FULL SERPENT & SNAKE POKEMON TEAM! ( Zygarde, Rayquaza, Sandaconda, Gyarados, Giratina, Dunsparce

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[Music] [Music] people i always get a lot of questions in my comment section asking how do you record your pokemon battles and your footage well i use the hd60 pro elgato and the hd60s elgato capture cards and they're really really good the hd60s i use on my laptop because it's very portable and nice used for that and the hd60 pro i use on my pc now the software that comes it's pretty handy you can have a stop and start recording button with a timer down the bottom it's very nice and clear and you've also got a sound option so you can record the actual sound gameplay or you can actually mute it now you've got your mic there so you can mute your mic or narrate and you can also take screenshots which i think is an excellent little feature right now you can see they've got a capture and a library so you got a library for all your recordings and you also got a capture for all your screenshots maybe some of your more memorable moments you want to take care of you can take those photos another really cool thing is i use adobe premiere and i actually put my elgato raw videos into there it renders super super quickly i just drop it in there the audio is already pre-rendered as the video and it goes really really fast so it comes in a really really nice friendly format for editing if you are interested in recording your gameplay taking some cool screenshots and maybe making editing a little bit easier for yourself you can check it out in the description of the video i will leave a link there and even if you don't do like streaming or video editing but you just want to take some cool screenshots or you want to make some videos of your game play on nintendo switch xbox playstation etc maybe go give it a check out it's really really cool i've used them for a long time they're very reliable and i highly recommend them all right people let's get into the battles what's up it's you fight today's video with a full snake and serpent pokemon team six years ago i did this battle and i thought you know what i think it's time to give this a revamp because there's a lot more snake pokemon and sir pokemon in the game and i could definitely do a part two to it funnily enough three of these pokemon rdb in the game and sword and shield so i thought let's do it now if you do want to follow me on twitch this is where i do all my live streams so you can come watch my live battles the theme teams pokemon sweep shining hunts any of that sort of entertainment drop a follow there the link is in the description of the video now today i'm going to be spoiling you with three battles because i know there hasn't been a lot of content uh out this week i've been very very busy with my house and stuff i'll talk to that uh a little bit about that as the video goes on so we are we've got another battle here this one's on the wycombe i'm not really sure who my opponent's uh trainer name was so maybe there's always some great person in the comment section that does uh translate that so i do appreciate all that so we got twister air slash meteor beam and mudslap this is a very very gimmicky rayquaza obviously it's a very good pokemon so i had to come up with a set that you know it was fun and interesting but wasn't super overpowered so we got the a very very bad matchup for ho ho here i'm gonna go for the medial beam i got a plus one a special attack i'm gonna find that beam i think it came out of my mouth and ho-oh is going to be going down in one shot give me a nice beautiful juicy lead there now the evs for this break quasar were max speed and max special attack and it's got uh tim and nature i believe i think over to tim and min next pokemon is the lapras which is totally the i'm gonna go for the twister here twister has a fleechy chance and i get it right off the bat i was like man you know what let's go for an air slash down let's get a little bit more damage right and maybe get a fleece and then i got a second one and now i'm gonna finish lapras off with a disrespect twister that was a three hit ko on that lapras which is beautiful there so i'm off to an amazing start they're getting two flinches there i'm sort of just like sort of just thinking what my opponent was like feeling after getting like flinched by twister that air slash next pokemon here is the rashi ram i thought okay this will be a pretty i reckon two ko and it was unfortunately i didn't get another flinch on the second twister and reshiram is going to be able to freely go for a draco media and rayquaza is not going to be living that one but man what a fire start to the battle there i almost took out half their team just with uh twister and air slash there rayquaza twister people give that one a go in your spare time now the next pokemon gonna swap into this is by duns fast now rayquaza was obviously like a serpent-like pokemon right and dunsparce is like a land snake so i thought it'd be interesting to include on this tape so we've got the draco media missing on duns first and dunspace is gonna be running quite a fun little set here now we're going to be making use of the serene grace ability with the ancient power so giving it a double uh chance of boosted stats not that it's really that high anyway but it is fun when you actually get a boost here right now duns buses max health and max especially modest nature i've got ancient power fire blast snore and rest right now snore was flinching if i got enough ancient power boosts up i could be quite bulky with only one weakness and then i might be able to out speed the opponent and fire off some snores right now the item on my dumb sparky was chopper berry because i've only got one weakness i thought maybe if i could uh have chopper very as the item i might be able to get a couple of ancient power boosts up uh before i get hit by a really powerful fighting with seeing comes zachary's ac on himself and i'm able to lift that uh sacred sword there which is bread and i can get the fire blast off at the same time doing some really really good damage there so about a two-hit ko on zaisya now says i was gonna go for a sacred sword dunsparce is going to be going down there but good job there done sparse uh took out the restroom and did a good chunk of damage today so right now we're going to be going into gyarados gareth of course is a big serpent in itself a big shiny surfer i like red garage looks very very cool there now this is a bulky set i like bulky gyarados this one's a little bit of a spin on my toxic whirlpool set but it's got even more uh focus around poisoning the opponent for a longer period of time however we've got the zayceon swapping out and we got the ryoka coming in now i almost went for toxic there i knew that they had reika on the team right i was a little bit worried right if i went for toxic and they stayed and attacked me maybe that'll sort of put them on guard what the set sort of was so i went for whirlpool there and i played it safe and i still got some damage in ryko so i wasn't actually that uh upset about that decision there so go for the protector getting some extra damage on ryko it's gonna go for thunder so i'm like okay that's fine i've got some pokemon to swap into thunder so it's not that big a deal right now that gyarados that was all based around dive uh protect a toxic and a whirlpool there so you got a lot of damage over a very short amount of time so it racked up really quickly and the opponent didn't stay around below so going to santa condia obviously on the uh thunder there and i had to run gmax anaconda on this scene right and obviously it's a new snake pokemon too so i thought let's include it on this theme we're going to be going for the jigmax santa conde and i'm going to be running a special set which is actually pretty nice now on this set normally i'd run a bulky set on this one we're like maxell then like max special attack but today i opted for a speedy set so i gave it tip in nature and i gave it max speed and max special stack its speed actually isn't all that bad it's probably a little bit better than what you think right so we've got the reiko go for extreme speed there that's not gonna do any damage at all obviously they didn't have a lot to hit me with there it's uh i guess it's one of those pokemon that quite relied on um hidden power for a little bit of extra coverage there um a lot of pokemon actually sort of fell down because of hidden power not being in the game like um with the coverage stuff anyway so while riko is going to be going down here that's going to free my gyarados up i'm going to freely play that a little bit more and not have to worry about thunders and that sort of thing so we've got the zygarde coming in here and zygarde is also on my team too uh being like a serpent uh snake sort of pokemon then so we got a dynamic zygote here and i know that it's going to be power construct right and power can when you think about it right when you've got power construct zygarde and dynamics on top of that you've actually got three health bars you've got to take out three pokemon so we're going to go for the sandbars here and we're going to get that sand flying nicely on the field there like that move it's really cool so we've got the max quake coming from the zygarde now the bad thing about this i mean if you're running a normal sound economy you'll be running physical move but if you're running a special one it's going to be better right because zygote is going to be boosting its special attack now the moves i got on this uh i'm not sure if i actually no i didn't say the moose sorry about that i've got earth power on this for snap we've got hurricane to boost my speed anti-grass type pokemon and stuff like that and i've also got belch on here too now belcher's really nice in dynamics uh gg max because you can boost your special attack right and the other use i've got on there obviously i can't use belts right away i need a berry to activate so my item was patella berry so i thought you know that'd be really cool to do uh to boost my special attack then i'll be able to use belch right and the other move i got it is rest two with the shed skin ability shed skin skin's really cool uh you can sort of go rest and then you can wake up right uh passively which is really really cool sometimes you get unlucky but most of the time i found where sheds get it's pretty good so going for the rest there what up my goal here my main goal here was to get the dynamax out of the uh sorry the zygarde out of the dynomax so i could actually hit it for some sort of decent damage right at the moment i'm gonna do no damage sure whatsoever so it's about a three heker on my sandicotto which is really cool uh it's quite bulky still even when i'm not running any uh evs in uh health and stuff like that so uh we got this some more sand two damage as well at the same time that's gonna help me out too that's why i went for rest so zygarde is now out of its dynamics santa conner is fast asleep unfortunately shed skin did not kick in there and wake me up so here comes our sixty nine thousand arrows there i take that one pretty well i need to wake up now to get some sort of uh like attacking damage on the zeitgeist so the potato barrier is gonna kick and give me a special attack boost there and sand two is going to give me some extra sort of damage here which is really really good right unfortunately zygote is going to have the power construct and it's going to get another health bar there so three health bars for zygote like i said man the animation is so cool so um actually they're not running a uh normally when you see the zygarde everyone sort of got like the you know the shiny one right imagine getting that the den right i've been there i've done that it's very very painful is anyone still trying to get the shiny zygote anyway unfortunately i'm not going to wake up and uh santa conner is going to go down which sucks right um i would have liked shed skin to kick him but in that time it was a little bit slow anyway we're going into gyarados now and i know that i can easily uh get rid of this thing with my garage right so firstly getting that intimidate boost it's going to go for a stone edge there and stone edge does a lot of damage to gyarados still right now the gyarados ev's were max elf max special attack and i've also gave it uh bold nature for a little bit more investment in its health right so popping that toxic on zygote which is going to be very very important then i can basically trap it in whirlpool and go for dive so i'll be invulnerable while i'm like dived under the ground on the water and then it's going to do some extra damage right and then after all that i can go for another protect and get a couple of extra rounds but but but but it's going to creep me with stone edge and garrett is going to go down that was really unfortunate here so they are definitely catching back with the zygarde here that was a huge crit on my gyarados i could have lived that one all day next pokemon we got is guaranteed it's like a serpent itself so i thought you know what let's include on this sims quite a few ubers in today's scene so i try to make a fun set here this one was uh worked pretty well we got a shadow force rock blast dual wing beat set now this one was all pretty much it was good for dynamics right i could go for the dual wing bait to boost the speed rock smash the boosters attack and then you know shadow force was just like a like a powerful move on there also i had desti bonds this is probably one of the better pokemon on my team so zygarde is going to go down to that one there wasn't much point then then swapping there at all right last pokemon is zachary's asian and it's got about half health less so i'm thinking well shadow four should be enough to take that out it's gonna be very very close right now my last pokemon of course which is zygarde i don't know how it's gonna uh you know take like a very powerful like behemoth right it's gonna do a lot of damage to it right so what i'm gonna be doing right here i'm gonna go for the shadow force it's my best and only move to take this thing out and we're gonna disappear now on the swap it's gonna go for a sword dance so now it's got plus three in attack if i fail to take this out now i don't believe my zygote is going to be able to actually you know live the next step so go for the shadow force and that is probably just enough to take out the zazeon and that my friends is the first battle i hope you enjoyed that one that grey quasar at the start did an amazing job like it gave me such a good lead to that battle okay let's get on to the second battle here this one was against zoro zoro are you i'm not really sure how to say that one this was also on the white comp too if you were one of my opponents here on the wycombe too if we had a random battle please leave a comment below i'll stop to uh you know see some uh you know comment for someone that i battled right um like the last couple of videos there's been some more people saying oh we battled on the wycombe you know good game anyway so we got a terminator lady here i'm gonna go for angel power this was really funny i just remembered uh what was going on here so i get the h power boost right off the bat their first hygiene power i'm going to get a boost in all my stats so like done spice is jacked right now now we've got the tertino to go for a shell smash here now the funny thing about this is i believe i could seal out speed terminator and turn obviously isn't carrying a wide herb as the item either so it's going to have less defenses so i'm going to go for the ancient power here on my done spice and that is enough to take out the turn and man they got absolutely wrecked then that was complete destruction from my duns past there so turned out to go uh destroyed this the next pokemon here is another man zacharization is in like every single battle so i knew that i could definitely take a sacred sword if it did have it and i've got the chopper so i've got a h power and sacred sword there's no on on the chopper berry's sacrifice there's no way i'm gonna get wrecked right i got critted there that sucks so much so it got through my choppel berry and it got like past all my ancient power defenses as well which sucks us that was very very unlucky because you know i was firing off a fire blaster at that thing i believe it would have done about three-quarter damage or almost taken out the zasey on there not sure not saying it would have taken out but i mean what if it was a crit though anyway into gyarados here not much i could this sort of deja vu to the first battle right so i went for a toxic year because i thought they would swap that's why i went for that ball unfortunately they stayed in with the zazion right which was a very bit of a disappointment there i over um predicted there a little bit i thought i didn't think it was a bad prediction though because i thought it was a good chance i actually would do that anyway go for whirlpool i thought you know what if they're going to stay in i may as well get some sort of damage off of my gyarados at this stage i know gyarados is probably going to faint to say song because i've taken a lot of damage already but i might be able to get some form of damage off against i might be able to take half itself away bro so go for the protective with gyarados and i need to probably go for a dive here get the dive going then i mean vulnerable then i could go for another protect afterwards and maybe get some of its health back and also in the like all in the time when you're obviously protecting and your dive that sort of thing you can actually get the leftovers recovery too which maybe will allow you to live like an extra hit after like a couple of turns right so here comes another crunch there i know that i can leave like one more so gary rose is gonna hide underwater just pretend that the stadium was made out of water right that's just like a nice like flat little mill pond of water right it's not actually your stadium right so we're gonna get some more whirlpool damage that's acl can't do anything it's trapped in by the whirlpool uh gyarados is going to be going for a dive here dive obviously doesn't do lots and lots of damage and man i actually when you think about it i nearly nearly could take this station out if i didn't take all that damage at the start like say if i went for whirlpool instead of toxic at the start i believe i would have won this matchup so here comes the crunch from the station i am going to lift this one which is really really good i'm going to go for the whirlpool here and that is not going to be enough to take out zayside because the whirlpool on this turn is actually going to run out now i could have dived underwater but they could have easily swapped there and saved their zaseon for afterwards right because they weren't trapped in anymore but man if i went for whirlpool the first turn instead of toxic i would have won that match up anyway that's how it is it's only got a little bit of help there so it was pretty much a success anyway bringing guarantee now they can only really go for a crunch here so i thought maybe i should make use of this opportunity and go for a max knuckle then i could go for i could actually go for a max airstream as well to boost my speed now this has got the e business one max attack and max speed and i gave this one i gave this one jolly nature right um and i had max and i could have boosted the tape so here we go the guillotine i actually quite like this form of guillotine of the best so here comes the predictable crunch there it wouldn't have taken me out in one shot anyway and we don't get any nasty defense right so go for the max knuckle there that's going to give me a plus one in attack and that was enough to take out zeso which was really really good now i can either opt to go for another max knuckle or go for a max airstream here i've got some options right this is all made for dynamax's set next pokemon here is gyarados so we got another snake pokemon or snake serpent like pokemon and i've got that on my team too now gary race is going to have a moxie i'm guessing it's going to be one of the normal moxie sets and max airstream does a lot of damage there so like man i almost took it out in one shot there i was actually expecting them to dynamics and now they're going to go for a bite it's a bite gyarados i'm like okay i respect that i respect the bike gyarados the bite leftovers gyarados so they were running a bit of bulk on this that there too now what i'm going to be doing is going for a max knock where gary races are like enough help for me to take out max knuckle and i didn't think that the chances in dynamics there were pretty small right so we're going to get a plus uh we got plus two in attack now which is very good and plus one in speed so i'm in a fairly strong position with my giratina however i thought now we've got the hydragon coming out here it's looking green but it's pretty mean and i'm gonna be able to go for a rock smash now i was very confident that that rock smash wasn't gonna be able to take it out so go for rock smash there i turn it around i throw a rocket out it was a critical hit but it wasn't enough to take it out but man i was very very impressed there by the rock smash damage i could probably just imagine my opponent was had they had to spot a laugh a bit after seeing rock smash anyway i'm going to get destroyed by the dragonpost nothing i could have done there and giratina is going to be going down slithering out of this battle next pokemon here is the rayquaza i thought you know what let's go for a twister and let's get this battle going like actually you know what i could go for a meteor beam here and get my special attack boosted however uh the hydra gun is gonna outspeed me here i'm pretty sure they are running a choice golf set rayquaza however does lift this one which is really really good there so we're gonna go for that meteor being there and we're gonna get that meteor being fired off and giving me a special attack boost which is going to be very very good now um i definitely i definitely know they're running a choice scarf there too because they out speed me so go for meteor beam here now there was a couple of instances right where i missed the meteor beam i got my special attack boost but i missed the medial beam and i could outspend that turn and then my rayquaza fighter the next thing there are a couple of salty moments then now the next pokemon is reggie leckies i'm like ah this kind of sucks i'm not gonna be able to out speed this one so here comes the ancient power from the reggie leki and that is obviously going to take rayquaza out super effective and reggie leckie is so fast right there was no way i was ever going to outspeed him next pokemon is zygarde we haven't used guard yet and this it was an interesting stomping tantrum set right so we got thousand arrows thousand and sixty nine arrows focus miss iron tail and stomping tantrum now this is max attack and max speed right now the whole point of this set right having focus miss and iron tail on here was for them to deliberately miss right and then i could go for stomping tattrum and double bass power now in this case focus miss didn't miss so i've got i could go for it again and i did two focus miss landed no special attack afs whatsoever and reggie leckie is going to be going down it's like okay i can't complain with that like this is one of those things right you want focus mr miss and it doesn't and same with iron tail too now the next pokemon here is venusaur now since they haven't hit the g spot yet i knew they were going to right and this is going to be a venusaur now i was a little bit scared of this right because this is very very bulky right and the moves i got are probably not gonna be doing like lots and lots of damage now the other pokemon that i've got is the sand dakota remember we've got the special one up back there however if i get hit by a grass type move it's not going to be pretty right so go for the iron tail there iron tail doesn't miss unfortunately i would have loved to get a stopping temperature boost up and now venusaur is going to go for its gmax with however it doesn't do a lot of damage to me but it's going to have that little effect at the end doing some extra damage i'm going to get pelted by leaves or whatever it is right pelted by little venus or leaves now i can go one more attacking i thought you know what let's just go for a thousand errors here there's no point go for iron tail or focus miss and i get some all right damage i'm happy that right so here comes another g-max of vine whip there and zygote is going to be going down oh the item on my zygarde was assault best suit if you were curious about that that's why i was tanking those moves like so well now we got one more turn of the dynamax or the g-max on the venusaur santa cona is gonna have to be able to withstand this so i went for hurricane and hurricane miss i was like no i needed that to land and unfortunately i'm gonna hit by the g-max violence but santa conner is going to be out a tanker which is very very good i'm going to hit that by the little leaves here and you know what right that's going to put me in my potato berry range so now i can go for a boosted hurricane right and now another great thing here is that was uh venusaur's last turn in g-max so i'm going to be able to land this hurricane hopefully in its non-gmat swap so go for the hurricane it's my only option hurricane is going to land and venusaur is going to be going down what a clutch there at the end with the santa clara thank you for the battle what was the trainer's name again it's that zora ira i'm not really sure how to say that one thank you for the battles or if you ever watch this uh uh video there what a great battle let's get on to the third and the final battle there but man i was very happy with uh santa conda like especially it's like really really cool it's a bit limited on the special side but it was quite fun to use right now the third and final battle this one was against alpha this was a very very long battle as you can see the first pokemon is toxic right now we're going to be starting off with rayquaza now this rayquaza i knew could demolish top specs really really easy and if they were going to set something up like toxic spikes at the start i could probably make use of that right set up maybe more than one meteor beam you know what i'm saying there so go for the media blame on the uh talk specs there and talk to x a lot of the time runs defensive right so i thought this should do i was estimating about half at south right so go for that meteor beam on the top top specs there does three quarters of health we're like man that was really really good right there so the next move can take it like air sasha will take it out heck even twister might take it out at this stage right but then i was thinking to myself i reckon they're gonna go for another toxic spikes right let's go for another meteor beam now i know it's gonna obviously take another turn right but that's gonna give me an extra in special attack now instead of going for tok spikes they wait for the knock off here knock off is going to me and that's pretty much it power herb was actually used up in the first meteor beam so that wasn't going to do much damage right now we're going to go for another meteor beam here and top specs is going to be going down so they'd knock off in their toxic spikes i'd say they would have definitely had recover and maybe hay something like that it's normal sort of uh toxic sort of moves next move uh pokemon to come out is coconut which is the uh not the top specs uh the tapu coco the tapu toxipax i did it again people now coconuts gonna have the electric surge right so i'm thinking right here i can go for maybe dynamax here now it's gonna outspeed me with a dazzling gleam and i lifted dazzling gleam which is very very good and now i'm gonna go for mud slap i could have gone for dynamaxx and gone for mudslap right there but i didn't want to right i wanted to go for the mud slap meme and see if i can get the dub unfortunately it's going to be able to hit me with the thunderbolt and rayquaza is going to go down i was i tried then people i tried to get the mud slap ko there once again i could have easily got for dynamaxx and gone for a max quake but i didn't want it right that was all part of the challenge next pokemon here is uh giratina and if i didn't dynamax now i definitely couldn't be uh give routine a winner now i've got this uh giratina set right we already know that it's like a special uh like a very speedy set it's not special attacking and i need to get my speed up there so i can get the max airstream and then probably go for a max knuckle ride tapper coco is very very fast too and it's gonna be hitting very fast like and hard with its uh you know it's thunderbolt and it's dazzling gleam right now we've got the dazzling thing that doesn't do a lot of damage me i'm going to get that max airstream off against tapacoco and i need one more hit to take it out and i could probably go for any sort of maybe another max airstream here i was a little bit worried that max knuckle may not take it out so i went for another max air strain there and coconut is going to fall off the tree that's directly not a bad name for tapping coco now do you guys reckon we'll get another another tapu at all when we get like i don't know gen 7 remakes what do i i mean it's gonna be a long time in the future there but you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna call this right now this is the stink of this moment in my video we're gonna get another tapu well i'm not sure what it's gonna be but we're probably gonna get another tapu in the future i'm gonna call it out right now so we got uh uh dynamics tyranno to here i was actually gonna go for the max knuckle now the reason that's why the reason i didn't go for max knuckle against the tap of coco right because i knew they had a tyranitar right and i thought maybe i can draw out the tyrant like i've i've shown that i've got a flying type move right giratin is obviously gonna have a ghost type move right now what they're probably gonna think oh what are they gonna be able to hit me with the you know dynamic security let's swap in my turret and uh dynamics right so i went for the max knuckle got a critical hit which is very very good there and an attack boost unfortunately i did dynamics tyranto if i they weren't dynamics i would have actually taken that in one shot so here comes i guessing that's coming off the crunch the max darkness on my giratina right which is going to drop my special defense not that it really matters too much right so taking some self damage from the turret i can go for another max knuckley which would be very very good but my dynomax has run out so all i can do is go for a shadow force here i went for shadow force instead because what i wanted to do right is to start another turn of the tyranitars dynamics right because this thing is very very bulky max darkness is going to miss it's going to hit me but i've dodged it as well people don't worry i've dodged it so we're gonna go for the shadow forces shadow voice does all right damage considering it's not very effective and it's a dynamic turret and turret is gonna go for the max darkness and that is gonna take out mike iratina now the great thing about this right is i pretty much burned all of the dynamics turns up so tyron didn't really achieve much in its dynamics but so going to santa conde i'm poisoned but i've got shed skin so it's not too much of a worry there plus i've got a white to tyrant with the earthbound too now it's a little bit worried the earth power may not take it out i was hoping it would though so go for a foul and it's going to live on one health people the merch is available you can check it out under the video anyway so i'm going to hit by the crunch here crunch does pretty minimal damage me shedskin is gonna heal up that uh toxic stat so i'm gonna go for the earth power here and taranta is going to be going down there i still think i might have got minimum damage on that tyranter ah i believe let's start running something crazy like a vest or i don't know i know that's very very bulky in the sand right but uh next fight going to come in here is the uh arakuda i mean the baro scooter sorry get those two fish mixed up it's gonna be over the liquidation there santa con is not going to be able to live that one and it's going to be going down now i could have swapped out there into gyarados but i didn't really want to have gyarados actually take a lot of damage right because this set doesn't really have any forms of recovery it's not like i've got rest or anything like that and a couple of their pokemon i thought they'd be very very handy get now barracuda sarah scooter is going to swap out there and shuckle is going to come in so okay shuckle you know this is going to be fine right because i can go for whirlpool here i can go for toxic and i can go for dive right so it's not really that bad the only bad thing is if shuckle does go for toxic um you know it might like be bad for my gyroscope now the item i've got on the shucker was actually red cards it's like okay red card that's interesting what are they going to be doing with a chucklewood red cup now my side guard here is going to get poison right so i do have stomping tantrum and i do have iron tower too so i thought well maybe i can just go for iron tail again shackle like if it lands it's going to be super effective if it misses right i'll get a double bass power on stopping tantrum so things aren't going to be all that bad now shuckle is going to be setting up the sticky web there now that really didn't matter too much because this side guy was very slow like there was no speed ev's it was uh max health and max attack right gary rose was already levitating so it didn't really matter there either plus was running like a slow bulky set so unfortunately for me out of all the battles that i did right it was very rare that focus miss and iron miss right would actually miss you know and i wouldn't get the stomping power uh double bass boost right which is going to be like really really powerful but i never got it so i was sort of just disappointed i couldn't get it very much of the time in these battles there so shuckle is going to live on one health again there the merch is available and it's going to go for a stealth rock there now at this stage i thought well zygarde's taking a fair bit of damage here i'm going to swap it out and leave it for one of the other pokemon that they haven't revealed yet right i really need to save it right so we're going to swap in the gyarados the ulgaris can just finish it off with whirlpool there and we'll just finish it off with it and the next pokemon that's going to come out is either going to be the um probably i was thinking maybe the last pokemon there because i couldn't do it like a lot of damage but uh i don't know i was sort of in a 50 50 what they were gonna do so i'm gonna get poison there unfortunately by the toxic now i could have kept my zygarde in right there but i thought if i brought the zygarde in i think it's gonna draw out uh the barous scooter right which i didn't want against zygarde i wanted to use xia guard against their last pokeblock so go for the whirlpool there and shuckle is going to be going down what i wanted to do right is i want to face their barrett scooter with my gyarados right because i believe i could win that match up uh right there so getting some more leftover cover there unfortunately i'm going to take some toxic damage and stealth roxa was a little bit nasty too on gary rose now of course the next pokemon to come in is barry again the barry the barra scooter and it's gonna i'm thinking okay it can't go for liquidation it can't go for close combat if it's got that it's probably going to be some sort of coverage move like psychic things and psychic banks does it does alright damage to me there now we've got the toxic up on this pokemon now i can go for protect and i can go for whirlpool here but i thought at this stage with gyarados right i'm not going to have a lot of turns left that the toxic is going to be starting to rack up like a lot against me right because since the shackle used toxic against me it was badly poisoned not like just normally poisoned like the zygote is right so i estimate two turns left here i went for protect and i thought if i get a protect off that's gonna be the best i can do zygarde is gonna be my other poke i'm gonna swap in right so barryskin is gonna go for its attacking move there being the um the psychic fangs and gyarados is gonna be stopping that one with this protect here right now about this battle right this actually went almost down to about the it was i think it went down to like almost the last minute like a really really long period of time at the end with this gyarados and the last poker ride so go for another protector it didn't really matter that i went for it or not i just went for it because it was funny and i actually got the second product off but uh gyros is going to be going down now i guess the only weakness with this gyarados set is that um i don't have rest or anything like that normally i'd have rest sleep talk on this set but uh i sort of got rid of that for protect and dive so the i guess the drawback is with a dive and protects it right you can get more damage quickly and you can be like and vulnerable for a longer period of time but it's sort of at the cost of not being able to heal right so i don't know i sort of i sort of feel like the uh wrestling talk one is a little bit more superior still which is quite funny because superior you can't get in the game either so we're going to go to dunsparcia it's going to go for a close combat i've got that chopper bearer there and what i did right as i went for a rest i thought if i go for rest here right i can then get all my health back heal up that toxic and then hit it with a boosted snore ride well not a boosted snow but a snow that'll be a little bit more powerful than after they've used the close combat right i was definitely guessing they had close combat most of them too right so dunsparce is going to be sleeping here and it's going to get all off its health back and there's going to be some more toxic damage there to the barra skirt i thought even if they don't have close combat it's going to be more toxic damage right now the barrel scooter is gonna be swapping out here and the next photo coming is the heat tram so heat train i know that i can deal with my zyga this is the pokemon that i was definitely gonna leave zygarde for right now unfortunately done spicy you really can't do a lot of damage right it's got snore and fire blast in h power all the mercy can't really do much at all right and the heatran does have leftovers too so dunspas is pretty much walled here so here we've got a magma storm we've got three minutes of the battle left and magnusson looks like really really cool too and dunsparce gets critted by the maximum storm there i don't it doesn't didn't really matter too much because dunsparce couldn't do a lot of damage to hatred anyway so that crit didn't matter much at all there so getting some more snore damage off and heatran which didn't make them really much either right um if i guess if their heat train had an air balloon the snow wouldn't matter right to break that now my last pokemon here is the zygarde i know that i could take out zygarde with a thousand and sixty nine hours it was just the that i thought that i might have problems with right now we're going to go design i can go if any ground type move will take this pokemon out right even if they are running that bulk he said that nasty four times weakness you know what i'm saying so we're gonna have a speed drop there by the sticker where we're gonna take some more uh stealth right damage with minimal it is there and now we're going to smack myself actually missing here that was very very nice i can go for a thousand hours there and take out the heat tray i would have lived the magma storm there no worries because of the assault best but um you know barrow scooter's gonna be able to come in here and it's gonna be able to probably take me out there with the liquidation i've i've only got a bit of health left uh back there too now i guess the only thing i could have done different there was attack the barra scooter with my dunsparce but i thought to heal off anyway there and try out my snore strategy but anyway thank you for the battle alpha hope you enjoyed my rayquaza mudslap and my snore duncebust i'll catch you guys tomorrow for some more videos and stuff peace out people [Music] you
Views: 93,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snake pokemon, snake pokemon only, serpent pokemon, all snake pokemon, all snake pokémon team, every snake pokemon, all snake type pokemon, all snake type pokemon evolution, all serpent pokemon, serpent gyarados, dunsparce snake, Rayquaza serpent, zygarde serpent, sandaconda snake, giratina serpent, Pimpnite snake team, pimpnite serpent team, snake and serpent, sandaconda gigantamax, reptile pokemon, PIMPNITE
Id: fg53baNZ_mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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