[FREE COURSE] Google Shopping For Shopify Dropshipping Stores

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welcome to the official Google Shopping course for Shopify dropshipping stores this is going to be a long video but the value inside this video is going to be insane this is I've covered pretty much everything you said about Google shopping right from like creating a Google Shopping account all the way to product selection finding awesome products then actually advertising them and scaling your campaigns every single thing you need to know about Google shopping especially for beginners this course is going to be awesome but since this is a long course I've actually mentioned in the description several different timelines that you can refer to later you can watch the video as you want you can watch it in one go or you can watch it in parts and keep executing what I keep teaching this video is actually been in the planning and the works for almost a month now it's been a while so I'm super excited to finally release this I hope you find this helpful if you do let me know in the comment section below and without making you wait let us begin ready so let's officially begin the Google shopping free course for Shopify dropshipping stores now remember even though this says it's for Shopify dropshipping stores a lot of concepts can be applied to standard ecommerce stores if you're running a traditional branded e-commerce store if you're sourcing from local suppliers it cannot be applied to all sorts of e-commerce based situations not just Shopify dropshipping stores in fact if you're let's say you're running a Magento a WooCommerce dropshipping store or any kind of EECOM store you should be able to apply most of the concepts that I teach so pay attention to everything I have to say don't skip ahead and also make sure you're taking notes at every single step because I'm going to cover a lot of information here so let's start off with what's the big deal about google shopping ads well Google shopping ads are run through the Google ads interface it used to be called Google Adwords earlier they renamed it to Google ads now and it is a search oriented approach so what happens is when people search for a specific product on Google Google then shows related like shopping ads that match that keyword that was searched so there's a big difference between Facebook ads and Google becoming to that in just a bit but before we continue I want to show you some examples now because I'm based in India and because a lot of the training that I'll do for you guys will be for targeting United States so I've just opened up like a proxy here which I quit lets me browse Google here so let's search for a keyword it can be a product name keyword right it has to be searcher and so when people search for a specific product on Google specific product keywords on Google then the shopping results are shown for the browsers and the shoppers tactic click on and then buy from the stores so it is definitely powerful it does have a lot of promise so let's dive in with some examples the first thing I'm going to do is search for rose beer so Rose beer was a very hot kind of a product in January and February of 2019 it's basically a beer made of roses so I'm just going to type rose beer which was a hot product in January in February of 2019 so as you can see it just shows one result here the DI by a purple classic rose bear that's been advertised by flowered teddy bear and as you can see it says sponsored so these are the google shopping results it comes up sometimes on the right hand side it comes up sometimes on top of the search results right here and let's see if you click on shopping right here is going to show us more or if we click on more on Google's is going to show us more results for this particular keyword and these are all again these are all sponsored so as you can see flower teddy bear flower teddy bear qqi oh so these are all advertisers who are advertising on the Google Shopping platform the Google ads platform for Google Shopping and then you can see the results here so let's search for another keeper let's say people are searching for pillowcases and they want to buy pillowcases so if you just type in pillowcases right here now because I'm going to proxy so the things might not work like as it's supposed to so if you're actually in the US and you're trying this out you're probably going to see some results come up on top but in any case we can just click on the shopping tab that comes at the top and that's going to take us to all the shopping results that are for this particular keyword so as you can see Brooklyn and Walmart lands and ths 6 silk so these are all stores that are selling using Google Shopping ads so that's exactly what we want to do place our products inside these Google shop search results so that when people search for these products they can come to our store and then buy them so now here's the big question what's the difference between Facebook ads and Google Shopping ads now if you've been following my channel for a while you know that I talk a lot about Facebook ads I've been talking about it and showing you guys how to run Facebook ads for a long long time now now here's the thing I'm going to go through some objective analysis that I've done because I have been running Google Shopping ads I've also played around with Facebook ads quite a bit so I know the ups and downs and what are the differences between the two because these are both different platforms they do have some similarities and I'll be talking about each of these points one by one now the first difference you're going to notice is interests versus keywords with Facebook ads you are dealing with interests because you put in an interest or related interest and then what Facebook does it's got a database of people who match that particular interest and then it shows your ad to that particular database of people now when you target Google Shopping as you targeting specific keywords so what you're doing is the product that you add to the store that is exactly what's being imported inside your Google shopping ads feed and then that is exactly what's shown to people so when people search for particular product names then your ad is shown so what this means is when people are actively searching for a product keyword they either want like more information about it let's say they want to learn how it works or what it does or some more information or they want to buy that particular product and our goal is to target those buyers so that our conversion rates are pretty solid the other difference you're going to notice isn't ad creatives the coolest part about Google shopping ads is you don't need any ad creative it is an advantage as well as a disadvantage an advantage because you know you don't need to spend time money or effort into building like video ads or image ads or creatives that you need to do when you're running Facebook Ads when you're running Google Shopping ads all that comes up is your product image as well as the product title inside the Google Shopping add results so that that's what people see you're not actually building out a proper ad for it so that does save you some time now while this is an advantage the disadvantage is now these are the only three standout things inside the search results because let's say there are five results coming on Google Shopping results for a particular product all of them have pretty much the same image pretty much the same title pretty much the same price so then it's just a matter of who gets the click and who gets the sale but in terms of when you're doing an ad you can actually make it unique make your own ad creative so that you stand out and you can grab those sales of course an advantage as well as disadvantage in terms of ad creatives in terms of product selection now with Facebook Ads what you're looking for an impulse buys right because Facebook Ads is all about that social medium that social platform where people are scrolling people see something they like they see an ad that they like wow what did I just see I born this product and then they have that impulse buy and Google Shopping ads on the other hand is all about being on the right place at the right time because you want to make sure your ad is shown for the keyword that is like buyer intent keywords and then just get the sale close the sale let's talk about pricing because pricing is one key difference when it comes to running Facebook ads as well as Google ads now think about this with Facebook ads because people are just seeing your ad and then they're going over to your store so then they can actually buy the product and they either if it's a low ticket item they won't do some price analysis but on the Google Shopping search results you have five slots compete if I were sometimes in six slots you're competing for that price right because if the image is the same the title is the same so what you want is to be priced competitively so that your price your listing stands out so that you get the click and then close the sale now since pricing is such a big factor for GSA so I'm going to be dealing with all the price metrics inside this video in just a bit now let's bust some myths because when it comes to Facebook and Google shopping you know there's all sorts of comparisons that keep going on and I don't want you to be confused I want you to have the right approach in terms of dealing with Facebook as well as Google shopping ads now here's the thing there is a big myth going on which is the conversion rate myth and I've tested this I have seen a lot of other people who are running Google Shopping ads have seen their conversion rates and basically the thing is that what a lot of people say especially people who are actually selling courses on Google shopping as they like Google Shopping ads is them highest conversion rate ever now just think about it people are searching for a product keyword they land on your store because they are actually searching for their product so you're going to have a better conversion rate it doesn't work that way so I have actually tested this heavily and I've seen that in terms of conversion rates it just matters product to product day to day time to time but it's not like Google Shopping ad is going to deliver a better conversion rate then let's say you have a winner on Facebook because I've seen sometimes even like Facebook winners have a much higher conversion rate than Google shopping ads ever could now it just sounds good in theory that people are searching for a product and then then they're going to land on a page but because there are so many different product keywords there there's so many different searches so you actually end up wasting a lot of money on google shopping ads on a lot of different keywords as well I'm going to be telling you inside this video how to get rid of a lot of like bad keywords and stuff my goal is to make sure that you have the highest conversion rate with Google Shopping ad but listen don't confuse these two platforms like Facebook has a better conversion to Google has a better conversion rate it just matters of product to product needs to niche a lot of different factors and there is absolutely no guarantee that every single product on Google Shopping will have a better conversion rate than on FB it's just not true the other myth I want to bust is that Google Shopping ads is better than Facebook now listen both have their advantages and disadvantages are not bashing on any one of them now with Facebook ads as you know you have to test a lot of different products in order to find your winners is the same with Google Shopping ads now if you've seen some screenshots of some gurus showing that they have a 10 drawers but they will show you like the entirety of their account because a lot of people have to test a lot of different products and then find the winners is the same thing as with Facebook now the winner concept is slightly different when it comes to Google shopping and I'll be covering that in just a bit but what if to understand is like you need to have a good amount of testing budget for both Facebook ads as well as Google Ads it's not like Google Shopping ads is better than Facebook it's just a matter of preference the advantage that Facebook has has is the advantage of scale now think about it let's take the example of Rose Bear it wasn't rained for a couple of months but now the trend is dying down because Valentine's Day is over so the search is are going to decline so you can not get sales if you wanted to like you can get a limited amount of sales but let's say you wanted to scale you're getting less at 30 sales a day right now with the Rose Bay right with Google Shopping ads let's say you wanted to get 100 sales per day you probably won't be able to do it because even after all optimization let's even if you're ranked number one you're limited by the number of searches that that particular keyword gets and if the searches are on a decline less number of people are searching for it so your ad will be shown less and less number of people having to buy this let's say you have a problem solving product with Facebook Ads that can be targeted broadly to a lot of different people so you can just scale it to the moon and we have seen a lot of people do it I've been doing it myself for a long long time so scalability is not an issue with Facebook ads but with Google you're restricted by the number of people are searching for those particular product keywords but in terms of scale what you can do with Google shopping which is an added advantage is that you can add a lot of different products and you can have a lot of different winners which I'll be covering in just a bit now here's the important part pricing now as I mentioned earlier you need to be competitive you need to be relevant because this is not Facebook shoppers can see your price along with other stores on that very same page let's say there are five stores coming up for a particular search result on Google you can see the price for all of those stores and then it's just a matter of getting the click and whoever is priced like competitively it's not like you have to be the lowest price out of all of them if even if you have like a mid tier price even if you're priced competitively along with the competition you should be good because what you're looking for is hitting that sweet spot now I have a pricing formula that I call the price validation model and it's going to come in handy when you're doing your product research for Google Shopping ads because remember the strategies are going to be different for Facebook as well as Google Shopping ads the product selection criteria is widely widely different so here's the price validation model I'm going to give you an example right now and when we are actually doing product research I'm going to show you exactly how this plays out consider the four percent conversion rate I'm being very generous with this some products have 2% some have 1% some have 6% let's just consider a four percent conversion rate and what you need to do is get a as per click from the Google Keyword planner if you don't about the Google Keyword planner is just put Google Keyword planner inside Google you'll come to that tool so it basically you put in a keyword inside the Google Keyword planner it shows you the average cost per click that generally people are paying and that gives you the CPC the cost per click and what you but the model follows is that your price needs to be 25% higher than the total cost now how do you calculate the total cost in terms of forty cent cost per let's say for example there's a 40 cent cost per click so you're basically spending ten dollars for 25 visitors and because one out of 25 people are buying four percent conversion rate so you have one sale that comes after spending ten dollars on ads now let's say you're sourcing cost for that same product is $10 or it can be sourced from either a Chinese supplier a US supply anywhere you're sourcing for I'm just calculating the cost now this cost has to be the sourcing cost plus the shipping cost to the customer so whatever you're sourcing plus shipping cost is whatever is coming out of your pocket to fulfill the order that is the sourcing cost so let's say that's $10 and then what you have to do is add both of them so the total cost is of course sourcing cost as well as the google shopping ads cost which comes out to $20 so your product price has to be at least 25 percent higher than that because listen you want to make a little bit of margin so your product price has to a minimum of 25 dollars so when you're doing your product research if a product does not meet this price validation criteria let's say all the other listings or for that same product are let's say $15 or $20 you shouldn't advertise that product they've either figured out like a top-tier supplier or they're dealing with volume or they're doing something else so they can get the product source for cheap or they're paying very little will for Google Shopping ads so they're doing something really really right in order to get that low pricing and still be profitable but because we're looking at a generic example because we're looking from a holistic overview we need to make sure that we're at least in profit if all the other products on the search results are like $28 $23 $22 $29 so then you can hit that sweet spot with the 20 five dollar price point and then add that product to your Google Shopping field now let's look at a broader outlook of how the Google Shopping adds thing actually plays out now remember as I told you earlier you're looking for multiple winners you're not looking for that one Golden Goose one blockbuster winner as you were with Facebook Ads what you're looking for in Google Shopping ads is finding multiple winners that are small winners for you that keep getting profitable sales daily one or two sales three or four sales and hopefully hopefully getting that one big winner so this is a big strategy difference in terms of thinking about Facebook ads and then thinking about Google Shopping ads you should not expect to find like a one blockbuster winner that is not your goal your goal is to find multiple small and decent winners and hopefully one big blockbuster winner especially if you like ride the trend and which brings me through like Google Shopping as is a lot train based if you want that blockbuster winner how do you find it if you write a trend wave so if you add a product keyword into Google Trends you'll see the trend chart coming up if you write the wave of a trend when it's going up let's say the trend is going up and you enter at the you know somewhere bottom there so you'll be able to actually capture all these visitors all these searches especially if there's low competition and high trend going on so then you might have a blockbuster winner on your hand so try to find products that are either trending right now or a less competitive with limited searches so let's say there's a product that gets 50,000 searches and it's highly in trend so and there's less competition that's awesome but even if you have a product that has like thousand searches per month but it can still be profitable for you because let's say the competition is lesser or they're not many people actively advertising that particular product so you can actually capture that audience also and start getting those one two sales three sales per day so there are a lot of different things when it comes to like Google Shopping ads like how your ad is shown to people and I'm going to be talking about all these ranking factors so whatever you think about is SEO if you don't know what SEO is search engine optimization where you optimize your website to get better ranking the search results organically so when people search for results is not the paid part of the results but the organic part of results the free traffic so think SEO because Google is primarily a search oriented company so if your product page is keyword optimized so whatever your product keyword is let's say the rose bear so if you have like rose bed inside the title your your product page has rose bear and all the related keywords along with rose bear inside the description inside tags your meta title description your images have alt tags in them all of them with that particular keyword I will be dealing don't if you're getting confused right now don't worry about it I'll be dealing with all of these complex terms in just a bit but basically as you remember like Facebook Ads is all about engagement right that's the that's the bidding factor here so if your ad gets a lot of engagement a lot of comments a lot of shares so your ad costs start to go down your CPM start to go down so you are able to make it big with Facebook ads but because Google Shopping does not give you that added advantage of having a creative the only creative you have is the product image so either your product image or title or price really stands out so that you get more clicks and lower cost per clicks so what you need to remember is Google Shopping ads is all about optimizing your title your description your images everything when and your price when it comes to getting that listing the best possible so that you capture most of the clicks there so that you can get a lower cost per clicks and better position in the Google shopping results because let's say there are hundred people who are advertising for a particular product name who's to say what what ranking you're going to get so your goal should be to optimize your feed to optimize your product page so that when it lands up on Google it has that shiny top three position in the Google Shopping result so that you capture a lot of clicks at a lower cost per click in the latter part of the video I am going to be covering optimization in extreme detail so this is going to be the holy grail portion of the video where I'm going to teach you about product research do not underestimate this portion we have actually taken a lot of time to come up with our own strategy for this and I'm going to call this the BACtrack method this one method that I'm going to teach you is all that you need to do awesome product research this is of course a combination of a lot of different factors and I've tried to make it in a way that everybody can actually do follow along with this product research method and find like consistently new and new products to advertise using Google Shopping everyday right so what is the BACtrack method all about well core essence of it is to basically start with a one product keyword and I start with at least one product that you think is going to be advertised in Google Shopping ads that might be a drop shipping kind of a product then what you have to do is find drop shipping stores in Google Shopping ads so you'll basically put that keyword inside Google if you are not from the US then you are going to you know use a proxy and then search and then you want to find drop shipping stores from the list of shopping results that actually come up then what you have to do is you go to find out more and more products that those other stores are advertising and then what you're going to do is you know check Google Trends for that product you're going to check the Google Keyword planner for seeing the number of searches it needs to have at least one thousand searches per month right we don't care if we are not looking for products that are getting like 1 million searches a month even if a product only has like thousand searches a month it's still decent enough volume to get a few sales every month and hey as I told you this concept is about finding multiple small winners and hopefully a few decent and blockbuster winners so what you have to do is then use the keyword planner the Google Keyword planner to see how many search is it gets because that is the most accurate one out there you might use you know keywords anywhere or other extensions but those are very little data and what I've seen is that when you use the Google Keyword planner you get the updated results updated searches what a keyword is actually getting and then of course you want to try out the price validation model that I just explained a while ago so you want to try it out if it actually fits if you can sell the product price competitively in the marketplace then you can be selected then what you're going to do is then find more keywords from the stores that you just found so basically because you found two other dropshipping stores so what is going to do is then try to find out what other products those stores that are already advertising on Google shopping are actually selling with Google Shopping like not just one product right they might be selling 50 different products so our goal is to find out those prod especially their top products so how does all of this play out so let me just tell you a few ideas and how you can actually get started with this entire method now remember I know a lot of you guys are going to be out there hunting for like you know the best selling items or the you know most trending items so for that of course you want to leverage like Amazon bestsellers so if you go to Amazon just search for Amazon bestsellers inside Google and then you're going to see this page come up now you can of course go into any category is going to show you the bestsellers of that category you can even go to Movers & Shakers these are the products that have actually moved up quite a lot so they are actually trending according to Amazon so that is also pretty insane so you can go inside any category let's go inside let's say office products and we are going to see all the movers and shakers so this chair of was is now number one it is sales like is 307 previously it was unranked right so you see that all of these stamps are getting suddenly are selling quite a bit this this foot rest this seems like one of those drop shipping products out there so it was 835 but now it is 185 so this might be actually getting some traction so you go inside all of these categories check out the movers and shakers also check out the best sellers inside each category you can even check out the most wished for so what this does is it starts giving you a lot of ideas because there are a lot of products out there guys now this is not like Facebook like you know if a product is trending if it is an impulse buy or something like that Google Shopping is much different you're not really looking for impulse buys people are already searching for that product right so you want to actually get in the trend so now there are lot of ideas out there and then of course you want to go into Aliexpress and try to find other best selling products from there so you go inside like any category let's let's so you can set any category let's say again let's go to toys or your toys and hobbies so then we let us look at you know some of the most some of the top items that are coming in right now because what Aliexpress does is is it automatically recommends like the items that you are most likely to purchase so it automatically picks up like the most trending products out there there is selling quite a bit because of course they want you to make that purchase I can going back to the rabbit-hole method that it explained earlier so you get to find some new ideas from here right like this is like this Barbie doll is of course advertise bodies but this seems interesting this is like a baseplate for small bricks quite got quite a lot of orders as well so then what you want to do is when you have got like one product that you have actually found out that you want to try out so for example let's that that foot thing that I saw earlier let me just try that out let me go to Movers & Shakers let me go to office products and it was this product right it's a portable travel footrest okay so let's try and figure out what the number of searches for this product is so the way I do that is I go inside the Google Keyword planner and here what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to sketch search volume and forecast I'm going to do portable travel foot rest portable foot rest I think that's the easier keyboard foot rest okay get started all right so you see here what this shows me is that in India I don't want to search India man the United States baby United States nobody buying portable foot rest in India alright so here we go so we have United States selected here search Network is Google and then you have got all languages selected if you want to do of course that's fine so you can get 20 clicks for twenty-five dollars so you see it this figure is the most important here because even the portable foot rest shows like a volume of 110 this is not the most accurate the most accurate one is this one like the number of impressions this kind of you know product is supposed to get this is your for forecast basically right so what you can do is actually you can group a lot more other keywords right so you can so you can actually add a lot more other keywords so here let's do travel foot rest I might be actually going because I never searched for this product just carry on foot rest so let me just type that on as well carry on foot rest so basically what I am doing is I am going to try out all these keywords so now what I've got is 930 impressions that are coming decent-enough thousand impressions that the the the amount it only was like thousand so that's good enough it does meet our criteria right there but it does not end here all right this is where actually things start to begin for us because our goal is to not find one one product at a time we want to hit the Holy Grail because we want to find other dropshipping stores that are selling this product and then trying to find out what other products they are selling because that is going to be awesome because if somebody is actually advertising a product on Google Shopping then you know it might be it's working for them all right so that's our go that's that's what you want to find out so how does it all play out when what we'll do is that let me just take this keyboard travel foot race rate this is a travel foot rest let's do this search I found it I found it so you've got 1373 1193 so one thing I already like there is something that I believe is going to be a problem so let's do travel foot rest the pricing might be a problem because Amazon is already searching for such a little amount all right so this is costing us five dollars 41 cents including a packet not bad so we can actually price it for like 12 bucks week out 13 bucks we can be competitive with what Amazon is showing us you also have like the Walmart here with with almost 12 bucks so even if you do like 12 13 dollars I think it should be a competitive slot here but I've always will not look at you know Amazon and Walmart our goal is to find out other dropshippers who are selling this same product right so let me just check this or you know how do I get to know like whether a product is being sold by a dropshipping store or not generally the name gives it away right you can of course open up each of these links so whenever this something comes up so let's say this beer stock so basically what I'm doing is I'm grabbing the link from this and then I'm going to basically then put it inside here I'm going to remove all of this make it like this so there we go this is beer sorter coming up and this definitely seems like one of the dropshipping stores even though this is a clean store but doesn't seem like you know it is like a branded store because they're using like the basic theme here and yep this does seem like a store that is drop shipping right now because it's basically an assortment of all the early experience products out there so now that we found out this store right so our goal is to find out what other products are they advertising so the way I like to do that is using three tools and I'm going to show you right now so you've got similar where we have got SEM rush and you have got spyfu so these are three tools a similar web is actually a free tool out there so you can go to similar web comm you can paste in the URL of a particular store and then it's going to come up now sometimes it does not have any data because this might be actually a pretty new store so it does not have any data to show you so let me just follow this same approach and try to find some other stores based off of this searching method the other way to find the products is something that I've already talked about so many times and that is the Facebook searches 2.0 method so I'm inside my screen right here I'll just type in 50% of free shipping so right now I see things like Omega projector right so this is a pocket projector then you have this product going around I think this is the flawless one or something so anyways this is a brow love so you get a lot of options to see here so let's just try out this particular product here what is this so this is the I believe this is the that epilator the the flawless thing hold on eyebrow epilator alright so let's just try this out right so we're going to put this eyebrow epilator inside inside here so we're going to edit this there's another way of actually playing around with the keyword tool right here so you go inside keyword ideas and then type in the keyword you want to type in and then as you see here what I've done is I've actually only shown closely related ideas here so these are actually very very closely related to the keyword I just typed in and you see here we have again over a thousand searches here so these are very closely related ideas so this is actually on the rise also so this actually might be a pretty good pretty good product to go after so then what I want to do is then try it out inside you guessed it inside Google so then I'm to go here again I'm the piston I bro AP later ok so then this is going to show up already so you see here you have got finishing touch flawless a brow epilator electric hybrid trimmer stick and you know this is the flawless epilator so this is actually something that was that has been selling for quite a while now so if we go inside Google Trends also we can actually see flawless HP later they peel later let's just search for this and let's see what happens here you see here it's actually on the rise it's actually something that is picking up right now and I believe if we go inside our keyword ideas here let's type in a flawless epilator Oh interesting so even this is this is a decent amount of searches here alright so now what we will do is go inside hi bro epilator right here and then I'm going to try and figure out what you know what sort of products are selling here what sort of drop shipping stores are out there so this again seems one Beauty bio does seem like a drop shipping store at this project level online store smile stuffs is one hundred percent or drop shipping store just looking at the names you are able to figure out like let's just type in smile stuffs so this is again you know again a drop shipping store out there so let's just grab this this link right here let me go inside similar web again let me type this again and then let's see what comes up and a boom so they do have some data on this but it is actually not enough data right so this is basically to find out what other products are out there so this is again top hat er so let's try out top hat er by making sure this is also a drop shipping store top hat er alright exclusive no deals yep this this does seem like a like a store that sells pretty much everything so let me just put this inside our similar web app and boom top-hatted calm but they also have like apps right so this is actually a pretty popular website so this is not the kind of website we're looking for we're looking for other dropshippers or selling similar items so let's just try out one Beauty bio all right let me just search for this okay one Beauty bio.com okay so I'm going to put this inside our similar web again to see what comes up one Beauty bio.com and again it does not have any data so I actually found out I just scrolled slightly to the bottom here and I saw a rainbow Prime I saw all hail Express I see rainbow Prime again pink pocket so I see a lot of drop shipping stores out there so I just put inside all hail express.com inside similar web here and you see what comes up so they do have search data if you scroll down to the bottom to search you're going to see 64 496 are paid keywords now this is the most powerful thing that I wanted to show you guys about similar web that Veni actually put inside a store that similar web has data for it's going to show you all the other keywords that are advertising for and that my dear friends is where the fun begins so suddenly you're going to find a lot of other products that are actually being sold by this particular store on Google Shopping and then you again go down the rabbit hole so this my dear friends is the backtrack method just to show you so this is the sleep apnea cleaning machines okay so this is something that they spend 32 percent of their traffic from paid comes from this and they're also best lighters for me so anyways let's go for sleep apnea cleaning machines and suddenly so let me just open up this sleep apnea cleaning machines let's do this seems like a high ticket item sleep apnea cleaning machines you would have never thought of this product if you're just you know searching on Google or or you know just doing the Amazon bestsellers or something like this is something that you would only find out it is in the backtrack so now suddenly we find ourselves with a lot of products similar looking products being advertised and this does seem like you know this is we are going to find a lot of like drop shipping stores also from here you know we exist a matter like bunny tags and whatnot so it's just a matter of like going through the listings that come up inside these search results putting them inside similar web finding out their other keywords also and then you have a list of a lot of different keywords a lot of different products that are actually being sold on google shopping by other dropshippers now and this is super duper powerful just hit that like button below if you found that powerful so this was the backtrack method and I've actually followed the backtrack method and finalized my list of products for my store that I'm going to use for advertising on Google Shopping just for this video I'm going to be showing you every single thing straight up from launching a campaign or to you know managing the campaign showing you the inner stats mani you know scaling up a campaign showing every single thing inside this video so keep paying attention so it's finally time to set up a Shopify store with Google shopping ads now there are several steps you need to take and I'm going to go over these one by one and I'm going to show you exactly how everything is done so that you can follow along because my goal with this course is to make sure that you can follow along and implement whatever I'm teaching you so that you can start running Google Shopping ads the right way in your business so let's start off with Google Analytics so you have to first off set up a Google Analytics account if you don't have one just log in using your Gmail or any other Google account and then you can go to Google Analytics and then create a property I'm going to create a property for this store of mine and I'm going to just call it a stamp alright and the website URL is going to be this industry category is going to be shopping the time reporting can be United States the time zone can be Los Angeles time so as you can see my tracking ID has been generated I have the global site tag available right here I'm going to copy all of this and then go inside my back-end of my store go inside preferences where I'm going to paste in the Google Analytics account code click on save and then it's going to grab the analytics ID as you can see it has grabbed it and we are also going to click use enhanced commerce and click on save just make sure you go inside data collection right here and make sure you checked on remarketing and advertising reporting features the next step is to sign up for Google Ads in order to sign up for Google Ads just go to add store google.com you'll come up with this page click on start now and sign up for a Google Ads account if you don't have a Google account you can create a new account if you already have a Google account you can use your existing account sign in to your account and then you'll be able to launch your new ads account we'll be using this particular ad account that you create for our Google Shopping ads now it's not just about signing for a Google Ads account what you also need is a Merchant Center account and to link both your Merchant Center account along with your Google Ads account so let me show you how this is done alright so I just went to merchants store google calm and it's asking me to sign in I'm just going to create an account right now to manage my business I'm going to call this vow stamp now to give the email address that's our support at bow stamp com going to give it a strong password click on next and then I'm going to verify this email address I just went through a phone verification process I'm going to agree on the privacy and Terms and that's pretty much it my Google account has been created and I'm going to use that to create my Merchant Center account and as you can see I'm logged in with my supported Boston email address I'm going to use this to build out my business I filled out some basic information I'm going to click on continue going to agree to the terms and conditions and now we have to verify your website with Google so in order to do that in order to verify our website what we need to do is just paste in a slight tag so since we are hosted on a Shopify store so we can't actually upload this HTML right now but what we can do is add HTML tag to our store so just copy this entire thing right here go to your online store click on actions edit code and now it's going to take us to the theme editor where we can paste in the code we click on theme that liquid every theme should have this and just before the head tag ends which I'm going to show you right now so this is where the head tag ends and just above that I'm going to paste in this meta tag that I just copied and click on save and that's pretty much it now click on verify URL it's going to actually verify whether the tab was actually installed on my store and as you can see it is now verified and claimed I'm looking to finish this process so that I am taken inside the Merchant Center now let's fill in some business information just click on business information tab on the left hand side click on about your business and here inside customer service contact just enter your URL for the store as well as your support email address and then make sure you save the changes so now that I've done that I'm going to go inside home and this is the dashboard so let me as refresh because still says verify and claim your website URL that has already been done as you can see it's pretty much done here now before you start importing products to your Google Merchant Center what you need to do is click on shipping so that you can set up a shipping zone so we're going to click on add inside shipping services and here we're going to give this the name free shipping and we want to select we're going to just call this free shipping USA the service area is going to be United States and here the currency will be USD there is no order cut off time handling time takes anywhere between two to five days and the transit time takes anywhere between 10 to 20 days so these are like standard tea packet shipping times if you have faster shipping times of faster processing times you can make sure to enter that if you click on advanced settings we don't have any minimum order value the holiday shipping cutoff again we don't need to deal with this but this is the important part here shipping rates so if we click on plus here we can actually set up a shipping rate we want to create a single rate for all orders and this is going to be a fixed rate of zero point zero zero that's pretty much it all orders have free shipping now let's click on continue now that you've saved the shipping rate you see a free shipping USA we have one shipping rate which is all products and it is basically free shipping the currencies USD and the service area is United States if you want to advertise in other countries apart from USA you want to click on this plus icon so that you can add that service area let's say you want to advertise in Finland so you click on add add the country finland add a shipping rate and save it so that Google knows what's your shipping rate inside Finland so once that is done we have to make sure our products are prepared for GSA so what does this mean you want to make sure all your titles your images your product you are in your descriptions all of them are set up the right way so that they have the keywords inside them that you want to target and all of those keywords you've probably already determined from the product research phase so once you've done your product research you know your keywords you want to make sure those are prevalent inside your product page once your products are all set now we move onto the next step which is installing the Google Shopping app now in order to install the Google Shopping app we go inside apps and we click on visit Shopify app store let's search for Google Shopping and there we go so the app that I'm going to recommend is this one it's not the official Google Shopping app that's available from Shopify what we want is this one Google Shopping feed which is got a 21 day free trial and this is by simplices info media this is again an Indian company and they these guys are doing a pretty fantastic job with this google shopping app because it's full of features they were pretty affordable pricing they have a 21 day free trial and up to five products is completely free up to fifty products you have 2.99 dollars per month up to 500 products a 4.99 dollars per month it's pretty awesome or what reasonable pricing they offer and they basically update your feed this submit it to the Merchant Center and they keep auto updating based on the new products that you had it is Auto submitted to the Merchant Center pretty awesome its automated makes your life a lot easier so let's click on this ad app button here and add this app to our store let me click on install app and boom bada bing bada boom it's done so it's going to take me to the dashboard of the Google Shopping feed Shopify app now in order to use this app I need to be logged into the account with which my Merchant Center is associated so the Google Shopping feed app wants to access my account who is going to manage my AdWords campaigns manage my product listings and accounts for Google Shopping and all of the good stuff so I'm going to click allow so that it is access to upload the feed directly onto the Merchant Center so there we go I'm gonna choose the Merchant Center ID that's associated with my account here and then click confirm your account that's pretty much it is going to verify whether the domain is active inside the Google Merchant Center is going to do its own thing domain has been verified and Noyce verifying shipping information in Google Merchant Center pretty much it so it says success Google Merchant Center has been connected successfully please follow the integration process which allows you to define your feed optimization settings as you can see it's pulled in a lot of my information here now I'm going to click on next step to configure and integrate my feed with the Merchant Center when the first step we want to sync settings from Shopify now in order to understand this you leave on all the default settings but there are a few settings you need to change the first is variant inclusion options you want to make sure all variants are selected and you want to make sure the inventory management is set to all and then move on to the default settings we're able to select a product category if you have a niche store then you want to select the niche that appropriately applies to this categories here but generally home-and-garden should actually apply to most of the stores available especially let's say you have a general store the age group we don't need to do that no gender should be selected identifier management will be submit brand name sko and GTI and then click on the next step you can leave these Google Sync settings on by default for Google Sync settings you can have the sale price with price that is enabled you can have the UTM tags in URL enabled and the product ID format will be the global format which is the most common for google shopping inside being sync settings we don't want to use the Bing Merchant Center for now so we can just skip on this now we are ready to sink our products we have total 35 products that will be synced right now so let's click on sync and that's pretty much it now as you can see they mentioned noted if you're submitting products for the first time please wait for around 10 hours after this process is complete to start appearing products on the go on Google Bing or Facebook normally takes 4 hours but sometimes it may take up to 10 hours so they're currently syncing products from Shopify so based on the total products this time may increase so they're continuing their process in the background we don't have to worry about it we just leave this on they're going to handle syncing our products off from a Shopify store with the Google Merchant Center so that all our products are submitted inside Google Merchant Center and then once it is approved then we can actually start running our ads as well now the approval time generally takes between a few hours sometimes I've even noticed it takes one or two days to get approved but once your products are approved then your ads will start running for those particular products now after doing all of this finally the most important step is left we are going to install the conversion pixel now as with Facebook ads Google also has a pixel that lets it track what sales are happening what visitors are coming let's Yuri target people based on the people that landed on a page and took specific actions a lot of different cool things and it also shows you the conversion values when people actually checkout so it's going to be slightly technical but I need you to pay attention to this part because it's very very important so the first time ever welcome to the AdWords interface so once you've signed up for your Google Ads account you need to land on your dashboard here what we need to do is click on Tools and then go to conversions so here we go see how Google Ads helps you achieve your goal so we click on plus so now we're going to create a conversion event we're going to have a website convergence right now now the category of the conversion is going to be purchased the conversion name is going to be let's say double us purchase it can be anything you can just call it purchase or whatever name you want to give it it's just for your reference now value is going to be a different value for each conversion right we don't want a default value we just want a different value for each conversion because it's going to depend on what product we bought at what price point the next what you want to do is make sure the count is every conversion window is going to be 30 days now conversion window is the time period after a person has taken action on your ad so by default it is 30 days now we can just leave it at 30 days right now you through conversion window can be 1 day including conversions yes attribution model is again a very tricky kind of a topic some people like to leave it at last click wishes if the sale came from the last click then all of the credit goes to that particular ad you could also do linear where let's say a person had to go through seven different clicks of your ad in order to actually forget the purchase so all of them are given like an equal preference there's also a time decay where the first click has the lowest attribution the last click has the major attribution so let's say a purchase happened off a twenty dollar attribution and a person had to go through like four clicks so in this time decay what would happen would be the last click that happen before they made the purchase would get the largest chunk of attribution so out of $20 it will probably get like $10 or so and then it will just keep reducing for every previous click so when you look at data so let's say they had to go through three different ads three different campaigns so the attribution would be evenly spread out but it just makes things a little bit more complicated in order to keep things simple let's just keep it at last click so that the last click they do before they make the purchase that is given the entire attribution let's click on save and continue and that's pretty much it now we want to install the tag the conversion code has been created so we want to install the tag ourselves so what we want to do is the install the global site tab first of all so we're going to first off copy this entire thing go inside our settings and then checkout and then inside the checkout settings if you scroll down below you have additional scripts that's where you need to paste this entire thing here so into paste this entire thing but wait there are two other lines that you need to paste the first is this one if first time accessed and the second is this one and if so we're creating a if else condition which if the person is accessing that checkout page for the first time in that session so only then the tag should run but otherwise what's going to happen is let's say the visit the purchase Thank You page and then they refresh the page they refresh it again so it's going to keep tracking all of those sales even though you're not actually making any money and hamper all your data so you want to make sure your data is accurate so for that we paste this thing I'm going to leave this entire code in the description below so that you can actually copy and paste and swipe off of it now we are not just done yet because we need to go inside the events lipid here is going to come up on page load and we're going to copy this entire snippet code and paste it right here just above the end if now even here you have to make some changes you see here value is $1 or currencies USD in transaction ID is blank what we need to do is change all of this so that all of the data is captured accurately by Adwords so we're going to paste this entire thing here value is the subtotal price money without currency currency is going to be the shop currency which is of course USD transaction ID is the order number so Shopify is going to take all of these variables and put it inside this tag and send it over to Google whenever a purchase happens so this keeps all your data reporting accurate inside your Google Ads account so that you have a better idea of how your business is truly performing so again I'm going to leave this entire code down below so that you can just change whatever variables you need to change so that you have the code set up the right way once you're done just click on save and then you can click on next right here and that's pretty much it so your conversion action is now set inside Google Ads it's also set up inside your Shopify store and both of those are not connected now this is of course our tracking status is unverified because no purchase has come in yet once purchases start to come in then is going to be verified and now let's come to the juicy part how to actually run these Google Shopping ads now I'm going to divide this entire store into three phases now these are three simple phases it does take a little while to actually get a grasp of things so you want to make sure you're paying attention to my voice and what I'm showing you so the three phases are testing optimizing and scaling so we start off with testing and this is going to be something we're going to do right now now inside testing there are two circles one is a IO and one is B BC I'll explain both of these to you in just a bit in optimizing you want to exclude negative hands and change and finally in scaling you want to launch SPC as well as IAT so what do these all mean I know you're getting confused right now don't worry as this video progresses every single thing is going to become clearer so let's move on to the phase one which is testing and inside phase one what you want to do is create an AI your campaign which is going to be an all-in-one campaign so what this basically means is all your products are going to go inside one campaign and this is going to be a testing campaign which lets us figure out what a small decent and blockbuster winners are for Google Shopping ads now this is the campaign that will continuously keep on running and what you want to do is you want to keep excluding products from this the ones that are not performing at are not profitable for you and you want to keep adding new products to this so the way this works is because your campaign is synced with the Google Shopping feed so whenever you add new products they're automatically going to come inside this campaign so all of that happens automatically and you'll have more data as you keep spending more money so it's an automated process pretty awesome so let's get cracking and let me explain you how this AIO campaign is actually set up so let's go inside our Google Ads account again and I'm going to click on the campaign's tab right now so now I'm inside the campaign stay as you can see this is like there is no activity on this is a fresh new ad account I just set this up right now all time if even if you do this this was just set up today so I'm going to click on plus and I'm going to create a new campaign and the goal of this campaign is going to be sales and how are we going to get sales inside the campaign type we're going to select shopping and now as you can see there are no linked accounts and why is that because the Merchant Center has not been linked to our Google Ads account so let's correct that right so we are inside a Google ads dashboard if I go inside the campaign's tab you'll see here that we haven't run any campaign whatsoever this is absolutely fresh account all time data this was just created today now before we run any campaigns the first thing we need to do is link a Merchant Center account with our Google Ads account in order to do that we go inside Google Merchant Center click on these three little bars that come up click on account linking and from here as you can see it has picked up the Google Ads customer ID we want to make sure we click on the link icon so that it's linked and there we go it has been linked now we can go inside a Google Ads dashboard click inside tools click on linked accounts and then scroll down to Google Merchant Center click on details and as you can see the Merchant Center account is showing as linked we can actually unlink this right now but we don't want to do that so that's pretty much it let's go to our dashboard and we are now ready to start creating our first all-in-one campaign so let's click on + click on new campaign and then the objective is going to be sales and the campaign type is going to be shopping from here it's picked up at Google merchant account and the country is going to be United States for now you can of course create new campaigns targeting different countries as long as you have the shipping settings set inside the Merchant Center so it's not going to be a smart shopping campaign right now we're going to come to that in the scaling part we want to start off with a standard shopping campaign let's click on continue for the campaign name I'm just going to call this a I owe us that's pretty much it now this is the important part here now let's go through each of these settings one by one inside inventory filter we want to set up no filter we want to advertise all products we don't want any local products no campaign URL options now this is the important part bidding strategy what's going to be a bidding strategy now as you can see there are primarily four types of breeding bidding strategies manual CPC is when you give a manual cost per click to Google Google will not bid higher than that amount to show your ad and hand CPC is when Google enhances your cost per click based on the intent of the searcher so if Google things that a person searching a particular keyword is more likely to buy then it's going to adjust the bid right we don't want to start off with enhance CPC right now all we want is maximize clicks we won't even do target OS because Google does not have any data right now when Google starts getting data about our products our winners our sales then we can move on to things like enhance CPC as well as target OS for now we just want to maximize our clicks so that we get as much clicks as possible so we want No Limit set up on the CPC bid limit here and then we want to keep a budget around this is important what you want to do is make sure your budget is a minimum of $2 per product in our case because we have about 35 products being added to the to this feed right now so we want to make sure our budget is 70 bucks that's a minimum you're going to go with if you're starting out with ten products your budget is going to be twenty dollars so here we go $20 budget has been set up delivery method is going to be standard campaign priority comes in importance when we are running multiple campaigns for the same product so let's say we have another campaign with the same product is being advertised so then we want to set up a campaign priority which will tell Google which ad from which campaign needs to be served at which priority so we want to keep this at low for now the all-in-one campaign is going to be the lowest priority the network's is going to include the search Network the devices will be selected all by default our location is the United States the start and end dates are default let's click on save and continue and here we are not going to do showcase shopping we're just going to do product shopping we're just going to call the ad group AIO and that's pretty much it let's click on save there you go the product group has been created it has all products now this product group doesn't have any submitted products because the Merchant Center is still syncing up with the Google Shopping field now once the Google Shopping field and Merchant Center are in sync once the products are submitted and approved they're going to come up inside all products and then our ads are going to be shown wasn't this easy now remember this is a step by step approach so you don't want to miss anything if you have missed out any part that I've taught before you can of course rewind go back and then start following as I explained it's now been 12 days since I launched my first AIO campaign and submitted my products to booth the Google Shopping feed to the Google Merchant Center but a lot has happened in this past 12 days so let's get started the first thing that's very important is dealing with products not getting approved inside the Merchant Center which is a common problem that a lot of people face even I face that issue as you can see right here a lot of my products in fact all of my products were pending for several days I launched it on March 26th it was pending update April 1st which was over four or five days that these products were pending so how did I get these approved because as you see right here on April 1st these did get approved so I didn't get my products approved well I got a live chat with them because another thing happened my Merchant Center account actually got suspended so if that has happened with you or if you face that issue in the future there is one thing you need to do in order to make sure that you don't face suspension what google recommends is that you need to have two out of these three things inside your website the first is your phone number the second is your email address and the third is the physical business address so you need to have at least two out of these three listed on your store so it needs to be public it needs to be on the contact page maybe your header or footer so what I've done is I actually got myself a phone number from grasshopper comm set up a sort of custom voicemail message that basically says whoever calls that phone number it's busy like if you need any help or need any help regarding your tracking or regarding the products just send us an email to support at domain.com right that's basically what it says so when she launched that phone number I added it to the header and footer of the store then got on a live chat with them regarding the suspension that had happened on my Merchant Center account they looked at the account they activated then what I did I actually got on a call with them and then I told them that my products were pending for more than three business days what Google says is that it needs at least three business days in order to approve your Merchant Center products so if it's been over three business days and your products are still not approved you want to get on a phone call with them so how do you do that well you go inside the Merchant Center account and then you click on help right here and then as you can see these help articles come up and they also have the contactors options which as phone live-chat is not active right now but maybe it'll be active in a bid but basically you can contact them get on a call with them explain to them what's your store all about and then they're going to just put you on hold for a while they're going to check out what's happened within a few hours my products got approved I hope yours do too so now I'm going to talk to you about what actually happened inside the ads that I ran so as you see right here this is the test campaign that I'd run and this is the all-in-one ad group inside here you'll see a lot of subdivisions made now what are these all about I'll explain that in a bit but what Google Shopping is all about is looking at data looking at numbers and taking decisions that matter and that make your business profitable it's a lot about excluding bad keywords excluding bad products that are not profitable for you there are spending money and just wasting your money so that your your budget is actually spent on products and on keywords that are actually getting your profit so how does all of this play out let me explain to you the first thing you want to look at is a global negative keywords list so what you want to do is go to tools and then go inside negative keyword lists as you see I've created a global negative keywords list here now what our global negative keywords why do you want them well think about this if somebody is searching for let's say how to shave my legs all right I mean let's say you have a vaccine kind of a product or jealousy of a shaver that you're selling if somebody searching for how to shave my legs or or how to use XYZ product they either have already bought the product or they're just looking for information they're not really looking to buy a particular product there might be but chances are they aren't so what you want to do is you want to add a bunch of keywords that are not really purchase intent or buying intent keywords all the keywords like Amazon or some other brand name that is not really your product but related to your product but its brand name that is popular so people are searching that particular brand name so when people do serve those brand names they're more likely to buy the product from that a brand instead from your store right we don't want that also people are searching for keywords like Amazon or CVS or Walmart or eBay they're more looking to buy products from those stores than your store so you don't exclude all of those particular keywords and you basically do that by adding these keywords to a negative keywords list as you see I have added a lot of keywords in my negative keywords list things like fish Wikipedia why who where when what URL torrent search return refunds read it you've got pictures you have got phone you've got info how to how do how much so all of these are negative keyword lists these are all these are negative keywords that are added inside my global negative keywords list and all I do is add this global negative keywords list inside my campaign so how does that play out well let me go inside my campaign and show you go inside your campaign go inside keywords and then inside negative keywords just click on plus select use negative keywords list select your list and then click on save as you see I've already added my global negative keywords list right here now what you want to do is you want to go inside your search terms and you want to analyze keywords that are not working for you but before we do that I want to talk about some keywords that actually spend a whole lot of money put a hole in your pocket and don't really give you any sort of results whatever talking about when you use the maximize clicks bidding strategy or enhance CPC or manual CPC so what happens is you're able to set a max CPC bid limit because we didn't said that all right rookie mistake because we didn't said that what Google ended up doing was it ended up spending a lot of budget a lot of money on some keywords that were super expensive but didn't really get me any results and what am I talking about if I go as search terms here you'll see all these particular keywords here so let me sort by average CPC and as you see here this particular keyword has an average cost per click of twenty three dollars and 53 cents how can you make profit by selling let's say a thirty dollar product if a cost per click is $23 and 53 cents you cannot you probably cannot even if your product is like they said $200 if your product is 10,000 then there's a chance but even then there's no guarantee but what you want to do is you want to exclude all of these keywords that are spending a lot of money by having super high cost per clicks we don't want that right so as you see here I have keywords that I've spent like $18 cost per click $15 cost per click the easiest way to actually remove all of this hassle is by going inside your campaign going inside your settings and then going through the bidding strategy here set a maximum CPC bid limit I set it to 1.5 dollars because I noticed one side data that all of the products all of the keywords that were actually getting my sales were actually costing me anywhere between 60 cents to $1 $20 30 cents so I set a max CPC bid limit of $1 50 that's the maximum willing to pay for a click beyond that I I know there's a very little chance I'll be profitable so there's no point spending money this will of course depend on the margins that you have let's say you have a $200 margin on your product after sourcing so you can't afford to spend two or three dollars or click even so you can actually set a higher CPC bid limit but for low ticket items you don't want to spend more than a dollar or dollar fifty per click so let's move on to the next step which is actually negating keywords and negative bad keywords that are spending money but not really getting your results so let's look at keywords again go to search terms let's you see right here I've actually excluded a bunch of keywords that were spending money but not getting any results and the way to do that is basically select a particular keyword here and click on add as negative keyword it will be excluded it won't be shown inside your ads won't be shown for that particular keyword in the search results and that is awesome because you don't want to spend money on keywords that aren't generating your profit but how do you determine that how do you know whether a keyword is profitable for for you or not whether you want to exclude it or not I have a simple simple formula you basically didn't mine your product margin right so that's basically your profit margin just on source if you're sourcing a product for five dollars you're selling it for 20 dollars your margin is 15 dollars so the maximum you let a keyword of that particular product spend is 15 dollars if it doesn't get your sale even after spending fifteen dollars you need to close it so based on the profit margin you're going to look at the data and then exclude all the keywords that aren't profitable for you you can actually be more aggressive let's say you spend only ten dollars and your margin is fifteen dollars and if a keyword is spend let's say ten dollars and you decide not really working I want a higher margin profit margin than this you can actually exclude at that point also so as I told you earlier it's all about excluding key words excluding products that are not profitable for you so then you're left with only the keywords that are profitable for you you only left with the products that are profitable for you that is the entire game so the question is how do you exclude products now because you might have you might have products that are not really working for you even of the exclude certain keywords so in order to exclude products let's say there is a product that is actually you have optimized it it's still not profitable it's it is getting you sales but it's just not profitable for you and the key even added exclusion keywords but still you're not able to actually get the row as you want so what you want to do is you want to remove that product so that your budget is spent on other products inside that particular ad group so you go inside your product groups right here and as you see here when you start up your campaign is going to start off with just all products right all your products inside one particular product group what you want to do is create a subdivision of products that you want to exclude and then basically exclude them how do you do that you click on edit right here and then you're going to see a list of all the products that you have so what you can do is you can subdivide all products by item ID right so I there's a lot of subdivisions you can do I'll be coming to that in a bit but what you want to do is focus on item ID right now right when you do that you're going to see a list of all your variants all your products right here inside this little list and then you're going to basically check all the products that you want to exclude and then you're going to save without editing bits right in this case I've actually excluded all the products that weren't really profitable for me and in order to sort and filter it see if you have a lot of products you can actually sort by average cost-per-click ascending descending clicks CPR all these awesome data so that you are able to exclude products properly so save without editing bids right here when you do that what's going to happen is it's going to create this subdivision where it has all the products that you just selected and everything else in all products right so what you're going to do then is select all products these products that you want to exclude and then you basically exclude them by clicking on edit and then exclude so when you do that your ads won't be shown for those particular products but as you see everything else in all products is green right so this will be green this is going to be your test campaign in the future when you let us say find another product you again click on the edit subdivision in all products add that product to this list excluded and then all the other products will be everything else inside all products and that will be active so that this is the way you're able to exclude a lot of products and you're able to only focus on products that are generating you profit as you see here in the phase 1 testing I've actually mentioned that the alternative to putting all your products inside one particular campaign is to actually create multiple price based campaigns this is more for people who are let's say 200 300 products and you want to divide your products based on price and create a test campaigns based on price so how does this all player well you create a standard campaign like I just told you you're a I your campaign and then what you want to do is do the add subdivision by custom label so how would you go about actually creating these price based campaigns well the easy way to do that is create the standard AIO campaign that I just told you but what you want to do is create subdivisions and the the basis of subdivisions will be your profit margin so what you will do is take the products within let's say a profit margin of ten dollars create a campaign with just those products create another subdivision in there another campaign with products that are priced that have a profit margin on let's say between ten to twenty dollars place them in an end of the campaign so what you're doing is basically segregating your products based on the profit margin you have it it makes it your life much more easier when you're actually looking at data because for that particular campaign you know that your profit margin let's say 20 dollars so you know that how much you can spend what your average CPC should be and all of that control that you have over your shopping campaign so how are you able to create all of this how can you say grade your products based on profit margin well the way to do that is again by using the google shopping field right so let's say you want to select this product this product and this product and these are let's say have a profit margin of ten dollars right so you want to click on do edits in bulk and then you want to assign custom labels zero and in this you'll basically assign a custom label zero which is going to be a ten dollar profit margin then you'll select the other products assign custom label one and that is going to be let's say between ten to twenty dollar profit margin and so on and so forth and then what you will do is create your shopping campaign and then create a subdivision as I showed you earlier but not based on item ID but based on custom labels right so you'll select the custom label zero select all these products and then you'll advertise only those products exclude everything else in all products that particular thing so you're only advertising to all the products inside custom label zero inside a particular test campaign another campaign with products inside custom label one so on and so forth so this is how you're able to create price based campaigns this gives you more control over your bidding over managing your campaign this is especially for those people who have a lot of products to deal with so as I was explaining to you right now what I have been doing is explaining to you the phase two which is optimizing and in optimizing as I mentioned earlier you want to basically exclude products that are not profitable you want to negate unprofitable keywords both of which that I've showed you and you want to analyze lost search lost data so what does this basically mean so when you're running a lot of campaigns you of course have a lot more data to deal with but let me show you what I mean by search lost so if I go inside my all campaigns inside the campaign's tab here you'll see here two columns that have come up and the way you can bring those columns is by clicking on modify columns and then you can actually go to competitive matrix and this select search lost is ranked search lost is budget so what do these two mean well search lost IIST is your especially for ranked determines that the percentage of times your ad wasn't shown because your ad rank wasn't good enough so if it is like this 50 60 % so you know that you have to improve your ad rank in order to actually get your ad to show up the other aspect is search lost is budget now if that is sixty seventy percent so you know that you can actually scale up your campaign based on budget because this basically means your ad was not shown because you had a low budget so you had only a thought on a higher budget so you could have gotten fifty sixty percent more clicks or more views or more impressions basically so how do you actually improve your rank and what does the rank actually mean so the budget part is pretty clear right if you have a high searched lost is budget so you basically want to increase your budget so that you get more impressions but you have a very high searched lost is rank then what you want to do is improve your price your image your description basically add these changes inside your products so that you're more keyword oriented your SEO is better so that Google is able to categorize your website in a much better way your click-through rate improves because let's say you have a lower cost your lower price listed let's say you have a better image that's performing for you with a higher click-through rate and when you have that so it's all going to affect your rank and your rank is a factor of a lot of different things like you know how Google has a ranking mechanism for showing results in this organic search listings the same way they have got a ranking mechanism for showing ads inside the Google shopping list air inside the search results so you want to improve that which brings me to this particular point is the optimizing point is you would improve your image price title description and it isn't that order right because the first thing that people see when they're searching for a particular product is that image right that comes up so if if all the listings there have a very similar kind of image you won't stand out see if we can have a different sort of an image that comes up something that's you know that stands out professional yet still stands out that actually helps you get more clicks the second thing about to improve is your price if you can lower down your price that will actually help you get more clicks because people will be more inclined to click on a product that's let's say 11 dollars by all the other listings are let's say $15 right so if you can reduce the price while still retaining a good profit margin that is something that should be done the third thing you want to improve upon is the title and this what you can do is actually look at the keywords or a go inside your campaign go inside the search terms that I showed you earlier look at all the profitable keywords that you have you want to incorporate those select keywords inside your title and description alright so if you have a particular keyword that is not inside your title but is actually getting searched a lot and actually is getting your sales profitably you want to include that keyword inside your title also so then your rank improves for that particular keyword also and gets you lower cost per clicks and of course the next part to optimize is your description you want to include those particular keywords you want to include all the keywords that are actually getting your sales inside your description make it proper make it better make it convert better so after you have done this optimization of course you want to focus on enhancing your bids or your budget now how do you enhance your bids you basically increase your max cost per click or you basically increase your budget if you want to you know spend more money on that particular campaign now if you were using let's say enhance CPC or target rowers or all the other kind of bidding methods then it would be a different sort of approach in order to edit your bids but let's say for example I want to just show you quick example of how you can edit your bids the way you do that is let's say you go to devices inside your campaign right you see a mobile phones computers and tablets what I ended up if you end up realizing like let's say computers are not really performing well for you and they're not really converting well for you or the cost per conversion super-high so you want to actually set up a bid adjustment decrease the bid on computers to let's say by 50 percent or 40 percent so that your bid is lower there so that a lower percentage of your budget is actually spent on computers and spent higher on let's say mobile phones which is let's say converting better for you right so this is are you able to edit your bids but when you actually do let's say manual CPC is you have more control over your bids on particular like products that you want to bid on right you actually set particular bid limits on particular products and then you can actually optimize your bidding based off of whether a product has let's say a $10 profit margin so you want to bid a 50 cent cost per click max cost per click so in that order you can actually set up your bids properly and the second thing you can do is of course edit your budget increase your budget so that you have more impressions here and more impressions and more sales but of course that is limited to the number of searches you can't go like $50,000 budget if like hundred people are searching for that particular keyword right so this is already able to optimize and finally what you want to do is you want the shifty of profitable products you want to take a bunch of products that are actually profitable for you this your founder like ten different products that are profitable for you create a new campaign all right the same way we created the AIO campaign by adding a subdivision and only adding the products these are that are profitable for you in that particular campaign so let's see have ten profitable products for you so you want to create a new campaign and you want to give that a campaign priority of medium not low medium and then you want to use the enhanced CPC or the target revised mechanism now how do you do like a target reverse mechanism what I do recommend is using the enhanced CPC bidding strategy when you're doing like shifting all your profitable products into a one campaign when you're doing the third phase which is going to be scaling when you're launching at SPC's that is when we are going to focus heavily on target row s also so let's move on to scaling because that's probably what you've been waiting for so phase 3 scaling welcome to scaling a super easy method of actually scaling your ads and getting better results with your google shopping campaigns what you want to do is take your highest profitable products take them one by one create single product campaigns or SPC's and then basically let them run and let them spend money what this does is that this allows you to have a better control over your product better control over the bids better control over your keywords and then you can actually set up a proper profitable campaign that way an example to show you right here would be this particular SPC that I created I use the maximize clicks method for this particular SPC also but I can actually change that in fact I want to change that in front of you as well so I did it just to test just to see if creating a new SPC actually got results and as you see the cost per conversion actually lower then what I have inside my AIO campaign so whatever you do right now is change the bidding strategy from maximize clicks to enhance CPC so the way to do that is basically I go inside this particular campaign go inside settings and then I'm just going to click on bidding and then change the bid strategy from maximize clicks to enhance CPC and then basically click on sale now when we use an enhance EPC strategy we want to create a new portfolio strategy we just call this default for now and then we just click on save and that's pretty much it so now my budget will be spent on enhance CPC rather than maximize clicks method now once you've gotten enough sales once you've gotten you know let's say 50 60 sales of a particular product you can actually shift to target row s because you'll know what your return on adspend has been you'll have spent money so you'll know let's say a return on Sprint is three so you can actually shift your bidding strategy from EC PC to target row S which is going to be in this case 300 so you want to keep a target who has the same as what you've been getting in the past and that in that way your budget is spent more effectively and gets you better results also so if you want to actually get great results with your SPC's you want to follow Phase two on your SP C's also so remember all this optimization based on keywords based on you know exclusions and based on bidding and search lost impression share rank and budget so all of these optimizations that I told you about you have to follow that same approach on your SPC also right once you start doing that you need to exclude all the unprofitable keywords so that your campaign starts getting more and more profitable listen it's a game of buying data the more data you buy the better you know which keywords are profitable for you which keywords are unprofitable for you and that is how you're able to create a you know profitable business that way but after you've done all the optimization lets you want to get even better results so then we want to move on to the next step which is integrate and dominate the iad method and the iodine method is actually a fancy name basically of pretty much doing everything you possibly can around your winning product now remember with google shopping you don't have like one winning product ever since I've been running these Google Shopping test ads I've actually gotten sales on five different products right so even though there's been like a couple of products that have gotten sales consistently this some products that have spent a very little amount of money and gotten huge results an example would be a product that actually spent only a dollar 50 and got me sales worth 120 dollars somebody actually bought products worth 120 dollars and they just clicked on one of my ads and then bought the first so the rawest was insane there it was of course lucky but that's what happens you have a sales of a lot of different products happening so you have multiple winners that have multiple small winners multiple decent winners maybe one or two blockbuster winners who knows right but what you want to do is you want to follow the integration and domination the IAD procedure once you find out that you have a winning product whether it's a small or a decent winner doesn't matter you want to follow the IAD approach what you want to do is create a display retargeting ad set for your profitable products right so how do you display retargeting users create a new campaign inside AdWords and you basically put up banners of that particular product where Google has these responsive ads and then Google shows retargeting ads so what is the integration and domination approach well the IRD approach is to basically market that particular winning product everywhere you possibly can and squeeze your return on investment right so what you want to do is create display retargeting ads what Google allows is to create like retargeting ads based on the products you have based on images you already have you need to create like specific ads for it you can just create a new ad is going to be a display ad and it's going to be only shown to people who have already visited your product pages so how does Google Ads actually know who bought your product who visited your page and all of that good stuff well using the pixel right so you actually install the tracking code so Google actually knows all of this data so how do you find that out you go to tools and then go inside audience manager and as you see here you'll become you'll come up to this page where you can see all your AdWords lists here AdWords automatically creates all these lists for you which is all converters people who've is converted on your site all visitors people who visited pages and you can actually create specific audiences by clicking on Plus and you can create a website visitor list where people visited specific product pages right you can give the audience a name your visitors of a page URL contains let's say whatever you are product page URL contains create that audience and then you can actually advertise specifically to those particular people by creating a display retargeting and another thing you want to do is create a search campaign for your most profitable keywords so by now you will probably already know which are the most profitable keywords for you for that particular product right because I mean running the ad you've been running the SPC so you know what are your most profitable keywords you want to create a new campaign but this is going to be a search campaign which is basically a search ad where you target just those profitable keywords and then you'll have those profitable keywords in your search title in your search description so all of that good stuff so that you get sales using Google search not just Google Shopping the other thing you want to do is make sure that you have course have your Facebook pixel installed if you don't have that do not start Google shopping without having a Facebook pixel installed make sure you have both the Google and Facebook pixels installed on your store but because you've already installed that and all of the data is being captured by Facebook also right so all the visitors that will drive the Google is also being tracked with Facebook so Facebook knows all the people who visited which pages on your on your site so you can actually create audiences inside your Facebook custom audiences section and then you can retarget people with a unique ad or with the carousel or something and show that particular product to people inside Facebook also not just on Google right so when a person visits your product page if is especially if it's a profitable product for you and they leave without buying your retargeting them on google your retargeting them on Facebook and you're trying to close the sale as profitably as possible right so that actually helps you get much better results so this is the IID approach once you actually start getting results I hope I've been able to give you a lot of ideas on how Google shopping plays a major role in here he comes store but remember guys it's not just about Google shopping use Facebook use Google search use the display retargeting thing if you use all these amazing marketing tools or there you can create a very very profitable business for yourself and of course when you actually have a lot of sales coming in using Google Shopping the easy way to actually scale using Facebook is to just create like audiences based on all the purchases that you have gotten and then just start ads create a new ad for that product and then just start advertising on Facebook do those look-alikes also because Facebook already has data for that particular product so that said people that was the Google Shopping course how was it let me know in the comment section below make sure to share this video like and subscribe if you aren't already and if all of this went over their head because you don't understand the basics about e-commerce or convergence or how to set up a store and Facebook ads I've got a lot of awesome content for you check out my 30-day based on series business on three series if you want advanced drop shipping concepts I have also got that inside a playlist just go to the playlists tab of the flying start online channel start viewing I've got a lot of awesome free content for you to watch again thanks for watching I know it's been a long video but I hope it was worth it until next time okay Tata bye bye you
Channel: Flying Start Online
Views: 80,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hayden bowles, tanner planes, gabriel st-germain, arie scherson, beast of ecom, braden wuerch, tristan broughton, james still, the realistic entrepreneur, sebastian ghiorghiu, markus evers, scott hilse, google shopping ads, google shopping, google shopping shopify, google shopping ads 2019, google shopping tutorial 2019, google shopping course, shopify google ads
Id: g_Hjk7EX20A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 30sec (5250 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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