Full Guide to Building A Shopify Store in 2022! (FREE 1 Hour Dropshipping Course)

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hey there andrew here hope you're all well in this video i'm about to give you a full step-by-step tutorial to building a drop shipping ecommerce store and you want to watch it from start to end it's completely up to date so throughout the tutorial i'll be letting you know what you should be doing differently when building a new e-commerce store from scratch this year so as you can see in my screen here this is an example of what you'll be able to create by the end of this video i'm bringing you probably my most valuable youtube video yet and it's the only video you need to start your shopify drop shipping store so within just an hour you'll be able to produce something like this and start selling to the world so here's just a quick overview of the store and so let's get started you know we're going to be taking advantage of some new shopify features and then yes this is a very long youtube video i've taken a long time to produce this video for you but feel free to save this video and come back to it and finish the tutorial at your own pace all useful links and tools used in this tutorial will be in the description box below so you can easily follow on and build your store with me and don't worry you won't need any skills to start with no design skills no photoshop no coding literally anyone can start and sell to the world within days all right to get ready let's start building your new online store together in 10 simple steps i'll leave timestamps to those 10 steps on screen here right now and clickable links in the description box below for you out of convenience and feel free to click to those chapters that matter to you so bookmark this video give this video a loving thumbs up and let's follow on all right number one let's first start with actually understanding drop shipping what it actually is and how does it work these days e-commerce is the business model but more specifically drop shipping is a fulfillment method think about it like this you want to open up a lemonade stand to make some extra cash you designed that store designed the cups and managed the social media side of things you work with the supplier of the lemons who gives you the lemons at a low market price who now also agrees to run the store for you so whenever you make a sale he or she is there packaging the juice at the store and giving it out to your customers you pocket the markup for your marketing and business efforts behind the scenes plus you only pay the supplier for the lemon only when a cup of lemonade is sold and that is why drop shipping is so easy to start and it's low barrier to entry but there's quite a few things we need to do to do this right we're going to number one select the product you want to source and sell number two build an online store around the products number three create a brand number four as soon as you get your sale will automate the process so it's packed shipped and received by the buyer without you having to manage it we're gonna do all of this today in this video and so let's jump over to the laptop if you're hyped about building this store together comment below i'm ready to level up let's build our foundation on shopify a powerful yet easy to use e-commerce platform i have partnered with shopify to bring you a custom free trial so feel free to click on the link down in the description box so you can follow on with this tutorial once you click on the link you'll land on this page here then you're going to scroll down and click start free trial enter in your email address insert in your password and your store name so obviously we haven't yet spoke about what our store name is going to be so let's talk about that there's a few options you can go with here and i'll give you a couple suggestions so first you can either go with a niche or product specific store name an example of this is pet circle so we're looking at a website or a store that is specifically in the pet niche and secondly another example of this is a product specific name so galaxy cove is an example of this where they produce just this you know skylight projector type thing and the brand name is galaxy cove so you can either go with a niche or product specific store name and the other option beyond this is you can create a general store if you're not sure of what you want to sell right now which may be many of you and want to test out all sorts of products use a name that can be rather broad and can be used with just about anything that's what we call a general store when it comes to the store and business name i'll also leave a link down below to a tool that works quite well which is the shopify business name generator so let's go ahead and use that right now because i've got an idea of what i want to sell and the brand name so before we actually use this tool i'm going to show you what i'm planning to sell in this tutorial so i found this neck massager on aliexpress more detail about how to find the product in a moment but just to show you what i'm selling here this ha this product has a product cost of roughly 25 to 30 dollars and i'll be planning to sell this for 60 dollars so a 50 profit margin i did i've done my research and this product looks quite good you know it has 4.8 stars out of 800 847 reviews and we have almost 5 000 orders on this product so pretty solid beyond that there is a lot of great imagery and they even have a great piece of video content let me turn this off and they have a great piece of video content here and they have great images the product quality actually looks quite decent it even comes with a remote it comes with a box and usb and a manual too overall the reviews are also terrific and there's very little one-star ratings and many photos to use as you know user content so let's quickly take a look at this as you can see this is the box it comes in so it actually looks quite nice and then you have the actual product here so this is what we'll be selling in this tutorial so now that we know all right in my specific case i'm going to create a business name in a business around this specific product so remember going back earlier this is the lemonade stand okay so this is the lemonade that will be selling and specifically sourcing this product this is the lemon that the supplier is providing so let's use this as an example um i will go into more detail about how to find these products in a moment but for now let's go back to the business name generator and what i'm going to do is think about what is an appropriate name for this specific product in itself all right so it's a massager so maybe let's use massage as the keyword and we'll generate names so we can go ahead and use this as a brainstorming tool to look at certain keywords or brand names that might suit the product so some pro tips here is you want it you want the product name and the store name to be relatively short that way it's easier to remember and also the url will be shorter and then beyond that make sure that you also check that the domain name is actually available the tool that i use to grab the domain name is name cheap again i'll leave all the links in the description box below so it makes it super easy for you to access and beyond that i thought about a brand name and i think i'm going to go with ergomaster massager.com and let's click check let's see if this is actually available so it'll run a check and then i'll tell you if it's available or not and indeed there's a tick it's available at 12 per year and the reason why i went with this specific name is because i am selling a single product on this store to start off with and so i want it to be very clear what exactly i am selling ergo at the front uh which stands for ergonomic just to add some pizzazz in there so go with ergomassager.com so i'm going to go back to our first trial link and then we're going to type in ergo massager just making sure that this is available as well and yes it is invaluable so i'm going to go ahead and enter my email address and password and create this store all right cool so now we have the foundation for our e-commerce store we're now on the back end of shopify so once you've filled out those details you should be on this page here and then we're now ready to move on to the next few steps number three is finances this is a very common topic beginners get stuck on should i get a new bank account do i need to become a sole trader or set up a company what bank accounts do i need so i'll do my best to help you with some of these questions but obviously each person's situation will be different depending on where they're from i'm not a qualified accountant and this is not financial advice please seek a professional if you need financial advice but here's a few pointers from my perspective create a new bank account for the new business you're about to create yes you can get away with using your existing bank account if you're starting off but as soon as you start making sales and it grows you want to get a business bank account and structure your business correctly get yourself also a business credit card as soon as you have business expenses for the same reasons as above you don't want to be mixing you know your weekend drink expenses with business purchases the next thing is set yourself up correctly on paypal and stripe which is how we're going to collect money from your customers into your bank account which i'll show you how in a moment notice how i said correctly in the past i didn't set up paypal correctly and basically they held my account for weeks and that was an absolute nightmare because my store was growing really quickly and i couldn't accept paypal orders which cost me literally tens of thousands of dollars in orders to set up these two payment methods we're going to land on this page here first to find this page click on the search bar and type in payments and click on the first option this is the easiest way to get here or you can simply go to settings and then click payment click activate paypal and then it's going to lead you to the paypal page where it's going to connect your paypal account with shopify if you don't have a paypal account that's okay or if you don't have a business account well then you'll need to create a new one so click on or land on the paypal home page and then look for the paypal business sign up then click paypal for business then from here click sign up and then follow the prompts from here on out so a few tips before you start signing up for paypal firstly you need to make sure that you have identification on you ready to go to insert into paypal secondly make sure and be certain that you do enter your actual identity and your address is completely correct where i went wrong in the past is i provided the incorrect address or an older address and therefore when i provided my driver's id as proof of id it didn't go through correctly because my address wasn't correct so make sure that you have your name correct your date of birth correct and also your adjust address correct so once you have followed all those prompts then you can go back into your shopify manager and click activate paypal and log into your paypal account then paypal will be activated and it's ready to go with shopify payments click activise shopify payments and you'll be notified if you're a business business as an individual or sole proprietor and this is sort of what i was what i was initially talking about but just click this and click complete setup depending on if you provided enough information up front when you're signing up for shopify you may already be set up ready to go for shopify payments in this case i am if you're not that's okay just follow the prompts and enter in your address your id and all that good stuff and you should be ready to go it's that straightforward so the difference real quick is shopify payments allows you to pay through all these credit cards amex included apple pay google pay and then paypal is a supplement because many people actually use paypal it will affect the amount of people buying from your store if you don't have paypal ready to go now onto the fun stuff time to find the product you actually want to sell we're on the products page of our new shopify store and it's completely empty so as you know i already have the products i want to sell ready to go but let's go over how you'll find a product to source and sell to the world we'll be using aliexpress as i mentioned earlier in this video to source our products it's basically an online directory of suppliers and products we could source products from and be able to drop ship so that means we only need to pay for the product when we already make a sale and the supplier then packages and ships out the product to your customer one by one so this is a really large directory of products and you can obviously sell whatever you like and i'm a believer that you can sell almost anything with good marketing strategies so it's quite overwhelming when you look at it when you look at this at first but here's my tip keep this in mind when we look for products you want to either number one solve a problem or number two if not solve a problem you want to have the product have a sort of unique factor to it so let's randomly click on let's take a look at this product here so this is another electric neck massager so maybe just to quickly go over this this solves a problem people that might have neck pain let's exit that people that might have neck pain that have back problems headaches this solves an issue for them and so there is a driving force for them to purchase this product again if this doesn't solve a problem then you want it to have a unique factor so let's quickly take a look at you know going back to the example of that skylight so uh galaxy projector light this has a very unique factor to it so it's it doesn't solve any sort of problem really so let's click on this item here this doesn't solve any sort of problem but what it does to is it has a very unique appealing factor to it which is it emits this you know amazing light show in any room and it's portable and so this would be great for people that enjoy you know galaxy stargazing astrology that sort of stuff so you can easily target these types of people on facebook ads by interest targeting and place this product in front of them so this is just an example of a unique product that doesn't necessarily solve a problem but that's okay too so keep those two things in mind and beyond that when you start diving deep into these products what should you look for how do you know this is the right product well a few things so firstly it's trust and credibility you can take a look through that by just taking a look at the ratings the number of reviews received and then the type of reviews that are being typed up and the number of orders for this specific product sometimes you'll see that there's a lot of reviews but very little orders therefore those are obviously fake reviews but if you click reviews here you want to also take a look at the product quality so you can get a gauge of product quality by going through the star reviews i personally like to look at the three star reviews which is typically fair they're not you know just hating on it for absolutely no reason and they're not just loving it for no reason either so you know taking a look at an example here product itself meets my expectations whereas on the shipping products uh very long way blah blah blah so overall it seems like this is a good product but the shipping times is a little slow and that's another thing you need to be considerate of so taking a look at how long it might take to reach your target market so they have a warehouse in the united states so let's take a look at that and then deliver to the united states and let's take a look at what methods we have so delivered before march 2nd so yeah it's it's slightly slower so that's about three to four weeks wait but there are plenty of other options out there where you can actually achieve two weeks in shipping time on aliexpress alone so take a look into product quality trust credibility content available as well so how many images and videos do they have ready for you to use though i do recommend over time that you take your own uh you know shots of the of the product and therefore you can also test the product quality yourself if you ship it over to yourself you can take a look at the product if it looks good you can take your own content and finally supplier relations so you can actually message the supplier and have a chat with this person and supplier relationships is so important because if you have a product that's working for you and let's just say you go over to the store and click contact now for example which i do i need to log in but the point is if you click contact now and have a chat with this person and they never get back to you they never reply there's a chance that they might close shop on you and uh with no explanation at all with no communication that is a bad supply relationship so make sure that you have some sort of relationship with your supplier simply by reaching out to them initially or if you start to make sales see if there is a relationship there that you can start to forge so in our e-commerce mastery course we go into the specific steps and strategies to take to find a winning product that will sell and has healthy profit margins so i'll leave a link in the description box below if you're interested in this course but now let's just say we are interested in this specific product or actually let's go over to the neck massager that i was looking at earlier and how do we import that over to our new store well we need a bridge to gap between aliexpress and our new shopify store and how you're going to do this is let's just find that product again so yeah so let's go with this product again what you're going to do is go into apps and like i said this is a completely new store so we're doing this all together click visit the shopify app store and we're going to download an app called oberlo which is a partner app to shopify so it's this app right here and this is going to act as the bridge between aliexpress and shopify there are different options you can use besides oblo and there's a time and place for these if you're a little bit more advanced then feel free to check out my youtube channel because i do go into detail about other alternate apps so for this sake of this video this is the go to app for beginners so click add app go ahead and insert your email and password and create your new account then just fill out this form and answer a couple questions then now we're on the oberlo home page so this is connected to our store so again just think about this as the bridging app click on the import list button here so we can start to import aliexpress products over to here and click add product by url or id so you're just going to import and copy and paste the product url that we're going to import over this url over here then i'm going to paste it down here and click add product so now that it's imported it's not actually over in your shopify store yet we'll need to push this over to our shopify store so you can change the title and select a few options here i'm not going to do this because i want to edit it inside of shopify but a few things though you want to edit a few things like which variants you want to bring over to the store any images that you want to include in this case i want to use my own images and i'll speak to why in a second but i'm going to actually remove all of these images here and then with variants uh we will have to change a few things so we want to remove neck massager because the color is just white blue and pink and then we want to change the price so like i said i wanted to sell this at roughly sixty dollars you can click change or if you want to bulk edit by the way and the compare to price is if you want to set a sale for this item so in this case let's set this at a hundred dollars which means that you know that's roughly a forty percent that's that is a forty percent discount on this item so let's look at this yet looks all good and description like i said we will change this uh later in this video in the title we'll just call it neck massager for now a smart massager and that's that so also oberlo has a suggested price based on a few of their metrics that they provide but uh it's ultimately up to you on the price points that you want to set this does depend on a few things but ultimately you do want to test and play around with the price points once that's all done click import to store it's now imported to our store and we can check this by going back into our shopify store and clicking products and it should be there so as you can see it's just updated and it's now appearing on our store and we can start to edit it from here it's actually an updated trick and hack that you can use on aliexpress aliexpress has a relatively new function called the drop shipper center and i'll leave a link down to it um in the description box below it is a little tricky to get to in the aliexpress interface sometimes but once you sign up for a new account there and you head on to this link click i have read and agreed to the terms and click next steps basically agree to both and then add in your personal information then click submit so why this drop shipping center is so useful is because you can find products to sell and you can actually analyze products so if you click product analysis what we're going to check out is how does the neck massager that i want to sell perform and not only that how reliable is the supplier so you know we talked about we need a reliable supplier and so we can't just you know contact the supplier and ask how reliable are you we can actually now check through the pro through the product analysis let me show you right now so if we take this url here and go back to the drop shipping center and copy and paste and click analyze you able you'll be able to see not only the sales volume which is also very important you can also see the logistics reliability and they have an excellent track record so anything around good excellent is great above average is great as well but this metric here is based on how fast they ship once they receive an order and how fast your supplier responds to customers too so logistics reliability is a great metric to look out for if you want to sell a long-term product so this is a great easy way to find products to sell and also to analyze products so that is a great tip an updated tip for you to use so make sure that you use this drop shipping sensor when you look for your products and look for your supplier now at this point we have your foundation set up so we have an idea of the product we want to sell and now at step number five let's start creating our brand we've got to think about two things here to start off with your brand's logo and a website address for your brand name so let's get stuck into how to do this as you can see this store is looking very very plain at the moment so let's start building out your brand the first thing we're going to think about is that logo so with the logo the easiest way to do this is with place it and this is something that i've recommended time and time again there is obviously a few ways to go and create a logo but with place it it's a really easy way to get up and running real quick so if you're going to place it and click logos and click logo maker i'll show you how this works so we're going to go ahead and just click type your brand name then pick your industry this will impact the type of logo that you do see in this case let's just go with chiropractic for now and let's see how it looks like we can change this in a second though if we don't like it so what it does is it essentially produces a whole bunch of logos and different text for you but you can of course custom manage this yourself and you can edit it if you'd like but i'm not vibing with this right now i think it looks way too medical uh we want something a bit more you know a bit more modern and a bit more succinct than you know like it looks like we're going into a health center here in this case but we're selling a product here and not going into health center so let's go with something different maybe let's go with uh abstract you can even choose your graphic that you like specifically but we won't place it to provide us with suggestions in this case so i think this looks this looks far better in this case so there's actually a few that i already see that are you spark my interest so the first few actually looks quite nice and the goal here is to get something that is unique to your brand to an extent you can always update your logo later on especially if it starts to grow rapidly but the point here is to get a logo that reflects your niche or your product so i'm really feeling this one i'm also feeling this one here this one's also quite nice but let's keep it relatively simple so let's click this one and as you can see it's a actually a technology logo as as categorized by place it but in this case you know we can we can edit it a little bit here so we're going to delete media advisory um ergo massager you know you know the uh the font looks fine to me if anything actually let's go back and i'm gonna have massager down here and let's remove it up here i think that's looking much nicer so the point here is to have it quite tight and i also want to make this a little bigger though so let's see what that looks like if i make this a little larger so this here i think i'm pretty happy with this i went with a more horizontal layout because i want to have a horizontal logo for the stores banner i'll show you what that looks like in a moment but i'm pretty happy with this so actually let's move it a tiny slightly bit to the right because i'm a little ocd and i think that's i'm happy with this all right so with this what i'm going to do is now click download and then i'm going to get this a get this image in multiple uh dimensions and then i can edit it and crop it to my liking so i'll show you what this looks like overall but what we're going to do with this logo is we can repurpose it for different platforms so what i mean by this is for example with facebook ads and facebook platform and instagram we're just going to have this single logo as our avatar as our social icon so i'm going to click download now and basically we're going to save this on our desktop for now so just leave it as is we're not going to update the store just yet i'll show you in a few minutes but the next step we want to focus on before we start updating our store is the url because we now have our store name which is ergo massager we're going to go into our domain section of the shopify store you can head there over in when you head over to online store and underneath that domains you're going to come onto this page here and click buy new domain i'm going to show you an easy way to do this or a cheaper way to do this actually but i'm going to show you this is the easier way to do this but let's so just type in our domain go massager.com and you can see here it's 14 usd a year but the go to domain purchaser that i use is namecheap cheap like i said earlier in this video and we type that in again and click search we have it here for only 8.88 per year in comparison to 14 so that's almost half the price so usually i just buy it through namecheap and then i connect it by going back and then clicking connect existing domain and then i type in you know ergo massager.com and click next and therefore i just uh follow the obviously i haven't purchased it yet but basically once it's purchased on namecheap i just follow the instructions and connect it through namecheap once you've connected your domain it's going to take up to 24 hours to propagate so what that means is it's going to take 24 hours until you can actually use that url to head over to your store in the meantime take this logo all right take your new logo and create a facebook page and an instagram page and use this logo as your avatar i'm not going to guide you through how to create your facebook and instagram page it's pretty straightforward you just go onto facebook and instagram and create new accounts for your business i know it's a pretty long tutorial but like i said i want to make sure that we go absolutely over everything for you but if you have any questions leave them down in the comments below now let's move on to step number six so moving on to step six designing your custom store so ideally with everything we created so far you would save it in a folder sort of like this and right now i have the logo the horizontal logo and the favicon the favicon will be the small image that appears on the website tabs on browsers i'll show you more about this in a moment but that's what i have so far in this folder so let's start with the store theme and start building out our shopify store so now click on online store on the side and then we don't have a theme installed yet so we're going to choose a theme so scroll down and click explore free themes so obviously it's your decision if you want to pay for a theme you can go ahead and pay for a theme but in this case it's easiest just to start with a free theme so because i only have a single uh a single product we're just going to stick with a very simple theme if you're going with a general store then it's best to stick with simple boundless and venture for example but uh in my case we're going to go with debut which is already the pre-selected default theme but you can go with default or light in this case let's just go with light click add to theme library then we're going to click customize to begin customizing this theme so from here it you've got a blank canvas essentially right first thing we're going to do is insert in that logo right here that we've created together click header and click select images and then click upload and upload your image for obvious purposes for the header a horizontal logo looks best so that's what we're going to do so click open and then upload it now we're going to start playing around with the color theme as well just to make sure that everything looks consistent and your store looks you know legitimate so click select and then right now it's far too small so let's move this up a little and that looks a bit better let's make a little larger than that actually so what we're going to do now is match this brand color over to the rest of the store so right now the menu bar for example is completely white it's uh just makes this look like an eyesore so you're going to take the color code of this blue and then match it with everything else so i'm on google chrome right now and i have this really nifty tool and where you can pick the color from the page and it gives you the hex code so click that and then as you can see i'm just going to click on this blue here then i've got the color copied to my clipboard which is extremely useful then i'm going to go paste it in the background area and click paste and as you can see it is now seamless though right now you now can't see the two menu buttons up here so what we're going to do is go on to the menu area or the buttons area and then with the primary buttons we're going to have it as white and also the secondary label and the headings and links and the body text so as you can see already it looks far nicer and we have this nice consistent brand color and the uh the menu buttons right here which contrast the menu uh the top bar menu so we're also going to change the font because i you know ariel looks so basic or helvetica actually but either way point is it looks really basic so we're going to change this and go with something that is more fitting to to our you know brand logo so i like maven pro but in my opinion the menu doesn't stand out much so let's bring up the boldness a little all right that's looking fairly decent i think that might be a bit too bold so let's stick with medium and click select and the body text should be fine too but we probably don't want the body text as medium we want some sort of contrast so we're going to turn this back down to regular and they should turn down back down to regular there we go so it's already looking far better as you can see i really like the color theming here and so we're going to continue on now we're going to change the favicon like i said this is the very very small icon that will be served on the top of the browser bar so as you can see here it's currently the shopify icon but of course we want our own personal personalized brand icon there so i'm going to upload the icon and then when that loads click select and it will load it up now i'm going to go in and insert in images and product images throughout this page here later but as of right now i'm going to remove some of these things like for example featured collection just because we're not selling multiple items here so you can just go back and you can see here that you can play around with these little like block tiles so featured collection as you can see we can move this around we can also completely remove it which is what we're going to do and so we're going to click the three buttons up here and click remove section so we've just removed that and after this i'm going to go play around with the home page and insert in images but as of right now let's continue on the next thing we're going to do is set up the checkout settings so the checkout setting it the checkout page sorry is actually really really important so if you click the cart bag and you see the cart page you can manage some options here but more importantly when you do have the uh image when you do have the product in here so if you click on this product here obviously we haven't configured it just yet and click add to cart right then you can click view cart and hit check out which by the way i still need to update the button coloring but this page right here is also really important now don't forget to update this page too because it's completely separate to the you know the store so click theme settings once more then click checkout down here and then basically mimic what you've done for the home page scrolling up to background color we don't want a background image we're going to copy and paste the exact same hex code for your brand color and it should update as we can see there but i probably want some sort of contrast you know what i mean because it's just too dark at the moment so if we bring this out let's take a look at that this might be a bit too bit too intense with the color contrasting yeah that that looks a bit flimsy but basically you're just gonna play around and see what suits your store what suits your color palette i think that looks a little better let's bring it out a little bit here okay look that looks much better then of course you're going to don't forget upload your logo and what i'm going to do actually once that finally uploads there we go uh let's actually logo size i'm gonna have it as large what we're gonna do is bring this color palette over to this side of the panel and basically switch them up so here's what i mean and i'm going to leave this up here and we're going to switch the color panels here every little detail counts and that's what uh that's that's the point of this you'd be surprised that even color palette really helps people go through the checkout um the checkout page and pushes the conversion rate up which means more purchases overall so that's far better as you can see here so we wanted some contrast between the preview panel here and the actual checkout option here and i think that looks pretty decent for now you can go ahead and customize the accents the buttons the errors um let's actually change the accent for the button right now so as you can see actually would leave the accents as is but what we will change is the button color just to give you guys you know just to show you guys what it looks like so as you can see this looks far better the color contrasting looks really nice with that dark blue and already this is looking pretty decent i'm really liking this so far so click save make sure you click save before you exit this page by the way guys i has been many times when i've been customizing the stores and i didn't click save and have to start over again so we've got the checkout page ready to go and the next thing we're going to customize is adding menus and pages so going back to let's exit out of here so going back to that uh that store right we only had two menu buttons at the top so what you're going to do is click navigation underneath your online store and we're going to manage the menu bar in the footer menu so a few things that you probably want up front is you know firstly yes leave the home button there but the catalog you might want to change so i'm going to delete that completely because this is a one product store i'm going to have the actual product in the menu bar and then it's going to link directly to the product now you can link directly to a collection you can add multiple collections up there you also want pages on contact contact contact us and so we'll have to go into pages and actually create that page so i'm going to quickly go back and click pages and we're going to firstly create the contact us page click save and obviously there's a few other pages that you probably want up there things like track your shipping um you know you definitely need privacy policies um you need various policies and then you want that in your footer bar too so just to show you quickly how to do this go back to navigations whoops see what i mean i've got i've got to save it all right let's just say this one's test click save then go back to navigation and then go into your main menu and let's just change this up so i'm going to delete this now remove click add menu item call this contact and then link it to that contact us page once you once you've set that all up and it's ready to go so click save menu also that didn't save smart massager to directly to the product and click add and click save menu i'm just going to readjust this as well and bring this above the contact and then that's it for the main menu for now and then with the footer menu of course this is where you're going to have all your privacy policies so you're going to go ahead and generate those policies and create them as pages and have them all down here you also want a effort an faqs page that's extremely important and whatever else you think that you might want on the footer menu but this is also this is very important and make sure that you do do this just want to show you how this all works just have that as test down here click save menu and then just to quickly preview the store now you can see here that we've got the color theming up and we also have down here we need to change this by the way the color theme looks really bad but uh we've got quick links down here and then we've got you know the home massager and contact right here so this is looking way better already just within you know 10 20 minutes so the next thing we're going to do is you know firstly we don't want quick links as the as the footer menu title so we're going to go back into the online store and then click customize and we're going to change a few more things so we're going to go all the way down here and with the footer we can customize a few things so we can customize how the layout looks like if you want to show your payment icons i usually just leave the payment icons there and then we're going to change the also by the way you can have a currency selector so that's totally up to you if you're going to be you know selling to the entire world then you probably want the currency selected there uh they this this option has taken over apps as of recent so that's a great option to have um but anyway let's uh change the quick links title so you can see here i'm going to add in a uh i'm going to add in the footer menu and then we'll change the heading name and just call this you know customer care let's call it customer care that's what i usually call it click save and then go back out to quick links delete this and we'll have obviously the customer care above newsletter and also you want to make sure that you add your socials down here too so you can easily do that by going back and then going into ready to go themes settings go to social media and then add in your facebook page so let's just say we've created our facebook page and it's like forward slash logo massage for example so you automatically get the facebook uh icon here and let's just say we have an instagram as well let's type that in and that'll pop up there too so it's looking pretty nice so far so our footer is looking pretty decent we have our menu bar looking pretty decent and i'm going to go ahead and change up the images here too so now let's move on to optimizing your product and store so if we click on the product as you can see this is horrendous we're going to be working on this right now so we're going to be working on a few things so let's move on to the product now all right back onto the product page let's start working on crafting a masterpiece here so we are going to start with the description and let's talk about the description for a quick bit so how i like to personalize the description and structure it is i have a tagline at the top this tag line basically captures the attention of the reader and you want it to be short sharp and nifty and it captures their attention so let's work on one right now together so this is a product that has many benefits it is there to essentially alleviate pain to soothe and to potentially give users long-lasting relief when it comes to neck pain headaches and back pain all right so bearing that in mind let's start on crafting some copy here so this is essentially copywriting creating writing for the product okay so let's um let's talk about the unique selling points here so alleviate and soothe your neck and shoulders and say goodbye to tension and headaches today just 15 minutes a day for lasting relief so i'm gonna open up the ad copy of the product copy with this single sentence and this will hopefully hook them in to read the rest of the product description now that's the hook line right i like to structure the rest of the page with headers and or dot points and then uh like paragraphs so here's what i mean so um let's take a look at the you know going back to the neck uh neck massage products take a quick look at what the actual features are and we want to translate these features into benefits so let's spruce it up a little bit and call it something cooler than you know stainless steel and you know the boring type stuff you see in aliexpress so let's call it like pulsation technology yeah let's stop point this actually so what i'm doing here is stop pointing uh the features and the benefits and then i'm going to add paragraphs to them then you know instant relief and posture correction even that's actually mentioned on the aliexpress listing it's also basically fully customizable ergonomic design and yeah i think that's good for now look what i'm going to do is take some time to write out the ad copy i'm not gonna let you sit here and watch all of that because that's gonna take some time but i will explain what i'm doing after this so with the magic of editing you'll see this within a second all right so welcome back coming back here i have built out the dot points and the benefits as you can see the point here is no pun intended the point here is to build out the benefits and to entice them into reading each point so pulsation technology you know uses safe electrical post pulses and heat therapy to unlock blood flow and unwind muscle tension within minutes this proven technology can be used on a regular basis for lasting relief etc etc so the point is to build out on the benefits of the initial point the point here is to capture the attention and to really sell the product that's the point of the product page but there's a few things missing here if we land here this is going to be the feature image we don't we don't want that all right so i'm going to change this and use this as the feature image because it's a far more aesthetic image and it shows the remote control too so i'm going to click save and a couple more things is if we click save and then click preview all right and by the way you can now see that favicon that we're talking about earlier in this video right here i think it looks pretty schmick so that's quite nice but if we go down here you know this is looking far better but it's still pretty clunky there's a lot of text here we need it spaced out in a way and you know over the last year i really really found animations gifs to work extremely well and here's what i mean by this you know i'm giving you some real good knowledge bombs right here right now but i've collected some gifts to insert into here so here's what i mean uh that there's an image that i want to include into the description and then more importantly i'm going to actually demonstrate the product within the description underneath a relevant section so maybe you know under instant relief and posture correction i'm going to insert this gif and this is a very you know small file that you can insert into the description box and this is a terrific way to demonstrate the product this is really really important if you have a complicated product like this where you're selling it at a you know relatively high uh price point i mean this isn't a high ticket item this is a mid ticket item and then finally i created another gift just of the product itself just to you know make it look rather aesthetic and i'm going to insert this at the bottom here so you know under underneath ergonomic design it really adds to the point so this is looking way better already however this isn't done yet let's do one more thing or a couple more things actually so i usually have again if you have a product that has multiple items within the the packaging you want that listed out it's a unique selling point i usually have a what's in the box section i bold and then underline it and then i dot point it once more so let's hit the dot points and then i have you know the smart massager in there let's remove the underline and then i have a wireless remote controller micro usb charging cable and instruction manual and then i'm going to unbold some of these and there's that so let's click save and take a look at this now and check out how it looks i think it's going to look pretty schmick yep so a few things i want to do first off though is if i had the time what i would do is i would take this into photoshop and actually make it transparent i don't want that white background on this nice blue dark background of course i'm going to change the buttons here to make it contrast the blue as well and taking a look at the text and the gifs this looks far better so you've got that nice you know like basically you've got that linear type of reading direction where they go down they take a look at the images they read some more and they took take a look at the gifts this is what you want this is truly selling the product and then beyond that we'll have customer reviews down here which i'll show you how to do in a moment but this is looking far better this is uh what we want to get out of the ad copy and the product description so one of the things that you want to do here is if you have variants variations of your products you want to make sure that the correct variant is matched up via an image so what i mean by this is see here there is no you know a product image here for each color so if we go back here and if i click like if i want to change to blue it's still the main image that's not ideal you don't want that so go into here click that variant image button and select the right image so for white you want to click the white variant and you can usually get these images straight off aliexpress anyway the blue to blue and then the pink to pink so let it load click the pink click done and click save now this way you automatically get that variant appearing if i click blue so there we go it's just such a more seamless experience and that's the experience that you want your customers to have if they're to purchase from your store all right so that's that's moving down make sure you edit the website seo and the most important part is this url here you want it to be short you don't want it to be like smart massager for girls and guys slash blah blah blah you know what i mean like you just want it short and sharp and that's that make sure you enter a description and a page title for seo purposes seo purposes means you know long-term traffic that comes through search engines all right so that's that and i think i'm pretty happy with this so far obviously i'll tweak it a little bit more with organization down here you can add it into any collections that you might have any tags especially if you're selling in a very large store a general store then you want to make sure you tag your products correctly and you put it into the correct categories now let's move on to apps so let's go into apps and then we've got basically no apps here so we want to visit the shopify app store and then take a look at the apps that we uh that we definitely need to install so here are my few recommendations firstly i have to mention that i have another dedicated video for the most up-to-date apps so take a browse on my youtube channel subscribe by the way if you haven't yet already go over to my youtube channel and check out the apps video the latest one and then download all those apps but that being said let's take a look at the most essential apps that you should use right now look the first app that i like basically always download when it comes to building new stores is ultimate sales boost why do i do this well because this app right here is essentially like a bunch of great apps all in one it boosts conversions and it increases purchases overall so we'll definitely want to add this app this app is great for adding some trust badges you know scarcity that sort of stuff i'll show you in a moment so that's the first app that you want to add the second app you want to add um when it comes to reviews is either all right shop shopify reviews or looks reviews it's totally up to you but download a review app that way we can grab reviews and insert reviews at the bottom of the uh of the page here and that's that's so important just quickly taking a look at ultimate sales boost right now so what you want to add here is well essentially up to you but i don't like to flood the store with you know a whole bunch of you know like it just looks tacky if you have all of these appearing together it looks so tacky so the few things that i do like to have is this free shipping button all right so let's just take a look at this click select template so if we turn this bad boy on and have free shipping on all right usually i'd like to change it around but i don't actually like to have it on the image what i do like to have it on is let's go down where is it so this one right here so let me turn this off actually and i like to have this on here so you know free shipping included and let's just click save for now but the point is there's quite a few nifty functions that you can add in and activate so i'll just let you go through this app and activate what you like but if we now go back and preview the product so going back into the products click this and then click preview actually might not work on the preview because there's this weird thing where it's not live and it doesn't connect to the apps all right so it doesn't so going back into let's preview this right here and go into smart massager so this should pop up around here yep so again i need to actually update the theming of the color theme of this store but as you can see it automatically inserted some trust badges down here now this is totally up to you if you really want to go with this uh sometimes i don't think it's necessary especially if down here you have the badges here anyway so it's totally up to you just be don't be too generous with how many options and badges you have on the page you don't want it to look overcrowded so that's really that's a really important point now a few more things that you probably want so going back into the app store going back into the app store click visit shopify the next thing that you probably want is if this loads form builder all right so this form builder there's plenty here so i usually go with hulk apps and so you can click add app essentially what this does is let me show you a screenshot here is it adds a contact us form really easily so right now if i were to go go into contact us form on the website all right go into where you go at the top click contact it's just a blank page you can't actually insert a an aesthetic form in here because it's a page so what you're going to do is use this app create a form essentially so it's going to look like this all right then you're going to get a piece of code then you're going to go into this page here and basically insert it in it's that easy that way you get a proper contact us form and whenever someone signs this form or fills out this form it goes direct to your inbox so that's really important too so i could spend all day here sitting going through the app store and recommending the apps that you should download it but i do have another 10 to 20 minute video completely free on my youtube channel so go check that out after this video honestly my channel is a whole host of library of useful videos for you to build your ecommerce store but again if you're looking for like a step-by-step dedicated video lessons and you want my guidance and join a community then go check out the e-commerce mastery program but anyway that being said let's move on to the next step now alright so we're almost there now let's configure your shopify store settings so it runs perfectly and like i said earlier in this tutorial get you paid when you do get your sales so i've spent more time in this store and i've updated the store to take advantage of some new shopify features and this is what i've come up with so we've got a full screen experience here we've got the branding i'm pretty happy with how it looks and when you scroll down we have some unique selling points down here then we've got a call to action get yours today with a shop now button some shopify store reviews and you know a map so also i've updated the um the footer menu down here too so if we click shop now this is the product page so we've got a relatively clean and on the left hand side i've also included a custom reviews box extremely important to have this over here and of course the description so before we actually go live there's actually a few more things that we need to do back in the settings page so go back into your settings page and click on general so let's go over a few things here so in general make sure that you have all the details filled out here so make sure that you have your store name properly filled out and it's not the original name that you signed up with store contact email and the sender email and then the store industry this is important to update usually it should be set initially at other but this is uh in case anything happens with your shopify funds shopify actually audits you based on the benchmarks per industry so this is why it's important to actually update your store industry of course your legal business name your phone street apartment blah blah all that good stuff your time zone metric systems this is especially important if you're selling for example jewelry where they do need to see the weights of the product and then the prefix all this stuff is is basically what is shown on their invoices so you don't want to have something extremely random you want something that is that relates back to your brand name therefore customers can actually identify what they purchased on their invoice statements and store currency is probably one of the most important parts so if you didn't already know as soon as you go live you can't actually change your currency in the future so it's so extremely important to allocate the primary currency to your store before you go live and that's something i can't stress enough so in this case we're predominantly selling to the us so i'll be changing this to usd and then i'll click save now going back out there's a few more things we need to look at and the next thing we want to look at is the checkout system so the checkout system this matters because we want the checkout flow to be as seamless as possible so people can easily just breeze through the checkout usually with custom customer accounts i like them to be on but they can be optional we don't want to force people to sign up for accounts because you can lose sales in that way but having customer accounts allows people to come back to your store and easily purchase things without filling out things over again this stuff the customer contact this is totally up to you really form options with full name i actually require first and last name for um for email options so when i'm able to reach out to customers i can use both the first and last name company name i hide that um address number line two i actually hide that because most of the time they can add their apartment number unit number whatever it might be in the first line anyway shipping address phone number that's totally up to you this is uh if you're doing sms marketing well then obviously you want this on tipping i don't show tipping order processing this is again up to you after an order has been paid do not do not this is important actually do not automatically fulfill any of the orders line items especially if you're doing drop shipping in this case we're using oberlo and we're drop shipping so you don't want to automatically fulfill any of the orders line items you want we want to do it manually so after an order has been fulfilled and paid yes you can automatically archive the order and that's about it abandoned checkout customize emails this is when people don't actually check out and then you want to send them an automated email saying hey what's up you know you haven't checked out yet uh he's just a reminder if you want to check out blah blah blah i usually send this within six hours and then yeah to email subscribers who abandoned their checkout you can't actually go with anyone but this might piss people off again that's kind of personal preference it depends on your wider marketing strategy but you know i could talk about that for like hours and hours so i'll leave it up to you and then click save okay going back out again the next thing is uh shipping of course this is so important we haven't touched on this just yet so when it comes to shipping this is again depending on what area or what part of the world you're shipping to so uh if you're going worldwide well then you'll need to set up a general rate worldwide if you're shipping to just the us then you need to do that if for any reason you want to charge people differently based on per region you can do that but in this case because we're drop shipping we can actually cater to most of the world so we can click manage rates here and then what we're going to do is we're going to go and i'm actually going to remove this because again we're just shipping to the to the entire world so rest of world all right and then you can add rate you can add as many rates as you want to uh but in this case we're actually going to go with free shipping that's what we're offering to absolutely everybody so it's free shipping and it's worldwide the price is zero click done now i'm going to click save and so make sure that the shipping is from oberlo if you're using oblo that way we can drop ship but again this is up to you on how you want to approach your shipping rates again this goes into marketing so if you want to go worldwide simply ship to rest of world and then add your shipping rates down here then we're going to save and then go back out so finally we want to manage taxes so taxes is really important make sure you're actually set up to appropriately uh manage your taxes this is something i go into detail on in e-commerce mastery but again i'm not an accountant so if you are starting to make you know a pot load of sales you definitely want to reach out to an accountant and make sure that you have your t's crushed and your eyes dotted this is extremely important if you're not collecting taxes properly when you're making a load of sales then you're going to have a big tax bill at the end of the year and you could potentially run to tax issues so i don't want that to be you so make sure that you do your research up front again i can't even give you any advice for this because i'm not a qualified tax accountant nor do i know where you're from you know taxes change dramatically from region to region so do your due diligence is my point here and do your research so make sure you set this up though before you go live depending on where you're from overall once you've managed all of that you can feel free to dive deeper into things like notifications and plans and permissions and stuff like that you should have an overall glance at every single setting before you go live but there is one more very important thing before we go live we're finally at the final step number 10 going live and testing your store if you got to this point well done for making it this far and we're just about to launch your store to the world so this is exciting stuff but make sure you test your store before it goes live there's nothing worse than having customers come to your store and then you're unable to actually make a purchase because there's issues with the store or you know the checkout process for example there's a few things that could go wrong potentially so i'll show you how to properly test to process a test order and make sure your entire store is working properly before it actually goes live so you must test your payment system before you actually go live i've had students where they go live and they're asking me you know i have so much traffic coming through i have so many customers coming through but they're not checking out and there's many times when it's because they have an issue with their checkout process so to the way to do this and i'm surprised not many people do this you click into third-party providers and you click and use bogus gateway it's pretty pretty funny name bogus gateway it's strictly for testing okay so we're actually going to simulate a test order this isn't just checking out this is completely checking out with a payment provider so number one is to simulate an approved transaction number two is to simulate a decline transaction number three is to simulate a gateway failure so ideally you want to you like test all three and you can easily do this by using the following code in place of the credit card number so in the credit card number section you use one two three and test all three transactions so the first one thing you need to do is click bogus for testing and then for some reason you have to deactivate shopify payments and give them a reason i don't know why but uh anyway i just click on other and just type out testing and then click activate for testing and then once this is all activated and by the way before after this is all done make sure as well you deactivate bogus gateway so going back now into the store and just refresh this page click add to cart or you can directly click buy now i actually have a sticky button up here now too and i'm going to click view cart and then i'm going to click check out you're going to go ahead and fill it out as you usually do so you know just type in a fake email here test test test test click continue shopping then i'm going to go with that free option and it's currently free click continue to payment and as you can see here you've activated burger's gateway properly if you see that b logo over here all right and this is the important part this is where you're going to test the three different options so we're going to test the option one which is an accepted payment so you can add in any name of the card any random date um let's go 22 and any security code then same as shipping address and then click pay now as you can see it's completely worked the order has come through for 180 with the payment method of bogus then what you're going to do is actually go back into the store click on orders and you should see a test payment over here so this is completely working now as you can see if you go into home or you go into analytics you should see a single order here there we go so we have a single order here and it's working properly so go back in test option number two and three just basically make sure that your payment is working properly and once it is go back into your payment section disable burgers gateway and then turn on your shopify payments then you're all ready to go and so that's that congratulations on designing creating and setting live your first ecommerce store or potentially second or third store now that your store is completely live i have a bonus chapter for you how to actually get customers you've got this awesome new platform to sell on but how do we actually you know get customers to come to your store and buy from you well there are plenty of great ways to do this some examples include playing for ads on facebook google and snapchat number two posting content on your instagram page creating following and then pushing them over to your store or paying for influencers to shout out to your store and giveaways so creating a full tutorial on this would take another hour but you can check out my completely free tutorials to get traffic and customers to your store on my youtube channel and i'll leave some links to some great beginner videos i've created in the description box below to really help you get kick-started making that first sale will also be the most thrilling sale i remember when i first created my store within a week threw up some facebook ads and was amazed at the fact that someone across the world would appreciate the store and product so much so that they took out their own card paid me for my efforts and now the business is automated and orders come in every single day so if you're looking to fast track your store and secure profitable sales asap check out our mastery programs where we go into a lot more detail and give you over 70 step-by-step video lessons to design the perfect store and get a flood of paying customers through you can find more details if you're interested about the mastery programs below and i highly recommend you check them out if you're serious about starting a real side hustle this year so you don't waste the time and effort like i did when i first started out and you can learn from my mistakes and get the support that you need to succeed up front if you enjoyed this video and found it useful give this video a thumbs up and subscribe for more weekly videos this tutorial took quite some time to make so your support in the form of a few clicks is always so much appreciated so thank you in advance i'll also leave on screen here some more useful videos to help you on your journey in your building your business and don't forget all the links and tools i mentioned throughout this tutorial are in the description box below
Channel: Andrew Ethan Zeng
Views: 54,847
Rating: 4.9687195 out of 5
Keywords: shopify tutorial, dropshipping tutorial, shopify free course, dropshipping free course, step by step dropshipping tutorial, how to create an online store with shopify, shopify tutorial 2021, shopify for beginners, shopify tutorial for beginners 2021, how to start dropshipping in 2021, dropshipping for beginners, setting up shopify store, shopify ecommerce guide, how to start ecommerce, best shopify tutorial, full shopify tutorial, andrew ethan zeng, ethan zeng, shopify, dropship
Id: aqLewXE9S_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 41sec (4541 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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