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hey hustle babes i'm chanel the brand hustler and this is a channel for all of my hustle babes who are interested in gaining insight on the entrepreneurial journey while learning essential marketing and business tips for their brand if that sounds like you go ahead and hit the subscribe button and join the hustle babe community [Music] i am so sorry because i was supposed to record this video for y'all about a week and a half ago or maybe like two weeks ago and i didn't and that's my bad i'm so sorry but i didn't want to skip over this video because i know that a lot of you guys will find this video super duper helpful so i am going to split this video into two parts because building a shopify store is just a process okay it is a process and i don't want to overload this video with steps because i don't want this video to be super drawn out even though it's probably going to be lengthy i don't want it to be longer than it has to be so we're going to split into two parts we're going to split it into the back end set up of shopify and then we're going to split it into the front and slash like design setup of a shopify store okay so part one is going to be how you can set up your back end to your shopify store all right and today i'm going to be covering how to pick a website theme for your business how to add your products how to set up your policies how to connect your domain and how to set up shipping payments and payouts for when people actually purchase from your website so if you're interested in any of that you definitely want to watch the entire video don't try to skip around watch the entire video but for those who are interested in just learning how to do one of those things that i mentioned i am going to put the chapters down below so that you could click to the specific chapter that you are interested in learning how to accomplish all right so without further ado we gotta head to my computer because i can't just sit here and talk y'all through it i gotta walk y'all through it with visuals okay so let's head out to my computer all right hustle babe so once you create a shopify profile it is going to take you to a screen that looks something like this shopify does do a good job of kind of telling you your first beginner steps but i understand that that may not be enough for you so i am going to be walking through them with you today so first thing first what i like to do before i even add products is i like to pick out what my website theme would be for the sake of these two tutorials that i am doing today and the next time you watch a video on my channel i am creating kind of like a make-believe store my store is called warm and bougie which you can see right here in the top left-hand corner but shopify has also created a url for my store automatically okay and it's called warm and bougie so i'm thinking about doing like outerwear jackets cardigans things like that fur coats um for the bougie people okay so that's what this make believe store is going to be all about so the first thing i want to do is i want to pick a theme so to pick a theme you want to go to online store and then it's automatically going to take you to a section that says themes once you get to themes shopify already has a default theme for your store called debut if you want to use this theme you can go ahead and click customize but i am going to show you how to explore the other themes within their theme store so there's two different versions of themes there's the free themes and then there are paid themes so within the free theme shopify does a good job of giving you at least some sort of vision as to what it would look like so you can see it right here by just looking at it but you can also click them and then it will allow you to pick which style you want like if i want the blue style if i want the light style and then you can scroll and you can even preview some of these styles as well and if you wanted to add a theme all you have to do is click add to theme library okay so for the sake of warm and bougie i am probably going to just stick with the debut theme because it has the wide range banner that i like but i am thinking more so of uh yeah let's work with this we're going to stick with the debut theme and we're going to use it like this okay so we already have the defaulted option already added to our shopify store so we don't have to do anything else but let's say you want it to go above and beyond you don't want to use a basic theme you can go and visit the shopify theme store which then has paid themes that you can purchase and then add to your shopify store so you can go through this theme collection just based on what you're looking for um there's a couple of different ways that you can organize it they tell you based on layout based on industry um and things like that so let's just say that i was going to do based on industry right i would click see all industries and then i'm going to click clothing and fashion because warm and bougie is all about jackets and outerwear and that is fashion and it starts to show me different themes that i can utilize and the price um so if you do decide to buy a theme you would just walk through the purchase process and then buy it from shopify now because i love y'all so much i'm gonna put you up on some game okay so shopify charges 180 for their paid themes or i mean more or less about 180 but there is a way that you can get themes for cheaper you have to know what you're doing though you can go to envato market which is also known as in bottle market and all you have to do is literally search shopify website themes or what you can also do is hover over e-commerce right here and then you can scroll down and click shopify and it's going to automatically start to pull up different website themes that you can utilize for your store you can scroll through all of these and pick which ones have the best features for you one of my favorite themes that i love using on here is called the ella theme so you can go ahead and explore that and see all the options that it has for you but once again you do have to know what you're doing because you're going to need to not only download the code but upload the code and customize the code based on what you want your website to look like but when you're utilizing paid themes it gives you way more reach than just using a free theme but for the sake of creating the shopify store as cheap as we can and as fast as we can i'm gonna use a free theme that shopify already provides which is going to be the debut theme because i like the end-to-end banner okay so we're gonna utilize this theme i'm trying to debate do i wanna stick with this theme or not okay i'm gonna utilize this theme we're gonna stick with it okay so now i'm gonna change it i'm gonna change the theme because i actually like boundless a little bit more than that so i'm gonna add this to my theme library i did the black and white version which doesn't matter because you can change the colors but it's just showing you just different layouts as i hit add to theme library it's going to start loading here as soon as it's done loading is going to give me the ability to customize it okay but that is how you would add your website theme in order to know how to customize this theme in terms of designing banners and collection images and things like that we're going to be talking about in part two of this shopify series but for the sake of today that is how you would find a website theme now let's move on to how you would add products so all you have to do is on this left hand tab it's going to have all of the options you need you have home you can view your orders from here you can view your inventory your collections even set up your gift cards over here you can view your customer information which is phone number email address anything else they give you you can also see your analytics um and then you can also use several marketing tools as well as discount code options and then you also have apps as well okay but head over here and then you click the products and then it's going to tell you hey you need to add your products right because you don't have any products added yet the cool thing about shopify is that you have the ability to import your products so let's say you have a csv file which is basically like a google sheets or an excel sheet file of all of your product names and prices and descriptions you can go ahead and import that here and then um all you have to do is just make sure that it's formatted correctly and then add your pictures i add my products one by one so we're gonna go ahead and add it one by one so i'm gonna click add product and then once i click add product i get to name my product okay so i am going to upload a picture of a puffer jacket okay so i'm gonna put maybe i'm gonna name it sexy marshmallow i don't even know how to spell marshmallow to be honest oh that's the sexy mellow black puffer jacket i then have the ability to add whatever description i want so outline for description i like to add an interesting sentence or two so interesting sentence as an opener i then like to break down the details of the product okay so you can talk about fabric you can talk about color you can talk about how they should wear this you can talk about how it fits um you can talk about a couple of different things here but i like to have an interesting sentence or two and then i like to break down the details of my product then you would come down here where you would add a picture of whatever the item is that you are selling okay so let's say i wanted to add a picture i'm going to add a random picture by the way because i don't actually have a black puffer jacket that i sell so you would just click add file and then you would find the image on your actual computer and then you would upload it to shopify and while it's uploading you can work on all of the other stuff okay so as you scroll down you set your price so i am going to sell my puffer jacket based on my pricing and profit formula i'm going to set my puffer jacket to 57 for purchase okay and then the cost per item section with shopify recently added this year which i am so thankful for is it's basically saying how much did it cost you to create this product to get this product from your vendor and how much is it going to cost you to package this product okay before you ship it out to your customer so this is something i talk about in my pricing in profit um mini class and in the extended version of the class so if you have no idea what i'm talking about you definitely want to check that out but let's say my cost for doing all of that for this product is about 19 shopify then calculates my profit for me and my profit margin which is super cool the next thing that is in this pricing area is you're able to put a compare at price what that does is it allows people to see the discount so let's say this this jacket used to be ninety dollars i would type ninety dollars into this box and then on the front end you will then see a line through the ninety and you will see the new price as fifty seven dollars which makes it appear that there is actually a sale um which is super cool to do you want to always make sure that you have the check box here for charge tax if you are living in america you need to pay tax so always have the check box checked if you live in the united states of america in terms of inventory the sku is all up to you this is all background information for yourself so if you track every item based on a combination of numbers and letters you can go ahead and put in the sku that you have created or if you have a barcode of these items you can go ahead and put that in here um if this doesn't pertain to you can go ahead and leave it alone then you obviously want to make sure that you check track quantity because that allows shopify to know when something is sold out so that it can stop selling it for you if you want to continue to sell while you're out of stock because you're just going to continue to reorder that item you can check this box or if you wanted to do something like a pre-order you can tell shopify that your item is out of stock but you can check the box of selling when out of stock and it will allow people to still order it and then it will show you how many orders came in with that product and you could fulfill your inventory based on that um but for the sake of today i'm going to put that i have 10 of these items 10 of this puffer jacket okay it's a physical product so make sure that box is checked and then if you've weighed your item you can put the weight here i haven't weighed my item so i'm going to leave that alone and for customs information i'm going to go ahead and put that it's shipping from the united states of america and the hs code you don't really need to put that but you could put that if you want to it's basically a code that customs use to kind of verify what type of product it is that you're shipping um if you do have multiple colors of an object like let's say i had the red version of this puffer jacket i can put right here options i can check that box and then put in options color and then what i could do is do black comma red and then it will automatically add as choices and then it will tell me do i want to price the different variants differently and do i want to set different quantities for each so let's say i had 10 of each i would put 10 black 10 red let's say that only the black version was on sale because that one maybe isn't moving as fast as the red ones i can keep this as the original 90 price and i can keep the black i can let the black one be the new sale price which is 57 okay and if you have different skus for each color you can put it here but then all you do is hit save and then you'll be done with your product another thing that you can also do when adding products is you can list the product type the collections and the vendor and tags this helps with seo which is something that i will explain at the end of this video but for the sake of right now i'm gonna put that this is a jacket uh i'm gonna skip over vendor and then i don't have any collections yet so i'm just gonna add this to home page collection but we're going to talk about collections next time and then let's say i want to do tags i can put black puffer jacket coat um puffy raincoat whatever describes my item i'm going to put it as a tag because tags help when customers are searching for a certain product on your website and then all i'm going to do is hit save and once i hit save it's going to save all this stuff about my product and then my product is going to have the ability to be on the live store which you see right here and so i can actually preview it so that you guys can see what it looks like on the front end um once we've added the image and everything you see that it says sale and it says fifty seven dollars and then ninety dollars would be the original price you see my picture right here which with this theme it allows me to zoom in and then here's my description which is super cool and then here are my options so you know i had to list variants here are my options i can select red if i want to and red is the normal price of ninety dollars but if i want black it's 57 and it is on sale okay so that is how you would add a product now let's talk about how you can set up your policies all right let's talk about that so to set up your policies what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to scroll down to settings and then you're going to click where it says manager stores legal pages okay once you come here shopify is going to tell you all of the common policies that you need to create it's going to tell you that you need to create a refund policy a privacy policy terms of conditions and also a shipping um policy as well so they have templates for all of these except for your shipping policy so if you don't have a lawyer you can go ahead and utilize the templates that shopify provides you with but you definitely want to go ahead and edit this stuff to comply with your business so for example the template for refund policy tells them that they have a 30-day return policy if that's not your return policy you need to edit this okay um you can also go ahead and just type up your own and paste it into this box privacy policy is the same thing you hit create from template if you do not have a lawyer and then you can go through this and you can actually just edit out whatever doesn't apply or customize so for example source of collection this data will be collected when you access our site using cookies log files web beacons tags or pixels if you have another way that people's data is tracked you can just add it in right here if not you can go ahead and just erase this placeholder so shopify does a good job of giving you placeholders so that you can know where you need to edit the placeholders are all in all caps and they are italicized so make sure that you're changing that out too many times i see people use the template from shopify and they still have all these uh placeholders in them you don't want that you want it to be clean to the point and you want it to stand by itself um legally okay you can scroll down and do the same thing for terms of service basically what each of these are your refund policy is how you're gonna handle returns and exchanges and refunds your um your privacy policy is what you're doing with consumer data so when people go to websites automatically cookies and things like that are tracked you need to let people know that it is being tracked and for what purpose so is it because you're going to run ads to it is it because you're going to use it for email marketing is it because you're going to use it to send out their order what is that so the privacy policy needs to encompass all of that and the template from shopify does a good job of that just make sure that you're switching out the placeholders the terms of service is basically the kind of like a mini contract of what comes with using your website so by purchasing on this website you're agreeing to the following terms that is what the terms of service is for now your shipping policy does not have a template um creation option you have to type that in yourself so this is okay how fast are you going to process orders how fast are you going to ship orders do you offer different shipping speeds who do you ship with what happens if somebody doesn't get their package are they able to get a tracking number when when they order something you want to include all of this into your shipping policy okay and that is pretty much how you would set up policies you would then go ahead and hit save once you saved your policies you're going to make sure that you add them to your site by heading over to online store and then clicking navigation once you click navigation they're going to have two different menus for you one is going to be main menu and one is going to be the footer menu you want to click the footer menu and then you want to go through and add each of your policies as its own page okay so what i'm going to do is click add menu item and then i'm going to hover where it says link click that i'm going to scroll down to policies and then i'm going to click privacy policy ad i'm going to do the same thing for all of them i'm going to scroll down to policies then i'm going to click refund policy ad then i'm going to add another menu item then i'm going to scroll down and i'm going to click terms of service policy ad and my refund my shipping policy would have popped up but because i didn't put anything into that text box it's not popping up because it's saying that there's nothing there so then all i have to do is hit save menu and then now it's going to be on the bottom of my site so if i were to go back to my website and refresh over here if i were to go to my site and then scroll down you would see now that it says search privacy policy refund policy terms of service at the bottom okay and that is how you set up your policies now let's talk about domains so once you're already in the online store subcategory what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and click domains it's going to take you to a page where it's going to give you your default domain that shopify has created now shopify's domain at the end this is not completely branded at all and i always urge people to buy your own domain and connect it you can buy a domain straight from shopify i like to use google domains some people use godaddy i don't use godaddy i use google domains and i connect connected to shopify but let's say you wanted to do everything on shopify because we're trying to make it easy what you would do is you would click buy new domain shopify is then going to ask you what domain do you what domain do you want i want my domain to say warm and boujee and then it's going to tell me what is available it says that is available i can get i get all of these different options that i'm able to buy okay and so let's say i wanted i would go ahead and click buy i would then enter my information like my web i mean my name my address all of that stuff and then once i purchase that domain shopify will automatically sync it for me now if you have a domain from outside sort such as google domains or godaddy you're going to need to let shopify know that you have a domain from an outside source and then you're going to need to connect it so to do that what you'll do is you'll click connect an existing domain right and then once you click connect an existing domain it's going to actually what the domain is so let's say i'm talking about the brand oh well it's gonna be still a website but let's say i'm talking about hustlebabe right i then hit next and then what shopify is going to tell me it's going to tell me where the domain is hosted because that's what it's doing right now so it will pull up where the domain is hosted so hustlebabe it's then going to give me the instructions based off of my provider so my provider is google domains so once i click view instructions it's going to take me to the instructions to connect my domain based off of my third party okay and then all i would do is follow these instructions and connect my domain um it's probably easier for you to just buy it on shopify but you definitely want to make sure that you buy a domain because you want to make sure that everything is on brand you should be able to tell people okay go to not that just doesn't make any sense you want to make sure that you go strictly to your domain and it is on brand okay the good thing about domains is that domains you pay that one price for the entire year that is not a monthly price that is a yearly price so it's 14 for the entire year depending on the domain that you want um and the competition for that domain it may go up all the way to i've seen domains 90 dollars sometimes um depending on whatever domain it is it could be cheap like fourteen dollars even nine dollars it may be a little bit more expensive but that is something that you're paying for the entire year okay and that is how you would set up your domain now let's talk about how you can set up shipping payments and pay outs okay so shipping is how you are going to get your product to your customer and it is basically telling shopify the shipping providers you use etc etc so to set up shipping you're going to want to click the settings option in your menu you then want to click shipping and delivery once you get to shipping and delivery it is going to already have some of the general information in here for you okay so let's say you want to offer local delivery you can say okay well where are you offering local delivery from and you can click manage and then you can add in your address if you wanted to do local pickup the same thing where are people are able to pick this up from is it your warehouse what is your warehouse address and you would put that here for packages you can add your default shipping packages so let's say i had these custom poly mailers that i ship in i can come here and i can select soft package because a poly mailer is a soft package i'm going to switch this to inches and then my poly mailer is going to be 10 by 13. that's my polymailer and then the weight went empty is 0.05 right so this is me weighing it on my shipping scale and then um putting that weight in here then you can name it anything you want so let's say this is my custom design probably mailers and i designed this holiday themed or something because it's quarter four so maybe holiday custom design poly mailers and i can set this as my default packaging or i could just click add a package and then it will automatically store it as a saved package for me when it comes to shipping out so when it's time to ship out your order you're going to need to obviously purchase a shipping label either through shopify or through something like ship station and so having your saved packages helps because it will automatically fill in the dimensions and the weight for you of your package okay and then all you have to do is worry about the total weight after you put the item into whatever your packaging is okay but if you scroll back up it's going to take you to shipping right if you want to edit your shipping you're going to click manage rates once you go to manage rates it's going to list the products that you have so far which i only have one product so far it's going to actually where you're shipping from if you want to change the shipping from address you're going to need to click manage and you're going to need to edit that on that page the reason why you want to be very precise on where it's shipping from is because when you print the label it is going to show up on the label so if you're shipping from your home and you don't want people to stock you or know your address i suggest getting a po box or a street address from your usps or there's other companies that give you street addresses as well so that it can show up as that once you print your label okay because nobody wants somebody pulling up to their house wondering where their package is at okay so let's say this wasn't the address i wanted to ship from i would click manage and then it asked me do i want to remove rates and i would have to hit yes i want to remove rates and then it will take me to a page actually to add my new address okay and then you would just fill that out and it'll come right back to this page now shopify has already filled in some default options for me you can go through this and see if this is something you agree with or you can change them completely i like to do a standard shipping rate not based on how much the package weighs but just a standard flat fee shipping rate that is what i like to do and that is what i tell some of the people that i coach but it honestly is up to you so if you want to you can price based on the weight of a package which shopify already has some defaults in here so up to a pound they'll they'll they're charging 690 one to five pounds they're charging your customer 990 so on so forth they also already have like a free option here so if you've ever went to a website where they're like okay if you spend 75 dollars shipping is free this is what this is so i'm gonna basically show you how you can add this yourself so if you click add a rate you'll hit set up your own rates and then you can name it anything you want so let's say i wanted to do free shipping over 75 i would type that in and then the price is going to be zero dollars because it's free and then i'm going to hit add conditions and i'm going to put based on order price and the minimum they have to spend is 75 there's no max i will hit done and now free shipping over 75 is applied you see that 75 and up says the price is free okay and obviously we don't want two different free shipping overs um so i'm going to delete that free shipping over 50 and make this dominate okay um like i said i like to do flat rate shipping so i'm going to go ahead and add a flat rate shipping option by clicking add rate clicking set your own rates and then this is going to be flat rate shipping and you can name it something cute if you want to and my flat rate shipping is going to be 10 because on average that's how much i spend i don't need to add any conditions because this is just period this is how much you're going to spend spend on shipping unless you spend 75 or over so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit done and it's going to add flat rate shipping no conditions and the price is 10 i'm then going to delete these and delete these now let's say you wanted to add like a expedited option or um an overnight option still go back to add a rate set your own rates i'm gonna do overnight shipping and then my price for overnight shipping is going to be 25 i'm going to hit done it's going to be added okay and so what you want to do is you want to also add your shipping zone so right now i'm shipping to the domestic under these rates so anybody within the united states will pay these rates they'll either pay ten dollars for flat rate shipping 25 for overnight shipping or if they spend over 75 dollars it will be free okay so that is how it is going to work for this now for the rest of the world you can set up different prices for them okay what i like to do for the rest of the world is i like to say calculate your own rates so what you can do is click use carrier or app to calculate rates select the carrier you want to use whether it's ups usps or dhl right now it's covered so uf ups is your only option you would select what options you plan on utilizing within international shipping and then you would go ahead and hit done now if you wanted to add a handling fee to this you can add a flat amount or a percentage it's up to you another thing you can do is you can have a flat rate international shipping fee so maybe you realize that international shipping runs you about twenty dollars you can go ahead and charge twenty dollars as a flat rate shipping fee and if anything goes over twenty dollars in terms of international shipping you're just gonna have to eat the cost because you set a flat rate shipping of 20 for international shipping i personally like to have it calculate on its own that is my preference but it's completely up to you now once you're done with this all you have to do is hit save to make sure that everything saves and then if you go back to your page to your website you now can let me go to my catalog you now can go here and then you can hit add to cart then you can hit view cart and you can walk through the checkout process i haven't set up everything completely so i don't know how far it's gonna let me go but you can walk through the set the checkout process and then it's gonna show you it's gonna calculate shipping at the next step so let's say i'm going to put in let's put in this email support the brand oops i cannot spell today then i'm going to put in my actual all of these are old addresses so you can pop up if you want to but um we're going to put these as an address nope let's not do that i'm going to go ahead and put in my address in here i'm going to continue to shipping it's gonna get available rates for me as you see flat rate shipping pops up overnight shipping pops up once i get to this page okay and so the person is able to select whichever one they want and it will adjust the pricing over here now to show you what happens when i add over 75 dollars to my cart let's say i went ahead and just added one more of these that will take me over 75 dollars i hit check out and then it's going to calculate my shipping rates and it's going to tell me that i can get free shipping over 75 or i could pay overnight shipping for 25 if i want it faster okay so the option for overnight or expedited will still pop up the cool thing about this is free shipping applies to pre-taxed and pre-discounted prices so a person cannot i mean pre-tax and after discounted prices so a person won't get the free shipping over 75 if they add 75 worth of prop worth of products and then add like a 10 off coupon to take them below 75. they won't get the free shipping it has to equate to 75 after all discounts and before taxes okay so that is how that would work in terms of shipping now let's go ahead and talk about how you can set up your payments and your payouts so to do that you're going to go back to settings you're then going to go to payments payments is where you are able to tell shopify what kind of payments you want to accept from people so you could set up and use shopify payments which is what i suggest using you can utilize paypal amazon pay and any third-party platform that you want a lot of people are utilizing things like zell and after pay and things like that you would add those in third-party and alternative payment methods okay so that is an option that a lot of people are doing because it does bring in more orders because you're giving people the option to buy now and pay in increments um like i said if you wanted to just activate activate the basic ones you can activate shopify payments it'll ask you for some information like your social your email address your business information and things like that you would go ahead and fill that out and then go about your business and you're ready to accept payments as long as you set up the correct information so that it could charge and then deposit the payments correctly once you set up your shopify payments it's going to pop up and say how often do you want to be paid out you can select that you want to be paid out on a monthly basis a weekly basis um i believe they offer daily as well and that is something that pops up after you activate shopify payments okay but pretty much we just walked through how to pick a website theme how to add products how to set up your policies how to connect your domain how to set up your shipping rates and then we also talked about how you can set up payments for your customers and how that affects your payouts okay so pretty much this walkthrough tutorial is done i'm about to tell you guys all about seo and then you'll be done before we wrap up today's video i just want to briefly cover what seo is and why seo is important when it comes to creating a website so basically seo is the way that you can rank on google or any search engine pretty much completely for free and so seo is utilizing a bunch of different keyword metadata alt tag and things like that to make sure that your website ranks higher in the search results okay so if you've ever searched for something like bell bottom jeans and you saw that a website popped up it's either because they were running an ad or because they were optimized in terms of search engine optimization okay so there's a couple of reasons why you want to make sure that your site ranks high when it comes to seo and that is because if your website pops up when people google for a particular item or a particular type of business obviously you can drive more traffic to your website and you will increase your conversions if it's what people are looking for not only that but it helps to build trust with your potential customers and seo is pretty much free unless you decide to pay for keywords on google but even that is still pretty affordable so i wanted to make sure i inserted that into today's video because when it comes to working on the back end of your site and adding products and product descriptions you want to make sure that your product descriptions and your product titles are optimized when it comes to seo there are also a couple of other things on your website that you want to make sure are optimized as well but if you're interested in learning more about seo and how to optimize your website i definitely urge you to check out the ehosa club join the e-hostel club and go ahead and watch the video lesson that we have in your student dashboard where i talk all about how to get free traffic to your website utilizing seo if you don't want to do any of this work yourself in terms of designing or creating the site i do own a design agency called the hustle babe agency you can go ahead and go to the and then click the menu option to visit my agency page and see if our websites fit what you need and fit your budget other than that make sure that you are subscribed to this channel share this video with someone that you know it can help follow me on instagram at thebrandhustler you can follow my personal instagram i am chanel q and stay tuned for all of the bomb videos i have planned see you later hustle babes bye [Music]
Channel: The Brand Hustler
Views: 185,961
Rating: 4.9635644 out of 5
Keywords: The Brand Hustler, business start up, how to create a shopify store, how to create a website, how to create an online store, how to create shopify website, how to design a website, how to make a website, how to make money on shopify, how to make money online, how to set up shopify store, how to start a business, how to start an online store, how to use shopify, shopify, shopify business, shopify tutorial for beginners, the find guru, website tutorial, shopify tutorial 2020
Id: lzufgAaTMOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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