Free Shopify Dropshipping Course | $0-$211,982 EVERYTHING REVEALED

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hey guys it's the ecom kink here and in today's video i'm going to be giving you a completely free shopify drop shipping course for q4 2021 now there's a very special thing about today's course it's going to be the exact case study and blueprint that we took last year with a beginner's taken from zero to over 200 dollars during q4 and during this video i'm gonna be giving you absolutely everything that we did i'm gonna be showing you the website how we private labeled it what suppliers we used what websites we used all the ads managers and ad sets all the ads the email marketing the sms as you guys can tell absolutely everything you're gonna be able to see in today's video now this is probably gonna be one of the best videos you can watch online to start an e-commerce business or a dropshipping business during q4 now q4 is basically from october till december and it's the best time to start a business during that time because you've got things like new year you've got things like christmas black friday and cyber monday now the reason why i thought this is one of the best videos that you can watch this year to learn queue for dropshipping or e-commerce is because it's the exact strategy that we're using again this year and it's proven to work because it worked for a brand new beginner last year and he was part of the mentorship now if you want to learn anything about the mentorship i'll leave all the details in the description below and in the pin comment now as this is a free shopify drop shipping course i have created a free google doc slide that you can help follow you along with this video and if you want to obtain that free google docs let's make sure we smash 5 000 likes on this video now let me start off by showing you guys all the proof with this case study so as you guys can see i'm in the shopify dashboard and as you guys can see in the top left the brand name has been revealed in this video and it hasn't been hidden as promised and as you guys can see from the 1st of october 2020 from the 31st of january we achieved over 177 000 now this store did achieve around about 234 thousand dollars in total now the reason why i'm showing you till the 31st of january is because we did some very effective new year marking that not a lot of other creators tell you about and i want to show you in this course as well so if i reload the page you're going to be able to see that none of the results actually change so let me quickly reload this page and you guys can see once it's reloaded all the stats will stay the same now just to show you that this was a q4 case study i'm going to be showing you last year's sales and you guys can see throughout q1 to q3 nothing happened and then during q4 you can see that massive surge in volume which is absolutely amazing so let's start this free shopify drop shipping course and let's go over how we actually found the product and these are the google slides that i promised will be in the description once we hit 5000 likes so we first off by finding the biggest competitor in the game that was selling our product which was and i'll be showing you all this a little bit later on and how we actually found this brand was by using ad split tools and the one we use is peekster now there are loads of other ad spy tools out there and i'll be showing you that one that we use a little bit later on now we checked the product volume with this uh tool right here which is seller plus and this is an amazing tool that nobody talks about on youtube and i'll be showing you this again a little bit later on now we asked the supplier on alibaba if he had any newer version of the product and we got lucky because he actually did have a newer version of the product and this is something that i talk about in every single video i make always look to sell the newer version of any product now something that i haven't talked about before is the alibaba strategy which i'll be going over a little bit later now we got lucky because the cost of goods is 24 we're shipping to the us which is absolutely amazing we ordered the product at home and paid 50 for dhl shipping and tested it so basically what we did is we ordered the product and we got it sent to ourselves because we wanted to test the product to see if it was actually good and we we wanted to learn how the product worked so we can best sell it and that's something that a lot of people do they won't test the product themselves to understand exactly how it works and what are the best ways to advertise now the product worked well and we decided to present it to tyrell so tyra was actually the mentor that taught the dank so he was his personal mentor now tyrol was my student and i taught him and then he taught vidank now again if you want to apply for the mentoring there will be a link in the description so you can apply for it even if it was saturated we decided to give it a go and this product was actually saturated and it was in loads of my videos that i've made before about which products to sell so when you guys see the product you're going to laugh because i've talked about it time and time again set up the store with gem pages now gem pages was like a uh store builder it was an amazing one when you see the website everybody's gonna be like wow how did you build it we did use gem pages but unfortunately that's not available anymore but i will be making a video soon about how we made the store ordered the ads from fiverr and we launched it so basically we ordered some ads on fiverr to get them quickly made and i'll leave a link in the description to some people that you can use if you do want to use other people then yourself so this is the ad spy tool that we use which is peekster and it shows you loads of different ads that are currently doing while on facebook and again you can use any ads by tool it's completely up to you but this is our preferred one and there is a two day free trial to this in the description now once we found the product that we saw that was really doing well which was this product right here which is the neck massager and i'm sure you guys have seen this in my videos before this was the biggest brand selling it and as you guys can see they are doing an amazing job of selling this product look at how professional this thing looks this thing looks insane and as you guys can see here they've really built a solid brand about this and it just looks absolutely amazing and when we saw them with this website we thought to ourselves look to build a website like this and create the ads that they've created for it they must be making some serious money with this product so that's why once we saw this website we thought wow we're going to try and make our website just as good as this website and we're going to go all in the same way they did because as you guys can see they're doing absolutely amazing with it and then what we did is when we found the product on aliexpress we use this tool here which is called seller pulse which is amazing um it is a free tour and i'm using the free version right here and when you look for the product on aliexpress you can import the product from aliexpress you can go to view product trend and when you go to view product trend you can look at the price the feedback the orders and you guys can see here it shows you the daily order amount on the graph here which is absolutely amazing amazing and it will also show you the data as well instead so instead of graph chart it will show you the data now this thing is crazy good because you can look at the quantity as well so this is just something that not many people are talking about on youtube that i think is just an amazing tool and it's completely free what i'm using and they also give you the product page they also give you the buyers countries as well so if you click this it will show you where people are buying it from which is amazing as well and it gives you loads of other information but as soon as we saw the product trend and we saw it was trending really nicely during that time we thought you know what we've got to jump on this product before it gets a little bit too saturated so as i explained in the slide that we went to alibaba to find the manufacturer and as you guys can see we searched for it now the important thing is you want to find the manufacturer of the product and you can only find them really on alibaba and what you want to do is you want to scroll down and you want to go to where it says company profile and you can see here business type and you want to make sure the business type says manufacture now let me show you another person on alibaba selling it if we go to their company profile it says that the manufacturer and the trading company now the trading company are the people that are the middle people so after they go from the manufacture they go to the trading company now that means that they have no decision making on the product so if you go straight to the manufacturer it means that you can ask them if they have a newer version of product because they actually make the products and then you can ask them if they have a newer version or if they're planning to launch a newer version and you can negotiate on the price as well which is absolutely amazing so make sure you look for that as well and then what we did is we contacted the supplier asking them if they had the newer version which they did and then we arranged to work with them so just a quick tip on how you guys can find similar products that do really really well during q4 is what you want to do is you want to go to the add spoiler or whichever one you're using and you want to filter it by either the months of september october november or december because any products that are selling while during this period of time are the ones that will do well for christmas now the reason why i'm saying that is because if products are doing well during any of these months it basically means that people are willing to buy them for some reason for q4 whether it be cyber monday black friday christmas or new year so it just means that they have one of those validations that people want to buy them for those important times the months if i change it to october you guys can see that it might be a few halloween products but genuinely you guys can see these are great christmas products so you guys can see here this is a great christmas product to give somebody you guys can see this is a christmas product right there you can also see that these are beauty products and beauty technology kids toys you can see all these types of products you can see they're specially done for christmas because they're great presents to give to people so that's just a tip that we did guys now you don't want to overlook it you just want to make sure that the product's good quality you want to make sure that there's a real reason for people to want to buy it and as long as it meets those criteria try and find a newer version of it try and get a good relationship with the alibaba manufacturer and try and get down to ordering it and testing it yourself now i want to quickly show you the website that we created and as you guys can see here this is the logo and you can see that the logo represents the product now the product is to massage your neck to relax you to get rid of any tension and it's technically like a therapy or health product and you guys can see that we've incorporated that within the logo and the colors of the brand you can see we're using those blues those whites and they're very what we call pharmaceutical or health those are the colors that people think about when they think of these types of products and you can see we've got the aid symbol right here so it fits really nice and you can see the logo is nothing crazy but it just fits the product that we're selling and you can see here we've got flash sale shipping worldwide home buy it now about us contact faq track your order and then you can see it says discover the smartest clinical neck device shot now our customers love us and you guys can see there's a photo here of a customer wearing it and it actually has our branding on there as well which is absolutely amazing i'll be talking about this a little bit later on and you guys can see free ebook included so we actually gave away a free ebook with the product because that's another incentive that other people are not willing to do that will make them come to you so the competitor that was selling this product the main competitor that i was showing you before they weren't giving away an e-book so that gives us a leverage over them to make us do better now the funny thing is i actually made a video about this in january sorry june you can see the 26th of june i actually made a video about the future of shopify drop shipping and it's the exact formula that we ended up using within this store about three months later and you can see here i talked about giving people a free ebook so guys when i make these videos please take them seriously because i do everything that i preach and it ends up working pretty well for us so there you go guys i i literally said it publicly so i don't want to hear nobody hating in the comments section so if we go back to the actual store itself you can see here we go over the main pain points and you guys can see that we're talking from a scientific point of view and you've got to really understand that your product what type of product is it's a scientific product is it a problem solving product and if that's the case you really want to talk about those features you can see we're signing up for 89.99 and we were getting it for 24 plus shipping and then you guys can see we've got this pulsating image there and the reason why you want pulsating images is because it's going to help people get engaged with your website and want to read and you can see here portable ergonomic and we go over the main features with short descriptions and then we've got some more uh trust badges and then we've got this really nice image that works with the scroll and you can see here it says discover the clinical device and it says watch videos we have actually have a video showing them how the product works it's all within the one part of the website where they're going to get all the information they want then we have some case studies here you can see some reviews and one of them is actually a video of a woman actually showing her results which is amazing and then you can see here not satisfied money back guarantee and this is something that you really want to offer during queue for a money-back guarantee and a very strong one because that way people can really be happy to buy and then you can see here we've had some of the reviews and these are actually genuinely real people all these reviews here are actually real people and then you can see here the tips and tricks so we actually made a blog talking about tips and tricks to help you with any neck pain without buying the products we're giving away free value without actually sending them anything and that way they're going to trust us because they're going to see us as an expert talking from this so if you've got a problem that solves a problem solving don't talk about how the product can solve it talk about things they can do for free that can solve it and then it builds you as a trust and authority and you can see we've got an email and a phone number which builds up really good trust and transparency now if i show you the actual product page quickly and you can see here we've got exclusive sale and we've got those bullet points again no long descriptions just nice and nice and simple and you guys can see we put the free e-book included value of almost 20 and then we've got the upsells the duo bundle and this is what really helped us make a lot of money which was doing bundle up sales and then we've got the 14 days money back guarantee and then we've got the videos which looks absolutely amazing and guys when you're looking at this website you've got to really ask yourselves would you buy from this website and where and the funny thing is when i looked at my looked at this website i would buy from this website you know and even though it's our website we would still buy from it and that's how you want to be you want to look at your website and think damn i would buy from this website even if it's your own website and you can see here guys it is done to perfection and you guys are more than welcome to look at this and use this as a framework to build your own website and if you want to see a video on how we build a website like this make sure you let me know in the comments section and it will be coming very very soon and yeah guys it's one of those websites that just has done really really well now let's talk about the apps that we had installed on the website so we had cj drop shipping as basically the the company that we used to test the product so when we were testing it to see if it would actually work on the mass and we were using cj to drop ship it and then after we got the proof of concept we started to buy and bulk and store it using 3pl fulfillment which is absolutely amazing and then as you guys can see here we have clavio sms bump tidal live chat track short now trex shows something that we don't really talk about much and this is very important because we actually had paypal issues so we actually had people uh issues with paypal where they were holding a lot of the money which was messing up our cash flow and trackshaw was really helpful for that because what it does is it actually automatically uploads and updates the tracking numbers so you don't have to spend time doing that manually which is absolutely amazing now some of these apps like sms and clavio i will be talking about these later on as you can see here i've got them opened up so don't worry about that but these are the main bulk ones and i talked about these apps in loads of my other videos so i won't be talking about small apps like tidal because we've talked about that in loads of other videos but the ones for sms and clavio i will be talking about because we did something very special with those that were very very effective so guys let's talk about the facebook ad strategy because facebook ads was the main part of our marketing that worked very very effectively and we do plan on using facebook again this year and this is the structure that we did and this is the e-commerce mentor on strategy this is what we teach this is the structure now abs stands for ad set budget optimization we did five ad sets top five top five meaning the uk us australia new zealand at fifteen dollars per ad set three ads per answer now the reason why we were using fifteen dollars per ad set was because we were selling what we call a high ticket product and if you don't spend enough you're not going to get a quality traffic and then that way they're not going to convert so i'd always test your budgets between if you're selling high ticket now i do recommend that if you are doing q for drop shipping and that's the point here you want to be selling products that are high ticket high ticket and you're making around about 30 dollars in profit so that's something that's very important now in terms of the spending you want to range between 10 and 20 you know you want to test 10 15 and 20 see which works best for you now three ads per ad set meaning we have three different ads under one ad set which is very powerful because then you can work out which works the best now we ran them for three days we've got very good ctrl which is click through rate on the one ad and that way we worked out which ad performed the best few ads are carts but no sales we were selling it for 69.99 and our margin was 46 which gives us enough room to basically test with and spend budget on now with phase 2 we took our best ads post id so the best ad that works out of these three ones we took the post id and we used it for all of the other ads we launched an engagement ad on this post id to stack engagement and increase the quality score now when you're doing your ad tests where you where you're basically testing loads of different ads and for those that don't know what ads are those are the actual visual thing that the people are seeing when they look on facebook and i'll show you this a little bit later now if you don't understand facebook ads make sure you go and watch my ad tutorial free course because then this will make more sense for you so please go and do that it will be in the card and it will be in the description now the reason why we took the best item we ran engagement is because if you've got a really good ad that performs well without you even doing any post engagement on it then you want to make that basically a steroid ad and how you do that is by giving it really good engagement likes comments and then that way when you run it as your main ad to actually get purchases for it's going to look a lot more trustworthy i hope that makes sense now you can see here changed the product name and ordered some mock-up so we actually changed the name of the product and we ordered some mock-ups of it now we created an campaign with new interests five ad sets one ad per ad set so what we did here is we wanted to try some new audiences out because again you always want to try and see which audiences by interest will work the best and every product has around 20 to 60 interest you want to make sure you test them all to see which works the best and again this one ad was the one that performed really really well from this engagement post now we did it at ten dollars per ad set and we got four profitable sales which is very very important now let's talk about phase three which is a single cbo campaign with our best interest 100 euros a day so basically we moved on to cbo and we like to use cbo to scale with because we just find it works way better in cbs campaign budget optimization and when you're working with cbo's you want to have them at around about 100 or 100 euros because if it isn't at that budget they tend not to work very well and yes that budget is quite a lot but when you're scaling it's not that much money because when you're making quite a lot of money it's not a lot of money now trying some other interests in the background at five dollars a day still with the same ad so although you're scaling guys you still want to be in the background testing new things a lot of people when they scale they get lost in the scaling and they only focus on the scaling they don't think about the testing and they forget about testing and when you forget about testing that's when you tend to die out because you're not working on new things that you can potentially scale a little bit later on because these scaling campaigns they'll die out eventually they won't work well the interest will die out so unless you're trying new things out as well eventually you're just going to get stuck in the mud because you haven't given yourself enough room to work with whenever an interest was getting through profitable sales we scaled it by 20 with the existing ad set we duplicated it in a single cbo so this is another great way that we scale with and i mentioned this in my other free course that works very very effectively for us trying several creatives and ad copies in the background so you always again want to try your ad copies you want to try your creatives because although you have really good targeting like interest targeting and stuff that might be great but you always want to try it so any ad set that does well let's say the interest is men's fashion the ages 18 to 30. yes that might be great but unless you're trying it with new and new creatives it could die out so the ad set technically won't die out the creative or diet which will then kill the ad sets you have to be very careful with that and that's why we're making sure that we're doing this whenever we created whenever a creative was doing great we were always using it in a new campaign on our best performing interest stacked in a cbo so we stacked all of this within one cbo guys we launched retargeting ads video viewers page engages website visits etc a total budget of 200 to 400 a day and again that might sound like a lot of money but when you're trying to scale during a short period of time the only thing you can do is scale aggressively we got some cash flow issues as we were getting a lot of orders in short amount of time paypal held our money for uh 28 days and again that might not sound like a lot of time but during q4 that's a lot of time so we had to really use credit cards and all the cash flow instances we disconnected from paypal from the store conversion rate dropped by 0.7 so it got to a point guys that we had to cut ties with paypal because it was just slowing us down and you got to make those kind of business decisions very quickly because if you don't then it's going to hurt although our conversion rate dropped by 0.7 which is a lot you've got to think if we if we just use paypal we just kept using it then we would have actually destroyed the store because we couldn't actually manage it with cash flow so i would rather take that loss then take a full loss if that makes sense now the main page got banned georgie quality score dropped a lot lower we protected the pixel by sharing it into another business manager and these again are decisions you've just got to make and these are going to come to you during your q4 journey so it's all about protecting your main assets so for example here we protected the store as an asset here we're protecting the data as an asset and you've always got to look to protect yourself in this journey now suppliers did screw us up because they didn't ship 50 items and you're going to get that it doesn't matter what supplier you work with what fulfillment you work with you're going to get issues during q4 because it's hectic so you've got to just understand that we understood that we were in a dangerous situation so we scale it or die so we got four credit cards with a 5k limit and decided to go all in so guys here you go again when you're talking about stress and you're talking about making decisions and risky decisions guys you can see it right here look at this risk of a decision we took out five different credit cards and we scaled it we decided we're going to scale it not kill it and you guys can see here we went all in and that's the thing guys when you get to a certain part of your journey you just got to say look man am i all in or am i all out and you've got to make that decision very quickly and you've got to be 100 in or out and you can't be 99 because it just doesn't make any sense and i know it's easy for you guys to watch this and think that we don't have to make any crazy risks but we still do till today the more money you make the more risk you actually get so do bear that in mind guys you can see here we increased the price to 99.99 as the pixel was seasoned so that means we could actually charge more and actually get away with it which is really really helpful so let's talk about phase four and guys something that i do want to say is i will be showing you the ads manager in the next few minutes so you guys can see this in some form of context now also if you have any questions make sure you join the telegram group it is a free group so you can ask them so we ordered it and we branded the product at home and got shooting with some models plus videos we ordered ugc creatives which i'll be showing you a little bit later if you don't understand what this means and this is just a great way to scale so phase 4 is really just scaling it to the moon and you want to really brand the product and we ordered custom content we got creation studio we created an engaging ad and i'll be showing you all these ads a little bit later and you guys want to follow the same structure and again this all costs money this here this whole part here costs money but it's an investment in the long term we ordered an e-book to actually help people to solve their neck pain problems hired a copywriter to get three blog posts done so those posts that i showed you when we were showing you the website the bottom we actually hired somebody to do those just because it gives people free value and you can actually do that in email marketing which i'll be showing you a little bit later that works really really effectively now we created a traffic campaign to get people on the store to read those articles to collect email addresses and again i'll be showing you this in a minute but nobody talks to you about this so we actually spent money to send people to a free article so we don't make any money the only thing that we make actual value on is collecting their email addresses because then we can retarget them at a cheaper cost then we create a conversion campaign to get the people that downloaded the ebook to collect the email address to create a welcome series email sequence and again showing you this in the next few minutes we retarget those people and send it several email blasts once per week we created lookalike audiences to test all types of lookalikes all kind of the range one percent so we did one two three four five six seven eight nine percent ten percent individually but then we also tried one two three three two six uh six uh six to nine and those ones as well and again these kind of abos i'm talking about i've talked about in my other uh course so make sure you go and watch that like i said and then what we did is you can see here with three to five five to seven and ten scaled it would look like audiences at 500 to 700 a day and that is a lot of money to spend but during q4 guys you've got to do it man because if you don't you're gonna sit there in january february thinking damn i just wish i pulled the trigger a little bit more so just try it out that's all i'm gonna say so let's talk about phase five and like i said before guys i will be showing you this with some context when i show you the ads manager we scaled worldwide with no interest targeting at 2.5 k a day jeez i remember that man that was crazy last year so we basically did no interest targeting so in the interest box left the empty countries left it empty and we just let the pixel fire it any people anywhere in the world to see if they would buy it and we were spending 2.5k a day and it does get expensive we created a google shopping ads campaign we created youtube ads with retargeting so yes we did a google shopping guide campaign and they worked okay they didn't work great facebook was the main thing now we created youtube ads retargets we only did retargeting with youtube ads and retargeting on youtube ads can work really really well depending depending on the product that you're selling we ordered some specific creatives for black friday black friday work with the e-com king strategy which was the warm-up econ blast and the uh sorry email blast and the post-purchase sms bump ordered a special black edition from my supplier black friday limited edition so we actually took it to another step and we thought you know what we're gonna order this product in a black color so we had it in white red and blue but we decided to get a black version for black friday and it was really cool and i'm gonna be showing you a couple of cool marketing strategies that we use for specific times of the year like new year that just worked really really effective for us now phase six lots of people were copying our store literally stealing our content we bought in bulk and lowered the price in a way to make it almost impossible for them to enter the market so again you're gonna get to the stage if you do well people copying you people trying to steal your still your crops and the best way of doing it is by just leveling up and saying look the barrier of entry has gone from here to here now so if you want to if you want to join me on this journey you either have to step up or just step down so that's something that we like to do man and this is something that a lot of people will tell you about you've either got to try and get your competition to step up or they're going to have to step down so there was another competitor called neck hype to compete with arsenal and discourage people from entering the market so what we did is we took their store down with a dmc a form so this is something that not a lot of people talk to you about you can actually take people's stores down if they're copying your content literally copying your whole website your creatives you can use this to take websites down and it's very powerful and this is why i preach always have unique stuff because if you don't you could get dmca forms and your whole website could get taken down so as you guys can see i'm in the ads manager and i want to try and give you guys some context on those google slides that i was talking about so you guys can really understand it now the main part of showing you guys the ads managers to actually show you the content that we were using to run because in terms of like the campaigns that we run like the ad sets that part isn't actually the most important part um because i actually give you a full breakdown like i just showed you on how to create the ad sets and i've also shown you how to do that in other videos the main part of this is the actual creative side because that's the hardest part because during q4 you've got loads of events and you need to make sure that you prepared for your ads in terms of the visuals because if that's the most important part that's actually going to sell the actual target itself during q4 can be off and you can still get sales as long as the ads are good so as you guys can see we had four different ad accounts this is one of them and it spent a modest thirty six thousand euros which is about forty thousand dollars um and i wanna show you a couple of the um ads on here because it's very important for you guys to see this so i wanna show you first the test and creative so this is where we tested loads of different creatives and i think it's important for you guys to see these creators because there's so many in there that were just tested you know and and you've got to see them so i'm going to edit this so i can show you all the ads so as you guys can see this is one of the ads and this is something that we did which is really cool let me change it to desktop to make it slightly bigger you can see that we did something really funny because for new year and as i was mentioning to you guys before we did we did really well during january as well and that was because we planned for it you can see here we did happy next year so happy next year but it's new year i don't know if you guys get that it's kind of cringy but it works so it's the new year but it's happy next year they the tie-in pretty cool and we were doing 50 percent off and you guys can see the crate here it wasn't a video is an image and you guys can see we had a little twerky thing to it we added the color psychology and we had a 3d rendering of the product which looks really really nice as well you can get these done on fiverr and i'll link those in the description so you can get those done you can see nothing crazy a nice little bit of branding and it worked really really nicely and you can see the ad copy right here as well which is really really cool so here's another ad for you guys you can see here happy 2021 sale until 50 off and exclusive deals and this time it shows again it's the same color scheme and style but this time it shows a man with it on the back of their neck and it actually has our branding on the actual device here which is really really cool and it shows the uh the difference that it does for people as well so that's another ad we had i mean like i said i'm just gonna be showing you all these different ads that we were testing because it's important for you guys to see them all because this makes or breaks your uh your facebook ads during q4 so here you can see we had the um happy 2021 sale again until 50 off and you can see it's again the same color scheme again but you can see here you've got this one wearing and you can create these on canva we actually made these on canva i believe and there'll be a link in the description to canva 14-day free trial and you guys can see it looks really nice and professional now if i show you another ad and this is probably the last one i show you within this campaign um i believe this might be a black friday one no it's not happy new neck year so you can see here we actually crossed the new out and we did happy neck and this was 3d and you can see we actually changed the color this time and you can see that one right there now i'm going to show you a different campaign which is very important which is the testimonial campaign because this is what really worked well for us so let me show you this quickly so you guys can see if i scroll down you can see here it says testimonial old pixel so if i actually select this and go into the ads you'll see we had one well about one video we used mainly which was this one right here but we had a few different ones and it was basically a video that was a testimonial so let me just edit this and show you so if i go to uh expand you're gonna see if i change the desktop i'll play the video uh here and it's basically of this woman talking about how the product works now um i'll leave a link to this in the description so you can actually watch it with the volume but it's basically a retargeting ad where this woman's talking about how she gets she's getting results and she's talking about how she works from home and she gets sore neck and we show it of her reviewing the product and you can send these products out to people on fiverr or you can use a company called bilo which does these really well and i'll leave that in the description as well and you guys can see what a testimonial video there and we also had another one as well which is the second one which is here and this is of a different person and i'm going to expand this again and show you the desktop version and you guys can see right here it shows another woman in a different angle with a different scenario of her testimonial or the product and testimonials work really really well to build up trust and this is what we were sending out to people that subscribe to the email list and i'll be going over that a little bit later but let me show you some more campaigns and some more ads and and just to show you exactly how it all works so let's do some more creative testing so let's do creative two testing to show you those as well because those were really really really cool let me show you guys some more creatives that we ran on more of a generic point of view i think it's important for you guys to see a generic ad because those are the ones that you might run the most of so i'm just gonna expand this right here you guys can see here this is the generic one we ran in it actually worked really really well there's nothing to do with black friday on there or anything like that you can see it was just a video showing the product in action and this has got nothing to do with black friday it's just a generic ad and you guys can see here just it looks really really good it does the job it goes over everything needs to and you can see the thumbnail there so guys i don't want to bore you on any more facebook ads i think i've gone through way too many but you get the point and i have actually left loads of useful links here to other facebook ads that you can watch from black friday cyber monday so you can get a grasp on all the different ones that we ran and they are in the free google docs slides so make sure you smash like one so you can access it now something i do want to show you quickly though is the youtube commercial that was made so this one was specially designed for youtube and here is the dank himself so this gentleman right here is for dank and this is his friend and they actually recorded this themselves to save on money and also to get a little bit personal with it so i'm going to play this and you as you guys can see it shows these two gentlemen sitting on the stair and it shows two women walking by and it shows up they think they're very attractive and then as you guys can see it's a bit of a funny commercial and it shows them saying that they've hurt their neck because they've strained too much and then guess what happens but then suddenly they throw this to them which is the brand you can see it right there in the bag and they pull these out and these are the neck massages and they put them back on and it fixes their neck so with youtube commercials you want to be a little bit more on the humor side because that what works the best and as you guys can see they're doing very very well and that's what was run on youtube and we did a testimonial video and that worked really really well and again if you want to learn youtube ads i have actually made a video on it so i will leave that in the description as well so you can check that so let's move on to the sms bump tutorial that we did now you guys can see in the automations we had an abandoned car 30 minutes and an abandoned car one day and if i edit this you can see exactly what was in this sms bump flow and this is actually the same one that i talked to you guys about in the free course you guys can see 30 minute delay as you guys can see here it says here the brand name we noticed that was something in the shopping list here's a coupon code then to go and buy it so you guys can see that right there and again it's the exact same ones i talk about in the free course guys there's literally nothing different and i think it's important for you guys to see this because it shows you guys that everything that i teach you teach you is the same and you guys can see here we have actually have uploaded an image with the shopping bags of the product on it and as you guys can scroll down you can see here again very short and sweet and that worked really effectively as you guys can see i'm on the sms bump analytics page and you can see the total revenue was five thousand dollars and you can see that we spent 323 and the roi is that and this is why you don't want to sleep on sms bump guys it's unreal in terms of the uh in terms of roi you can get now let's move on to clavio so these are all the different uh campaigns that we had out we have the email campaign the last reminder abandoned car halloween sale halloween cell reminder manual uh manual abandoned checkout manual abandoned checkout again black friday black friday then we had some more black friday and you can see them all here and you can also see on the right hand side how much actually accumulated in sales with it and you guys can see the cyber monday the xmas sale and then the new union you can see all of those right there and if we go to the actual flows you'll see the flows that we actually have currently set up within clavio which is this again the exact same ones i talked about in the in the course that i made last year so as you guys will see in the next few moments is literally the same it's the abandoned cart ones and they worked really really well you can see here abandoned cart crosstalk customer thank you ebooks ebook clone and then the welcome series and these were all the ones i spoke about in my video last year that i made so i'm not going to go over them too much i will edit the flow just so you can see them and they're pretty much the exact same um in terms of what i actually talked about last year so you can see here um the brand name the brand uh brand stuff here and then you can see the image you may receive this email soon and you guys can see here it looks really really nice and it carries on we added a customer review we had some trust logos and then we added complete your order here and that was what the abandoned car email sequence looked like and it was very very powerful and again guys i know keep preaching and then again i'm going to show you this one again um they're literally the same as what i teach this one's slightly different talks about the next coupon so basically the bottom's the same apart from the review but it's just this part here that's different and you as you guys can see we go from just the get yours now to 60 off to your special discount that will eventually expire um and you guys can see here again very much similar again just this bit here is different and again preaching i'm keep preaching this was all covered in the free course now i am going to show you the other email template that we did which was the cross sell one i think this is important for you guys to see um you can see here the don't keep it to yourself which is basically buy another one and you guys can see here we have a nice little image there you can get these stock photos off pixels and you guys can see we're talking about the posture corrector so you're upselling people on the posture corrector and they can buy it with their partner and that was a great cross sell that generated some revenue nothing crazy but it was a decent amount um and again you always want to be doing cross sales because they just work really really well um and then you guys can see here uh the e ebook series and i will show you the ebook series so you can get an idea of of that work so you can see here your free ebook how to get rid of neck pain uh we can preview that and it's just basically telling people they can download it and they can also buy their neck pain reliever as well so guys as you guys can see here we've got the dank on the call who's gonna share some tips on his journey from zero to over 200k during q4 last year so the dan the first question that i've got for you is how did you know that product was gonna do well when you started testing it because it was a very saturated product at the time so uh basically we uh we knew it was going to do well because uh we tried a bunch of creative and the future was quite good so we knew that you know people were having some kind of interest into it and at this time i was coached by tarawell so he was my mentor and he just told us that yeah maybe we need to lower the price to get some sales and yeah we did so we started getting like five to eight sales per day on a consistent basis and we knew that it was a potential winner yeah when it came to q4 what was your biggest struggle with q full for as you was a beginner what was the hardest part during q4 the cpm the advertising cost especially during black friday and christmas it was crazy crazy because it was almost impossible to be profitable so this was definitely my main struggle but as we had some good strategies you know we were still profitable especially by working on smaller audiences so was not an issue anymore so what were those few strategies that you were doing during black friday to make yourself still profitable with the cpa we actually chose manual placement when it come to advertising facebook ads also worked a lot in remarketing so as we had a lot of you know uh audiences that we we were able to use when it comes to remarketing website visitors video viewers facebook page engagers all those um we were bidding on smaller audiences so the cpn dropped a bit and also we had a very very good strategy with email marketing and sms marketing so at the end of the day uh it was okay and actually it was a very very big day we we did like almost like a 7k plus on black friday only with those strategies so i was quite happy now the next question i've got for you is you had a big issue with paypal um where they held a lot of money now what was the alternative payment gateway that you decided to start using so we removed people from the store and we just went with shopify payment so that was the only option available on the store and yeah the conversion rate dropped a bit but it was okay i mean you know it didn't affect that much so we just unplugged people and yeah continue our scaling in the case study you decided to go you had two options you could have either killed the store or you could have gone all in and you decided to go all in and get five credit cards and for a lot of people that would have been very scary so why did you go all in and not think about the risk i was thinking of the situation um i invested into the mentorship program i knew that the product has a good potential and me teaming up with tyrell was a total no-brainer so i had to do this thing and i wanted to push it without having any regrets you know so actually um we did you know i just thought about what what would a big brand do in this kind of situation right what would be the options that he might be that a brand would take to actually leverage this product and it was only a cash flow issue not a market size issue because market was there we're being profitable with some sales and yeah so we decided to give it a go and actually um it was our best decision because that's where we really started to scale you know without any cash flow issues without any limit on our cards we were able to scale at 3k plus per day and really take the most out of it that's where we got you know the most of our revenue uh yeah when we started skating with this method now what do you think separated you from the rest in terms of majority of people would have failed but you succeeded and what do you think was the main reason for that i think it was you know actually every issue we had we went through you know with a very very powerful mindset because actually at the end of the day we learn a lot and we now know that you know e-commerce as in every business you will have to manage a lot of issues so if you can deal with all the issues you'll be fine so all the issues we went through we actually take the issues one by one and actually solve them all and that's the mindset you want to go with you want to stick with this and you can make i mean everything work you know if you can solve the issues there is no nobody can stop you so yeah i will say killer mindset and just you know issues are part of the game so you need you need to embrace them black friday is coming up very soon and q4 is coming very soon will you will you be using the same strategy and if you are and you're making a few slight tweaks what will those tweaks be so i'll be using the same strategy but i will just make some some changes so i know that you know user generated content is it's a big big game changer so my trick will be to use to leverage ugc as soon as possible and actually do some cross-platform advertising because at this time i was stuck mainly with facebook ads now if i have to do the same thing especially when it comes to retargeting i'll be you know i'll open the doors to all kind of platforms and also i think that now you know when it comes to having a good upsets because you know during black friday you can easily increase the average order value when it comes to choosing an upsell um actually you know i will be i'll i will test before coming and ups with an upsell during the black friday because i didn't test uh didn't have enough time to protest my upsells uh so i think that i could improve this so yeah this would be my my main optimization before i let you go what are the biggest tips that you've got for beginners this black friday coming up so my first tip would be to yeah you just have to get your killer mindset because the product is not the issue when it's not working most of the time people just say it doesn't work okay they throw it away the issue is you know you just need to identify what you can solve and you you need to solve those issues my second tip will be uh you know don't uh stick to one platform one one and only platform now nowadays we talk a lot about tick tock ads we talk about google ads youtube ads so you have to diversify your platform and my third tip will be yeah actually get someone to help you someone that can teach you that can actually uh you know go through this journey with you um yeah actually help you during this process because it helped me a lot uh you know i was a media buyer i'm still a media buyer so i knew a lot about facebook as well as but still when it comes to e-commerce and drop shipping it's a totally different business and there is so many things you need to consider uh that yeah if you want to you know just take the most of your time you need to get someone to help you out with this for those that are watching this verdang already had a little bit of experience with facebook ads before but he still decided to invest in himself and learn the skills that are involved with the drop shipping business model because there's still skills that were needed to be learned so even somebody as qualified as him in terms of the ad spectrum still needed that additional help so don't ever be shy to get extra help and don't ever feel like it's not a necessary need and you should only really be getting personal help if you're very serious about it because you don't want to commit to this and not be a hundred percent because it'll be the worst decision that you've ever made so for dank thank you so much for your time today and sharing your knowledge and wisdom and your case study with the uh with the subscribers today we really do appreciate it so guys that was the free shopify drop shipping q4 course for 2021 now if you want to see part two where i actually get a little bit more nitty and grittier about the website setting things up a little bit more manually then let me know and i can make it just in time for you but i hope you've enjoyed it and i hope you guys will join the free telegram chat as well and i'll be catching you guys on the next video [Music]
Views: 46,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, dropshipping 2019, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify dropshipping strategy, Facebook ads, dropshipping tutorial, one product Shopify dropshipping, Shopify training, How To Create Dropshipping Facebook Ads, make money online, how to make money online, best dropshipping guru, how to start dropshipping, aliexpress, oberlo, jordan welch, Davie Fogarty, dropshipping course
Id: vdkft7k0wao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 47sec (2687 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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