like I mentioned it has good offensive typing ground and dragon it was used a lot it's generally used a lot in restricted meta games but it's used other times as well it generally gets overshadowed by Landorus therian form because yeah like Landorus therian form is just like a very powerful Pokemon you need a really good reason to not run Garchomp some people who are in both I think somebody talked about the 2013 World Championships with both the car shop and Landorus I'm not positive about that but yeah if it weren't for Landorus and I think Garchomp would be like the replacement I think the landers takes the role of Garchomp a lot of the time gars mumbles use in 17 when there was no Landorus it used as he moves the ground is really difficult to switch into large robos phenomenal natural book under kind of both sides better physical than special a high base each piece at a good physical defense that and a jisun special defense that coupled with a high base attack and speed stats make it really dangerous um despite kind of common weaknesses to Dragon ferry and ice still a very powerful Pokemon and I think if you give a Dynomax it just becomes more dangerous like much more dangerous max quick raising a special defense and getting stabbed as well as a power increase sounds kind of nutty to say the least it sounds really powerful as lesser you consider the Garchomp come like Swords Dance as well to raise its attack stat very very powerful Pokemon very dangerous Pokemon scars I'm talking because would be a nightmare to play against to me this is an S to your Pokemon I think it we're legal it would totally dominate the meta game maybe not dominate but would be very very very present in the Med so yeah the only reason I think Garchomp would not be like as used as if Landorus was around which you know I have a feeling that when Garchomp comes back Landorus cool as well so it's kind of too bad for car chomp but in a vacuum like you know nothing about God about Landorus I think Garchomp would be super good next that we have a Gen 5 which is Hydra again so how'd you get to one two World Championships as well it's one of the other ones that won two World Championships um we have started 3 for Metagross 3 from ents 2 for Garchomp 2 for Hydra and one for Tyranitar and neither of these last three have won any what Mojang hope wasn't legals was not entirely fair but yeah so hydreigon so how'd you get to want to world championships in 2011 to 2012 hi dragons interesting Pokemon it you know obviously get one before fairy-type pokémon were introduced which helps it a lot and it to victory however I don't like it was still really good in 2014 so like obviously fairy-type pokémon being present are problematic however it can still function even with them at table cook call until recently Dynomax helped it a bit I think yeah good offensive typing and coverage against earth power and flamethrower and flash cannon for coverage which are all really solid options dark pulse Draco meteor powerful moves it's got a really high bay Special Attack stat and a decent speed stat it's below base 100 but in slower meta games is still really strong I think it's one point faster than mimic you actually I'm forgetting now I think it's base 98 if I recall correctly and mimicked use 96 maybe it's 97 yeah that's faster than the Mickey which is important faster than token guess obviously so yeah overall it's typically used as an offensive powerhouse though it has been used like defensively before Bray who used high drinkin in 2011 to win knocked me out with like a substitute bulky hydreigon it made it really hard for my trick room team to handle so it doesn't have to be run offensively obviously hi dragons weaknesses are kind of bad fairy fighting ice bug dragon all you know somewhat common except for bug but yeah fortunes weakness in fairy means it's it can't really do very much to fairy especially cuz fairy is immune to dragon and then resists dark typing that being said it's a really good Pokemon nonetheless it has the stats that it needs it has the coverage moves it is it has the offense it needs I would put it in a tier to me it feels kind of similar to Salamence where how does a lot going for it if you like if you were Richter like randomizes team and you've got a hydreigon you would almost never be upset about it you know how it's not as it has some pretty glaring weaknesses yeah that's a pretty glaring weakness is that you can cover four but you have to work to cover for them whereas Pokemon like to run a traumatic or sancar Trump will generally cover like dude you like do a job to cover weaknesses for you and of course like all the every Pokemon is a weakness right I'm not saying the Tyranitar Metagross and Garchomp don't have weaknesses I'm just saying that like you have to work a little harder to support hydreigon then you have to support those other Pokemon and also by virtue of their better natural bulk I think that like they do a better job of like being like defensive as well as offensive pieces whereas with hydra in like you wouldn't normally switch it in our dragon is honestly a very special place in my heart I won my first ever regional with it my first ever tournament with it I will have taunt sash hydreigon and in addition to that I got me through the LCQ which is the hardest ornament of my career using yeah ally for hydreigon as well with a really cool spread truthfully so yeah I don't know how drinkin will always have a special place in my heart I like it a lot but I don't think it's as good as turn into our Metagross or Garchomp at least right now personally next up we have generation 6 which is goodra goodra is an interesting Pokemon it's got a ton of special book but it's lacking some of the offense of a lot of these other Pokemon on this list goocher probably along with dragon knight has one of the worst offensive capabilities of the Pokemon in this list now that I look at it maybe come out as well but yeah what it lacks in offense it makes up in some of the defensive properties Kuchar has ok let's start with the positives of goodra very good move pool lots of good coverage moves it current physical or special you typically do special and maybe you add on a physical coverage move power whip is the a good example dragon pulse flamethrower ice beam sludge bomb Thunderbolts it might even get to say a speedy I think it gets ice beam power whip it has a whole multitude of really good moves fire electric ice dragon poison grass yeah a lot of really good things going for it it has a couple of good bilities GUI I think is the signature ability of it where if you make contact with it you get a speed drop it also has hydration which will heal status conditions in the range so you can do like rest hide rest goodra in the rain and then it also has SAP zipper making an immune to grass-type moves which is kind of useful and meta gains were like sleep powder and spor our part around you don't normally use it for the grass type production and damage but yeah goodra traditionally has been run with an assault vest though it doesn't have to be that way you could also run life or weakness policy goodra especially with Dynomax I think dynamics buff scooter a lot I think it's a little under explored right now pure dragon typing is actually good for a defensive standpoint obviously you're weak to ferry and ice but with koutris high natural special bulk and the fact that I sir typically special moves um you don't mind ice too much and a lot of ferry Pokemon are special as well not all of them like you have mimicked you for example but whimsicott and Togekiss who are the other big ferries that come to my mind right now are all special as well so yeah basically googors like a defensive pokemon it generally struggles like it's weaker because it lacks damage output like I said it's offensive stats aren't the best and although it has coverage moves if you're not hitting something for super effective damage like you're probably not gonna be doing that much damage and even if you hit something for super effective damage outside of like Draco meteor and like aura like outside of the boosting item or any boosts you're probably not gonna doing a ton of damage you might not even be Oconee most Pokemon with that being said I think it's really fair to put into the beach here to me it feels a lot like Dragon Knight so I would say dragon it actually you know what no I think Dragon goons are both have potential maybe I'm under estimating Dragon Knight but yeah I don't know goodra I think is interesting that yeah like you don't have to dynamics Kudrow to be fair like that's another plus going for it I think it's I think it's a fine Pokemon like I didn't I never liked it in the past but now that I've seen what Dynomax Kruger can do I'm more inclined to believe in it okay cool moving on we have generation 7 and one of my least here at Pokemon a long time though I did I intended to bring him to the World Championships I got knocked out day one before I could make day two so yeah where'd you go ahead and put cow moo in the bottom tier come oh I would have put up a higher tier probably if it were still in Gen 7 come oh it's main gimmick was that it had a signature Z move clangorous soul blaze yeah I had clangorous soul blaze which raised all of its stats by one and also Duff spread damage with a huge base power to both targets that alone made it like pretty decent it kind of compensated for the garbage rest of it like the things going on for it KOMO its signature move is climbing scales which hits both targets this is a spread dragon move and lowers lowers the users defense after it uses it the thing about this is that that implies that Como wants to be a special attacker but the only good fighting special move his Aura Sphere who actually they might have given it to in Gen wait do they give it worse fear nothing that would raise my ranking but I'm just curious I think they did did it always atmosphere or okay they gave me always fear in this generation so it now has a special from fighting a move so that that's a bit better didn't give it to us okay I'm right they didn't yeah they does a new change yeah I honestly wasn't sure cuz nobody bothers to come out cuz it's garbage um yeah it's a dump oh c'mon it's four times week two fairy-like hydrea but it has so much less going for it decent bulk but like the bulk doesn't it's not alright like decent is as decent like low bhp and good defenses 125 and a hundred five based defense a low base speed stat they gave it a new singers removed cuz they felt bad that they took away good disney move called clanging soul clangorous soul or something it is kind of like belly drum but bad it cuts your health by one-third and gives you an omni boost it's not worth it most of the time in my opinion the abilities are honestly really good it gets bulletproof sambar van overcoat those are all good abilities um that's one of the the main things going for como is that yeah like your opponent's play a guessing game because if it has overcoat then you can't hit it with sport if it has bullet proof that you can't hit with sludge bomb or shadow ball but if it has a soundproof you can't hit it with you know hyper voice so the abilities are all really good especially in Vestal one I think the abilities are yeah one of the main strengths of come on but overall it's just not a good Pokemon it was okay I would I would have you know put aside my personal bias for generation 7 and said alright it's probably a b-tier or maybe even an 80 or pokemon like you had to respect it in 2018 for example and even so some play in 2019 I think you could maybe argue it was an 8 year Pokemon last generation I think that would be actually somewhat fair like I don't like it but it's kind of true in my opinion a or B for sure but at the current generation like no one's really used it nobody is really had much success with it as far as I'm aware it's just not good that's all I have to say about it just it's just overall flat-out not good I'm gonna stop I'm gonna calls it like i sees it and last but not least we have this generation pseudo legendary pokemon the only pokemon that does not participate in the world championships dragon poll driveable does that enormous the season it has a ridiculous speed stat like an actual ridiculous speed stat normally you think alright like you doesn't be faster than most Pokemon and then you're like fine no draggable just faster than like a lot of choice scarfed Pokemon and then kind of single handily and validates a lot of things that be popular in the meta game if draggable were as fast as Garchomp which you know seems somewhat reasonable to me you could have speeding the choice gorf Tyranitar if it was faster than type of Coco for example it's not as fast as making a gengar in tempo Coco you could all speed of the choice scarf trick over SHhhh what should you at least be something I think that I sneeze yeah should um right does that speed what's 134 times 1.50 oh sorry 1/3 of Jurgen is 139 yeah I could even be a couple ways faster the type of Coco dragonish would still have speed it um if it was choice scarf however they gave it a ridiculous speed stat the bulk not amazing but honestly not terrible either when you Dynamics Dragonball it actually becomes relatively bulky and you can support them as well some people already been running bulky dragon pool it's sacrificing some other speed because really you only need to speed for other dragon boat and certain like tail end or you know plus-one speeds that count so yeah so that's that's the speed the offenses are good it could run mixed it typically runs physical though some special dragon pools have been used it's a great weakness policy user it's a great it just has a lot going for it honestly like phantasm if it you're running physical combo into itself so using max phantasm lowers defense which then means that expect phantasm is stronger worm wind lowers the attack set to the opponent you can max flying for speed you can Max Keiser to make wolf sad when he's playing in the icy neatly to colossal there's just a lot you can do with it it house it could be support as well like drive run support dragon poop before I won the guys see with the support dragon but with dual screens has a great move pool alex ran thunder wave on it i don't know there's a lot there's a lot that it has going for it and yeah it's to be it's definitely nest to your pokemon although it lacks the bulk of some of the other put them on it definitely makes up for it with the speed in the offense and the typing as well they're really good typing immune to take out immune to mach punch really really good typing offensively and e4 somewhat defensively as well like ghost and dark aren't super common there's not ideal of course to be wait to those types but yeah ice fairy ghost dark is not terrible at all yeah and that's all the pokemon I think that's all I want to say so thank you so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed this video I had fun making it I'm really feeling tearless content right now so if you enjoy this please let me know that be stubby dope I love if you have suggestions as well like us every once in a while I think somebody actually might have suggested this but I'm not sure I thought of this one myself oh wait I did think of this one myself but I do read the comments I try to read them all I've kind of been failing to read all of them but I do a pretty good job of reading reading a lot of them at the very least and so when people make suggestions that I think are good I write them down and I try to respond and say hey thanks I might do this as well so yeah that's all I think I want to say hope you guys enjoyed this video and yeah let me know what other topics you'd like me to rank I'm very good to drinking and I think that's it thanks for watching and I'll see you next time good bye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 960,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer, Pokemon Sword and Shield Gameplay, New Pokemon Trailer, New Pokemon Sword and Shield, vgc 2020, vgc20, tier list, tier list pokemon, pokemon tier list, dragapult, dragonite, best legendary, best legendary Pokemon, pseudo legendary, best pseudo legendary, pseudo legendary pokemon, garchomp, garchomp sword shield, metagross, salamence, goodra, kommo-o
Id: 4nRn_yH3HEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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