How To Organize Shopify | Setting Up Collections, Tags, and the Navigation Bar (Quick & Easy)

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hey guys how's it going my name is Matt and I've been getting a lot of questions about how to organize your Shopify store so I wanted to go over today in this video how you can set up your collections in your Shopify store and how you can create drop-down menus at the top of your navigation bar in your Shopify store I'm just gonna go over everything you need to know about organizing your Shopify store and making it easy for your customer to navigate through your store all right Kay so I just created a quick test store and downloaded over Lo and imported some products so this is what we have to work with so I imported some shirts some shoes some sweatshirt swatches just all kinds of things that belong in different categories so as you can see right now I literally just made this store and this is just the default look this is how its organized and we're gonna go ahead and just organize this whole thing create some navigation bars up here organize things into the proper collections so let's go ahead and do that so we'll close this so the first thing you want to do let's go ahead and create some collections for some of these products so if you go over here and click on products which I'm already clicked on and go down to collections you'll see that we have no collections other than this home page collection so I actually I don't think I need that so I'm going to check the box click on actions here and delete this selection so now we have no collection so let's go ahead and create our first collection right here alright and this is gonna be the name of the collection now your customer can see this name if you set it up for them to see the name so what I usually put is I'll put shop first so I'll put maybe shop watches okay so let's create a watch collection so you can add a description for your collection I never do this but this is how you can sort your collection so you can either do it manually and manually means you select each product you want in this selection so you can just click manual save it and then it'll give you this option to just browse through your products and you could just checkbox all the watches alright but since I don't want to do this manually I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to do it by tags I think organizing by tags is a whole lot better for your store so let's delete this manual collection and we're gonna do this again we're gonna create a collection do shop watches okay and we're gonna do automated so this is automatically gonna add products to your collection and you could do it through all kinds of criteria so you can see these are the conditions that the product needs to meet in order for it to add to this collection be added to this collection so you can either add by title so if you have women in all of your women's watches in the title you can just have everything that has the word women in the title be added to the collection you can do by price tags vendors there's all kinds of things you could do but we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna show you how to do it by tags so select tags and do tags equal to and I'm gonna do I'll just do watch so every product that's tagged with the word watch is gonna automatically be added this collection you can add other things to this collection too by hitting any condition and adding another product so maybe we do watches and shoes right and then everything that has the tagged shoes and watches will be added to this collection and then maybe we have to rename this to watches and shoes shoes and watches anyway we're gonna go ahead and stick to just watches stuff so we'll delete this and hit save so now all the products that are tagged with the word watches will show up here but we haven't tagged many products yet so I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to do this really easy really quick just go to your products all products up here and all you do is go through your products and check box all the watches so we have three watches and we'll go ahead and go to actions very easy and add tags so now we're just gonna add the tag here watch hit enter and now those products have the tag watches we go back to our collections shop watches you can see they've automatically added to the collection this is super helpful the automatic way because every time you add a product if it's a watch or something you don't have to worry about putting it in the right place doing all those things and when you start to have you know 40 50 60 hundreds of products it's really hard to manually do everything and that's how I started I didn't really know how the automation worked and I manually did it and it was a big mistake so that's how you automate your collections so let's go ahead and create another collection for shoes and we'll do shoe okay and by the way this means only products that match all these conditions will be added to your store and this is any of the conditions so for example if I had shoes and watch here and I had this all conditions checked that means any product the products that would be added would be the ones that were tagged with the word shoe and the word watch if I select any its shoe tagged with shoe or the word watch so keep that in mind you can really mess up your collections if you keep it on all conditions so we're gonna go ahead and do shoes and it doesn't really matter have anything else so we'll just leave it on all and hit safe and by the way you can tag all your products first and then make your collections it doesn't really matter but let's go ahead and check all these shoes alright and as you can see here we have some men's shoes and some women's shoes so I'm gonna show you how to organize that based on collection so it will add tags at the tag shoe and any tag that you've used before will show up here so once we add shoe it'll now be an option for the next selection all right so now if we go back to our collections you'll see shoes and let me put SHOP shoes so now the shoes all right let's keep creating collections let's do men's shoes and so this will go ahead and do any condition farm sorry we'll do all conditions add another condition and do min and shoot okay so now it has to be tied with both the word min and the word shoe in order to show up in this collection let's go ahead and save and since we're here we'll create one for women's alright and same thing we'll do women and shoe save go back to the products and now we need to tag this stuff so here's our men's shoes you can actually do this in bulk to so let's say I didn't tag these yet I can actually check box all of these or let's say let me just check the men's shoes ok so just the men shoes are selected three pairs and hit add tag I can actually add the tag shoe and the tag min so hit apply and we'll do the same thing for women's by the way that's a quick way to clear it just check them all and then uncheck them so women's shoes yes those are women's shoes action [Music] woman and she I think very tagged issue though all right so we got that what else do you got we have shirts and please [Music] all right so let's go ahead and just tag these shirts while we're here so I've got three shirts I see tags just you shirt and these are men's shirts so it's gonna be men also okay and we'll do goodies and hoodies this kind of could be either one so tax hoodie all right let's do that there we are everything's tagged now we need to create collections for them so we'll do hoodies hoody see now everything shut up okay let's go back data collection so you kind of get the gist of this what else did we have we had shirts and we'll do shirts and I guess their men's shirts so we'll go ahead and make a men's shirts as well so this is a shirt [Music] that they should show up if I tagged it properly okay and I think that was it right one each we've got shoes watches shirts okay so if we go to our collections we have all these collections that work with so now everything's tagged and collections are done properly so now I'm going to show you how to do the navigation menu so if we go here you see there's still nothing here because I haven't selected anything but if we go to online store okay online store and customize we can add those seats so featured collections is here so we can add and select any collection we want so let's say we want to feature some watches click there boom there's your collection right and let's see we don't need any of this give it a slice and we can name this maybe stop watches oh yeah okay so there's our watches go back let's add sections do another featured collection and let's check out shoes so we'll do all shoes or we could do just men shoes but you get the idea everything's here available for you to add now that you've made the collections so hoodies stop hoodies anyway looking good right all right now for the navigation video so if you go over here to online store under sales channels you'll be able to select this option called navigation and in here you can create the main menu selection and the footer selection so let's go ahead and edit this main menu selection this is the one that shows up at the very top and we'll keep home but let's get rid of catalog so instead what we're gonna do we could add these just hit add menu item and before you name it I would just select the link you can go to collections and let's go ahead and add [Music] actually yeah let's add all collections and we'll call this shop okay so we'll add that now let's add another one and we'll do shirts add another collection shoes collection watches collection hoodies okay so now these are just all gonna show up so if I save this let me just show you what this looks like so now they're just all going to be listed up here so they could just click on any one of these and it'll take them straight to what they're looking for but what we want to do is put all these underneath the shop so it's a drop down menu so let's go ahead and go back all you got to do is drag this and move it under each other just like that super simple now if we save it go back reload now it's all under shot so they can shop shirts shoes watches hoodies you get the picture but we can go even farther and let's go ahead and add a menu item and do men's shirts and we'll do and shoes so these are the more specific ones women's shoes all right and what else did we think that's it so now that these are more specific we're gonna go ahead and move shirts men's shirts undershirts so you can just drag and drop this and organize this however you want that's looking good let's save that and now you kind of get the idea of how it looks so now you could drop down and now there's categories so you can shop shoes shirts watches men's shoes watches and it'll organize everything and as long as you have everything tagged correctly this will work very well for you something really quick I want to add to if you go into products you can actually check box these products and hit edit products and this is sort of a quick way of seeing where your products are right so if you do this you can edit things in bulk and if you add a field here you can actually click tags and see what your products are tagged with so as soon as this loads there we go you can see so this products tagged with the word men and shirt shoe and women men and the shoe minutes you again anyway you can see how they're tagged so it's a very easy way for you to see whether or not your products are tagged properly the easiest way though is just to keep re tagging if you're not sure I mean the easiest way I've found to do it is just redo it just check all these just if you don't know which ones are tagged with shoe and which ones aren't you could just do this it doesn't effect anything if you just add the same tag to them again it won't like double up or triple up it'll just make sure that tag is added anyway guys that is how you organize your store so that's how you tag products properly that's how you use collections and that's how you create a navigation menu for your story hopefully this video was super helpful for you there's a lot more with Shopify of course but this is just a question that I've gotten so much so I wanted to make a video about it and show people how you can organize your store and how to create collections and have make things Auto AD and do the navigation menu if you liked this video go ahead and subscribe thumbs up and leave a comment if you have any questions I'll answer anything I can thanks so much guys see in the next video
Channel: How Success Is Made
Views: 139,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify store design guide, shopify store design tutorial, design good shopify store, shopify store design examples, how to set up navigation bar on shopify, how to set up collections on shopify, how to design a good shopify store, shopify tutorial for beginners, shopify, shopify tutorial, shopify menu setup, shopify navigation, shopify navigation tutorial, shopify menu, shopify navigation submenu, shopify drop down menu hover, shopify navigation setup, drop down menu shopify
Id: yfQd4ugiR2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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