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[Music] [Music] what tell me to fight a for you will they fool make a Pokemon team boy oh boy people I've got a very special treat for you tonight we have got six different battles in one video featuring six different mega Pokemon now I thought I tribute they make a Pokemon as well in my theme tease before we can't use them for sword and shield and man I spent so much time in this video if you guys could I'll show you boys some support drop a like on the very idea I love you forever without forever through people let's through six battles in a row let me know you to you survived the entire gauntlet and boy there's a there's a really good battles here there's some missing gold here people all right speaking of that we've got a shiny dragon I lead this is a vowel on my discord it gets caught myself also leave your favorite maker Pokemon in the comments alright so setting up their toxic spikes to start this a battle off in this battle I'm not gonna be using mega Beedrill but we're gonna be using all the Megas in individual battles as I explained for right so starting about life right my Pedro gets hit by a shiny dragon right with horned draw like this I've a pet guys we we can't get a better moment in the battle all right so our Beatrice downpour figure I'll let you guys know that Beatrice said is a little bit later on it's not like we don't have enough time right alright so I figured like after that horn drill from a shrine a dragger I didn't I needed to step my game right I feel I needed to step up to the plate you know alright so we're gonna be using a physical make again go right so the first plans first is to get rid of that moldy style by doing our you know point five damage to that drag guy getting about that crit here that crit really made some difference there right so now we've got we've got pick all right what is this it's not like zap cannon horn drill like what is this so obviously it hits me like of course it eats me 50% actually and of course that cannon or is paralyzed so the other move this dragon I has is whirlpool like this this main like literates made Academy right we gonna be going for the ice punch here and what's up +1 and pick or not is gonna go on the bin like it always does matter are you guys know I don't like pickles who likes pickles let me know in the comments Hector alright so next point we got is the star Raptors are singing there's Scott a lot of point me swapping out here I've got like like it doesn't really matter I've lost like one in attack I can still go for ice punch and do some heavy damage however the star wrap is going to go for a natural gift and it's going to be the ghost type taking up my game holy crap what have they said they some pretty damn cool sets I've got a met alright so gang goes down but they did a pretty good job taking out that big flying pickle alright so we're gonna go into Kangaskhan there this is a special kangas car however before my Kangas card can even hop into the battle it's gonna get hit by the final gambit staraptor almost takes out two Pokemon the house of brutal set alright so obviously I'm gonna be a special set as you guys don't you never guess that one and now we got the Braille incoming in our Braille own cause me actually a lot of problems right so I seeking you know I smell a fighting-type move from like a mile away so I'm gonna swap out and go into my pants and see what this thing is gonna do so more on the kangaskhan as we get into the battle so but it is a rather interesting said we've got this one as a curse a destiny bond of pain split and shadow sneak said and I max off and max duck alright so we've got the eyebrow coming in there good thing about having a toxic spikes down the field you know a pokemon couldn't store as easily so I went for the curse there which was going to be pretty handy against the umbrella and then I was thinking right should I go for like a desti bug cause it could have a dart type move to see oh used against me and then I can drag down a really funky poke bomb my team was pretty cool but he didn't have a lot of damage output it was very hyper fences so no stalling today people I've got a very hyper offensive team so now we're gonna go to the dusty bondage and away kind of hoping that we're gonna take that Umbreon out you know one shot it's gonna hit me the dank pulse which is beautiful so but it's gonna go down and it's gonna take the shiny Umbreon with I really like shining up rod it's a very very cool puck one so we've taken out a pickle we've taken a bird and we've taken out a shiny embryos and things are going pretty good I'm gonna swap in my Kangas card I'll stick him hopefully they don't swapping the Burling bar they do so now I'm thinking should I do like should I do like the opposite and stay in so I started saying go for the flamethrower I didn't think that actually are you know sticky doing that blank throat does some pretty good damage there but you know it's a special kangas card so you can only hope for a little bit of damage so obviously they pretty can be swap and went for the sports and this isn't all that bad like I mean it's bad but it's not like totally bad right unfortunate Brennan's got poison eel - so it's like heal yourself up with a toxic spiked I put down on the field so I thought okay I don't want any more my Pokemon going this way let's keep that Kangaskhan in the back you know horses kangas cars in the back so we can swap in another Pokemon there alright so we've got the belly it's gonna hit me on the back your wave it's not gonna do a lot of damage and now we've got a physical metric what we're gonna do here is go for the I spank I spank missus unfortunately and I'm gonna have a little trip around the world and that's gonna do some math 50 damage to me so brilliant is like healing itself up man I just can't get past this probably man I just can't do enough damage anyway so go for the eyes finger finally it actually connected us a really good damage and we got a flinch on ice bang so I guess they kind of made up for the ice banging this at the start there I think it would have been rather close with and took it out or not all right so go for another iced finger hoping we can bury this for a lube and brittle aim sticks it little mushroom head up and goes for a Giga Drain man that does some really solid damage to my young minute or two so it's got that good drain here right it's got that poison heal happening at the same time now here I was actually really scared well I was actually gonna miss this or take it out and then it's gonna go for a vacuum I could have swapped into another Pokemon but it simply wasn't worth a I thought it might be like obvious to do that anyway so Berlin could have some more poison he'll damage I can't swap in kangaskhan the only Pokemon I've got left is the Blastoise and now it's the note all of my Pokemon have their mega stone too so virtually I'm using one mega and all the other Popo you know they don't have an item to you so I'm at a big disadvantage here alright so we're gonna go to the ice punch absolutely barring that brilliant man that Braylon was was a thorn in my side alright so next part we got out of here is the kecleon so we've got a useless kangas card Blastoise is gonna have to bring me home baby or we're gonna get destroyed alright so I got to do a swap here I've got to see what airing as cake party is going to do I thought well there's not the poker woman likes poor so I'm just like a sleeping mode so I'm gonna swap it out Caitlyn is gonna go for the Buy and so I see that vine right and I lived that buy in real good but I'm thinking okay they've got the moon pine they're gonna have to have something like top seed they don't think it right well they're probably gonna have something like recover to they weren't to like me restore the health off and then they're gonna have some other kind of like scummy moves to something I've got to take this out you know virtually in two shot so aqua tail is my most powerful snow on this one we've also got fake out to a lot of people don't know that blasters actually gets fake outs quite a hit you know it's quite handy for a little bit of teeth damage there and getting rid of like pokerbot on one health which commonly happens to yours truly so now I'm gonna go for the equity which is really nice it does have a little bit more power than liquidation over at the obviously at the cost of actually and now we got to kick down go for the toxic now about toxic I seen vine before usually when you're seeing a trapping move like buying fire spin it's usually followed up by toxic to you trapped in and then you're doing lots of damage now I definitely know this cake Leon's gonna have recover because obviously you know cake come on ruins recover and this is obviously going to be a bulky set I'm guessing something like max health and Max special defense all right so we're gonna go for the earthquake there I couldn't risk go for an ice punch because that color change would probably allow it to leave and kicked on is going to go down so we've only got one more pokemon left and Blastoise is poison that's the only thing the good thing about it hasn't actually gone in too many stages of poison and it's a fairly vocal pokemon in and stuff alright and the last poke we got is the air price and air frost has the time advantage here but I do have earthquake so earthquake couldn't be my saving grace here now quake I knew is definitely not going to take air frost out air frost is a very very bulky [ __ ] what I'm guessing they're probably running something like max health alright so earthquake does about half health I do have that poison up and now we got a charge beam coming from the air frost that does a lot of damage come from a charge babe my Blastoise isn't a bulky set it is max speed and now max attack so I wish I was running max health this time but it doesn't matter I'm taking a little bit more damage from the toxin there I'm on 26 elf now that beetle MVP toxic spikes actually got rid of left overs recovery damage so I can go for the earthquake on this set and hopefully take out the air frost and are not going on to a charge beam I'm gonna go down and talk to you anyway alright so air frost is going to go down to their second earthquake and that my friends is that the first game was awesome alright second battle we got is against it Sarge these ones are on my discord I think already said that I know at the start the battle alright so start things off we've got a bigger Wailord lead and this one I thought okay let's go of bait real see if we can get some use out of a drill you know other than that MVP toxic spikes a damage will to the air frost alright so first thing we're going to be setting up the toxic spikes when Pedro actually get us you know it's it's beast together I'll actually explain its then alright so we got--we logo for liquidation here like right off the fat against be throw and Bejo just gets bodied this I'm thinking mmm you know that did a lot of damage I thought bait your or di badet leave that one so I thought okay I'm pretty sure that definitely twice better so going into my blast so I see I'm thinking okay let's go for fake out but it stays in something that's that's interesting now I'm gonna get some little bit of damage or while I was like okay maybe I just maybe my beedrills not as bulky as what I thought I mean it's not exactly a bulky poke all right but so now we're gonna go into beignet and it's gonna go for a liquidation against like armed it is choice better look at the damage that did to Pinet that sounds like okay if I go for the destiny bond this should take it out and I definitely out speed which is really good so I'm going to take this bandit Wailord down here make real talk I wish it had heavy slam but you know you can't hope for everything in one video right so but that's gonna get taken down by the liquidation and whale or it's gonna follow in suit there sounds good Pokemon to loose on their side that field I fought you I lost my big tree on the process and once again guys beetle is 110% useless alright next point we got is the blast I see in the last battle I mega evolved my Gengar I knew said drag why did I say drag arcus dragon I was versed in the Ganga last time we are mega evolved in Ganga this time we are going to be mega of bobbing our plush toy so we've got frost us coming in here and it's gonna take some toxic damage my best on swap that there I went for a fake out so that's fine they clearly want to keep their sturdy intact and you know fake out it's not going to do much damage to pasture at all so first we're gonna go into our mega evolution here guys so we've got the mega launcher as diversity I couldn't really make use of the ability but obviously you know that boosted bog on Blastoise which always appreciated there too so process is gonna go for the Shadow Ball this even if it's a very offensive that it's not gonna like heaps of damage it's about a four hit ko go for that big akuto on process and that is gonna go down in one shot I don't even think the crit mattered there at all processes of what you call bulky Pokemon either okay so process is down way lords down we've got that best on and now we got a grand ball so grapple is gonna come in on what I was kind of wondering this grandma was like quick feet but I had it intimidate that's good it lays like my toxic spikes actually turned against me quite a few times alright so grandpa was also sensing something I think it's God they're gonna go for a normal type move or a fairy type move so I thought Ganga be a nice whopping so they went for a super Fang so that's really really good there so Kings grandpa's gonna hang but we got to G Pogo GG Pokemon on the field the moment I'm gonna go for a poison jab as you guys know I'm running a poison Eggar so poison gets us a really nice sandwich to Grandpa grabble is going to go for an earthquake that was like oh no I wish like seriously guys like Ganga's ability levitate with so much better than curse party like that was such a big nerve so Ganga is gonna go down there unfortunately I did do some pretty big damage to Grable which is really good I guess grandpa's reasonable bulk and gaining is like you know average attack was a recent gravel live all right so now we're gonna go into Kangaskhan I can pretty much take this out with anything I'm just gonna go for an ice beam this is my special set max speed and Max a special attack so down goes the ground ball and are we taking three Pokemon out however we have taken our you know damage on our side the feel to our be drill Burnett and Ginga has gone alright so in comes bastard on I'm gonna go for shout about really guys I can't do anything this Pokemon at all like seriously look look out my shadow boat it alright so bastard it's gonna go for the HP else I all know if that's one gets like a boost this could be really bad now best ones ain't your power did a little bit more damage than it should through the kangaskhan and then I was seeking I reckon this is choice specs are judging on the damage so thinking actually gets like even one ancient power boost it's gonna be very very hard to take out and it's gonna be eating fairly how the ancient power to is gonna be like it that's a three he can get sick anchor scope which is pretty good coming for like you know best ons really bad specials day alright so go for that flamethrower hoping for a like a bird I tried to go for a special defense from before with the shadow bulb with the aim to no avail and Kangaskhan is going to go down in a three hit ko too fast on man we've got to bury this bastard on right so into place I said the best move I got in this is earthquake and a guitar I thought in your earthquake would be like a really good option here so go for the earthquake hoping bastard on does not leave and get like an ancient power boost cuz that could be you know really really scary and vassal on is gonna go down man you've got to have a super effective attack when you come across a passel of us this thing could take stuff all day all right the next point we've got is the elective I so now secure okay I should I reckon I can live this really bad even if it's a thunder punch if it's a wild charge I'm not gonna live I went for I was seeking today let's see what a scoffers I was thinking about going for the earthquake better thought now let's swap into the metric and see what sort of like could move they had and that's got that a punch so it doesn't have why I tries to fight okay this is good I know that can leave that the thing about ton of punches it doesn't have a lot of base power now the elective I does have the life which is good and bad at the same time it does a little bit of damage it and also obviously yeah makes the Thunder punch hit a lot harder so now we've got the Electrify swapping out and we both have a blast ice I've got all right I'll admit I seen that a blasters on the team so I thought I want to use my mega blasters thought that'd be pretty cool all right so now we're gonna go there fill your ice Fang there I really can't hit that like 2x4 too much on my minute Eric the best side burns like fire Fang ice bag and you know thunder thing and I've got hail as the other move all right so now Blastoise is gonna stay i you know i start to smell a radical here when it stayed in there and it's going to be super effective and of course I knew it as soon as it came in it had to wake the spicy and very naughty boy all right so now the weakness pauses you gonna kick in and that scold is gonna hit your boy really hard I mean your girl and metric is gonna go down there that sucks now there are only good thing that's gonna save me here is Blastoise has faked out cuz I'm probably gonna get out speed real quick you know you know what I'm saying so I'm gonna go into my blasters here I've got fake out elective eyes not gonna want to swap into that one so going for that fake in there it doesn't do a lot of damage but the thing about that is it actually put it in range so Beedrill everything again you did it again guys like to battles in a row I can't believe Oh still unspoken we got here is the elected by now I'm confident I can leave this attack and take the elective my out with one earthquake it's very poisonous right and it's got life op - all right so prepping for that big earthquake their electrolytes gonna punch me with a Thunder punch and they're you serious be sure as I'm so salty I think I would have lived that one like just really but not saying I would have lived it well but anyway thanks to the battle to two really great battles there let's get on to the third one this is a battle against mossy dog on my dis court and we got a bear tingly all right come on Pedro it's it's time for you to shine man three battles in a row all right so we've got another beating like we're gonna set up that toxic spikes there and Alawis get some action going hopefully with the beat Rob all right so Barry's gonna set up the hail get that slushee rush going from McDonald's and it's gonna be very very fast right so thinking should I set up another two toxic spikes or should I swap the beater and I was thinking you know that probe expect me to swap out here because bedroom here isn't the bulky spoke cause let's do some reverse psychology let's stay in and old our birthing it's gonna punch your B in the face and it's gonna go down beat I think again that's the third battle in a row I mean guys let you're a real talk it set up the toxic spikes yeah that's it that's this job right now alright so we're gonna go to the main you action here we've got it we've got to take this thing out man this is scary like this is a speedy poke one that's got some high base attack you know I've got to knock it down a little peg or two right so we um got to go into our mega minute trick this time mega metric it's gonna be go physical set you guys hurry no I'll go over it once again max speed and max attack I often for Adam a nature this time instead of a Jolly because I needed a little bit more evidence attack so we got that intimidate up ice punch to does a lot of damage to me and I've got the hail of course which is almost going to turn it into a two here ko unfortunately for me my attacks are not gonna be enough to take out the betting on god they're gonna need a burn or a flinch or something like that which I'm not gonna be able to get because it's gonna have to be be alright so on the swap there it actually went for a sword dance I was kind of hoping that actually attack and go for ice punch again so now I'm thinking what are they going to be able to do - there's no - Blastoise I know piercing set very well has stuff like play rough super power I was thinking you know maybe Ginga would be good swapping you know like super power it could come in like stall out that Turner house now the item that had obviously that the item to extend the Hale there which is the icy rock making it eight turns instead of five which made this thing really annoying so I decided instead of burning off the Ginga I to go into the veneer and man they went for ice but and then they froze but like what is this so clearly they had nothing to hit blasters with apart from our the ice punch so Pinet can't do anything here and it's called Aquajet as the other move and vennett is going to go down man we've got to stop this like with this polar bear is on a rampage guys when you come to a straight of these drop bears so drop out of the traces I'm just warning you people like come to Australia at your own peril so now we're going to go for a fake out on the blasters obviously trying to stall out the amount of turns our Halas by their hail stops raining it stops raining salt people and we're gonna go for a coat on matter of fact miss then I would've been so healthy and betting is gonna go down so I was thinking like superpower player off man leather that's a fortune all right so next pub we've got is the dust one so I actually reveal nearly like for like for my Pokemon just as take one out so dust cops is gonna get poisoned which is pretty good and it's gonna have the pressure ability now all I could think of was if this thing has you know will owest I'm gonna take some serious damage because my team's like very very physically orientated with a the better Pocomoke now it's going to go for it infestation in said something okay infestation you know equals toxic right now it's really enough instead of running ever like they've got leftovers which is pretty cool and I've got aqua tail which is gonna do some good damage so they could go for a pain split or a rest I was thinking okay I've got to go faculty I'll anyway I've got absolutely nothing to lose if they go for wheeler West I'm still gonna put them down to a low man help so it doesn't obstacle to go for that toxic infestation Cabo the great thing about this right dust pops is a very potent it's a bulky poke alright but it's very very poor speed it really can't do a lot of damage it's quite a passive Pokemon so i knew Blastoise you know would be quite a good you know swapping for up well i can either go for an aqua tail here i'm thinking they're not gonna keep their yeah they're not going to swap out their dusclops now the stops they're not going to be doing anything it's it's pretty much just a pile of bandages that the mo people so going for the earthquake I don't want to mess with a hotel it's on a long that hell for me to take out with like a non snafu and it is gonna go down but that pokel of ever light is crazy man like it's one of the bulky spoke whatever okay so taking some more damage from the toxic even though the dust box was very passive it still did a lot of damage to me with that code book next polka my god is the slip off of it no no no this is that belly drum we're gonna have a Friday video in the middle is so secure yeah I've got to go faster like no games here so yeah hitting that Creek like I hit that cream cake with the Aqua towel man it's gonna be a special Center said going for the desolate lame-o vlastos it didn't actually take it out but the poison takes me out instead which is very unfortunate I could have actually taken that with our to echo cells I'm getting swept by a crack a little cream cake of the moment alright so we got the slurp up I thought okay slurp up counter would be very very good for gang go like what sort of special moves could this isn't you would like apart from like you know a psychic-type moving like that so go for the yard power only said power jet the power Jeb guys I just came up with a good move we get power Jeb in the comment section man power Jack what would that move be that'd be a fighting-type move right and you you you jab him a couple of times and that we saw maybe you can fleet them I don't know it'll paralyze them like same base power is poison yeah man I come up with the best move alright so uh we got the cream cake going again and we got the giraffe ring coming down we're going to the zoo here we've got we got a draw we got a kangaroo it's all happening right now and only on pip my channel alright so we've got a psychic Fenster that actually did a lot of damage I'm thinking that she choice banded and it's gonna go for another one they're out speeding me and so she's got pretty good speed and kangaskhan is got to go down man that was a hard move to swap into like my Ginga is gonna get absolutely like dumpster by their move the only Pokemon left that can do anything is my mana tree now they've got three more poco remaining I've only got Ganga and Manisha guy things are looking pretty grim right now so each of military I'm getting that intimidate up I thought I could definitely live the next one however we got the draw fridge swapping out and we got the Ursaring coming so I rings a pretty good poke one it's quite bulky it's got some nice offense there now thinking I might be able to play a little bit around this with my Ganga depending on like what damage military does which isn't a lot but Ginga Ursaring takes that really well so I'm thinking okay they've got to definitely got a lot of investment in health so I've got to swap out here I thought can gonna be a nice swapping that I might be able get like a powerup punch and you know try and choose my way past history alright so it's gotta go for a facade there once again my Beedrill helping out the opponent again what's that free battles in a row now anyway so games gonna go for a poison yep I knew this wouldn't take it out right but I thought I've got nothing to lose here oh this ring is gonna go from play rough player if actually misses so their set was actually a rest slay talk facade and play rough set so they didn't have anything to like actually hit my Ganga or Ganga was a perfect counter to the earth ring this ring would have had to have something like crunched actually it go some food right so Earth's rings down there which is really nice I've got a +1 an attack on my Giga which is really really important to draw Frigg is somewhat bulky obviously you know Ganga's attack isn't grace in the world so go for that big poison grab on the drafting just some really top damage and it doesn't quite take it out roughly gonna go for these psychic and I fought psychic banks and take my Ganga round one shot there's nothing I could have done about that how are we gonna cursed body coming into effect the only thing about that is it's pretty useless because once again people once again the bead rose toxic took a draw for again man be sure all has been like loki MVP doing like you know absolutely like doing nothing the entire battle just getting those toxic cows man we need some big drew a heart for the chat anyway so we got the emergent coming in my final poke one and they have got a kind of on really great to see kind of i'm being used and now only at half healthier i was a little bit worried because kind of under than a fairly bulky pokemon so if for that I speak I speak that some really top damage is about three UK oh and can't avoid isn't going to be an offense to say I guess think it's going to be more forestall ESET because they set up a late chief right I would have loved ever Litzy misper do it didn't happen so it's got leftovers it's got leaked [ __ ] as well so it's getting a lot of recovery if it's got something like keep your drain I'm in a lot of trouble they even a a weakened power whip I'd being like you know a lot of trouble to like we take the something like that however they don't have any of those moves like stalling moves I'm gonna go for the ice thing you know some big damage they're super effective and I get my free sax there was two free saxs in this battle if you guys are in my one on the Pinet and now one on the car device to kind of on right you know man venus flytraps fly in the air guys like they don't even need to do anything they fly in there and frozen so kind of find somehow opens its mouth five big solid and I'm gonna go for a another ice bang here I spank doesn't miss there and we're gonna take up the karna by with it I sprang and there's a good clutch in there thank you about all those three amazing battles in a row I hope you guys have been enjoying it so far let's get on to battle number four all right this was a battle against whoop ramp on my discord and I decide this time to not go at beat Rosalie like last free battle sorry so yeah three battles that actually went for the toxic spikes and pretty much did nothing so I'm gonna be going with metric as the latest fun so unfortunately for me it does have intimidate but I still want the type of Vantage so I thought let's stay and go for the Thunder fangs see if we can get like a pair of flinch or something like that one of those to be right really really heady so doing some solid damage to Massacre there it's gonna be going for a sticky web now the only bad thing about that is I do have a couple of speedy pokel on there so it's sort of going to affect them at least it didn't affect one Massacre right so now we're gonna be I mean I made my metric Dan we've got these mass currents we got these minions so what on the Pokemon we've got a pinch right so triage is gonna come in here I seen all the team write that out of trapping so I thought let's go for the ice Fang they may swap it in expecting a ton of things so things work out pretty dang nicer there so mattress is gonna go for another ice bang on the trap in just some good damage and we get another free sacs that is the second free sex I got with a my metric and our trap inch is gonna be a frozen look at its mouth its mouth it's like can you guys imagine right you get frozen and your mouth is just open like look at that trap ish so trappers mouth finally closed at the dinner opens as it fights man that was like cuz that's like top 10 anime per trials there right poka we're coming it is the tunnel snake now this polka once caused me a little bit of our trouble in the past so I can't do any damage to that thing at all we're gonna be going into the net and seeing what moves this thing actually yes so cqf is gonna kick in but it's not the faster pokemon team so I don't really don't care about a barrel so we've got an infestation on the Burnet so I think okay we've seen infestation and it's definitely gonna be a toxic coming away now order of all the battles I had this one was definitely the most longest just due to this Pokemon right here so firstly I'm going to go for a mega but at this battle I thought let's go for the ghost-type pokémon himself this dude and let's say obviously recap it's set because it's gonna be featured as the mega in this house we've got this Iman curse paint Smith and shadow see so first thing we're gonna go for a curse here on the survivor I want to see if we can now get rid of it at least the guy doing some damage and then I might be able to go for a pace bit afterwards you know and try and take it out with me so survive but it's gonna go for their toxic the good thing about this run is I am going to be on a low mana health and I've got the prankster really do so I might be able to make use of destiny bond and take a Pokemon down with me hopefully so you know hopefully this survivor will actually go for a damaging move or one of the other Pokemon maybe you'll swap us on like that not wanting to have a curse on so but it is pretty much on its last legs here and we've got the survivor actually swapping out which is really good so that infestation is gonna go away and we got them often coming in real quick so it's good obviously into night my up make up a net there it's gonna drop my attack now I went for the Paintsville there which is only give me like a little bit of health left now the other move on this is my attacking move which is a shadow seek so but it is on its last amount of health there we're gonna go for the negative one shadow sake and hopefully we can take out this a massacre in because it costs me a little bit of our problems at the start with a cigarette and we are gonna take it out so Pinet to this job it took my pokemon out before i maked or after it make it Edna that is good so mega Burnett did its role for this battle we've got 500 Pokemon we still got that our metric and for other pokémon so dontre is gonna come out Roger is the really good pokemon it's got some nice speed and nice off it and I've got my kangaskhan here now this bit of the battle will actually took a little while because they'll running a particular Dodger has set so one of the radio is going for the ice cream ice cream - super effective against Nitro and they're gonna go for a substitute so I'm thinking they're gonna be using some sort of a you know pinch very kind of stretchy yeah so this Friday that running was actually to do with tangle feet so they deliberately actually sub themselves down and you know for I think I was like four times in a row actually activated on the very last one and then it actually confuse them so when you've got when you're confused with the ability tangle feet it actually grant you a bayesian which is a you know it's a very very rare ability now the probe out obviously being confuse right you can actually hit yourself in confusion you know before you do like another move right so the Dodgers have continued to use substitute over and over men I wish I had my mega Kangaskhan now because with this set right it's got parents with bond went to Mecca you would have hit twice and got around that substitutes though I was sort of lucky that I didn't wasn't writing my mega keggers come there to actually really would have liked worked around this set anyway so our Dodger is going to go for a final sub tune it's gonna live all on health and the mergers available there and it's gonna heal herself up with the wiki berry so obviously they are lowering this special attack to make them deliberately making themselves confuse right so setting up another subsidy for Genghis Khan just man it's like firing certainly I spent F at the substitute so Jory now is going to be confused it's either going to have to attack me or go from the other sub I'm thinking they're good obviously your take me this turn they don't want to sort of risk you know this sort of like type advantage with the tangle feet being up so it gets through the tangle feet and it's gonna hit me with a fresh man that didn't say so much damage critical it definitely matter they're on Kang's gun it's a very bulky bug one I mean thrash does a lot of damage too so it was a very high face power move in do I thought Ganga would be a nice swapping here to soap off Genghis Khan it's gonna get turned into a meat patty so again there's gonna be a nice whopping Eakins trash obviously locks you into the MU thrash and Dodger is going to hit us off in confusion there so we're gonna go for our ice punch and Tory is gonna go down to enough of that set it's very very hard to swap in a thrash for that any ghost-type pokémon - it's very fast - and so the next point we got is the survivor yes this Pokemon is back hell I was actually starting to formulate a plan for it so I thinking okay let's see if we can get some food stuff against this one I wasn't sure if anything like to actually heal itself off with that like shed skin or wrestling like that like it had toxic infestation it's all like may sensing that some sort of like healing type move right so my Ganga obviously can't get poisoned by the toxic but it can actually get trapped in by the infestation so I thought let's go for shadow claw I could go for power punch bring an area for a crit instead and now we've got the survivor going for a Zima vests it's going to be using our norm oMG stockpile so what that does right it has the effects of a stockpile and it actually raises like all your health back to full so it heals itself up completely now the good thing about that is that actually can't do that again what can't use that Z move again at least which is nice now after they are using a couple of stockpiles like anger is not gonna be able to get through this poke I like it couldn't even do much damage to it like to begin with so I'm guessing it's probably like Mac self and like split defenses or something like that so go for a power budget this is my only option to do like some sort of damage to this pokemon otherwise I'm gonna get swept by a snake so this snake is going to go down in under the ground that's why it's called tunnels sake as you guys can see so what their strategy is right this is pretty much what it does hey the Boosters defensive the stockpile after it's getting close to dying it'll go for these Z stockpile the hill itself up but while I'll have those like boosts and then I'll go for the toxic infestation trap you eat and then go for the dig so why it's underneath the ground right it'll actually be doing damage turning now fortunately curse body kicked in there and that means you can't use dig so all I can do is infestation and top this I thought you know what I'm gonna try my luck with metric and see what we can do this thing it card use dig all I can do is infestation and talk to great I so go for a hell here I thought let's go for help boost our attack I did get a lot of opportunity to use how of metric because I don't know I just come across a lot of Pokemon that a ground type moves us up like that and military isn't the bulkiest pokemon we're just you know not omega well it doesn't have Intimidator up so taking some more dirt takis damage there I really wish I had facade on the set but I started to go for all the fang moves because i call it i thought it was a pretty cool set now actually trying to go for why this is go i'm actually trying to go for a megaman Ettrick sweep like the physical set as you guys just seen but i'm doing it like a little bit more of a different situation i've got some a little bit of extra strategy to try and help it out it's very interesting maybe I can get it I'm hopefully you guys see that in the next I can you know to does free weightlessly alright so go for another how they're at least want to try and match this survivors boost you know at least do that even if I match them right I'm not gonna do it like a lot of damage I'm probably gonna need like +6 that even like remotely well I probably wouldn't even take that out of plastic so it would spear like probably a 2 hit ko at least alright so unfortunately I don't have enough time to do either and of course the Vipers dick is no longer disabled so that's point they go and thinking okay man it is it's gone it can't do much damage they're all I can do is the thunder fang and the snake is going to burrow its way in the grass now think it's quite interesting move now I mean it's got some decent base power but it does have a key weakness which is the muth earthquake so say for an opponent burrows underneath the ground right and you use earthquake on them why they're underneath the ground think about it they actually take double damage which is really cool but it's a McCain you really really you know ever see cuz not many people use dig and if someone does you think you've got at the earthquake can you see that mechanic come in action but remember my Blastoise does have earthquake so what I was seeking rise I've got to sort of bait them into going for a degree so what I'm gonna do right instead of go for earthquake right away which definitely won't take them out I thought if I can actually get them to use poison the toxic gets me and then the infestation then dig on underneath the ground I can actually take them out so first you'll want to see how much Aquajet actually it's our aqua tile it does nothing right that was my strongest stab move so I was thinking okay I don't want to like do much more damage from our hotel I want to make the think that I can't do any damage to them all and go for the I spun front my sponge is 100 say actually maybe make them think that I'm trying like free sax and that's all I'm a you know sort of my thought process at the moment so survivors gonna do its thing going for their fascination and toxic now obviously the unbeknown that I've got earthquake and I was I'm hoping that you know they go for the dig the next turn is sitting setting up stock piles something like annoying like that even if I had like plus three and stockpile earthquake would be doing a phenomenal amount of damage like under the ground so I'm going from my another I suppose I'm saying to run out of time I got I got to get this thing to use dig and a finally uses thing it's only got a little bit of help left and I knew like as soon as you use dig they can't do anything that can't swap and I'm in a good amount of help to actually you know obviously you are live this attack too so now I can go for the earthquake why the survivor is under the ground and old tunnel psych is going to get a little surprise here when I rumble the ground so that's going to be double base damage to the survivor and it's going to be super fected too and it even crits through like if if that was a backfill that would like destroyed it so that one is down like definitely overkill their blasters has taken a lot of damage so it took me so long to get past that freaking survivor the main reason for that is I think they have a lot of like really hard hitters on my team right say how comes another frickin wall here I can't do anything to this punk one except earthquake and I'm Poland's got some fortunately this bike isn't stabbed so it doesn't have like a huge amount of damage and now and polygons gonna have iron defense so that there there goes any chance I have of taking the Impala out with my blasters and let's look at a critical it right so blasters has only got a little bit of health care and it's gonna go down to the poison damage so the last prophet of God is the food guru guys can be true clutch me back into this game it's been it's been like four battles now kind of finally do something now I'm just looking at my tax right we've got we've got an amazing tacky we're running a special set so we got top six fights Giga Drain Vento shock and oh man what's what's the other moment got to check it out real quickly let me just check it up oh we got focus engines this is a special mega Beedrill grass you know you how good this set is so I give the drain does about 2 damage to the Impala so we've got to go for a focus is right and see if we get a four damage alright so now I'm pollens gonna use a power trip and omega pedro guess what guys it gets one shot it again and that is the game visual gets plots like for balance alright next moto you guys get to Pixar does another another good game really interesting battle though with the survivor actually being out of show like the earthquake and dig mechanic I can you know popping off for once alright next boat where it gets pixie on and we got a slow keenly I thought you know what it's time to late with be for all guys again Beedrill is the MVP of that one toxic sway can we get it to work like can we do or people alright so well we don't they first off we got the smokiness ending up with trip Chrome's is like okay what's this Slowking gonna do right is gonna be an offence set it's gonna be a troll set it's gonna go for a Zen headbutt and man hey guess what happened evasion Oh God so painful trying to set up at second round of taunted spikes actually you know what I was like a guy for a Giga Drain then that's where I'll stay so Pedro goes down which the EOP truancy it's just how it is right it sets up of one left on to spiked and that is it our next pope oh god this time we're going to be using a mega Kangaskhan we're going to be making use of parental bomb now this strategy sort of revolved around hacks right now so what we did right is as you guys know we're Shadow Ball and it's a chance of dropping special defense now this is going to be a bulky physical attacking smoking smoking he's got some very nice special defense so I thought I'm gonna need like a lot of attack so you break through his defenses and mega kangaskhan special attack is nothing to write home about so doing my - it's a little junior doesn't do a lot of damage they actually got that big nerf I'm fortunate so I've really got a lie here on either a special defense drop from both of them or a workout damaged akuto does a lot of damage to me there it's a clear three here KO the good thing about me is I'm actually a fairly bulky pokemon and smoking obviously has everything invested in bulk there so its attack isn't that the highest in the world at the moment so now that the smoking is gonna go for a nother aqua tile their Kangaskhan it's got to go down to the next one this time I thought let's go for a workout because trickery is due to finish this turn and then I can roll those shadow balls in real quick at slow Kings little Shellhead what is that it's a big shell isn't it like it's a big white show with like a jewel on it anyway so go for that Shadow Ball and I thought the junior would actually finish it off but it didn't Kangas cons first attack did so that's down that's a good start I mean Pedro helped out so much there guys you don't work you know worried about this guy's beat you it was gonna be handy in this battle oh it's the next Pokemon that comes out split see this is like such a good candidate so I can't do anything good seriously I swim or fly throw is gonna be at like a 78 you hate kick go hey oh one hit ko one hit k 7 8 hit ko I wish it was 1 here k so swapping into my anchor here and bliss is going to go for ice punch that it's a physical sent rights a physical blue sea all right so I mean that cursed buddy real quick there are ice pipes if this is serene grace guys I know this is some rank race I don't want to go free sex so go for the poison JPA I don't want to risk going for power punch I just want to get rid of this poker alright so bliss is good as stopping channel I just hope this move so stopping teram right that is some pretty good damage the next stomping change was actually nearly got to take me out if I lose to a stopping chance for a Pokemon I'm never going to upload a Pokemon video again all right so we're gonna go for another poison kept here bliss he fails to get one shoulder bliss is gonna go for another stoppage changer on my Giga ain't go girl is turned off or man I really had to never upload a Pokemon video again in my life alright so please she's onto I thought it would be a gritty good opportunity right to go for the power punch to get that free +1 an attack and bliss is down so that's really good now game you know for like a really powerful our poison jpr against any Pokemon and then still X comes out of I Oh what can I do against steelix all I can do is go for like a shadow claw crit or a power punch so I decided to go for a shadow claw still excess like absolutely raise a defense there and that was a crit right there people so a crit would have been about eirick and that's about a five pk anyway so seelix comes in and goes for a sheer force dragon breath can you imagine like smelling your like steelix is breath man let it be dirty you forget what I mean no it's okay it's cuz it's gonna come in I might there's no way there's no way I'm gonna allow steelix to get to dragon breath shear force carries against me it's not gonna happen trying to go for the flavor are there my throat does a little bit less than I thought it would and still make a breath and take me out with it took to Boca without dragon birthplace seriously if this video doesn't deserve a like after that I don't know what does people even even though I got roasted but it deserves a like oh so now we're gonna go to metric this steelix I'm gonna take this out I'm gonna go for the fire fan gets to see and guess what guys this helix is that one help of merch is available and it's gonna go for our earth power shear force it gets my mana tree and I just get body like like think about the steelix is taken out freaking Ganga Kangaskhan and like I'm getting swept by special steel Estella this is why you watched my channel guys this is why you watch right so blasters do come again it's like sure go for a faker it's got only good at one damage or something like that and I think this Felix may have had one health left seriously if there are two health it wouldn't have taken out I just know my luck right now so finally we take you up the steel excels a real problem pipe one and crowbar is gonna come in I don't have a lot to eat crow but with outside of ice punch I know that ice punch isn't gonna be a one-hit ko let's take it like a fritter sunny and chrome it's gonna go for toxins like oh what's this sick gonna be is together like a bulky sit like roost or something like that I was hoping it wasn't because like seriously I liked a lot of offense on the center ice punch only is like a to UK and it just doesn't have elf I reckon about 60% damage and now we've got the crow back flying into the air man I need a drink or like water right now hmm I just thought about the move ice punch right what like oh how is I spun cheap in the move by what are you doing with the ice punch IRL right you go to the fridge you pop over that freezer you get some ice box and you just punch someone in the face but that's what ice punch is all right so we've got to fly from the crow back now what crow backs trading he was right ain't toxic me it got some damage or tossing it flew half and this guy got some more toxic damage and then flew down hit me in the got some more toxic and almost certainly out like in one shop there which is pretty cool all right next Pogo is another flying [ __ ] on and I would get the sway back coming in here I actually quite like sue that's quite interesting color it's gonna go for a u-turn now blasters is a bulky boy and it's gonna actually we are to live that you term which is really cool now the last Pokemon is scruffty I went for a I went for an ice punch now we shall live for a Kerchak because that would have done some really good damage now we've got that uh toxic damage on the scruffty and we've got a ice punch here from the blast so splicers gonna take a slice it and craft these skid skin is gonna heal off beetles hopes of ever doing any damage okay people we were only got one more poke water and that is by banette so we don't have mega bit unfortunate without a prankster but I mean I like I really only have stuff like shadows think so I was like this is actually gonna be really hard to take this Pokemon out I could take out swoop at so we got the who got the scruffty swapping out and now we got the Sui back coming in so it's probably just checking what sort of moves I had on this thing I went for the Dead sea-bottom case I thought if I go for the decimal I can least like get you know like a solid zero one here I wasn't sure how it's gonna take out the you know scruff this boy so Swee Matt's gotta say toilet for the shadow stick there's some really big damage doesn't take this we better swoop at is gonna go for a sweetly swoop yes / they're going for that da flinch and it does some pretty big damage to it but then I can't do anything I've got to go for showing us link again and swoop at it's gonna go down what is that little white like pigtail that's where that's got I just notice that for like my entire thing I thought it was like is something like little a pink fleshy part on his foot I know what I thought that boy alright so last paper what is the missus crafty actually notice all these Pokemon I nearly yellow like we got so we gots crafty sweeper I mean you could probably care like crobat swing we've got a steel expert there's there's no yellow on bliss your liking rip rip that ripped into the theme took the yellow thing tone anyway so scruffy instead of go for a tacky move it's gonna have toxic instead man I mean I was hoping I could get a full draw here with a destiny bond but that's not gonna happen so now it's going to go cure itself once again from the Beedrill amazing toxic spikes I knew they would have some sort of dark time move but the problem is I've only got a little like bit of health left so she's gonna go for destiny bond again or risk it or should I go for a place we decided to go for a place of it at least get a little bit of damage back on the crafty or some health back mainly obviously was never gonna be out of one shot with a chassis it's gonna go for a snarl so snarls I love see a really good move on like bulky type Pokemon to drop the special take I can't do anything at all I can do is hope and pray that destiny bod you know we hit the timing right when they attacked me so I think you should go for a pays vidya then go for the desktop I was like nah let's go for testing bond I've only got a little bit of time left hopefully they go for the snail this turn and instead of snail they go for a fricken like an iron defense so they put up a trump wall in front of me it's gonna bolster defense by two stages and banette is gonna go down to the top to damage I could go for another another our destiny bond here but I know drink know my luck is definitely not gonna happen like twice in a row I kind of like really miss that destiny bond like continually using it over and over I really like hate that mechanic all right so just to make me solve you they're gonna go for a rest as proving that I couldn't never have actually taken that scruff the art in my entire go see life and that my friends is the fifth battle we have got one more battle to collect this amazing marathoner battles are you still there people with proper common are you still there and I really hope this has been an insane video man this is this took so long to do all right last photo we had half actually decided to have a battle against me our shoes in office I was in mind she called me a coward like damn some we got to get into this battle so this time people we are gonna be using mega Beedrill it's time people the prime time has come to release that big be alright so this time we're gonna be making use of a mega Beedrill in its most prime state it's special attacking set so we've got a hypno lead here now hypno is a psychic-type pokémon so I thought I might be able to take a side gate type move like on the special side you know okay like super super bad there cuz its special defense actually isn't all that bad so we got a trigger in there from the hip no never saw that one coming so I thought this time we're gonna swap out big draw we've had five battles of absolute disasters with video we've got to get the big beef drill some help right alright so we got the psychic coming from the hip right there our blasters eats that why not really nicely I can go for a fake out here and then I could go for a Aquajet now I wait for fake out but it's going to either focus and citizens omnia so it's gonna be setting up our safe bots that safeguard is actually going to count on my togs expire and vitro gods bagels are like functionality just got completely destroyed this is not looking good anyway speak you're not looking good hypno it's gonna use swagger on me as I all this could be good or bad but a koto actually gets past that swagger and man that does a lot of damage here but not this hip now it's very bulky too like I took that really good alright so now we're gonna hypnotize going for the psychic yes a psychic is about a three here ki snap out of confusion and I take out the hypno with the ice function the great thing about this is I've got a free +2 an attack the trickery Malay is up now and I can I can see if I'm getting like a sweet with this Blastoise alright next part we got is the miraculous I know more actors would most definitely up storm Trey so I thought let's go for the ice punch I'm a +2 this should do some big damage mur actus it eats then up and goes for a Giga Drain and I know they're not gonna live a Giga Drain from eraqus it's got very very I'm high offensive stats in life you know special attack and attack and it takes my blasters out my only shining hope of actually doing so good Doge this battle goes with miraculous alright so I thought you know this is it guys this is it I can just whop in my beetle right get that see if I get that video shot ko let's go what the video that you said is on my finish rocker Beedrill anyway so we've got Venice shop toxie's makes a Giga Drain of focus engine I could have said it already alright so miraculous day is gonna go for the spiky shield just seeing what set this is and up clearly miraculous can't do anything there it's on Ally matter health it's a slow Pokemon there's no point swapping it out right and vitro guesses first ko guys we finally did it we got one ko big drop but it doesn't like stop here people we're gonna get another ko hopefully I say in comes executor I know this thing is going to have trigger and like this thing is like a trick room bass team now there's no way in there any world of executor floating coconuts that I'm going to be able to take this out on one try I need a critically a video shop does some really impressive damage they're like realtalk anyway so why exactly that's gonna eat a couple of berries in the clouds probably at like 10 and it's gonna get its health back so it's now gonna go for a trick room so any psychic type boob is going to destroy me executor has a lot of special tank you got to watch out for this big boy guys it's a very cool purple it's my turquoise just staring me right now if you look at its territory just era me alright so I've got to swap out there I'm scared of any psychic-type move and now we're gonna go into bennetto I thought it'd be good swap in but instead of using a psychic-type move it uses flamethrower instead and which would have definitely take it out you know in my be drew swallow petra was not going to leave that one right so Zek you know has done a low mana health there it's gonna actually have a swapped out with deck you know and down there with and gumshoes coming in I went for a shadow stick and gumshoes is gonna be able to get around that run really nicely now that I obviously beat drills talked to spikes is gonna come in handy for me getting some poison however if this gumshoe says facade and may go from a good advantage to a very bad disadvantage and now now come she's gonna go for the crunch there and take my Bennett out man that just destroy be there's it's very hard Pokemon to swap into because I thought it could have foresight it could have crunch both those things actually counter might a lot of my team like facade from our gum trees is no joke either and crunch is gonna take a lot of damage from like my Ganga and but it all right so in the Kangaskhan do we got the gum trees actually swapping out here and we got the executor coming back in so I was like okay what should we do should we go for like a double swap into Ganga expecting them go from facade so I thought Catherine go for the facade right against my Kangaskhan then I swapped each of my Ganga hoping to burn up another Turner toxic and frikar him of course but executive swap the innocence we both did a double swap alright so go for the I smudge they're not playing any games punching executor in the nether region and it's gonna go down man that's gonna ask walk straight in that's right in the middle of its legs man uzuki like ever had a friend right they they they pull your pants up let's take a nice walk down there Manus it's freezing stuff soft goes small anyway so rampardos is going to come in here I'm scared around pious ramparts is a big attack right go for my shadow claw it does nothing and rampart us has crunch to me so many crunch Pokemon and my Ginga is going to get absolutely dump stood there's nothing I could've done like you can't swap into rampardos man rare partisans attack is crazy okay so we've got bait row left and we got Kangas car left and we've got my mana tree guy so I thought okay we can go for a Thunder thing here do maybe do like a little fleet or something and get some extra damage so guys for the Thunder thing rocks wide shear force misses that would have easily taken by military out no joke would have taken me a rap artist ago obviously fight in the next turn however we got the rampart or swapping out here and we've got the trap Inge coming another trap inch guys this is like to trap inches in one battle like it's not often you see one like let alone two right I say our Thunder thing is going to fail against typing Java Sea I could go for a lifespan gets this thing but I thought is it gonna take it out like I've got to go for a ride so going for the I swing hope you'll get like another free sex like three sacks number three on the traffic and it doesn't work because the Tory poison guys and all the traffic is going to go for earthquake and like metric guys it's going to get absolutely like dumpster there there's nothing I could've done try pictures are like a no joke attack to earthquake come off the thing is very very volatile all right so that's got lightbulb and hit man like earthquakes right it's bonkers all right so dead goats at rampage there we've got gumshoes that and we've got rad Potter so all I've got left is special kangaskhan and special mega Beedrill I mean my lineup is not looking too pretty oh it's a wrap for us right this was a prime opportunity right cuz Frick remember us enough we get week we just bury the ramparts with thank you good rancor that is to chaos for mega be chill we I can't believe I actually got a Giga Drain car that's it's never happened to this life alright the last point we got is the Gump shoes there is no way in any world of gum shoes that I'm gonna be able to set up a you know focus ng so I've got to go for a Venice shot on the gum trees there's some big damage but gumshoes is able to withstand that go for the facade on my mega bait roll and bait drill goes there but man Beach will completely redeem itself in that battle man actually redeem itself like it took out nearly three Pokemon last poker got is the Kangaskhan seesaw gum trees is a very slow poke one Kangaskhan is gonna be out of out speed it and take it out with a roasting flamethrower hope you guys enjoyed all six of these battles if he actually stayed around for the whole thing leave a comment below if you enjoyed it people I'd really appreciate dropping a lot this took a very long time and man I'm pooped after that six freakin battles in a row have a wonderful day and night people I'm not sure if I'll have a theme team tomorrow this is a pretty big one but yeah I'm sure I'll see you in a couple of days or a day or two peace out people [Music] [Music] you
Views: 250,362
Rating: 4.8871851 out of 5
Keywords: Mega Pokemon Team, All Mega Pokemon Team, mega pokemon evolution, all mega pokemon evolutions, new mega pokemon evolutions, ash all pokemon mega evolution, mega pokemon evolution with names, Top 10 Mega Pokemon, ash top 10 mega pokemon, top 10 mega evolution pokemon, mega pokemon battle, mega pokemon in pokemon go, mega pokemon cards, pokemon mega evolution theme, Pokemon Theme Team, Pimpnite Theme Team, PIMPNITE, 7 Mega Pokemon, 6 Mega Pokemon, Shiny Mega Pokemon
Id: Tviy-WDQFdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 16sec (3076 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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