From Overwhelm, To Forgiveness, To Instant Abundance - Kyle Cease

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take a deep breath and close your eyes and you're going to totally stay inside but just picture gently yourself going outside here [Music] like you're staying inside right we're reminding ourselves we're staying inside but i want you just picture going outside so you can feel the feelings and let yourself feel the feelings of the fear of you going outside i can't believe i just saw this out of nowhere all you are is this moment and you're just creating a magical space for a pattern to be seen by you right now okay i feel chills right now oh my god let's really hear the sentence because we can hear how not legitimate our fears are i'm deciding to stop playing video games and terrified now now let's get all of our egos and think of what we're terrified of and notice that we have an example of what we're terrified of is clearly not life or death the game you're playing is called save your life and it keeps you alive other than that tell me about being terrified of not playing video games okay so um every time i'm going through things i resort to playing games because it numbs me down it it shuts out everything so i don't feel i don't have to deal with and i i just block everything it's gone real quick before we go forward use that as a learning experience everyone writes something that you go to to numb yourself oh my goodness it just feels bad so i go to twitter oh my goodness just yeah write down a couple things fantasy yeah that's a good one fantasy is a great one optimism fantasy food sugar let's just all get some stuff down facebook sugar hulu boom i don't have to know what's coming up for me if i go to food television smoking online shopping thinking instagram window solitaire obsessive thinking being alone coffee talking to friends tea and snacks audiobooks wine reading the newspaper netflix gum and social media everyone write down for you you can write some here but also for you for your journal for a piece of paper that you can put up on your wall just to look at and just speak all we're doing is bringing awareness to it awareness is saying when some emotions come up isn't it interesting to even take in you have to go to something yeah right isn't that weird to just go i can't just push it down by myself it's impossible i have to go to another thing to not feel this right so nada that's a huge lesson right there everyone take in what are a few things you go to coffee these things checking checking email checking right minimal uh minimal talking um let's see uh using a screen for anything cleaning so write down a few things and then put them on the wall so that you just scream at yourself loudly oh the wrong relationship i i keep so i don't have to look at myself right oh so good so so so good so nada that's huge for us to know for you so you said you go to video games to not feel yeah okay let's continue tell me more okay so um i have this issue with my brain that i'm always thinking of 10 different things at the same time so i start with the most important and my brain jumps to the next to the next to the next without even finishing one part and i end up playing the game wait a minute can i ask you a question sure before we even go to the game you said when i have a 10 things coming up and then i go to the most important how do you know what's most important uh the most urgent i think at the time or um the thing that how do you define urgent time wise urge so urgent to you means it takes the most or the least time no that has to be done the first like there's a time limit though how do you define urgent like it's like everything will fall apart the most no it's it's things that for example that a bill for example that has to be paid tomorrow versus something that i can delay till next week right okay so let's go through a list of things and let's there's a real reason i'm doing this that i think everyone really enjoy and let's create a list your usual list of things you said you'll have 10 things right which is something i know a lot about ten things um and uh some of you get that and you're going to tell us what 10 things are that you have that in a normal time when you have all the thoughts and i want to go through this because there's a huge huge message in this everybody that i already see what it is so tell me 10 things that come up okay i actually have a couple of lists so um i'm opening a new studio a new art studio so there's several things to take care of regarding my studio i'm trying to fix my credit because i'm hoping to purchase a house soon and my credit will not allow me to do that right now um like for example like um i needed to change my address on my driver's license i um need to get my stuff out of the storage room starting to get it into the studio and to another storage room i need to contact the paint company to start affiliating uh with them so i can hopefully you know get more people to follow and to get my paintings and things like this more marketing um i have to start a plan for my workshops that i'm gonna start in the studio um i was thinking to join um a couple of programs to help artists um find out exactly what they're not doing right and this is this is like i've been writing lists for a couple of days and you were not on my list whatsoever uh until last night like almost midnight when i received your email and because it's my birthday on sunday i i this is my birthday gift to me birthday thank you we're going to give you a hell of a present right i know i know thank you so let me let me get let me just so we have general and everyone write write everybody write down uh your average day you know five to ten things that you have right so uh nada has open a new studio like i'm just gonna make sure i got some of these that's so it's an average moment for nada right it's just a moment that it's going by and nadas mind goes we have to open a new studio fix your credits fix your credit wait wait i forgot one thing uh my health i just was going through some health issues and i'm putting in claims and doing all this medical claims and yeah that's taking a whole other i can't believe i forgot that awesome by the way just curious you don't have to tell us any specifics but are we are we how are we financially like are you like in debt are you like i'm just curious if we what i'm getting better and help us i'm getting better yeah yeah so just that okay so well let's go through this okay so make sure i have these things okay i'm nada it's 4 p.m i don't have a video game in front of me so my mind is talking to me and oh i have to open a new studio fix my credit fix my credit that's just such a funny action purchase a house soon don't do that right now address on the driver's license get stuff to store to a storage room contact a paint company pay my bills do some more marketing workshops in a product to help people buy products or something about that right like no i i i do painting workshops as as as well as selling my paintings so i do workshops health issues and medical claims too right he's got it so to you here's i want to show you guys something to you the priority is what's most urgent am i right yeah okay everyone hear that to her the priority is what's most urgent and by the way i'm assuming what that means is from a vibrational uh everything could go wrong yeah right uh-huh right so t you're you're almost it's so much yeah you're almost not even getting why i'm asking this the you the most important thing is what could go wrong first right let me see um actually uh it's more where am i heading and what do i need to do to move from where i am standing still at this point okay um well the only reason i ask is because earlier you were saying like i pick what's the most urgent right so like if i have a bill that's due tomorrow okay so i want to go through with you guys what's the most urgent now let me let me tell you what's the most urgent thing to me if i'm if i'm nada and i feel all the stuff what do you think the most urgent thing is that i should do because i don't even care what these things are i just see the energies going like this now if the energy is going like this do you think the most urgent thing is pick the most one that's on fire right now while you're completely owned by things then do another thing which you won't do because you have too many things in your head do you get what i'm saying right so everything here is cart before the horse right yeah time for us to reroute what urgent means taking care of me right because you are doing things from your survival ego literally you're actually paying bills from the same vibration that was put into your body if a tiger jumped out of the woods you were handed fight or flight but humans figured out how to do things that keep us much safer than the reason that we had fight or flight right ironically we use fighter flight way more than we would have had we lived the way nature intended in other words you'd only only use fight or flight for 10 minutes to get away from an animal or someone who wants to kill you with a spear they made like that's what it was for not to think about your bills in a month and gradually think that your life is in danger is everyone getting that so we don't want to make decisions from the vibration of fight or flight right because what we're asking for is more fight or flight right i could always come up with 10 20 emergencies right but if i actually act on the emergencies at the level of the emergency i actually strengthen them as true right i strengthen them as true like look at these how ironic and how interesting and how exciting because we're going to change this but that we're having a hard time with money that we have a health issue right that we have these different things they're probably because you live frequently in fight or flight right and today's the first day we're going to leave fight or flight and replace it with god replace it with love replace it with your heart replace it with intuition is everything i feel my heart right here actually yes because you have magic powers that want to help you but if you're staving things and starting things and fixing things from an emergency thing you're actually saying universe god whatever you want to call it don't help me i got it i got it and then you're practicing no one else helped me no assistant help me no friends help me no universe help me now help me only the only one who's got it is the five-year-old me guess why five-year-old me gets it because if i don't get the bill paid if i don't get the the medical thing and i don't get my credit up then i'm going to hit a fight or flight thing that i think is an emergency which is something i experienced when i'm five when i'm one to seven years old what's the thing i'm hitting if you don't pay the bill on time what happens and what does that mean as far as your emotional experience as a child do you understand what i'm asking i think um i have a sinking feeling right now it's just like i'm literally losing the feeling in my legs um what say that again um i'm like losing the feeling in my legs and um i have a sinking feeling like uh just saying that what would happen if i don't do any of this and if what is it that i'm feeling i'm i'm terrified and i i'm literally terrified there's so much fear my heart is just because your body actually thinks it's going to die but you're not logical you know what's that logically no i'm not gonna die because my bill didn't get paid yet well let's let's follow both logic and what the truth is and let your emotions acclimate to that do you get what i mean by that everyone hear that we're going to follow what's actually true and let our emotions acclimate to that do you get what i'm saying a lot of people go well my emotions don't know that my body is scared and and the only problem is when your body's scared you cater to the body as if that's the truth which tells fight-or-flight five-year-old nada that she runs everything so you have a child in charge of the bills you have a child what and by the way you went into fear can i ask you what happens what's the specifics that happen at the level you want to tell me if i don't do this right what what hap what happened if you if you don't pay the bill now i'm not saying we're not going to pay the bill i want to know what the emergency i know if you don't pay the bill what happens let's say you don't pay the bill and your credit drops more especially at this time it's it's the it's the best time not to pay a bill actually let me ask let me rephrase it this way when you were a child if something didn't go right or you didn't do something right what happened i don't know i don't have a lot of memories of my childhood i remember i i used to isolate myself a lot and and just stay in a room by myself in the dark but i don't have um a lot of memories of my childhood my younger sister remembers tons of stuff that i have no recollection of there's there might be a reason for that i'm sure does your sister remember some pretty dark things without getting started we never we never really talked no i i we she never mentioned anything and and i always i'm known in the family the one that doesn't have a good memory and never remembers a thing and we never really talked about if anything well if anything happened uh or anything caused this but i was always the loner i would always stay alone and not want to go out or do anything what would happen if you went out when when you think of going they would want to go out i don't i didn't yeah but just curious did what what did it feel like in your body on the thought of going out again my heart is closing up so something there's a reason that it doesn't want to go out we don't have to know specifics but right your heart goes no not out yeah so basically what i'm hearing is protect yourself and stay inside my god this is actually happening now because my husband is away now but he keeps telling me go out go walk outside go do this go do that i'm like no [Music] i am so much more comfortable because i'm working from home right now not having to leave and i literally if i didn't have to go to a doctor or some kind of appointment i would stay for weeks okay not leaving so we're gonna do something that's totally safe and it's just gonna help us grow okay okay okay yeah all right you're doing fantastic take a deep breath and close your eyes and you're going to totally stay inside but just picture gently yourself going outside here like you're staying inside right we're reminding ourselves we're staying inside but i want you just picture going outside so you can feel the feelings and let yourself feel the feelings of the fear of you going outside [Music] okay i'm seeing uh the baby me i'm seeing like a five-year-old me okay uh and my my hand is held up high like i'm holding somebody's hand but i'm not seeing anybody and i'm i'm i'm walking to the little market uh like a mini market across the street from where we were taking a deep breath again so that way you know that you're here right this is weird i'm seeing everything in black and white uh i'm not seeing anything further okay that's okay your body just so you know is accessing everyone understand this when you're meditating what you're doing is your body is accessing a higher level of safety and consciousness for your body to show you some stuff that you're finally ready to handle in other words often we stay the small story like when you're emergency paying bills and everything so you stay the five-year-old so it goes oh she's still the five-year-old i can't show her this memory because she doesn't have the capacity to handle it what's so incredible about our bodies is it will just show us what we're ready to see everybody it will not overdo it it will not go okay like when they can't handle it i'm going to show them this horrible moment you're right now seeing what it'll show you and it's so amazing it shows you in black and white it goes a little bit it goes i got a memory for you you held someone's hand and you went to the store and this is kind of a place that i'm going to take you back to as you access a deeper level of consciousness my i'm literally shaking and uh this is i've never seen this before i i this is not one of my anything that i ever remembered before isn't this amazing this is because you did that hour of meditation yeah present and it goes see usually check this out you use the video games and the i have to pay the bills and all that stuff to avoid this this thing this thing that's here has been constantly overlooked with a ton of blah blah blah blah blah there's also this there's also this you have to do there's also this you get a list of 10 things in your mind so that you don't have to look at something that happened when you held someone's hand and went to the store and there's a reason why there's a reason why some of us have no memory of our childhood the body goes i'm going to store this i don't want you to remember it because you're still a kid so we're going to store this somewhere in your wa in the sides of your your back or your you know the front of your stomach and one day when you're ready to go deep inside i will show you something just for the reason of purging it right but imagine if all the reasons that you feel there's this urgency to pay your bills and blah blah blah blah and do this and do this are literally because your body's going also we don't want to go to the store again right so avoiding the processing of whatever happened when you were five is what's causing us to have more health bills have more you know i gotta get this i gotta create my business i gotta do right get my credit up yeah if not we go to the store again the body thinks if not i could get hurt i have to do everything i can to prevent that thing from happening tell me what you're feeling right now you're doing a fantastic job i'm just just surprised and uh i'm i can't stop shaking and like i feel my whole body and then side shaking like a leaf and uh i can't believe i just saw this out of nowhere it is very overwhelming and i'm very anxious i mean i started being anxious and now i'm it's it's like 100 times take a deep breath in because all you are is this moment and you're just creating a magical space for a pattern to be seen by you right now so the shaking is not you the shaking is the pattern being released whenever you throw up you also shake when you have diarrhea you also shake you know going through things fear but it's also a purge you're purging through shakes it's okay and all we're doing is remembering you're this space right here you're moving to a consciousness right here that is safe and can purge this story out and the collective water level of consciousness is going up a little bit higher because what's going on in this 2020 time is the universe is purging all of our past for us and you can stay connected to it and go down with it or you can back up and let it purge it and pull it right out of you this is the greatest thing you could do for yourself nada and you're healing all of us we're all working with you we're all purging we've all done the meditation so everybody i know we know what we're doing right now we're letting go i know that some other people are hitting tears many of us have some memories nada tell me what you're feeling right now i'm actually feeling my dad comforting me because uh my dad passed away in october and i mentioned in my messages uh that my doctor has been recommending me to have a hysterectomy for over five years and i was not for a second i would consider it i always said no and she said that you know you really have to have it and the minute my father passed away and actually during the meditation i visited him and asked for his forgiveness because i wasn't there for him when he passed away and uh the minute he passed away i i shut down more and uh there was this nagging feeling that go go have the hysterectomy it's like he's allowing me and in a way ordering me to go have it and the minute i had this feeling i just called the doctor and tried to arrange for it and with covet and everything i kept delaying and uh i actually was bleeding for over 45 days uh and my blood was going down to 7.2 and i literally had to have an emergency procedure during this just literally two weeks ago on the 10th and i still till now i don't have a clue how my dad is the one that's allowing me to do this and the one that's taking care of me in a way and and wanting me and pushing me to do the right thing for me and my body and now that he's coming to comfort me in my situation like right now and i actually during the meditation which i've never like i've done a couple years years ago but i never really had any meditations done in the past three years at least so i i so there's a part of me that's asking for his big forgiveness and there's a part of him that's helping me through this and even though i don't feel that it's his hand that i was holding in my memory but um somehow he's wanting to help me through this and that's what i'm getting so far you know that he fully forgives you i hope so yeah yeah so that's up first of all check this out even if he doesn't it's up to you to receive that he does i know he he's the kind of person that definitely would i just feel way too guilty so here's yes we'll feel that for a second and i have so much to offer you here you do not do the world as much good by constantly judging yourself and waiting to hear the words that he forgives you in other words i want you to move like he forgave you and he forgives you but i also actually with all my heart believe that the essence of what your dad is is forgiveness is total forgiveness and my proof of that is we're all born these pure babies and then society conditions us to become who we are and we harden up and we get mad and we don't yeah and so where did your dad grow up and when well he we're originally from palestine but i was born in kuwait um so he moved to kuwait with the war and everything and we stayed in kuwait and i was born there uh and i was there until i was 16. and wow that so let me ask you this did you your dad grew up in like the 60s the 50s oh no he he would have been 80 uh he he was uh born in um 35 your dad was born so you don't want i want you to just take this in for a minute 35 to 65 your dad lived in palestine and kuwait yeah he's a child in palestine until he was 18 i would say and then he moved to all of that area conditioned your dad through whatever violence was there or whatever judgment was there i want you to know you don't want your dad's forgiveness you want 1935's forgiveness you want what those things made your dad that's not the essence of your father the essence of your father is a loving light is the space that you're finding that you are did you notice that through this meditation it would feel easier to forgive someone else yeah so the factor of you forgiving someone has nothing to do with you it has to do with the vibration you're sitting at right yeah so that's your dad if we understand that the essence of our parents who were conditioned into a time that was harder and more difficult the essence of them whether they're alive or passed away is just love of course if you grew up in a time where there were wars everywhere and fighting and and you know whatever uh you know just whatever i repress society you know that of course how could your dad fully show you forgiveness in fact maybe back then forgiveness was a weakness and it was very i had to be very stoic to stay alive i don't even know what that training was like right so like it's a different time and the consciousness of you now is trying to get the consciousness of 1935 palestine to forgive you right so you're forgiven don't hold back 2020 with the consciousness of 1940 palestine and wait for forgiveness from that time yeah i understand right do you get that yeah i do right this is a really really really big thing i i want you to receive that you were forgiven for check this out for your body's sake yeah your body needs to be forgiven and by the way if here's a bigger thing that i want everyone to get if your dad didn't forgive you i still want you to forgive you because we got to stop giving other people the power to release us from ourselves yeah for our moving we gotta move right you don't get to decide when i move forward i don't sit here and stare am i free now am i free okay now you forgive me because the factor their forgiveness is their yeah right do the stuff you still feel bad about everybody like but still get to a place where you ascend past it and we're not waiting for dad or mom from a different consciousness to forgive us maybe they don't forgive themselves people that can't forgive you can't forgive themselves right so people will forgive you at the level they can forgive themselves they'll apologize at the level they forgive themselves and one thing you're here to learn is your new level of forgiveness is up to you and god and that can be scary because you might feel a little bit detachment from dad but that's not the loss of love that's the loss of attachment yeah right and what's trying to emerge out of you is you connected to your soul because that's so because look at your attachment to your dad kept the five-year-old paying the bills your five-year-old's gonna run a business your five-year-old's going to pay the health bills your five-year-old's gotta go to the hospital your five-year-old we it's time for us to let go of the attachment to dad and love your dad let go of even the things that attached you to your dad right because that's not where he is right now we want you to go up the elevator to the frequency that your dad's at because i guarantee you our parents have passed away are floating above us waiting for us to let go of the objects that they had like oh i kept my dad's shirt because he no no no he's not in the shirt that's old stagnant energy right let go of it then you can float up the elevator and be in the frequency of unconditional love where our parents i really believe live in whatever way you want to see it i'm not making a specific statement of what happens when you die i'm just saying the frequency of unconditional love without the the conditioning that causes us to move from energy to matter that hardens us let's let go of that yeah then your body will do magic stuff then we stop making our dad our god yeah what do you feel about what i just said good heart yeah yeah absolutely it feels so much better right now and uh i one of the hottest things i did uh wow it's been six years is to actually learn that the one person that i really need to forgive is me and it actually that's one of my paintings um my signature painting is about which is uh it's actually called the rising which is i can't believe the show is called the rising but i swear my paintings yeah i painted it in 2016 and it was a process for me to go through because i went through a divorce and i was trying to forgive everybody and i would go through the memory forgive and release and forgive and release until somebody said that that you have to forgive i'm like i've been forgiving everybody who else do i have to forgive and they're like you and that hit me at that time like a ton of bricks because i have never ever considered forgiving me and and actually every time i forgave somebody else a part of me way deep inside blamed me for thinking that of that person so and enable it to enable me to forgive that person i felt a little bit of guilt towards the person somehow that's what i was doing to myself so um yes i guess i need to go back to actually looking at myself as this being that might think that i'm doing a lot of mistakes and a lot of harm to a lot of people but i'm really honestly doing the best that i can do with what i have and uh just simply try to forgive myself before anybody else yes everything let me ask you this tell me if this isn't true everything you've ever done in your life everything you can go to that time and understand how you could have done it well yes absolutely yeah yeah with with what i had at the time with the knowledge and the the abilities that i had i definitely so is it a fact you were supposed to do every single thing you ever did ever yeah i believe that yeah okay then how could you feel guilty exactly i know i and and i'm not saying any action yet that you're gonna keep doing you get what i'm saying yeah yeah it does feel stupid and irrational but that's what i was doing to myself because yes so what do you feel right now i i have to stop blaming myself and just get into action and do whatever feels right to me for me to do which is doing my painting again i haven't painted in a while now i want to tell you something it's very hard to just self forgive if you're on the same frequency that caused the action you understand what i mean in other words when you actually ascend yourself to a level of connection with the source that you are you discover all it is is forgiveness but what it will do is as you're there which you're kind of experiencing right now that's what all the tears are that are going on it will take things and put it in your face right and you will see it and it'll go i'm showing you this because it's leaving and you will have one hell of a cry right so your forgiveness for right like whatever like it's funny because our judgment of things even that happened to us right is our judgment and are not forgiving it so when we're forgiving someone else you're forgiving yourself so whatever someone did to you when you were five that's here because it's going to be shown to you you're going to see it and you're going to have the capacity to cry it out and release it and go to a new frequency do you understand what i'm saying yes so the longer you meditate the more you're going to be put into a place of forgiveness that's just you isn't that amazing it is i'm so calm and so still right now and by the way then we start to get a preview for why our bodies have some of the pain they have and some of the illnesses they have because there's literally a story that exists in your body that you can't see so of course it will act out through sickness it's going look at me can you understand that i mean it wouldn't if you have an energy that's in your body that's here and it's an energy that's stuck and it's an energy that we don't look at wouldn't it have to become cancer yeah see how a passing energy getting stuck would have to become some type of physical thing to show you where you're not letting god look right so how do we avoid letting god see that right how do we avoid that by constantly having a to-do list that you keep overwhelming so that you on purpose so that you can go to video game right and do nothing yeah that's why when you said at the very beginning i had this list of things and then i go i'm going to do the urgent thing first i'm like do you have meditate for an hour on your list because that's the most urgent thing yeah here's the here's the list of urgency everybody one is actual fight or flight i don't mean pay a bill tomorrow i mean door on fire okay there's a person in the house with the gun this is actual fight or flight are we getting it so much here's the list of priorities one actual fight or flight i'm on fire okay i'm going to get a hose before i meditate priority number two meditate for an hour meditate for an hour is everyone getting that i have too many things i'm overwhelmed okay first make sure i'm not on fire and then two meditate for an hour why is why is this because meditation is going to take the fight-or-flight lie off of the 10 things you think you need to do then you will start to do the things you want to do and the things that don't feel like emergencies will suddenly be things that gently get done you'll be paying your bill not because you think that you're on fire if you don't you pay your bill because that's just the thing to do but also from that higher space you're going to get a list of 10 new things to do that are really exciting and expansive and channel changing and moving and meanwhile you might cry out some memory that's just a memory i want you to know no matter how big it is whatever it shows up it's just a memory so you might have a moment where you have a memory that's holy i can't believe that happened and it's just a memory because it's coming up because it's leaving and what you are now is the truth of you so tell me what our our new sense of urgency is what's our list of priorities you have a list of 10 things you have to do meditation no that's second what's the first thing well i'm not on fire bringing a hose just because make sure yes that's right kimberly got it the questions to ask am i on fire okay is there an actual giant and i mean a big earthquake happening right now am i on fire no no okay like look at this is you this is a new you i got to pay the bills i got to start a thing i got the hospital bill to deal with i want to start a company i gotta fix my credit i gotta buy a house okay am i on fire no okay i'm not is there a gunman in the house gunmen nothing okay three is are we in at least a 6.5 earthquake look at this by the way for a help look at the chandelier okay if you're having a hard time figuring that out look at anything with liquid in it fill up a bathtub if you want fill up a bathtub is it rocking if it is is it rocking above 6.5 this is really important what level is it rocking at oh it's just a gentle rock this is an under 6.5 right okay the three emergencies i don't know anything else oh it's like an axe flying at me like any of those kind of things right is there a falling truck any of that kind of stuff check around boom one we're good hurricanes florida yes then what's the second thing i'm overwhelmed i just did the the five point checklist of i'm in actual fight or flight and what second definitely meditate meditate one hour right we're going to go one hour because what did one hour just do did one clue yeah it flew and did it not just change the whole course of your freaking life you were able to access forgiveness you were able to access the start of a memory that you couldn't handle before that we can totally handle now and we'll wait for it when it comes up you're going to be in your power totally grown up loving it so it can transcend no matter how big it is you're bigger than it right yeah and then we look at our list after the hour after the hour we look at our list and go and then we're going to add to the list because you might actually go i feel like painting i feel like you know doing something new you might actually know five of the things on your list you don't want to do you might be like god i thought i had to start this and i don't right you might actually go to a frequency that's higher than the have to list into a frequency of possibility list and a bunch of income could come in and a bunch of higher health could come in and all this joy we got to replace needing 1940 palestine's forgiveness with god yeah right you're going to get new it certainly feels better right you're going to get new lists yeah how are you feeling nada oh my list doesn't matter anymore at all it feels so good it does it really does i'm so so so yeah yeah tell me let let's look at that first list now let's see real quick what do you feel energetically about open a new studio uh i feel that it fell into place just in time and it's gonna go smoothly and effortlessly uh honestly it just appeared in my life out of nowhere and it's the best way so can we like it's kind of something you just said really important it's something that'll open effortlessly later too yeah so it's not in your to-do list for the rest of the day no not for today beautiful fix credit yeah allison says it let's cross it out i'm crossing it out okay fix credit this is something i have to start because it's the lengthy process but i'm not really worried about it i feel like um there's so much stuff that's gonna fall into place right now that this can take a back burner and wait beautiful a little bit yeah and and i want to change it to get to start you said i have to start i want you to be getting to start fixing your credit do you get okay let's get excited about it right but also let's look at it as it can't be a thing in our to-do list right now because that's kind of a bigger overall thing and we'll just start paying some bills and right like it'll do it so tell me if i'm right we can cross fix credit off the list right yeah okay okay take that off okay here's next on your emergency list purchase a house soon no no wait till the next great depression that's going to start in 2021 an unemployment rate of 40 and everybody oh my god houses are gonna go down a little bit yeah so let's wait a second yeah right sure pretty soon you'll be able to buy one with an acorn okay change your address on a driver's license uh i i actually started the process and it should be coming in the mail so yesterday's last yeah okay get stuff to a storage room uh that i have to take care of we have to okay do you get to yeah yes i'm gonna get to it yes you get to and you get to uh you get to have a reminder you have stuff yeah i have a question is every one of the stuff that you have to get to the storage room attend by the way no it's it's actually there's stuff in the storage room that i have to move to another storage room and i just decided that half of it is going to go to a dumpster yes yes here we go is any of that stuff we can sell and let me rephrase yeah is everything you're transporting that you're keeping is it a 10 10 10. it is a lot of my paintings and uh the stuff that was in my old studio so yeah i do need by the way your paintings which is your art which is still amazing and unbelievable is it still a tend to hold them well i'm hoping to sell them okay yeah well do you have a website yeah what's the website it's art from the heart by nida because i i believe it or not i help people connect to their hearts my painting art from the heart and what's the i need that my name n e d like david a a mm-hmm i've been working on the website that's one of the things that that was on my list as well that i kind of available for sale on the website right now yeah if you actually if you look the rising um which is my signature painting which was my evolving and changing of perception i'm going to just pull it up here oh literally just physically it's amazing thank you wow that's cute thanks mary no i'm just kidding i'm going to show you guys hey look at this look at this is it this one yeah that's my rising what do you want for it uh it's actually 3200. and it's a 24 by 36 gallery wrapped canvas and it it was like i said it's at the time that i learned to forgive myself and it took uh four months of painting not 24 hour painting it it was a process it would have to allow me to paint in it because i would have to go through emotional stuff to be able to call to paint something in it and i'm sorry but real quick it's 3200 does anyone here want it i'm just curious anyone on the call is buying it i mean it looks it's gorgeous thank you they can check it on the website yeah it's actually um a lot of people take it um that it's about cold and a forest and it's it's for me about death of the death of things as i saw them before because i blamed so much in my life i blamed my father my mom my everything and when i changed my perception i i knew that same for me like the same way i do my best with whatever i have they did their best with whatever they had and i learned that everything in my life is here to serve me and that's what that's the reason that trees are floating they have roots but they're still they they feel like they're floating because they're changeable they're they're they're here one minute and they're not just gonna ask the crowd real quick not to make turn this into an auction but if anybody if anybody wants it uh write it here and if not if no one wants it by tomorrow i'll buy it because i wanted oh thank you right i want it like it's insane it's literally what my content is it's about and it's called the rising it is called the writers so i'm going to give it i i don't want to take it from anyone else if they want it so i'm giving anyone the opportunity to get it before me not very long oh my god okay i feel chills right now oh my god thank you yeah so to make sure no one's like already wanted it i know somebody mentioned something about flow and flow was one of my paintings that i i usually paint from the heart and i i don't have an idea what i'm painting when i start and flow was one of these paintings that i had a picture of how it's gonna end up but it actually ended up nothing like it it just told me to stop right there and i just did well it's amazing i want it looks like no one else is jumping in they're probably figuring out if they can get it i don't wake up no way can you help me get it we'll get it sent to the p.o box i want it it's amazing sold the guy in the crazy vest oh my gosh i mean oh my god now i want to point out something it i don't think you were even on the knew that it would occur to you right because we're looking in the emergency world how much is trying to come in the possibility world right yeah oh my god you have no idea i'm i'm honored it looks amazing i have another one from another one of my clients who who who painted something gorgeous and i'm like if that's something i connect and get is is the art from my amazing people i would love it thank you so much oh my god this is you have no idea how much this means to me and i as much as i love my paintings and i know how precious they are and everybody that sees me painting they're like your channeling paint you're not really like painting because i i don't sketch i don't plan um as much as there's this doubt of me like i'm not gonna be able to sell nobody's gonna like my paintings this is the snagging thing uh that's always coming up and you're doing this is just oh amazing i'm honored and i wanna offer you something offer everyone this thing right here i want you to see your painting as worth something to not just money right you're excited because you're getting oh my god but i want you to know what you're offering is also amazing there's only one of you you're only going to be able to make a specific amount of paintings for the rest of your life know that you're everyone get this everyone should write this down i'm limited edition there's a cap on how much i can create yeah right wow yeah i like you are a limited edition there's in one life i want you to see like we always say life is such a gift and it is but you're a gift for life and what i love about you was you thought who's going to want this painting while you still put it on the website and still put a number up yeah so no matter how much your yeah buts are going on just keep going like there's a book called feel the fear and do it anyway right everybody get this i don't think who's who's gonna wanna but that's how you should be doing it you're taking who's gonna want my painting who's no one's gonna want this for sale no one's gonna want this 5 000 please who wants this 5 000 only one no one's gonna want it but you're still putting it out you're still putting it out that's the difference have all the objections you want and keep going right no matter how much you for sure believe no one's going to want it keep going all right is everyone getting that oh my god now guess what guess what just happened with nada is that right nada is it yes yes that's good it's the calling by by the way what's that my name means the calling that calling is what her name means i think mine means slight stomach fat so that's unbelievable right now let's think about this the fact that nada cried out and got the painting for 3200 sold right the fact that that happened everybody the fact that that just happened will rewire her nervous system to see a little bit more that she's worth something and it's a little less of the voice going why would anyone want a little less of that voice right so you're going to now have a little more proof and a little more fuel and your subconscious just changed with evidence that there actually is a possibility here right so oh my god this is why i swear to god you guys this is why working yeah good in one call nada bra we got forgiveness from dad and sold a painting [Laughter] and i swear and i'm floating on clouds right now yes this is you're so amazing oh no you are the one that's amazing thank you and by the way you should i want to just dare you someone just said why isn't it on your walls you should take one of your paintings and put it up on the wall and by the way thank god that you had to move your stuff from storage so you could tell us about the painting so we could find them but the problem wasn't a problem i i just moved to this space two months ago uh and and it's furnished apartment it's full of things i didn't want to move any that if they're not mine so i just but you should surround yourself with your brilliant work and then yes all the rest because you're a genius take care right thank you so much i i'm so grateful i am so beyond words can ever describe it's amazing oh did you see this layla just bought where i was no you have a painting called where i was yes it's on my card actually i love that painting so much that it's actually on my card well you sold another one which one did that one go for do you know uh that's one of the smaller paintings no i don't remember how much that yeah no but it's it's wow guess what mary on my team right here just said she wants to buy uh flow no look at this lottery oh my god oh wow oh wow you guys oh my god look at that i mean how could our team not own like rising and flow oh wow low's gorgeous isn't this fun thank you thank you thank you thank you so much you guys everyone please take it quickly life can change with a little meditation how quickly can life change when you connect to yourself what's trying to come to you i'm sick that i had no idea at least three paintings oh i'm buying oasis says monica oh wow oh my god oh god bless you guys oh my god you guys are amazing oh guys like this is how we support each other oh thank you god bless your hearts oh my god you have no idea what this means because i had a studio for like eight months in in my old space and um you just sold okay one other one third eye you just sold third eye also isn't this fun you guys we're all contributing and we're all going to have buying her art puts the memory of this in her house i've never sold through my website i don't even know how i'm going to do this i've never sold a painting well then here's my website for everyone here this is a big lesson for everyone here make it as easy as possible to receive do you get what i'm saying like you got to have a good paypal up whatever we'll still figure out how to get it but we want to make sure that when you have it on there is it easy for us to get to you is it easy for you to receive oh my god we'll still buy all that our you know everyone's getting it oh my god uh you have no idea of the feeling that i have right now in my like this is unbelievable you just killed home sweden day of your life this is the first painting i first painted when i got to the states to the united states like six years ago in in 2000 end of 2014 that's my first painting to paint and you just sold layers i feel like ellen degeneres right oh oh my god layers means so much did you read this that what it's oh my god every painting means so much to me it's just amazing uh someone just wants to buy friends oh oh how are we gonna how are we how do we get you your arm honey i i mean i have a zell i have a paypal that i've never used and i have a cash app or what yeah but i need um okay so my my email is art from the heart art from so it's the same as my website artfromtheheartbynida at so if you email me which painting and the address and everything so i can i'm supposed to ship them now i've never done this yes well it's time to jump start you and your art and i want everyone that's watching to think about how that it's i want you to see it as this easy for you too this is exactly how flow works this is like i mean how could you not sell a painting called flow right like that's how flow works very easy your next painting should be called receive and then you're gonna put a good paper i actually had a receive one that already sold but it was a tiny one and it already sold oh my god the irony of selling a picture called a painting called receive and making it hard to get money is so funny no you know what no it's actually it was actually called connected and it was about receipt giving and receiving at the same time uh so i will i will paint or receive it will come to me your next two are called forgiveness and healed hysterectomy that's going to be amazing this is my painting called healed hysterectomy okay this is such amazing i uh i am so thankful for you and for everybody that's doing this for me you guys are amazing i i feel so much love this was fun all i want everyone to know all of that was under the conflict this is why it's so big to work through things with someone this is why it's so big to understand all of your pain has magic under it all of your pain has magic under it it just needs us to look at it it needs us to be with it it needs us to to heal and and then it goes here's all the fun now on the other side it was on your ability to forgive yourself whether it was through your dad or not to heal yourself to see possibilities to laugh with me to face your darkness to be willing to in your head walk outside to meditate what was on the other side of that like five thousand dollars in sales oh my god oh my god i can't believe this kristen points out too yeah there was someone was like do i should it be naffa that's what i said could it be naffa i know but that's how it came up one thing and at first my my there was a moment where i was like i don't think what she's saying has the same conflict to work there and i was like no i'm feeling lighter now i think it's right and i said it and then that's what happened where are you right now what city are you in i'm in florida palm beach florida it's very east coastie there because it's dark yeah yeah you're you're so special everyone who said they're buying something make sure they write her right now i want to make sure that we know to move at an inspired time because uh it's so big that we move all the way through when we have a calling because i want you to feel the joy that you're feeling all of you that's that's beyond what you're used to feeling and we gotta move and stay there right so we gotta we wanna do this it's a big leap it's a universal thing if it calls to you and it's fun to notice how when one does it we a lot of us do right so you're a magic being and by the way if it sounds like you also could use an assistant to make sure the site has that stuff and move stuff because you're brilliant you're amazing and you deserve you deserve money for your work and you gotta know that your work is worth more than money because they're your work is limited edition and money isn't that's what my heart keeps telling me and then my brain right and yeah follow what the heart says and yeah love the brain but is everyone getting i want everyone to say this and nada say this too i'm worth more than money i am worth more than money right i say it again i everyone's saying fill out and you tune it up i'm worth more than money go i am worth more than money right i am you're a limited edition my work is limited edition you got the only painting of the rising the only one yes yes you do you do it it is a pressure it's my signature painting it is the most precious thing in in my paintings honestly it's it's my life in a painting and it keeps on going and you have it oh wow amazing i'm honored i'm honored thank you the honor is all mine believe me you're such a gift for us oh thank you so much you are the gift believe me you are the gift this was one of my favorite moments of my life actually you're so awesome nada thank you thank you god bless you thank you so much and thank you all of you all of you i i i'm not being able to read the messages because i'm crying my eyes out but i really appreciate everything that uh you guys have are doing here you guys are amazing it feels so good it is so amazing that yesterday less than 24 hours ago i had no knowledge of this wow i opened the email like midnight wow and this is the it i decided this is my birthday gift and i'm gonna put it put up the money because i am worth it i i said uh you know what i'm worth it i'm gonna put it i don't care if it comes back if it doesn't whatever happens i don't care i'm just gonna do it and i did it and look at it it's amazing this is so exciting for everybody yeah your heart's amazing you can thank the team for that because the team wrote me last night and said hey should we send a reminder email so you're cute your investment turned out to be all this back right so i never imagined never in yeah in a million years would have ever imagined this no i mean by the way i want you to see that as this is just the beginning i want you to move like this everyone move like this is just the beginning how good can it get it's a much different question than you know why me right right wow thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone thank you god bless you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 14,645
Rating: 4.9350076 out of 5
Keywords: Kyle Cease, Evolving Out Loud, Yoga, Meditation, Coaching, Inner child, How do I, how do you, abundance, forgiveness, fear, spirituality, consciousness, Reality, Love, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Self love, how to love youself, how do I meditate, online learning, transformation, comedy, motivation, motivational speaking, motivational speaker, spirit, happiness, new world, how do i learn to love myself, reality, elon musk, tesla, george floyd, happy birthday, taylor swift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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