COMPLETE Facebook Ads Tutorial for Beginners in 2021 – FREE COURSE

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Hey there, Andrew here! Today we're going to go over  facebook ads step by step and by the end of this   video you have all your facebook ads set up ready  to go and feed your business with sales and leads   this is going to be one of the most valuable  facebook ads video that i've made yet it'll   be broken into five simple steps that i've used to  make loads of money for my clients and also for my   own businesses with facebook ads alone i've spent  over eight figures in ad spend over the last five   to six years and i'm telling you you'll want to  master facebook ads it can still single-handedly   skyrocket your business to profitable success i'll  leave on screen here timestamps are the five steps   so bookmark this video follow on and make sure  that you click that subscribe button and give this   video a loving thumbs up give it a like if this  video helps you out and let's get stuck into it so to give you an example here's just one of  the other accounts that i have today is the   13th of february 2021 and this is when i make the  tutorial for you so in today alone i have spent   5 000 plus dollars in this ad account and if we  go for this month in february and click update   you can see that i've spent a total of 56  000 for this specific ad account so you know   facebook i'm telling you is a very very powerful  tool and if you can just take a fraction of what   i teach you in this video and implement it you're  definitely going to see results for your business   because you can easily scale up your business  and produce results with facebook ads if you do   it correctly so if you're completely  new to facebook ads that's awesome   it's an amazing tool for entrepreneurs and  business owners i'll be teaching you facebook ads   today but by learning facebook ads you'll  be able to also place ads on instagram   facebook messenger and whatsapp across these  platforms there are a total of 3.2 billion   active monthly users and so this basically means  3.2 billion potential customers we can get your   business in front of considering there's  almost 8 billion humans on earth that is   a lot of people facebook ads can reach that's  pretty impressive so by learning facebook ads   it'll allow you to grow just about any type of  business from scratch and build a predictable   income source by investing into ads and putting  money into your pocket every single day to do   this the plan is to place your product or service  in front of your ideal audience at the right time   with the right offer it works by targeting users  based on their location demographics and other   profile data serving an ad that we've created and  then we bid for an impression which is basically   serving the ad in front of a facebook user they'll  then click on your ad and then purchase from your   online business or complete some sort of action  like signing a form for example we then repeat   the process automatically and scale it up and  reach your ideal customers every single minute   and optimizing the ad so you establish a passive  income stream to feed your business on autopilot   so what does a facebook ad actually consist of  though it consists of firstly the creative and   copy which is the video or image and text you  see when the ad is served to the user this is   arguably one of the most important parts of your  ad the next thing that you see is the funnel   this is what the facebook ad will lead to and the  marketing strategy behind the ad itself so behind   the ad itself will be the settings we tweak such  as who we target the placement of the ad budgeting   and scheduling so the perfect harmony between  these three things is what creates a successful   ad that will serve you and your business for a  long time to come but facebook ads and digital   marketing has changed a lot i've been in the  space for five plus years now and it's moving   so quickly and that's why i'm happy to create this  complete tutorial for you to watch today because   it's fully up to date and the aim here is to give  you the best introduction and strategy to succeed   with facebook ads in the fastest possible way all  right now let's get into the setup side of things   here this is going to be a very important section  to build the right foundation to avoid any issues   with facebook like getting rejected or banned in  the future so it's important we do the right thing   and build a foundation so if you're following on  and believe you'll find success this year comment   below i am ready to level up so first things first  you want to open up two tabs the tab   and of course your business manager tab so  you can reach this at   and so with these two tabs as you can see  here i'm going to be starting from scratch   so you can follow on step by step here by the way  all the useful resources i mentioned throughout   the video along with the chapter timestamps are  below in the description box for your convenience   so the first thing is you want to log into  your facebook account yes you can create a new   account but however if you do if you follow this  approach you're most likely not going to be able   to create a business manager account immediately  because facebook doesn't like new accounts being   created and then immediately creating a business  manager because usually those accounts are spammy   so my suggestion here is log into your personal  account and start using that account as your   business account all right so i've landed on  this page after login to my facebook account   and also logging into  so once you get to this page let's explain   firstly the different ad accounts that we need  because an ad account and a business manager   account are two separate different things so let's  talk about the structure first so before we move   on let's take a look at the business manager  structure so as you can see here at the top   you have business the business manager so that's  what we've just logged into and then below that   you have your line of credit and your primary page  this is essentially you know either a bank account   or a credit card anything that you'll pay your  ads with and then a primary page so this setup is   really good for agencies but this is going to look  a little different if you're just creating ads for   yourself and your new business so i'll show you  what that looks like you'll still need to create   a business manager account you also still need  a primary page that prime primary page doesn't   really matter what it is it can simply be your  name for example but this is just a shell account   and then below that you have your admins and  supporting admins again if you are just doing   this yourself that's totally okay the admin will  just be yourself then you have ad accounts and   pages and below that you have employees again  this doesn't really matter if you're not running   an agency so you'll just have your ad account  and pages down here and this is where it really   matters so your ad account and your pages is  the public pages that you'll be advertising on   so that's what we're creating right now we've  created the business manager account and now   we need to create an ad account to represent our  business all right so to do this first you need to   create a page so click underneath uh the business  tools go underneath and click business settings   then you'll arrive at this page here go ahead and  fill out these details here you know your legal   name of business your address your business phone  number all of these things are very important to   notify that you are indeed a legitimate business  and that's you know you're verified with facebook   so make sure you go ahead and fill out these  details then click on pages and on here as you can   see i don't have any pages yet so you can either  connect a pre-existing page so for instance if you   have a client then you want to request access to  that page or if you're advertising for yourself   then connect or create a brand new page and then  connect it right here so click add as you can see   you can add a page request access to a page which  is what you want if you're working with a client   or you can create a brand new page it's totally  up to you so in this case we're going to create   a new page so i'm going to click brand or product  and then let's just type in andrew zhang test page   choose a category so in this case i just click  brand and then click create page so as you can   see here it's automatically created a page you can  then click view page to actually view that page   and then go ahead and edit that page then what you  want to do is go ahead and fill out this page you   know add in a logo add in a cover photo create  a username uh you know post content on your page   because no doubt when people see your ad they will  click through to your page and you'll want to have   enticing content on your page so go ahead and do  that then once you spruced up your page come back   here click add account to follow the exact same  process and create an ad account for your business   manager so going back to remind you we've created  the business manager we'll hook it up to our line   of credit to our credit card or bank account and  your primary page and then you want to create   that page which you just created and then you add  accounts go ahead and create your ad account then   come back in here a few more things that we want  to do is make sure that you go to brand safety go   click domains add in your domain here which is you  know obviously your website that you're selling   from then click payment accounts or payment  methods i should say and click add payment method   then from here obviously you add in your debit  card or your credit card so once that's all done   you will now have a business manager you'll have a  facebook page and you'll have a line of credit set   up which might be your credit card debit card and  you will verify all your account information from   this page here which is  once that's all done we are ready to move on   to the next step moving on to the facebook pixel  this thing is extremely important and there's no   reason you shouldn't install it if you're signing  out with facebook ads so to get to this section   you simply scroll down under data sources and  click pixels and then you arrive at this page   here so the pixel is a piece of code basically  or tag your website with so this little piece of   code will basically collect data from your website  communicating with a facebook ads platform so we   can do things like show specific ads to people who  have visited your website tap into more powerful   targeting features on facebook see the analytics  behind the money you spend and overall help us   to sell more effectively so pretty important  stuff so go ahead and then click add and create   your facebook pixel now there's a certain way to  do this as well so i'll guide you through this   so uh pixel name you want to name it something  pretty simple you know you know the automated   name that comes up is usually fine unless you have  a specific naming convention you want to go with   then check your website for easy setup options  again this is this is optional this is up to you   depending on what platform you're setting this up  on it will be easy all the way through to you know   a little difficult so if you're using shopify for  example it is as simple as inserting in a number   then everything is done for you if you're using  let's say a custom wordpress website it's going   to be a little bit more difficult so you can use  this website checkout field here just to you know   check what sort of platform you're on and then  how to how to set everything up so i'm going to   go ahead and click continue then click set up  the pixel right now so again this is up to you   on depending on what platform you're on you  want to either add the code using a partner   integration which is exactly what i mentioned so  with shopify you simply just insert in the numbers   you can also manually add the pixel to your  website which is what i'm going to do here   and so what you're going to do is click this  to a clipboard right and then copy and paste   this into the header section of your website  in the head tag so as you can see here this is   this is what we want to see so this is a little  bit more advanced if you're not used to you know   playing around with your website or using html  code um but for most of you you can simply go   through add a code using an integration and then  you can simply select the platform that you're on   and then just follow the instructions all  right so once you've created the actual pixel   and you've inserted into your website right  let's move on to the next step which is click   open in event manager because what we need to do  now is once you actually have this piece of code   in your website you also need to tell facebook all  right what is a purchase how does it interact with   your customers click continue pixel setup here  click facebook pixel click connect you know we've   already installed the base code then you want  to make sure to click turn on automatic advanced   matching this is basically telling facebook yes  i want more customer data so we're more easily   able to target them then click continue so then  you're going to use this tool here and then set   up the different conversion events on your website  i'm not going to show you how to do this in this   tutorial but if you have any questions on this  specific step because i know it gets confusing   just reach out to me if you're confused and i'm  able to help you out beyond this before we start   creating an ad please please please make sure  that you read the advertising policies all right   so you can reach this page on  forward slash policies forward slash ads   this is so important this is basically your  facebook ads bible and this is how you're going   to avoid getting your ads rejected getting banned  on facebook running into issues with facebook ads   you'll need to read this consistently constantly  because it's being updated almost weekly and   all of these is rules that facebook ads  follows very strictly and if you for example   you want to promote alcohol you know you can't  do that if you want to very strictly promote   dating you can't do that this is part of  restricted content so make sure that you   follow all the rules underneath the advertising  policies because so many people end up running   into issues with facebook ads because they don't  simply because they don't follow the advertising   policy so make sure that you bookmark this page  take a read before we move on all right well   done for getting this far in this tutorial  so in this section i'll be sharing a couple   new strategies to set up successful ads this  year taking into consideration everything that   has changed over the past few years so the aim  here is to do three things create the ad itself   create popularity and buzz behind your product and  service and then actually funneling the customers   to your website to sell the product or service  we're first going to create social proof which   is the popularity and buzz i mentioned on the  ad itself so i'll show you how to easily get   hundreds of likes comments and engagement on your  ad with only about 10 to 20 dollars to start off   with okay so to create that buzz and engagement  for that 10 to 20 that i was talking about we need   to understand how we're gonna structure this so  whenever it comes to creating any facebook ad you   have three levels so at the top level you have the  campaign which is where you sort of set you know   the name of the campaign the budget optimization  then underneath that you have the ad set this is   where you tell facebook who you're going to target  where they come from their interests that sort of   stuff then beneath that you have the ad so the ad  is literally the facebook ad that you see you know   the picture the video the text the ad itself so  before we jump in and create that engagement ad   to create that buzz we first need the ad we  need to create the ad so to create the ad you   don't need photoshop you don't need anything  spectacular although i personally do use those   pieces of software you can simply start off with  either canva or another piece of software that   i'll show you so with canva it's really easy  to start creating as you can see down here   video ads or even just post and picture ads so to  do this you can simply click create social media   posts or marking posts so let's go down and click  animated social media posts for example then you   can go ahead and i'm going to skip tour and then  you can go ahead and click what you want to create   so in this case let's just be straightforward and  go with this one here so in this case maybe let's   go with 50 off or styles free shipping you know  obviously this is not ideal because here we have   no clue what we're selling or selling here but  the point is you want to create an enticing image   or video that captures the attention when people  are scrolling down their feed this is so extremely   important and i would say the ad creative is  literally 60 to 70 percent of your ad itself   now another piece of software that i always use is  place it this is great for those who are you know   selling apparel or any product that needs a  mock-up masks for example mugs for example   that type of stuff but beyond that they also  do create if you go into designs they also do   allow you to create facebook posts or  banner ads that sort of stuff so let's click   uh facebook posts as as you can see here it's  similar to canva and by the way i will leave   all links down below in the description box  to free trials and also discounts to place it   as well so go ahead and if you're going to use  these tools go ahead and check out those links   so with this it's very similar you just click  in and you can completely customize it on the   fly without using photoshop or you know like adobe  premiere pro so pretty nifty tools here that you   can start using and then download so i'm going to  go ahead and download this one here so i'm going   to log in and actually download this so now that  we've created and downloaded our piece of creative   we're now going to import this all into facebook  ads manager okay so this engagement campaign will   help create the social proof we need and also was  a decent way to actually test the effectiveness of   the ad and the product we're testing so the first  thing you need to do is click create and then we   need to click engagement as the campaign objective  that's really important it's under consideration   don't go to conversions straight off the bat  this is something a little different that i do   and it's a great way to test a product and  also produce that social buzz around the ad now   under engagement type go click post engagement and  then name your campaign let's just go with test   and click continue then from here everything  should be as is we don't want to actually   switch on campaign budget optimization for this  specific strategy we want to manage the budget on   the ad set level more on that in a moment so click  next so that was the campaign level and now we're   at the new ad set level so there's a few more  things we need to do so the ad set name just uh   you know insert a name that works for you with the  budget now with a budget i usually stick with ten   dollars just to start off with again that's that's  more than enough just to get you know 100 likes   a few comments shares etc just to get the social  proof rolling for your ads so to show others that   you know hey this is something that you should  pay attention to there's actually a lot of people   engaging with this specific post so that's the aim  of this and for ten dollars it's more than enough   so i'm going to change this to 10 and then with  a start date i usually like to have it starting   the next following day so instead of today we'll  go with sunday 14th and then i usually like to   have it early in the morning for the end date i  usually like to manually monitor things and turn   it off without having it automatically end this  is sort of up to you and it also depends on the   strategy that we're taking but in this specific  case it's totally up to you if you want to set an   end date but definitely let this ad run for at  least a few days okay so with the audience make   sure it's really broad this is one of the tricks  with the engagement campaign so if let's say   we have a dog leash that we're selling then we  want to go fairly broad so whoops i'm clicking on   custom audiences we want to go down here and with  locations i usually actually go go with global   the reason being is because you want cheaper  engagement and if you're going specifically   just with the united states then you're going to  be paying more actually and because we're just   going with the aim of this is just to get more  comments to get more likes then it doesn't matter   where they're coming from in the first place so we  can actually go global in this case age again i go   very very broad because it again it doesn't  matter who is interacting with this ad just   to gain social proof genders or genders what  does matter though is demographics and targeting   because we want to serve this ad to people that  are interested in the product that we're selling   therefore they'll engage with the actual ad so  you actually want to go with something still   broad but relevant so if we're selling dog leashes  you know we can just go with just type in animal   and you can go as broad as this targeting  here so we're just going to go with animal usually i'll actually have a list of locations  that i can input automatically saved as a preset i   recommend you going broad but at the same time you  want to make sure it's english speaking countries   therefore they can actually comment we can simply  do this actually by going into uh down here   we can click languages or you  can click languages click english   click all and that's that so if it's too broad  we can always narrow it down by clicking narrow   audience and let's just say dogs for example there  we go and you can see the potential reach is 190   million people this is a lot of people that we're  going to be targeting but again that's completely   fine because this is an engagement campaign  this is a great strategy to get you started with   then another thing we need to change is placement  this is where we're actually going to place   the ad you know what sort of platform platforms we  want to place on now with this specific strategy   we want to go with manual placements and tick get  rid of everything and just have your facebook and   instagram feed so we're going to be advertising  on instagram and facebook and that's literally   it alright so that that way we can collect the  comments and the likes on just the news feed   placements and then use them again in the future  so i'm going to show you how to set up instagram   as well so let's click next so you can see here  i already have my facebook page and instagram   instagram pages connected and i'll show you how  to connect your instagram page in just one moment   but let's pretend you already have your instagram  account connected and i want to show you how to   set up this ad first then i'll show you how to  set up the instagram account so bear with me for   a few more minutes and let's follow on alright  so with the ad setup and add creative setup   what i usually like to do when it comes to the  engagement campaign is actually create the post on   my facebook page and then insert it as an existing  post so you can just select your post here   but for the sake of this tutorial we're going  to create the ad right here so i can show you   how to set this all up if you have any questions  about this let me know down in the comments below   so we're going to use that piece of creator that  we just created together and insert it into this   media so we're just uploading the video right  now and make sure that you include a primary text   and call to action button so with the primary  text this is you know this is copywriting 101 so   make sure that you have an enticing message here  usually i like to have a hook line so a hook line   is something that sort of stops people and they're  able to read it and it intrigues them to a point   where they want to continue finishing reading  the ad you have your hook line then you have your   details and then your call to action which is also  part of the call to action button all right so if   you can if you can structure it like this you'll  be golden feel free to add emojis if it's part of   your branding message and with the call to action  button you can this obviously depends on what   you're selling but in this case we're going to  click shop now and then we'll have our website url so as you can see here it's already looking  relatively decent let me zoom in here   and you get the point that we need to stop  people's uh from scrolling and capture people's   attention so they actually look at the ad and  click through so the first step is to have a   scroll stopper that's part of the creative the  video that you have it's got to be interesting   enough to stop the person from scrolling through  their feed and then the call to action and the   text aka the copy needs to be powerful enough  to get them to click through to the website so   this is looking pretty decent we're going to  leave it as is so that is how you set up the   creative and the copy as with the tracking stuff  down here we don't need to worry about that at the   moment this is more advanced so you should leave  it as is and then let's go into the instagram   connection page so i'll show you how to connect  up your instagram this is really important because   you can have the option of just using your  facebook page but because we're collecting   likes and comments on both your instagram page and  facebook page i highly highly recommend that you   at least create an instagram page and connect  it up and start using that so i'll show you how   to do that now so to get to this page here under  instagram accounts you just simply need to click   business settings then come under accounts  and go all the way down to instagram accounts   you'll probably have a blank page here then  you'll click add and then from here you   just click connect your instagram account and  that's as simple as that you just log into your   instagram account the newly created one that  you just created and then you'll link up your   instagram account you'll probably need to give it  a few minutes for it to propagate and once it's   connected all you need to do is link it up to your  ad account alright so you go under ad account and   then you connect up this instagram account and  then you can simply start using it back in the   ad creation that we were just looking at and then  you just link it up there so just one note though   for the engagement campaign strategy this is a  great way again to get that social proof so people   actually pay attention to your ad but don't expect  to get sales on engagement campaigns immediately   although it's not impossible if you do get sales  on engagement campaigns and you're really onto   something here but the point is not to actually  get sales so if you're paying you know 30 40   to start this engagement campaign it's okay look  at it as an investment and that's really important   you're not looking to make a profit immediately  off your engagement campaigns but now i'll move   on to a different campaign type where we are going  to make sales with this campaign type all right so   the next strategy the focus now is to get our  sales and purchases and conversions so this is   probably why you're here this is the exciting  stuff so let me scroll on over and show you the   purchase conversions value here so we have  a purchase conversion value of over half a   million dollars with 88 000 spent so these  are some of the results that you can see   for yourself once you scale up your ad and  your store or your business so really the   viability of facebook ads is absolutely insane and  hopefully this demonstrates it for you if i add in   another row for row ass which is return  on ad spend let me add that in as well click total then update this you can  see some of the roads here for you know   years and years has been seven times three times  four times etcetera so it's been pretty crazy to   see some of these results so anywho moving on what  we're going to do with this one here is now click   create and then click on conversions as the  campaign objective that's important so we're   moving from engagement to now conversions and  then click continue you're gonna you know do   the usual stuff like name your campaign and that  good stuff for this we're actually gonna turn   on campaign budget optimization all right and the  budget really depends on what you have to spend   i'm gonna keep it on twenty dollars for  now and then click next moving on to the   ad set level this is the important part so with  conversion events we're basically going to tell   the pixel that we installed together on your  website what we want it to do what sort of   conversion event that we want so if you click on  choose conversion event we don't want to rush into   purchases and this is a common mistake that many  people make we want to use a low level event such   as add to cart to start off with because we want  to collect that data up front that's not to say   you won't get any purchases if you do get  purchases that's absolutely amazing but once you   go up the ladder so to speak and finally  optimize towards purchases that's when   you get most of your profit so stick with a low  level conversion event such as add to cart first   and look at it like a you know stepping stone or  a ladder to the final conversion event which is   purchases then scrolling down everything  will remain ultimately the same except   the way you target things will be different now  this is obviously going to be very dependent on   the product that you sell the business and your  strategy that you take but uh for in this case you   know this is a beginner's tutorial so i'm going to  go really broad and just say that you know go with   a finite location so find out who your key target  market is it might be the us might be canada you   know australia wherever it might be and go with  a more niche approach all right so your potential   reach you don't want it to be 18 million people  you want it to be more like a million or so people   so moving on placement you can now go manual  placement and open it up a little bit more   the point here is you still want to use the same  exact ad that we created earlier in this video   and because we'll have that social proof on that  ad now we'll have the people engaging with it   will have you know the hundred plus likes on it  and that just helps us get more people through   to our website so we don't need to do anything  here except just use a pre-existing creative so   instead of saying create ad we want to use an  existing post select that existing post that we   created earlier and that's that so there we have  it i know this was a very long video but now you   have the tools and step by step guide to creating  a profitable facebook ad campaign to start off   with now just remember facebook ads is easier  to start but difficult to master and perfect   so don't give up if you don't immediately see  sales your ad is only as good as your website so   make sure you're spending time sending your  customers to a well-curated and optimized website   facebook ads and digital marketing in general is a  skill you most definitely do not want to sleep on   if it wasn't for my experience and working with  facebook google and a host of big international   clients directly i would have burnt through a  lot of my own personal money with no return and   no clue what i was doing but i know not all of you  have don't you know work with large multinationals   or have access to teams at facebook for example  and so my personal facebook ads program social   marketing mastery is open right now and we're  taking students in for a personal mentorship   program and you'll get direct access to me you'll  be able to send me any questions or issues you run   into when it comes to facebook ads check your  ads and be there along with you on your journey   plus you get of course 70 plus step-by-step  in-depth video lessons and a heap of ad strategies   you know we've seen a lot of students go through  this program and scale up their business to five   and even six figures monthly so the link is  down below to enter social marketing mastery   and finally if you enjoyed this video and found  it useful give this video a like and subscribe   for more weekly videos and lessons this tutorial  took some time to make so your support in the   form of a few clicks is always so much appreciated  i'll also leave on screen here some useful videos   to help you on your journey in building your  business and don't forget all the links and   tools i mentioned throughout the tutorial are  in the description box below also feel free to   comment below if you have any questions i always  try and get through as many comments as possible
Channel: Andrew Ethan Zeng
Views: 128,186
Rating: 4.9399424 out of 5
Keywords: Facebook ads, facebook ads 2021, facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads course, free facebook ads course, facebook ads guide, how to start facebook ads, beginners guide to facebook ads, how to use facebook ads, how to setup facebook ads, facebook ad strategies, fb ads, ig ads, instagram ads, how to start instagram ads, how to setup instagram ads, best facebook ads tutorial, digital marketing tutorial, how to start advertising on facebook, andrew ethan zeng, ethan zeng
Id: PgGOwkE5jUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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