I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With $1500 (REALISTIC Results)

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here's the result of the 1500 drop shipping challenge in today's video i'm gonna be attempting to do shopify drop shipping with a 1 500 budget for the next seven days now during those seven days i'm going to have to pick four different products build four different websites and i'm gonna be using facebook ads as the platform to advertise each one of my products now during those seven days i will be spending a few hours each day on each different task so welcome to the channel my name is camille siden is the ecom king and in today's video i'm gonna be doing a challenge like i've never done it before i'm gonna be giving myself a one thousand five hundred dollar budget now the reason why i'm giving myself for one thousand five hundred dollars is because i recommend that you start with that budget if you wanna start a shopify drop shipping business so this will enable you guys to see what it's like to start a shopify drop shipping business on a 1 500 budget so this is my strategic plan with the budget that i've got in place i'm going to be spending 250 per product and because i'm testing four products that will equivalent to around about a thousand dollars then the rest of the budget that i've got in place which will be around about 500 i'm gonna be using that budget for things like the shopify plan domain names video ads and any other little expenses that come into place now the reason why i'm using 500 per product is because of my experience in this industry generating multiple seven figures i've learned that 500 per product is a great budget to see if a product is worth carrying on with or killing also i'd recommend that you guys grab a notebook and pen because you're going to learn so much on the way during this challenge let me show you exactly what i do to find products build websites and so forth also grab a drink and grab some snacks this one's going to be amazing so before you start eating your snacks and popcorn for this drop shipping challenge i just want to announce that if this store in the challenge video is successful then i will be giving away the store and if you want to know how to enter the giveaway if there is a giveaway then you need to watch the video till the end so as it's day one and it's product research day what i'm going to be using is i'm going to be using companies called viral vault which is a company where you can go on there they recommend products because they've done their own research and due diligence they list a product they give you like ad copies uh product descriptions aliexpress links they also give you like things like other competitor links it's a great website that i use and i'll be showing you how i use in a minute to find different products and go through them to save me a lot of time then i'll also be using a company called peekster which shows you facebook ads it's basically like a facebook ad spy tool and it shows you all the different products at the moment that are currently doing really really well then what i currently use is i also use a company called saturation inspector to help me find other stores selling the product so i can see how they've designed their stores then i can also see what kind of ads they're running on the facebook ad [Music] library [Music] so after around about an hour of product research i've now come to the conclusion on the four products i'm gonna be choosing for this challenge so product number one as you can see on the screen is this baby bath rocket toy and you can see here it's only had around about 68 orders and a few of the sellers as well as around about another 300 400 orders so it's what i call a low tap product now the reason why i really like this product is because it's a baby product and it's specifically a baby bath product so it's very niched and this is just gonna be really easy to target when i'm doing my advertisements not just that but i've got a lot of experience in the baby toy industry now there is a case study on this channel where we took a brand new store from zero to two hundred and ten thousand dollars in 30 days actually selling kids toys so that's why i feel like this is gonna be a good product for me because of the vast knowledge that i've got in this industry now it's a brand new product it's not really been done before which helps in terms of saturation as well and it comes with some really really good content photo content and video content now overall it's just a good product as well i can definitely see it doing really really well for people that scroll on the ad people go on the website and have a look into it because what this product does is it basically sucks up the water from the bath and it squirts it out and it's just really really cool and the reason why i feel like this will fit really well in with the current times is because there's a lot of people at home a lot of kids at home and this is a great way to keep the kids happy drawing um being at home and a lot of kids don't like the bath they they find it quite irritating i was one of those kids now to be able to have fun in the bath it's going to definitely be a big problem solved so the second product that i've chosen for the challenge is going to be this poor pillow animal seat cushion and as you can see here it's got around about 2 500 orders so it's what i call a proven product um it's not got too many orders but it's got enough to say well look this has been proven to work and it's had some great reviews meaning that the product is good quality now the product is basically this big pore cushion and it folds in and it folds out so you can put it on like a chair or you can put it for example on the floor and and i have it fully flatted out and the reason why i feel like this is going to be a great product because people love animals so to have a cushion that's an animal poor print that's even cooler and just people are going to love that not only that but there's a lot of people now working from home and being at home during this current situation that we're in so to be able to lounge around from home and use this on your let's say gaming chair your work office chair the sofa it's just going to make you really really happy so that's one of the reason why i feel like it's going to be a great product and it comes in multiple colors and overall it's a high-end quality product and i can try and tap into the high ticket item and try and make a good profit margin on this product now the third product that i've chosen are these teddy slippers and you can see here it's got 538 orders there's other styles with like 300 400 500 orders so there's a roundabout in total at least three to four thousand orders on this product again it shows up it's a proof of concept it's got some very good reviews as well and the reason why i love this product is again people are at home they want to get comfy and they want a better way to do that than have teddy slippers so these are just big teddy bears and you can wear them as slippers so that's super cool and there was basically a similar product to this where it was actually unicorn slippers and they did so so well so i'm hoping the teddy bear slippers can recreate some of that success again now the fourth and final product that i've chosen for the challenge is going to be this gooseneck lamp now what this probe does is it's basically got an led circle and then it's got this really uh stretchy flexible gooseneck thingy so you can position it into different angles and whatnot and then it's also got like a pencil part and a phone stand built into it and it's got three lighting dimming sections and this one's got 1680 orders and again there's other sellers with at least around about two three thousand this is at least four thousand orders on total for this product and it comes in a variety of colors which is great more options for people to choose not just that but i can see this solving a massive problem which is a lot of people at home working now see what they want to try and get as productive as possible they want to try and maximize their workspace and i feel like this can be a great thing that they can use in their house or from their workspace and have some great success with so that's why i feel like it's gonna fit really well in with the current times so now i'm gonna be showing you guys exactly how i did my product research and how i found each product that i've selected today so as you can see i'm in this company called viralvault and i won't be taking this out of my budget because it is a paid tool but they do offer a seven day free trial and i'll only be using this tool for one day so technically i get it for free which is absolutely amazing and that's what i'd recommend trying out for seven days for free because you can find some potential winners for completely free so what i did is i went to this part here where it says trending products and i don't change any of the fills or categories i like keeping it generic and i just basically scroll through this and i'm just looking for anything that would grab my attention so going through this i'm just looking at all the thumbnails and whichever one grabs my attention that's a good product because if it's grabbing my attention it's going to grab somebody else's attention so what i do is i just scroll through this and as soon as i find a product that i can see that grabs my attention i'm gonna click on it so you can see here these women heels right there these are some very colorful vibrant um heels and that's why they grabbed my attention and that's why i clicked on it now if i was to do that somebody else would do that so what this tool then does is it shows you the product description now i don't recommend copying anything off this like the product description the ad copies but it's just a good way to see what it would be like to write your own product description and you can use it as a framework but i don't recommend actually copying it so that's why that's another reason why i like this tool because it will actually give you pro descriptions and all the other necessary tools that will help brainstorm then you can see here it will actually say view competitor store and if you click on that it will take you to the competitor store so you can see how they've laid their tool out which in my opinion is very very important to see what your competition are doing now the other thing that this tool does is it gives you all the other things so you can see here it shows you the competitors video if you click on that it will show you the facebook page or the facebook video ad that is being currently run for it and that's going to help you and you can see here this is the current facebook creative that they're running and it'll help you see what kind of creative they're running the kind of ad copy they're using and the kind of ad headline they're using so it's very very important to see that because then you know how you can fit yourself in the market so what they're doing what can i find that they're not doing and that's the thing that i can use to basically get ahead of them because whatever the competitor's not doing and you can basically elaborate on that's going to differentiate in the market and that's going to potentially get you to where you need to be so something else that i love about this pool is it also gives you the ad creative meaning the video and it also gives you the thumbnail example which is great as well and it also gives you an ad copy example as well which is amazing now the thumbnail itself um i do recommend using as long as the the images are copyrighted and you can use them because these are created by uh viralbot themselves which is great then you've got the facebook target in here which is the facebook suggestions they recommend you use to target the product and that's another reason why i like it they also give you a product price recommendation the cost of goods the price and the profit so these are some good things that you can use to basically frame work off and basically go from and the other good thing is it gives you straight away the aliexpress link so you can see here it's taking me right to the aliexpress page and it does take you to the best supply and all express the most reputable one and it also gives you an alternative supplier now i don't recommend using aliexpress um i'm not i'm going to be covering in a minute the alternative that i used express i only use aliexpress to find products and then i use other suppliers to actually get the product so aliexpress is technically like a product research tool as well then what i'm saying when i express i use this chrome extension called saturation inspector and as soon as you turn saturation inspector on what it will do is it'll go through the whole of the internet and it'll find other stores from woocommerce or shopify selling that exact product for you and it will tell you how saturated that product is with this toolbar and the great reason why you want to see all the other stores selling the product is because number one it shows you how many stores you're competing with but number two the most important thing is you're able to search for that store on the facebook ad library which will show you how many of those stores are actually running ads because there might be like 50 stores selling it but there might only be three of them running facebook ads for them and it gets to show you what the competitors are doing on facebook to try and get customers and you can see from their facebook ads how successful they are so the second tool that i use to help me find these products is called peekster and this is like i said the products buy tool they do offer another tool which just gives you a list of different products that they've recommended now the products buy is what makes this tool so good now i've not had to take this out of the budget it is another paid tool but there is a three-day trial so technically i'm getting it for free so that's why i've used it so you can see here there's also filters that you can use to try and find products so let's say you're in the kids niche or the pet niche you can niche it down and you can see here show me loads of different facebook ads currently on facebook that are selling these drop shipping products and it's showing you how many comments how many shares they've got and then when you click learn more it actually take you to the actual post itself which is very important because then you can do some more research on the product but what i do is i like to go through here and i like to go for products that i've got around about 5000 reactions it can be like a love heart and i like to go for a product that's got at least a thousand shares and then as long as as long as i can find the product in aliexpress and it's got some good reviews and good feedback then i will go for the product now in terms of how many orders i like to see on aliexpress i like to see between 1 000 and 5 000 orders then that is a sweet spot it's not too saturated but it's enough to show me that the product is worth trying as i was saying to you guys before i actually don't use aliexpress anymore to basically test my products now if i have to use aliexpress because there's no other supplier selling it then i'll use aliexpress and try and use the fastest shipping possible but i won't use it in the long run i'll use it just to test if worse comes worse then i'll buy in bulk once i find a winner but the supplier that i do use if i can find it on another supplier is cj dropship and it's by far the best alternative out there and i've made a video about cj here so i'll leave it there if you guys want to watch it and basically you can see here i'm on cj and what i'll do is i'll search for the same product on here so let's say for example i'm selling this product then i'd click on this product here that i could potentially be selling and what i can do is i can find out their shipping times now cj dropshipping offer warehouses all over the world so you can see here big ones in the us if i want to do us only shipping i can do us only shipping so you can see here i can get 10 to 15 days shipping times using cj drop shipping's basically shipping method instead of the e packet which is 20 to 40 days so that's the reason why i use cj instead because it's going to give me happier customers and better facebook ad score which basically helps with how well your facebook ads will perform so this is how i order my video ads from launch vid so what i do is i go to the website and i click order now and then i use the ultimate package for this current tutorial now for those guys that are starting out you can go with a single video out or the advanced package the reason why i'm going for the ultimate one is because i'm doing four different products and i'm going to want two videos per product so this one's going to offer me 10 fully optimized videos 10 revisions 30 to 50 second duration thumbnails and it's also going to give me my watermark as well so i'm going to click order now and then in the order now i'm going to put my first name my last name my company details and then in the additional information this is where it's most important so in the end additional information you're going to want to put the aliexpress link in there and you're going to want to put if you've got any color preferences to basically how you want the colors to be done in the video let's say you've got a store that's basically white black and orange you can say to them use my brown colors which is black orange and so forth if you've got certain animations that you want to use you put it in the additional information now throughout my whole career of doing video ads from different companies that offer it i've learned that the more information that you give these companies the better they can make the video ads and if you've got a certain look that you want to give them then you've got to tell them the certain look you want so they can achieve it so what i'm going to do now guys i'm going to fill out this form submit it and then i'm going to show you the video ads once i get them back so it's day two of the challenge and today what i've got planned is i'm gonna be creating the website it's creating the logo creating the facebook pages and hopefully if i've got enough time launching or creating the ads so because i've picked four different products i'm going to be building four different websites because i want to go down the one product branded route because i feel like that's going to help with my conversion rates and how people are going to feel confident on my website now building four different websites in one day is not going to be an easy task this will take quite a lot of hours to complete for those guys that make one website in a week to do that but four times in one day this is going to be a struggle but i'm just going to get my head down and just go and try and go through it now not that but it's also gonna increase my cost because i'm gonna have to buy four different domain names four different shopify plans so this is gonna be quite a big cost that i'm gonna have to pay for but i'm hoping this pays off because of the conversion rates i'm able to achieve [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] six hours later guys and i've fully completed each website and that was by far one of the toughest tasks i've had to do in a while and that has definitely given me a bit of a headache so let me just show you guys each website i've just created so the first website i've created as you can see on my phone screen is called gooseneck led lamp.com and as you guys can probably tell this is the goose neck lamp and you can see here i've gone for those three color schemes black white and that kind of like goldy yellow color to go for like the goose logo so you can see if i zoom in on my phone you can see that's what the logo looks like there and i think it looks really really nice as well so as you guys can see here um that's the domain name really nice and branded then you can see the logo and it says gooseneck lamp welcome to the gooseneck lamp design to give you maximum productivity and then in the back i've got a photo of it on on on basically a workspace and then the shop now button which will take them to the product page then it says our gooseneck lamp we're an e-commerce brand that creates products to maximize your productivity from home then it says the gooseneck lamp with nine star reviews from luke's and then here it shows multiple images and these images have actually got text and uh photo imagery on there to help people understand how it will help them and then here it's got the price used to be 49.99 but it's now 27.99 and the reason why i can get away with saying that it's a high received product is because it's got batteries and normally with battery powered things you can get away with a high perceived value then i've got the drop down menus here so they can choose which one they want to go for and then i've got a little video here and i will be playing the video and basically what this video does it just shows the lamp in action because when people come to the product page they're going to want to see how this works in full detail so that's why i put a little video there and i basically used vimeo to use as the uploads let me quickly play the video you can see when i play the video or play it on the product page and if they want to zoom in they can click it and then click the little zoom in button there there's no music or anything in that video it's just plain just to show them how it works then i've got the lamp that can um then i've put in the product description the lamp you can't live without and then i go over the reasons why you can't live without it then i've got another image and then i put why goose neck lamp is for you then i go over the multiple little specifications and how it can help you with whatever you're doing from home then another image then i go over the specifications then i've got these trust badges top quality free track shipping and future technology happy customers i'm using the debutify theme completely free not to pay for it so that's going to help with the budgeting and then in the footer itself i've just put the logo site link social media and the email and then here in the top left you've got the menu bar i'll put shop gooseneck glam track your order shipping policy then i've got the um legal policies and i've got if they want to make an account that way it looks a little bit more professional then if they click the shop now button it will take them to the product page basically the same again but the only difference is when you go to the bottom of the product page there will be like luke's reviews on the product page i don't know why they're not showing up at the moment but they're definitely on this product page somewhere so that must have just been a little glitch that i need to fix but they're definitely on there guys i'll show you them on a different account so the second website that i've got here is the teddy plushslippers.com website and again i've gone for that nice branded domain name and i've gone for those same color schemes again to try and make it feel like the teddy bear color and you can see here i've got the logo this time with teddy slippers but then i've got like little teddy bears in between the letters um and i'm going to be going over how i'll make these logos in a minute and then you can see here as the home image i've got all the different teddy slippers on this like staircase and it says the teddy slippers welcome to teddy slippers we love teddy bears shop now and then here it says our teddy slippers and it says the same thing again we're an e-commerce brand that loves teddies teddy bears and that's what we created the teddy slippers then i've got the teddy slippers with the luke's reviews here and you can see i've used this image that i feel like is really really good because it's gonna when people see this thing about wow that looks really really cool i want my own and it shows these uh teddy slippers or somebody using them on their bed and it just looks really really appealing to the eye and then i've got the prize instruction here again i've got the drop down menus then i've got the the cutest pair of slippers and the bio then i've got this image of this girl wearing them that i feel like it's going to really help with conversion rates then i've got why the teddy slippers are for you the sizing charts then some close-ups of the quality of the slippers showing them being really really high quality and again if you click shop now it's gonna take you straight to the product page pretty much the same thing again again for some reason the luke's reviews is glitched out so i'll have to fix that afterwards but the foot is pretty much the same again but this one's just for the teddy slippers and i don't need to put a video on the product page because you don't really need a video to explain what this product does and how it works it's just purely off seeing it off so the third website that i've created is the pawprintpillow.com and again i've gone for that printed domain name and you can see here i've gone for blue white and black this time and i really do like the color of this website and i've got here the logo paw pillow there and you can see the logo there it's nothing crazy but it does look really nice and you can see here poor print pillow welcome to poor pillows we love pet paws and then you can see here our poor pillows and again it's the same bio just changed in the last bit and then i've got the paw print pillow and then i've got the luke's reviews again and then i've got some nice imagery here of the person using it and i've kept it congruent and very consistent of who's in the image then i've got the pricing structure then the height and the color and i have got another video here just to show how it can be used in different ways because some people might think oh it can't actually bend and fold out so i wanted to really make sure that people knew that then i put a cushion made in pet heaven because for those that love pets they're gonna love this then it just shows some people using it on the floor with their feet and whatnot then it shows it in the chair to show you what it can also look like and then i've got those truss badges again at the bottom premium quality free track shipping happy customers and then everything's pretty much the same and the reason why i've kept my websites to look very similar is because from my experience in the industry keeping a website looking this simple but very nice at the same time works really really effective and again the product page is pretty much the same and again the luke's review is glitched out but i'll fix that in so the last website that i've created is the space rocketbath.com website and i've actually gone for a slightly different look with this website just to see if this different look will actually perform better and you can see here i've got spacerocket.com and then i've got the logo here which looks really really cool and i've gone for that red white and black color scheme to try and fit in with the actual product itself and it says here the bath time story then it shows an image and then it shows shot now so this actually does look slightly different to the other websites that i've made and then i've got the actual product right there and then i've got this time actually timers on there so i'm actually gonna be testing the countdown timer on here and i've also got a quantity break so i'm going to try and split test to see if this works better than having it just plain and simple and then you can see here again i've gone for the exact same formation but this time i've gone for a giphy instead of a image to see if that helps with conversion rates and then at the bottom i've actually put the video at the bottom this time to see how that works instead of being at the top and then again the product page is pretty much the exact same again takes you straight there and the only difference is i need to make sure that those loops reviews are working so let me know what you guys think of the websites that i've created for each one of these web so let me know what you guys think of the websites that i created for each one of these products and let me know if you think they look really good and professional so it's day three of the challenge and i didn't launch the ads yesterday just as a disclaimer it got really late and i had to fix some technical issues on the back end so i didn't create the ads because i didn't want to make any mistakes and any rush decisions so that's what i'm gonna be doing today but before we get on to what we're doing today which is going to be creating the ads creating the marketing materials like the ad copies the ad headlines and all that other stuff i'm going to i've just received the video ads that i got created by launchvids so what i'm going to do now for you guys i'm gonna play them on the screen and then give you my verdict on what i [Music] think [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so as you guys just saw then the video ads that i got created two per product now they were very very simple and that's the way that i actually asked them for so i did say in the notes in the description i want them simple nothing too crazy nothing like watermarks or logos just nice simple quick speed ramping basically meaning the transitions are quick nice easy music and just high quality parts of clips i don't want anything low quality and me personally i feel like they delivered on what i wanted from them now of course if you want something a little bit more jazzy then you've got to put that in the notes to them but overall i'm pretty happy um paying 200 and around about 50 for those six different videos in my opinion wasn't bad i've got four left that i can have so later on into the challenge if i want to order more videos i can have four more for free which will complete my 10 different videos but for 250 don't get me wrong it is expensive but i did save it did save me a lot of time for me to do those videos that would have taken me about half a day and i really hate doing that kind of part of the work of the process so for me it is expensive but in my opinion it's worth the expense because of the time i'm saving and just the headache it gives me creating videos myself [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys after around about 45 minutes of doing ad copy and ad headline research and creating my google doc sheet with them i've completed it and now let me just quickly go through the ad headlines and add copies that i've got then i'm going to show you exactly how i was able to find them and get them and create them so here we've got the product space rocket toy that i'm going to be doing add copies for i've created two different ad copies and they're both pretty short now the first one is babies never want to leave the bath after playing with a bath space rocket and then i put your kids new favorite bath toy and those are two separate ad copies so this is ad copy one this i copy two and i find at the moment with these kind of uh baby products show ad copies work really really well and effective then for the product paw print cushion i put you'll never s you've never sat in a real cushion until you tried this pore cushion and again that's one ad copy then the second one is a little bit of a longer one the coziest cushion will ever sit in reversible super soft and optimal support then for the titty slippers i'll put the comfiest cutest slippers you'll ever own and then for the second ad copy i put the ultimate pair of slippers for lounging super cute and keeps your feet warm then for the product gooseneck i put the ultimate upgrade to your workspace for maximum productivity then the second ad copy is the perfect lamp for your workspace fully adjustable usb powered easy to set up then for the headlines i've got for the basically then for the headlines for the space rocket baby bathtub kids love this toy kids love bass now babies now love baths rocket bath toy then for the second product for the cushion i put cute cushion comfy cute cushion for animal lovers then for the third product which will be the slippers i've got the cutest slippers for teddy lovers for lounges then for the fourth product which is the gooseneck product upgrade your productivity workspace upgrade gooseneck lamp so let me just go over how i've structured these so again i've gone for short ad copies and then for the headlines i always go for short ad headlines and they're always between three and five words that's technically how i do things and that's what's worked really really well for me overall now of course you're going to see how this looks like when it's been put through the ads manager will look a lot better than what it looks like on here but let me just quickly show you how i was able to create this because i know when you create a blank canvas and you're trying to think of ad copies and ad headlines it can be very hard to get motivation from when you're trying to do it from scratch so what i do is i head over to facebook go to the search bar search for my product or something that's uh similar to what my product name is so i've got teddy slippers and i click videos and it comes with all the videos that are coming up for that product either be ad videos or organic videos and you can see here loads of different videos are coming up and what i like to do is i'd like to go on them and i'll try and look for the ones i've got the most views because the ones with the most views mean the most successful which means something must be right so i'll go to the ones i've got the most views all the ones that i just genuinely think sound the best i look at the ad copy and the ad headline i actually copy and paste it over but i do not just copy i do copy and paste it over but what i like to do is i like to take lots of words out and replace them with the words that i like i just like to have a structure in place that i can work from because when it's just blank it's hard for me to think of um motivation to write so i like to have a framework and then just basically adjust it on the way and turn that 100 copy and pasted of what i've got and make it 90 if not 95 of my own because like i said you're just using it for brainstorming eight ideas and you would have seen that in the time lapse that i made showing you how i changed it and i basically pasted it over and then changed it again to make it suited for me and so it's not just copied from somebody else's side because if you're just copying other people's ads it's just not going to work guys it's purely just there to help you get some motivation going and to think from a blank canvas so that's the first way i like to find ad copies and add headlines then i like to actually go to the ad library so all you got to do is click add and then library and then when you go to the ad library what you can do again is you can actually search for products again in your industry so what you do is you click search all and then for example i'm going to type in teddy slippers in here and then when you type in teddy slippers you can basically search for that word and it's saying that there's no advertisement names for that now this is the free version of this method um for example i might want to do baby space rocket bath toy and basically this one is a little bit more of a time consuming one because you're trying to find basically advertisers styling with that name for that product which can happen but it can take a lot of time but that's the free version of doing it now the other way of doing it is by using an ad spy tool for example something like peekster i'm basically logging in and basically when you log into this tool what you can do is you can go to here it says enter a word and for example what i might want to do is i might want to do teddy slippers in here and then when i do teddy slippers in here what i can do is i can look for all the people selling that product on the ad spy tool so for example it's not coming up with anything with teddy slippers so i might just put teddy instead and search for that instead so i'm gonna search for teddy instead and see what comes up and again this is more time consuming but you're going to be able to get higher quality content from this so you're basically just going to the ad and spy tour looking to see if these ad spy tours have found these products that you're selling if you haven't that's kind of a good sign but if you have found them then what you can do is you can go straight to the ad and see what they're doing and search their name into the ad library and see every single ad that they're running i'm gonna be creating the facebook ads for each one of my products and i'm gonna be spending 30 pound per product per day and remember we've got four different products if you do that that's 30 60 90 120 pound per day i'll be spending over the four products i'm gonna be doing an campaign which stands for ads at budget optimization and i'm gonna be doing 10 ad sets at three pound a day per product now don't worry if none of this information makes any sense to you when i create all the facebook ads i'm gonna be breaking it down to you in the ads manager in terms of why i've done it strategically and how it's gonna work so as you guys can see on the screen i'm in the ads manager and yes i did create a campaign for each one of my approach just to see if the actual facebook ads manager's working at nice today because if you're used to facebook you're gonna know that facebook ads manager always has issues so i wanted to make sure that nothing was going wrong in the ads manager so i'm going to be starting off with the gooseneck campaign so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on it and then i'm going to go to the ad set here and click duplicate and i'm going to duplicate this one nine times and i'm going to be doing that for each campaign and you guys are going to be seeing this right now through the time lapse because i don't want you to watch this in normal speed because that'll be really boring and really really long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so after around about an hour and a half i've just finished off all the ad sets and all the ads for facebook now i just want to quickly show you exactly what i've done in the setup process so you understand exactly what i've done and you can follow along if i do change anything in the future throughout the challenge so as you guys can see here i'm going to select this campaign and show you how i've done this one because every other campaign is pretty much the same it's just a different product now as you guys can see here i've done an um campaign so no cbo i will do that if we scale and you can see in each ad set i've done 18 to 65 i've done male and female now i've done one campaign with 10 ad sets and the budget is three pound per ad set now the lowest you can go is three pound now three pound equivalents to around about 4.50 now that's the lowest you can go now that's just a gauge to see if i can get away with spending that amount of money now funny enough sometimes when you spend five pounds or five dollars instead of three dollars or three pounds the worst case you get in terms of results if you spend spend less for some reason you get better results so i'm just trying to gauge to see how far i can take it in terms of the budgeting now i've done 10 ad sets because i want to try and test 10 different interests because you can see in each different ad set here you can see the names there's a different interest so ad set one's learning ad set two's led lamp ad set four is job hunting ad set of five is higher education now interest is the people that you're trying to basically find on facebook so if for example on target and learning it means people on facebook that are into either learning pages or learning as an interest they're the people that are going to get hit with my ad then i've done one ad per ad set and i've tried i've changed the ad over now i'm going to show you that quickly now before i show you that let me dive into the ad set to show you exactly how i've set up so you can see here three pounds now i've not started ending start date i'm probably going to schedule these for midnight so if i do do that i will tell you guys later in the challenge but you guys can see i've done the e packet countries minus a few countries that are normally high fraudulent chargeback countries based on my experience then if you scroll down you can see i've done that 18 to 65. i've done interest as learning and you can see i don't turn detailed expansion on and my potential reach is 180 million now i like my potential reach speed between five and 250 million even 500 million in the testing phase because you just want to try and collect as much data as possible then you can see as languages i've chosen english all because although we're targeting countries outside of english-speaking countries i want to make sure that everybody that i do target can at least speak english because my ads are in english then i've done manual placements and i've only done facebook feeds and instagram feeds because nine times out of ten they're the ones that are gonna do the best so i don't wanna waste too much money on all the other platforms if they're not gonna perform then i've not messed around with any of the optimization delivery i've not messed around with any bids or um bid caps have left that as it is i've used the event as purchase here as you guys can see now let's take a little dive into the ad so you guys can see there i've got the 10 ad sets you can see here from results from 10 assets and you can see all the names different because of the different interests that i'm targeting then if we have a look at the ads that are set up you can see that they should be called add one to five sorry one to ten you can see here add one two three four five six seven eight nine ten now let me open up these ads so you guys can see exactly what i've got going on in each ad so let's take a look at creative two for example now each creative and i've basically i've created two videos well the company i use to create the videos i've got two videos and i've got two um ad copies but i've made sure that every headline is different in the ad so each creative has either one or the other video whether you add copy but the only thing that changes consistently through one to ten is the headline because that can make a major difference and i want to try and find out which creative is going to work the best so i can narrow down the crate that works the best now out of 10 normally it's three or two so i can then scale those up later on in the challenge so as you guys can see here i've selected my page i've got my ad copy here my basically my headline my description then my link now let me just quickly open this up on the big screen so you guys can actually see what this looks like so let me put this into desktop mode so you guys can see how my ads gonna look like when it's on the explore page you can see here it says the perfect lamp for your workspace fully just for usb powered and then see more and then i've got the shop now when you click see more and then here it says upgrade your productivity shop now and then it's got my name then you can see it looks really really good in my opinion i think it looks really really branded and really really professional so i'm happy with that now let me show you the other version of the creative so this is the other version of the creative and this one's got a shorter ad copy and a different video so let me show you this one again in the expand view so you guys can see when i explain that into the big view how different it looks so you can see here the ultimate upgrade to your workspace for maximum productivity and the um headlines differences gooseneck lamp and the video itself is different as well so you guys can see that so i hope that all makes sense to you in terms of how set that up in terms of the budget i'm spending and whatnot and you've got to understand that when you launch these um ads to start with you're just trying to test everything out budget uh audience creative and then after a few days you can start to narrow down and basically get onto the right path talk about narrowing down of course i've left everything broad to start with but i'm gonna be running these ads for around about five to seven days it's currently wednesday today so i might leave these up till next wednesday or till sunday it just depends on how everything goes but what i'm gonna do from now till whenever i finish the challenge which will leave me five or seven days i'm gonna be updating with you guys every single day to show you what changes that i make in the ads manager to show you how i'm either scaling or how i'm killing what kind of results i'm getting but don't understand what that means basically from now till the end of the challenge i'm just going to be updating you guys with the results on the ads any changes that i make in the ad so you guys can learn from it then on the last day i'll show you guys the results how much profit we made or how much we lost and just overall what i'm gonna be concluding on this video so it's been six days since i've last updated you guys on the progression of the challenge i ran into a massive facebook technical issue so i had to put a challenge on a short pause now the technical issue that we run into was the ad account that we were running on got disabled and i thought maybe that was just an odd one-off but then the whole bm got disabled and that was a new bm so i wasn't surprised that that happened because that tends to happen when you get a new business manager so then i decided to move it to a verified business manager that i've had for a while and the ad account again got disabled so this time i appealed with facebook they cleared up and ever since then from the last five days we've been running the ads for the last 24 hours and nothing's happened so everything so far is running really smoothly and if you guys are used to facebook this happens all the time ad account bans uh ads getting disabled it's one of those things that happens and you've just got to get around with it and once you have got around with it then you're pretty much good to go for a good couple of weeks good couple of months till facebook does it again but that's the stressful issue with using facebook as a platform so as you guys can see i'm in the ads manager and before i start breaking down the ads manager just to jog your memory if you forgot and i had a thousand dollar budget to spend on ads so do bear that in mind whilst i critique things through the ads manager so as you guys can see all the campaigns here and i've had to duplicate a few of them because the ones that got turned off and disabled i just duplicated them and just let them run now as you guys can see here where it says results it says that we got two purchases from the gooseneck lamp now when the ad account got reinstated i decided to launch two campaigns instead of four at the same time because remember what four products but i thought if i launched all four at the same time that might be triggering the algorithm to ban me because as it's a new ad account to run four campaigns at a decent budget could trigger um an unusual algorithm which could ban so i thought let's just start with two campaigns this time and see if that helps and fingers crossed so far we've not had any issues so the two campaigns that i started with was the gooseneck lamp and the paw print uh pillow those were the two campaigns that i started and you can see here it says the 16th of march 16th of march so you can see those are the ones that we started with now the gooseneck lamp did say that we actually got two purchases so you're probably thinking cam why did you turn that campaign off if you've got two purchases those were uh fake purchases that was the uh facebook pixel just far enough for purchase for no reason we actually got no sales at all so far so i don't know why facebook fired the pixel um as it was a purchase because there wasn't any so that was a bit unusual but let's break down the actual stats and let me show you the reason why i actually turned that off so if we scroll across to let's say for example some of these statistics like the cpms as you can see here the cpms are very very high on the gooseneck lamp now do bear in mind we're going to be comparing it to the paw print and the gooseneck lamp because those two run as a side each other now as you can see the paw print pillow was a lot cheaper compared to the gooseneck lamp and if we scroll across to the actual add to cart you can see as well that only got two out of cards the gooseneck lamp and the paw print pillow got 13 so there's a massive difference in that and then if we also look at the ctr the ctr was a lot higher on the paw print and the checkouts initiated as well so those are what i call the most important um stats and even the cpc cost per click you can see here it's a lot cheaper so looking at those really important statistics made me feel like look the gooseneck lamp is just being very very expensive at the moment to advertise and it's not just expensive to advertise it's also not giving me anywhere near as good as results as the poor print pillow is so i thought if i've got a thousand dollars to spend throughout this whole challenge on these products i'd rather turn off one campaign for the rest of the challenge if i know that products gonna be just way too expensive to play around with i'd rather use that extra budget on something that's a lot cheaper like the poor print pillow and try and scale that if possible so that's the reason why i've turned the gooseneck lamp off and i do not plan on turning it back on and running i think that product is being caught out of the challenge now because it's just way too expensive to run so let me start breaking down the paw print pillow ad sets so you can see here i have i've got 15 ad sets in total at the moment and i have turned quite a lot of them off and let me show you the reason why i turned a lot of them off and the reason was based on add to cart so you can see here checkouts initiated so you can see that dog toy and pillow were the two ad sets from when i started running this campaign that i achieved to initiate checkouts which is the highest value apart from a purchase so within 24 hours that gives me the information that those two ad sets are what i call my winning ad sets within 24 hours now everything else got either one initiate checkout or none at all so i considered those nowhere near as strong as those two that did get the initiate checkouts now not just that but they also got better ctrs they got better cpcs so overall they were the better ad sets so what i decided to do is i decided to turn all the ones off here you can see on the bottom and what i decided to do is i did i duplicated pillow twice and found a suggested interest to do a pillow and the suggestions that i found was blanket and bedding so i made those two similar to pillow then i duplicated dog three times and i found dog harness dog collar and dog training and then we're gonna see how those go now another thing that i did was when i and originally did the ad sets from the days from yesterday i launched them at three pound or three dollars a day so what i've done now is i've actually changed it from having 10 ad sets to seven ad sets but what i've done is i've been able to contribute more of a budget to each one of those ad sets so now i'm spending five or five dollars per ad instead of three dollars because normally i do like to start with a three pound or three dollar ad set budget on some products because normally we can get away with spending that budget and still get really good conversions so from what i've done throughout my whole career is i've always started on a decent amount of budget per ad set and i've been waiting to see the results and from what i can see i feel like these uh campaigns will need a smaller amount of budget per ad set to be able to get actual sales going through the door so i'm gonna see how this goes increasing the budget on the ad set slightly to see if that helps with the performance so let me quickly show you guys the teddy slippers campaign now this teddy slippers campaign has literally only been running since this morning you can see here the 17th of march i launched him at 9 26 and it's currently the 17th of march 118. so they've only been running for a few hours now let me break down this campaign she was exactly the same as what it was last time um when i showed you the setup and you can see here we're spending three pound per ad set and the reason why i haven't changed these to five pounds because you never know this product could get away with a three pound budget you just gotta test the budgets on every product not just that but when you're spending a small amount of budget it enables you to gather enough data to test more broad audiences to see which ones work better because if i start with five pound or five dollars from the get-go then it means i'll have to target a smaller amount of audiences which means i could leave potentially an audience on the line that could potentially be a really really good one so that's why i'd start on a smaller budget to test more audiences more creatives and then after 24 hours make a very drastic decision on how much i want to cut out based on the results that i'm getting so again this campaign is really really new there's not much to really say about it if we look at some of the results so far as you guys can see the ctrs are not looking too bad the cost per clicks are looking pretty decent we've got uh no answer cards yet but again we're very very early into this campaign so i will be updating you guys again tomorrow to see if we're gonna achieve any results so this challenge won't stop till we have spent at least a thousand dollars on this business manager and you can see at the moment the total amount spent that we spent so far is only 77 pounds so we have still got around about another 930 pounds to spend and i have set a limit on this business manager to spend a thousand pounds so until we spend that budget guys this challenge isn't over we're very early into it [Music] we've just achieved our first sale as you guys can see here we've just had our first sale for 44.99 and that was for the paw print pillow the actual advert that i kept running and the one that i had the most faith in and when i woke up to see this cell right here it gave me so much happiness and motivation on this product now as you guys know with your first sale it really does help the momentum on the facebook ad platform so i'm expecting a lot more sales to come through because of this first order os 14 has definitely made it a lot more harder for brand new stores or brand new e-commerce brands to launch ads on facebook now if you've been around for a while you've been running ads for quite a while it's not gonna really affect you so much but for anybody that's starting brand new on facebook you're definitely gonna see it be a lot harder to achieve your first sale because of the events the way the events manager's been done now they're making it a lot harder just to achieve your first purchase and at the end of this month they're going to make it where you can't run an events campaign until you've actually had your first purchase organically and that just shows you how much tougher they're going to make it for people to get their first sale so as you guys can see i'm in the ads manager and i want to quickly go over the bad news before i cover the good news which is i have to turn off the teddy slippers campaign because that was just not performing very well and it was very very expensive and it was very very similar to the gooseneck campaign if not it was actually even worse so let me just quickly show you some of those statistics right now so you can see here this is the teddy slippers campaign and this is the gooseneck campaign and if we scroll across right here you're going to see some of the similarities in them so you can see the teddy slippers campaign actually got zero add to carts yet the gooseneck one actually did get a couple of ads cards but if we actually look at let's say for example the ctr the ctr is better on the teddy slippers but then the cpc is worse on the teddy slippers and if it keeps going across as you can see there as well all the other statistics are looking a little bit worse on the teddy slippers campaign so i just thought you know what it's expensive we're not seeing any decent results from that campaign let's turn it off and not waste any budget the exact same way i turned off the gooseneck lamp campaign now let me cover the paw print pillow campaign because that is the winning campaign so far that is the product and the campaign that's actually got us a sale and if you can see in here i have added some more ad sets and i have turned off some ad sets so let me go over what i've done in terms of turning off and turning on so i did turn off two of the worst performing ad sets in the last 24 hours so what i did was i duplicated dog harness as an ad set because if we look at the purchases it says we've got two but we've actually got one so that was the winning ad set so what i've done is i've duplicated that again and i've kept it the exact same now if you want to scale horizontally the best way of doing it is just duplicating whatever's working really well and just leaving it so that's what i've done there and then what else i've done is i've duplicated dog harness and founded suggested interest to dog harness and that suggested interest was dog training so i'm hoping that does really really well so something else that i've done inside of this campaign is i've actually started narrowing down the best performing countries so if i just edit this ad set just to show you because i've done it to every single other ad set and we go to over to the countries you can see here now i've actually only narrowed it down to these countries which is the united states ireland malaysia new zealand canada singapore united kingdom australia thailand and germany now the sale that we did get it actually came from singapore now i've talked out brazil i've took out so many different countries and the reason why i've done that is because those countries are spending a lot of money but they're not actually getting me any high quality data like add to carts or purchases so i thought let's just focus on the main performing countries to adjust the ad spending so much money and delivering better quality so that basically means it's cost us 104 pounds just to get one sale so i'm hoping with those changes it's going to cut that right down it was literally all i've done with the paw print pillow campaign i'm hoping now with those optimizations we're now going to be able to achieve more sales now the next stage of narrowing down is going to be the age group so i'm going to be doing that tomorrow so i'll cover that with you guys a little bit later on now let's move on to the next campaign and this is the space rocket bath campaign i've literally just this morning launched it and that is the last product out of the four products that i chose so let's see how this campaign goes if i wake up tomorrow and it's going to have the same results as the gooseneck lamp and as the teddy slippers then that one will be turned off but if that one's able to get better results i'm not looking for a purchase i'm just looking for cheaper metrics if we can do that then i will leave that on and adjust it but if worse comes worse i'll have to turn that off and go fully in on the paw print pillow and try and scale that as aggressively as i can within the next few days because i still have around about let's see how much we spent so far we spent 143 pounds so i still got a decent amount of budget left for this challenge which is around about 850 pounds which can go a very long way to scale one single product so it's the 22nd of march it's currently monday 11 54 almost midday and i've not updated you guys for the last few days and the reason why is because i thought why update you with small increment changes that can get a little bit boring so i thought i'd touch back with you guys once there's been some big changes either went bad or either it went really really positively now just to show you guys it's been going really really good at the moment as you guys can see since we started the challenge with the paw print product the product that we chose to go all in with we've currently done 270 dollars in revenue with this product and as you guys can see if you look at the graph we've been pretty much getting one sale every day since that first sale that we got now we did get two sales yesterday so that's absolutely amazing now i'm going to be giving you guys a massive update on the ads manager in the next few moments but just to let you guys know we've been getting one sale consistently every single day which is really really positive i'd rather have one sale every single day than have three cells one day and then another three sales six days later or something like that consistency is more important than volume per let's say every few days so i'm really happy at the moment we're starting to get close to being profitable obviously we did spend a lot of money on those other products that failed so to have a product now that's actually doing really really well we're getting even closer to now potentially making money so let me jump into the ads manager and show you guys all of that updates so guys i'm currently in the ads manager and i want to give you this update so we did launch the space rocket bath toy once i last updated you guys and as you guys see i did turn that off and the reason why i turned that off was because that was the most expensive product that we actually tested during this challenge and it gave us no decent results so just to show you some of the results it gave us i'm going to mark the product so you guys don't get confused which one it is as you guys can see if you look at the cpms it was the most expensive in terms of cpms as you guys can see with the other stats we did get three add to carts which is okay but if you look at all the other stats they're just very very expensive it had the worst ctr it had just overall worse metrics the only decent metrics i had was the other carts and i just felt like we were wasting way too much money on running that product and it actually cost us to run that product around about 49 pounds so we ran that for 24 hours like these other ones and i actually spent 49 pounds which is a lot of money to test a product within 24 hours so we decided to turn that off and go all in with the poor print pillow product because that's actually given us even better results and it's getting us consistency so if we look at the amount we spent so far we've currently spent on that product 283 pounds which is around about 320 dollars and we've made in revenue 272 dollars with that product now if we actually take away how much we spent here so we spent 49 we spent 33 and we spent 36. so we spend around about 130 pounds on the other products now in dollars that's about 160 dollars so if we take that away from basically how much we spent overall we would technically will technically be breaking even just profitable if we went all in from the start with that product the paw print pillow but we didn't know that was gonna be the one that did really really well it could have been the spaceship that did even better but that's the key to testing more than one product at one time you've got a quicker time of finding what we call a potential winner now do i think the paw print pillow is a winning product it's starting to look that way it's getting consistent sales it's getting consistent sales at a lot the same time and it's starting to pick up a lot in terms of week yesterday was the first day we got two sales in one day so let's break down this campaign and show you guys exactly what we've done within the campaign because we have made quite a lot of adjustments to what we're doing inside of this campaign so the first thing that i want to show you is we're actually running image ads now so let me just show you what those image ads look like so if i scroll down and show you the image ad you're going to see the difference so you can see here we're running one image ad where it's just literally an image of the woman holding the cushion in her hand and then we've run another image ad where it shows both poor pillow colors in the chair then we run another image out of the paw print pillow while somebody sitting down now the reason why i wanted to try image ads out was because image ads can normally run a lot cheaper than video ads meaning that your cost per result is going to get a lot cheaper and as i said the actual image ads are running pretty even to the video so we're getting an even amount of sales so we're getting like three cells of image three cells with um videos so it's quite even and the reason why that's good is even though it's even is on average bringing down the overall price of running these ads which is helping us get profitable so if if there's anything you can learn from this do try and run image ads because they can work really really well now the ad sets that we're running those image ads for are the winning ad sets overall now the warning winning ad sets that we've got at the moment is dog harness dog toy and those are the two winning ad set interests that we're currently doing so those two interests they're the ones that perform in the world now what else we've done is we've actually duplicated a lot of ad sets and we've tried to find suggested interest related to that those winning interests to see if we can find more winning interest because if we want to scale as possible we need to try and find more winning interest and just duplicate them and scale horizontally now we we could if we wanted to we could run a video view lookalike audience but from my point of view video view look like audience is too risky you can spend easily 50 pounds very quickly and that's going to eat into our budget so if we look at the budget at the moment we've got around about 550 pounds left to spend so i don't want to risk doing a video if you look alike if it's just not going to perform well now the next look alike that i'm looking to do is an add to cart look alike so if we can hit the add to cart threshold before we spend the amount that we've got then we'll do an add to cart look-alike because at the moment with all of our other stores that are running that are really successful the interests are working better than the look-alikes at the moment so based on that i just don't want to risk the budget that we've got because we're almost profitable and that's the key now something else that i want to give you guys an update with with this new ios 14 update you have to verify your domain name once you verify your domain name you can choose the event that you want to target now because our domain name is still under review it's still pending if for some reason we've done all the things that you have to do to verify it but it's still not working so we contacted facebook and they're saying that we need to give it a few more days but because we haven't verified the domain name it is actually damaging the results that we're getting because the conversion events that we're going for are slightly getting um not as well tracked as they would be if we verify the domain name so that's currently slowing down the performance so it's annoying but there's nothing we can do because we're on a time limit we're on a budget we've got to try and get things going but i'm hoping if we can get that verified by the end of the day that will improve the results for the rest of the budget that we've got left with so it's currently the 24th of march wednesday and it's around about 1 30 p.m in the afternoon and we've been able to achieve the most sales throughout this challenge so yesterday and you guys can see here just the proof this is the store here paw print pillow and if we go to the analytics you guys can see if we go to yesterday we were able to achieve four sales at around about 182 dollars and if we look at the week schedule you guys can see we've had two days being able to achieve those sales and then if we take a look at the month we're almost at 600 dollars some solid results because it means that we're getting a consistent winning product meaning that monday and tuesday we were able to maintain four orders so today we need to be able to maintain four or three orders to basically vouch for this product but so far the product is just showing a lot of strength because when we went from one sale to two sales we had three days of getting two sales and then after that we were able to maintain the sale value which just shows a lot of strength with the ads and with the product so as you guys can see i'm in the ads manager and i'm showing you now how we were able to scale the product to around about four orders a day for the last few days so as you guys can see we did add this brand new campaign called dog harness cbo and we have turned it off because it fizzled out but it did get us some decent results in the short term now if we break down this campaign for you as you guys can see we just basically created a cbo campaign which stands for campaign budget optimization it basically means facebook spends the money on the campaign level instead of the ad set level which can help with cost effectiveness and with scaling now what we did is we took the winning ad set which was dog harness and we put it into a cbo campaign and we duplicated it five times now what we did is we just tried to scale vertically by increasing the budget to see if that worked well now cbo scaling like this can work really really well sometimes as long as you've got some decent data now whilst we did that within 24 hours we we're able to achieve around about four orders it does stay here in the right corner five but we only achieved four sales from this campaign so in the short term it gave us some really really good results like as soon as we launched the campaign we started getting sales really really quickly now facebook likes to do that facebook likes to give you uh some form of result whether it be purchases ads cards in the short term to give you some beliefs to give you some momentum to then spend more money on their platform so it's a tactic they like to use it worked really really well within 24 hours it did make us some nice money but after 24 hours it started to slow down a little bit and waste too much money that moves us on to the original campaign which is the paw print as you can see where it says date create it shows the original date that we started this now with the original campaign it has been the best performing campaign in the long term now what we've done is with it is we've turned off all the ad sets that were overspending and not getting us any decent results now as you guys can see what we did is we duplicated puppy because that was working really really well in the most recent time frame and we found suggested interest again to see if we can find some new winning interest and we duplicated it and we found puppy love and cat so we're gonna be trying that out for the next day or two and see how that goes if we can find a winner we'll scale that vertically in a cbo campaign so the kind of thing that we've got going at the moment is if we're finding any really good winning interest we're gonna scale them in a cbo and get that short term success out of them and then find another one and do the exact same again because we're trying to scale as aggressively as we can within this short period of time and short amount of spend that we've got left over now if we move over to the last campaign which was created today as you guys can see we're doing an scale now the reason why we've moved back over to abeo is because we've worked that in the long term performed better so inside of this campaign what you guys can see is we put all the winning interest which is dog harness puppy as you guys can see what we've done is we put all the winning ad sets inside of this one which is dog harness and puppy and what we've done is we've done what we call budget optimizing scaling so what we've done is we've basically tried the winning ad set interest at different budgets so one's at three ones at two dollars so one's at three pound ones at two pound fifty ones at twenty pound ones at ten pound to see which budget works the best for that ad set and that interest because like i said to you guys in the first few days you wanna start spending on cheap in terms of budgeting and then work your way up to see which budget works the best so that's what we're doing inside of this campaign and once we find a budget that works really really well we can reflect that into the other ad sets so since we've started running the ads on the 16th of march we have spent 754 pounds and we've got around about 250 pounds left till the end of the challenge and we are so close to being profitable we have around about i would say to 300 pounds in it which might seem like a lot but it is not a lot especially during the testing phases so as you guys can see the most spent one is the original campaign and yes we did spend a lot of money on the cbo but that's because we were scaling aggressively vertically to see if that would work really really well here it is what you've been waiting for the last day of the challenge it's currently the 26th of march it's a friday and it's just hit 1 20 in the afternoon and what i'm going to be doing with you guys today is going to be breaking down the store analytics the ads manager analytics then i'm going to be showcasing the results in terms of how much money we made or how much money we lost the cost over the challenge did i think the challenge was successful or unaccessible leave you guys with my conclusion overall and what could have been better to get better results within the challenge now if you were paying attention to the intro of this video i did say that i would give the store away if it was a successful store now obviously i'd only give away a store if it wasn't successful because that's not going to be any good to anybody but guys i don't want to give too much away but i will be doing the giveaway of this store now if you want to know how to enter into the giveaway just keep watching the video because i will be announcing the giveaway entries in the next few moments so as you guys can see i'm in the shopify store analytics now as you guys can see since we started the challenge we have made around about 1090 dollars in revenue which is not bad at all if anything that is very very positive within over just a week we've been able to take the store to those kind of numbers i'm really happy with that and if you actually look at the graph as well it's very very consistent which is even more important than having massive fluctuations because it has more of a long-term path and it's more sustainable now what i'm going to do is i'm going to refresh this page so you guys know this is completely real and as you guys can see the page is refreshed and the numbers haven't changed now what i'm also going to do for transparency reasons i'm going to show you the draft orders page just to show you that these are not draft orders and as you guys can see that is refreshed and there's no draft orders so let's start breaking down what happened from the start of the challenge as you can see on the 17th of march we started the ads we didn't get a sale then on the 18th we got our first sale and then the day after that the 19th we got another sale and then the day after that we got another sale and then the day after that we got two sales and then the day after that we got another two sales and then after that we got more consistency now the thing that i want you guys to pay real good attention to to this graph is we got a lot of consistency so when we were breaking our first order we were able to consistently get one order a day then two orders a day then thrilled us day then even four orders a day it wasn't one day it was one order one day it was three orders one day it was two orders one it was very consistent as we were scaling up so if i show you yesterday which was the biggest day in the store as you guys can see there we did 319 which is our biggest day which is really really impressive then if you look at the online store conversion rate we had a 4.44 conversion rate now the industry standard is around about two to one and a half anything higher than that is is perceived pretty good so as you guys can see the online store conversion rate was amazing and that was down to the debutify 3.0 theme now when we were starting the challenge we're using debutify 2.0 but they came out with 3.0 so i upgraded it yesterday to the 3.0 and it's completely free it's by far the best free theme on shopify and i'll leave a link in the description so you guys can get a free trial if you want to upgrade it to the pro version or if you want exclusive benefits just use my link but we upgraded it to the debutify 3.0 and that made some massive changes to the speed on the website the the fluidity of it the way it just helped with conversion rates and that showed in the sales amount so i just wanted to give you guys that update which i didn't feel you went on so if we actually carry on with the ads manager as you guys can see here we have spent a total since we've started 993 pounds now it was slightly more than that because we we did spend about 10 pound on the other ad account that got banned so that equivalents to around about a thousand pounds so that's pretty much the challenge spend all done now if you look at some of these statistics they are pretty good um obviously they're not amazing but they're not bad either i would say they're pretty fair for for what we've done and you guys have got to remember we did spend around about 150 on those three of the products the space bath rocket the teddy bear slippers and the gooseneck lamp that just flopped so we did waste a lot of money on those but we were able to find a product that actually is showing some very very good signs now this is a very realistic look at the ads manager and this is this kind of results you can be expecting when you're spending the kind of budget that we've spent and the kind of product that we've used in terms of how successful it is now as well with those other products that flop you can expect that as well and it's very important for you guys to get the realistic overview of how this all works instead of seeing those videos on similar topics where they're showing you these insane results and again i can show you some insane results right now look at this store for example 211 000 within one month the first of november is the 30th november and i'm just gonna refresh that so you guys know this is completely real as well and as you guys can see the page has just refreshed and there's absolutely no draft orders there's literally one draft order for 19.99 and that was done as a testing the checkout and as you guys can see we can scale stores to some insane numbers very very quickly um but i'm just trying to show you guys a realistic look at what this will look like for anybody that's looking to start a dropshipping business on facebook ads and that's what you're looking to achieve now again like i said those results are not bad a lot of people are gonna look at these and think the cost per result was very expensive and whatnot but you've got to remember we're refining refined and refining and if you look at the analytics of the actual store over over the the time you actually got started you can see that we're starting to scale really nicely you know things are starting to look really really positive so if you actually look at the analytics as you guys can see we're starting to show some really good positive signs of scaling now the reason for this massive downtrend is because obviously the ads have been turned off so we're not carrying on so that's why the trend hasn't carried going because we've turned everything off but what i'm trying to say to you is if you look at this this is just showing you signs of some very very cool things that could happen in the future and that's why i'm going to be giving this store away in a few minutes and i'll explain how you can enter the giveaway because as you guys can see it is a successful store it's just not profitable yet let's get the drum rolls going because i know this is what you want to know what was the overall cost did we make money did we lose money so the facebook ads cost us around about 1 370 cost of goods meaning the products that we had to pay for was around about 542 we paid 99 for the video ads and we paid 14.99 for the domain name we paid 24.99 for the shopify um plan now we've not paid that yet but we will have to pay for it in the next few days because we've got a 14-day free trial now if you want a 14-day free trial to shopify i'll even leave a link to that in the description now the apps were completely free because they had a free trial on them now we did add another app to the site that i didn't tell you about which is the paypal tracking syncing app called trackshaw now what that does is it basically links all the tracking numbers to paypal for you without having to do them manually and because we started to get some decent sales a day i didn't want to waste so much time doing that so i got that off and if anybody's scaling a store that app is amazing to save a lot of time now the total cost at total touring about 2041 now the sales profit meaning how much we made after the cost of goods was around about so around about 548 now the end result so we're negative by 1493 and i know a lot of you guys that are at home right now thinking whoa you've lost so much money dude how can you be called about that now if you are experienced in the industry that is so normal there's times when we're negative by five thousand dollars but then within two months we're able to turn that around to being positive by ten thousand dollars now a lot of that number is going to shock a lot of people but that is a realistic point of view of doing drop shipping with a fifteen hundred dollar budget you are not going to be making lots of money to start with now don't get me wrong if you get really really lucky with a product that just skyrockets and it's just really cheap to advertise then yeah you can hit some decent results but don't get tricked into thinking you're going to make lots of money within a short period of time because that's just not going to happen it's very very unlikely you know now something that i do want to say is although we have lost 1 400 you got to look at the other side of that now this is a business it costs money to run now most average businesses will cost around 20 to 50 000 and you're not going to see an roy on your money for at least two to three years now this business is way more scalable than a traditional business and we only lost 1400 yet we've already seen lots of success rate we've seen a lot of inspiring things like we're scaling very consistently every day that's already showing better um kind of results than your traditional business so don't let that trick you because i can guarantee you now within a few weeks a few months that could be turned around to be in a very profitable store now the reason why i know that is because like i said i've shown you stores on this channel and again i'll leave some case studies here of stores that are very successful and they tend to look like that you scale them they're very consistent when you scale them and and that's what you got to look for and they're cheap to advertise so now let's move on to what i could have done better to make the store more profitable and to potentially scale it a little bit better so something that i didn't do throughout this challenge is i didn't set up any upsells or cross sells and that's obviously going to help a lot with how much you're making because you're basically making your average order value a lot higher the reason why i didn't do that is because when i'm testing a product i don't like to put too many upsells or i don't like to do upsells in general because you're gonna move the attention over the main product away which can damage the results rates on the main product so i like to do that once i know the product is successful so technically if i was still running the store now i would run that with upsells and cross sales because i know the main product itself works really really well something else that i would have done is i would have set up text message remarketing and i was set up email remark and i didn't set any of that up because i wanted to keep it very basic and simple for the challenge but if i did i'm sure that would have encouraged a lot of more sales because people that had to cart they would have been retargeted and i'm sure that would have helped but again i wanted to keep things very very simple something else that i wish i did and again this is more what you do when you scale we had some amazing um engagement on the ad so i'll leave a picture here of the engagement that we had on the ad people were tagging people leaving comments people absolutely were loving the product and the creative now what you can do is you can use certain softwares to interact with people on your comment section to get the engagement go in to then push out to more people so overall we saw some amazing engagement and i should i've leveraged that a little bit more so my overall conclusions for this challenge is it went very very successful although we lost 1400 because we found a product that had consistent sales we found a product that was high quality it was really really good we found a product that people really liked and enjoyed and found them amazing and overall the actual ads themselves are very consistent so that brings us on to the giveaway of the store like i said if the store was successful and showed good signs of potential i would give it away and i'm gonna be doing that right now now if you want to enter to win this giveaway number one we need to hit 5000 likes on this video number two you need to make sure that you leave a comment saying the reasons why you want to win the store and how it can benefit your potential future then once we've hit the 5 000 like ratio i will go into the comment section look throughout the comments which one is my favorite comment i'll be picking that person as a winner and we'll do the transaction of the website through facebook or instagram so before we cut the video there i just want to leave you this last thought because i can't bash on about it enough but try to take it with a pinch of salt when you see these other people showing you similar challenge videos where they're making lots of money it's a normally it's a very rare chance and nine times out of ten if you are on the route to success you're going to be following the exact path that this challenge video showed you because that is a realistic look at how it works when you scale a product with advertising platforms like facebook and google now if you enjoyed this challenge video let me know in the comment section below i hope it's giving you a realistic overview what it looks like to start a drop shipping business now also let me know in the comment section below what kind of drop shipping challenge videos or challenge videos you want to see on this channel and i'll catch you guys on
Views: 562,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping for beginners, dropshipping 2019, dropshipping 2020, shopify tutorial for beginners, i tried dropshipping, aliexpress dropshipping, how to start dropshipping, shopify dropshipping 2019, shopify dropshipping for beginners, dropshipping shopify, i tried dropshipping for a week, dropshipping tutorial, dropshipping challenge, i tried dropshipping for 100 days, dropshipping business, shopify
Id: yJ9I5Kfl_D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 57sec (4857 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.