How To Build A FREE BRANDED One Product Dropshipping Store with Shopify 2021

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this is the exact strategy that we use to create and design our shopify stores and our six figure and seven figure stores have the exact theme as the one i'm showing you right now and check out this beautiful website look at all these crazy animations and look how branded and beautiful this website looks hey guys welcome to the youtube channel my name is camille steiner and it's the econ king and in today's video i'm gonna be showing you step by step how we create and design our shopify stores for our six figure brands and our seven figure brands now this video is gonna be completely for free i'm gonna be giving you the theme upload for the product page and the home page we use an app called page fly where you upload these templates on there and you can just straight away start editing them and i'm gonna be showing you today for around about 30 minutes to an hour exactly how we edit these things to make them look so good and so professional now i would really appreciate if you guys can smash the like button and take some time out just to keep smashing it and leave a comment and let me know if you appreciate the content any video feedback you've got for me any upcoming videos you want to see on the channel any form of support would be widely appreciated because at the end of the day this is the exact thing that we're using for our shopify stores and the proof is on the channel because if you look at our case studies it's the exact same thing that we use on the videos in the case studies when we reveal our shopify store now we also have a free telegram chat make sure you join that so you can get any feedback or help with the stores that you're creating today so the first thing that you need to do to start creating your one product branded shopify store is you need to create a shopify account and make sure you use my link the ecom king link to get your shopify store for exclusive benefits and deals now there will be a link to my ecom king deals website because a lot of the websites on this page you will need to be using for this video so if you want to get exclusive benefits and extra free trials make sure you use this link now once you've got your shopify store make sure you go to the app page and you download page flight from the app store it's a completely free app and you won't need to pay anything which is the amazing thing about this video everything is completely free now once you've done that you need to click on the app and it will take you to this page right here once you've done that you need to head over to where it says home pages now just to give you a brief explanation of what this is pagefly is basically a website builder within shopify which can give you some really beautiful looking websites as shown in today's video now when you get into this step you need to find yourself a product so if you haven't already got yourself a shopify product to sell make sure you've got one which actually comes with decent images so what i've used today is i've used a website called peekster to find the product that i want to do today which is the auto face tracking tripod and if you look at the aliexpress link this is the product that i'll be using in today's video as the example now once you've got your product what you want to do is you want to head over to where it says import and then you want to go to select files and then you want to go to downloads and then you can see that i will link this in the description and in the telegram chat which is the upload template you want to click home page open and then you want to click i understand and then import and then once you're waiting for that to import you want to head over to product pages and you want to do the exact same thing go to import go to select file and scroll down to the product page version and click open and click i understand and import now once you've done that guys you want to head over back to the home page section and you're going to be seeing this right here now once you've done that you want to hit the three dots and you want to hit publish and then once it's published that will make it the primarily theme on your current website then once you've done that you actually want to click on it and then that will take you to the editor so once you click continue that will open up the page flight editor and as you guys can see the theme has opened up and as you guys can see it looks absolutely beautiful and it just makes life easier for you guys to start your journey editing the website so the first thing that we're actually going to do guys is we're going to start off with this first section up here right now now the first thing that you need to do is you need to upload an image of your product now the image that you want to upload here is an image of somebody using the product in a hd quality image so if i head over to aliexpress you also want to download this chrome extension called aliexpress image downloader it will be in the description it just means makes it easy for you to download images of aliexpress you want to be using images that really show your product in a very hd quality image so this is the image that i will be using because it shows my product and somebody happy using it so if you can find something similar to this for your product that will be really really cool so once you've done that you want to click on the image you want to click this little file and you want to hit upload from computer and then what you want to do is you want to select that image so that's the image right there you can see i've got it selected and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to click open and then it's going to upload that into the database once you've done that you want to head over to the heading page here and you want to click it and then you want to select the end of the text and then you can see you can edit it now what you want to put here is your product name so if i actually take you to this site here because this is just one that i've already made just makes it easier for when i build it with you guys you can see here it says discover the smartest gimbal now obviously my product is all about gimbal it's basically a 360 face tracking gimbal so you want to give your name a really cool name which is short but sweet but it also gets people intrigued so saying just so you'll be discover there and then whatever your product name is with quite a cool funky name so i've called mine the smartest gimbal so once you've done that guys you want to head over here and you want to put your wording in there and then once you've done that you want to then move over to this bit here which is the review section and what you want to put here is you want to put our customers love us so you just want to copy that and this will also be in the description so you can make it easy for you guys to copy and paste from you just want to quickly go from here and you want to change that wording to where it says our customers love us now once you've done that you want to then start picking a color for your website now i'd recommend that you pick the color for your website in three colors white black and a third color that will be the primarily color in your logo now i'm gonna be showing you how to make a logo at the end of the video not at the start because i've already done it loads of times and i don't want to bore you but again i will show you at the end of the video now the three colors that i'm gonna be using is white black and this pink color because pink color is the one that looks really really nice and it's the one that my audience will relate to the most because a lot of people are gonna be buying this are from the women audience men will buy it but i'm going to primarily focus on the women people for this one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make my website that nice pink color so i've used this chrome extension called color picker and as you guys can see it lets you pick the color of your of what you've got and you can see here that this is the pink color so i'm going to get that hex code copy it go to the shop now button and i'm going to go to where it says styling go to background color and i'm going to change it to the color that i've just got and you can see now it's changed to pink but once you've done that guys you then need to go to hover because this is the color of the button when people hover on it now i personally make it black so when it's on the website it will be pink but then when you scroll over you can see it goes black that's what i personally do so guys once you've changed the shop now button color you want to head over to this image you want to click on it and you want to go to where it says border style and you want to change these colors to pink so you can see these four different colors you want to change it to pink and once you've done that what it will do is it will change the border of this black to pink so if i show you the other website you can see all of it's gone pink i'm not going to do it right now because i'll take up too much time but you can see i've changed some of it so guys make sure you change all of yours so once you've changed the border color of this image you want to scroll down and you want to click product details and what you want to make sure you've done is you want to make sure you've imported your products to your website so you can see i've got oberlo open and i've imported the product so once you've done that you want to click on this and then what you'll do is you want to hit select and you want to select your product and once you've done that it will appear right here so now i've done that you'll see that this will then change into my product and you can see it has now changed into my product then once you've done that what you want to then do is you want to then go over to your shopify product page you want to go to shopify you want to go to products i'm going to be deleting all of this and i'm also going to be deleting my description as well and you'll see why in a minute because you won't need this because you're building it all in page flight the only reason why you've got this is just to have the product on your website so once you've come up with a name that you've got for your product you want to add it in here so i'm going to call mine gimbal vlog pro because it's a gimbal and it's primarily focused on vlog users and it's a pro model so i'm going to call it that what i'm also going to do is i'm going to focus on getting rid of some of these images so i'm going to get rid of these images because at the end of the day i can add these into the actual page fly into the shopify so i'm going to get rid of all of these i'm only gonna keep that one photo and again this will all make sense once you uh basically get onto this part now i'm only gonna want the one variant and the only variant i'm gonna want is the pink version so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna delete every other version but the pink version so guys once you've done that yours should look like mine you should just have a title name no description one image and depending on how many variants you want should be at the bottom once you've done that you want to head over back to pagefly and what you want to do is you want to basically refresh the page and then that will update what is currently on here so you can see now when you've refreshed it it's going to currently refresh it so you want to click on it again and you want to select the product now the reason why mine isn't shows because i actually didn't save the actual theme now you can see it's changed the name here and then you've got these that you can currently change so what you want to do now guys is you actually want to these are your bullet points and these are the bullet points where you're going to be talking about the key um the keys of your product like the really good things about your product and how you can find this out in terms of the key points of your product is i always recommend that you find the amazon version of your product now every product on aliexpress always has an ali sorry has an amazon version you can see there's loads of them on amazon now these guys on amazon are really good at creating bullet points talking about the key topics of the product so if i even go to this one here which this one's actually a private label one so if i show you this this is somebody actually private labeling the product um and this is the whole point of building a theme like this it gives you the option to private label after so you can see this one's just the plain one and again they've given you bullet points of really good parts of the product now i don't recommend that you just copy and paste from here guys i recommend that you get inspiration and then you reword how you want to write it but please do not copy and paste because that's not fair but it's just there to give you guys some brainstorming ideas now i use peekster because peakster then gives you the amazon links and all the other links as well which makes life easy as well and also gives you some description which will help out on your website a little bit later on so now i'm going to go back to my other one because i've already designed this you can see here auto rotation so i'm just going to copy this and again you need to get yours and design yours and once you've done that you want to head over and you just want to re you want to replace these with the ones that you've got so i'm going to quickly replace all online and then get back to you so guys i've just replaced all the ones on my website now once you've done that guys what you want to do is you want to head over to these little green uh check mark icons you want to click on it and you want to go to styling and then what you're going to want to do is you want to replace the green to the color that you've picked for your website so i'm going to go to color history i'm going to go to that pink color i'm going to copy the hex code and what i'm going to do is i'm going to change all of these to that color that i've got so then it looks like a really nice congruent color scheme so you can see now that's changed the icon color so what i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly change these and catch up with you so guys as you can see i've just changed all the color of my little check marks here which i recommend that everybody does now the next thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to change the size of the font on here because this is way too small so what you want to do is you want to click on the box and you want to go to font size and you just want to drag this across now i'm going to keep mine around about 20. it's up to you how big you want yours you can either have it bigger or smaller i'm going to personally have mine on 20 and i'm going to change all of these to 20. so once you've changed them all to 20 the next thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to make sure that you bold the writing at the start so this at the moment's all balls i'm going to unbold it but you want to make this little bit here so it says no app required that's a key point so i'm going to bold that then you've got compatible tripod that's a key topic point so i'm going to make that bold and you want to do that to everything at the start now i've duplicated the same thing twice by accident my bad but you get the idea so the rechargeable battery that's a key topic so i'm going to make that bold auto rotation tracking that's a key point i'm going to highlight that because then when people read this it's going to be like it stands out a little bit more so that's something that i recommend and if i show you this on the other store you can see that this is nicely bolded and the rest is a little bit faint that way you can it's nice to scan so that's why i always do that so i'd recommend that you do that guys what you want to do now is you want to then move to the change in the color of the font now as you guys can see on this door the writing is like a really dark pink color and the reason why you've done that is because it really nicely blends in so what we're going to do now is we're going to change this black color to that darker color so let's say you've got like a blue let's say you've got like a like a blue color like this you're then going to make this a dark blue color to match the font style all the color style so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go to styling and then i'm going to go to content color and i'm going to want to change that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to move mine to the pink section over here and then i'm gonna make it this like really dark pink because then because the end of the day you don't want yours to be too bright of a font because if you make it like this pink bright font it looks unprofessional you want it to look black but you want it to look like your color scheme color at the same time that way it just blends in really nicely so as you guys can see here i've got my font color added in but what i'm going to do is i'm going to scroll down to near enough the bottom and i'm going to add it there and then i'm going to copy that as my hex code and then you can see when i get off that you can see that the color isn't black but it's nice enough so it matches the theme because the black is just a bit too harsh and then what you want to do is you want to go over all the text and you want to make it that color by going to content color and changing this hex code to this it's annoying that you have to do it individually i wish there was just a bomb where you could change all the font to be like that but unfortunately there isn't so then you're going to go over this and you're going to go to content color again and you're going to do it now i'm not going to do all of that now because it'll take me ages but you get the point you want to change all your text apart from buttons to that color now the next thing that you need to do is you need to add a shop now button so how you do that is you go to this little add section here and you're going to go to where it says button and then you're going to want to go to where it says button again and you're going to drag this here because you need a call to action so you can add that and then you click button and you're going to start presets and you're going to select this style preset and then once you've done that you're then going to scroll down and you're going to go to where it says display style and you can change it to block flex and inline i personally use block myself so guys after you've changed the size of the button by changing so guys after you've changed the style of the button the next thing you want to do is you want to go to general and you want to change the button text to say shop now so once you change the button to saying shop now what you're then going to want to do is want to go to where it says call of action click on this go to this little icon click products and then click the product and click select that way it will tell that button to go to your product page so how you change the size of the button is you want to go to where it says font size and you just want to drag this across so i currently make mine 25 and i think that's just the perfect size and you can see now that looks a lot better and you've got these call to actions and it's really important to have call to actions all the time because it makes sure that people can easily get to where they need to be if they want to do so so always add your call to actions quite often now the next thing that you're going to do is you're going to want to make this what we call the unique part of the product talking about the unique sections of the product now i'm going to show you an example of this you can see here i've called it the unique features of the gimbal pro and i'm showing some images and then i'm putting some text here now how you're going to want to do this is you want to head over to here so i only use three of these columns here i don't use four it's up to you if you want to use four so i'll give you the option if you do once you have four and what you wanna do is you wanna click on it and you wanna click delete delete delete and then you wanna delete this column and then it will move it into three so now you'll have three instead of four and again it's personal preference on how you wanna have it and again i also delete um that section as well now what you're also going to want to do is you're also going to want to copy this button so you want to hit copy so sorry duplicate and then you want to drag the button so you can see if you click this and click move you want to drag this button down here in the bottom so you want to put it just there so you can see now that we've duplicated the button and we've put it here because you need a call to action like i said every time you've gone over some content so now what we're going to do is we're going to change this and you can see here i've changed mine to the unique features of the gimbal pro so you can put the unique features of whatever your product name is called now once you've done that guys you want to then head over to these little image sections and you want to click on them and then you want to go to general and you want to go to this file section and you want to click upload from computer and then you want to go to downloads and then you want to upload these images of the product now you can get these images off your supplier and these are the ones i recommend that you do and these are just really nice images i'm going to show you on here because this is like really visually pleasing and it matches the color of my theme and it also goes over some really nice text about what what features these have and it has some nice imagery showing it off and these the images that you can get your from to your supplier you can see here these are coming directly from my supplier and if you currently haven't got them then you will need to message your supplier and ask for them if they haven't got them then you'll have to get these created on fiverr and i'll leave a link in the description to somebody you can use on fiverr to get these created for your own product and make sure that the background color matches the theme color for it to look really professional so guys once you've added these three images to your website you're then going to want to go to these headings and you're going to want to make the heading talk about the image so this this image is all about removal or base so i'm going to make this heading talk about the removable base now it's just going to be a heading it's not going to be any long text it's going to be short and sweet so i'm literally going to call this one removable base although it says it in the image i know the image is quite small they might not see it so i'm literally going to call it removable base then you want to head over to styling and you're going to want to make this centered you just click styling and click the text alignment and you're going to want to make it centered and you're also going to want to change the color of the text to match your font color so the font color over here needs to match here and the reason why i'm not doing it with you is because it'll take me ages you guys understand what i'm trying to say so just follow along once you've done that then you're going to want to show i'm going to quickly show you this example then you're going to once you write a short paragraph literally four to three lines explaining the benefits of having that removable base or having what that feature says and again you can find that information out either on your aliexpress website either on a competitor's website so this even shows me a competitor's website or on the amazon but whatever you do do not just copy and paste directly you need to either reword it or you need to hire a copywriter or do it yourself once you've done that you want to go to text alignment and you're going to want to place it in the center now also what you're going to do is you want to head over back to the heading and you're going to make this one 22 or 25 it's up to you you can have it 25 or 22. i'm going to put mine at 22 and i'm going to make this one 18 so i'm going to change that to 18. that way it's more readable you're showing that this is a heading and this is a subtitle or a hit or a sorry a paragraph that way it reads really nicely and again make sure you change this font color to match your website so as you guys can see i've just finished off this section here now yours should have the different color fonts and you should be good to go now don't forget to click on this um on this shop now button and change the link if you haven't already go to general go to link and make sure but as you've just copied it should have all the information updated anyway but just double check that that's sorted in terms of the links now we're moving on to the extra features section so you can see here we should quickly go over a couple of features without too much text or too much writing now what you want to do is you want to find out what your products about and what you can put here now mine's obviously an electronical product so i'm adding stuff like hd battery life and no need for apps now head over to google and type in whatever you want to get as a symbol and so whatever it is and then put simple at the end go to tools go to color go to transparent and all the ones that will come up here which you can use now try and make sure that they're either black and because it will look the best on your website now once you've done that you want to click on this you want to click on the upload button you want to go and upload that image you can see here these are the ones that i've gone and click up open and then i'm going to upload it to the site so guys once you're adding these images in you want to give it a short little title to explain what the symbol is not too much it's literally three either one word two words or three words nothing two more and you wanna make sure the start of each word has a capital letter the reason why i haven't done it is to save a little bit of time so for example this one's just gonna be eight hours of battery so as simple as of eight hours of battery that way people understand what the symbol means so guys once you've done that you want to head over and click on this little border go to styling go to background color and change it to your store theme color so it looks really nice and it matches in once you've done that we're now moving on to the review section of your website and what you want to do is you want to call this they adopted so you want to put they adopted and then whatever your product name is so mine's called the gimbal pro so i'm just going to copy this from here and add it here then you're going to change this line to say the certified customer feedback or you could put arc happy customer feedback it could be anything but we like to keep it about some form of feedback then what you're doing is you're not going to be touching the star logos now you've got this little paragraph box right here and you're going to want to change this paragraph box to some aliexpress review so you want to head over to aliexpress and you want to try and find make sure you're finding the aliexpress link with the most review so i'm going to scroll down and find the one with the most reviews this one's got 812 16 sold so because they've got loads of sold i'm guessing they've got a lot of reviews so you can see now once this loads they've got 94 reviews so they've got quite a lot and you're gonna scroll down and you're going to once you find the reviews that are in english that make the most sense so this is taking a while to load my bad so you're literally getting real reviews it's not like you're making fake reviews these are genuine reviews and you want to read these reviews don't just put anything on your website and you want to copy and paste these here so you can see that you've got one and you've got two and you've got three i'm going to show you how to do the other two so you guys can see i literally just took that off aliexpress and i read it to make sure it sounds really good and it does and it's genuine as well and once you've done that you want to see where the review came from it came from somebody called t so her name begins with a t so what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this to the customer's name now obviously you won't know the exact name but i'm going to call her for example tara so i'm going to call atara and then f you won't give the exact last name out because you don't know it and you don't even know what the first name is you're just making it based off the layer it started with so once you've done the first review you need to click these little uh rectangle icons and it will load this which is content slide one slide two and slide three you're gonna want to delete slide two and three and you're gonna wanna duplicate this one three times that way it gives you the stars and everything if you just do one by one you'll actually have to you'll have to recreate everything again which can take ages so that's the easiest way of doing it so now you've done that you're literally going to click this and then you can change the next slide so all you're going to do for the other two is you're literally going to go back to aliexpress and find some more reviews that sound really really good and then add them in once you've done the second one click the next button and then add the next one in and don't forget to change the names so it looks professional so guys once you've done that again don't forget to change the color of your font so it matches your website then you want to come over to this image here this first big one and you want to go to upload and you want to upload the first image which is that one right there you want to have that one at the top and then you want two other images now if i look at the other store you can see that i've used another image of aliexpress that looks like a customer's using it so what i've done is i'm going to go back here and i'm going to upload the image where it looks like i've got a customer using it and that customer look that looks like it's using it is let me have a look it's that image there so i'm going to open and upload it now if you can't find any images on aliexpress that have images like that then go back to the reviews and what you're going to want to do is you want to go to some of these photo reviews you can see here these are photo reviews and just screenshot them or download them and you're going to use these instead because they look they need to look like genuine people using your genuine product so that's what i personally do myself so if you can't find them then just get three images off your reviews and make sure you're using images that look really nice and professional some with nice backgrounds so this one's not a bad one so i'm going to use this one personally so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click save image to your store i'm going to upload that one because that one's going to go there but this one is going to be of that image that i've just downloaded so you can see now i've just got that image i'm going to open this one and use that one because this one is like a realistic photo of somebody getting the product that way people can really believe in the product now once you've done that you're going to want to scroll down and you want to click this and you want to change this to buy your product now so you can see what buy the gimbal vlog pro now and you're going to want to change this to actually be the color of your font you're going to want to delete this by the way you actually don't need this on your home page and you can delete that as well that's all for the product page so then you should just be left with this and you need to change the shop now button to the style of the shop now button here so you can either copy them and paste them here or you can just change the color and the link to this one so this should be the pink color which is for my store and it should have the link to my product page so go and do that i'm not going to do it now so i'm going to save some time now another thing that i want you guys to do is you're going to click on these images and you're going to change the outline so make this one the color of your brand so i'm going to show you quickly this one should be the color of your brand and then these two should be like a black color so this should be pink these two should be uh black so i've not done it just to save a bit of time but i'd recommend that you do that just so it looks really really nice and professional because green is not on your website now we're going to be moving on to animations now animations are very important for having a professional engaging website so if i show you my website again i'm going to refresh it so you can see the animations so you can see that when you come straight to the website you're going to be greeted with these animations you can see that they're really smooth they're not slow they don't slow the website down but it gets you engaged on the website so i'm going to be showing you how you do that now so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to hi so don't highlight individual items highlight the box with all the items in it like that and then go over to where it says animation so you want to go to general you want to go to animations you want to click select this one always do when display never do when mouse hovers always do when display so the fade-ins that i do personally is i do fade in from the left for that one and then i'm going to click on this image and then i'm going to fade in from the right for this one so this one's going to be fading on the right so you can see here so this one fades in from the left this one fades in from the right so then together they come into really nicely and then this one personally i actually don't have a animation for this you guys can add an animation to this if you want it's down to personal preference i personally leave this one empty now this one i do add an animation for and again i do it as an actual block not individual pieces you click the block you go to animation and then with this one i do fade in up so fading up is what i do for this one with the shot now button i currently put that as fade in up as well so you want that one to match uh what the actual uh the the one with the jar in so that will all look like it's fading on up together then this personal bit here i leave this one blank you can if you want i leave it blank for my personal case now i make this block again fade in from the left or the right sorry let me just double check i do fade in from the right on this one and i do fade in from the left on this one this last section here i do it as the fade up um and then that should be done so you should see here i'm going to go back to fade up so this one's on fade in up so you want this one is fading up and then once you've done that guys make sure you click save so once you've saved it guys make sure you publish it because if you don't publish it you've got save and publish if you don't click publish it won't actually make the live site with the updates you've just done so once you click preview make sure you refresh the page and it will show you what the animations look like so you can see now when i scroll down what the animations look like and you can see there looks really really nice and if you want to make changes feel free to do so guys you don't need to use my recommendations those are the ones that i just personally use on my current website and it's probably worth leaving this this page open just because when you make changes you can see what it looks like on the live website so guys we're now moving on to building a logo because we're now going to move on to editing the actual uh heading strip so what you want to do is you want to hit go on to canva make sure you use my link so you can get a 14 day free trial click create blank logo once you come here you're going to want to head over to where it says text on the left hand side you're going to click this one drag it in and what you're going to want to call this part you're going to want to call the top bit the name of your product so i'm going to call this one a gimbal once you've done that you want to head over and get a sub heading and put it underneath and then what you're going to want to do is you're going to finish this off with the rest of your product name now my product is called vlog pro so i'm going to call this vlog and then pro so you guys can see i've got the gimbal and then the vlog pro and this is the way i like to do my current logos you don't have to make them like this but this is the way that i think they look the best and once you've done that you want to center it and you want to move these directly into the middle like that and then you want to change the font to match the style of store that you're going for so if you're in a tech industry you want your you want your uh your your funds to be quite a techy looking font and that's quite a techy looking font now the second font for the second part you want to make this more of a lighter font not a heavy font you we call these light fonts not heavy fonts so you can see you've got lighter and heavier fonts this is the lighter font that's this is the heavier font once you've done that you do want to make these bigger because you've got to remember that this is going to fit on your on your website and you do want them to look nice and big you don't want a small logo on your website so once you've done that it looks really really nice then you want to go to elements and you want to search for whatever your industry is about so mine's about a camera so once i click camera it's going to give me images i can use now i like this image so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this small and i'm literally going gonna put that in here so the thing that i like about this is it fits really nicely on the end of my logo and it just gives it a bit more of a personality then i'm gonna make the color of this of this uh brighten the color of my website so this is gonna be black but this is gonna be my color now once you've downloaded your logo you're gonna wanna head over to the online store section of shopify and click customize because when it comes to the logo the heading and the photos the heading and the footer you have to do this part yourself you can't do in page flight for some reason so you want to go to header you want to go to logo and you're going to want to upload your logo so my logo is going to be this one here once you've uploaded it you're going to want to make some modifications because your logo will come across very very small so you will need to resize it so once your logo has been uploaded click select and you're going to want to resize it by going to custom logo with and you're going to want to play around with it until you find the size that you really like so i like mine at about 150 150 in my opinion is the perfect size if you want to make it bigger go ahead once you've done that make sure you click save now the next thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to head over to where it says footer at the bottom and you're going to want to change the color of your footer to the color of your theme so as you guys can see i've just changed the photo color to match my website theme color because unfortunately you can't do it within the page flight editor so now those are things that you just have to do within the shopify editor so now when you publish the store it will look really really nice and have your logo on it now the next thing that you're going to need to do is you're going to need to go to navigation and you're going to want to go to menu pages and you're going to want to add them in so you can see here it's going to load it's going to take a while for some reason but menu page you've got these ones currently on there now i delete catalogs i just hate having on there now the ones that you're going to want to have which we have is home buy now about us contact us faq and track order these are the ones that we have in the heading now by now should be linked to the product page about or should be on your product page contact us should be on a contact page faq should take them to the faq page and track order should actually take them to an external tracking page where they can track their order now if you don't know i'm not going to be covering this one in this video because in the free course i actually talk about setting up all of these pages so the this one this one and this one is all covered in the free course so i'd recommend that you finish watching this video and then come back to this section and watch the free course so you can finish this off if you don't know how to finish it off already but that's how you do the header guys we're going to move now on to the um the actual mobile version of this page so if we go to the mobile version which is very very important if you want to go to view you want to go to all devices mobile and you can see straight away that the mobile version is looking different to the actual um the actual phone version so you can see now this image is not even the right image so what you want to do to make it the right image is you want to go back to all devices you want to click this image and you can see here it says hide on mobile click this and it will stop hiding it go back to mobile so once you've come back to the mobile version you should see two different images you want to delete this image because this is the incorrect image and then what you want to do is you can either move this at the top by clicking it and moving ahead or you can leave it at the bottom because the mobile version the desktop version will not look the same guys so please do bear that in mind but if there's anything in the mobile version that you want to change you have to do that independently but that's the only change that i personally make so guys now we've finished the actual home page you're going to want to go back here and then you're going to change to the product page so now you come back to the page fly dashboard product page and then you're going to want to click on this one and you're going to hit continue and once you've done this it will then load you into the product page instead the first thing that you guys want to do when you come here is you want to click where it says please select a general product source and then you want to select your product and then once you've done that it will open up the actual product on the website so you can see that's just been nicely opened up right here which is really really nice now the next thing that you're going to want to do is we're going to come back to this section a little bit later on but the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to change this section here which is your countdown timer so if we go to my actual website you can see that i've got my account down time on and i've changed this to same 14 day money back guarantee flash sale so we're going to go here we're going to edit this section here and we're going to change it with that text so i always do a 14 day money back guarantee and i want to quickly talk about this before i move on because i know a lot of you guys are going to ask why now the reason why you want a money back guarantee is because if you have this on your website your conversion rate is going to fly now a lot of people that don't do this their conversion rate sucks so to have a good conversion rate you always need a money back guarantee and your supplier should warrant that so you should always ask your supplier to warrant this money back guarantee now once you've done that you want to then move on to the 45 percent off now you're not going to give them a coupon code you're going to basically have your product pricing at 40 off or whatever you want to do i've done 45 you can do more you could do 60 you could pretend to do 80 up to you but i do 45. so the next thing that you want to do is you want to change the countdown timer now this can be a little bit fiddly because there's loads of different boxes within the countdown timer you don't want to click on this big box you want to click on the smaller bigger box like that and then you want to change it so you've got a specific time every hour all time and so forth so what you want to do is you want to do every hour or every day so i do every day and then you can set it from a certain day so that day could be the day and then a specific time on their first visit or on every visit and then what you can do is you can change it but once you've set up your countdown timer that you go on change this blue strip to the color of your website of course so make sure you change the color of this to your theme color now the next thing that you're going to move on to is two specific parts of your product so these are two little images now you can do more if you want and if you want to add more you can click duplicate and then it will add another one in so if you want to add more than two you're more than welcome but personally i've only got two on here so again personal preference it comes down to so once you've done this guys you want to then get images of your product again and you want to highlight different features so i'm going to click on this image go to general click upload click from computer and then i'm going to upload the images talking about the smart lens so i've got this image off my supplier and again if you haven't got them from your supplier you're gonna have to make them yourself or you're gonna have to hire somebody to make them for you but your supplier realistically should have them once you've added that one you're gonna wanna come down and add the other one you should have two that are very similar and the styles should be quite matching they should look very similar for them to come across very professionals you can see these two are pretty much the same style dark background the blue color that way when people are on your website it looks professional and it doesn't look like it's come from loads of different sources so once you've done that guys the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to fill in this writing so if i go to the actual website itself you can see here but gimbal pro is the device when you is the device you've been waiting for so you can put your device name and you can put the name of your device or the name of your product and then the product that you've been waiting for you can copy this bit if you want to and then you want to go over what this is about so you can see this is a smart lens and then i'm talking about how it tracks you so that's what you want to do then you want to replace it with text explaining what this photo is all about so you guys can see i've made this one discover the technology inside so i'm talking about what technology is actually built within this product and you can change something similar to your product and then you're going to change the shop now buttons to be the color of your of your actual theme for your website so guys this part of the website is all about giving away a free ebook so you want to basically put an image of your ebook so whatever your ebook is you want to put an image of it here and then you want to say that it's valued at 1990 but you're giving it away for free and this is a nice incentive for people that want to use an e-book as an additional way to basically promote your website now i'm not going to cover this in this video but i have made videos before about it and i'll link them in the description so again for those that want to do their ebooks add it in here if not you're just going to delete the section now the next section we've got is our drop down menus for our terms of services and different things like that but straight away you're going to want to duplicate this because you're going to need two different ones so all i did guys is i clicked on it and i clicked duplicate it and then it uploads another one right next to it now i've made this left section all about technical details so you could put yours as product details if it's a tech product but technical details whatever and i've made this side frequently asked questions and you're going to make these drop down menus talking about the most common things that people are going to want to know about the product or the questions they've got for it so i'm not going to do this exact part with you guys but i'm going to quickly explain how you can do it so you're going to want to click on it and then you're going to want to change this grayish color box to the actual topic you're discussing so the first one is about our warranty and then when they click on it it drops down with the information about the warranty you have and then you click this one and then you can fill it into what it says so if i show you this website you can see that i've got the r warranty box content shipping information and then i've got the frequently asked questions now in terms of our warranty this is what you're willing to give people as a warranty now i will leave i will create a free google doc sheet where it will have the warranty details in there the ones that we use personally and you can use them or you can use your own then box content should include what's included in the box and if you go to aliexpress the aliexpress suppliers are very good at telling you what's included in the box because it's all here you can see it's all been added there so you can just copy and paste it over now the next one that we've got is shipping information this should be your shipping times new returns and stuff like that and again you should be able to get that from your policy page as well then you've got your frequently asked questions now how to figure out your frequently asked questions is by going to amazon go into the person that has the most sales because you can see here it says have a question now if you're buying the product from somebody that has a lot of questions you can see here customer questions and answers if they're a high seller on amazon they'll have loads of faq so if you go to somebody that has the majority of the sales you'll have to go for loads of different listings you're looking for ones that have loads of these customer answers and questions and then you want to find the most common ones and you want to paste them over here and you want to reword them so that's how i do these two different sections now that will take you some time but you want to make sure you do it properly guys because this will really help you guys when it comes to building up trust and rapport with your customers now where it says row here i delete this section guys you actually don't need it and then we're going to add our luke's reviews in here a little bit later but i'll be showing you that a little bit later on so guys the next part is you're going to scroll back up and you're going to come just under where it gives the product information and you're going to add a video and you want to go to where it says html video click on it then drag this just here where i'm just showing you and it should add the video here now what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to upload the video now every aliexpress seller should have a video as you can see here this aliexpress style doesn't have one but this one should have one you can see here it's got the video and you can play it now you want to ask your supplier if you can use the video before using it if they give you permission they'll send you the video and then once you've got the video what you want to then do is you want to head back over here and you want to upload the videos you can see here downloads and then it will give you the permission to upload that video once you upload it it will take a small amount of time to upload it could take potentially a couple of minutes now if you want to change the size of the video you can do video custom size and you can change the size of how you want the video or you could do full width it's completely down to you how you guys want to do it now what else this lets you do is it lets you make a cover photo for the video so when you upload the video it will show a horrible looking image of a pre-selected scene of the video you don't want that because it doesn't look really really nice and you can see here it shows you this now this is a pre part of the video it doesn't look nice so you want to actually add a cover image to the video so it looks nice and professional so a cover image is something like this watch the video now and it's got an image of the product so this looks really really professional and really really nice and it fits in nicely with the website so you're probably thinking how do you make one of these you go to canva you type in landscape banner and then you're going to create a um a blank banner so once you come to the blank canvas the first thing you want to do is you want to upload an image of your product in action with a bit of color and a lifestyle image to it so this is the image that i'm going to be using and then once you've got this you're going to want to put this in the corner and you're going to want to make it a full size so it fits the image so you can see that there it fits really really nicely and you're going to you're going to want it to take up half of the actual page now once you've done that you want to then go to text and you want to upload some text and the text that you want to upload here is watch the video now you can change the font again because this font isn't the best one ever and i'm going to make it to match my actual logo that way the the actual consistency is really really good so you can see there now once you've done that what i like to do is i like to change the background color of this image to my logo color so i've changed it to that pinky color and then once you've done that change the text color to be white if it suits but again it's down to what suits yours bear so white will suit this bear black suits are better black suits are better then once you've done that you want to go to elements and this is just something that i do to add a little bit of contouring to the image i'm going to change this to fit in the corner here and this way it just breaks up the color a little bit because there's a lot of pink on here so you can see that i've just made this white and you're going to want to rotate this so it fits in nicely and i'm just going to add that like that and you're going to want to go to position you want to hit backwards so then what happens is that white square is behind that image so it blends in really really nicely and then once you've done that you can go to elements and type in play and once you type in play it will give you the play button and then what you can do is you can move that up and then you can move the play button underneath it and you can make this white as well and then once you've got that you can download it because this is a really nice way i've shown somebody to play the video so they can see the product in action now once you've done that guys go to cover image source upload your image source that you've just created for yourself and make sure you download it in a jpeg format because if it's not in a jpeg it won't work once you've uploaded the image this is what it should then look like and once you've done that make sure you save it and publish it so it's all scheduled in once you've done that guys you're going to want to move on to the actual product page here and you're going to want to change the uh price of your product to whatever it should be now i'm not going to do this here because there's no point but change this to whatever it is so for example i might want to charge and make sure it's in dollars not in pounds and you should have conver you should have currency converter on so it changes it based on people but i might want this as 60 pounds and it was discontinued discounted at 90 pounds and then these will be the organic generic ones make sure you go back to your home page and change these to the ones that are on the home page make sure it's the same and then change these icon colors to your theme colors and then you're good to go once you've done that so the next thing that you guys need to do is you need to head over to default product details at the top of the product page and what this basically does is this will either show your default product or your page fly product so when they go to your product page you don't want them to see this because this is the shopify one you want them to see your page fly one which looks really really nice and how you do that is you need to go to where it says open page assignment and then what you want to do is you want to basically this will be on this side you want to click on it and you want to move over to the right hand side so normally it will be on the left side you want to move it to the right side once you've done that click save then go to open page settings and go to hide default product details must be on hide once you click save that will hide the old product and only show your pagefly product so guys the next thing that you want to do is you want to download an app called free shipping bar it's a free app to download and this will add a shipping bar to your website once you've downloaded the app open it up and it'll say create a new bar click create a new bar once you do that it should take you to a page that will look very similar to mine it will let you pick which one you want now i picked the rose makeup because it matches my theme nicely then where it says name you want to add this name here flash sale 45 off free shipping worldwide now your discount can be different to mine but i do recommend having free shipping worldwide in there change the free shipping goal to zero because it should always be that and then change the initial message to this and the gold message to this and make sure where it says select this display position have it on the one at the top that way it won't stick to your website it'll only show it once the person comes directly to your website and scrolls so once you've done that you want to open up the site by clicking this i icon and it will open up your website refresh the website and it should show your shipping bar that has currently been added to it so you can see that's nicely been added and when you scroll it will stay there and that way it's just a nice little thing to add to your website so guys the next thing that you want to do is you want to add luke's reviews to your website make sure you use the link in the ecom king deals because you'll get a 30-day free trial instead of a 14-day free trial so click start trial and click take beginner instead i always use the beginner one guys you don't need anything more than the beginner one so once you've done that guys you want to click let's get started and you want to change this black color to a goldy color because i recommend that you go for like a nice goldy color because at the end of the day you want your stars to look like real stars once you've done that you want to go to where it says list i always like to have my widget layout on list continue and then you want continue again and you want to skip this part and click finish once you've done that you want to go to import reviews you've done that you want to drag this import and drag it to the top of your bookmarks and then once you've done that click import to luke's and it will load this page click the gimbal vlog bro then you want to go to where it says import only reviews with photos and you want the rings to be four stars and up and click preview and upload that one's no good and when you're doing these reviews guys make sure you read the review so it actually sounds legit which they are legit but they actually look good some of these are actually quite bad in terms of what they're saying so make sure you read them and they look professional as well and once you've done that guys then you want to head back over to the product page so guys i've just finished importing the luke's review so make sure you refresh your page fly page because it won't tell that you've done it until you've refreshed it once you've refreshed it you want to scroll down to the luke's review section right here at the bottom click on it click reviews of all products and you want to go back to show reviews that has photos only and then once you've done that you want to click save once you've done that go back to your website and scroll down and see if the reviews have been added and you can see here the reviews have been added onto the website which is really really good so guys the last thing that you need to do is add your animations and i like to do fade in from the left fade in from the right so you click this little box click fade and from the left and then going to click this box remember do as a box not as each individual boxes and click fade in from the right so you can see here it says fade in from the right then i like to do this one as a come up so go to animations i like this one to fade into the up so click fade up and you're going to see that this one actually goes then i like to leave this little mid bar there so then we move on to this section guys and you want to do this one by one in terms of each block so you can see this is one section you're going to go to when it says display and you want to fly this in from the left you can see fade in from the left select the box this one's going to be flip fade in from the right you can see fading from the right then this section here i like this to actually fade in upwards so you go to fade in and you're going to select up so guys once you've done all of that make sure you go ahead and preview the store and your store should look like mine but of course yours will be with your product and your colors and everything like that now i want to say something very clearly if you want to add more to the website you can but this is the basic look that we go for when we go with testing products when we private label the product we will add some more stuff to it but this is the generic look that we go for and if we scroll down you can see the animations kicking in and this is genuinely how ours looks like obviously the footer page hasn't been done but that's because we don't need to this is a fake website when you do yours i hope you've added your footer pages in properly and these home bar pages are all fake but again if you want to learn how to do that watch the free course so you guys can see this is the product page looking really really nice with the nice animations with the countdown timer and you can see that this looks really really good now again this is just the basic product page so i thought i'd show you the website in the mobile version as well just to show you guys that this has been beautifully designed for mobile as well which is where the majority of your customers are going to come from and as you guys can see this is really really nice on mobile really really nice on mobile if i show you the product page on mobile as well you're going to see it looks just as good if not better and you can see when you scroll down the animations are going to kick in as well sometimes the animations take a bit of time if you're doing it on a slow wi-fi and you can see that the countdown timers again everything looks really really nice guys like as a product page this is really really good and really really branded so i hope you've enjoyed it so that's the exact strategy we use step by step to building our one product branded store before we private label the product i hope you guys have enjoyed this video i hope your stores look really really nice and leave your comment and feedback in the description below and i'll catch you guys on the next video [Music]
Views: 110,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, dropshipping 2019, Nate Schmidt, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify dropshipping strategy, Facebook ads, dropshipping tutorial, one product Shopify dropshipping, Shopify training, How To Create Dropshipping Facebook Ads, make money online, how to make money online, best dropshipping guru, how to start dropshipping, aliexpress, oberlo, jordan welch, Davie Fogarty
Id: uI0cIpM-DGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.