COMPLETE Amazon FBA Tutorial In 2021 | How To Sell On Amazon FBA And Make Money (Step By Step)

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hey what's going on everyone my name is dan and in today's video i'll be showing you how to build a successful and profitable business selling on amazon fba from scratch for complete beginners now if you just found out about amazon fba maybe you've seen people talking about it online how much money they're making maybe you've been interested in starting something like this for a while starting an online business then this video is for you first off i want to start off this video by saying that there has never been a better time to start a successful amazon fba business ever than now even though a lot of people talk about how competitive amazon is or how oversaturated it is or maybe you've seen videos about people losing money on amazon in fact there's never been a better time to start than today and all you have to do to see this is just to look at the statistics first of all if we look at the defining company of our generation it's definitely amazon amazon is like a tidal force on our entire economy and it has changed the lives of millions of people especially with the world situation going on that has you know that started in 2020 and continues as i make this video today ecommerce has been the one industry that has absolutely blown up and the key company that has benefited from all of that is amazon currently over 50 of all e-commerce sales in the united states happen on amazon with amazon processing 14 of all ecommerce sales worldwide right so 50 over 50 just in the united states and 14 of all e-commerce sales worldwide happen on amazon every month over two and a half billion people log on to amazon that's literally one in every three people alive today on earth if we look at the number of amazon prime accounts in the world that's amazon's two to three day monthly subscription for two to three day or same day shipping there are currently over 150 million amazon prime accounts that's people who are logging onto amazon every single day with their credit cards plugged in and ready to buy and in the united states alone over half of all households in the us currently have an active amazon prime membership and that number is rising exponentially and by the way this video that you're about to watch here this complete tutorial i'm really going to put my all into this like i'm really going to share the absolute best strategy all of the steps so that you're able to actually start selling on amazon and start making sales and change your life you really have the ability right now to start something that will completely transform the rest of your life and will allow you to achieve financial freedom will allow you to start a real business where you're selling a real product and you're building up something that actually has intrinsic value as opposed to other businesses out there as opposed to stocks and crypto and things like that where you really just don't have control if we talk in terms of business e-commerce is the absolute best business that you can start today simply because of the fact that you have total control you can start off with a small amount of money and grow it into a six and seven figure income for yourself just as i've done for myself in the past few years and all you have to do to make this happen is to watch this video now if we look at amazon stock it has literally doubled in the last 12 months amazon it's obvious it's not going anywhere and even though there are lots of people out there that are talking about the fact that it's too competitive and it's oversaturated is it even worth it if you look at the number of new amazon prime memberships compared to the number of new amazon sellers which are third party sellers people like you and me you can see that the number of new signups for amazon prime just vastly vastly outpaces the number of new sellers so in fact selling on amazon actually becomes easier every single day because there are more customers every single day that join the website for every new seller meaning that right now as you're watching this video there has never been a better time to start and it gets really confusing because there are so many gurus online there are so many people online that talk about how it's too late or too competitive or you know money lost if you literally type in amazon fba on youtube you can see all these videos that try to scare you when in fact if i was starting an online business fresh today from xero from scratch you know not having a lot of money having no experience i would start amazon fba because there's just no other business there's no other way of making money online that even compares and the fact that there are so many people online talking about amazon fba you know talking about passive income online business e-commerce everybody wants you to buy their course but how do you make out the truth from the noise right it's a big problem nowadays you don't know who's legit and who's not legit you don't know who to trust and who not to trust and it seems that all the videos that you watch about amazon either try to scare you or are trying to show you how much money that guru made and they're posing next to the lamborghini near their supercar so that's why it's so easy to get overwhelmed with not knowing who to follow who's actually giving the right no obs information about how to start a successful profitable amazon fba business now a little bit about me if you're brand new to my channel welcome super happy to have you here my name is dan vass and if we look at my journey i literally tried everything okay so if we just go back several years now when i was about 20 or 21 years old i wanted to start an online business i was you know the typical college kid story where i was just hating my life in college i was studying business i was actually working at the bank and i just absolutely hated my life i didn't see any kind of future where i would work nine to five the rest of my life i would barely barely get by paycheck to paycheck i would maybe get some kind of a house in the suburbs where i'd have like a million dollar mortgage because that's how much houses are where i'm from i grew up in canada right and uh you know crazy real estate bubble and so i just said you know what this is not for me i don't want to live a life of scarcity i want to live a life just like i'm seeing all these people online living and at the time i was seeing all these influencers online they were traveling the world you know they were making money online they were posing next to supercars and i just couldn't help but wonder how are these people doing it and so that's what led me onto this journey of trying everything i tried affiliate marketing i tried stocks i tried cryptocurrency i tried social media marketing and none of it worked until i actually found out about amazon fba and when i found out about amazon fba that's when i completely committed to amazon i saw the potential i started watching non-stop videos like eight hours a day this was in 2017. in the span of the following three months i went from zero literally just making no money i was 40 000 in college debt i went from that to making 32 000 in a single month in revenue and i had made more money in a single month than anyone has ever made in my entire family up until that day and i know that so many people talk about how much money they make and all of this but the truth is is that i am no different than you if you look at my channel there are no supercars there are no you know luxurious luxurious mansions or you know anything super flashy you know i might maybe show off my traveling and stuff like that because i love that right and you know you want to show off the freedom lifestyle a little bit because it inspires people but the truth is that i am no different than you my mission in life is to become one of the greatest e-commerce entrepreneurs and through that part of my mission is to share the absolute best ecommerce content online on youtube here on my channel and inspire the most amount of people to actually get into e-commerce and to live the lives of their dreams and also to help you transform your life just like i did mine so in this video you're gonna learn everything you need to start a successful amazon fba business for free i'm going to put in as much as i can squish into this video i think it's going to be a long one so i hope that you're ready to learn i hope that you have a notebook next to you and you're ready to start taking some notes because you know it's going to be detailed and it's going to be a lot to process i'm going to be sharing with you my strategy that i've used to make millions online with e-commerce and it is the absolute best strategy if you actually want to build a successful business if you want to basically go from broke to rich or you know you want to achieve financial freedom you want to start living the freedom lifestyle and you want to build a real business and this strategy is called the e-commerce brand strategy so that's what i'm going to be sharing with you in this video i'm super excited and by the end of this video you'll already have a clear path to success for yourself and you'll know exactly what you need to do to actually start making money on amazon and to start making a six to seven figure income down the road as you put in more effort into your business i already know that the information in this video and everything that i'm going to share with you here is going to transform millions of people's lives i actually made a very similar video just on my shopify strategy and that video at the time of me making this tutorial here has over 5 million views to me that's just absolutely insane but it also shows that people appreciate transparency and they appreciate when somebody doesn't try to squeeze bs down their throat and they're actually sharing the truth like they genuinely want to help right and that's exactly like i said you know part of my mission is to just have the absolute best ecommerce content online to truly help people start successful businesses now i want to remind you that this is not some kind of get-rich-quick scheme and if you're looking for a way to make money instantly right now fast and quickly honestly you can just leave the video since you won't find it here the reason for that is because to achieve any kind of long-term success any kind of real success you need to focus on the long term you can't just you know expect to make money today tomorrow next week i know that a lot of people are in a difficult situation and you want to make money quickly but the truth is the more amount of time you spend trying to make money fast the longer it's going to take for you to actually achieve any kind of real success right let me tell you this quote actually changed my life in a society where standards are so low you know where people just basically are lazy more or less and and on average people just really have no discipline and they really can't focus it really doesn't take that much more that much more effort to succeed compared to everybody else and it literally shows in my own journey from the time that i found out about amazon fba to the time where i succeeded and i made 32k in one month it took me three months and yes i even had failures uh during that time but i learned from those failures i learned from the obstacles that i faced and i adapted to them and i succeeded and the entire point of me sharing all this information with you here is so that you avoid all of these things so that you can get to success in the fastest possible amount of time all right now that all the get rich quickers have gone over to other things like bitcoin and stocks and cryptocurrency and stuff let's learn how to build a real business selling on amazon fba so before we actually get into all the steps of starting up a successful amazon fba business and scaling it to 100 a day 200 a day 500 and a thousand dollars a day i want to answer some common questions that you likely may have so the first question i know that a lot of people are asking themselves is can i do this from anywhere in the world and the answer is yes and that's the beautiful part about starting a successful amazon fba business the fact that you can actually start this from anywhere in the world amazon has marketplaces in a lot of countries so it's not just amazon usa you also have amazon canada you have several countries in europe that have their own amazon marketplaces like germany the uk amazon italy amazon spain and then you also have amazon sweden which is a more recent addition which is also a great opportunity so you can actually sell on any of these marketplaces any marketplace that you choose and the best part is that you can do this from anywhere in the world now there are certain rules that apply to certain countries and we're going to go over that later on here in this tutorial and i'm basically going to show you every single step you need to take to successfully be able to sell no matter where you're from so we're going to cover that but the answer is yes you can do this from anywhere in the world and yes you can build a successful business and you can make 50k a year 100k a year even a million a year down the road now how much money do i need to start this is a very common question that i had as well when i was starting out a lot of people are asking themselves this because obviously most people are probably starting off with not so much money you know just a lower starting budget so to answer this question you can actually successfully start selling on amazon fba you can start your business with as little as a thousand dollars now the more you have obviously the better and the truth is is that you know a lot of people don't talk about this but on amazon fba ecommerce is a cash intensive business no one says this no one talks about this in their youtube videos because they just want you to like buy their course and stuff but the truth is and i want you to succeed so i have to tell you the truth uh that with e-commerce you need units to be able to sell and to have the units to sell obviously you need to uh you know have cash to be able to purchase those units and by units i'm talking about the units of your product so like the actual um you know inventory that you're going to order because obviously you need inventory to actually sell and i'm going to explain how exactly the entire process works and everything so you know don't worry we're gonna go step by step here but you can start off with with as little as a thousand dollars but if you have a starting budget of like two thousand three thousand dollars even better if you have a starting budget of five thousand to ten thousand that's like perfect but you definitely don't need five thousand or even ten thousand dollars to start absolutely not i actually started off with eighteen hundred dollars so that's one thousand eight hundred and i was able to turn that into that 32k in a single month uh with one product so it definitely is possible it's just that with a lower starting budget you will have to invest in a cheaper product which is totally fine because there are tons of very cheap products that you can get that you can actually brand and you can sell for a very healthy profit margin you know for something like dollars twenty dollars twenty five dollars and higher so the answer at the absolute minimum you need a thousand dollars and you know the higher you have closer to two three five and ten the better but you definitely don't need five and ten and you definitely don't even need three um honestly i've had thousands of people change their lives and build successful businesses just for my free videos here on youtube that i make and i've seen people start with like a thousand dollars and turn that into six figures and seven-figure incomes i've seen people start off with ten thousand dollars and you know they were only able to turn it into five figures so it really depends on your product really depends on your own individual journey towards success as i say a lot we're all on our individual journeys and no two journeys to success will be exactly the same so even though i'm presenting to you a formula that you can follow and that if you actually follow you will be able to succeed and there's a high chance that you will succeed um it doesn't mean that your journey will be exactly the same as mine and likely it won't be but because you have access to this video you have access to the strategy that i'm presenting to you here which has never been presented before on any in any youtube videos or it's behind some kind of a paywall for two or three thousand dollars that basically other people sell in their courses and i'm literally giving it away for free you will be able to shortcut your time to success and you'll be able to avoid making all those mistakes that you would make if you didn't have access to the steps that i'm giving you here in this video now the next common question is how much money can i actually make doing this and how fast will it take me to succeed so the truth about this is that you're actually entirely in control of your income so with amazon fba as opposed to investing in stocks or investing in bitcoin or cryptocurrency uh you actually have full and total control so let's say you have your product up and running and let's say today you make 10 sales well awesome but let's say tomorrow you make five sales right well you know your sales went down in half and you know you can ask yourself well you know what happened why did our sales you know go down in half and you can start making changes to your product you can make changes in your business to actually be able to boost your sales as opposed to investing in something like a stock or a cryptocurrency especially when you don't have a lot of money to start it's almost foolish because you have no control over that right so if you put in a thousand dollars into bitcoin or a thousand dollars into a stock right and it goes down like in half or 75 percent the next day well there's nothing that you can do personally like you can't do extra work to actually increase that stock there's nothing that you can do because you're not in control but with starting an amazon fba business you are in total control so you can make as much money as you want with amazon fba and i've seen thousands of people be able to make five figures and six figures with their first product uh per year you know just with their like first successful product and then later on they're able to scale to seven figures which is by the way a million dollars per year plus uh which is honestly not that difficult with an e-commerce business they're able to scale to that pretty easily just by adding more products to their product line as they build out their brand if you remember the strategy that i'm showing you here in this video is the e-commerce brand strategy and so that's why it's so powerful because of the the fact that you know if you follow the steps and if you actually respect all of the rules of the business and you know you follow the strategy to the t you follow it to the core you will actually be able to uh make a substantial amount of money and it's going to be monthly passive income which will allow you to achieve financial freedom and live a location independent lifestyle you'll be able to you know live wherever you want travel the world if you want to do that which is what i've been doing for the past three four years and it's just been absolutely amazing i've been able to visit over 25 countries stay at the absolute best place to stay at the best hotels and just have experiences that i never would have been able to have if i didn't start an amazon fba business now i'm gonna answer the second part of that question how fast can i make money doing this so i would say a great goal to set is ten thousand dollars a month in the next three to six months and that's in sales and there's a difference between sales and profit uh obviously sales doesn't equal profit meaning that if you make ten thousand dollars in a month well the typical profit margin with e-commerce after your cost for your product and after your costs for uh you know advertising and everything like that and amazon's fees because amazon does charge fees they're reasonable but obviously they exist uh after fees and after all of that your typical profit margin you're going to look at is between 30 and 50 and that's uh you know typical with any ecommerce business any commerce product so with 10 000 in sales you can expect to make between 3 000 and 5 000 in profit now the next question a lot of people ask is how does it work do i have to store any inventory and like do i have to like basically buy the inventory pack it up in my garage and send out anything myself and the answer is no you don't amazon will do everything for you and in fact i was actually able to make my first 32k per month with that product without ever seeing or touching the product now do i recommend doing that probably not and i'm going to talk about why in this video but the reason that's possible is because when you order your product you find a product you find a supplier and you order the product your supplier you can actually get them to send the product directly to the amazon warehouse and using fulfillment by amazon which is amazon's fba program you can actually basically sell units on amazon sell products and amazon does everything for you so you don't have to actually basically give yourself another you know part-time or full-time job packing up and repacking products in your garage like they used to do in the old days uh when selling on ebay that's before my time but that's what they had to do you know before amazon released their fba program you literally had to sit down in your garage and pack and repack things and basically you've given yourself another part-time job that just like sucked your time away but with amazon amazon does everything for you so all you have to do is just basically you know you're on your computer and you find your product you find the supplier you brand it well you make sure the product's high quality and once you've done that you launch the product on amazon there's a specific process that you're gonna follow that i'm gonna show you and then later on you just add on products and with every single product you add you just basically multiply your income you can literally get to a point where let's say you want to buy a new car just as an example right and let's say that new car is going to cost you an extra thousand dollars a month in a lease or a finance payment right so you can get to a point where you can just add on another product right and you calculate obviously with that let's say 50 profit margin and with that ecommerce profit margin you know you can say okay well to be able to afford this new car that i want all i have to do is add another amazon product to my product portfolio and that product has to make me between two and three thousand dollars a month in sales for me to be able to afford this new car that i want and by the way for a thousand dollars a month you can get a lot of very nice cars and that is the beauty of entrepreneurship you are entirely in control of your income and nobody can tell you what you can do what you can't do you are the master and the captain of your destiny and finally the last question and i kind of answered this already in the video but you know honestly it makes me laugh is amazon fba oversaturated did i miss the boat and is it even worth it um honestly like i already said there has never been a better time to start today and all i have to say is that uh in 2040 in 2050 like you know even in 10 years right uh people are gonna be thinking about this time right now that uh you're living we're living in today and people are gonna be saying wow imagine if i started if you started an e-commerce business back then imagine how easy it would have been and that's exactly how it is right now you know we are living in the golden age of e-commerce and there are people that are literally starting businesses making millions of dollars just like i've been able to do in the past few years and they are completely changing their lives with absolutely no uh prior experience no university degree no college or formal training all they're doing is they're you know finding the information that works the proven steps which you're going to see here in this video and they're following it they're trusting themselves they're trusting the process they're believing in themselves they're you know making sure that they get through all the obstacles and they reach success and that success lasts them for an entire life if they actually build a long-term business so some important things take a notebook and a pen and make sure that you take notes because the information in this video will be a lot to process in one simple sitting to make it easier for you i'm going to put a timestamp below as well after each part here in the video so that you can basically skip over to any other part that you want to see i recommend giving this video a full and complete run through and you know make sure that you're taking notes along the way and then at the end of the video you can skip back to any sections that you may have missed or you just want you know more clarity on and you want to make sure that you really have the information uh in detail in your head and this information here this is literally taken from courses that cost thousands of dollars actually better than that and i'm giving it to you a hundred percent for free and i'm not asking for anything in return i just want you to build a successful business just like the thousands of millions of people that will do it from this video so now that you're fully ready to learn and you're fully ready to make this absolutely amazing transformation in your life you're ready to build this business let's dive deep into the e-commerce brand strategy so what is the commerce brand strategy well it's all based around private label and let's talk about what private label is so essentially if you look at all the world's best brands if you look at for example you walk into walmart right and this is a big big store i'm sure that you know even if you're not from north america you walk into walmart you look at the shelves and you see uh brands upon brands upon brands so you see a lot of branded products for example you go to the camping section the outdoor section and you see coleman selling a variety of products right you see coleman sleeping bags you see coleman coolers coalman propane stoves right so just a lot of different uh items in the camping niche however you don't see coleman selling makeup you don't see coleman selling food you don't see coleman selling things that are not related uh to the camping niche right same with makeup if you go to the makeup aisle you see mac you see revlon right so you see all these different brands you go to the clothing section specifically the sports section you see nike right so all these brands you haven't been told but they're actually private labeled products and what that essentially means is they are sourcing their products from an overseas supplier some are sourcing from a supplier that's for example in the united states but mostly uh as you know most products come from china or from asia right so they come from overseas countries and the reason why a lot of products come from china is because all these brands can get it from there for so cheap right you can literally get a product for like a dollar and you can sell it for 20 or 25 on amazon and that's exactly what this business model is of course there's a lot more to it it's not just uh just arbitrage it's not just like buying for cheap and selling uh for more expensive there's a lot more that goes to it to ensure that you're successful and really build a successful brand but that's essentially what it is what we're doing here on amazon is we are building a private label brand but we are going one extra step further and we're really making sure that we are you know building a brand that will stand the test of time that we'll be able to hit six figures uh scale to multiple six figures and then hit seven figures plus if you go on and you type in any product for example barbecue gloves right if we type that in you can see all these different barbecue glove listings this is this is a listing so any product that you see if you click into it you see that this is an amazon listing and if you look at this it says geek home right this geek com is just the brand that some some guy or some girl made up and they just you know slapped it onto the product they are probably sourcing this product from china there's like a 99 chance uh you know very very likely and they are probably sourcing this product for between one and two dollars a pair and they're selling it for 16.87 and obviously at a 50 profit margin if we just take a guess an estimate uh they are making probably about seven to eight dollars profit per unit if we open up jungle scout which is a software that allows us to see how much money any product on amazon is making we can see that this person is making 81 000 a month in revenue from just selling these barbecue gloves like it's that simple 81 000 a month right and this is actually a very accurate estimate uh jungle scout is a software that we're going to use here later in this video and by the way i don't promote any bs software i don't promote anything that you don't need believe me it's the last thing that i personally you know would like to see if i was starting off today just like tired of all the bs online right so um but this is a prime example of a private label product now in this video i'm gonna show you not only how to uh be able to do this for yourself and you know find a profitable product and also make this kind of money and brand it well i am going to show you uh a way better version of even what you're seeing here because this is honestly very basic the the logo is very basic and just everything about this is very basic and is not really how you build a successful long-term brand so let's take a look at the process so you first start off by setting up your seller central account which we're going to do here in this video then you're going to move on to doing product research which is the most challenging part of amazon fba because that's really where you're going to find your product and some people they find a product in one day some people it takes them you know two three days others one week to three weeks even a month but honestly you should be able to find tons of uh potentially profitable and successful products within like a few days and you should be able to have a profitable product found within maximum one to two weeks of doing a few hours of product research every single day after product research you move on to finding suppliers and this is where you really find a quality supplier that will sell a high quality version of your product you're gonna set up a partnership with them and a minimum order quantity for your first minimum order now i'm using some terms here from e-commerce and it's okay if you are a little bit maybe confused by the terms or if you don't know them don't worry by the end of this video you're going to be honestly an expert on all these terms and you're going to know so much more than when you started so just we'll go step by step don't worry about it you know everything will make sense to you especially as you move on through this video but after finding a supplier and after choosing the best one then you place your first inventory order and then you ship your units into the amazon warehouse so if you decide to sell on amazon usa you're going to ship it to the united states if you decide to sell for example in canada it's gonna go to canada and then obviously if you decide to sell in germany it's gonna go to germany now at that point it's the waiting game and you basically wait for a few weeks for your inventory to come in usually it's between two to four weeks of shipping uh depending on if you selected air or sea shipping right you can either ship it by plane or you can ship it by boat across the water obviously the plane is much faster than the boat and there are specific use cases for air shipping and for sea shipping which we're going to cover here in this video as well so you'll know exactly which one to choose for your product now during this time that you're waiting for your product to ship you are actually creating your listing and this is essentially your product page on amazon so this is what all of your potential customers will see when they go onto your listing they're going to see your pictures your title your bullet points so i'm going to show you in this video how to create a beautiful listing i've literally created tons of listings over the years so i know exactly what goes into making a fully optimized and beautiful listing once your inventory arrives into the amazon warehouse now it's time to launch and this is called a product launch this is where you launch your product and you basically push it up to page one on amazon using a variety of techniques which i'm going to show you there's an exact product launch method that i'm gonna show you here which you can just follow the steps and then essentially your product goes on page one for your main keywords and that's where you're gonna start making what are called organic sales and so at this point you're making your first sales and you've made your first money and then once you're on page one for your main keywords which for example for the barbecue gloves uh they were uh bbq gloves right those are the main keywords that your customers would be typing in on amazon then you are basically making money you have a successful business and at that point you could potentially be making three thousand a month five thousand a month ten thousand a month even twenty thirty plus so once your product is launched and you're making organic sales at this point you've got yourself a five figure six figure business with that one product and now you can basically continue growing your product line by continuing to add products which can also make you anywhere between a thousand two thousand up to five ten twenty even thirty plus uh k per month uh so this is all possible and one of the best parts about amazon is the fact that you can literally predict how much money you're going to make with any product that you are going to launch because everything is available in the data if you looked at jungle scout like i showed you that software you can see exactly how much money any product on amazon is currently making and that's massive because back in the day if you think about when you were trying to start a business you would try to sell a product you know whether it was online or in person you had no idea how much money your competitors were making you could have had a general idea like okay maybe they're making some money or they're making no money but it didn't have any precision so you had no idea whether it was 2 3 5k 10k 20k a month or more so with amazon and with the strategy that i'm going to teach you here you will know exactly how much potential and how much money you can make with any product that you're thinking of launching now i want to take you back and give you a little flashback to when i started selling on amazon in 2017 and how things have changed so back then when i started selling on amazon there was no such thing as like building an e-commerce brand nobody was really talking about that uh the course creators at the time and i had invested in several different courses at the time uh they were all basically saying oh you could just throw up any product as long as it's selling well just source it slap on your logo on it and beam bam boom you're done put it up and it's going to sell nobody talked about building any kind of brand nobody talked about uh building out any kind of product line and so i recognized that right away i had this disconnect in my mind where i was like well why when i go to walmart or when i go to any store you see all these branded product lines why does e-commerce have to be different and so from the very beginning i actually branded my products and i always grew a product line so one of my first product lines was actually a beauty roller brand so i sold like derma rollers and jade rollers and several different kinds of rollers so that was one of my first brands several years ago so since then i've sold tons of different products and right now my biggest venture is actually a food e-commerce product in the fitness industry in the fitness niche which i'm super excited to present i can't really talk about it yet in this video but uh you know all that experience has led me to this point where now obviously it's much more advanced than just selling regular kinds of products not to say that there is not money to be made there of course that's how you know i made all my first initial money but that's just a little bit of background so today the best thing to do on amazon is to focus on the commerce brand strategy and to basically build out an actual brand with actual uh products let's say if you're in the in the camping niche you know you would probably sell like for example a sleeping bag or a camping stove or a flint and steel or a poncho right so all these kinds of things that you could actually sell in the camping niche that your target market um you know campers would be actually interested in now as you're going through this video and as you're moving forward along this journey along this very exciting journey i want you to remember the following quote the million dollar brands of tomorrow are those that are starting to be built today recently i read a statistic where it's predicted that over 90 of all physical product sales will actually be done through e-commerce by the year 2045 which is not that far away right over 90 and honestly that's not a figure that's even difficult to believe because of just the convenience of ordering online you know the only things that people won't be ordering online are uh products where they would rather go into the store and see them in person for example like furniture right furniture is a little bit more difficult to order online just because you would rather maybe see it touch it and feel it but everything else like for example everyday products you know sports and outdoors camping products everything like that most things will be sold online and most things will be purchased online uh just because of the convenience factor how you know you can literally just order one click off amazon instead of having to get in your car or walk to the store buy it and come back you know time is everybody's most precious commodity and as we all know the saying time is money and what better way is there to save time than to purchase on amazon so now i want to show you two different examples of what to do and what not to do okay so we have two different storefronts open right now as you can see this one is called oh huhu and then this one is called coffeegator so if we look at ohuhu this is actually a very very big private labeler on amazon they've been selling for years and i've basically been seeing their product since i started selling so if we look at their storefront you can see that they're selling literally everything i mean like art products garden and outdoor home and kitchen like literally everything now if you look at coffee gator it's very clear that this brand is specifically only in the coffee niche and this is an example of what you want to do you want to build a brand that is very specific to a certain niche nobody wants to buy products from a general store and if you look at like i said if you go into walmart or if you look at just any of the brands that you have in your house other than for example great value or 365 you know like generic brands like that most things 90 of products in your house or that you use in your life they are branded and they are uh brands that specialize in a specific niche so if we look at like home and kitchen i mean they're really selling everything and what's crazy about it is that from all of these products they are making a tremendous amount of money so click on one of their listing here one of their listings and we click on uh sold by ohuhu go to their storefront here we can see all their products if we open up jungle scout which is the software that tells us how much money they're all making by the way there's a link to jungle scout down below you don't need it yet at this point in the video but you will need it once we actually start doing product research uh because you will need to see exactly how much money all the products are making um but if you go down here all right you can see how much revenue everything's making like 200k 136 286 right so obviously a very established seller but if you look at the brand name it's just oh huhu does that sound good no to me it doesn't sound good at all um it's just the name and it's very obvious that this is very likely a chinese manufacturer just selling their products directly online and so you'll find that a lot of sellers on amazon they have random uh brand names at the beginning of the of their listing like the brand name is like oh huhu or like omimi or something similar like that and if it's if it's just like gibberish then you know right away that it's the chinese supplier and the reason why that's important to detect is because you know these chinese suppliers are selling their products directly from the manufacturer like directly from the warehouse and they are making money imagine if you took those products right you took those products and you actually created a strong brand like a coffee gator imagine the potential and that's really where you come in and that's why chinese manufacturers on amazon you know they never pose any threat and they're not even any kind of competition to um you know you and me as sellers because they just don't know marketing and they don't understand the strategies i'm talking about here in this video they're only good at manufacturing and so obviously they just put on some random gibberish name and they start selling the product online so let's take a look at coffee gator and i want to use this as an amazing example of exactly the kind of brand that you want to build and believe it or not as amazing as this looks and as high quality as this looks this is something that you can build within the next like three to six months a brand just like this and if we look at just this product right here twenty-five thousand dollars a month right so if we click on their brand name coffee gator and if you look at the products that they're selling you can see 25k a month 12k a month 40k a month right if you literally add up all these different products this is a multi-million dollar business right here and likely this seller started this probably a few years ago but imagine if you completely committed fully 100 committed to building your own e-commerce business and you did this for a year two years where would you be in two years where would you be if you started your e-commerce brand even one year ago where would you be today imagine what your life would be like and that should be all the motivation that you need so the big difference between the random product strategy which is basically what everybody teaches and the e-commerce brand strategy the big difference is that random products will make a little bit of money for a short period of time but actual e-commerce brands can sell for millions of dollars and stand the test of time because with an e-commerce business just like any other business you're actually building something with intrinsic value what does intrinsic value mean is that there's actually like a value to your business so let's say that you grow your business to 10k a month or 20k a month well not only are you making that 10 or 20k a month in sales and obviously you know you're pocketing the profit from that like the profits like between 30 and 50 as i mentioned with e-commerce that's standard not only are you making that profit but also you can actually sell your brand for anywhere between five and ten times revenue or profit that's like a typical we call it multiplier in the e-commerce space in terms of selling e-commerce businesses so you know a a business an e-commerce business that does 250 000 a year which is just over about 20k a month um you know that e-commerce business can sell for a million dollars plus a few examples of brands that grew extremely quickly and their e-commerce brands and they followed the brand strategy the commerce brand strategy if you look at rx bar right so that's actually a food product sold for 600 million dollars to kellogg's in the span of three years dollar shave club sold for a billion dollars you know in the span of a few years as well kylie cosmetics of course that was the kardashian and of course she had a lot of fame so she used that to push it up but she sold it for over a billion dollars right and so these are just a few examples you don't have to be a kardashian you don't have to you know have any kind of fame or anything like that at all these are just examples of how scalable a physical product business really is so the entire objective of the e-commerce brand strategy is to focus on looking for a product that you can sell and potentially improve over what is available on the market and you can grow it into an actual branded product line of three to five products that are better versions of what's already available on amazon this is the key right here this is the key to massive massive profits on amazon and the number one key to remember with all of this is that you're selling to real people so you're not just selling you know let's say for example yoga mats you're actually selling mats to people who do yoga and why this is so important is because it completely changes the way that you view um you know customers that you're selling to on amazon because now when you're thinking about people that are doing yoga now you can actually break down you know their pain points their wants their needs their desires and what we call the uh customer avatar that's what we call it in internet marketing or marketing speak um essentially once you break down the customer avatar and you write down how the person is that you're selling to like your your target market at that point it becomes very clear how you should present your product you know what kind of wording you should use in your listings and um you know all that kind of stuff it just makes it so much easier to sell profitably on amazon and so the best part about the strategy even though it seems like you know there's so much knowledge to learn and there is but obviously this video is going to do an amazing job at uh you know i'm gonna do my best job possible to help you along the way and to get you to where you wanna go so even though there is a lot of information the one thing to remember is that anybody can sell on amazon anybody can follow the strategy source an amazing product get whatever improvements you want to get for your product you know the internet is wide open the internet has opened up unlimited opportunities for anyone who wants to make something from scratch who wants to change their life who wants to you know build a business without having any previous business experience and so that's the best part towards the end of this video we're going to talk about scaling and the things that you can do to actually defend your brand because you know it's not only about uh actually launching there's also a defense part of the strategy it's just like sports right you want to make sure that you defend what you create and you can do that with things like patents and trademarks which i have a ton of experience with um just like with all other things e-commerce because this has been my life for the last several years and every single day i wake up live and breathe e-commerce now let's talk about setting goals and the one thing that really defines successful people millionaires and billionaires is that they set goals and this is something that i really started to do when i got into entrepreneurship so i'm gonna walk you through uh setting an appropriate goal for your amazon fba business so the first thing first things first is that all millionaires they break down their goals so let's say if we want to build a six-figure business that means a 100 000 per year business and we'll just say a hundred thousand dollars in sales so break down the math right the math to a 100 000 per year business on amazon is to have one to two products that sell each 10 to 15 units per day so if we take the average price of a product let's just say it's 19.99 because that's how most products are sold with the 99 or 97 um you know at the end of it so the math to a 100 000 business per year is about one to two products right and that makes it sound so much simpler because now you know okay i just need to find you know one or two products that all i have to do is just find a way to sell about 10 to 15 of them per day you know it's a 10 to 15 customers each and that's it i have a 100 100 000 business and at that point you've already got freedom you've already got much more independence and your life is significantly better than where you're at right now now let's push it up a notch what about a million dollar business i'm gonna show you just how simple a million dollar business really is with e-commerce so if we break down the math to a million dollar business that's three to five products that sell 25 units per day each and i'll show you that right now let's say that your average uh product price let's say that every single one of your products is sold for about 20 right so 20 times 25 okay that's 500 a day in sales from each product and then you do that times five okay that's two thousand five hundred dollars a day in sales and then you times that by 365 days in a year boom that's nine hundred and twelve thousand and five hundred dollars so of course that's at twenty dollars if it's at twenty five dollars for an average product price then that number goes up to 25 times 25 units per day times five products uh on your product in your product line says 325 times 365. boom that's 1.1 million dollars per year in sales and so you know honestly every single day if you show up and you continue growing your business there is absolutely zero reason why you can't do this for yourself in fact as much as a hundred thousand dollars per year as much as it sounds right now that's actually an industry standard in e-commerce it's just like a minimum standard so you know once you reach 100k in sales per year you're like okay you know now you've got a business right so that just shows you the potential here so it's important to set a goal and the goal that i set for myself that really helped me succeed uh quickly was to say okay i'm gonna make ten thousand dollars per month within the next six months and what ended up happening as um you know with all my goals usually i ended up going way above and beyond that goal and i actually hit 32k a month in three months instead of that you know six months i gave myself six months to hit 10k i hit 32k a month in three months and that's usually what happens when you set a goal you usually reach that goal much faster and you'll blow way past it that's the law of attraction at work it's something that i really believe in and it's something that i think can really help you as well where you know you really see it believe it in your mind you hold it in your mind and it manifests in your life and part of that is setting that appropriate goal now the next part of setting a great goal is to really really dial in your why figure out your why like why are you doing this why am i starting an amazon fba business why do i even need to you know do this work and watch this video and take these notes and and set all this this up right and invest my money why do i have to do this right and the truth is is that everybody's why is different my why was i wanted freedom i wanted to be able to live the life of my dreams i wanted to be able to live a life that was so good where i had complete abundance in my life i had complete location independence i could live in a warm place in fact it was one of the first things that i did when i reached success on amazon i actually set myself the goal that year in 2017 when i started to actually move to a warm place and i actually ended up moving to arizona which i'm originally from canada and arizona is like a dream you know we have a few destinations like florida arizona which it's just absolutely beautiful it's like sunny it's warm in the winter right so amazing place to to live in especially for eight months of the year and so i actually was able to reach that goal i moved into a beautiful apartment with a mountain view here in arizona and i've pretty much been here ever since and it's just been absolutely amazing it's something that i've been able to do through e-commerce so that was it for me freedom you know freedom to live my life how i want to live it and also another part of my why was to be able to help my family help my my parents you know help them with retirement um you know help my sister pay for her college education so all these things they really drove me so pause this video right now and think about your why think about why am i doing this like why and there must be you have to have a reason you know we all have our own reasons and you know it's really setting a concrete why is going to drive you it's going to help you through those tough moments that are inevitably going to happen when you are trying to build your business so think about your why and use that to propel you forward every single day so now that you've set your goal and you've got your goal very clearly marked every single day you want to think about your why and you want to think about your goal so what is your goal alright so now that you've got your goals set you want to think about your why combine it with your goal and every single day visualize yourself having already achieved that goal so if it's a ten thousand dollar per month business visualize yourself looking at your phone at your amazon seller central app which is an app that you'll get very familiar with very quickly as you are starting this business um you know think about your uh your business and how you're seeing that 10 000 a month number uh in your amazon seller central app and the best way to accelerate your success as fast as possible is to always think about the next step that will move you towards your goal so instead of just always always you know picturing your business having already achieved the goal like that's great but also you want to visualize what that just the next step that you need to take is and the next steps are um just like what they are what you need to do to actually uh reach your goal and instead of always trying to figure out like you know so many steps uh so far ahead uh the best thing to do is to just like look directly in front of you and to just take one step at a time so now we're ready to set up our amazon seller central account and i'm going to show you how to set up an amazon seller central us account but the process is exactly the same for all other amazon marketplaces now if you don't know which country you want to sell in yet except those in the united states you will likely be selling in amazon usa because that is the biggest market and you are already here so if that's the case then you can watch this and you can set up a central account because i'm going to show you how to do it for the u.s the process is the same no matter which marketplace you're opening an account for if you are in europe or you're in canada or you're just unsure where you want to sell well you can come back to this section later and the timestamps are below this video so this is what amazon seller central looks like and essentially this is your main dashboard and your base for your business so this is where you're going to be logging in every single day to view your sales view the products that you're selling you're going to be able to see uh your orders as well right now i'm actually in the star central account for one of our brands so if as you can see if we go to manage orders we're currently out of stock for this specific one but we had like 985 um in the last 180 days for our bro day brand so this is basically like the main dashboard you can also view your payments here right so as you can see boom boom boom right so it will tell you exactly how much money you are getting paid uh from amazon after all fees and everything so it breaks everything down for you so to open your seller central account you're going to want to go to and when you're on this website you're going to want to click on sign up now there are two plans that you can sign up for on amazon seller central you can sign up for the individual plan which is it carries no monthly fee with it but they will charge you for every single sale basically it's like a dollar a few bucks for every single sale uh or you can pay 39.99 a month and then uh you will not have to pay for every single sale and it's just like a monthly fee of course you still have to pay your fba fees so all the fees that anybody has to pay when they sell on amazon so as you can see if you go to learn more you can actually see the different plans you actually have two options here you can start off as an individual seller if you're really tight on money you can just start off that way and then later on you can actually convert your account to a professional plan once your product is actually in amazon so i recommend doing that um you know that way you're not paying the 40 a month monthly fee right away and you can just pay that later or you can just sign up for that right now and if you accidentally sign up for the professional plan at four dollars a month you can always just email amazon and you can ask for that money back uh just explaining to them that you still haven't gotten your product into amazon and that uh you know you were paying the monthly fee but you weren't able to sell so we're gonna click on sign up here so now it's to ask you to type in your amazon account now there's a difference between amazon buying accounts and amazon selling accounts so an amazon buying account would just be your account when you are going on amazon and you are purchasing things that's your buying account it can be the same as your seller account so that's not an issue you can actually use that and sign up with your buying account if you already have one you can just log into that or if you'd like if you want to keep things separate you can create a separate selling account it's really up to you there's really no difference so i'm actually going to create a new account here click here so here i'm just going to use a fictional name and here i'm going to use a placeholder email you want to make sure that you put in an email that you actually have access to so if you want you can create a separate gmail account for your amazon seller central you can do that this is actually one of my company emails so we're just gonna use that for now for the password just to enter my password here and then click next so now it's asking us to verify our email address and so they've sent a one-time password to that email so for that we're just gonna log into that email address and we are going to type in the code that was sent to us by amazon if you're not getting the code then make sure to check your spam or your junk but it should arrive in your inbox all right so i just received the email from amazon so i'm just going to enter this code right in here okay and then you want to click on create your amazon account and then once we do that we can now start going through the process so this process i'm gonna guide you through and it's gonna work no matter where you're from however there are a few different steps to take if you are not from a group three or a group four country now before you go through this process of setting up yourself central account you need to know what country your group is in so all countries we've actually split them into four different groups and we've helped thousands of people start successful amazon fba businesses specifically opened their seller central accounts which are obviously needed to make money on amazon so that's why i decided to put together the ecom freedom amazon fba starter pack which is completely free you can find the download link below and this is information that's usually behind the paywall and i'm giving it away for free here so you can get the starter pack down below the link is in the description of this video so you can pause and make sure to download that so once you open that you're going to want to open the amazon fba country groups pdf and then once you have that open just scroll down here and as you can see all the countries in the world are split into four different groups and so for that you want to just find your country so if you're from canada that means that you're a group one country and it says exactly what you need to do here for your group so if i'm in canada that means that i can sign up for my amazon seller central account with my local information meaning that i can use my current country's bank account for my deposit method credit card number address telephone number etc now let's say if i'm from israel that's a group 2 country that means that everything is fine except if i want to get paid from amazon i will have to use a third-party service to receive payments such as payoneer transferwise we actually have special partnerships with these companies because my company got freedom you know we've been in business for several years and we are basically the biggest name in the e-learning e-commerce industry and so that's why we have special partnerships if you use these links to sign up you'll also get perks like special support lines with them like we have special techs and also i believe with payoneer you get like a 100 bonus uh as soon as you actually um uh you know get your first uh paycheck from amazon i believe it's your first thousand dollars so yeah that's with these links but that's for group two for group three as you can see if you live in one of these countries that means that you can use your own local information except for the deposit method and for that you can use pannier transferwise and just select usa is the location of the bank because with pannier transferwise they allow you to set up a us location so even if you're from for example chile dominican haiti togo trinidad ukraine you can still do this and really start this business successfully and finally group four and these countries are the hardest to start selling on amazon from but still very very possible and should not stop you whatsoever we've actually found the best way of even you know even if you're from north korea right democratic people's republic of or democratic republic of the congo or laos or the ivory coast or iraq or you know any of these countries here fiji you can still sell on amazon but you will need to have a friend or a relative create a seller central account for you in an accepted country or you can create a us llc and business bank account in the u.s and there's actually a service for that called atlas which we've partnered up with and to access that it's atlas so this is stripe atlas as you can see it's actually stripes service which is a very famous and big payment processor that i have a lot of experience with and that is basically used by all online businesses except amazon because obviously amazon pays you directly so stripe atlas will allow you to get going in literally 10 minutes as they say you can form a legal entity you can get a stripe account so you can process payments that's obviously not for amazon but as you can see from new york to new delhi thousands of people have been able to start the businesses with stripe atlas and then if you also want to create a us llc we also partnered up with northwest registered agents which is the best service that will get you a us llc so for that you want to go to northwest and this will allow you to actually get an llc in the united states so that uh you can actually open your uh amazon seller central account in the us if you're from a group of four country all right so now i'm going to do this process so for the business location i'm going to select canada just as an example it's very similar if you're from canada or the u.s or even europe basically any group one to three country business type i'm gonna select the business type now if you are starting off and you don't have an llc you don't have any kind of business yet so you can actually start off as an individual but i recommend as soon as you start making sales to get an llc if you're in the states or to get a corporation if you're in canada and there's gonna be links down below in the description as well as in the starter pack for the best services with the biggest discounts to help you set up your llc as well as your corporation if you're in canada so for now you can actually start off as an individual that's what i did when i started and i am originally from canada but living in the u.s so you can just put none i'm an individual and then you can basically just start off individually now if you're in europe you will need to get what's called a sole trader license so for that you can just go on google and type in get sold trader and for example let's say you are from france so you just type in get soul trader france right and then you can find out exactly how to get that uh in your country you can obviously replace france with like finland with norway switzerland um you know wherever you're from as a rule of thumb i recommend as soon as you make your first thousand dollars in sales to actually set up your llc or corporation if you're from europe and you want to sell on amazon europe you will need to set up a sole trader to actually even be able to sell you can't start off as an individual now in europe a lot of people have problems because if you're european uh there's a lot of cost with starting a business for example if we go to this wikipedia page list of legal entity types by country if we go to just as an example let's take norway right so we go to norway okay norway you can see here that limited which is basically like an llc private company limited uh the minimum capital to start that is thirty thousand norwegian kroners which is about three thousand dollars okay and so in europe you'll find that in a lot of countries you actually do need a minimum capital amount to start that and so if that's the case you can start off as a sole trader and then later upgrade if you have once you have a capital or you always have the option to start off a u.s llc uh which you can do there's going to be a link down below as well as in the starter pack which you can access northwest or atlas all right so i'm going to fill this out and i'm obviously going to use a fictional name so now it asks me for my country of citizenship so i'm going to put canada if you're from the us obviously you want to put u.s country of birth we're going to put canada from my date of birth we're going to put like a fictional date of birth here so september okay we'll do like 1995. so here amazon is asking us for an id and obviously amazon is strict on verifying your identity to prevent identity theft or fraud so you just want to provide them all the information they're asking for so i'm going to provide my passport number so once we've provided that now we want to add our business address so if you are just starting off as an individual while your business address would be your house now one thing to remember is that amazon actually publicly displays your business address when you're selling on amazon and if you put your house here well then whenever somebody buys from you they're going to see that it's being sold from your house so if you want to prevent that you can actually open up a po box locally which is a post office box or you can open a virtual office which is going to have a monthly cost as well you can open a virtual office with a local co-working space like regis for example uh which is uh what i've done as well and so that way um you know they're not going to have your real address and the customers they won't you know they won't actually see your house so we're gonna put a fictional address here and then we'll click i confirm address is correct now it's gonna ask us for a phone number so you wanna make sure that you provide a valid phone number because they're going to verify it by sending you a pin they're gonna have to verify you can either choose a semester call so i'm gonna do that now all right so i got the pin i'm gonna type it in click verify and then once you've verified your phone number you're gonna move on to the next step so now once in the next step amazon is telling us that we're gonna be charged a monthly professional selling fee of 39.99 for the first six months and then after the seventh month uh we're going to be charged professional selling global subscriptions fees that will combine for marketplaces not exceed a total equivalent of 39.99 no matter where we're selling basically it's 40 bucks a month uh and then you want to type in a valid credit card number this can be your personal credit card once you actually set up your llc or your corporation or your you know business license whichever one you're gonna get limited company if you're in europe uh you can actually open up a credit card and a bank account a business bank account and credit card and you can put that credit card here so you can either do that you can open your account you know once you have that set up or you can put in your personal credit card now and then later on you can always update it it's super easy to change it in your settings on amazon so now on to the next step you want to enter a name for your store and you can actually just you know put in a temporary name here you can always change your store name at any time on amazon and there are no limits or anything like that so and this is going to be actually like your storefront name so when we went and we saw coffee gator for example if we go on to coffee gator we click on their product okay you can see sold by coffee gator so that's what it's going to show not the brand but the sold by this is the storefront so for now you can just you know enter in just any kind of name so for example we're going to type in like dv essentials all right now it's asking us do you have universal product codes for all of your products and you want to put yes are you the manufacturer or brand owner for any of the products you want to sell on amazon you want to put yes do you own a government registered trademark no and then you want to click next a trademark is something that you can set up later we're going to talk about that later on in the tutorial so now at this point it's asking to verify my identity and obviously since the name that i provided is a fictional name i can't really get past this part but it's super easy you just upload a passport and then after that it's going to ask you for an additional document so either bank account statement or credit card statement now it's incredibly incredibly important if you're from the us or canada your documents will likely be in english so that's fine so you can submit those and make sure that you know they're very legible and make sure that um it's just like obviously easy for the system to process because it's not a real person that's looking at this amazon is entirely almost run by ai's except like the customer service and the development obviously uh so for that you just wanna make sure your documents are legible and they're in english a lot of people have had problems with getting their central account set up because their documents are not an english or an approved language there's a few other approved languages you can google it you can find it there's like a page on amazon but it's always easiest to just get a translation for your document so you need to translate it yourself you know if you want to do that but that's going to obviously not be the easiest thing or you can hire a notarized translator to do it for you as long as the documents are eligible you can also probably ask your bank for an english version of your document you know for your actual credit card statement your bank account statement for your identity document that should be in its original form but anything like a bank statement a credit card statement you should have that translated into english that would always be easiest or at least into a an approved language and once you get past this part there's going to be what's called a tax interview basically just going to answer a few questions and it's super simple so you answer a few tax questions and then after the tax interview what amazon might do is they might arrange a phone call interview with you just to call you and verify your identity and make sure that um you are applying as a real person not someone else and it's super easy there's nothing to stress about that so you can just wait for that time and then answer the phone and speak to amazon and then you're all good at that point you should have a valid seller central account up and running all right now let's get started with product research so in this section i'm going to be showing you how to find profitable products to sell on amazon and of course we want to start off with one product you want to make sure that it fits all the criteria that i'm going to go over here in this section of the video and i'm going to be showing you the best techniques the best product user techniques that actually work you know one of the things that i hate the most um you know just from watching videos and things like that and that i especially hated when i was starting out before i started doing youtube several years ago i really didn't like watching product research videos where people were literally giving you know techniques that like they didn't use themselves or they were just kind of just trying to add fluff to the video so believe me when i say this i am going to only show you the techniques that i personally use and would personally use if i was starting like from zero today and um i'm not going to give you any bs i'm not going to give you any anything that's just like you know extra fluff for the video okay it's all going to be real and you will be able to come out of this section with a profitable product to sell that you have a great feeling about and that you know you're gonna be proud to build a business from and it's gonna actually work and succeed so before we begin what are we looking for in a product and we have to go over the criteria here just to know what we're looking for so the first most important thing is that we're looking for a product that we can start a brand with and you want to make sure that this product that you're looking for you want to make sure that you have at least two to three other products that you can potentially add later on uh just as part of your ecommerce brand product line preferably even three and four three to four in the back of your head you know just so you can expand your product line later on and the reason we want to do this is because we don't want to get stuck just having to find random products to sell on amazon because you know with every single new brand in a different niche you have to basically create a new brand every single time and that involves a whole lot of work it's going to be a lot less work it's going to be a lot easier and you'll already have that momentum if you just start with a product that you can actually add other products later on to that you already kind of had in the back of your mind so i'm going to be showing you how to do product research and also as you're doing product research when you're looking at products how to actually find products that you can potentially add on to your product line as um as your brand expands in the future so that's a really important thing so we're looking for a product we can start a brand with now the e-commerce brand method is the most reliable and the best way to build a successful and extremely profitable online business that will last you for years and even for life if that's what you want this is something that will continue to grow throughout the years and this is something that you know later on uh once you've actually you know made a significant amount of money with it and you want to move on to your next business for example or something else you can actually sell it that's why this strategy is so powerful and it's so important that you follow all the steps here in this video because that will maximize your success if you watch all the other product research videos on youtube all of them teach the same home run method basically finding trending home run products you know there's a lot of videos especially for amazon and also for shopify where um you know the video titles are like you know the best hottest products to sell now and those videos they're not great at all because first of all they teach the wrong mindset they don't teach the mindset that i'm teaching you here in this video that i'm showing you and that actually works to build um you know successful businesses successfully commerce businesses so they're always talking about finding random products and this and that and it's very short-term so not any kind of long-term success and like i mentioned with that home run product mindset you're always having to constantly search for new products every month you know in new niches always having to build new brands from scratch new logos new product packaging new design it's just annoying and you don't have to do that instead just focus on you know one brand one thing see how it goes of course if you know your first product if it doesn't succeed which obviously you know when you're going into business there's no guarantee of success but watching this video is your surest guarantee of success you know the most that you can have and believe me because uh like like it's pretty obvious that the info here that i'm sharing is just the best on youtube um for this space for this uh for the subject here so i want to share with you some brands on amazon that just did incredibly incredibly well and the first one is alpha grillers so if we type in alpha grillers on amazon we can see here that they offer a wide variety of products in the barbecue space so if you look into their listing here and then we click into their storefront right you can see they've got incredible seller feedback that's what's called seller feedback we're going to talk about that later not super important right now but you can see that this is a like the perfect example of a successful ecommerce brand following the e-commerce brand strategy and so how alpha growers started is they started off with you know their first product which probably was the meat thermometer right here i'm assuming because of the amount of reviews here we can also check this using jungle scout because jungle scout will tell us when the date was that they like actually launched so the first one was actually the garlic press so was the garlic press if we sort by revenue here they're making 180 000 a month just from their meat thermometer 109 000 from the garlic press you know and the list goes on and on so this is a perfect example of a brand that followed the commerce brand strategy and it's a great example for you to actually look at to also get inspiration for building your own brand in any niche another example of a brand that followed the e-commerce brand strategy as well is called ravpower there's also one called anchor two so as you can see ravpower sells a bunch of different electronics and devices so if we go into their uh onto the store here okay you can see they've got tons and tons of products but they only start off with one you want to only start off with one you don't want to start off with like 10 million different products because obviously it's gonna be very expensive to source you're gonna have to pay a lot of money um and it's just gonna be so much work you really don't need to do that because that's actually not how they did it either all the most successful brands they start off with either one or a few products if they have a larger starting budget and if it makes sense but i do not recommend you start off with more than one uh just for you know just for clarity and for for the sake of focus so that you can really focus and maximize your path to success so we're really looking for a product that we can brand with our own logo and that also is high quality so the product itself has to be very high quality and i'm going to show you uh basically the best way to find the highest quality product whether it's from china or whether it's from a factory anywhere else in the world because i'm going to show you that as well how not only to source from china but also from anywhere else in the world most people don't really talk about that but that's an option as well and it's actually a better option for certain types of products so also when you are looking for a product you also want to always think about what kind of potential improvements can we make to the product in terms of maybe the design or the material that it's made so let me just give you an example if i type in barbecue gloves we'll use this classic classic example that i always love here and we're going gonna take one that's not super high rated um so it looks like all of them have pretty good ratings go to page three you'll probably find one that doesn't really have the best ratings for example let's click on this replica one even though the average rating is uh pretty high uh there's still going to be critical reviews critical reviews on amazon that just means like um you know one star or two star reviews okay so apparently someone is complaining about the fact that the gloves stink uh they smell like chemicals and they don't want to use them to handle their food the insulation is crap it's not heat resistant so right there we just got three problems that we could uh you know potentially solve if we introduced this product now does that mean that you actually have to go and create better gloves in your own house you know with a different material no you don't have to learn any of that uh the great part about this business is that your suppliers will be able to do all of that for you obviously as long as you pay but the goal is to find an improvement that will make a big difference or at least a you know moderate difference in your in your product and it's actually going to provide added value where it's also not too expensive it's not going to cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to actually um make that improvement with your supplier and that's something that uh is really realistic to do and i'm going to show you when we talk about that in the supplier section of this video all right so now let's talk about the perfect criteria for uh finding a great product on amazon so there's actually seven elements uh in this in this list of criteria so the first thing that we're looking for is the bestseller rank this is also abbreviated to the bsr and so on amazon the bsr basically what that is it's a way that products are ranked from lowest to highest so the lower the bsr rank on amazon the more units a product is selling per day in that particular category and the higher the bsr rank the less units a product is selling per day in that category so we go back to amazon here if you scroll down usually you'll scroll down all the way to product information you can see here a section called the bestsellers rank and you can see here there's two different categories here so it's number one in protective grilling mitts and potholders this is the subcategory and then you have the top level category which is patio lawn and garden so that's ranked 299. this means that this glove is the 299th best-selling overall product in the patio lawn and garden category and if you look on see top 100 right so if you click on like this one right here this one is literally number one which means that it is the top selling product in patio lawn and garden for the purpose of this video what's really important is to look at the top level category which is this not the subcategory so usually the most general thing here that's like the top level category and then if you see a category that's much more specific that's the subcategory and for product research we're looking at bsr range it's very important because there's going to be like a bsr range sheet for every single amazon marketplace that you also get provided in the amazon fba starter pack that you can download for free down below you can grab that if you haven't uh yet because you're going to need that here soon so yeah we're going to look at the top level category if you're confused as to what the top level category is and what the sub category is you can actually just click on this arrow at the top and this works on all the amazon country websites and you can see all these categories here all of these are the top level categories so for example movies and tv pet supplies industrial and scientific which we just saw there right here home and kitchen so all these things are top level uh categories there's one exception kitchen and dining is actually like a subcategory in home and kitchen so there's a few little little differences but if you are unsure of what the top level category is you can also just look up here and you'll usually see you know the number uh let's say in this case number one bestseller and patio lawn and garden this would be the top level category so that's the first thing we look at it's the best seller rank and there are ranges for each category that we're gonna look at so don't worry about that for now we're gonna look at that a little later here the second element of our criteria that looking for products for purple products is the number of reviews so reviews are the second most important metric that we look at to judge whether a product opportunity is good or not uh every product on amazon starts with zero reviews but over time reviews come in as more and more customers buy the product so the key is to basically find a product with a great bsr and a low number of reviews a great bsr meaning like the lower the better but also a low number of reviews uh so essentially you know we don't want to basically find a product that you know where all the the available listings where all the competitors they all have like thousands upon thousands of reviews because you know the more reviews that your competitors have the harder it will be to actually introduce your product into the market and capture those sales right it's just going to be more difficult so uh that's basically what we're looking at we're looking at the number of reviews and there's also specific way of looking at that which i'm going to show you when we're doing product research the next thing we want to look at is the price and the price is important because we want to make sure that we have enough room to make a profit of at least 30 after all of our expenses all of our cost of goods so the cost of inventory shipping fees and amazon fba fees so as a rule of thumb you want to look for a product with an absolute minimum price of 15 uh so 14.99 or 14.97 that would be like the low end and an absolute maximum price of 150 most people uh they're likely going to be investing in products that are between 15 and 70 uh just because the more expensive the product is on amazon uh likely the more expensive it's going to be to source from your supplier okay now one note on this if you are from europe uh you need to make sure that uh you are aware of the vat tax so this is just a quick note for those european viewers here basically if you're selling in europe you're gonna have to pay up to 25 of your total sales your total revenue uh to the government as va tax value added tax that's basically sales tax and uh so that's why if you're a european seller as a rule of thumb just look for a product that has a minimum price of 19 euros and 99 cents or 20 euros the next criteria we look at is the private label potential and so what this is is basically uh you know we just want to make sure that the product that we're looking at we can actually private label it meaning that we can actually put our own logo and brand name on it uh now there are many products on amazon that are commodity products and i want to really give you a note of caution here on commodity products basically what are commodity products why are they dangerous so if you look at this example here you can see you know you have cups on the left and then you've got this this iced coffee cold brew coffee maker on the right so you know commodity products are products where branding doesn't really make any difference in their sales or demand for example if i want to buy paper cups well i'm just going to go on amazon i'm going to type in you know pack of paper cups or like 100 pack of paper cups and then i'm just going to buy the first one that i see that has the best price and the best reviews the brand doesn't matter to me and it's not going to make an impact on my buying decision uh you know but meanwhile if i'm going to buy a cold brew coffee maker that actually like now you know i want to make sure that i'm buying from a good brand that respects the quality of coffee that is known to or at least looks like they make high quality coffee equipment and so that's where the brand would actually be a value add and it would make a difference so you can also view this example it's the same when you're looking for gas to fill your car with you know you don't care if uh you know you grab the gas from shell or chevron or eso you know if you're low on gas you just need gas for your car to run it's only at a certain point if you have like a really uh fancy sports car where at that point you really care about the the brand of gas that you fill it with because certain gas stations you know they'll have like higher octane gas for example like ultra premium you know low ethanol for example so but that's only for a small small niche market so the main lesson here is just to avoid commodity type products at all costs and to make sure that you're not you know investing and you're not basically having like paper cups or like um you know super basic products as your uh as your product that you're considering doing just because sticking to the e-commerce brand strategy with it is going to be so difficult um and you know branding it won't really have any value add so the next criteria we look at is the profit margin this is obviously extremely important and you must make sure that the product that you're looking at has enough of a profit for you to even consider selling it uh you know and investing your time and effort into building a brand with it because you're building a business it's not going to be you know like a walk in the park you're going to have to you know put in some real time and effort into this to really make it work so a good profit margin that we're looking for is between 25 and 50 with the vast majority of um you know sellers on amazon hitting i would say uh probably between 30 and 40 after all costs maybe you know on the lower end you got 20 percent uh and then obviously there's sellers that don't make any money but you know if you're gonna go if you're looking if you're gonna look for products that are between 25 and 50 to begin with and uh you know you've made sure to follow the steps in this video then likely your profit margin is going to be between thirty and forty percent at the end of it all so this would mean that if you're selling a product for thirty dollars that means that your profit on that thirty dollar product on every sale would be between nine and twelve dollars uh after your inventory cost after amazon fba fees and all that kind of stuff so you want to look for something with a profit margin between 25 and 50 percent if it's higher than that awesome but rarely you're gonna find something that you're going to be able to sell for higher than a 50 profit margin although it does happen and i've sold products like that in the past uh so for that there's actually a tool that i'm gonna show you it's the conference amazon fba calculator it's completely free um you know since i'm giving out a lot of information here for free uh you'll be able to access that later on once we get to that point in the video the next uh criteria we'll look at is the brand potential so it's also important to consider if you can actually build out like a like a brand product line with your products of at least three to five products um you know so whenever you're looking at a product on amazon you wanna ideally have three to five products in the back of your head that you can later expand and add on to your brand um now these products that you expand to don't necessarily have to meet all this criteria that we're talking about because it's going to be so much easier to launch a new product once you have a successful product up and running so that's you know as a rule of thumb uh just building up that momentum of your first product and starting your brand your customers and people on amazon they're not yet aware of your brand they haven't really seen it but once you have a product up and running and you have you know reviews and things like that now you have more credibility and your customers are talking about your brand they're sharing your brand you know to their friends and family and so then it just becomes so much easier to launch new products and you also have something called a customer list which is something that's super powerful as well and finally the last criteria that we look at is the improvement and differentiation potential now i know that this sounds super fancy and super advanced but all this means is that when we're looking at a product we just want to ask ourselves if there is potential to improve or differentiate the product in any way and as i showed you uh with the bbq glove example a great way of doing this would just to be uh you know to look at like the negative reviews on your competitors listings and there's several different ways of improvement and differentiation for example you can find a better or higher quality version of the product from a supplier you can just create much better branding and the design that's more relevant to your market you can find a way to stand out in a noisy market of copycats you can fix a problem people are complaining about in the negative reviews or you can add a new feature that your market is waiting for but nobody offers um and at the end of the day you know with your with your amazon product the most important thing to realize that all comes down to creating an amazing offer and what an offer is is the combination of your product listing your title your bullet points just the way that is presented on amazon as well as the price now we'll say that the improvement and differentiation potential element of the criteria it's less important than the other stuff that we mentioned like the most important by far is definitely like the the reviews and the price and the bsr ranges and things like that just to make sure there's enough demand and that it's not too competitive or you know you know there's actual sales there's actual like customers in the market to buy it right so all that stuff is much more important but it's something that you should definitely think about when you are launching a new product in terms of like you know how do i make sure to really improve it so that you know i just increased my chances of of uh of capturing sales in this market and succeeding so now i'm going to show you what's called the ecom freedom product opportunity sheet this is a tool that i made and basically we're going to be using this sheet here to actually keep track of our product opportunities that we find now what is a product opportunity basically it's just a product uh so you know anytime you find a product that you're thinking of doing that's called a product opportunity because you know it's a potential opportunity to launch your brand with and make money with so this is the sheet it's also going to be found in your amazon fba starter pack which you can get there's gonna be a link to download it for free uh right down below so on this sheet if you look at the bottom left you'll find two tabs here you'll find the template and then you'll find the product opportunities um like the non-template here so never never never delete this one you want to make sure that that like you keep this uh the same and you never change anything on this because all the formulas are already pre-programmed here so what you want to do is you want to right click duplicate and then once you duplicate it you can just type in product opportunities new or something like that and then you're good all right so now let's talk about the recommended categories to find product opportunities in so as you can see we've got this list here and this is the recommended categories list for the united states so uh here is a list of all the categories we've got artscraft and sewing automotive baby beauty and the list goes on so you only want to look at categories from this list now if you're doing product research in for example amazon uk or amazon germany you can just look for the similar uh you know the similar categories that are basically named like this you don't want to look at categories that are not the categories on this list or similar uh simply because they're either too competitive or it's just not uh it doesn't fit our ecommerce brand strategy like it's gonna be really really difficult to make any money with that so let's talk about the best product research methods that you're going to use to find a profitable product and the first one is going to be the magic search method the second one is the magic keyword method the third one is the jungle scout product database the fourth one is the rabbit hole method and finally the fifth one will be what i call the intuition method or finding a product from your passions and interests so these techniques are the absolute best techniques and these are techniques that i've used as well as thousands of other people have used successfully to build their profitable ecommerce amazon fba businesses so you know if you actually uh spend time doing this because it's all about time in time out right so like the amount of time that you put into this and doing product research something that you're gonna have to be doing like consistent effort with um that is obviously going to be related to the result that you get out of this whatever you put in is what you're going to get out and don't expect to find a great product overnight you can potentially find a product today but obviously um you know it's probably going to take you at least a few days to a few weeks to find that great product that you'll be able to start that profitable amazon fba business with all right so let's get started with the magic search method the very first method i'm going to show you here this method is incredibly powerful and you should be able to find a successful product um that you know will actually become a success you'll be able to grow your brand with that you're able to hit five six figures with it plus from any of the methods that i'm about to show you here so for the magic search method as well as for the other ones you will need access to the recommended bsr range sheet which uh you'll have one for the united states included with the amazon fba starter pack which you can download for free down below so this is what the recommended bsr range sheet looks like as you can see we've got all the different categories so right away you see all the categories that you want to be searching in and then we have what's called a primary bsr range as well as a competing vsr range and so what the difference is between primary products and competing products is that for any product opportunity that we're looking for we want to find a primary product and then we want to find two of that products competitors so essentially if we're looking at a product right and it can be any product on amazon that product should be let's say if it's in arts and crafts it should be i should have a bsr between 100 and 4 000 and then we should find that products uh two competitors the the top two competitors that are like you know basically the same design or perform the same function as the product you know same color as similar as possible to that product uh those two competitors have to have a bsr range within the competing vsr range between 140 to 4 and 500 and obviously it's different for every category so i know this might be a little bit challenging to wrap your head around the first time around but you can just follow along as i do product research here and i'm going to show you i'm going to be building up my list as we go with product opportunities all right so the first step is to go on and you want to make sure that you're signed out and when you're signed out you want to click here and to select your address and you actually want to enter a us zip code so the zip code that i recommend entering is 19901 so this is a us zip code it'll actually work with any zip code but the reason why we want to put in a us zip code is because amazon will not show you all of the products available on the website um if you put in if you don't put in a zip code right because it's only going to show you products that are shipping amazon prime via the us especially if you're from outside the us and you're searching for amazon um you know on in the u.s you want to make sure you got the zip code in there to see all the products and it should say dover just a quick note if you are not searching in amazon usa and let's say you're searching in amazon germany which is or you're searching in the uk you want to make sure that you enter in a zip code that's in germany or in the uk depending on which one you are searching in so if i'm searching in amazon germany i want to click here and then i want to enter a postal code from germany just to make sure i see all the available products so how the magic search works is you're going to select the category and you want to look at your bsr range sheet to select the category with so i've got my recommended bsr range sheet here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select beauty and just because i'm feeling like searching in beauty today so to do that i'm gonna select all and then beauty and personal care and then i'm gonna hit the search bar right here okay and then once you've done that what you wanna do is you wanna type in dash so like this line and then you want to enter a random sequence of letters that are minimum eight characters so i'm going to show you here you want to do b so dash b and then it can just be like any letters as long as it's eight characters so that's uh one two three four five six seven eight nines that's fine okay and then we hit enter so now one problem that some people may have is um when they actually enter in this search string uh this will actually show all and then you're gonna see a bunch of like random dvds and books and stuff like that so just make sure that when you go on amazon um here i'm going to show you again you select the category first and then you put in the search string or you select the category you hit the search the magnifying glass and then you actually type in that magic search string after that okay so like just like that and then you hit um enter again and then you'll be able to find it right sometimes it will switch it back to all in that case you can try opening a new incognito window and you can try signing in and signing back out and eventually it'll work but don't worry if it doesn't because i'm gonna show you other techniques as well later on but this is the first one because it is definitely the most powerful one so anyway i've got the entire list of products here pulled up so what this does is this search string for some reason and nobody actually knows the amazon algorithm anybody who says they know the amazon algorithm um you know they're honestly bs'ing because obviously it's it's um it's secret right it's private and even though some people might say oh i know that i'll go they don't so essentially what this does is uh it basically like trips the amazon system into pulling up a random completely random list of products and the reason why this is good is because no matter how many people watch this video it's going to pull up an entirely different random list of products for every person searching this so and that will allow you obviously to find products that nobody else is finding so once you see the products here you're going to want to pull up jungle scout and basically jungle scout is the most essential tool the most important tool for actually being able to do effective product research on amazon for being able to find a profitable product to sell and the reason why it's so important is because how will you be able to see how much money products are making without jungle scout right i've been using jungle scout for several years ever since i started and without jungle scout i can assure you that i would literally have made zero money i would have actually lost a lot of money because i would have invested into products that just you know would have epically failed so that's why jungle scout is so important there's actually going to be a link down below to jungle scout because i actually know the ceo well and i'm pretty big in this space and they're an amazing software and i i only promote things that i actually use um you know and it's not even me promoting it's like you actually need need a software for this like you need uh something that will tell you the numbers without this you can basically say goodbye to any chances of success it's just not going to work right so because of that i reached out to the ceo greg and i basically got the best possible deal for you guys uh so you know basically you can find jungle scout down below there's going to be the cheapest possible link with the best futures for the product uh so you can basically grab it it's junglescout so you can click it down below and then you'll find it here if it says econ freedom that's my company and then obviously you'll see my name and then click get jungle scout and then you'll find one month three months in one year so you can get one month uh recommended is three months simply because uh you know it might take you longer than a month um but uh there's no other link where you can actually get the chrome extension as well as the product database together and the supplier database which you're gonna need to use to um for this video here so pause this video get jungle scout and once you have it installed then you can come back and then you can just pull it up in your chrome extension just like this okay and so what you're going to want to do now is you're going to want to click on load more results 10 times okay so you're going to want to do it like this okay and then you're going to wait until this stops spinning and you don't want to just like click like this like continuously you want to click on it once and then wait until it stops spinning and then click a second time wait until it stops spinning click a third time and then just basically do that 10 times and you're going to have about minimum 200 results here uh or maybe 150 and the reason we do that is because we want to extract all the next pages of the products because obviously it doesn't show all the products right away there's multiple pages of them so just do this 10 times i'm already on the third time here i'm gonna pause the video and unpause once i've done this all right so now i'm back i click on this about 10 times and so now what i want to do is i want to click on menu up here and then we're going to filter our results okay just gonna click that all right so once you've got this window pulled up uh what you wanna do is we actually wanna enter in our bsr range from our sheet so if we go back to our sheet here our bsr range is uh for beauty that's the one we're looking at you wanna make sure that you're getting the bsr range from the correct category that you searched in for us that's beauty and then what you want to do is you want to enter 100 to 19 000 so you want to enter like basically 100 to 19 000 like this one here you can also just do this but i like to go a little bit wider just because you know we can potentially find some extra products so uh for the price first we're going to type in our criteria price which is like i said the bare minimum should be 14.97 if you're searching in europe it should be 1997. okay and the highest price we're gonna enter uh you can basically enter anything above 75 but just for the purpose of this video i'm going to enter like 150. okay and then now you want to click on the lowest rank and then for the lowest rank we're going to enter in 100 which i can see right here or sorry right here 100 and then for the highest rank we're gonna enter nineteen thousand okay and that's it we're gonna click apply changes and once we've got that now we see that our results went down from 526 to 200. so now we're going to do is we're actually going to make this window bigger just to be able to see the products and then we're actually going to start going through jungle scout here and we're going to start looking at the different products and anything that looks interesting like something that you could potentially launch on amazon what you wanna do is right click and open link in new tab just like that and then later on you can um actually look so in a category like beauty there's gonna be a lot of different products where basically you know it's already like a massive brand selling it so water pick is already a really big brand revlon is obviously a really big brand so anything like that like crest you want to ignore and if you want to ignore a product you just click on the x here to remove the product from the table so i'm just going to do that and then you don't have to do this but if it makes things easier you can alright so let's just keep going let's see what's up so brawn huge brand philips huge brand skull shaver pitbull gold that looks pretty cool so i'm going to right click and open link a new tab potentially it could be cool earwax removal endoscope okay um all right could be interesting uh colgate overnight teeth no beverly hills okay so i actually find it uh faster to just um honestly just like uh scroll through instead of like clicking x just because it takes a long time i like this one manscaped men's grooming kit i'm gonna open that link um patches facial patches for forehead and eyes okay we're gonna open that a new link bath bombs gift set we'll open that one shower steamers uh you know you'll find on amazon there's gonna be so many different products they've never even thought of and what's funny is that you'll find that you know honestly sometimes you'll find the weirder the product the more like successful it can be or like the higher chance of success it's not always true but i mean there are so many products there are millions of products that you'll find that honestly just have massive massive um potential right because right now we are living in this ecommerce boom there's never been a better time to start an ecommerce business okay so foot spa bath massager interesting all right and also you know uh even though we're opening all these products there's actually a way to even use these products as like basically bounce off of them and go down a rabbit hole to continue searching for them and that will bring us to one of our next products techniques so there's a lot of different ways to find products and i'm showing you the best ones here we've got a jade roller um okay and then we keep going intimate whitening cream very interesting i'll open that one up so i think we've got a few products open and that's enough for now what you can do is to save like your actual list of products here you can go to menu and then you can go and click on download csv that's going to download a spreadsheet of all your search results which you know you can also basically just search through that there as you can see obviously it's more clunky you do need microsoft excel or you can load it up in google sheets that's a free version as well but you don't need to do that um i like to do that just to save all the results just make sure that you don't click x on the top right because if you click axe off it's going to reset so just don't click x this one looks cool i'm going to micro touch titanium hair cutting tool i'm gonna open that so just don't click x here just leave that open i am going to uh start looking through the products that we got so what we want to do now is we want to look at the product and we want to ask ourselves okay is this something that can be private labeled yes it can we can see here the logo on it right is this something that uh has a good price point yes it does uh you know 109.99 that's fantastic it leaves us room for a large profit could be expensive to source but um you know could still be good we're looking at the reviews or the ratings so we can see here that it has a 1064 ratings so even if a product has like 10 000 15 000 it's no big deal um you know the the lower it is the closer it is to a thousand or 500 the better but you'll see when we're actually going to find our competing products that's when reviews matter more so i'm going to show you how to find competing products for this primary product okay so what you're going to do you're going to open a new tab and you're going to think before you do that actually you're going to think about the main keywords um that somebody would be typing in a customer would be typing in for this product and those keywords have to be the most general keywords so for this i'm assuming it would just be a usb shaver so we're going to we're going to go on okay i type in usb shaver so now we can see a bunch of different shavers but if you look we can see that none of the ones on here are actually similar you know to this one because um obviously this is like a unique design so in this case maybe let's um you know let's let's type in like different keywords so i'm guessing maybe like a rotary rotary shaver let's type that usb rotary shaver okay you want to keep doing that until you uh until like most of the search results are exactly the same as um you know as the primary product that you found so we can see here we've got um the skull shaver which is that one we can see here we got a few more here so it looks like the rotary server those are actually the main keywords so in this case this would actually be our primary product here and then our competing products it would not be this this one is different um you know we could make this the primary product but in that case we would have to find we have to look for ones that are more similar to this right so obviously this one is um i guess this one is a platinum pro this one's a gold pro this one is wet slash drive forehead or has like four different heads i think this one has just one head so we're gonna basically choose this one you know just for the purpose of this video and we're gonna look at the ones that just have one head so what you're gonna do once you've uh searched up your main keywords and you've actually you know you're sure that the keywords that you entered like they're pulling up similar products to like what you're what you're actually looking at um and you're sure that these are the most general keywords by the way quick note on that some people you know for this they might think like usb men's shaver you know and it's like five or six words the less words in your search terms the more likely those are the actual general search terms for your product you want to make sure you get this accurate because if you if it's like five words it's not going to be you know it's just going to screw up your product research it's going to be like not an accurate depiction or portrayal of um the competition so what you want to do once you've found your general terms and then you see the products and they're all like similar-ish so you want to open up jungle scout okay and it's going to show you're going to want to wait until the list loads sometimes it takes a few moments so you can just let it load okay so once it's loaded just make it bigger and then scroll to the right and what you want to do is you actually want to order it by rank okay so just like that you want to make sure it's rank lowest to highest and now we want to start going down the list so this would be our primary product because it has the lowest rank meaning like it's it has the best sales so you don't want to look at the revenue you just want to look at the rank now if you do this and then let's say let's say like this one you know your competitor actually has a rank that's better it's showing up higher than your selected primary product that actually is that becomes your primary product okay so i'm going to show you how to do that so this is your primary product what we do is we right click copy link address now we want to go to our product opportunity sheet which i showed you so now we're on our product opportunity sheet and remember these are just example products you don't want to touch the template you want to duplicate it make sure you did that already we did that earlier in the video okay so it should be here and now we want to do is you want to copy and paste the link the url of your primary product into here so right click and click paste okay main keywords we're going to type in the main keywords that we have which was usb rotary shaver okay so i'm gonna type in usb rotary shaver and i know i'm really fast i go through things really fast um you know when i'm on the computer i just like i just think fast i guess i speak fast too so i'm gonna try to really be slow here just to make sure that you can see all the steps now we want to put in the category of the product so the category of the product uh and for that we just basically go into our primary product on the listing and then we scroll down and then once you get to product details that would be beauty and personal care so then for the category type in beauty and personal care okay now we go back and we look at the price so the price of this product is 199.99 so we go back and type in 199.99 now we want to enter our bsr our best seller rank and if we go look at our listing okay there's two ways of seeing this so you can look at the listing you can scroll down and then the best solar rank is 3588 so we're gonna go back here three five eight eight and by the way you can also see this from jungle scout you can see this right here that's the rank three five eight eight okay so now we've got our primary product in here so now we wanna look at our two competing products and to find our competing products our first competing product would be basically the one that's closest to this one uh from a different brand we can see here this is like kibi uh and you know you want to make sure that it's similar enough to your primary product if for example it's like a totally different design completely different than that's not your competing product something to look at is also the price we can see here that this is 36.99 significantly cheaper than the skull shaver so you know that can make us ask questions like why is it so much cheaper maybe it's different so let's open the link in the new tab and let's see what's going on here okay and if we compare the two we can see that let me just open this one again all right so this one let's see you hold it in your hand like that has a battery meter at the top all right this one also has a battery meter at the bottom you hold it in your hand as well of course the other one looks much more premium um but you know what even with the massive price difference i would say this is our first competing product simply because i don't see any other like classic looking shaver just like this one on our list here right because they're all by skull shaver so like skull shaver skull shaver right i don't really see any other any other ones at that price here um at all so they're really kind of going with the premium angle here so this this would be our uh first competing product this kibi electric shaver okay so we're gonna do is we are going to go to link here you can also grab the link of any listing just make sure that you grab all the way up until right after this asin what is the async so the asyn is the unique product identifier on amazon every single amazon listing has its own asin or async this is it okay so that's just how a product is identified on amazon as the product code and when you copy the link you just wanna select it right click copy and then we're gonna put it into our list okay product url number two that's our first competing product we're gonna right click and paste what's the bsr of this one the bsr of this one is 4023 so we're going to type that in 4023 and we want to find one more okay so by the way as you're going through this you want to make sure that you're competing products the bsr range is within the competing products range so for beauty our competing bsr range is between 150 and 19 000 so we can see here that this kibi is 4023 and that's within the competing bsr range so that's good if this number was like let's say for example uh 20 000 or 25 000 that's outside of our company bsr range which means that this product opportunity gets deleted off our list so we're gonna just stop filling it out and we're gonna basically can go back to our magic search and continue looking for a different product uh simply because you need to make sure that for every product that you're looking at every primary product should have two competing products like one is okay but honestly you should have two because you know competition is good it shows that there is money to be made if there is no competition how do you know that uh there is money to be made right so product rule number three we're gonna find our second competing product we're gonna go back to our list of products here and our second competing product would be this ori k head shavers for bald men so we're gonna basically copy the link address gonna go to our list paste it into product url number three paste it in here i'm going to enter the bsr of our third or second competing product which is 5707. okay 5707. so now we want to enter the reviews of the three products okay so the reviews for this one you can just honestly click on it i know i have a lot of tabs open but that's just because of my lack of organization um so for the reviews it's 1065. so we'll put that in here into reviews one thousand and sixty-five okay and then reviews two so something you wanna look at by the way you wanna look at product review so for kibby it's 5 313 and then for reviews number three it's 2680 okay and so this actually disqualifies this product from our list reason being is that when we look at reviews you want to make sure that uh all three of these don't have above a thousand reviews no matter what marketplace you're searching on usa canada europe it's all the same rule so let's say if um let's just say as an example this one was five thousand two hundred you know 225 this one was like 1015 and this one was like 600. so this could actually be a still a good product opportunity this stays on our list because only two of the products have above a thousand reviews right as long as you have one um one product one of your like competing products that has less than a thousand it stays in the list if all three of these numbers are above a thousand so like this okay then it's just gets deleted there's no point in continuing to fill it out now again criteria is just that it's just criteria and you know when you're a beginner it's best to kind of stick to this formula um but obviously as you get better and better at this and you grow your business and you gain experience you can then start making your own calls so in my case since i have you know several years of e-commerce experience and i've obviously been doing this for so long i can make my own call and in this case these are actually the original reviews from the products uh in this case i would actually say that yes the most expensive one or primary product has the least amount of reviews and even though all three of the products have above a thousand i would say that the first and second competing product they're not like the same because you know this one the skull shaver is a much more premium product than the other two so you know and i honestly couldn't find any other premium uh shavers it looks like skull shaver is really kind of dominating this market here like there is like this fit sand but that's just the case for the skull shaver so you know that's why i would say that you know there could potentially be room for us to introduce our own brand of a very similar shaver premium old classic you know old-fashioned looking kind of thing um but that's something that only somebody with ecommerce experience can say um because like i said you know with nothing can replace experience obviously you can learn everything from like videos and you can learn everything from watching this well not everything but you know the most that you can um but nothing replaces experience at the end of the day and we all have to venture down our own individual journeys to success and you know you we all have to like you know get our own experience because that's what's going to allow you to start making those calls that are based on your intuition so if we just stuck purely to the formula this would actually be deleted off the list but i am going to just pretend that this one is like 960 just to keep it just to show you how to fill out the list with product opportunities okay so the next uh the next section is the estimated monthly revenue so to get that we would just basically uh we want to look at uh jungle scout for your main keywords and you basically just wanna you know come up with a number that's like the average of the three all right so this one's 380 this one's 79 this one's 130. i would say the monthly revenue here is probably like 250. you just take like the midpoint the average so just say like 250. you can also just put in the monthly revenue of your primary product you can just keep it simple put in 381 665 if you want it's really not a big deal this is just to tell you you know how much demand there is in the in the in the niche right so the next thing we look at is the estimated sourcing cost and to find that we actually want to go on which is the number one website for finding suppliers especially from china so then here what we want to do is want to type in usb rotary shaver the exact same keywords that we use to find the product and what you want to do is you want to turn on trade assurance and verified supplier and you want to look for similar ones so like this is obviously completely different and you want to look for kind of like an average price so there you go i just found the main or not the primary but the first competing product literally the exact same one selling between six and twelve dollars and ninety cents a piece this is a range it's always a range that they give you uh because it depends on the amount of uh units that you order so you can see amazon hot selling right so you can buy it basically for like between six and twelve or thirteen dollars and how much is it sold for i think it sold for like 34 on amazon which shows you how much money they're making 36.99 right so that's a very healthy profit margin so you want to do is you want to just take the midpoint so the midpoint here would be like six and thirteen so i would say the midpoint is probably like like nine dollars and nine dollars fifty cents okay so here we've got same same so i keep seeing the same one i just don't see you know like the old-fashioned one here so maybe that one's probably more expensive so here i actually typed in skull shaver just to maybe see uh you know maybe we can find that that one that we're looking for this one's five to fifteen it's not the same though um but it looks kind of similar gotta be careful right with the pictures sometimes the pictures are deceiving and when you actually see it in your hands when you get the sample it's totally different so we'll just say you know for simplicity's sake we'll say the estimated sourcing cost is probably about eight dollars okay all right the next section is the fba fee so the easiest way to find the fba fee is to actually use something called the fba revenue calculator so you can just google that and then click on the first link and then once you're here you can either sign in or continue as guest honestly you can just continue this guess that's faster here you're going to want to type in your main keywords so here you just want to type in usb rotary shaver click enter then you're going to want to select your primary product which was this one and then you just click calculate boom so this is actually a tool from amazon that will tell you your fba fees so what are fba fees those are the fees that you pay to amazon uh to sell on the platform and it's usually split between if you look on fluent fee right it's just a fulfillment fee it used to be like a pick and pack fee and then there was like another fee but now they made it super simple it's just a fulfillment fee so it looks like they're paying five dollars and one cent uh off of each sale they make to amazon for amazon to ship out the product for them from their warehouse with amazon prime shipping okay now also we have to pay an amazon referral fee we're not going to worry about that yet so just five dollars in one cent we're gonna put that plug that into our sheet here so 501 make sure you don't enter the dollar sign when you're doing this because it's going to screw up the sheet just put in the number referral fee so this is actually based off of our estimated selling price so in this case if we scroll to the left we put a price of 109.99 that's just the price of the primary product it doesn't mean that's the price we're going to sell at uh and the referral fee is our fee that you pay to amazon to like basically be able to sell on the platform it's 15 of every sale so on top of the fba fee we would also pay the referral fee which in this case is 15 it's 16 and 50 cents that doesn't come out of our bank account all these fees come out of our sales so it's not like it just comes out of the bank obviously right so referral fee it's based on the price and you know if we change the price down to like three dollars you know it's going to be significantly less all right so the next thing we look at is the estimated profit margin and that is basically an estimate so we can see here in this case the profit margin's like 80 and 48 cents which is amazing i doubt that it's actually going to be that high if we actually pursued this you know i feel like it's going to be hard to find a same or better shaver as like this skull shaver one but you know it's possible right but anything that's 10 or above is considered really really good if it's a 10 profit margin or above really good now we want to put in our estimated monthly sales so basically we go back to our we go back to our um jungle scout here of the main keywords and then you look at the monthly sales here and you wanna just take like an average of the three so we see here three thousand five hundred two thousand okay so we'll just say three thousand is the average okay so we go here we put in three thousand so now it calculates our estimated monthly profit which is a ridiculously high number this is obviously just an estimate but we're going to use these numbers to later on narrow down our product uh you know uh once we actually find our let's actually fill up this list here and this will tell us the profit margin just very roughly so it's 73 which is absolutely insane uh obviously because of that super high price i actually think they are making a bunch of money with that razor i think they probably just found it on alibaba and stuff and they're just absolutely killing it making an enormous amount of money um literally like a million dollar business from a shaver right there as you can see people are literally making millions dollars never been a better time to get into ecomm so there you go and then you can add a comment so in this case um might be hard to find the uh a shaver that is similar better than skull shaver all right there you go and that is the list list really keeps things organized and then for this we don't worry about that so that is how you fill out your list and there we got a product opportunity on the sheet of course in this case like i said i just modified the review numbers so uh you know if this was above a thousand which it is then we would delete it but just for simplicity's sake i'm going to keep it on the sheet all right so that was an example of finding a product opportunity and adding it to our list using the magic search technique if we go back to our first window here we also had other products that we looked at so i'm just going to quickly go over like for example earwax removal endoscope all right so i guess that's pretty gross but honestly i think this could be a very good product so for this one we're gonna click on all and we're gonna also figure out our main keywords which for this would probably be earwax endoscope or like earwax camera let's try earwax camera looks like all the products are very similar looks like an iphone app or something where it like looks in your ear um i hope you don't get too disgusted by this to be honest uh probably a good product though um so when you're looking for products you also have to make sure you're not looking for anything like gimmicky or you know anything that's like really really cheap uh if you were to do this product there's a few things to watch out for um it could be labeled as a medical device on amazon um you know amazon is such a big um such a big ecosystem of products and you know you really have to have someone with experience um who can tell you which products are uh like you know what what can possibly go wrong with each product and so for that something like a mentorship would be useful um obviously mentors are very very important and they will maximize your chance of success i'm going to talk about that like later on in this video but um for now just uh if we focus here we can see okay so that was our primary product let's um sort by rank okay so it's ranked number 10. so i'm skeptical of this rank um i think that it's not showing us the rank for the top level category here so it's showing us number 10 in um yeah so it's actually that was wrong so it's number number 251 and health and household as you can see that product was actually labeled in beauty i guess this is uh this is a different one so uh yeah but sometimes you'll find a product and you know you'll you'll find that the the products are like basically split between two categories so you got health and beauty so just pick one you know uh pick one and then look at the bsr range for that one so we'll just pick health and household here because that's what it is for this and it should be between 122 000 in this case it's 251 which is good all right and so we are going to basically do the same process you're gonna grab that link you're gonna copy it right click and copy go to your sheet i'm going to paste it in here main keywords would be ear cleaning camera i believe that's what that's what i typed in there at the top or it was earwax camera as you can see okay airbox camera the category was health and household for the price it was 34.99 okay 34.99 make sure you don't enter the dollar sign for the bsr the sorry i'm doing this fast cause i already did this for the first one bsr is 251 make sure you put in the bsr for the top level not for the sub categories so 251 okay and then we just do the same thing for the product url number two and number three for the second and third so if we quickly check if we go back to the main page here we open up jungle scout so it looks like for this specific product we've got um them split between camera and uh health and households so we're just gonna basically look at health and household here the ones that are in that okay so we have this one here that would be the second or the sorry the first competing product 32.99 the rank is in 2729 which if we go to our bsr sheet it should be between 150 and 24 000 which it fits which is good and then finally um the next one would be this one 553. um rank is still good and so this one would be our second competing product so we would just add it to the list and rinse and repeat the process that i did for uh the skull shaper for the usb rotary shaver so that's it that's basically how you use the magic surge technique and of course you check the bsrs if something falls out of range delete the product you check the reviews if one of the reviews or if all three of them have over a thousand reviews you delete the product opportunity because it's too competitive um so yeah and then basically for the rest of it self-explanatory i showed you how to do it if you want to follow that again you can just go to the beginning of the magic search method where i was adding the skull shaver all right so the next product research technique this one's called the magic keyword uh technique and for this one basically it's a slightly different variation of the magic search and the only difference is instead of typing in that dash and then you know the eight random letters the minimum eight random letters that we type in and selecting a category instead what we're gonna do is we're gonna select a category and then we're basically going to type in what i call a magic keyword so this can be like any word that's relevant to the category and what this will do is this will actually pull up um you know an entire list of random products that we can also go through and it's going to be very similar what we're going to do in terms of finding primary and competing products as we did with the magic search method so if you haven't watched that yet make sure you watch that also this method is amazing especially if the magic search method you're having issues with it uh or if the category is just not working if it's like if it goes back to all um you know if you have any issues at all just do the magic keyword method it's very similar and you can also for sure find a very profitable product with it so we're gonna go to and then make sure that you're signed up make sure you got the zip code in for the country that you are looking at and then we're going to select our category so let's say we're gonna select uh health and household all right health and household okay and you can also find this magic keyword list that's provided to you in the amazon fba starter pack which you can get for free right down below there's a link there so all and then we select health and household amazon is always changing by the way so if something looks different you can basically just continue to follow along with this video you know the buttons um it might be in a different place or the category might have a slightly different name but as long as you follow the premise of the video everything should you know everything everything's the same so it's obviously extremely difficult to keep making a video this long for every single small little change that amazon makes it's just unrealistic it's uh so if you just follow along then you should be good so we're going to type in household which is the magic keyword right here and we are going to hit search like just like that okay and so now of course we're getting a ton of um you know various household products here so we want to do is you want to open jungle scout and then we're going to do the same thing that we did with the magic search we are going to wait until this loads and we're going to click load more results 10 times so i'm going to click load more results now if you see a bunch of products that are just like you know huge brands um then you know you might want to select a different magic keyword uh just because like for example if everything was gillette bounty mr clean like all of them then it might be better to just kind of uh look at a different magic keyword in this case we're still going to try so we're going to click a little more results and i'm going to do this 10 times i'm going to pause the video and unpause when we get there make sure that you wait until the circle stops spinning to do this all right i'm back so now that i've loaded the results 10 times now we want to do is click on menu and just like in the first product research method we're going to click on filter results and then here we're going to want to enter a price so if you're searching in the us it's 14.97 or 15 we just want to see those extra products because a lot of products are you know priced at like 14.97 cents 98.99 highest price we're going to put in probably you can put in any number above 75 but i'll just put in 125. uh just the more expensive you go um the more expensive it's going to be to source now for the rank here we're going to actually go to our bsr range sheet and since we're searching in the health and household category we are going to put in 100 all the way up to 24 000 okay so 100 although up to 24 000. you can do 22 but i just like to see a little bit more products click apply okay so now that actually reduced our products all the way down to 76. so now we want to do is we just want to start going down the list so tide pods obviously we're not going to do that okay so any kind of disinfectants or cleaners no way you want to stay away from that so there's a three pair of pvc household cleaning gloves could be interesting looks like a commodity product though so don't want to do that first aid kit 299 piece potentially could be good but doubt it um a pack of cleaning brushes so these are like super super cheap cleaning brushes um could be an opportunity to find like a better version a spray mop okay a black mold stain remover maybe and for for stuff like that you want to source that from the us again with amazon there is a pretty steep learning curve when you're starting out and i'm really trying to do my best here in this video to shortcut that learning curve for you but again you know every single product has its own intricacies and just its own questions to ask and stuff burlap bags okay potentially but again commodity product looks super simple so you always want to do what i call the grandma test so basically if i do a product and i ask myself okay how easy would it be for my 80 year old grandmother to just copy this and do this herself you know with her internet knowledge and everything and if the answer is well moderately to relatively if she you know learns how to use a computer that's a problem right so you really want to make sure that whatever product you're selling that uh you know it's not like super commodity super gimmicky right this is where mentorship would come in handy where you could actually get your product checked by someone who's really experienced like myself but okay let's keep going so that's pretty much it so we only got a few here i think there was like a silicon shower squeegee that looks interesting okay so now we want to do is want to look at this one so this is a three pair pvc household cleaning gloves so honestly this looks super cheap so even a listing that's this bad is making 128 000 a month and that's probably due to the world situation that's you know been going on for a long time so go to all departments let's just see pvc gloves okay so yeah so this is like super commodity so we don't want to do that we're just going to skip that first aid kit honestly there's probably tons um if we go to all departments type in 299 piece first aid kit i'm not sure why 299 i guess it's just a special number there's like a 300 case this is the only 299 one um if we open up jungle scout all right so the 2991 is clearly selling very very well so potentially could be something interesting although finding competing products for this would be difficult because you know we would have to find other ones that are basically either 300 or 299 on that spot on the dot and i don't really see any other ones that are uh 299 so i guess this could be something interesting we would just have to really create an amazing brand out of this like a really good first stage like this one for example like the swiss safe right that just looks amazing so um we'd have to do that and then also we have to make sure that the product coming out of china or whichever supplier we choose uh that the product itself the first aid kit materials are actually amazing you don't want to sell something that you personally would never use right you want to sell something that you're personally very impressed by so this one okay 18.99 that's good it's above 15. a little bit on the low end but if we do like a premium first aid kit then it could work 35 000 reviews enormous amount of reviews um if we look at the first competing product that's 5 000 and the second company product for like a 300 um piece here i don't really see any other any other 300 piece first date okay there you go so actually yes it could work because this second competing product here that's our second one the reason i chose this one is because it's the uh the second competitor with 300 pieces and that's just close enough to 299 where it's basically the same product right we don't want to do 100 250 because that's already different the demand for these products is different someone who comes on amazon and searches for this they might want like a 299 or 300 piece specifically and maybe not a 100 and that's why the demand for products is different that's why it's important to make sure that you're looking at you know you're getting your primary computing products correctly so this looks like it could be decent so we're going to go ahead and we're going to add this to our list so i'm just going to open that i click on the middle mouse button i'm going to grab the link just like that go back to the sheet and then i'm going to add this to this one the third so the the uh keywords for this would be 299 piece first aid kit the category for this would be health and households the price for this would be um let's see here so they're selling at 18.99 so we could do 18.99 but we're probably gonna if you're gonna sell that we're gonna do it like premium so 1999 at least bsr for this one would be um 2101 okay so we're gonna go back two thousand one hundred and one so now for url number two that would be our first competitor or our first uh competing product so for that that would be this one right here m2 basics so we're just gonna grab that and i'm basically doing the exact same thing as i did in the first product research method just filling out the sheet adding the uh the bsrs here okay so and then the best seller rank for this one is 2511. as you can see here 2511. and then we want to add our last competing product which would be all the way all the way down here express first aid copy link add that in here and then the bsr for that one is 61 000 okay so right away we can see that this disqualifies our product opportunity because uh it's outside of our bsr range so if you look here we want the competing products to be between 150 and 24 000 and that's 65 000 so that disqualifies this product so we're gonna actually keep looking all right so let's take a look at the spray mop here so let's go to all departments and type in spray mop for floor cleaning apparently that was a four piece set look like all right so here we've got the mop we can see that's the primary product spray my floor cleaning it's like this beige gray color i think uh two washable pads it has that comes with it so if i look at the other ones here this one's three that's already different um this one's two this one's three i'm gonna look for the ones with two pads it looks like the three pads are the more popular ones they almost come with three pads um so this one's two pads as well [Music] and then let's see this one's also two pads and if we look at the rank uh so this actually leaves us just outside of the range but honestly i think that the difference between like two washable pads and three pads is really not that different so this we could say that this is our primary and we could say that this would be your like our first competing and then this would be our second competing um or actually no this looks different completely different so we're going to skip that let's see maybe we can find a second computing here this one this one would be our second competing and so as you can see this one has 2 000 reviews this one has 2000 as well so they all have above a thousand so we're gonna skip this one as well so since amazon is showing me a bunch of uh search results with like big brands and stuff using this magic search term uh instead i'm going to pick a different one so let's do maybe for example we can do let's do office so we'll click on the category we'll click office products and then we'll type in office hit enter okay and then we'll open up jungle scout and then i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm going to load more results 10 times i'm going to do the filter and then let's see what we got all right so now i've clicked this about 10 times so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to look at the recommended bsr range for office products which is right here office primary is 100 to 13 thousand and a hundred to fourteen thousand is what i'm gonna put in uh just because i like to put in this number um for my filter here so i'm gonna click on menu click on filter results so now i'm gonna put in a price so 14.97 all the way up to probably 125. uh you can put in a price minimum 75 and then after that anything above that is fine but at the absolute minimum 75 here and then if you're in europe then you want to make this a minimum of 19.97 so now for the rank we're gonna put in that bsr range to 100 to 14 000 just like that we're going to click apply changes okay and so now we can start going through the products here and then just right click and open link in new tab any products that look interesting that we could potentially start selling so maybe this humidifier could be good mesh desk organizer a bunch of chairs um desk matte no l-shaped computer office desk okay i'll ship desk uh office chair wheels replacement no um heavy duty floor computer desk anti-skid carpet mat uh office foot rest that could be good i actually like this one office foot rest although it does have a lot of reviews um but maybe we could find something that's better than what's available on the market so if we go to all products or all departments and then we're gonna type in uh office footrest okay and then we can open up jungle scout let's wait for the results to load and now we can start going down the list here and see um you know if there are any products that could be potential good product opportunities so i can see this one here this trobing office foot rest with this specific texture is making 12 000 a month and so if we go and right click open link in new tab by the way just a quick note this opportunity score you can ignore it jungle scout has this in place to help beginners make decisions on what products uh product opportunities are good or not but to be honest with you it's honestly like not super accurate for just because so much goes into uh finding a profitable product opportunity so just ignore this and you know if this has like it's basically like a one to ten so if this is like three or four just ignore it um don't worry about that just follow what i'm saying and um you will be good so let me take a look so this one it looks like it's like this kind of pattern and um yeah so let's see if there are any other ones just like that one uh so it's a foot cushion resilient foam hypoallergenic all right so maybe let's see if there are any other ones just like that one so this is a very competitive product like you can tell right away just because of the massive amount of reviews that they all have but they're also making a lot of money um and there's a variety of different versions of this so the smart thing to do here if i added this product opportunity would be to order several samples and just find like literally the best one that you can find from your chinese manufacturer and if you can find something that's better than what's available um you know maybe solve some problems that you find in the reviews then that would be potentially a good product to sell so as you can see we pretty much went through them i couldn't find any other competing products to that one here uh to the one that i found so we're gonna go and maybe look at something else this product here this product is too much of a commodity product just because it's so basic um you know it's literally just a clear mat like anybody can get this at the dollar store um so yeah we're gonna skip that one and maybe let's keep going down so the next one we had opened here was this portable mini humidifier so let's take a look it does have a lot of reviews but it's probably making a lot of money you can actually open jungle scout on the product page as well yeah so 320 000 per month so if we go to all departments and then we type in a portable mini humidifier then we want to type in 500 ml just to make sure that we get that specific one here so we can see that there are several of them being sold so if i open up jungle scout let's wait until it loads and let's see if this product would fit our product opportunity criteria here all right so we got all the results loaded up here so let's take a look so we got this first one this would clearly be our primary product and then if we look for a competing one i think that this would be probably our first competing one simply because i will actually we should probably sort it by rank like that let's see what we got so um let's see yeah this would be our primary one this move tip and then the competing one would be not that one it would be this one smart devil this one 3 000 reviews 12 000 and then finally we've got this one 327 so actually yes this would fit our um criteria and if we look at the rank as well so this one here has a rank of 29 000 um and then this is in um it's actually in home and kitchen so if we look at recommended bsr range home and kitchen so 124 000 so just outside of the competing bsr range so in fact we should skip this one but just for the purpose of this video i'm going to add it just to show you how to do it so i am going to uh basically grab let's go all the way up back up grab the url so right click copy link address and then go back to our product page and then we're going to add that to the next one down here main keywords would be portable mini humidifier 500 ml category would be home and kitchen and and i get a lot of questions like oh what if um the products are in two different categories just choose you know just choose a category just choose one of them it really doesn't matter you want to focus on the the big stuff not the small stuff don't sweat the small stuff as they say so for the price for this one the price would be uh 17.99 a little on the low side uh maybe i think that this this would tell me that we should find a better quality version and sell it for higher because you can see that there are people obviously buying more expensive um you know humidifiers so we're just gonna put 17.99 here okay we're going to enter the bsr of the product which was so the bsr was 366. it's going to enter that here if we look at our bsr range sheet 366 yes that fits in the primary range which is good and then go back here and let's scroll down and see the next one which was smart devil copy that link go back here paste that in here and you basically fill out the rest of the the sheet just like i did it for the first with the first product research method so you put in the second products or the first computing products psr and the second computing products link in bsr you enter the three different review numbers you enter the monthly revenue the estimated sourcing cost you can find that on alibaba just like i did in the first product research method if you are confused how to do this just click on the timestamp below this video on the magic search method which is where i did that and then that will also show you how to find the fba fee as well as well as the referral fee and the rest will automatically generate all right so the next product research method we're going to talk about is the jungle scout product database method and so for this one basically you will need to go to and log into your account if you didn't get it yet there's going to be a link down below and that's the cheapest price you'll find it online and you can actually search in any amazon marketplace here so just for the purpose of this video we're going to use united states but you can search in canada mexico germany spain france any of these as well i recommend u.s canada germany france spain italy uk and then maybe japan um you know and uh the other ones if you're local to those countries so now we want to do is you want to select the categories that uh are on the approved categories list super easy you just basically select all the categories from this from this bsr range sheet they're also going to be a recommended categories list from the starter pack with the link down below that you can get so i'm just going to select arts and crafts baby beauty personal care i'm not going to do cell phones just because i know what i'll do cell phones sometimes it just shows a lot of like smartphone cases which are super competitive um health and household we'll do electronics as well computers home and kitchen industrial sometimes i like you know it depends on what i'm searching but sometimes i leave industrial off today i feel like industrial so we'll leave it on just because there's a lot of like very very interesting things in industrial and scientific office products patio lawn and garden pet supply sports and outdoors um and then yeah tools and home improvement and so here for the minimum price we are going to enter our criteria so 1497 all the way up to 125. you can honestly even do 150. uh that's just more of a high ticket product it's going to be more expensive to source but you don't have to worry about that yet so now the next thing we have to put in is our minimum revenue so instead of searching by rank because we are searching in all of these categories from our list we want to actually search by revenue because obviously the bsr range is different for each one so for your revenue we're going to want to enter basically like 6 000 and then for the max revenue you can actually honestly go all the way up to like 300 000 but one thing to remember is that with this technique the wider you make the filters the more results that you're gonna have to go through and it just might be too much for your brain to process so what i like to do is i actually like to um basically keep it narrower like for example instead of doing like six thousand like sixty thousand i like to go like six thousand to eighteen thousand for example and then you know hit search and then once those results like i've gone through them then uh the next round i'll go back up and i'll change this to 18 000 and then this to like 32 000 and that way i'm not getting overwhelmed by all the search results right so we'll do uh like six thousand to eighteen thousand and then should be good maybe like i'll say like twenty four thousand there you go and then for the seller type we'll select fba and then we'll select amazon product here uh that's fine and that's pretty much it so we're going to hit search and then once you hit search it's going to load all the results so this is basically updated every single day and the first thing is if you see the same type of product showing up over and over and over again like for example wedding plates or whatever this is uh just basically take the keyword and then write that into the exclusion so wedding and then just hit search again and now it's going to exclude all wedding type products that keep showing up non-stop okay so there's still a few here but that's fine so let's keep going down and you want to basically just click on this view on amazon button for any products that look like they could be good product opportunities okay so see this one not good because it's a commodity product it's just like a yellow envelope organic african black soap very interesting i like that um could be cool but keep going down rosacea formula okay that could be cool invisible bathroom shelf wall this looks really good um so this is just a pretty simple shelf wall uh bathroom shelf wall i actually like this one so once you have about five to ten open i'm not gonna open five to ten but once you have about five to ten open then what you wanna do is you're gonna wanna start going through them and then just do the exact same thing that we did in the previous product research methods where i showed them so what you do is you take a look at the product and then you would go to all departments you would type in the main keywords for the product so in this case would be like invisible bathroom shelf uh shelf wall i guess or uh bathroom shelf wall mounted okay there you go so i think that was a that was a two pack it was 15 inches so we should actually be pretty precise with this one so i'll type in bathroom shelf wall mounted um i'm not sure if it was glass so we'll just do that and then it was 15 inches okay so we'll look at that actually probably should type an inch okay so the bunch here we're gonna open it up we can clearly see that this is the best selling product here okay so it's making nine thousand a month it's selling about eight a day so only eight units a day and selling nine thousand a month by the way and it's a two pack so let's look for any other two packs that we have so this one is a two pack as well but we don't really see okay so it's making 24 000 um okay so this would be up we'd open that we'd open this one and then let's see if there's any other two packs here six pack six pack and you don't have to like you don't have to stick to this one as your primary if you find something that looks better you can make that your primary product and you can just you know change your search terms and then you know kind of use that as your primary all right like this one looks cool um i like this one like the black one and it's 17 000 31 reviews so maybe even this one could be a great product opportunity you just have to type in black wall mount floating shelves right so i don't really see any other two packs here that are like wall mounted glass just this one and this one uh so this would be good so you basically rinse and repeat the same process that i did for the previous product research methods you would just right click copy link address and you would look at the reviews this was 480. as long as all three products so your primary and two competing products don't have over a thousand reviews then it's going to be like it's going to fit the criteria if one of them if all three of them have over a thousand reviews then it's not good and you should not add it to your product opportunity list so you basically right click copy link address and then you would add it to your list right here so we just like put it on the left here we would type in the main keywords which are bathroom shelf wall mounted 15 inch just a control c there like a fast copy for the category it would be in home and kitchen all right for the price the price is 25.99 and finally the bsr and the bsr for this one is uh 33451 which actually i don't know if that fits in our category it's tools and home and hardware the other ones are home and kitchen so if we look at the recommended via star range for tools uh home proven tools right here we can see okay so it's actually outside of the range so we can see here for tools and home improvement it's 33 000 which is outside of that range for tools for the tools category but for home and kitchen it's 12 000 that's this uh this one right here so that tells me that this is probably not a good product opportunity and we should probably find another one all right so that other one kind of piqued my interest so i'm gonna take a look at that one bathroom wall mounted shelf black we're gonna open jungle scout all right so we got the search results loaded up here so we can see uh let's take a look we're gonna sort everything by rank okay so we have this one here we're honestly just trying to find a primary product to look at here and like honestly at this point i'm just going to choose one so maybe this like wooden one here so it has 15 000 reviews a lot of reviews um but that could be a good a good one here so it's a three pack of wood or wooden wall shelves so let's do that three pack or set of three wood wall shelves okay there you go open up jungle scout so now we got the search results loaded so i'm just going to scroll to the right and then i sorted by the rank here okay so this would be our primary product and then for our competing we can see it's a lot of reviews by the way 33 000 15 000 but they are making a lot of money too now one thing to note here is that you can see the handles uh are slightly different i guess not the handles but like the support beams uh so this one it's more curved and these are just like a pyramid uh so that's something that would tell me that these are not exactly the same but honestly just for simplicity's sake it's basically the same product so this would be the the primary here and then this would be the first competing and then the second competing would be not this one that's a little too different so maybe probably this uh that's the same brand so if we keep going down here you can probably find it um yeah this one so this would be the second competing product and the reviews are good 169. so that tells us that yes there actually is demand for this product and uh it fits the reviews the pricing is also good it's above our 14.99 threshold so this would be a product that we can add to our product opportunity list and if you go back to the product database here there are literally i mean 144 000 results so obviously that's like an enormous amount and it's going to take you a really long time to get through it so that's why what i recommend doing is just you know keep going to the next page until you probably do like 15 or 20 pages and then after that you can change the the filters a little bit you know and then that way you can continue to fill out your product opportunity sheet what i recommend doing is i recommend using every single product research technique that i'm showing here in this video and basically using it to get at least five potentially viable product opportunities on your list that fit the review criteria that fit the bsr ranges um and that you know have a healthy profit margin and things like that so you want to get at least five at the minimum three with each product research technique because the goal is before moving on to actually selecting your product you want to have about like probably 10 to 20 before moving on to narrowing down your product on your list maybe even 25 and then at that point you know you have a lot of different products to select from and you can it just becomes really easy to narrow it down now let's move on to the next product research technique and this one is the rabbit hole this one is my favorite and honestly is the technique that i've used to find the most amount of my profitable products on amazon so with this technique this is something that i created and i realized that with amazon and product research you really just have to get your brain going because the more you get your brain going the more you brainstorm um you know the more you're exposed to different product ideas the easier it will be to find potentially a product you're going to want to start a brand with it's actually going to make money so how the rabbit hole works is essentially you can start off with another uh product research technique so basically start off with like magic search as i'm gonna do here or the magic keyword you know you do regular magic search so let's say do dash and then we type in like actually first we have to select the category right so we'll select like for example let's do uh sports and outdoors and then we're going to hit search to make sure that we get the category and then here we're going to type in dash b and then just a bunch of random letters just like that and if it does the all then it's just best to just you know do a magic magic keyword string all right so here i've got a magic search string pulled up so as you can see i just typed in the magic search string random letters eight of them in home and kitchen and so you start off like this and then what you do is you basically just go down and you don't even have to pull up jungle scout for this you just look for any products that could potentially be a viable product opportunity so for example this room air purifier right and you can just go into that and then what you want to do is you want to obviously check if this one is good so you can do the standard procedure but where the rabbit hole really starts is if you scroll down okay you get to this section right here you can see it's going to say like products related to sponsored or four stars and above so this entire section here this whole thing this is where the rabbit hole begins and so what you can do is you can basically you know first you pull up jungle scout on this one you check the monthly revenue so this one is 1.8 million a month uh 865 reviews so then you would basically open up amazon and then you would do the standard procedure of looking for uh primary and competing products so for this one we would just type in like auto error purifier hit enter and then we would you know check if uh if the product could be a viable product opportunity or not so i just looked through this product and it seems that there's just too many um different options here different designs so for that we actually keep going down the rabbit hole and we can just keep scrolling down okay so this one is like this wooden wooden design uh it's this brief smart air purifier with smart sensor uh so and it's in like espresso color i guess which is cool um i think this one is gonna be a little bit too hard to find so that's why let's try this one here so much air purifier for home three and one okay that's cool so let's do all departments three and one hepa air purifier okay so there we have the first one and then let's see if there's any other ones here not that many actually all right so i've got journals got open i'm gonna scroll and then sort by the bsr let's see here so that's a uv sanitizer that's just like a replacement filter um so muco was the one i don't think that's a uv one it's just a hepa filter air cleaner so let's take that as our primary air purifier for home okay so here we got another one 8083 reviews so yeah this would be this would be something to add to our primary and competing so the muka would be our primary and then msb3 would be our first computing and then to get our second computing you just click load more results all right and then you make sure obviously to look at the bsr rank as well just to ensure that it's in the range and so that is the rabbit hole i recommend honestly with every single product research session spending at the minimum two hours in any product research session and honestly the best schedule for doing product research is just to spend at least two to three hours maybe even four hours you know five times a week for the next two weeks right so maybe in the evenings or in the mornings uh before work or something like that um you know just a few hours and make sure that your phone is on flight mode make sure you're focused uh just so you don't get distracted by social media because it's gonna be you know too easy to get distracted honestly uh in a world where like i said standards are so low and people's discipline and focus is so low it's not going to take that much to to succeed so remember the the um rabbit hole method it works with anything you know if we type in like a magic keyword here even with the product database all you have to do is just start off with the product so here we can type in like makeup or something like that there you go make a brush cleaner and then we scroll down and here as we keep going down the rabbit hole inevitably are you will find uh a a valuable product opportunity or a lot of vital product opportunities to add to your list all right so here we've got tons and tons of different things like the silicon makeup brush cleaning mat right and then obviously if we scroll down again we can see more and more stuff and as you're doing this you want to make sure that you're looking at the price the reviews you're looking at primary competing products making sure that it all fits the criteria that i discussed here in this video as you're adding it to your product opportunity list and the last product research method i want to talk about i call this the intuition method so with this one basically i find that this is a little bit i guess spiritual but i truly believe that we all have our own unique path to success and you know i can give you all the steps i can give you all the products techniques and formulas but at the end of the day you know you're going to succeed doing what you're meant to be doing right and so i i really believe that every single person has a specific product out there for them that they should launch whether that's from your own life experience whether that's something that you've been interested in whether that's something that you know just keeps kind of popping up in your mind as you're going out through your daily life uh you know you're in the kitchen or you're going on a walk or you're at the gym you're at work and you're just you know thinking like hey like i would love to launch this product this would be a great idea so you know what you want to do is you want to just take a piece of paper and honestly spend like 10 15 minutes thinking about products that you've thought of maybe in the past few weeks or in the past few months and just write down those products and if you don't have any products in mind write down your passions and interests so write down for example for me i love fitness and in fact i'm actually launching a food brand in the fitness niche so i'm super excited about that that's something that you know came to me through my intuition so i recommend you do that just pause the video and spend 15 minutes uh writing down on a piece of paper uh products that you you either thought of or niches and then what i recommend you do after 50 minutes go by after you have a solid list of at least you know three to five uh products or niches spend a few hours on amazon just uh basically typing in and searching through those niches going down the rabbit hole in those niches so the rabbit hole is best combined it's best used if it's combined with other product research methods and intuition is uh you know the perfect way to find that product that you you'll have the highest chance of success with now don't worry if you try this and you honestly give us all a try you can't find anything that's fine you know at the end of the day uh you want to just find something that will work and that will make money now finally before we move on to finding suppliers something that's really important to mention is the products to avoid selling on amazon so with products to avoid you know like i said on amazon you know when you're beginning you know you can follow this video and you're gonna get a solid base but obviously there's only so much i can put in here in two and two and a half hours and so you know basically through my experience through the years of experience that i've had selling on amazon like i have a pretty good mental list of products to avoid like for example some products that you definitely don't want to sell are adult products um you know any kinds of like tobacco or drug related products marijuana related products um you know anything to do with uh anything illegal you don't want to sell any weapons right but the list goes on and on and on there's so many different categories and so honestly this is where the value of a good mentorship comes in i did include a basic list of products uh in the amazon fba starter pack that you can take a look at uh just the products to avoid but honestly a lot of people this is where they go wrong beginners you know they don't invest in mentorship and they're just kind of going in the blind uh and they just launch a product and then they don't realize uh that you know it was restricted or banned and they should have avoided it and they end up losing their entire inventory all the money because you really can't get a refund and so that's why it's so good to have somebody you know like like myself for example like a mentor check your product make sure that it's actually good and give you basically like the thumbs up to actually go and sell it uh knowing that there are no restrictions restrictions or anything like that so for example blender bottles uh coffee refills derma micro needle rollers because they're labeled as medical devices on amazon believe me tried selling that i actually made some money with that for a little bit hyaluronic acid element squeezer pet odor eliminators right so the list goes on and on but the list is much more than this and like i said this is why it's so important to have somebody that's that's um you know a mentor and they're actually like someone who does significant sales on amazon like myself and they um you know they they basically can tell you whether your product is good to go or not because they have the experience they know which products are problematic or are good like they're not probably to sell on amazon all right so now that we're finished with product research now we're ready to start narrowing down our product opportunity sheet so you want to have your sheet open and ideally you'd want to have at least 10 to 20 product opportunities here that fit all the criteria that we discussed in the previous section here of the video so right now all these product opportunities that you see this is from an earlier product research session that i did several months ago before i actually uh found my product and so the product that i ended up going with was the bidet and i actually have invoices and everything with that and today this company is a very successful company uh since then and so i'm going to show you an example of kind of like my mind process and then how we got to the bidet and how we basically narrowed down this list here so if we look at the product opportunity sheet if you fill this up correctly you should be able to scroll to the right and you should be able to see um an estimated profit margin for each product so you can see here like this first product this led makeup mirror 10x has an estimated profit margin of 6.59 um you know ideally you want to have an estimated profit margin of at least 10 uh per unit uh simply because it's going to be so much easier to actually make real money and a significant amount of money when your profit margin is at least 10 dollars per unit so the way that we look at this is you want to look at a combination of things so the first thing is you want to look at the profit margin percentage this is based off of the variables you put in here but mainly this is based off of price and the price that we put in here is a price that we think we can realistically sell the product at now i know that when you're starting out it's not the easiest to actually kind of like guesstimate a price uh that you can sell your product at but uh you know if you you have to be realistic with this right obviously if your competitor's here let's say this magnifying light okay so this one it's selling at 22.99 right and then this one is selling at uh 19.99 okay and then the final one is selling at 26 okay so 17.99 is actually a low price we can actually even increase this even further we can probably come in and sell at 24.99 simply because we can offer a more premium version of the product i'm sure that we can find something on on alibaba so that would change the profit margin right away so that would bring it up to 50 percent okay so we're actually looking at the profit margin percentage so first though we want to make sure that the prices on here are accurate and to you know you want to review that first so basically you want to guess a price that you'll be able to sell it at and try to just go with your gut don't try to put like a ridiculously high price or a low price because that's going to skew your profit margin the easy thing to do would just be to put an average between the three and then you can look at the percentage here so you want this profit margin percent to be at the very least 25 and the closer it is to 50 or above the better if it's below 25 the product opportunity gets deleted so what you can do is you can just select it just by clicking on the row here i'm in google sheets right now you can also use microsoft excel and then you can just click on that and so that's going to erase the product opportunity right there so the profit margin's the first thing we look at now the next thing you want to look at is the uh the sourcing cost so the estimated sourcing cost would be right here so this is how much we would be paying per unit to our supplier and this is um without even contacting suppliers just an estimate but it's a pretty accurate estimate if you took the mid-range or the product you saw in alibaba so we can see here like this final one nineteen dollars and fifty cents to source i mean that's going to be very expensive because you know if we have let's say two thousand dollars to start okay so two thousand dollars and then we divide by let's just say like twenty dollars right that's only gonna allow us to order a hundred units right as opposed to if we took that two thousand dollars and we invested into a product that cost five dollars with all costs in including unit cost and shipping now we can order 400 units which is a you know a much better minimum order quantity so in terms of a first order quantity a lot of people ask me what should my first order quantity be so honestly it can be any one of the following it can be 250 units 500 units 750 units or a thousand units although i recommend sticking to 600 units or below for your first order and definitely above 200 units when you're first starting out simply because like that range 200 and 600 units that will allow you to get some traction on amazon start getting organic sales and then you know you will run out of stock for sure that's just inevitable it's it's gonna happen uh but you're not gonna be out of stock for as long as if you only had like a hundred units and your products started selling like hotcakes right so um between 200 and 600 is something that you want to you want to kind of pay attention to but on this sheet you really have to look at this analytically so you look at the margin percent so that's the first check anything below 25 erase it uh the next thing you look at is the sourcing costs so for example this this one 19 and 50 cents right so if we look here we want to see the estimated monthly sales so this is the um basically the estimated monthly sales that we can capture once our products on the first page so 19.50 i mean 500 sales a month or units a month if we open the calculator again okay so 500 times 20. that means that we're literally gonna have to come up with ten thousand dollars uh you know a month obviously not at the very beginning but this is going to be our estimated inventory cost um you know meanwhile for like a product like this three dollars and 80 cents one so 380 times 600 okay that's only going to be about 2.2 k a month in terms of inventory cash flow commitment right so that's going to be a lot easier to uh to source so you want to look at this and you want to kind of ask these these different kinds of questions and honestly the best way of looking at this is to look at like also it's a combination of the profit margin the sourcing cost the estimated monthly sales so the units like basically this is this shows us um how many units we will likely be able to sell like the top of the market right so the um the units that we like the potential for the product on the first page so obviously 5000 the more the better um also you want to look at the monthly profit and the revenue so in this case we can clearly see this one the 63 one is the definitely the best one out of all of them the bidet and it's funny enough it's the one that i ended up going with when i was filling out this sheet at the time uh but you know i'm gonna walk you through this uh as basically me looking at this for the first time now right so what you want to do is you want to start adding comments on the right side so for example um for the first product here this one the led makeup mirror right so for this one you want to add some comments so you know like i said in that in the sheet already i filled it out just because i previously filled this out but pretty generic product let me see what else did i write here pretty generic not too high profit very low price actually the profit margin did improve a bit uh ever since the price increased i guess since i actually uh filled out the sheet uh so these two things are fine but pretty generic product um you know we'll have to we'll have to find a better version to sell at higher price okay so you want to do that for all the um the product opportunities that remain on your sheet after like i'm talking about the ones that you clearly didn't cross out so just add some comments right and you also want to look at for example the fba fee we can see here for this third product opportunity which is the porcelain ramen bowls so these are just very fragile uh porcelain bowls uh what did i write here i wrote that super fragile because porcelains that means that it can potentially break that's not always like the biggest problem usually suppliers all you have to do is just get them to like you know use extra packing material extra foam and things like that um to make sure that doesn't break but uh very high fba fee apparently which let me see yes eight dollars and eight cents that's true it is a high fba fee high fulfillment fee uh must find similar better designs but how do we know it's better so uh these are just some of the comments that i left here so that's what you want to do so just pause the video right now go through your sheet uh crosstalk the ones that are clearly no goes and then add some comments for the remaining ones after you've done that the next thing you want to think about is uh potential other products that you can launch if you were to start that brand so if you were to look at this bidet here this is the top seller of the bidets the tushy if we look at their product line that's available so this is actually the best and easiest way to start getting ideas for products um you know products to expand later on like to add onto your product line so we can see here they're selling like a premium toilet stool they're selling premium bamboo toilet paper so they're actually mostly only selling the bidet the toilet seat attachment um but you know there's a lot of things that we can sell here like we can sell probably like a portable bidet uh i think uh dude dude does that dude product uh we can probably sell also like a toilet stool right so you want to just start brainstorming and having some various ideas in your head for any of the more interesting product opportunities that you have on your list and the reason you want to do that is because it's much better to start a brand that you know you have products to add on to later on and it's going to be relatively easy to do that as opposed to you know putting in all this work to brand a new product that you'll only basically be able to sell one product with and then basically leaving you um you know having to always launch random products which we said goes against our entire ecommerce brand strategy so now we're ready to start contacting suppliers so there's actually two different ways of finding suppliers for your product so the first way is to find suppliers in china or in asia or overseas and the second way is to find suppliers domestically and there are pros and cons to each approach for 90 of you watching this video likely you are going to be uh going with a supplier in china simply because china is and still remains and will still be the absolute best source of suppliers and manufacturers for most products out there so for example in china you know in terms of like the bidet you know our supplier for the bidet ended up being from china and that you know has been an incredible relationship since then we've actually grown the bidet brand it's called broday we've grown that up to 50k a month in sales up to 6k a day we're now actually out of stock so we're waiting for the next inventory to come in but that's all from a supplier in china but if we look at another example of products for example skin care products i would never store skin care products from china simply because you know there might be more issues when when shipping it and also in terms of like now you know anything that goes in your skin or in your body it's just better to source domestically if you're selling in the u.s then it's better to source that product to find a supplier in the u.s for example for a new food ecommerce brand that i'm starting here in the fitness industry i am going with a manufacturer in the united states uh because uh you know it just makes more sense in this case it's a food product it has to be high quality it's not something that's just a you know a simple plastic product or something simple right now if you're selling in europe and it's like a skincare product or a food product or something that goes on your skin or inside of your body and quality in these cases is very very important it's always important but you know especially with things that go in your body on your skin uh and you're selling in europe then i would go with a supplier in europe so i'm going to show you how to find suppliers in china as well as outside of china in the united states and in europe and basically anywhere in the world so let's get started with finding a supplier for some of our product opportunities here all right so now i'm going to show you how to find suppliers from china using alibaba is the number one website to find suppliers in china as well as a few other countries like vietnam and there's a few other good ones in there as well like pakistan so mostly it's going to be from china from from 90 of you because uh you know china just has the most amount of suppliers so let's go ahead and begin so we're gonna go ahead and use the example of this cold brew coffee maker okay and uh so we have we've got this one and then if we open this one up we have this one as well and then we have this one so the reason why we want to contact suppliers is because we want to start getting invoices from them and we want to start negotiating with them the prices and really see how much it's actually going to cost us per unit how much it's actually going to cost us to ship it to the amazon warehouse you know to ship it to the us or to europe or wherever you're going to sell and once we have those numbers we can then use something called the profit calculator it's a completely free tool the comprehensive profit calculator i'm going to show you how to use it um once we have an invoice from a supplier we can actually put in real numbers in there and we can see our actual profit margin and then we can make a decision um on you know which uh which product opportunities we're gonna go with now what i think is best before you actually contact suppliers is to pick three uh final product opportunities from your list so if you have like 20 and let's say you've crossed you've crossed out like a few of them i would suggest just pick three so for example we can pick like these three for example let's say that these are the ones that uh i thought were the best after my analysis so for that we're just gonna you know mark them like that and then that way um what you wanna do is you wanna contact suppliers for the three of them run them through the econ freedom profit calculator and then after that you can really get a good picture of how much money you can make and how much it's going to cost you how much your first order will cost you your profit all that kind of stuff so um the point of this is once you get all that information then you can really narrow it down to one one final one and if you can't narrow it down to one final one that's fine you can just unmark them and you can pick uh another you know another set of three products from your list and then you can just rinse and repeat the process until you really find and narrow down one product that you're really you know you have a good overall gut feeling about the numbers make sense uh everything fits the criteria and things like that so let's begin so cold brew coffee maker so we're just gonna go here and we're gonna type in cold brew coffee maker now it's actually contact suppliers and to use alibaba you will need to make an account what i recommend you do is i recommend you go to gmail and create a separate business email uh you know gmail is completely free so you can just make it a different email address and the reason why you want to do that and it's a little known uh i guess pro tip here uh if you use if you sign up with like your actual email that you use for everything else in your life you're gonna start getting spam from all these suppliers they're gonna start sending you like hot deals and promotions things like that you'd wanna do that so just uh you know create a different email address and then you can even like create one with your linkedin that's fine as well i like to just create a separate gmail and use that to sign up for alibaba don't have to do that right now but you will to actually be able to contact suppliers so once you type in the main keywords you want to start looking at what we have available and the first thing that i always do is i enable trade assurance and verified supplier and the reason i do this is because it gives you that added level of protection when you are searching for suppliers trade assurance is alibaba's special program that basically gives you added protection when you are paying suppliers in china of course you know when it's your first time doing it it's a little bit intimidating and you don't know if they can just run away with your money so believe me um you know working with suppliers on here is trustworthy and especially if you're following this video you're using trade assurance and verified supplier you will have absolutely no problems okay because if anything happens alibaba will side with you um as long as you did the deal in the alibaba chat which is really clunky i'm gonna explain that later how to do that but as long as you did all that it's gonna be good and verified supplier is alibaba's own inspection system uh certification process so you just want to make sure those two are enabled and now we can start going down the list so ideally i'd want to find something just like um just like this one i really like the let me see here tequila so this was our primary product but in fact i actually like a different one better um i think it was called coffee gator cold brew yeah so this one i really like this one so let's try to find this one uh so the pictures on alibaba they're a little bit um this one looks similar let's see so it's silver at the top uh it's best to like really zoom into the picture and look at the details because the pictures are you know they can uh they can be deceptive on alibaba this looks almost the same but as you can see it's not if you compare the two things the thing in the middle which holds the the the coffee the cold brew you can see that it's like a lighter color and here it's a darker color right so you'll find that sometimes the product looks exactly the same as the one that you want but when you actually get a sample which is what we're going to do from our suppliers to make sure the product is good when you get a sample you'll see that it's actually completely different or just different enough that it you know ruins the product so that's something to be aware of okay so this one looks like it's good so okay let's see here all right so i like this one a lot it's already much better and one thing to note is that when you're looking for suppliers uh you know it's they're not just offering this specific product so if you actually like click on them right you can see the supplier details on the right side here so the factory name is called c no glass housewares and if you actually contact them through the contact supplier you're actually going to be able to tell them like hey what i usually do is i send them a picture of the one that i want on amazon i'm like hey do you have any uh products just like this one and then they'll usually say yes because they're not just selling that one version right and when you're looking at suppliers one thing also i always click on the supplier page and before i do that here look at this right so it's china that's um you know where it's from uh 10 years of experience that's good so that's also a great sign there's no minimum but if it's like one year or two years you know that's obviously going to be worse than some a supplier with like six or ten years of experience they got a five-star rating on alibaba you got your response time um and then you can see uh how many transactions they had on alibaba the delivery rate that's not really that important it's mostly the years of experience and i'm gonna show you what other stuff to look at so i'm on their page now you can access that by clicking on their supplier page and you'll find like as you can see you got all the the staff of the manufacturer you know they're chilling here really happy with their with their products and stuff so you can browse their product catalog so if we go to um if we go to all categories and we'll find coffee maker all right so there you go they have a lot of different a lot of different coffee makers so that's also um like like i said you know i'm sure that if we actually tried i would be able to find the exact one as coffee gator and maybe even better you can also make improvements with the supplier right so uh of course that's a whole other uh level of of um i guess of knowledge here that's just going to surpass the uh the scope of this video but just know that you can do that you can't ask them for improvements so one thing i always look at is i go to the company overview and i scroll down okay you can see the supplier has been verified on-site by world leading inspection company to rhineland so um you know that's just it's verified if we go down here we can see it as a manufacturer and trading company there are two types of suppliers on alibaba there are many factors and trading companies what a manufacturer is is just that it's the manufacturer so they're the ones that actually create the product and sell it a trading company that's basically like a company that is in china they buy from suppliers hold it in their warehouse and then resell it for a profit now you know you might be thinking oh well it's best to just go straight to the manufacturer and yes that's true but not always because you know i've worked with trading companies in the past and yes even though they obviously um you know sell you at an up charge compared to the manufacturer sometimes for some products you just won't even find manufacturers for them because they're so deep in china that the only way that you can basically access them is through trading companies so um there is no hard role in working with manufacturers or trading companies but that's something to look at so we can see here they're both you're established 2005. total annual revenue i'm going to look at as well so if it's anywhere in the millions that's great and then they got a bunch of certifications so this looks like a great supplier so what we want to do is we're going to want to contact the supplier so you click that button and now you're going to want to log into your alibaba account like i said if you haven't made one just make a separate gmail and then use that email address not your personal email because you're going to get spam now this is where our supplier contact template comes in handy so you can actually get this for free there's going to be a link down below for the ecom freedom amazon fba starter pack so you can grab it down there and here you'll get the best supplier templates to actually get responses so everything's written for you all you have to do is copy and paste um and you can rewrite this if you want in your own words uh you know just to maybe differentiate from everybody else but honestly you don't have to complicate things so this is available for free below literally information from you know courses that cost thousands um and uh honestly the best out there so okay so what you're gonna do is you are going to copy and paste this document right here so you want to highlight everything and then you want to right click copy and then you want to paste everything in here okay and before you send it don't just send it because look it's just a big blob of text you want to make sure you space it out okay so hello my name is then you put in your name so put in dan bass anything with brackets you want to make sure that you obviously fill it in danvas i'm the owner and ceo of so since you don't have a brand name yet for your product uh you can just put uh just the general name for your sourcing company so we can put like essential ventures inc it really doesn't matter like don't overthink this just focus on what's important which is getting to the supplier eventually you can tell them your brand name once we come up with it we're going to do later in this video we specialize in selling um we want to make yourself look established chinese suppliers don't really want to work with people who are brand new because obviously that's not how they make their money chinese suppliers make their money and any supplier they make their money from long-term business relationships so if you demonstrate that you're more experienced and you know what you're doing and this is not your first uh you know this is not your first like rodeo i guess like you'll be a lot better off than uh just a beginner who's like yo what's the price for this and what's the moq right so we specialize in selling uh premium coffee products in and then you want to put the country you're gonna sell on so in the united states okay we are looking for a high quality supplier to expand our product line and are interested in one of the items you manufacture the cold brew iced coffee maker okay and then here you have the opportunity to put a link to the product that you want to basically have them uh find for you so it would be this one copy and paste it in here and then we want to establish a long-term mutually beneficial relationship with a high quality supplier that could become our national manufacturer for this product could you please provide answers make sure you're spacing everything out and now uh we have these numbers so the reason why we have these numbered is because in china uh it's a cultural i guess it's just part of their culture where you know if you number questions they're more likely to answer them if you don't number the questions they just won't answer your questions like a lot of the times in earlier supplier templates i've sent them and they literally answer like one question or they just reply with two letters okay that's it and it's like okay what so that's why with uh the numbers they're actually going to be more likely to answer your questions and all these questions are super relevant like are you able to provide a custom logo custom packaging what color local options do you offer you know all these things we need answers to to be able to make an educated um analytical decision for which product we are going to sell are you able to send a custom sample to and then you put your country where you are not where you're selling uh because you want to get that sample you want to feel the product in your hands before you sell it okay and so once you fill the cell out uh you want to make sure before you send it that you select everything okay so select everything like that right click copy and then you can save it in like a document uh because your this is the the same template that you're going to be sending to any other um any other suppliers for the same product you're looking for and then you're going to click send inquiry now you can click agree to share business card but that shares your email and phone number so you know if you want to basically have a higher chance of response you can do that but if you don't do that then it's just going to keep your responses that you get from them in your alibaba account which is totally fine so sending queen out do that and then basically what you want to do is you want to reach out to three to five suppliers for uh each of those three product opportunities that you have selected on your sheets so in this case the cobra coffee maker bidet and privacy screen filter this is like a um uh like a filter that uh basically blocks your screen if you're like on the train or on the the bus and other so other people can't like creep and see what you're doing so that's what you want to do so pause the video and then unpause once you've done that and you've contacted three to five suppliers for every single one of your three product opportunities so now i'm going to quickly talk about how to find suppliers domestically or in another country other than china so the u.s or for example japan so i had an example product here which was matcha powder so for example for matcha powder uh matcha powder actually uh and i didn't know uh the best country to source matcha powder for in terms of quality is japan and you can find that out you know typing in best country to source matcha powder from and it's gonna say japan right right away japan uh i guess because they're just the best at that so for that what you want to do is and this is the same applies for finding suppliers for domestic things in the us what you want to do is type in private label matcha powder and then you can hit enter and you can even add like japan after that right so you can put japan okay so if we open this right we can see here right away sugimoto t company can help you launch your very own private label t um so they offer like wholesale bulk supply private label so there you go essentially you know the same thing is finding a supplier on alibaba except we are sourcing from a country which it just makes more sense to source matcha from now if you're seeing a lot of alibaba links uh sometimes you'll do this you'll type in private label and the product in the country if you're seeing a lot of alibaba links all you have to do is type in minus and what that's going to do is it's going to erase all the alibaba all the alibaba links so you don't see them and when you're contacting them the best way to contact them is to click on the contact button here i recommend filling out their contact us form as well as sending them an email from your business email and using the same exact template that i uh just showed for the um that i like showed in the supplier template you can use the exact same one and that's going to work great i've sourced amazing products like this and the process is super simple it's actually a little bit easier to work with suppliers outside of china just because of um there's usually less of a language barrier and the process works the same for europe you can just do private label for example um you know private label skin cream europe if you're looking for something like that let's say fish oil just as an example right fish oil it's well known that the best fish oil is from norway so you type in private label fish oil norway hit enter okay and then boom you know products for health care omega 3 so it looks like they offer norwegian private label uh fish oil so now once you've contacted at least three to five suppliers for each of your three product opportunities what you want to do is you want to get them onto either whatsapp or skype as fast as possible and the reason why is because it's just so much easier to communicate with them through those apps instead of going through alibaba's super clunky messaging interface now it's time to actually negotiate with them so you want to get in direct contact with them and now you'll realize that you know if you're speaking to a chinese supplier and you're in the states well you're going to have to stay up for example in the evenings a little bit later to talk to them because obviously they're sleeping and a good thing to do to figure out what time it is in china right now is just to go on google and type in time in beijing which is uh the capital and then obviously now it's 2 34 so they're gonna be sleeping so you can expect an answer from your suppliers within like one or two days and then um except over the weekends the weekends are not working or any other chinese holidays which you can also figure out by typing in chinese holidays and then the year all right so once you've contacted your supplier and you've gotten them on whatsapp or skype by the way to add them on whatsapp you need to add them as a contact on your phone and you need to make sure that the area code for china is in there in the front it's usually like a plus and there's going to be a few numbers there and on skype you just add their username or their email and once you have them on skype and whatsapp now you want to go back and forth and you basically want to negotiate a price down so you're going to ask them for the price for a certain quantity and they should answer you that in alibaba so you already have an idea and what you want to do is you basically want to negotiate with the different suppliers and you want to see which one can get you the lowest price so first of all i always offer a uh like a pretty low ball price and then they will usually never take it they will probably just give you something in between and eventually you want to bargain it down to a price that's a win-win for both of you uh where you know it's still good and it's reasonable for them because at the end of the day you want to establish a win-win relationship that's the secret with um working with suppliers from all over the world you don't want to screw them you basically want to make sure that you know there's enough profit we made on both sides so that they're happy to work with you because you know if you squeeze them out of their profit too much they're just going to send you bad quality product and then you're going to pay for that later in the form of bad customer reviews and your business is basically going to get hurt in the long run so that's what you want to do and the golden rule here of negotiation is to always assume that everything is negotiable everything okay but at the same time you want to be professional you want to be nice to them you don't want to corner them because they aren't equal you have to treat them as an equal so just to make the process easier for you here's an invoice from our first order on amazon for the bidet so this is what a product invoice looks like now once you've negotiated a price down with your different suppliers you want to ask for a pdf invoice to your business email and once you get the pdf invoice it's going to look a little bit different because this is actually the alibaba invoice um because you're gonna get two invoices like you're gonna get a performer invoice which is just like a tentative invoice uh it's a pi that's what it says for performance invoice and it's basically like subject to change and then you're gonna get the final contractual invoice on alibaba eventually uh once you actually make the payment so this is the alibaba invoice but you know as you can see it's going to look like this it's going to show the manufacturer's name which i've blurred out of course because that's sensitive information um you know for our product and then it's gonna show like the buyer which is uh us and then it's gonna show the product as well as the unit price so you know it's gonna be so much easier to select a supplier and really make a decision on a product once you have all the different invoices um with you and you can you know start to compare everything so now what we're going to do is we're actually going to go and plug this all into our econ freedom profit calculator which is a free tool you'll find the link down below as well as a link in the amazon fba starter pack which there's also a link down below for that it's free now one thing i will say is that you do want to get a shipping price uh so for shipping you can either do error or c now for over 90 percent of you unless your product is oversized um you're going to want to do air shipping and you're going to want to ask for a price for air shipping um for your product and you're going to want to ask for ddp shipping which stands for delivered duties paid sometimes they're going to be skeptical or they're going to be maybe a little bit uh apprehensive about giving you like a ddp price simply because uh ddp means that the supplier is responsible for paying the duties so in that case you can just tell them hey just get us the ddp price and don't worry just bill us the customs duties and we will pay you right away and you can also tell them the following three magic words reduce customs value okay so if you tell them that then they should be able to have no problem to give you uh ddp so what that essentially is that on the the customs value sheet uh they're going to reduce the value and so that's uh it's a little bit of a gray area and it's up to you if you want to do it but it is a technique that i've um i've seen in the industry a lot and it's very very commonplace so once you have that invoice you have the unit price as well as the shipping cost and now we're ready to plug it into the conference profit calculator so to access that it's profit calculator and this is actually our tool here that we created our team has created so once you're on here just click on register and then just create a quick account it's going to say ask for your like basic info uh name last name email don't worry we're not going to spam you i barely said that any emails i only send out pure value things that will actually change your life and you know valuable things that will help you along your own journey to success and to financial freedom and wealth all right so once you're logged in you're going to see it's going to look like this and it's a super simple tool but it's very very good because i just wanted to basically make the process simplest possible for all my subscribers just because i've noticed that a lot of people they get their profit calculation wrong like the amount of beginners that invest in products without ever doing this is astounding and i don't want that to be you so what you do is you click on add product over here product name we're going to type in bidet selling country we're going to select the united states and now for the asin you want to basically put in the competitors asin so that's going to pull up the information from that product uh so uh if you have any like questions about any of the boxes what to fill in you can always click on the i and then there's an explanation there so i'm gonna go on amazon and i'm gonna type in bidet and i'm just gonna grab like one of our competitors so probably tushy for the bidet right and uh if we scroll down right here and i'm going to grab the ace in which is at the top here it's uh the letter b followed by the letters and numbers so you just copy that make sure you get the whole thing go back paste it in here boom so there you go that pulled up the product you should see the pictures for the selling price you're going to want to put in a price that you're planning on selling your product at and that should come from a product opportunity sheet so for us uh we put 69.99 but actually we ended up selling it at 49.99 so we'll just put 49.99 okay and then here we put enter a since of top three competitors so we'll just do that as well okay so let's put uh satoshi then there was also uh dude bidet there you go dude wiper 1000 so we'll just copy just the asin paste it in here and you don't have to put all three but if you want uh so then we'll just grab like this one for example here you can also grab the ace in if you scroll down it's the product information you can find it um right here as well i'm gonna paste that in here boom continue all right sourcing cost so for the estimated cost per unit you grab that from the invoice so in this case we have the invoice right here so for our unit price it's eight dollars and eighty cents is what we got after negotiating make sure that you only put the price after negotiating please negotiate i will say this again negotiate negotiate negotiate all right 80 shipping costs per unit so for us the shipping was about four dollars per unit so we're just going to put that in there and there's also an explanation here of how to get the shipping cost per unit as well so now for the fba fee we're going to go and grab the fba fee which according to our sheet here if we scroll to the right the fba fee is six dollars and eighteen cents so we're going to put that in here the referral fee is automatically calculated and for our first order we are going to select probably let's say like 500 or maybe like let's say 400. click continue you can just put like a number in there you can always change that later and now you enter all the variable costs so like the cost to add a logo so for us it was all actually included uh with the label as well so uh eight dollars and 80 cents including logo and labels sometimes you might pay like a little bit extra for the logo like 10 or 20 cents max 50 cents per unit so um yeah eight eighty four dollars that's it so for the first order it's gonna look like it's gonna cost us if we go to show results here all right we can see all the results and it looks like it's going to cost us 10 592 but that's not how much we're going to pay we're actually going to pay 5 000 because if you do 8.8 plus 4 times 400 all right if we do a quick calculation 8.8 plus 4 times 400 right that's 5 000. so this actually adds on fba fees as well but fba fees don't come out of our pocket at the beginning right you can always change your initial order so we go down to 200 that's only two and a half k right and our moq was actually like 200 for this so we could have ordered that little but i decided because i have a higher starting budget obviously like i decided to just order more uh and then if you scroll up you'll be able to see your profit margin your return on investment your cost of goods and you'll be able to see like a little results ticker here so proper margin anything that's above 40 percent uh is great anything that's between 30 and 50 is good return on investment anything above 100 is great and in terms of the cost of goods sold this one is actually incorrect so we have to fix that but otherwise the profit calculator is an essential tool because it will show you all these different things it will also show your breakeven price so how much you have to basically sell your product at to break even so 26.48 are absolute minimum price on amazon to not lose any money on our sales but also not make any money but if we sell it at 49.99 that means we're gonna make a profit of four thousand seven hundred and two dollars on our first uh order now if we look at our profit margin 47 if we compare it to what we have on the sheet here all right 63 percent was the margin that we got but that's also before changing the cost so 49.99 so and that brings us down to 55. so you know pretty close so this is a pretty good estimate but obviously the profit calculator gives you a much more accurate number all right so the next thing we have to do is check for patents and this is very important because there are lots of patents out there and uh of course this is something that especially when i was a beginner i had no idea what this was so what a patent is is it's basically an exclusive license that allows a company or a person to sell a specific version of a product there are two types of patents design patents and utility patents now most patents are design patents and then you've got some that are utility you don't have to worry about that right now but essentially what you're trying to do here is you're trying to uh search up your product and trying to see if there are any patents that are basically preventing you from selling the version of the product you want to sell so if i type in bidet toilet attachment and i press enter here right so it's going to give us all these different patterns 4 700 results and this is for the united states as you can see and so what you're actually trying to do is you're going you're going to go through the patents and you're trying to read and primarily look at the ones with the picture so like for example here we see that's like a rotating uh stool for a toilet that's totally different right so if you find something that looks like what you are trying to sell that means that it's a patent and you know like you should not sell it because what's gonna happen is suppliers have no idea about anything like patent-wise you know chinese suppliers they don't really care they violate patents and they sell it because u.s patents don't really apply there so that's why it's your responsibility to make sure there are no patents a good way of figuring out if there's if your product is patented is to hire someone to do a patent check for you you can either hire a lawyer to do it or you can hire like someone on the cheap on or upwork that's gonna cost you like max fifty dollars or sixty dollars a lawyer is gonna cost you a few hundred and that's up to you which path you wanna take if you wanna do it through a lawyer because the lawyer is the only one that's actually legally qualified to do this then you can actually go to his name is jeff stoller he's my personal lawyer and he's done a lot of legal work for me in terms of patents and things like that and he's the best ecommerce lawyer that i've found or if you want to do it on the cheap you can just go on fiverr and type in patent search but these are not legally registered lawyers they're just people that kind of do this and they have some experience doing this and as you can see you can do it for like 15 35 or another option is just to look at it yourself so if your product is free of any patents then you're good to go if it has a patent then you should erase it from the list because you don't want to run into any issues because you're going to launch the product you're going to send you're going to get like a cease and desist letter from a lawyer and then obviously that's going to prevent you from being able to sell the product so now you've contacted your suppliers you've run all the numbers through your profit calculator and now you can clearly see you know the profit margins for each product so if you have any product opportunities out of the three that are clearly a no-go erase them uh if all three are still good now is the time where you want to order samples so to order samples you basically just ask your supplier hey i want to order a sample please ship it to me via air dhl or air mail and um a sample is going to cost you between 50 and 100 it will be expensive you don't want to negotiate the sample price simply because it's just one unit and you know that's just how much it is it's expensive to ship one unit obviously more expensive than shipping um you know hundreds or thousands so the reason why we get a sample is because we want to see and feel and touch the product uh and pretend that we're the customer and imagine ourselves getting the sample opening it up and really like seeing it for ourselves and you really want to put the samples to the test like you really want to use them the way they were intended to be used and you almost want to abuse them because obviously you want to make sure that the samples hold up to the test of your target market and so once you get your samples once they arrive it might take you about a week two weeks max once you get the samples um if you're not happy with for example you want to go with the product you're not happy with the sample then you can just ask them to send you a better quality one maybe do like make a change or something like that um now you don't need to have the logo on the sample you can ask if they can put the logo on the sample that would be great but it's not necessary obviously you don't have a logo yet so for that we can you can skip to the branding section if you'd like but once you get the samples in your hands now you can make a clear decision on which product you want to do all right so at this point you've contacted suppliers you've gotten the invoices and you've also seen the profit margin for your three product opportunities so at this point you should be able to make a great decision on a final product out of the three that you should go with and my best advice for you is honestly to look at the numbers and then just close your eyes you know in silence think about it give it like 15 seconds 30 seconds just think about like nothing think about nothing and just think about emptiness contemplate emptiness and after 30 seconds go by ask yourself the following question which one of these three product opportunities will be my first successful product on amazon which one should i do and the answer should just pop up right away and if the answer isn't really clear and it should be really clear if it's clear select that one and obviously you know put away the other two if the answer isn't immediately clear then ask yourself why isn't the answer clear maybe there are certain issues with the product maybe your intuition is telling you things that you know maybe your your logical mind is ignoring right you can always just select three other product opportunities from your sheet and then rinse and repeat everything that i said about finding supplies and running it through the profit calculator so now you should be able to make a decision for me it's going to be clear i'm going to do the bidet here and that is going to be the product we're going to run with so now the next step is to actually create our product listing and before we move on to that we need to purchase barcodes so now let's talk about getting barcodes so what is a barcode this is also called a upc so i'm gonna make this as simple as possible for you to really be able to process this so to sell anything on amazon you need to have a upc it's a unique product identifier or unique product code so now it's time to purchase a barcode now to be able to sell any product on amazon you do need a upc there's a few ways of getting a gpc there's a cheap way and then an expensive way and i'll show both ways uh so basically to be able to make a listing on amazon you need this and it's super easy to get this and basically it's like a universal code for your product which identifies your product in the physical product space so there are two ways of getting this you can do it the expensive way or the cheap way the expensive way is the legit way and the cheap way is not entirely legit but it still works and it's entirely up to you which one you want to do so here is the official website that issues the barcodes it's called gs1 you'll find a link down below for us and then also they've got a european website as well and for other parts of the world so for gs1 if you want to get a barcode uh like officially and if you try to make a listing on amazon you'll get a message saying that the barcode should be just one or else you might have problems down the road one big disclaimer is that i and i would say that uh you know we've i've successfully sold products both the gs1 and non gs1 using a barcode reseller and i've had zero issues i've heard of people having issues that's why you know i'm not responsible for anything that that happens from the information in this video that you hear but it's up to you and like i said for me nothing happened i've never heard of anyone really having any issues with the with the barcode reseller and i think this is an expensive cost when you're starting out with selling on amazon that's why it might be best to go with the reseller so for gs1 you have to pay an initial fee of 250 and then you pay uh basically a 50 annual renewal fee for 250 you can get 10 barcodes and the pricing you know changes sometimes so by the time you're watching this video the pricing might be a little changed um so the point is that uh going through gs1 is the official way and you're gonna get uh you know an official barcode and everything like that uh but it's also the expensive way so if this is something that you just wanna make sure that it's all good and legit you can just go with just one using the official barcode issuing agency which is this or you can use a barcode reseller now there are tons of them out there but my favorite one is make sure it's barcode not barcodes because that leads you to a different website uh there's also another one called like barcodes mania which i've used in the past as well so here what this is is basically they resell old barcodes that were issued by gs1 so they're still gs1 barcodes they still are official barcodes but they were just used previously as you can see they've got a great rating on the better business bureau and it's super cheap to get a barcode so if you want to get one it's just 12 if you want to get five it's 7.50 per barcode much cheaper obviously than js1 and if you buy a barcode from nationwide uh you're basically going to end up paying a lot less money and it's still going to be an official barcode uh and it will most likely work uh and even though amazon will tell you oh you know the barcode should be gs1 there's no way for amazon at this time to actually detect and and see which barcodes are sold by resellers or not simply because they're all gs1 issued barcodes in the first place it's just that this website resells old ones right so uh if you buy a barcode from nationwide that's what i would recommend i recommend buying one from nationwide to start with and then plugging it into your listing when you're gonna start a listing we're gonna do that soon here in this video and then if it doesn't work then you can just buy just one or you can buy another one from nationwide and eventually it's going to work it's gonna let you make the listing you should have no issues whatsoever again this is your choice this is the cheap way and then this is the expensive but like actual official way of doing it and i want to remind you that i've barely heard of anybody ever having issues with nationwide barcode nothing like accounts getting banned nothing like that at all so there's nothing to be worried about but again disclaimer you know this is entirely up to you i'm just presenting to you all the options just so you can choose so now it's time to create our ecommerce brand so this is where we're going to get our logo we're going to get our packaging and we're really going to think about what kind of brand we're making here and what our brand is going to stand for in terms of its mission and vision and as i've said previously in this video the best way to secure freedom for yourself and your family long term the best way to ensure a consistent source of passive income for yourself and you know to build a business that will actually stand the test of time is to build a real business and a successful long-term brand that sells a high quality product to a particular target market so if we look at our bidet product we're gonna sell a bidet toilet seat attachment and in terms of the brand uh so what we actually decided to do with bidet and my friend got this idea who's my business partner in this uh in this brand he actually got the idea to brand it to men because um you know basically men have problems with underwear skid marks just like anybody actually and you know he just thought that it would be a great idea to brand it to men and if you look at bidets on amazon they're selling a lot you know making tons of money and it's super competitive so because of that we really have to think of a unique way to brand it so there are two different ways you can differentiate yourself in a competitive market number one you can either create a strong brand that's unique and caters to a unique section of the market and the second way is you can actually improve the product and you do that through reading negative reviews and things like that and then telling the supplier you know asking them if they can make certain improvements to the product that would actually make it better so i'm just going to show you what we did here for the branding for our bro day brand so as you can see we have the logo at the top which i'm going to show you how to create we have the product photography as well as unique product packaging things like that obviously it all starts with a brand name and the best way to come up with a brand name is if something you know maybe maybe something's already obvious and you already have a name kind of standing out in your head well then you can just do that but most of the time like for me it usually takes a little bit of time to come up with a brand name what i do is i write down a bunch of ideas on a on a piece of paper and then i kind of just stopped thinking about it and as i go throughout my day the next few days usually a brand name pops up in my head and that's what i usually go with you don't want to overdo it you don't want to overthink it you know we actually started bro day as buttjet and then eventually we found broday which is a much better name than butt jet so um you know that worked out for us that's usually how it goes so you definitely need a brand name before moving on to the logo so now it's time to think of a brand name so pause the video and fill out a sheet of paper with a brand name okay once you have a brand name you need to check for a trademark and uh what a trademark is is basically um for example we have a trademark on broday meaning that nobody else can sell bidets under the broday name like at all in the entire bidet class so a trademark is super powerful it's something that can defend your ecommerce brand to check that you just go on uspto you type that united states pat in the trademark office or you can go to the country that you're selling everything in australia then obviously check the australian patent office once we're on the u.s patent on trademark office site tss is the one we want to click on basic word mart search and here you want to type in the name you're thinking of doing so for us let's say you know we want to do broday well then if we click on broday and then click on the the name we can see here okay bro day it's already registered uh by a company here and it's live meaning that there's an active trademark for bidets meaning that if let's say i wanted to start a new bro day i didn't actually own broday then i would not be able to do it because it's already a registered trademark and then that's the same as a patent if you sell a product under a trademark name and you're infringing on someone else's trademark they can just take you down they can send you a seasoned assist you don't want to do that so that's the next check you got to do you know there's a lot of there's a lot of um loops and there's a lot of steps to this whole entire thing that's why i'm trying to do my best to explain it but honestly mentorship is so so so valuable it's so valuable i'm obviously doing my best in this video but i'm going to talk about mentorship at the end of how you can access it because i do a lot of that as well myself you know it's something that is so crucial when you're starting out or else you can very easily lose thousands of dollars all right so how to get a logo there's actually two ways of getting a logo you can either hire someone to create a logo for you or you can go and try to create a logo yourself on canva canva is like an easy to use photoshop it's totally free go on you can sign up we also have a special link down below so you can use that as well in case you ever want to upgrade to the paid plan uh we've got a discounted link there so you can use that but on canva i recommend just honestly trying to create a logo yourself we're going to want to do is you're going to want to create an account and then once you create account just basically create a new document or like a new design and then there you can just basically create a simple logo canvas perfect for logos like this for minimalistic logos if you want something that's more let's say more professional i recommend hiring someone and the best way to hire someone is to use a service like upwork to find a talented graphic designer for you so now i'm going to show you how to do that so on that's the link there's also one called fiverr and there's also free up but upwork is the one that is the best honestly is the one that i have the most experience with and i've hired many freelancers on this website successfully have spent probably hundreds of thousands of dollars on freelancers on this website maybe even millions honestly but on here you click search and then you type in logo design and then you press enter or you just click hire professionals and agencies okay so it's very important to filter the freelancers because you don't want to just hire anybody right so you don't need to do us only because for this you know there are tons of extremely talented graphic designers uh in all countries around the world and typically you know you'll be able to hire someone who's really good without having to pay a premium rate for someone from the states from a western country you know there are tons that are great from like uh the philippines from eastern europe like the ukraine um you know bulgaria even kenya jamaica right so that's a great part about the internet is that we're all globally connected and you can find a great freelancer so what you do is you go freelancers hourly rate just do 10 and below honestly if you want someone higher quality you can do 10 to 30. you can hire someone in the states as well honestly like well that's what i would do i would just hire someone uh you know between 10 and 60 even up to 60 depending on their portfolio if it's something that i really like because you know if it's someone good they're only gonna need maybe like five to ten hours to create a logo for you and that's gonna be a few hundred right so you really want to cheap out on this that's why you can either go on the cheap or you can go like 10 to 30 30 to 60. we'll try 10 to 30. 90 up job success very important amount earned 10k plus we want someone experienced a thousand hours built and then that's basically it okay so now you can start going through uh different designers here so uh okay we're getting a lot of ui ux designers so maybe we should put like logo design ecommerce okay so so no that's still giving us a bunch of like web stuff so let's do uh logo design or graphic design so here we got like sarah right so you can click on the freelancers page you can see their portfolio you can see exactly what they've worked on in the past and you can do the exact same thing on fiverr okay so if you click on maria here from macedonia all right you can see the different logos that she's made there so fiverr is also another website and if you go on fiverr you also type in logo design design e-commerce and typically once you find a good um designer for your logo you can also hire them to do your product packaging so like a box if there's a box that comes with your product if you want to have it in a box right so logo design e-commerce and then you can basically just start going through here and you want to make sure that you know i think paying 10 is going to be very difficult to get a good logo from my experience so you probably are looking to pay probably at least 50 for a logo and for product packaging probably at least 200 you might get away with something cheaper but it's going to be uh it's going to be definitely harder at econfreedom we have our own logo designers and package designers like ready for our members all right so once you have a logo and a package design now you can send it off to your supplier and then uh obviously they need that to be able to print your your logo on the product and you need to absolutely have a logo on your product uh do not be that person who sells their product without a logo because then it's just gonna look like it came straight from china from the dollar store it's not gonna look good okay so um just make sure you get a logo make sure that you get uh product packaging as well so as you can see this is our product listing we even have a video this is something that you're going to be able to get once you have a trademark and brand registry so i have a video showing how to install it it's my friend uh in the video here my business partner for our product packaging we honestly just have a box and it says skidmarks end here and it says just like broday on it maybe you can find a picture for you you can show it here but it doesn't have to be complicated um that's why i recommend just working with a graphic designer or you can do it yourself in canva to get packaging design done even by yourself or by someone you're going to need to get what's called the box template or the packaging design template from your supplier it's going to be a file you can open up in photoshop or canva to actually add text and stuff onto it now there's a whole lot more that goes into creating a powerful brand but i've covered the foundation like the basics of it so once you have the logo you've got the product packaging you also have a few products in the back of your mind that you can launch later on to add on to your brand now you're in a pretty good spot um you know a few other things i like coming up with the brand mission and vision creating a brand presence so like uh your website your facebook page social media so i'm gonna cover some of that later on but of course um you know there's just so much to cover in this video that i can do and so that's why um you know i'm just going to cover the foundation here just the most important things you need and later on for your brand you will also get a patent and a trademark and that's something that will come as you actually are successful once you're making like 10 000 plus a month all right so now it's time to create your product insert so what is a product insert this is basically a piece of paper that's going to come with your product and it's going to arrive your customer is going to open the product they're going to see it inside and the whole entire point of this is so that you can basically communicate with your customers when they buy the product and you can offer them something in return for getting a review now one thing to note about amazon is that amazon is super sensitive about sharing anything about your customer with you even though you are you are selling them products amazon makes it very clear that they're amazon's customer and not your customer so the one way to actually get around that and to really help you start getting five star reviews automatically is to get your supplier to print product inserts and include them with your product uh with every single unit and so here i've got a sample product insert that we just created for a fictional brand and what basically you want to do here is you want to have a qr code and what you want to put on the barcode is your company logo and you want to obviously make it look nice you can get your graphic designer to do it the one that you hire for the logo and the product packaging you can also create yourself on canva that's also an option but the most important part here is you want to include your qr code and i'm going to show you how to get this code right now and what you want to do is you want to give them an offer that you know basically is a no-brainer offer an offer that they can't refuse so for example when you're just beginning you know what you can do is you can offer them a second free unit of your product again that's like uh it's going to cut into your costs a lot when you're starting out but it will skyrocket the amount of reviews that you're going to get if you want you can also do for example get 25 off your second uh you know unit share with your friends and family get 20 25 off so that's something that is also very common and also works very well to get um reviews and for them to be able to get that code what they do is they just take their iphone or their smartphone any modern smartphone nowadays has a built-in qr code scanner in the camera all you do is just open your phone's camera you point it at this and then right away it opens the website uh wherever we want them to go to and so where we're gonna take them is we're actually gonna take them to manychat and i'll show you what manychat is here in a second uh basically it's like a facebook messenger bot and this is the best way we found to actually communicate with our amazon customers uh because it respects all of amazon's rules and that way we can also build our own mini chat list from it that we can then communicate with uh later on with like new product promotions things like things like that so to get a qr code you want to go to qr dash code this is the best website for doing that and then you want to click on sign up and once you click on sign up make an account and once you're logged into your account you're going to be able to get to your qr code dashboard so you're going to want to click on create qr code as you can see this is our bro day qr code and we actually never even included our product insert with our product it's just something that we missed um you know and honestly like if i'm being honest like you know i'm teaching the formula and i'm breaking everything down into every single step and this is a form that anybody can follow uh with all the techniques to ensure success but honestly like everybody's success journey is going to be different with us for broday we actually did things a little bit differently we didn't even just honestly we didn't even just include the product insert um because we didn't want to give away a second free bro day and so right now actually i'm getting with my business partner we're gonna start including our product insert offering uh 25 or 20 off the second unit um if they share it with their um with their friends and family taking them to manychat which is what i'm going to show you here but i have done this before successfully i know that it will work great for you and i think you absolutely absolutely should do it i've just got like a million things going a lot of different businesses so that's why all right so there you want to click on create qr code and then you want to click on website and then click next so here you're going to want to enter in your website now later on we're actually going to change you can change where your qr code will point to at any time which is great because you can basically send them anywhere you want so for now we're just going to put our website which is and later on in this video once you actually have created your manychat flow for getting reviews you can actually replace this url with that so i'm just going to put like test code but you can put like you know your product name and click next so once you have that you can actually go in here and you can customize your code i like to keep it simple so for the text you know you can just not have anything and you can also just even delete the frame just like that and you can also make it like this right so that's what i like to do a great thing about qr code generator is that you can also upload your own logo so it's going to be like a customized qr code and uh yeah that's pretty much it here as you can see there's different options for the qr code this one's probably the most the most aesthetic looking one and so once you're happy with how it looks you can click on download and then now you can actually send this over to your uh to your graphic designer or you can import it into canva when you are creating your product insert which should look like this by the way so qr code in the middle logo at the top and then the offer like i said either get a second free product or you can do like get 25 off at the beginning it's always best to really really make sure that every single person at least scans it or you know the most amount of people possible scan it and that way that's why you really want to give them a no-brainer offer if it makes no sense to give them a second product for free then don't do it just do what makes sense and do something that you know is a no-brainer offer that people will actually want to redeem they'll actually want to spend the time taking out their phone and scanning it and once you're done that you want to let your supplier know that you also want to print uh product inserts and this is actually very cheap they'll likely say that there's like an moq in order quantity for of like let's say 500 or like a thousand for the product inserts but that's fine because if you have like let's say a starting order of uh 400 and they say a thousand is the moq for the inserts that's okay because the inserts are likely gonna be like a five or ten cents a piece or 20 cents a piece which won't be too expensive and they'll just keep the rest of the inserts in their warehouse for uh the next time when you actually place your second order and i've done that many times successfully all right so now let's talk about creating a fully optimized beautiful amazon fba listing for your product so for this of course you need to have an amazon star central account once you're in the account click on manage inventory and then we're going to want to do is you're going to want to click on add a product on the top right here so i'm going to open this listing right here this is a listing that i'm going to basically recreate there's a listing that i made several months ago and like i said we hit 50k a month with this on amazon we're just out of stock right now just waiting on some more units of stock um and we're really i mean this brand is already a million dollar plus brand in the span of several months so like for me this is easy like i have experience you know you're definitely watching the right person to learn all this stuff from uh on youtube so um yeah so let's go ahead and click on add a product okay and so here you're gonna wanna click on um where is it where is it so amazon is always changing their buttons and if it doesn't look exactly the same this is like believe me this tutorial is not going to go out of date for a long time for several years um because most of the information stays exactly the same like almost all of it i would say 90 of it year to year stays the same because at the end of the day you're starting a business you're creating a brand where you're selling a high quality product you know there's not much more to it you're just learning the buttons on amazon things like that so you're going to want to find a button that says i'm adding a new product or i'm adding a product not sold on amazon here you're going to want to select the category so what i like to do is i like to go to the top competitors page this is obviously our listing um but you can just go to um the top competitor which in our case would be uh tushy okay so if we go to tushy click that then we scroll down and then we uh look at the category here we can see that it's in tools and home improvement i think that's where we put ours as well and tools and home improvement yeah so then you can just type in like bidet right okay maybe tools and home all right so probably just bidet attachment that's the subcategory you want to type in the sub category here okay i can't find it so i'll go manually tools and home improvement let's see what else they did uh bidet attachments if you click there we can see like all the steps the tools and improvement then it's kitchen and bath fixtures then it's bathroom fixtures i'm looking on the left here then it's bidet and bidet parts it's not too important you know if your competitors are in different categories just choose one of them it's focused on the the important stuff bidet attachments boom so we'll select that okay product id so this is where you're going to want to put in your upc code so once you purchase your barcode you can just go into your email and then click into the link to download it and then you should see order confirmation should scroll down if it's from nationwide you can also buy from gs1 i actually just saw that they're offering them for 30 as well per uh per piece so you can just grab them from there honestly it's almost the same um of course just one is the official one so you want to download the barcode graphics there's two the upc and the ean so the ein is the one you want for europe upc is the one you want for the rest of the world once you grab that you're gonna double click on that it's gonna be a zip file and then you're gonna want to drag and drop this onto your desktop into a folder i'm just gonna drag it back in here so i dragged it back into the downloads folder and as you can see now i've got the barcode so basically i'm going to enter this number at the bottom into my product listing area so i'm just going to do that now all right so there you go i've got my product id in there i'm going to select upc okay and then if you put an ean then ean that's only for europe you're going to want to use an ean okay so for the product name uh what i did here is i did bro day bidet toilet seat attachment i'm just going to copy this because this is what i wrote earlier and we're going to go over it here so you want to start off with your brand name and the reason why and this is i know this is like debated a lot online but uh you know i've sold millions of ecommerce products i can tell you it's always best to start off with a brand name simply because uh you are selling a branded product you are not just selling a random gizmo or gadget you know what i mean like you're not selling some random dollar store products so that's why it's just so much better to include your brand name right from the beginning then you want to type in your product which is bidet toilet seat attachment and what you're trying to do is you're trying to basically to make sure that it's fully optimized i mean your listing you want to enter in as many of the most powerful keywords as possible by powerful i mean the most general keywords so what are the most general keywords for this product well you know it's bidet toilet seat attachment right simply because if i that's probably what people are typing in when they're searching for the product on amazon right so it's very important to make sure that you include those keywords in your title and your bullet points in your product description as you can see here but something else to also take note of is you do not want to keyword stuff you don't want to stuff your your listing with a bunch of keywords back to back and it just sounds like you know bro day bidet best toilet seat attachment clean spray water attachment you don't want to do that you want to you want it to make sense right because you are basically writing an ad for your product so berday toilet attachment fresh clean water sprayer modern sleek design i like separating it with dashes and then self cleaning not electric nozzle and then at the end fits all toilets easy to install so i like i like it where it's like brand name what the product is the most powerful keywords um you know what it is and then just like the benefits i call these the benefits and then the final benefit fits all toilets easy to install so this here you want to basically um you know any big uh point of skepticism for your product so for this uh we found out that a lot of people when they're buying this they're wondering how hard this to install so we just put fits all toilets easy to install which is true now for the brand name you want to put in broday now you might have an issue where it's like oh well if you want to um you know sell under your brand name you have to provide them with pictures of your of your product and things like that you can provide those pictures to amazon you might get an email or if you get an error code you can just put in generic here and then it's fine there's no big deal uh it's gonna work um amazon just has a glitch right now but it might be fixed by the time you're watching this manufacturer we put bro day as well just put in your brand name so now you want to click on advanced view and that's going to open several other boxes here so we're going to click on variations since there are no variations for this product we're not going to fill this out variations are basically when you are selling multiple different versions of the same product so like clothing items if you're selling like a red color blue color black color then you would create a variation theme by color right and then you would type in the color and basically create three uh like uh sub listings for you all right the next thing we do is we go to offer and now we put in our price and so for our price it's 49.99 for the seller sku we can leave that blank for the sell price we can leave that blank as well condition you always want to put new we're not selling used things for the quantity you want to put one that's basically how many of them come with each uh purchase of the the product so if you're selling like a two pack you want to put two in there uh one very important note on this is that uh amazon will not repack anything for you meaning that if you're selling a two pack that means that uh you absolutely should include two in every single one of your units so like every single unit of your product should come in as like a pack of two all right or a pack of four if you're selling a pack of four manufacturers suggest the retail price you can leave that empty most of the stuff you can leave empty make sure that you select off offering can be gift messaged yes is gift are available yes uh reason being is that um amazon will actually gift wrap your product um for customers uh they offer the service for anybody who wants gift wrapping and the best part about this is that you actually pocket that extra profit that they make from the gift wrapping they actually give all of that to sellers which is fantastic fulfillment channel we want to select amazon we'll ship and provide customer service remember the setting for next time now let's keep going to the right so compliance so here we can honestly leave all of this like empty there's no batteries nothing like that because it's not electric okay if your product is something to do with like a battery one one note on lithium batteries lithium batteries are difficult to import and also have restrictions when it comes to air shipping so anything with lithium battery just remember um you know what i said about that so now let's talk about product images so your product images on your listing are super important especially your first picture because that's what people see when they type in your product keywords on amazon right and you know your product photography super important that it looks amazing you can either hire a professional photographer or you can try doing this yourself or maybe if you have a friend who is great with a camera you can get them to do it what i recommend is having uh two photos on a white background as your first two and then uh two photos two like lifestyle photos and then two photos uh final photos showing the product and the packaging we totally violated that rule like we did not obviously um we did not obviously like uh even respect that what i just said but that's like the typical i've done that format many times uh right now obviously we have different ones we're actually technically not allowed to have a a a photo with a not white background um so you know if you do that like what we're doing then amazon might might tell you to change or they might not so yeah but for product photography i recommend just basically going on upwork and then also just typing in uh photographer on upwork and then basically doing the same thing i recommend paying anywhere between 10 and 50 an hour uh simply because it shouldn't take them a lot of hours right and what you're gonna do is you're just gonna get your uh supplier to ship a sample of your product of course in its packaging and with the logo to your photographer and then just tell the photographer that you need some pictures on a white background some lifestyle photos meaning like showing the product in use um something like that and then finally uh some photos of the product and showing like what it comes with um you know the packaging and the box and things like that so that's going to take you some time of course but then you can upload that here you need to make sure that your product images are super high quality make sure that they're high resolution hd pictures uh so that you can actually zoom in on the product just like this when you hover over the photo with your mouse it's going to zoom in okay so now let's move on to the next section which is a description so the first thing is the key product features so this is actually your bullet points so amazon you know sometimes they call it the keep product features sometimes they call it bullet points they're always split testing their interface um but essentially it's just this stuff here and so the way that i like to write this is and i actually wrote this myself this entire listing the way i like to write these bullet points is i always like to basically make the the customer think as if they they have the product as if they're using it and as if you know they are experiencing all the benefits and all the amazing emotions of using the product you know i've studied advertising and i've studied uh selling and you know for like i've read so many books on this and i've i've sold so many products and i've been doing this for a long time and the number one thing that i've learned uh with selling is that the number one best way to sell any product is through emotion and then the second best way is through logic so emotion will always trump logic it's just how we work as humans and so that's why uh you know using words like enjoy a fresh clean butt in seconds upgrade your lifestyle poop like a king you know it triggers an emotional response in them uh enjoy an amazing refreshing clean spray that will leave your butt sparkling clean after every use a life-changing experience you'll be asking where have you been all my life after your first use experience pure bliss as your butt is clean like royalty every single day like that's not logical selling that's emotional selling right save money never use toilet paper again of course you still have to use uh use toilet paper like you know to wipe after this a little bit but yeah so that's how i like to write my bullet points so to do this you know you can just basically start off right i mean i can just copy and paste it to show you but essentially it's going to look like this so like enjoy your fresh clean button seconds upgrade your lifestyle poop like a king with bro day right you can see i mean the listings up you can go and check it out um and we're like we're going this into a multi-million dollar business it's gonna be worth like millions and even hundreds of millions so i'm super excited about that but it's e-commerce right now is the golden age sharing this all with you it's something you can do as well don't recommend competing with us and selling bidets though because you will go against the king of e-commerce himself and that's not a good idea it's always best to follow your own path to success believe me there are millions of products out there and uh yeah we have a trademark and patents things like that so that's just a little side note i get people that they try doing products just like you know products that i talk about in my videos it's the stupidest thing you can do simply because if you just did some put in some effort and you did your own product research like you will find a great product okay so there's nothing to worry about no scarcity mentality make sure you got an abundance mentality always so for your product description and i'm actually going to show the product description that i wrote for broday for the listing before we got brand registry uh just obviously because that's what we started with we didn't start right away with brand registry and you're not going to either uh so here it is i'm just going to paste it this is what it was obviously it's not formatted at all so that's why we're going to use an html preview tool so just type that on google html preview tool and then click on this one and this one is fantastic okay so what this lets you do is this lets you basically write anything and then you can like make it bold right you can make it italic you can make it um you know a lot of different things like different headings stuff like that and so you can actually copy this code here paste it into the product description on amazon and it's going to show that way on amazon so for this description uh basically this is completely out of format here because i just copy and pasted it from a document that we had before so here meet bro day a life changing device for men who poop i'm going to format this and then i'm going to unpause the video all right so i got the entire description formatted here and this is exactly how it was uh when i launched pro day so we're just going to go here step by step i know that this seems like a lot there's a ton of different code here what is going on so the first thing we got is meet broday a life-changing device for men who poop and basically what i did here is i just wrapped it in bolt so to wrap something in bolt to make it bolt essentially what you do is you just open the bracket like that or i don't know what that's called but like that thing and then b and then close bracket you type whatever you want and you have to close it like to close it you open the bracket and then forward slash b and then that's it okay so as you can see it only makes that bold so that's how you bolt something now br that's not bold that's basically like hitting enter on your keyboard so every time you do br you don't have to close it so br br as you can see that just um you know skips a line okay so that's all honestly all you need to use is just b and br and that's it that's how i did it and um yeah uh basically this is the code so this is what it looks like so headline so meet bro day a life changing device for man who poop time is today's most valuable currency you're a man you're always on the move the last thing you want to do is spend time wiping your butt it's only a few minutes per poop but it starts to really add up over weeks months and years one thing i will say is that i am a bit of a copywriting genius this is copywriting that's what this is called and it just comes to me naturally but i've also you know been doing this for so long so uh that's why i guess i'm just fantastic at it if it's a little bit more challenging for you seriously don't worry about it just as long as it's good enough look it doesn't have to be perfect remember perfection is the enemy of success you don't have to be perfect as long as it's good enough okay have you ever wondered if there was an easier easier way or cleaner way a method that only leaves your butt sparking cleaning seconds but also require using whole rows of toilet paper i'm reading this fast i know um but obviously i'm not gonna read the whole thing say hello to brody you'll never be able to poop without it ever again so basically just a headline and then like a description a headline a description a headline description basically we're rehashing the bullet points it's almost the same as the bullet points um and then finally at the bottom we're adding the step-by-step instructions so you can only add that you should only add that if it's applicable to your product so for us we actually have two steps for the product number one install onto the toilet using provided instructions number two twist the known it should be knob the knob on the right after a good poop and enjoy and by the way i use this product and it's fantastic i seriously can't live without it so um yes i use my own product but yeah so once you have a good description um and obviously i recommend pausing this video um spending a good probably 30 minutes to an hour doing this probably 30 minutes uh this should be enough you can right-click copy and then paste it over here into your product description and then that should uh look just like what you have here in the preview on your actual listing okay we're almost done here let's get to the keywords so for the keywords here the um the only uh box that we want to fill out is the search terms here and now i'm going to show you how to find the best keywords for your products this is actually your backend search terms um essentially it's like the tags if you ever uploaded a youtube video it's like the tags so these are just words that will help the amazon algorithm rank your product and show your product to the most relevant customers and for this jungle scout luckily actually has a tool called keyword scout which lets us find the absolute best keywords for our product so i'm going to show you how to do that now all right so to find the best keywords for your listing what you want to do is you want to go to and log into your account and then once you're in your account you're going to want to click on keyword scout on the left here and that's going to take you here i already did a sample search here so you're not going to see all the results so what you want to do is you actually want to put in your primary product asin as well as your two competing products here so just put in your top three competitors uh asins here so i'm gonna do that now so here's our top competitor so i'm going to grab their ace in from the top here right click and copy paste that in here boom and then you want to also grab two of your other competitors so we'll just grab for example if i type in bidet we'll grab like this lux bidet one um okay so we'll do that paste in here and you want to make sure you put in three that's the optimal number for finding the best keywords and make sure that the competitors that you're putting in the asin for it's actually almost the same product as yours it can't be like very different right so then dude bidet that was um the third one here dude wiper 1000 sick name not gonna lie um okay now once you're once you've done that you're gonna hit search and so now that's going to pull up those um those jsons and then you will now start to see all of your keywords so we want to do is you actually want to sort everything by exact uh search volume so make sure that you sort it top to bottom so i'm just going to make sure that it's showing me the keywords top to bottom and so now we're going to want to do is you're going to want to start going down this list and you're going to want to basically check mark every single keyword that is relevant to your product so bidet 200 000 search for that means that there are 200 000 people or potential customers searching for this keyword every month which is a lot right imagine if we only get one percent of those or two percent of those right like let me show you the calculator here okay like uh we get let's say one percent of those 200 and three thousand 435 okay that's 2 000 orders you know 2 000 orders times 49.99 that's literally a hundred thousand dollars so you can see the the power it's it's really crazy um so bidet bidet toilet seat now look we reached this keyword here this toilet so if you're unsure if this keyword is relevant to your product or not then what you want to do is you want to click on this a on search on amazon and then see if the products that show up are the same as yours so in this case this is actually not relevant to our uh product because it's just toilets right and you only want to put in keywords that depict your product that actually you know explain your product so in this case yes it is the thing for a toilet but it's not an actual toilet so what about this one but a toilet seat okay so no ours is actually not even a bidet toilet seat ours is a bidet toilet seat attachment so we're gonna get rid of that one we're gonna leave this one on dude wipes for men what about this one right probably not no it's uh wet wipes so no not good i'm going to skip that bidet for toilet yes dude wipes no portable bidet we can also click on amazon to see if this is relevant no it's not it's literally a portable like spray that goes up your butt bidet sprayer for toilet gadgets for home no that's not relevant that's too general you really only want to include the most relevant keywords and the reason why i want to include only the most relevant ones is because amazon only allows us 250 characters in the search terms right so we really have limited real estate here for keywords uh so toshiba day now a lot of people ask me about like competitors and stuff i recommend not including competitors keywords um you know it's up to you but i'm pretty sure it's against amazon's cos to include competitors keywords so it's best to just leave that out but day warm water no ours is not warm water ours is just like basically cold water we will work on a warm water one later but ours is not warm water uh bathroom gadgets no clear rear okay what about this one so that's also a brand name so we're not gonna include that right and so basically how it's gonna work is that eventually you're going to have a list of all the most relevant keywords and when you're actually going to put it into your listing every single word will only appear once and you'll see that it's not going to be like bidet toilet seat attachment bidet bidet for toilet every word is only going to appear once so as long as you hit every relevant word you're good all right so basically what you want to do is you want to keep going down the list until you hit about like 500 in search volume okay it's going to take you a little bit of time probably 15 30 minutes but all the way until 500 in search volume and check mark all the ones that are relevant to your product and make sure that you leave the ones that are not relevant unchecked and once you do that then what you want to do is you actually want to click add keyword to list and then you're going to want to create a new list and you're going to want to call it your product your brand name master list just like i did here you saw we already had one in there and then click create and add so once you've done that you're going to go to the left here and click on keyword lists and then your list will pop open right here and as you can see we've got our master list here that i created from before when i was launching this product so once you've got your master list in here you made sure that all the keywords are relevant um what you're going to do is you're going to click on download csv on the top right this will download a spreadsheet with your keywords you're going to open it in microsoft excel or in google sheets or in numbers if you're on mac and then you're going to see this okay so it's going to be a little bit like difficult to read here but what you want to do is you actually want to click on the first keyword you see you want to hold command shift and then the down arrow if you're on mac or ctrl shift down if you're on windows okay and that's going to do this it's going it's going to select all the keywords what you're going to do is you're going to right click you're going to copy and then you're going to go on google and you're going to type in remove duplicate keywords and the website that's best for this is the trace my ip website that's just how so happens to have this amazing tool and then once you're on this you're gonna see this one two three four five so just delete all this and then right click and paste everything in here then click original order boom now you've got all of the most relevant keywords as well as the misspellings see here uh we got like some misspellings like budday badaya viday right people don't really know how to spell binay i guess but you know that's a lot of potential sales there um right we probably got a lot of sales from those people bj i guess that's another one so now you're gonna copy this to clipboard okay and you can make sure to copy it then go on google and type in letter account and once you're on letter account you're gonna paste that in here count characters okay so 262 characters so it needs to be under 250 to actually be able to fit into the search terms here so what we want to do is we want to erase one of these words and we're fine as long as under 250 we're good so neo that's a competitor so we're going to release or erase that um let's see what else lux that's a competitor we're gonna erase that okay so 253. just need to really i just need to erase one more here so probably like this video i think that's just not you know like who is who writes fidei like probably like one person probably like honestly like 100 or something but all right so now you wanna you wanna copy that and paste that into your search terms in your listing boom that's good and you want to ignore platinum keywords subject matter and all this other stuff you really don't have to do it like other people some will tell you that you need to fill this out you really don't i go by this rule it's called the predator principle the 80 20 rule i make sure to focus on the 80 of the stuff that matters and then i let you know i don't worry about the 20 that doesn't matter because if you get the 80 right the other 20 will take care of itself all right so boom got the search terms now click on more details check to it's asking all these different like scientific questions you don't have to answer any of this so we can just keep going manufacture part number put one very important to write that for launch date just put today's date and then we are good package quantity put one or you know more if it's a pack so once you're done your listing you can click save and finish and then basically you'll be able to see your fully updated listing in about 10 to 15 minutes that's how long it takes to actually update on amazon and then you can see your beautiful new and fully optimized product listing all right so we've just created our listing now we're ready to place our first inventory order this is honestly an incredibly exciting time because i remember when i was placing my first inventory order you know i had this mix of excitement as well as honestly a little bit of stress just because you know it was the first time that i was going to be paying thousands of dollars to this random company online obviously not random it's a you know a supplier that you know we've verified we've gone through all the checks and up until this point if you followed along with this video and if you've basically you know watched everything you've taken notes and you've taken action then you should have absolutely no reason to stress so i'm going to walk you through some important steps in how to place your first inventory orders as well as a few important things and just general things to watch out for so your listing should have been on amazon for at least a few days i would even say about five or six days and the reason why you want to have your listing on amazon for at least three days recommended five to six days is because for some products on amazon they turn out to be restricted and basically when you create a listing sometimes that will trip the amazon algorithm and amazon will go ahead and restrict your listing after a few days and so that's why it's best to wait a few days to actually see if your listing is um you know is not restricted or anything like that because you're gonna get an email if it is and then that way you just saved yourself a potential you know thousand or a few thousand dollars on your inventory if your product ends up being restricted or it has some special certification that amazon requires now even for restricted products you can also get the certifications uh usually your supplier will have it and this really depends sometimes uh the supplier certification is enough sometimes it's not so it's really case dependent on each product again this is why it's so useful to have somebody check over your product for you somebody who is actually really experienced with amazon for example like myself but if we keep moving along here so at this point you should have your invoice you should have your profit margin you know your profit margin should be like good it should be between uh at least at the very least i would say 25 percent preferably 30 to 50 or above um you should have a product that meets all the criteria we talked about the price you can sell it at at least 15 and at least 20 euros in europe um or british pounds if you're selling the uk you should have your pdf invoice your performant invoice in front of you your pi if you don't have that yet you should ask your supplier for it and it should say clearly how much they want you to pay and also it should give you an exact shipping cost now a little note on shipping here air versus c shipping so a lot of people ask me which one should i do and for most of you watching this video if the product is like i would say smaller than a table uh you know smaller than anything like a like a piece of furniture then you should absolutely ship it by air simply because of speed if you see ship it's going to take you 30 to 45 days for it to actually get to amazon and you also need to use a freight forwarder uh which makes the process more complicated if you're using air shipping it makes the process so much easier especially for a beginner when you're starting out because uh you can just use dhl or fedex or one of those big carriers the big three are dhl fedex and ups the fastest one of the best one is always dhl and fedex those are the fastest ones and then ups is a close second so i recommend those ups will always be a little bit cheaper shipping costs fluctuate month to month and so basically you need to get a ddp shipping cost from your supplier and sometimes they might say oh well it's exw or fob make sure you're getting a ddp shipping cost and i already covered earlier in this video how to get them to agree to do ddp uh ddp shipping so i'll you can uh check out the timestamp below if you uh need some help with that so okay you're ready to place your product inventory order one more thing as well um you should not be spending i would say more than five to ten grand on your first order at the absolute max there really is no need for that and you know honestly the thing is that even though yes you have all this amazing information in this video um you know you just don't have the experience right and that's why like for my first product i started with 1800 and i was able to turn that into a 32k a month income in sales of course and then i had a very high profit margin as well like between 40 and 50 percent so pretty much half of what i was making was profit which allowed me to start traveling and obviously live much better but you know i still think that a few thousand is more than enough for your first order and if you're skeptical about you know if you just have a bad feeling about how much you're about to spend don't do it follow your gut follow your intuition your intuition should feel good about uh the you know the product that you're about to get into and the amount of money you're about to spend now how your first product inventory order works basically you have a few options first option is you pay the entire amount which i don't recommend obviously this part will always want to do that but that's not something that you should do instead what's standard in the industry is to pay 30 up front uh and then 70 after they finish manufacturing and the time between the up front uh when you pay and then the time when they finish manufacturing that's called the lead time if you ask them what the lead time is for your product uh they'll say okay lead time is 15 days for let's say 250 units that means it's going to take 15 days for your product to actually get manufactured and then after 15 days the product will basically be ready you know standing at the front door of the warehouse ready to get picked up by the shipping carrier and so that's why you want to pay 30 up front 70 at the end so you're paying 70 uh when the product is finished manufacturing so you'll pay 30 and then after that you wait until they finish and then when they say okay we're done you know and to ship it out please pay the rest uh so then you can pay 70 now some suppliers they might want like 50 50 or they might not agree to these terms uh so then you can offer 50 50 but definitely do not pay the entire amount simply because you know uh it prevents any unnecessary risk right it's just more of a safety thing for you right just to make sure that obviously they won't take your money right away with it that doesn't really happen especially if you've uh you know you followed this video with choosing suppliers so that's all good now how do you pay your suppliers so the best way honestly if you're if you're paying a chinese supplier or a supplier in alibaba you can just use the alibaba trade assurance now here's something extremely extremely important to actually be covered and protected by alibaba trade assurance alibaba wants to see that you've communicated with your supplier through the platform now since we've communicated with a supplier through whatsapp or skype uh obviously you know there is no record of anything between your supplier and you on the alibaba platform so that's why what you want to tell your supplier and this is a very very big pro tip very big pro tip you tell them hey please resay everything the terms of the contract um on alibaba in chat to me just so just tell them please where you say everything and they'll understand they know that to be protected that's what they have to do so essentially you want them to be like uh you know basically giving you an entire summary on alibaba of the entire deal in their words and you verbally agree through the chat and say yes uh i agree yes sounds good uh please send me the contract you know and then after that you can pay them and then you can actually pay on alibaba trade assurance uh the the cheapest way to pay is with a wire transfer to the alibaba account which then goes into escrow in their account so it's all protected the second best way to pay is paypal uh paypal always sides with the customer not with the supplier uh so it's a great way of protecting yourself however the uh the fees are much much higher especially for the supplier and so that's why if you pay via paypal uh your supplier will say oh well you're gonna have to front the fee and it's gonna be about four point six percent so you can say oh it's okay we can split the fee in two right and then you can offer them that and then also make sure that you're always paying as goods and service if your supplier says no please pay us as friends and family red flag because paying with goods and service it involves a higher fee for the supplier for both of you you'll be sharing the fee however if anything happens if you know if you get uh i don't know if something happens with the product something like that bad quality uh you're not gonna be protected if you pay your friends and family there's no protection goods and service when you pay it that way on paypal using uh pay as goods and service then you're actually protected by paypal's insurance but i always pay with alibaba trade assurance it's the best way to go so just go ahead and pay the 30 up front and then you should be good and then when the product is done and they'll tell you you paid the rest of the 70 now a quick note i will talk about inspection so you do want to get an inspection done for every single order and how it works it's not an inspection of all your units it's going to be a randomized inspection usually of like 80 units out of everything so there are tons of inspection companies out there i'm also going to put an inspection company link down below this is something that i highly recommend because for a few hundred dollars it's definitely worth the peace of mind knowing that the uh the product is inspected and you're not gonna have any quality control issues all right so now we're ready to send our units into amazon so if you've already paid your remaining balance for your units you've paid the rest of the 70 or the 50 whichever you agreed on with your supplier now we actually have to get them into the amazon warehouse and so there's a few ways of doing this there's the old way which is like the classic way and i'm going to show you the classic way simply because it's just what i'm used to it's what i do there's also a new way which i'm going to show you that you can use as well it's the same thing i just find that it's best to learn the classic way and show that because that always works because as of now the new way is in beta so what you do is you go to your seller central then click on manage inventory which will bring you here and then you want to click on the check mark to the left of your listing okay you should only see one listing don't worry that it shows two here it's just because we're out of stock right now so you want to click on the drop down on the top left then click center replenish inventory so once you've done that that's going to bring you to this window and then here we can basically follow the steps to send in our inventory so the new way is up here it's sent to amazon as you can see it's new so you can do that as well but i'm just going to show you the classic way just because like i said this way is not in beta the other one's in beta and you never know what amazon's going to do remove or not remove something and if the interface looks different if something looks different just follow along with the video and try to find the buttons because the information is exactly the same this video is fully fully updated and it will remain so for several years the information doesn't change that much so the first thing you want to do is you want to click on create a new shipping plan and then for the ship from address you click on ship from another address and then you want to enter in the address of your chinese supplier or your supplier you know from anywhere else wherever uh it's coming from if it's a chinese supplier then you click on country and then click on china and then here you want to enter in the name of the supplier the address the province city district the zip and postal code now for myself for example i had a hard time before trying to decipher what the province sitting district was of the supplier you can just ask your supplier to send you their address and then you can just put that in here and then if you're confused as to what's the province what's the city what's the district you can ask them that as well and they'll tell you so make sure to fill that in here i'm going to select um an address that i already have saved here of our supplier so now that we've got the suppliers address here we want to click on individual products for the packing type and then click continue to shipping plan okay once we did that now what we want to do is we want to enter in the number of units we're going to be sending so just as an example let's say we're going to send in 200 units then click continue so now as you can see it's going to say who preps and here we want to select merchant okay because our merchant will be prepping this and then what we want to do is it's asking us choose a product category that best suits your sku so here we have to click on choose category and then here we're just going to put no prep needed and then we'll click choose and then click continue okay and here it's going to say who labels so you want to select merchant we're going to have our supplier apply all of amazon's label to the product so now would be a great time to talk about the amazon label so the amazon label looks different to the upc barcode and a lot of people get this confused so what's the difference so what the upc barcode you only need that to actually make your listing so you need a upc for that and which you've already made you've already used the code there now on your actual product you're going to need to print an amazon label not the upc label and so to get that all you have to do is choose merchant and then click on print labels for this page that's going to download this file here which is going to have all the labels as you can see and then what you want to do is you want to save this so you download it you save it to your desktop to your computer and then you can basically send this over to your supplier and you explain to them hey can you please stick this label on the top of the product or wherever it's best so the amazon employees can scan it for every single unit on every single unit of the product okay so now we're gonna click on continue so as you can see it's asking us to split the shipment to a few different amazon warehouses so sometimes amazon might tell you to ship everything to one warehouse sometimes they might tell us to ship uh to different warehouses in this case it's telling us 84 units to jefferson 44 to baltimore and 72 to livonia i'm guessing that's michigan or like detroit and so that's totally fine um it's a marginal difference in cost for shipping so if this is the case all you have to do is just click approve and continue you can actually name these so what i like to do for example i'll do 200 units and then you can put like the month right so you just put the month and like month and then year and then you put shipment number one okay and then here we put the same shipment number two and then ship in number three obviously replace the month in the year with the current month and year and then click approve and continue so once you've done that it's going to bring you to this uh window right here and so now we're gonna click on work on shipment and we're gonna do that for every single one of these shipments okay so now we're gonna start going through all of the steps here so uh here we want to click on small parcel delivery spd ltl is for larger shipments and that's only one if we're shipping a lot so now it's asking us for carrier so we're gonna select air and then you can select the carrier or you can select other it's really not that important unless you are shipping from yourself in the us uh then you can select ups and amazon a special partnership with ups where you can basically pay directly to amazon and then it's going to be like they have a discount with ups so yeah it's going to make it a lot easier here we select multiple boxes and now it's going to ask us for the configuration of the box so here it's asking us how many units go in each box how many boxes are there it's asking us for the box weight and the box dimensions so this box is not the box that your product comes in this is the box like the carton with all of your units in it so let's say we have 200 units what you want to do is you want to ask your supplier can you please tell us how many cartons you will ship it you'll ship the product in how many units per carton and then also the carton weight and the carton dimensions okay and so they'll tell us that and then once they tell you that you can just fill this in and if there's different box configurations let's say there's one carton with like 10 units one with 14 then you can add that also really really important make sure that uh you do the conversion because if you're selling in america obviously it's the pound and inches system so it's the imperial system your chinese supplier will likely give you your measurements in the metric system so in kilos and in centimeters so make sure you're aware of that if it says kg and cm you can go and convert the kilograms to pounds you can just go on google and do like 50 kg you know in pounds just as an example okay 110 that's obviously pretty heavy and the same for the centimeters you would basically go on google and you would type in every single number so 32 centimeters in inches okay and then every single one after that three times and you'd fill that in here okay so i'm actually getting up the carton dimensions and weight from one of my previous shipments for this product so as you can see i have it here so i'm going to enter 2138 and go in here put it in so it was 21 38 and you want to round up by the way if the numbers are like you know if you want if you need around around the numbers just always round up now for the dimensions 18.3 18.7 18.7 and then 15.7 number of boxes here it's asking us to ship 84 here so that means that we would need eight boxes with 10 right and then one more with four and you have to tell your supplier that by the way to really let them know and tell them hey this is how you need to do it you know 84 units need to go to this place and i'll show you how to do that and we would also need to get the weight of that units per box if it's in a different configuration and the dimensions so in this case if it's four we'll just use an example number we'll just say 5 pounds and we'll just say 10 by 10 by 10 should be fine click confirm okay this is just by the way i just put random numbers for the second one here make sure you're getting this information from supplier so now once you've done that you want to select plain paper and for the ship date you want to select today's date and then you want to click print box labels okay so this is the second most important piece here these are your different labels for your box so you want to download this and you want to send this to your supplier via skype or via whatsapp or whichever platform you're using and then tell them please uh you know put this on every single box your suppliers they've shipped lots of times to amazon so they should be familiar with this process they do they have to do this for every single amazon shipment so once you've done that you want to click on complete shipment okay and now it's asking us for tracking numbers so you actually don't even have to put in the tracking numbers if you want to you can and then it's going to show um you know the tracking number and all the tracking information uh once that becomes available but i usually don't even do this now the next part is to click on mark as shipped up here and once it says shipped we're all good to go work on another shipment and then obviously you want to do the same thing for the other two as well all right so now your product is on its way to amazon so what's the next step the next step is to set up your email sequence and what the email sequence is is basically when your customers will order from you on amazon you can actually set up an automatic email that gets sent to them that asks them for a review and so this is something extra that's really good that i found really helps with getting reviews uh the process for this has changed over the years used to be able to send a lot more emails and so now basically the best thing to do is just to send one email so this template for the email sequence the absolute best one for actually getting reviews i wrote this and i use this and it's great you can actually download this below in the amazon fba starter pack and then i'm going to show you how to actually turn this on and have it automatically sent out to your customers so what you want to do is you want to go to jungle scout and the great thing about jungle scout is that uh with your jungle scout subscription you also get access to the um email campaign tool so we want to click on marketing and then email campaign to the left and then here you want to click on create custom template on the top right so now it's telling us amazon's terms of service have changed so we just want to click i agree and then proceed at my own risk campaign name you want to type in your brand and then email sequence save title and so now we want to select our product so we're going to click check mark here and then click next and so now we want to click on new trigger and then we want to click on purchased add step click on days click on five days and then that's good you can also do four i have four in the sequence but honestly five is a little better now that i think of it uh you can do four or five it's fine so just five days and then we're gonna click into uh add step again and then email okay and then here is where you're actually going to enter the email so bro day email number one and since we're only sending one email there's only gonna be one now go back to the uh template here which is right here you can find this in the amazon fba starter pack below i'm just gonna paste the subject line about your order that's a great one because it looks like it comes from amazon and people obviously want to make sure they're getting their orders correctly if you're having any issues with the subject line by the way because things might change and they do change over time just change this to something else you know something that makes sense like thank you for purchasing please give us a review or hey would you be kind to leave us a review uh can you take 30 seconds leave us a review something like that that'll be fine if you're having any issues but you shouldn't have any issues at all so now we're going to copy this whole thing and now we're going to erase everything i just like to erase that whole thing and then paste it in here you can just paste it in the box as well if you like that better and now you want to edit out every single bracket here so this is and then you want to you know put in your name you can put your real name or you can put a name that makes sense for your target market so if you're selling like beauty products you can put like this is rachel and i'm writing you this quick email because you purchased a you know um if we just take the brodee example i'm just gonna say this is dan i'm writing you this quick email because you purchased a bro day birthday from us here at uh we don't have to do brand names since the bro day is the product should have received it by now i just wanted to follow up and kindly ask you to leave a product review for your order with your honest opinion and thoughts uh we're a small u.s family owned business and our entire business runs on the quality of our reviews on amazon so i found in all my years of amazon selling i found that uh basically you know really showing that you're a u.s owned business or if you're selling in canada canadian-owned business or in europe european um or anywhere else in the world like a local business people have more respect for that and they're gonna be more likely to take 30 seconds out of their day to share their review and their honest experience so that's why this uh will work great uh also amazon will periodically ask people to leave reviews anyway so you know it's not just dependent on this email uh you're gonna get reviews anyway there's also like a request review button that you can click on um in your orders so that's all good there and then we're just gonna replace with our name dan from broday and then once you're done you're gonna click on activate this email and then click save and then that's it as you can see amazon's saying you can't put these um these uh keywords into your subject line which we're not doing so we're totally fine and now you should be getting reviews automatically all right so let's begin with the first step in our product launch so i'm going to show you how to turn on the early viewer program which is going to allow you to start getting those initial reviews for your product and as i mentioned this is not going to be like a miracle it's not going to just automatically get you reviews because um all this is doing is that you're just paying some money i believe it's like 50 or 70 which is taken out of your product sales and basically what happens is that amazon will just uh incentivize people uh so the first few people that are purchasing from your uh product from your product page they're just going to send them like a few dollar a few dollars off their next purchase like gift cards and stuff like that in exchange for leaving a review so it's just a little bit extra but it's something that you absolutely should do and it's really worth it because those reviews at the beginning are so important so after i set this up then i'm going to show you how to launch your first ppc campaigns to help your product launch which is going to be very very important and it's going to allow you to start getting your product in front of people's eyes so that you can start getting sales and then the more sales you get the more it's going to push you to page one and the closer you are to page one as soon as you get to page one that's when you're going to start really making a lot of organic sales and you're gonna start making thousands of dollars uh in sales uh every single month at minimum uh if you followed everything in this video and then finally we're gonna get to manychat all right so for the early viewer program it's super easy to turn on uh what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to and when you're here you're gonna click on advertising and then earlier of your program that's what it should uh say under advertising all right and now once you get to this window it's going to allow you to basically enroll your product into the earlier viewer program so as you can see for us we already enrolled it we already got our six reviews from the earlier of your program and as you can see works great uh this one was a four star i guess so unfortunately it can't be like a guaranteed five star uh but you know obviously if your product is good it's gonna be five stars so all the rest of them are actually five stars yeah as you can see real reviews real people gets your bum clean works five out of five right and so basically what you're going to do is you are going to it's going to ask you for your sku sku and so how you get that is you go to your manage inventory and then you can grab your sku from here for some reason it asks your sku and not your asin you just paste that in here check eligibility and then boom it says that we've already um enrolled into earlier programs so uh yeah but that's how you do it you just enroll it and then you click on submit yes and then that's the first step of the launch done all right so the next step is to launch our launch ppc campaigns and to do that we first have to actually figure out which keywords we're going to target uh with our ppc campaign so i'm going to show you here how to actually access amazon ppc so to get here first you start off with amazon star central so just in the regular amazon central dashboard and then to get to the ppc campaign manager you just go to advertising and then here you click on campaign manager and then once you click into there you're gonna be taken to the ppc campaign section here so the first order of business here with the launch ppc campaigns is to figure out our target keywords and to do that we're gonna go and log into jungle scout and then we're gonna pull up our master keywords list that we created before so if you get a keywords list you'll see our master keywords list and what we're going to do here is we're going to select five different keywords here it's a target for our launch ppc campaigns now the best thing to do is to target keywords that have a high enough search volume but that also aren't incredibly incredibly competitive and you can see how competitive uh they are to rank each keyword by looking at the ease to rank section on the right side here of jungle scout so as you can see bidet is very difficult uh but i told you it's somewhat difficult to attachment somewhat difficult right so the best strategy to use here is to choose keywords that aren't too difficult and too competitive to actually target uh but also have a high enough search volume so you don't want to choose keywords that are like at the bottom of the list you want to select keywords um five from like i would say the first 10 or 15 for sure and then um i would definitely include your top keyword in it and so when i launched broday on amazon the keywords that i chose i'm going to select them here they were bidet which is actually the most competitive keyword and has the highest amount of searches per month and as you can see here the easter rank is very difficult but the reason why i still selected bidet is because i still think it's important to target your top keyword if you do have a higher starting budget like in my case we had a higher starting budget obviously if i was starting out with only a few thousand i would not target bidet and i was trying to launch this i would honestly target like the ones down here so the five that i chose were bidet but a toilet seat bidet for toilet bidet toilet seat attachment which is up here and then bidet sprayer for toilet okay and as you can see bade for toilet's easy the other are somewhat difficult and this is just an estimate anyway basically what the difference is going to be is that with ppc the harder it is to rank the more expensive it will be for ppc meaning that um the higher the average cost per click that's how it works so you know the average cost per click let's say is a dollar and so for like bidet for toilet we might be paying like a dollar per click but for a bidet we might have to pay like three dollars per click and so obviously you know the more expensive uh each click obviously the more expensive it will be to launch now i get a common question which is how much will ppc cost me to launch and this is honestly a variable cost there is no like okay it's gonna cost you like 200 to launch pvc uh there is no exact figure it's going to be different for everybody and the part about launch ppc that super points understand is that which other way will you basically you know get like people on your listing you need to find a way that reliably brings people to your listing and there is no better way than using amazon's ppc even though yes you do have to pay but you'll see that with launch ppc you're actually the goal is to break even on your launch ppc you might lose a little bit of money but if you do this correctly follow the steps in this video then you'll break even and then in the long term the objective with ppc is actually not to just break even but after you're launched after you're on page one uh you can actually run what's called ongoing ppc which i'm going to show as well in this video which that is actually where all the real profit is made now ppc is a money maker at that point but at the beginning for launch ppc it's just you're just looking to break even because you just want to basically artificially bring up your product to page one and you're just trying to you know bring people onto your listing so that you can start getting some sales and the more sales you get the higher rank you get the closer you get to page one now this brings us to an important question which is okay so it's time to launch but what price should we launch our product at now remember how we had that figure we had 49.99 for the bro day and that was an effective launch price well actually we were thinking of starting off at 69.99 and we decided to bring it down to 49.99 uh just for the launch but we actually realized that 49.99 was a fantastic price overall and uh we realized that that was the most optimal price for selling our product at and so we kept it there because we actually sold more units that way and it just made more sense but for your launch price you should make it a little bit cheaper than your competitors if you're selling something similar to your competitors if you're selling a product that's actually better than your competitors then you can obviously make it more expensive but don't make it really expensive because you're going to basically be hurting yourself and your own launch and you know your ppc and everything that you're doing won't result in as many sales as you hoped for because it's too expensive the lower the price the more sales it's basic business and basic economics and so for this we're just going to choose a launch price of um of a 49.99 for the bidet all right so now we've chosen our words so you just want to keep them check marked here go to your amazon seller central and then in here click create campaign so i'm just going to run you through the list of launch campaigns that we're going to create here so the first one is the broday launch auto campaign which is going to be at 10 a day this is going to have our lowest bid the second campaign is going to be our bro day launch broad match campaign also ten dollars a day the third campaign is going to be our bro day launch phrase match campaign it's gonna be ten to twenty dollars a day uh the fourth campaign is gonna be bro day launch exact match from ten to thirty dollars a day this one's gonna have the highest bid and then the last campaign is gonna be our birthday launch product display campaign which is a different type of pbc campaign i'm gonna show you what that is and the budget here is going to be between 10 and 20 a day so what the difference is between auto broad phrase exact and product display is just different types of campaigns so we're first going to start off with the automatic campaign and i'll show you what that is so go to create new campaign and then click on sponsored products on the left okay for the campaign name you want to put your brand so bro day and then launch auto campaign okay so replace this with your brand name note portfolio and then start date today end date no end date for the daily budget you want to put ten dollars a day okay and then by the way these budget figures are like you know the recommendations uh you can go lower uh if you're on a really tight starting budget but i don't recommend it because it's going to be very difficult to get any results from your ppc launch campaigns here we're going to select automatic targeting so what automatic targeting is what an auto campaign is amazon will automatically choose keywords based on its ai and all of its advanced data they're going to automatically choose keywords to target that it thinks that are going to be good for your campaign for your products so that's what auto targeting is manual targeting allows us to manually put in our five target keywords that we selected on jungle scout here and so that's what we're gonna do for manual broad phrase and exact match campaign so for now the first one is automatic okay here we're gonna select dynamic bids down only in all of my testing and all my years running ppc dynamic bids down only is always better than the other ones so just do that one you don't have to really focus on that too much that's all you need to do just down only for the ad group name i am going to copy the campaign name i always just put in the same ad group name just to keep things simple once you get more advanced you can start creating separate ad groups and things like that but for now you don't need to worry about that scroll down and then select your product so i'm going to select the bro day here boom and now for the bid i'm going to select one dollar now if your suggested bid is above two dollars you want to select you want to put the default bit as one dollar if your suggested bit is below two dollars uh then you want to set your default bid to 50 cents okay you should see your suggested bid here and so your auto campaign should have your lowest bid out of all your campaigns okay so uh you know don't worry if that's a little bit convenient to you right now just follow along and you'll be fine you'll be good so default bid we'll put one dollar okay and then for negative keyword targeting we're just going to keep that blank we have to do anything else just click launch campaign and so now your campaign is going to be launched so only do this once you actually have units in your uh you know in stock for your product now click on go to campaign manager so now you should have an auto campaign running for your product all right so now we have our launch auto campaign running as you can see here um ignore the broad a keywords that's just an existing campaign that we have uh going on that we have an absolutely crazy roads as you can see like uh 144 dollars of spend and we made 1500 so that's something that you can get once you actually become more experienced with ppc so autocampaign is launched the next one we want to do is we want to launch the broad match campaign so let's create campaign again here we're going to click on sponsored products and then we're gonna click on we're gonna type in bro day launch broad match all right and then here we are going to select today at the start date same thing ten dollars a day and this time we're gonna select manual targeting dynamic bids down only add a group name we are going to copy this and paste it in the ad group scroll down and select your product scroll down again click on keyword targeting click on enter list for the bid actually we'll just leave that there for now for the match type select broad and now you actually want to type in your five target keywords into your uh into the box there so i'm just going to copy and paste every single keyword in here you can save it in a notepad file or in a like in a note file just to make it easier for you so you don't have to do this every time so that's what i'm going to do i'm just going to put it in there boom now for the bid we want to use amazon suggested bit we want to click on add keywords it says 405 keywords don't have a suggested bid so in this case just do uh 25 cents above what you put in the auto so we put a dollar so do a dollar 25. uh if you put 50 cents just do 75 cents that's it and then for the negative keyword targeting that's very important we're gonna actually put in the exact same keywords our keywords i'm going to right click copy them and paste them in here but we're going to negative phrase match them and so this prevents bid overlap now it's a little bit of an advanced topic but essentially if you are running more than one ppc campaign you don't want your keywords to overlap in the bids because then you're going to be competing with yourself and so by following this video as i'm showing you here uh you're going to prevent wasted ad spend and you're not going to have any kind of bid overlap so there you go now we're going to click on launch campaign so now you're going to want to go back to the campaign view and just wait for it to show up all right so now the campaign has shown up so we're going to click into the broad launch broad match campaign we just created here and once you click in the campaign click on placements on the left and then here we want to type in 50 for the bid adjustment for top of search this is just going to give us that little boost there that we need to get our product up on page one so now go back to your campaign view and we're going to rinse and repeat we're going to go and click on create campaign and then now we're going to click on our we're going to create our phrase match campaign so click create bro day launch phrase match and then daily budget for this one we're going to also put 10 dollars we're going to select manual targeting dynamic bids down only then scroll down to the ad group name and we are going to copy the campaign name put that in here select the product go down keyword targeting enter list and then now we want to deselect broad and exact and we are going to copy and paste the same target keywords in here click add keywords and if it says that the keywords don't have a suggested bid we just want to make it just a bit higher than what we put for the previous campaign which was if i remember correctly.25 so we'll put 1.50 just do 25 cents higher than what you put okay and then for the negative keyword targeting now very important we're gonna put the same keywords in here and we are going to click on negative exact not negative phrase this time negative exact and now we're gonna scroll back up and then click on adjust bids by placement and for top of search we're going to make this 50 as well instead of having to go into it after the campaign and then scroll down and click launch campaign so now our phrase match campaign is launched the next step is to create our exact match campaign click on create campaign and then we're going to click into sponsored products and then here we're going to call it bro day a launch exact match daily budget uh we're going to do 10. so you want to call it this it looks like we already have one like that so i'm just going to put like new and then manual targeting data if it's down only add group name we're going to call it exact match just like that you want to add the product and then keyword targeting enter list deselect phrase and broad paste the same keywords make sure it's exact match suggested bid click on add keywords now it's going to say they don't have suggested bid so this you want to make it more expensive again than the previous one so dollar 75 that's good and now for this campaign we're not going to add any negative keywords we're just going to scroll back up and then go to adjust bids by placement and then do 50 for this one 50 scroll back down click launch campaign all right so there you go we're moving on and then we have one more campaign to launch click on create campaign and this one is going to be the product display campaign so here we're going to select sponsored products click continue and then we're gonna select uh we're gonna type in broday launch product display we're gonna also do ten dollars manual targeting dynamic bits down only i'm gonna copy and paste the campaign name into the ad group name just like that add the product and now instead of keyword targeting we're going to select product targeting and now for the bid i would put one dollar just put one dollar now you select individual products then select enter list and so now you want to do is you want to go on and you want to type in your target keywords starting with the top one so we're gonna put in bidet and what we're doing here is we're trying to find uh products that are similar to ours competitors but that we can really i guess like that we have a better version of or that we can really compete with so we're looking for products where we have a better price or we have better images or we just have an overall better listing so for example our product is better than this lux bidet so we're going to go and right click copy the asyn go back into into uh the ppc campaign manager paste the acid and then you want to do the same thing with five products so find five products that uh your product has a better listing over or you know the pictures are better uh basically that looks better than your competitor has a higher perceived value and then paste the acins in here i'm just going to paste one here and then once you've got five products in here you want to click on apply all for the suggested bin so you should have five here not just one five and then uh you should apply all uh make sure that it's the suggested bid and then once you've done that you're gonna click on launch campaign so now you're gonna go back to campaign manager and you're gonna be able to see all of your campaigns our product display hasn't shown up yet uh but once you refresh it's gonna take a few minutes it will show up so you should have five in here ignore this bottom one that's not a launch campaign so there you go that is how you set up your ppc launch campaigns so now once you've started your launch ppc campaigns uh what you are aiming to do is you're gonna let them run for a few days after about two to three days you're gonna go back in your campaign manager and you're going to click into the campaign i'm just going to click into this broad keywords campaign just to show you so you're going to click into the ad group click into targeting you're going to see your your keywords here and then what you want to do is you want to click on search terms on the left here which is going to bring you to this view and you're going to be able to see all these different metrics and what you're looking for is the a costs column here that's advertising cost of sales so what this is is essentially it's the percentage of your sales that you spend on advertising and so with your launch ppc campaigns you want to look for a 100 or less uh a cost okay that means that if you're let's say we're bidding on bro day and let's say this is 100 that would mean that um basically you know whatever money we spent on ppc let's say we spend 20 that means that we broke even and we made back the same amount of money uh with ppc so with your launch ppc you want to go for a 100 a cost and just basically turn off any search terms so uh what you would do is any of the search terms that have above a 100 a cost you just go to actions and then click on add as negative exact okay and then you would just add it as a negative exact match uh to the campaign or the ad group um and you want to do that for every single keyword that has above a 100 percent a cost now there's a whole lot to ppc this is just uh you know i guess a brief enough run through where you know it's still in depth and still going to help you launch and start making sales like obviously you're going to make sales from this but you know there's just so much more that i can put in this video so i'm going to talk more about that towards the end of the video but that's what you want to do for your launch ppc campaigns later on with ppc when you switch to ongoing ppc campaigns once you've actually successfully launched at that point you want to optimize your ppc keywords not for 100 a cost but for your breakeven a cost which i'll show you how to calculate later on in this video all right and finally the last step of our launch is manychat so we've already turned on our viewer program we've also launched our launch ppc campaigns so now at this point you have the option of launching manychat now the thing about manychat is that i would say this is more of an advanced launch method and really you know i've launched products without manychat just with the other two steps and it works great again everybody's journey to success will be different but to put many chat in this video is going to be just unreasonable because literally it's going to probably add 8 hours to this video maybe even 10 hours to this video because it is super super complicated and it does have a steep learning curve and so it's just something that's better left out of this video and what i'd recommend you do is just to launch your product without it and if you really want to launch with manychat and you want to learn how to do it then you can watch you can stay until the end of the video and towards the end i'm going to talk more about that but to get manychat if you want to actually get it and you want to start with that then i recommend using the link down below it's basically the cheapest length you'll find for manychat it's going to be like 10 bucks a month uh the cheapest that you'll find anywhere else online because to use manychat for your launch or for your brand you will need to get manychat pro which will have a monthly plan so that's why the link below has the cheapest monthly plan available all right so now that we've launched our launch ppc campaigns now let's talk about ongoing ppc campaigns so what are ongoing ppc campaigns essentially these are just campaigns that you're going to be running for the lifetime of your product uh when you are out of the launch period so when your product is already ranked on page one at this point of watching the video your product should be ranked on page one and uh you should already be getting organic sales and so at this point you should be transitioning to ongoing ppc if your product is not getting organic sales yet then you should stay and keep it on launch ppc and if you are following everything in the video and you're still not moving to page one then i recommend probably trying out manychat which i'm going to talk about towards the end of this video as well as other very very important tips for success critical tips that will uh help you start getting sales so with ongoing ppc that's when we switch the focus of our ppc campaigns from visibility to profit so if we looked at our launch vpc campaigns the entire objective with those was just to get visibility for our product but once our product is launched now our focus is to actually make our ppc profitable and so let's say if we're getting 10 organic sales a day just as an example on our product we're selling 10 a day um you know running ppc campaigns you know why not get an extra three four five maybe even 10 sales on top of that from our ppc and i'm totally fine with paying money for each sale as long as obviously you know let's say if i pay a dollar for uh for a keyword and then that keyword makes me money that that uh one dollar made me a sale well obviously on the sale i'm probably making about ten dollars in profit per unit so that only shaves off a little bit of profit off the top line so that's the entire point of ppc pc is not just a launch tool it's basically something that you'll want to use for the lifecycle of your product you know basically forever uh you know as long as your product is up and selling so once your product is launched uh the main switch the main difference is that now instead of optimizing your ppc campaigns for a hundred percent a cost which i showed you how by going into the campaign for example this pro day keyword campaign going into the ad group and then going into search terms obviously you have to wait at least a few days for this to show up uh but at this point basically the main difference is instead of optimizing for 100 a cost instead of taking out all the bad keywords that are uh that have above a 100 a cost and adding them as a negative exact match keyword which is what we do for those keywords about 100 a cost instead with ongoing ppc campaigns what you want to do is you want to optimize uh for your break even a cost and what is your breakeven a cost well essentially it's actually the same as your profit margin so you've already calculated your profit margin with the conference amazon fba profit calculator if you haven't uh then you should go and calculate it it's uh i showed how to do it earlier in the video so you can just check the time stamp in the description below and so for this bro day for our product the profit margin is roughly about i think it's about like 47 so that means that if i'm seeing a keyword let's say here it's 21.96 percent that means that my profit with these sales here you can see here that i got two orders and it was 164.97 in sales meaning that they probably bought two of each because the product costs roughly 49.99 so that means that the profit after these ppc sales is 47 minus 21.96 percent so i can do that really quick just to show you here so 41 or was that 47 percent minus 21.96 that means that my profit is 25 of 49.99 25 of 49.99 well that's just roughly 12.50 so that is the difference with ongoing and so what you want to do when you transition to your ongoing ppc campaigns after you've launched the best way to transition once you've actually launched uh the best way to launch your ongoing pc campaigns is to actually click here and then click on reports okay and then we want to do is you want to click create report sponsor products report type search term unit type time unit you want to put summary for the report period you can put last 30 days if you've launched your product recently the past month if not if it was longer than just do longer than that and then you want to do now for the scheduled time leave the other stuff blank and then run report and now you're going to wait until this says completed actually have to press refresh there you go and then click download on the right open up in microsoft excel and there you go so basically what this is a search term report now it does look a little bit complicated and uh there is a certain way of reading this um you know of looking at every single column but i'm just going to show you the main thing so the best way of creating your ongoing ppc campaigns is to use the exact same format that i showed uh in the launch so basically create the ongoing auto campaign ongoing exact match ongoing phrase match ongoing broad match and then the ongoing product display and then you just put in the keywords that are uh below your breakeven a cost so in this case our profit margin's 47 percent meaning that our break even a cost is also 47 that means i would put in this like these keywords right here see because it's below 47. i'm not putting in the ones that don't have anything there so the ones that are below 47 what i'm doing is i'm scrolling to the left and then i'm selecting those customer search terms and then going all the way down here then right clicking and then copying those words and then now creating new campaigns in the same format that i uh showed with the bro day launch campaigns instead they're called bro day ongoing campaigns also 10 a day but now we're only putting in those profitable keywords and so now what you do is you let that run and then you basically check periodically every three to four days you pull the search term report and do the exact same thing you keep adding keywords that are good uh to all the campaigns and then for all the bad keywords let's say if let's say if like you know one of these keywords was above 47 like 50 or 55 then what i would do is i would take that keyword just that one let's say it was broday for example then i would go into broad match you know i'd go to negative keywords here add negative keyword negative exact and then boom i'd add it save it and then done all right that's what you want to do to all the campaigns you would add that's all the campaigns so that is how you do ongoing ppc now there is one big secret to running profitable ppc campaigns and nobody really talks about this but i figured out that the biggest secret to running profitable ppc campaigns is to focus on all the other stuff outside of pbc meaning that you want to focus on your product being the best out there the best that it can be you want to make sure your listing is the best that it can be you want to make sure that your photos your description your bullet points your title your reviews are great because if you can get all that stuff right then literally you can go into ppc and you can literally turn on campaigns like a two-year-old and it's going to be profitable that's just how online advertising works because it's a two-step process it's your product and your offer combined with your uh advertising and so if your product or offer which means like your listing and how you present it i call that the offer if it sucks well then also you know your ppc is going to really really suck so that's why uh you know the best thing you can do is just make sure that your product is good make sure your listing is the best that it can be and really you know putting the effort into all of that and then your pvc will take care of itself of course you still need to know the techniques but i've covered you know a good amount here in this video all right so now we've covered product launch ppc we've covered all the most important steps involving that now let's talk about customer service so in this section of the video i'm going to cover how to offer best in class customer service why it's so important and it's really important that you watch this because a lot of people neglect this but the truth is is that the world's greatest brands have all gotten there because they became obsessed with making their customers happy courtesy respect and caring for your customers needs is the number one way to improve the perception of your brand in your buyers eyes and that's something that's really important to remember because you're not just a product on amazon you are a brand and you will grow a loyal fan base of loyal customers who will love what you do they'll love your product and it's almost like a tribe you're growing a tribe that will continue to spread the word and there's one really big truth about customer service it's so important to understand as a new ecommerce brand owner as a new entrepreneur who is doing this who's selling physical products online and that is that one negative experience is enough to counteract almost like a hundred positive experiences because think about it let's say you have a customer and they purchase and they're happy with the product right well they might go and leave a review or because they just expect everything to go right they're not going to leave anything and they're just going to be happy so let's say out of every 10 positive experiences maybe you get you know two to three people that actually go out of their way to leave you a review but if you compare that to 10 negative experiences that number jumps up to like eight or nine you'll have eight or nine of those people leaving you bad reviews which will cause a massive destruction of potential sales it's gonna really you know hurt your business and brand in the short term in the long term and so that's why it's so important to take care of your customer it's so important to message them and answer them promptly and there are a lot of ways to do this there are a lot of ways to speak to your your customers and so the first way of course is through your amazon account if they reply if they ask any inquiries make sure that you're responding promptly you're going to get an email other ways will be through your social media so like your facebook page or instagram which we didn't really talk about in this video just because it's already so long but obviously every successful brand needs to be on social media so on there you want to make sure you're communicating with your customers you know you're listening to their concerns and anybody who has any who's having any problems at all you know just offer them a refund you know it's not worth being cheap it's not worth just cheaping out on like units and stuff just remember that the customer is most likely in most cases always right it's just better to think that way even when they're not because you know basically pissing someone off is going to really hurt your business and it's going to hurt your rank and it's going to be difficult to bounce back one thing to also remember with customer service is that nobody likes talking to customer support just think about it right do you enjoy calling a brand and waiting on hold and you know speaking to their support no because if you're doing that that means you're already having an issue you're having an issue with the product and that means that there's already something that has gone wrong and so that's why even though they're not calling you because obviously that's not something you're going to be doing maybe later on once you've grown big enough but not something you have to do at the beginning if they're talking to you and if they're voicing their concerns you know they're already not in the best of places and so that's why the key to success is to always place yourself in the customer's shoes and think about how they're feeling and what the best possible solution is when dealing with their issues and you're going to most likely get customers facing problems or issues and they'll let you know via email reply to your for example email sequence on amazon or your mini chat flow if you set that up or your social media and they might say they haven't received the product maybe it wasn't defective maybe it broke after some use or their first use so in that case just send them a new product via filament order on amazon just make it easy the key is to always understand the situation from your customer's point of view another question i get is how to deal with bad reviews look every single seller successful seller is going to inevitably get a bad review you will get your first one and just don't take it personally what you can do is you can actually reply uh to that bad review from your amazon buying account so remember there's two types of accounts to sell account a buying account so with your amazon buying account you can actually change the name of your amazon buying account to your brand name so we actually change it to broday support and then you can actually reply to the review from your buying account directing them to ask you a question on your seller account and so you can do that just be like hey you know we're so sorry you experienced this um you know please contact us by clicking ask a question um on the storefront that's what you can say and then in that case there that leaves you the opportunity it gives you the chance to actually help them out with their problem and make them happy because a happy customer will continue to spread your business like wildfire they're gonna be happy they're gonna be loyal for a long long time maybe for the rest of their life make sure you're checking your customer service and support email address regularly this is something that i recommend you do for your the first few months of your business and then once you've hit a significant amount of sales i would say at least a few thousand a month then you can think about hiring somebody to do this for you like a virtual assistant uh or someone similar so you made it to the end of the video wow you were able to listen to my voice for several hours i don't even know how long this was but i'm super happy that you did because you are part of the few people the few people that actually committed to changing their life and you know they've committed to starting an online business and today's time of opportunity and abundance and you are one of those people and you were able to actually focus and take notes you probably have like an entire notebook of notes at this point which you know the amount of knowledge that i dropped here is just absolutely insane and i want to leave you with some critically critically important steps for success like super super important don't go anywhere this is crucial to making sure that you succeed on amazon make sure this works for you and just ensuring your success all right the number one first tip is to take action take action take action take action take action take action if you're one of those people who actually watch this video you're part of the few who reach the end and they're serious and you know they're actually committed to changing their life the amount of people they're going to go on and build million dollar amazon businesses from this that are going to change their lives they're going to achieve financial freedom they're going to achieve location independence they're going to you know really transform their life on such a massive scale it's just crazy i'm not even talking about the people that are gonna go on and you know they're gonna just you know build five figure businesses six figure businesses right because there's gonna be so many people that will do this from this video and i want that to be you but the only way for that to be you is to take action take action as the famous saying goes rome wasn't built in a day and honestly that approach to business is so crucial to have because it's a marathon it's not a sprint whenever you are feeling a lack of motivation whenever you are feeling you know you're experiencing a roadblock or an obstacle just think about where you would have been if you started one year ago today what your life would have been like today what you would have been doing where you would have been living what kind of experiences you would have been able to have in your life okay just think about that because that is what pushed me in the hardest of hard times when i was starting this business when i got into e-commerce and since then e-commerce has been the number one best thing i've ever done in my life getting into entrepreneurship has been the absolute greatest adventure that i've ever pursued in my life and i am so so so happy that i am able to share this with you here and go along on this journey with you the next tip and this is so important is to not overthink things remember the main goal keep the main thing the main thing you are building a successful amazon fba business you set a goal whether that's 10 000 a month or 15 or 20 probably is 10 which is uh the goal that i set for myself just focus on the goal and as you're going through the next few days as you're going through the next few weeks and months just remember that goal and ask yourself what are the things i should be doing today that will take me to that goal and whenever you're just going about daily life through daily life you know ask yourself when you're doing certain things is this bringing me towards my goal of financial freedom and success don't give up a lot of people they get super excited after watching videos like this especially this video because you know i mean it's just life-changing knowledge here right and you might be excited you might be motivated but remember that motivation will always wear off and so that's when it's so crucially important to remember your why remember at the beginning of the video we set the why why are you doing all this why are you going through all this you know all this all this effort and all this time i put in blood sweat and serious to build this and i can tell you that the reward that i have had in my life has just been absolutely absolutely like i can i couldn't even i can't put into words how good it will be for you if you actually pursue this with all your heart and with all your soul and you put in the effort and you commit to this and you just see it through until the end one of my all-time favorite quotes is that you can never fail if you don't quit so just remember that every single day moving forward you can never fail if you don't quit i'm rooting for you i want you to be one of those people that messages me sends me a message comes back to this video leaves a comment in you know six months in eight months and a year and says wow this video was the beginning of this massive change for the rest of my life where i got into entrepreneurship and i achieved financial freedom and i achieved success and i built greatness for myself and my family unfortunately most people that watch this they're never going to go on to do anything because they're going to give up but don't be that person don't be that person i'm rooting for you i covered a lot of things in this video so if you don't understand some part like for example the product research or making your listing or ppc just rewind to that part it's better to just re-watch it the timestamp is all below for you there i neatly arranged it so that you can just you know go and watch it and it's easily accessible for you there now even though this video was super long and it was super in-depth there were a lot of parts that i just couldn't cover in this video simply because it's just too much for this youtube format right even though this is by far the absolute best amazon fba video on youtube you know there's still so much more to this amazon fba and success with amazon just like in anything it requires patience it requires courage it requires belief in yourself and most of all it requires the right steps and that is where mentorship comes in i've been mentoring students since 2017 in the first course that i ever released which was the amazon freedom course since then that course has turned into the world's number one amazon fba course and program we've had thousands of people achieve success transform their lives and myself along with my team of million dollar sellers you know people who have successful shopify brands people who are in the trenches and doing e-commerce every single day living and breathing it like i am we're all mentoring students in the econ freedom amazon fba course the number one best thing that you can do is get mentorship along this journey the number one best thing you can do is get advice in those times when you know you're feeling confused and overwhelmed and just being able to have someone hold your hand a million dollar seller someone who has been selling on amazon for several years and someone who has been through the entire journey from zero to success that is absolutely invaluable and the absolute best thing you can have along this journey right now we actually have a seven day free trial of the cal freedom amazon fba course where you can learn every single step every single step you need to build a successful amazon fba business now if you thought that this video was in depth wait until you see the free trial of the amazon fba program the link is down below to join you'll also get access to unlimited one-on-one mentorship where you're able to ask questions personally via private facebook and then you're also able to join our mentorship calls and you can come on and speak with me and get help with your amazon business we literally only get like 10 or 20 people that show up to those calls so if you want to speak to me it's the best way of doing that as opposed to a lot of other courses out there who like they release the course and they like disappear you know the mentors aren't there anymore i've actually been mentoring students on the calls in econ freedom i still do it uh since the very beginning for several years so the link is down below there's a seven day free trial you can join the price of the course will be going up to over two thousand dollars the reason why is we wanna attract a higher quality student so at the time of using this if the price has gone up already yet i highly recommend you take advantage link is down below seven day free trial you can join the course and see for yourself for free without paying a penny and then only when you're happy that's when the payment will be taken out there's also payment plans so it really made it accessible for all students since we founded the course we've had thousands of success stories in the conference amazon fba program i just posted a few interviews on my youtube channel so you can always check those out there's always student success interviews you can get inspired and you can hear our students stories for themselves because you know they're no different than you if you want to build a successful amazon fba business that will allow you to achieve freedom for life this is the absolute best investment that you can make recently i also just opened up the econ freedom vc which is the first venture capital firm in the world just for e-commerce brands we exclusively invest in e-commerce brands right now as we speak we're investing in our students brands those thousands of dollars anywhere from you know 1k 2k 5k 10k so if starting capital is a problem for you then you can actually apply to the conference vc as a student of the course and then you can actually get funding from us and then in exchange you will partner up as a brand of the econ freedom vc you will gain unlimited access with our entire team of successful sellers you know on amazon or on shopify and your chances of success are basically going to just skyrocket because you will literally have the help of the best ecommerce talent in the world available today i want to leave you with a few incredibly inspirational quotes it's impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all in which case you have failed by default jk rowling you can have anything you want if you want it badly enough you can be anything you want to be do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose abraham lincoln do the thing and you'll have the power and that was albert einstein thank you so much for watching this video subscribe to the channel for the absolute best ecommerce and entrepreneurship content also got my podcast down below which i am releasing episodes every single week three to four times a week on money achieving success freedom and abundance everything's to do with success and achieving freedom for yourself for your family and for life you can subscribe to the podcast down below thank you so much add me on instagram at danvest that's the best way to reach me i'm always answering people there you can follow me there i'm so so happy that you've been through this entire video with me here today and i'll see you next time have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 333,645
Rating: 4.9560256 out of 5
Keywords: amazon fba, amazon fba tutorial for beginners, amazon fba for beginners, amazon fba tutorial, how to sell on amazon fba, how to sell on amazon, selling on amazon, sell on amazon, how to sell on amazon fba for beginners, amazon complete course, amazon complete tutorial, amazon step by step for beginners, how to start amazon fba, ecommerce, ecom, amazon fba course
Id: M9eSGTylvhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 296min 3sec (17763 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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